The Bob Show

General discussion about the sport of hang gliding
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Tad Eareckson
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Re: The Bob Show

Post by Tad Eareckson »
Kansas City Hang Gliding Crash
Warren Narron - 2018/03/27 01:50:16 UTC

Back when the u$hga Corporation was about to go belly up financially, (ask Jim Z and Mark G. Forbes how that happened) they spent quite a bit with a Corporate Crisis makeover outfit to figure out where they were going wrong.
One thing the crisis company recommended was a process or structure of peer to peer conflict resolution.
u$hga ignored that advice. There is still no conflict resolution process at u$hPa but Len Smith, one partner in the corporation that stole my Dragonfly...
James Gaar - 73864 - H3 - 2005/07/25 - Len Smith - AT FL PL PA CL FSL RLF
...went to a u$hga board meeting and asked for sanctions against me without sharing those concerns with me. It was reported that u$hpa wanted to accommodate but felt the conflict of interest was too obvious.
They should talk to Emperor Bob. He's never had the SLIGHTEST problem with conflicts of interest issues being too obvious.
I didn't get to defend against the charges. I was not informed of those charges. The u$hPa operates as a secret star chamber.
What's the US Hawks operate as, Warren? And how much progress has it made towards being something better since 2010/08/13?
The US Hawks could do what u$hPa fails to do.
Or it could do what it actually does - function in a manner that makes u$hPa look like a democratic utopia.
Develop a venue for conflict resolution and make it open to all interested.
'Cept, of course, for unrepentant child molesters. But that goes without saying. 'Specially from the standpoints of the repentant child molesters Emperor Bob welcomes with open arms.
Subpoenas for testimony? Public shaming for those that won't respond?
How'd that work out for Emperor Bob when he tried to pull shit on Yours Truly?
Just a thought.
Bob Kuczewski - 2018/03/27 05:21:02 UTC

It's a good thought.
Now let me explain to you why you're totally wasting your time.
Let me start with a story ...
The price of freedom is eternal vigilance. Everyone has to do their part once in a while. If you see something that's not being done correctly, then it's your duty to speak out. One big difference between the US Hawks and other organizations is that the US Hawks really does honor the free speech of its members.
About 7 years ago (more or less)...
...back when The Bob Show was a total dictatorship - like it still is (more or less) now...
...I was contacted by one of our...
Loyal cocksuckers.
...about a problem he was having with an instructor.
I'll bet the instructor was forcing him to fly prone before he'd gotten his flare timing thoroughly perfected.
I didn't know who was right or wrong...
Because you have very little experience in hang gliding instruction. And besides, in hang gliding everything's a matter of opinion and sometimes it's hard to tell what the most popular opinions are.
...but I contacted the instructor. I think just the fact that both parties knew someone else was watching caused them to behave much better toward one another.
Behaving much better towards the kinds of total scumbags one finds as u$hPa certified instructors NEVER has a positive result.
As far as I know everything was settled amicably enough.
And you prevented any serious damage from being done to the sport.
I'd suggest that you think it through a bit and propose a procedure that you think would work.
To get everything settled amicably enough. Like with the situation at Mission Soaring Center where Pat Denevan put a Hang One student product in way the fuck over her head, fatally splattered her, and got all the witnesses safely silenced. And Tim, Mitch, u$hPa got everything settled amicably enough.
I would suggest that it involve volunteers to do the adjudication (a jury of peers).
A jury of peers selected, of course, from a pool of individuals with the defining characteristic of...
Frequently Asked Questions
Is there a Board of Directors for the US Hawks?
Not yet. The HGAA's early problems arose because different people wanted to take the organization in different directions. That created power stuggles which cost the HGAA some of its early leadership. For now, I'm going to take the US Hawks in the direction that I believe is right. If people want to go along, then they're welcome. If not, there are at least two other alternatives. :)
...being willing to be led around by their balls by Emperor Bob until the end of time.
But you'll have to have some provision for how to ensure that you don't just get a bunch of one side's buddies being the volunteers.
Don't worry, The Bob Show is structured such that that scenario is a mathematical impossibility.
There are, after all, always two sides to every story.


Some people are of the opinion that starboard torque delivered to the control frame is necessary to roll the glider to the port and back level, others are of the opinion that all that is necessary is to run towards the high wing to apply the necessary weight shift input to level the glider - but, for reasons no one has yet been able to understand, an example of this correction is impossible to capture on film with the limitations of today's technology. And all reasonable and amicable people can agree that both positions have similar degrees of merit.
Oh, you're gonna give that mode a spin now, Bob? Cool. Can you provide some annotation for us to indicate when you're reverting to normal mode?
...I think this kind of friendly mediation is one of the things that's mostly missing in our society.
Good thing our society has individuals such as yourself doing what you can to fill the vacuum.
We tend to either do nothing (and let bad behavior flourish) or we go to court (where only the laywers really win).
1. What's a laywer? Some kind of sex worker I presume?

2. Yeah Bob. No where have I heard something like that...
Stop the Stupids at the USHPA BOD meeting
Mark G. Forbes - 2011/09/29 02:26:23 UTC

It's not just concern for meet directors and policy's about our continued existence as an association. It's about minimizing the chance of our getting sued out of existence. We're one lawsuit away from that, all the time, and we think hard about it. I would LOVE to not have to think that way, but every time a legal threat arises, it reminds me that we have a very dysfunctional legal system in this country (note: not a "justice" system...there's little justice involved) and we have to recognize that reality and deal with it.
...before. (But the legal system, strangely, was functioning just fine when it did to Yours Truly what it did to Yours Truly - right Bob?)
I'd like to see the US Hawks take a crack at helping to resolve disputes in the flying community, and I welcome your suggestions Warren.
I've got a few suggestions, Bob. (Spoiler Alert - You're probably not gonna like them.)
Thanks in advance, and feel free to call me any time if you'd like to kick some ideas around.
I see really great things coming from just around the corner.
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Tad Eareckson
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Re: The Bob Show

Post by Tad Eareckson »
Foot Launching
Bill Cummings - 2013/09/20 16:23:48 UTC

Launching - Things that can go wrong.

People that want to learn to hang glide can check out instructors that are current with the United States Hang Gliding and Paragliding Association (USHPA) by going online to:

You may also watch informative hang gliding introductory information, on Youtube, narrated by long time pilot and instructor, Paul Voight at:
Yeah Bill, ya really gotta admire those long time pilots and instructors that are current with the United States Hang Gliding and Paragliding Association (USHPA) who steadfastly ignore relevant fundamental u$hPa SOPs decade after decade after decade. I shudder to think of the unhooked launch carnage we'd have seen save for the 9345 views of this informative hang gliding introductory information, on Youtube, narrated by long time pilot and instructor, Paul Voight - In loving memory of William F. Priday, 1952 - 2005.

Do get him to recount some of the loving memories he has of William F. Priday, 1952 - 2005 sometime. Really tears at your heartstrings. Pity he was never able to impress upon William F. Priday the importance of hooking into one's glider before running off a cliff with it during any of those countless scores of bonding encounters. (Funny we never saw any reference to the motherfucker from whom he got all his training and signoffs anywhere in the credits.)
The purpose of the post that you are now reading is to inform a new pilot to be mindful that there are different teaching styles but all with the intent to turn out a safe pilot as they progress through the different levels of the proficiency rating system.
Yeah Bill, that's what all those different teaching styles are intended to do. Certainly none of them are intended to stifle the student's progress and keep him dependent on his instructor for an extra five or six years. (Right Joe?)
Bill Cummings - 2018/08/10 19:23:39 UTC

Another good video for learning to hang glide:
Fer sure. So good that it makes one wonder why anyone would really need any actual contact with a hang glider to learn to hang glide - not that you see much of same in the video.
Bob Kuczewski - 2018/08/11 07:14:01 UTC

Yes, that's a very good video. Image Image Image
Fuck yeah, Bob! Image Image Image

Didn't you just love the part where Ninja Matt demonstrates how to pull the glider with his harness to steer it through weight shift simply by running toward his target! Image Image Image (While merely resting his hands on the downtubes, maintaining utmost care to deliver no torque whatsoever. Image Image Image)


Image Image Image

Fuckin' asshole. Do you remember how that little u$hPa operative bitch voted at the end of your expulsion "hearing" a few years back?

And Happy Birthday again, Emperor Bob. Eight years - two US Presidential terms - worth of total dictatorship as of yesterday - and you still can't trust a single one of your most dedicated sycophants with the slightest shred of actual power.

Keep up the great work, Bob. About the only interest I have left in this sport is watching the acceleration of its inevitable implosion. Thanks bigtime for all your contributions to the effort.
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Tad Eareckson
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Re: The Bob Show

Post by Tad Eareckson »
Tad Eareckson ongoing project
Bob Kuczewski - 2018/09/16 15:19:39 UTC

I'm glad to see Tad's rating added to USHGRS. Tad has made major contributions to discussions in many areas of hang gliding.
Wow! Like Peter Birren, Bill Bryden, Steve Kroop, Mark G. Forbes, Joe Greblo, Dr. Trisa Tilletti, Jim Keen-Intellect Rooney, the Tjaden Twins, Mike Bomstad...

Not that he's ever developed equipment and written any procedures which would've saved lives and benefitted the sport or even ever having been RIGHT about anything. Just that he's made major contributions to discussions in many areas of hang gliding.

Get fucked, Bob. I learned how to decode that kinda crap from you back in 2011 - even though I was initially pretty slow on the uptake.
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Tad Eareckson
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Re: The Bob Show

Post by Tad Eareckson »
Rob McKenzie selling business and home ...
Bob Kuczewski - 2018/09/22 11:18:03 UTC

For the record, Rob McKenzie is one of the best instructors in the sport of hang gliding. I wish the very best for Rob and Dianne. Image
Based on WHAT, Bob?

- Cite one scrap of evidence to support that claim. Failing that - which you will - give us something anecdotal.

- What are his products learning, learning faster, doing better than other instructors' products?

- Tell us something he's done or said that's left the sport...
Another hang check lesson
Alan Deikman - 2014/09/23 19:47:06 UTC

Amazing how when this topic comes up every time you see people argue the same arguments over and over again. It has been a classic (although niche) endless Internet flame topic.

I suspect that some of the parties that have posted in threads like these before are refraining now since they have learned that it is nearly (completely?) impossible to change people's minds on the topic.

For my part I will just refer you to the classic Tad Eareckson essay which I call "the gun is always loaded" which is a bit overworked but probably all you will ever need to read regarding FTHI. A lot of people will find it gores their particular sacred Ox, but I have never seen anyone point out a flaw in his logic.
Kinsley Sykes - 2010/03/18 19:42:19 UTC

In the old threads there was a lot of info from a guy named Tad. Tad had a very strong opinion on weak link strength and it was a lot higher than most folks care for. I'd focus carefully on what folks who tow a lot have to say. Or Jim Rooney who is an excellent tug pilot. I tow with the "park provided" weak links. I think they are 130 pound Greenspot.
... in better shape.

When Ryan Instant-Hands-Free-Release Voight says:
Simple Progression for Teaching Hang Gliding
Ryan Voight - 2015/02/22

If you teach them how to pull the glider with the harness they'll learn to steer the glider through weight shift simply by running toward their target.

are Rob and/or any of his products out there telling him he's totally full o' shit along with the Team Kite Strings guys? Come to think of it... What's the Bob Show position on that position?

- Who are some of the other "best instructors in the sport of hang gliding" on par with Rob?

- Care to identify any of the WORST instructors in the sport of hang gliding? Maybe you could rank Rob in relation to Jim Keen-Intellect Rooney...
Ridgerodent gone?
Sam Kellner - 2011/09/10 02:24:50 UTC

I was working up some harmony for Rooney Tunes. Image

...Kellner, Dr. Trisa Tilletti, Lauren Eminently-Qualified-Tandem-Pilot Tjaden, Dennis Pagen, Mike Dead-Eye Robertson, Joe...


...Greblo, Pat...


...Denevan, Malcolm...


...Jones, Tom...
HG accident in Vancouver
Tom Galvin - 2012/10/31 22:17:21 UTC

I don't teach lift and tug, as it gives a false sense of security.

- If Rob's such a fucking outstanding instructor shouldn't most of his serious products be qualified to the point that he becomes redundant? That's always been my objective with respect to Kite Strings and I'm pretty comfortable saying mission accomplished - though the scale leaves something to be desired. And if Rob DOESN'T have a fair number of products out there to make himself redundant then whatever it is he's got in the way of superiority is leaving the sport with him and thus is of zero benefit to the sport.
Today was a bad day!
Rob McKenzie - 2009/08/26 17:26:12 UTC

hesitate to even post. I have no intention to sway anyone to do what I do but will post only under the premise of FWIW.

I believe that if I fly long enough, numbers lead to an eventual failure to hook in. I'm human.

I do a hang check before nearly every flight. I do it without needing a nose or keel assist as I balance my weight over the basetube. I'm more likely to do a hang check if I don't need to trouble others for help. I probably miss the hang check about 1 in 1000 flights. I feel leg loops and look for height above basetube and twisting in lines during the hang check.

I have twice in the last 10,000 or so flights actually laid on the ground unhooked while doing my self hang check. So numbers indicate about 1 in 5000 chance of forgetting to hook in.

Multiply rate of failure to hook in by failure to hang check and I have perhaps a 1 in 5 million chance of launching unhooked. With 500 flights a year I have therefore about 1 failed hookin launch every 50,000 years. But it could be my next launch attempt.

I like variety. Sometimes AUSSIE and sometimes not. It helps to bring the thought process alive. Routine leads to boredom which leads to reactive thinking which IMO is a poor facsimile of true thinking.
One less asshole to sign off ratings for products he teaches to flagrantily violate the crap outta u$hPa's most critical foot launch safety regulation. And in that neck of the woods they have unhooked launch incidents left and right. And even if they're mostly Greblo products - as I suspect is the case - there is ZERO evidence of any McKenzie products intervening in unhooked launch attempts or promoting Rob's bullshit strategy in the wakes of...

...successful ones.
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Tad Eareckson
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Re: The Bob Show

Post by Tad Eareckson »
Bill Cosby speaks his mind
Bob Kuczewski - 2013/04/26 05:37:14 UTC

Bill Cosby is a national hero for trying to save so many wasted lives. Go Bill, Go!! Image
[TIL] About Tad Eareckson
Bob Kuczewski - 2013/03/10 18:20:34 UTC

Eventually (and for reasons that I won't full disclose here), it became necessary to ask Tad to leave the US Hawks forum, and he is currently the only person who's been completely banned from the US Hawks.
I'd have considered it a major personal failing if eventually (and for reasons that you won't full disclose here), it HADN'T become necessary to ask me to leave the US Hawks forum and I WEREN'T currently the only person who's been completely banned from the US Hawks.

You really know how to pick the winners, dontchya Bob? And you've never really been wrong about much of anything - so who better to be the only Bob Show member with a vote that actually counts for anything.
When tandem or tow is first HG experience
Bob Kuczewski - 2018/09/22 23:07:58 UTC

I hope my post doesn't violate the spirit of this topic.
If it does you're not in much danger of having it deleted and/or yourself restricted, suspended, banned.
I got to enter the sport of hang gliding twice in my life. First In 1978 and again in 2004.

In 1978 it was all solo following the normal progression: running with a glider on flat ground, shallow slope skimming, and then "cliff" launch flights from the ridge above the Cape Kiwanda beach. Wow!!
Cape Kiwanda? Just a couple (as in TWO) miles up the beach from Bob Straub State Park. Go figure. I wonder if there's a Davis Kuczewski National Seashore anywhere in the neighborhood.
Around that time I finished up my Private Pilot's license and went on to get a Seaplane rating...
What did they say about power failures on takeoff? Mere inconveniences that increase the safety of the flying operations? That you should get airborne at thirty percent power so that WHEN your engine seized the inconvenience wouldn't be as dramatic?
...and a degree in Aeronautical Engineering. Other aspects of living consumed me, but I never forgot about hang gliding.
Yeah? You got a degree in Aeronautical Engineering but you never forgot about hang gliding?

Tell me when you've ever used your degree in Aeronautical Engineering to do a goddam thing to ADVANCE a goddam hang gliding - either develop anything yourself or back something of significant substance outside of the mainstream?


That's pretty cool.


Jonathan's not the first ever person to put skids on a glider but he's put a lot of work into design, construction, flight testing, promotion, And if he gets a few of these into the air in his neck of the woods they could have a substantial positive impact on the sport and culture. Show us something you've done at a fraction of a comparable level. Something...
US Hawks Hook-In Verification Poll
Bob Kuczewski - 2011/11/04 16:17:15 UTC

You've had a platform here to make a pretty good case, and I think I'd prefer a straight pin myself. However, I do feel that the BIG DEAL you make about the differences is somewhat overblown.
...POSITIVE I mean.

That tactic, by the way, is...
Zach Marzec
Davis Straub - 2013/02/13 15:45:22 UTC

IMHO aerotowing is relatively safe compared with foot launching. I would certainly like to make it safer. What we would all like to know is what could we do to make it safer.

We have no agreement that a stronger weaklink would make it safer (again, I fly with a slightly stronger weaklink). pure unadulterated Bob Straub.
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Tad Eareckson
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Re: The Bob Show

Post by Tad Eareckson »
John McCain
Bob Kuczewski - 2018/08/26 12:59:51 UTC

John McCain - An American Hero
(Followed by a 20x15 grid of nauseating little Images (which I refuse to duplicate here).)

Yeah Bob, right up there with:
Bill Cosby speaks his mind
Bob Kuczewski - 2013/04/26 05:37:14 UTC

Bill Cosby is a national hero for trying to save so many wasted lives. Go Bill, Go!! Image

And then Warren posts a whole bunch of stuff below which takes issue with your (popular) contention. If the points are valid then you need to modify your position. And if they're not your American Hero merits your vigorous defense. But you don't do either 'cause:
- you're never wrong about anything
- your praise of others is always disingenuous veneer you've calculated will bolster your own social and political standings
Frequently Asked Questions
What will keep the US Hawks from becoming another USHPA or HGAA?
You will ... hopefully. The price of freedom is eternal vigilance. Everyone has to do their part once in a while. If you see something that's not being done correctly, then it's your duty to speak out. One big difference between the US Hawks and other organizations is that the US Hawks really does honor the free speech of its members.
Just not enough to respond to or even acknowledge the free speech of its members when the free speech of its members becomes a bit problematic for Emperor Bob.
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Tad Eareckson
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Re: The Bob Show

Post by Tad Eareckson »
Keeping your hang ratings as I posted on
Warren Narron - 2018/11/10 23:22:10 UTC

Castrated cattle would be steers. My experience with steers are they are the most likely to bust through the gates fighting for their freedom.
Think about that the next hundred hamburgers you scarf down. You are eating an animal that just wants to be free.
They were forced down that chute.
No volunteers there so don't conflate a noble steer with the sycophants that have their noses up Jack Axaopoulos ass like Blindrodie and Doug Marley.

That said, so what does it say about our complacency in returning fire on Jack's cowardly little censorship and lies?
What is the argument again? Don't make waves and you'll probably be ok.
Hows that working out?
How many people really know what a cowardly little criminal act Jack and accomplices are pulling off?

It sure ain't "everybody" is it?

That's why the crime has to be documented, preserved and published.
At least make a sticky much better than the Bob K. and Scott Wise sticky in Jack's black hole basement.
That sticky alone is a personal indictment against Jack's integrity.
What kind of a weak person does it take to write something like that thinking he has the high road?
A very weak person. One that needs to be exposed to the ones that haven't been paying attention.

Once everyone has been exposed to the truth and put on the spot to pick a side it will be the downfall of "the largest hang gliding community in the world".
Then it will make sense to walk away, if they have a place to go.
Let's not forget:
HangGliding.Org Rules and Policies
No posts or links about Bob Kuczewski, Scott C Wise, Tad Eareckson and related people, or their material. ALL SUCH POSTS WILL BE IMMEDIATELY DELETED. These people are poison to this sport and are permanently banned from this site in every possible way imaginable. They have been banned over and over again by multiple sites and organizations.
While I don't consider it to be much of an honor to be linked to Bob and Scott it's a HUGE honor to have been permanently banned in every possible way imaginable over and over again by multiple sites and organizations. 'Specially by the worlds largest - and thus shittiest - hang gliding community.

Here's the rest of it:
Bob Kuczewski holds the title as the only regional directory to be forcibly REMOVED from office by the United States Hanggliding Paragliding Association. Avoid at all costs. Bob Kuczewski even requested that I change people votes during an election in a newly formed hang gliding organization. The man has no integrity and spends his days smearing people on the internet.
While the link's still live it's dated (2017/06/26 15:20) and there's no longer a way to navigate to it. New (no date - so's the motherfucker can keep changing his fake rules as he feels like it more seamlessly) fake rules link:
Rules - Hang Gliding Org

New amendment to the fake rules for Jack's Living Room:
- No proxying for banned members in any way.
So if you insist that the direct load breaking strength of a Standard Aerotow Weak Link with (or without) a well hidden knot is approximately 130 pounds then you're proxying for at least two banned members and you also can become a banned member.

Also, since Jim Keen-Intellect Rooney is also...
So long guys
Jack Axaopoulos - 2011/06/12 18:20:06 UTC

Well I see now that you are threatening to delete your account in a PM if I dont delete it for you, which I can only assume means youre going to do what a certain other poster did and start vandalizing and deleting posts, so you force my hand... account banned so you cant vandalize. Well this truly sucks. Threatening to damage the site just because you got pissed off is really messed up dude. You need to seriously chill out.
...a banned member, if you express the opinion that the purpose of the Standard Aerotow Weak Link is to increase the safety of the towing operation and/or that the consequences of such an increase in the safety of the towing operation can be no more severe than an inconvenience then you can be banned under the terms of the new amendment - even though that's also the position of the owner of Jack's Living Room.

Doesn't leave a whole lot of room for safely discussing much of anything, does it?

And now that I think of it...
weak link table
Tad Eareckson - 2009/06/14 00:01:47 UTC

When I come onto a site I look for the rules. There's usually a button somewhere that says "Rules". But when the button linking to the rules says "Wiki" I might not ever know what the rules are 'cause when I plug "Wiki" into my Merriam-Webster's Collegiate Dictionary CD it has no more idea what that means than I do.
So now that Jack has moved the Stalinist sewage he uses as a pretense for rules out of his Wiki selection in the header to a Rules selection - available, by the way, from the home page which nobody ever visits but not from anywhere in any of the forum rubbish - he's obviously proxying for the first of the three most notorious banned members and should thus ban himself.

And while we're on the subject...
- This website is a small private business just like your local coffee shop. Anyone showing a pattern of abuse or harassment that would cause them to be thrown out of their local coffee shop can expect the same treatment here.
1. Oh. The worlds largest hang gliding community is a small private business just like your local coffee shop. Pick one, Jack. If I were you I'd go with the latter - 'cause that's the point to which this idiot sport is racing at break-neck speed.

2. You can go to your local coffee shop and have a conversation with those who choose to sit at the table you've selected and talk about whatever the fuck you feel like without - in common conditions - anybody else being the slightest bit aware of what the fuck is being talked about. And if you're not shouting and disturbing other patrons there shouldn't be a problem for anyone.

In Jack's Living Room the only way people can hear what's being discussed is by choice and deliberate action. And for Jack Show members too stupid to be able to figure out how to not read something they don't want to read (the vast majority of them) there's an ignore button. And if that's not good enough there's a Basement to which Jack buries - and commonly locks - all substantive discussions based on a blindingly obviously fake voting system.

So cut the crap about the local coffee shop. Also the living room - 'cause when that crap was written you'd have needed a fair sized sports stadium to accommodate what one would want in the way of guests. (He's listing over ten and a half thousand registered at the moment.)

Zack C - 2010/11/23 05:23:34 UTC

As for rules, just keep it civil, stay on topic, keep topics in line with the forum purpose, and don't lie or misrepresent others' statements.
That's all we've ever needed for rules and we've never had any legitimate complaints about how they've been implemented and enforced.
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Tad Eareckson
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Re: The Bob Show

Post by Tad Eareckson »
Bill Cosby speaks his mind
Bob Kuczewski - 2018/11/14 13:56:32 UTC

It's a good time to address the well known downfall of Bill Cosby in light of my comments about him being a national hero.

Human beings are multi-dimensional creatures capable of extreme goodness and extreme badness ... and sometimes both. If an axe murderer rushes into a burning building and saves 5 children, is he a hero or villain ... or both?

As human beings with limited brains, we want to understand the world through simplifications that make it easy for us. We want people to be either all good (so we can like and support them) or all bad (so we can hate and oppose them). But the real world is much more complicated than that.

The truth is that people can be both heroes and villains. That's the reality that we have to deal with. And to effectively deal with it, we should first focus on people's actions - one by one. Eventually the sum of their actions (combined with our own understanding of human nature) will paint a complex picture that is our best representation of that person.

Tad Eareckson has quoted my previous Bill Cosby post at least 7 times in his forum. I suppose he's trying to embarrass me for my statement. I'm not embarrassed at all. I wish Bill Cosby had been a more pure hero, but I didn't get to make his choices for him. The charges against Cosby reveal someone deserving of jail time ... or worse.

And that brings me to the real point of this post. What really matters is how we respond to the things that people do. Cosby's comments about dysfunctional behavior should be supported, and Cosby's abuses of young women should be reviled and punished ... severely. The real point here is that we can and should do both.
It's a good time to address the well known downfall of Bill Cosby in light of my comments about him being a national hero.
Nah. When this shit first seriously hit the fan three and a half years ago would've been a real good time to address this issue.
Human beings are multi-dimensional creatures capable of extreme goodness and extreme badness ... and sometimes both.
When I first heard the first victim to go viral recounting her experience with him I was totally off-the-scale outraged.
If an axe murderer rushes into a burning building and saves 5 children, is he a hero or villain ... or both?
How 'bout an ax murderer who rushes into a burning building to dispatch five children? Sometimes people of ages varying under eighteen need to be taken out. No shortage of school shooters to make that case. Sometimes they're just pathetic victims of broken brain wiring on suicide missions (Kip Kinkel), other times they're predatory sociopaths. But the situations almost always call for a well placed bullet to minimize the carnage.
As human beings with limited brains, we want to understand the world through simplifications that make it easy for us.
Yeah, like:
Bob Kuczewski - 2009/05/11 12:40

Third, I'm not an expert in towing, but I consulted someone who knows the topic pretty well. His comment was that while it might be good for USHPA to make recommendations in this area, there is still plenty of room for innovation. For that reason, he doesn't think USHPA should mandate any kind of obligatory system that would stifle that innovation - whether Mr. Eareckson's or any other. I have very little background in towing, so I'm just passing this perspective on for your general consideration.
We want people to be either all good (so we can like and support them) or all bad (so we can hate and oppose them). But the real world is much more complicated than that.
Say something positive about Jim Gaar, Paul Hurless, Jim Rooney.
The truth is that people can be both heroes and villains.
Not all that often.
That's the reality that we have to deal with. And to effectively deal with it, we should first focus on people's actions - one by one. Eventually the sum of their actions (combined with our own understanding of human nature)...
See below.
...will paint a complex picture that is our best representation of that person.
See above. And focus on Jim Rooney to minimize the complexity.
Tad Eareckson...
You don't need to use my last name. Anybody worth talking to in this game knows who Tad, Bob, Davis, Jack are.
...has quoted my previous Bill Cosby post at least 7 times in his forum.
Is that all?
I suppose he's trying to embarrass me for my statement.
Ya think?
I'm not embarrassed at all.
For virtually anything. That's how come you've been the sole individual in your 8.25 year old national hang gliding association's history to have ever had a vote that actually counts for anything.
I wish Bill Cosby had been a more pure hero, but I didn't get to make his choices for him.
Pure hero? What's the evidence that what you quoted has ever actually helped anyone or made any situation better?
The charges against Cosby reveal someone deserving of jail time ... or worse.
Like execution? The guy was a serious, calculating, power abusing, sexual predator but he didn't kill anyone. And he's probably gonna die in prison and that's gonna be plenty enough hell for him. And I didn't take any joy in watching him being led away in handcuffs and haven't heard any of his victims calling for anything beyond that ('cept maybe for restitution).
And that brings me to the real point of this post. What really matters is how we respond to the things that people do.
Start by minding your own fuckin' business and not presenting yourself as the ultimate authority regarding decisions people of varying ages should be permitted to make for themselves.
Cosby's comments about dysfunctional behavior should be supported...
Somebody else is gonna hafta make comments about dysfunctional behavior.
...and Cosby's abuses of young women should be reviled and punished ... severely.
Being exposed, having his name become a punch line for the rest of time is pretty severe punishment.
The real point here is that we can and should do both.
And just how long did you need to think about this one, Bob?

By the way... What came up when I signed out of my Bank of America account near the end of last month:


I had to look REAL closely at that one to try and figure out if what I was seeing was what I thought I was seeing and not the wife or cute chick he'd just met at the singles bar. And I couldn't.

And then I expanded my view to take in the big picture...

Yeah. I was seeing what I thought I was seeing. Other normal social mammal emotions and interactions. And using them to sell a product that doesn't get any more mainstream. And they're still running it today. (Must've lucked out with respect to widespread appeal.) But that actually could've been one of those two other options and one wouldn't really be able to tell from the photo for sure. (Wouldn't have been a bad stunt double for Marilyn Monroe.)
P.S. - 2018/11/14 19:35:00 UTC

See the new post on "Welcome" (where nobody ever sees new posts).
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Tad Eareckson
Posts: 9154
Joined: 2010/11/25 03:48:55 UTC

Re: The Bob Show

Post by Tad Eareckson »
Asking for names of all banned persons.
USHPA7 - 2018/11/15 20:23:29 UTC

I was accused of "shilling" for a banned person. I would like to prevent that happening again in the future. I have no idea how many "persona non grata" folks there were on this forum, who might cause me to accidentally "shill" again, if I mention a name that I did not know was banned.

I'm requesting that the moderator provide a place to click on, which would provide a list of those who have been banned since the inception of this forum. This would be very helpful in preventing accidental "shilling" by any current forum participants.

Currently there are only two banned names that can be clicked on and identified on this forum but I know there are more. I won't mention those and risk "shilling" again.

Thanking the moderator in advance for providing us access to the list of the banned.

P.S. Jack probably doesn't have enough bandwidth to post the names of all the individuals he's cut from the worlds largest hang gliding community over the years - substantially folk who aren't all that into rubbing everyone else the right way.
Trying to do the right thing, Image
Frank Colver
Try looking at the site rules for starters...
Rules - Hang Gliding Org

I was permabanned 2010/07/30 19:35:55 UTC - the better part of nine months before those two motherfuckers. They were still in good standing for most of the time beyond and teaming up with Jack to found a new national hang gliding association.

Go through the relevant thread:
Tow Park accidents

and find Bob or Scott raising a note of protest.

Have you READ Jack's "rules"? Anybody who has and stays in that dump with an idea of doing anything more than as much damage as possible before getting his wire cut is a total moron. Other than that just sit back and watch the Jack and Davis Shows finish degrading into Chris McKeon and Ben Reese monologues - the former on Jack about the best helmet to use to preserve what he has left in the way of a brain and the latter on Davis demonstrating that not having a brain is a major asset with respect to fitting into u$hPa hang gliding culture.

Kite Strings' list (nonspammers ('cept for Bob)):
- Sam Kellner
- Bob Kuczewski
- Christopher LeFay
- Lin Lyons
- Orion Price
- Matt Pruett
- Jeff Roberson

There'd be room for plenty more but that sort doesn't wanna be here any more than they'd be wanted or tolerated here.
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Tad Eareckson
Posts: 9154
Joined: 2010/11/25 03:48:55 UTC

Re: The Bob Show

Post by Tad Eareckson »
Asking for names of all banned persons.
Jack Axaopoulos - 2018/11/15 22:11:11 UTC

Not going to play these silly bobK games. People know what you guys are up to and they report it to me. Members here are not idiots. You knew for a fact the person in question was banned. Either be a part of this community and leave bob and his little crew of extremists out of it, or just stay on the other forum. Not giving them ammo to badger and harass more people here. Have no patience for the insanity spilling over from bobs site. Dont do it again. Final warning.

Its sad to see you so easily fooled by Bob and crew. He plays a good game. Fooled me once too. But there is a reason he's banned from everywhere. The guy even asked me to blatantly RIG an election. But I guess you believe all his BULLSHIT EXCUSES even though I have 100% evidence.

Last time I will ask you. Leave all things Bob off this site. We're all sick of his crap.
See Frank?
Not going to play these silly bobK games. People know what you guys are up to and they report it to me.
Funny they never seem to have names. Must be the same reason they never address anything publicly.
Members here are not idiots.
- Oh. Had no idea that you've screened all of your 10597 current members for IQ levels. But you obviously have 'cause there couldn't possibly be another rational explanation for the constant stellar level of intellectual discourse that's brought the sport to its current stratospheric level of success and performance.

- You got little BUT total idiots there, Jack. Ditto for the sport at large.
You knew for a fact the person in question was banned.
Yeah. He wanted to know who else. I didn't have any problem providing him a complete list of real names of the douchebags who've been taken care of here. So what's your problem?
Either be a part of this community...
Start rubbing people the right way. The worlds largest hang gliding community ain't getting any younger and lots of them are having major problems keeping it up.
...and leave bob and his little crew of extremists out of it...
It's actually not such a little crew these days. And it's a lot easier to find posts that aren't by Chris McKeon and about the best helmet to use to dive into a parking lot at sixty miles per hour.
...or just stay on the other forum. Not giving them ammo to badger and harass more people here.
And Jack's little people would just wilt away to even more nothingness without Jack coming back down into his Living Room and protecting them.
Have no patience for the insanity spilling over from bobs site. Don’t do it again. Final warning.
HangGliding.Org Rules and Policies
- Please treat the admin as a regular user. As long as you follow the rules, there is NO CHANCE you will banned because you disagree with the admin. The admin would like to be part of this community too without having to walk on egg shells because people think his word holds more weight for whatever reason. It does not. But the admin will do his job as moderator when he has to. But please follow the rules and don't make him do it, he doesn't enjoy that part. : )
Nah. That pretense was dead as a doornail before the ink had finished drying.
Its sad to see you so easily fooled by Bob and crew.
What? You didn't screen Frank for minimal acceptable IQ like you did every other member? How come?
He plays a good game. Fooled me once too. But there is a reason he's banned from everywhere.
'Cause the sport can't and won't tolerate the slightest degree of dissent on any issue. If it isn't cleared by Tim Herr it doesn't fly.

Bob's banned here. But I'm not afraid to post and address what he's saying and back him up on the occasions on which he deserves to be backed up - you fucking sleazy coward.
The guy even asked me to blatantly RIG an election.
I'm shocked! SHOCKED!! Not about the rigging stuff - just that either of you assholes would ever have anything to do with an actual election when you've set yourselves up as dictators who do whatever the fuck you feel like.
But I guess you believe all his BULLSHIT EXCUSES even though I have 100% evidence.
You ARE one hundred percent of the evidence, asshole.
Last time I will ask you. Leave all things Bob off this site. We're all sick of his crap.
All of us. All 10597 of us. Jack's discussed this with all of his members and they're all 100.00 percent unanimous. This is why we don't need to waste any bandwidth on discussions, polls, elections, rules which Jack doesn't just pull outta his ass and wield or violate as he pleases.
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