Do Tad's words dilute his message?

General discussion about the sport of hang gliding
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Re: Do Tad's words dilute his message?

Post by bobk »

miguel wrote:I like Tad's posts. There is something to be learned in all of them. He does not kow tow, in reverence, to the so called gods of hang gliding. I have no problem to the length of them. It is refreshing to read the links and examples of the many points that he makes.

That said, I do not care for the foul language and the personal attacks. Personal attacks and foul language are the tools of people with weak or wrong arguments. They are a definite turn-off to the casual reader.

It would not take much time to reread the article and edit out the negativity. The articles are strong enough to stand without negativity.
I agree with everything you've said miguel. Thanks.

With regard to length, my only criticism was "his posts are often too long to be read by very many people". I think that's a true statement. But I also agree with your implication that length by itself isn't a problem. Complicated things often require complicated descriptions. Thanks again.
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Steve Davy
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Re: Do Tad's words dilute his message?

Post by Steve Davy »


Complicated? 99% of this stuff a ten year old could figure out in a day or two.
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Tad Eareckson
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Re: Do Tad's words dilute his message?

Post by Tad Eareckson »

Tad Eareckson - 2010/11/30 17:45:12 UTC

So Kite Strings as in some day I'd like to see hang gliders towed with at least half the common sense and competence of a ten year old kid flying a stunt kite at the beach.

So what happened to the:

Tad should be shot.

thread? I was hoping that would draw some of my enemies in here where - without the protection of hostile "moderators" - I could finish cutting them to shreds.
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Re: Do Tad's words dilute his message?

Post by bobk »

Tad Eareckson wrote:So what happened to the:

Tad should be shot.

thread? I was hoping that would draw some of my enemies in here where - without the protection of hostile "moderators" - I could finish cutting them to shreds.
I've tried to start that "Tad should be shot" thread 17 times now and Zack keeps deleting it. :(

What did you say about hostile "moderators"? :lol:

I'm only kidding of course. I'm really glad that you've got this forum, and - despite my nagging - I'm glad to have you on the US Hawks as well. One of us is bound to survive and maybe even ... grow? :o
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Re: Do Tad's words dilute his message?

Post by bobk »

Nobody wrote:Complicated? 99% of this stuff a ten year old could figure out in a day or two.

Then why are Tad's posts so long?

Is it that extra 1% that's so tough? Or is Tad trying to accomplish more than just describing safe towing?

I've been reading his posts both here and on, and it seems to me that Tad is trying to do two things. He's trying to describe safe towing, but he's also trying to slam anyone who's ever disrespected him in the past. It's as if he's trying to even some score somewhere.

Take Jim Rooney, for example. Tad doesn't make suggestions for Jim to become a better or safer pilot. Instead, Tad just calls him names and expresses his wishes that Jim were dead.

Is that helpful for Jim? Is it helpful for Tad? Most importantly, is it helpful for the sport of hang gliding?
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Tad Eareckson
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Re: Do Tad's words dilute his message?

Post by Tad Eareckson »

Then why are Tad's posts so long?
- 'Cause I'm not talking to ten year old kids. I'm talking mostly (not here) to hard wired adults who've had their "brains" rotted out by 374 pages of USHGA / Flight Park Mafia clueless bullshit compiled by the esteemed Messieurs Pagen and Bryden.

- If you teach a ten year old kid to, with each flight, demonstrate a method of establishing that he is hooked in just prior to launch he will, with each flight, demonstrate a method of establishing that he is hooked in just prior to launch.

- If you tell a typical glider diver to, with each flight, demonstrate a method of establishing that he is hooked in just prior to launch he'll spend thirty years telling you how "just prior" means one to thirty minutes, why it's unnecessary and, in fact, dangerous to do this, and to NEVER get into a harness unless it's connected to a glider.

- Which parts of Tad's posts do you recommend he delete?
He's trying to describe safe towing, but he's also trying to slam anyone who's ever disrespected him in the past.
Tug Rates
Rick Mullins - 2011/02/12 16:28:14 UTC

Fire away Tad, I won't be around to read it. While you seem to have some pertinent information, you're obviously a total dick.
That was kinda disrespectful. But what the hell. He's clever enough to figure out that just because somebody writes something he doesn't hafta read it, I have some pertinent information, and I'm obviously a total dick. You don't see me going after his head, do you?

But if I see him doing something which endangers an individual and/or the sport and rejecting or ignoring efforts to correct his behavior I'm gonna do everything I can to get his head on a pike.

Also... Disrespecting Yours Truly doesn't have much to do with it. I've never had any interaction with Jerry Forburger. But I'm calling him crud for the way he treated Steve Goldman and Eric Aasletten and for the enormous damage he's done to hang gliding with his duplicitous and idiot writing.
It's as if he's trying to even some score somewhere.
- Yeah. And?

- It's important for people to know who the scumbags in this sport are (although it would probably be a lot easier just to list who the scumbags in this sport aren't).
Take Jim Rooney...
Tad doesn't make suggestions for Jim to become a better or safer pilot.
And the US Attorney's office didn't make suggestions for Bernie Madoff to become a better and more ethical investment advisor. They made suggestions for sentencing him to a hundred and fifty years in prison.

And I wouldn't want a stupid, lying, nasty, rotten little shit like Rooney within a thousand miles of hang gliding or me even if he were as much of a God's Gift To Aviation as much as all the morons in this sport think he is.
Instead, Tad just calls him names and expresses his wishes that Jim were dead.
We need to kill A LOT of people in this sport to get messages across. If every weak link precipitated crash were a fatality - instead of just a downtube breaker - we could get 130 pound Greenspot permanently out of circulation after maybe just six weeks and a hundred or so deaths. Why not do the gene pool a big favor in the process?
Is that helpful for Jim? Is it helpful for Tad? Most importantly, is it helpful for the sport of hang gliding?
I'm not hearing YOU trying to help him by appealing to his reason, sense of fairness, and basic human decency. And with all the practice and success you've had with Jack you'd be a natural.

This sport has got helpfulness exploding out of its ass. It doesn't need any more helpfulness. It needs physics, common sense, regulations, enforcement, and accountability.
The Press - 2006/03/15

The Civil Aviation Authority (CAA) is urgently pushing for new hang-gliding industry standards after learning a hang-gliding pilot who suffered serious injuries in a crash three weeks ago had not clipped himself on to the glider.

Extreme Air tandem gliding pilot James (Jim) Rooney safely clipped his passenger into the glider before departing from the Coronet Peak launch site, near Queenstown, CAA sports and recreation manager Rex Kenny said yesterday.

However, he took off without attaching himself.

In a video, he was seen to hold on to the glider for about fifty meters before hitting power lines.

Rooney and the passenger fell about fifteen meters to the ground. The passenger suffered minor injuries.
And I can't think of a better place to start than Extreme Air tandem gliding pilot James (Jim) Rooney and the incompetent self serving dregs who gave him his tickets.
Steve Davy
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Re: Do Tad's words dilute his message?

Post by Steve Davy »
Discussion with Tad about Towing / Foot Launch
Tad Eareckson - 2011/08/16 05:11:32 UTC

1. The fact that someone like Tad can have a lot to offer in a forty year old sport ninety-nine percent of which CAN be figured out by a ten-year-old in a day or two means that there is something fundamentally and MASSIVELY wrong with hang gliding.

2. And that's really all that makes people like Tad hard to integrate and deal with.
Succinct, well done!
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