
General discussion about the sport of hang gliding
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Tad Eareckson
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Re: birds

Post by Tad Eareckson »


and over here to maybe get a few more eyeballs on the problem...
Don't mess with Tx. chickens viewer discretion advised
Sam Kellner - 2012/11/29 02:14:13 UTC

I picked up the 20ga. and ran around the house, with the hammer cocked, thinking the hawk would be on top of a chicken.
Ya don't gotta be a rocket scientist to figure that this asshole...
US Hawks Hook-In Verification Poll
Sam Kellner - 2011/11/08 14:20:25 UTC

Yes, my degree in barnyard technologies was expensive and has taken >50yr to complete.
...has been blasting every raptor he's felt like for the past half century and that we only heard about this one 'cause of the anomaly of the hen killing the little hawk before Sam could pump the lead into her.

Thanks to Ridgerodent for this:
Don't mess with Tx. chickens viewer discretion advised

but only twenty hits and no responses at present. (A title like "Shooting Sharp-Shinned Hawks" might have gotten a bit more notice.)

P.S. I'll further address this issue on "The Bob Show" thread:

Click on the first link in this post to pick up where it left off.
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Re: birds

Post by miguel »

Tad wrote:Maybe it would've been a good idea to act in a responsible manner and protect them in an enclosure.
I have a wee bit of chicken experience. Chickens are much, much happier when they can roam, peck, scratch, socilaize, hunt bugs, eat seeds and plants etc, out in the open. They are not happy when confined to cages or small enclosures, eating only chicken feed.

My grandparents let their chickens out into their garden everyday. No pesticides or packaged fertilizes were used in the garden. They also had a shot gun and a .22 ready for varmints. That's how they roll in Texas.

Happy Chickens


Not so happy chickens
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Tad Eareckson
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Re: birds

Post by Tad Eareckson »

I have a wee bit of chicken experience.
Me too.
Chickens are much, much happier when they can roam, peck, scratch, socialize, hunt bugs, eat seeds and plants etc, out in the open.
- Most of the time - yes.
- When they're under attack - that's the LAST place they wanna be.
They are not happy when confined to cages or small enclosures, eating only chicken feed.
- I didn't say anything about cages, small enclosures, or eating only chicken feed.

- A week old chick with a set or two of accipiter hooks sunk into it is not happy. (I've had a set of accipiter hooks sunk into me - all the way. Trust me on this one.)
My grandparents let their chickens out into their garden everyday.
- Meaning that they were protected, safe, and happier indoors overnight.
= There are a lot of gardens that cease being gardens if chickens are let into them.
They also had a shot gun and a .22 ready for varmints.
- Define "varmint".

- Is there any possibility that by blowing away varmints which might be interested in chickens your grandparents were actually working against themselves because these varmints were a lot more interested in stuff that eats gardens than they were in the chickens?

- Sam HAS a shotgun - and undoubtedly a .22 (and probably a couple of assault rifles) - and no hesitation to use it and STILL wound up with a briefly extremely unhappy week old chick with a distressed mother and siblings.

- If the asshole had kept the birds enclosed for the two or three more weeks it would've taken before they were big enough for the Sharpy to have lost all interest, Mom, the chicks, and the Sharpy would've all seen net increases in happiness.

- Sam, however, would've probably lost an opportunity and excuse to blow away Federally protected wildlife - so probably not much change there.

- Those McClure Turkeys...

...looked pretty happy but...
Hope no one gets them for Thanksgiving. didn't want anybody to eat THEM. You wanted them instead eat Turkeys that were raised in conditions like THESE:

- And that's how Margie wants HER chickens and turkeys raised and treated 'cause all she cares about is getting them so cheap that she can afford to use half the bird to eat twice as much as she should and throw the rest in the garbage.

- You could increase the population of Turkeys at McClure if you loaded up the pickup with shotguns and rifles and took care of all the varmints: Rattlers, Weasels, Skunks, Bobcats, Mountain Lions, Foxes, Coyotes, Raccoons, Black Bears, Magpies, Crows, Ravens, Cooper's Hawks, Goshawks, Golden Eagles. (That's probably illegal but I'm sure Bob would be happy to act as lookout 'cause he doesn't want Obama telling anybody what he can or can't do.)

- We did something like that back East here to increase the Deer population. Now we've got no Wolves or Mountain Lions but we've got LOTS of Whitetails - along with overbrowsing, starvation, habitat and garden destruction, loss of biodiversity, road kills, traffic wrecks and fatalities, and Lyme Disease.

- So maybe you wanna think about things a bit before you lock and load - even if seeing stuff like Rattlers, Weasels, Skunks, Bobcats, Mountain Lions, Foxes, Coyotes, Raccoons, Black Bears, Magpies, Crows, Ravens, Cooper's Hawks, Goshawks, and Golden Eagles doesn't add anything to the enjoyment of your flying day at McClure.
That's how they roll in Texas.

is how they roll in Texas. I've never been overly impressed by the ability of folk from that neck of the woods to act in their own long term best interests.
Steve Davy
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Re: birds

Post by Steve Davy »

Steve Davy
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Re: birds

Post by Steve Davy »
Welcome to the Owens Foundation. Here you will learn about the conservation work of American zoologists Mark and Delia Owens. Beginning in 1974, Delia and Mark worked for seven years in the Central Kalahari Game Reserve of Botswana studying brown hyenas and black maned lions where they made landmark discoveries regarding both species. From 1985 through 1997 the Owenses worked to rehabilitate a 5,000 square mile area in north Zambia by eliminating elephant and meat poaching for the benefit of the people and the wildlife living there. In 1997, Delia and Mark returned to the US and began assisting grizzly bear conservation in North Idaho, which is one of the five remnant grizzly bear populations in the lower 48 states. Today, Delia and Mark continue their support for the people and wildlife of Zambia as well as working for grizzly bear conservation in the northwestern US.
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Re: birds

Post by miguel »

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Tad Eareckson
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Re: birds

Post by Tad Eareckson »
Condor question - when do they come?
Rob Sherwood - 2013/02/01 00:20:35 UTC

I remember seeing California condors at Kagel, but don't remember what time of year. Do they come around the same time (when they do) or does it vary throughout the year?
NMERider - 2013/02/01 00:50:44 UTC


In the five years that I've been flying locally, I recall only four days that we've had condors when I've been out.

There is a condor refuge close by if you and others want to make it a club field trip:
Orion Price - 2013/02/01 01:12:44 UTC

Seen a group of them once. They were below me going west, in the Towers area. Their tags were clearly visible. I believe it was in the spring.

Am I mistaken, but I think DQ (Jonathan) has them on film. Could have been just him playing "chicken" with hawks.
Robert Bustamante - 2013/02/01 02:17:27 UTC

This happened in late may of 2002. It was a common theme to see them often. There are some good footage out there with pilot's flying with them during this time.

It's a great picture of Fred Waugh. He was pushing seventy, and he was still ripped.

Pinnacles Condor Program

Please view condors from a distance of at least 100 feet and never approach or try to feed them.
Condors in the Vermilion Cliffs National Monument

Cautionary Measures:
1) Never try to approach or feed condors. Use binoculars and spotting scopes to observe condors from a distance.
2) Never stop, excessively slow down, or view condors on Highway 89A. Use pullouts along the road to search for and view condors.
3) If you observe anyone harassing or harming a condor, immediately call:
- The Arizona Game and Fish Department: 928-774-5045
- The Peregrine Fund: 928-355-2270
- Bureau of Land Management: 435-688-3200
- The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service: 602-640-2720
- Grand Canyon National Park: 928-638-7779
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Tad Eareckson
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Re: birds

Post by Tad Eareckson »
Condor question - when do they come?
NMERider - 2013/02/01 04:26:41 UTC

In case anyone is wondering--It is not permitted to make a commercial film, documentary or otherwise of condors in their protected habitat.
But stampeding several percent of the world population of them into the air off of Kagel so some asshole can get some pictures of them flying away is totally cool - so knock yourself out.
Condors are protected but not in the same manner when they are in the general area. Take all the photos you like...
And do whatever the fuck you feel like to get the photos you want.
...but please don't post videos on YouTube that could give environmentalist types the wrong impression.
Or the correct impression of you stupid douchebags.
Steve Davy
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Re: birds

Post by Steve Davy »

Interesting video I stumbled across today.
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Tad Eareckson
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Re: birds

Post by Tad Eareckson »

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