You are NEVER hooked in.

General discussion about the sport of hang gliding
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Tad Eareckson
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Re: You are NEVER hooked in.

Post by Tad Eareckson »
Archived News
MEDIA RELEASE - August 22, 2012

On Saturday, April 28th 2012, a Tandem Hang Glider, piloted by an HPAC tandem-certified instructor, Mr. Jon Orders, was involved in an accident that resulted in the death of the tandem passenger Lenami Godinez-Avila. An investigation was launched by HPAC.
So what were you useless pieces of shit doing BEFORE April 28th 2012 in the way of investigating unhooked launches and looking into strategies to prevent them?
The findings of this investigation were based on witness statements and evidence held by the RCMP. At this point in time, the investigation does not include any information or statement from the pilot, Mr. Orders (an HPAC accident report has not been received).

The inspection of equipment and the review of evidence have eliminated any possibility of equipment failure.
The equipment was found to be in good to excellent condition and well suited for tandem hang gliding instruction.
1. It wasn't being used for tandem INSTRUCTION. It was being used for tourist rides.
2. You assholes are no way in hell qualified to be running either - and never will be.
All suspension straps and connecting devices were found to be without defect and in good working order.
Backup loops and carabiner locking mechanisms all up to snuff?
Weather conditions do not appear to have been a contributing factor.
And here I was thinking she might have been sucked out of the glider by an invisible dust devil.
The investigation concluded that the passenger's harness was not connected to the glider on takeoff.
Are you sure? Don't hesitate to take another month or two if you feel you need some more time.
The required "hang-check" (or any other suitable method of harness/glider connection test) was not performed prior to the pilot committing to take off.
1. It's physically impossible to perform a hang check JUST prior to the pilot committing to takeoff.

- At the very least people have gotta rotate to upright and pick up and trim the glider.

- And you assholes bloody well know that the procedure everybody was using at Woodside was to do the stupid goddam hang check in the staging area then get in line.

2. WHAT other suitable method of harness/glider connection test?
- Wasn't there enough space available in this report anything to be described?
- Are there any people - who haven't ever come close to launching unhooked - who feel that hang checks are counterproductive?
The failure to ensure the connection of the passenger to the glider and failure to perform a thorough pre-launch readiness assessment suggests compounding incidents of pilot error.
No shit.
The investigation determined that these critical steps were included in the HPAC Tandem Course re-certification taken by Mr. Orders in March 2012, only a few weeks prior to this incident.
Whoa! Just THREE WEEKS earlier you told Jon to always do hang checks in the staging area and impressed upon him the seriousness of unhooked launches. And he launched with an unhooked passenger anyway. Hard to imagine how something like this could happen with that training so fresh in his mind.
The investigation was unable to determine the reason for the omission of the critical pre-launch safety checks.
Absolutely amazing that a human being forgot to do something in this day and age. Most of that kinda bullshit went out with the Bronze Age.
A review of the events leading up to takeoff suggests that there were multiple distractions that may have resulted in a breakdown of standard operating procedures.
Yeah, I'll bet something like that could do it. If only that possibility had been considered before and someone had developed some kind of procedure to deal with it. Maybe a routine of verification within several seconds of launch would help a bit.
On the day of the accident, Mr. Orders had two passengers booked for a tandem flight. These two passengers knew each other (boyfriend/girlfriend).
Yeah. Thanks. We read the papers.
To accommodate the two passengers Mr. Orders employed a tandem instructor, Mr. Shaun Wallace, an Australian national with substantial tandem experience...
No Jim Keen-Intellect Rooney, to be sure, but nevertheless...
...and a second glider to accommodate the second passenger.
Was Shaun too preoccupied with his own glider to beat the shit out of Jon for allowing Lenami to get into her harness when it wasn't connected to the glider?
According to launch witness statements, the two pilot instructors appeared to deal with the two tandems as a team. Both pilot instructors assisted in preparation for the multiple launches. While Mr. Orders readied for launch, Mr. Wallace was in the immediate area and would have been present and available to assist in a hang check procedure.

Mr. Wallace participated in several actions associated with the operation of Mr. Orders' tandem, including delivering the passenger to Mr. Orders, the activation of Mr. Orders' video camera, and remaining directly behind the glider during the launch process.

Mr. Orders, as Pilot In Command, was solely responsible for the safety of his passenger.
Right. We certainly wouldn't wanna look to closely at the dickheads who wrote the procedures and trained and certified him. You guys obviously have no responsibility for this one whatsoever.
The unusual aspect of a second pilot instructor being present for the event makes it is difficult to understand how the multiple phases of the pre-flight where missed by both pilots, and how the hang check was not performed.
What was Mr. Wallace's reaction to seeing Mr. Orders commencing his launch run with no indication of having verified the connections within the previous five seconds?
The investigation concludes that the dynamics of multiple passengers and instructors may be the key to understanding why the critical pre-launch procedures were not performed.
Well there ya go then. Just write an SOP prohibiting multiple passengers and instructors and the associated dynamics.
Until such time that a statement from Mr. Orders is made available, the investigation assumes that pilot distraction resulted in a failure to perform recommended standardized safety procedures, resulting in the death of the passenger, Lenami Godinez-Avila.
George Whitehill - 1981/05

In many flying situations a hang check is performed and then is followed by a time interval prior to actual launch. In this time interval the pilot may unconsciously unhook to adjust or check something and then forget to hook in again. This has happened many times!

If, just before committing to a launch, a second check is done every time and this is made a habit, this tragic mistake could be eliminated. Habit is the key word here. This practice must be subconscious on the part of the pilot. As we know, there are many things on the pilot's mind before launch. Especially in a competition or if conditions are radical the flyer may be thinking about so many other things that something as simple as remembering to hook in is forgotten. Relying on memory won't work as well as a deeply ingrained subconscious habit.

In the new USHGA rating system, for each flight of each task "the pilot must demonstrate a method of establishing that he/she is hooked in, just prior to launch." The purpose here is obvious.
Who'da thunk!
The investigation advises that recommendations will follow at a later date.
1. Well, it's been eleven and a half months now. How are y'all comin' on those? Or is this just some bullshit you're tossing out to the media to give people the impression you're actually doing something while, in fact, you've continued to run the show EXACTLY as you were at noon on 2012/04/28?

2. If Mr. Orders, as Pilot In Command, was solely responsible for the safety of his passenger and was properly trained and qualified by HPAC then - unless these recommendations that are supposed to follow at a later date are to keep on doing things EXACTLY as they were at noon on 2012/04/28 - why are you talking about recommendations to follow at a later date? Any chance these recommendations are never gonna follow 'cause:
- anything you could possibly recommend would've been recommended decades earlier and totally ignored by you assholes
- making recommendations would be an admission by HPAC that Mr. Orders was NOT solely responsible for that fatality
- you've already got your fall guy and why mess with success
Accident Statement prepared by:
Martin Henry
HPAC Accident Investigator
Media Contact:
Margit Nance
Executive Director
Go fuck yourselves.
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Re: You are NEVER hooked in.

Post by deltaman »

Norbert Jungo, died in July 2013

Launch: Niederhorn/Interlaken (Swiss). Ramp above 150m cliff.
Wind: 5-10km/h slightly crosswind, sometimes right face.
Atos VR, flaps setting ok
Pilot well hooked: carabiner, harness buckles, leg loops.

Just after the first step he cried 'no, no, no' and attempted to stop his run with no explanation for witnesses. He had no speed at the end of the ramp and fell.
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Tad Eareckson
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Re: You are NEVER hooked in.

Post by Tad Eareckson »

My first reaction was that this should be in the "launching" thread. But...

- He died as a consequence of trying NOT to launch.

- The absolute best reason one would have to try not to launch would be a belief or fear that he was not hooked in.

- A belief or fear that one is not hooked in is the single most valuable arrow one can have in his foot launch safety quiver - BEFORE one moves a foot. But not so much after.

- In this case...

-- The glider was converted to just another falling object and it made no difference whether or not he was hooked into it.

-- His chances of survival would've been a lot better executing a proper launch unhooked than they proved to be with the attempt to abort the launch properly connected and secured.

The assumption that he attempted to abort because he either believed of feared that he wasn't hooked in is a pretty damn good one because we have no report from witnesses of either the glider being out of trim (pitch, roll) or a problematic wind shift.

If he either believed of feared that he wasn't hooked in after moving a foot it's a no brainer that he failed to do anything to verify his connection within the previous five seconds. (It's almost a no brainer that he failed to do anything to verify his connection within the previous five seconds because it's almost impossible to find a video of someone doing something to verify his connection within the five seconds prior to launch.)

I think a pretty good case can be made that Norbert died because he had no routine of doing a hook-in check - and he's almost certainly the first person in the history of hang gliding to die as a consequence of having no routine of doing a hook-in check who was actually safely hooked into his glider.
Steve Davy
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Re: You are NEVER hooked in.

Post by Steve Davy »

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Tad Eareckson
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Re: You are NEVER hooked in.

Post by Tad Eareckson »
Scary moment at Funston
piano_man - 2013/08/13 02:23:04 UTC

Matt Taber summed it all up pretty good in three words as far as launching safely. This includes preflight, hang (or weight bearing) check, balance the wings, right attitude, hook-in check, etc. He said to "Manage the wing".
- Yeah, hook-in check, et cetera. Et cetera being chin strap, vario, VG, camera, what the fuck ever. You've already done the hang (or weight bearing) check just behind the ramp so you KNOW you're hooked in - you've covered the biggie - and now you can toy around with all the fine tuning and trivial crap.

- You find me ONE:

-- video of someone doing anything remotely resembling a deliberate hook-in check (tight suspension in a higher wind launch doesn't count) at the Lookout training hills or ramp, Henson, or Whitwell

-- person from that whole rotten Lookout sphere of influence who isn't rabidly opposed to hook-in checks and people who advocate them

- The hang (or weight bearing) check doesn't reduce the chances of un or improperly hooked launches - it does the precise opposite.
So for me, number one task to take flight is to launch safely.
For me the Number One task is verify my connection within two seconds of launch. If I'm on the Lookout ramp and have a choice between:

Hang Gliding Fail
andyh0p - 2011/04/24 - dead
03-0325 - 06-0511
18-0919 - 21-1025

guess which one I'm gonna pick.
This I strive to do in two steps. Manage the wing then FLY AWAY FROM THE MOUNTAIN.
At which time you'll be doing the hook-in check you skipped three seconds ago.
piano_man - 2013/08/13 03:02:04 UTC

I agree with NMERider and others about the dangers of rushing. Although I did not "witness" the launch itself, I was present attending to my wing when Bill Priday launched unhooked at Whitwell.
Bill Priday launching unhooked at Whitwell wasn't the problem. The problem was that his douchebag instructor, observers, and "buddies" never taught him to do, required, insisted on, expected, looked for a hook-in check. Launching unhooked was just a symptom of the problem.
I am convinced that rushing was a huge factor.
And you're totally full of shit.

- He WAS nervous but he wasn't rushing and there was nothing to RUSH FOR at that time.

- There is NO CORRELATION between rushing and unhooked launches...
Failure to hook in.
Bille Floyd - 2011/10/27 16:59:26 UTC

The day i crashed on that Foot launched TOW; i had hooked into the tow bridle And the hang loop for the harness.
the wind died, and Stayed dead for 10 min.
So i unhooked from the glider and sat on the bace-tube, but left the Bridle attached.
...and rushing. Unhooked launches occur in all circumstances and in all states of mind. 'Cept one - fear of launching unhooked within five seconds of commitment.
As a flying buddy said to me, Bill Priday gave us all a departing first hand lesson (a gift really) about what will happen if you launch unhooked - you probably won't make it.
- Like we needed another example.

- BULLSHIT. The ratio of inconsequential and survived to fatal unhooked launches is probably something in the ballpark of ten to one. (Of course you're not gonna get odds like that at the Lookout, Henson, and Whitwell ramps.)
Yea, flying is fun, we who fly all know that, but it's serious shit too.
And - as far as things you can easily do something about - it's NEVER more serious shit than two seconds prior to a foot launched flight.
Don't ever forget that. If you lose focus and allow yourself to be rushed hopefully red flags are going to cause you to back off, take five and regroup.

-- I one hundred percent guarantee you that Bill Priday was focused like a laser beam two seconds before he said clear. But he was focused on wings level and nose low and a good hard run - just like all the total assholes on his crew and watching him. He needed to be scared of the major threat - and that doesn't require any focus, just an IQ in the mid double digits or up.

-- Pilots are HUMAN. Humans are, by definition, incapable of staying focused - especially around gliders. Thus, obviously, any critical operation in flying that's dependent on focus eventually WILL fail - and fail spectacularly.

-- Focus is BAD thing. A lot of people have needed to be removed from fields in really bad shape because they were intensely focused on making sure all of their bolts were safetied during preflight, they were well set up for the traffic cone in the middle of the LZ on approach, and had their hands properly positioned on the downtubes for a crisp flare but weren't unfocused enough to question why they were trying to use a crisp flare to land on a traffic cone in the middle of the LZ.

- And fuck HOPEFULLY, too. Hopefully totally sucks in aviation and I don't do it.

- And you explain to me why:
-- if Matt and his instructors have been doing such a bang-up job of teaching people all about the hook-in check et cetera:
--- nobody:
---- present:
----- was looking for a hook-in check et cetera at launch
----- commented on the absence of a hook-in check et cetera after the plummet
---- from Matt's training program discussed the missed hook-in check et cetera that precipitated the plummet
--- the official report and USHGA hang check video made no mention of the hook-in check et cetera
-- Bill's death didn't merit a single public comment from Matt Taber - just like it didn't merit a single public comment from the asshole who signed him off
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Tad Eareckson
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Re: You are NEVER hooked in.

Post by Tad Eareckson »
Failure to hook in
Robert Burgis (BudRob) - 2013/08/22 16:52:39 UTC

Yesterday I launched unhooked from the Kagel launch.
Failure to hook in

I have SO been waiting/praying for a good unhooked launch from Kagel!
I fared much better than the glider did with only a bruised left hand and wrist. I don't think anything is broken but I might get an x-ray if the swelling and bruising gets worse. The glider, although repairable, is trashed with a broken leading edge and keel along with lots of other smaller damage. I consider it "spare parts" for the new one I ordered a few hours after its demise.
Glad you're OK, sorry 'bout your glider. I wanted somebody to launch unhooked but I'd hate to waste a serious injury or fatality on some generic idiot who - to my knowledge anyway - hasn't shot his mouth off a whole lot to date.
My routine is to hook in before going to launch and then check my hook in by turning around and looking at it or asking a wire person to check for me.
Then, from that point on, assume you're hooked in until you run off the mountain. Can't begin to imagine why your routine failed you this time.
In this case I didn't do either one...
Failure to hook in.
Christian Williams - 2011/10/25 03:59:58 UTC

What's more, I believe that all hooked-in checks prior to the last one before takeoff are a waste of time, not to say dangerous, because they build a sense of security which should not be built more than one instant before commitment to flight.
...what? head was thinking beyond launch, taking it completely for granted.
It wasn't the instant prior to your foot moving. Your head was totally wired into:
- ensuring your:
-- wings were level
-- pitch was set
-- air was good
-- traffic was clear
- skipping the hook-in check
- accelerating quickly and smoothly
Bottom line is that no flight should be treated as "routine"...
Yeah, that'll work. Just keep telling people that over and over.
...and that a hook in check of some sort should be taken seriously each and every time you fly.
You don't do hook-in checks. You've never done one once in the course of your entire thirty year career. You have no fuckin' clue what a hook-in check is. You do preflight checks and call them hook-in checks.
Complacency is the root cause of this accident...
BULL FUCKING SHIT. NOBODY is EVER complacent running a hang glider off a mountain. You were totally wired into and focused on getting a safe launch. The ROOT - and ONLY - cause of your "ACCIDENT" is that somewhere around 0.00 percent of you Southern California douchebags has ever once in his idiot life done a hook-in check.
...and I only hope that others will learn from my expensive lesson.
Sure they will. Same way they learned from Gregory Jones' unhooked launch at Towers on 2012/06/29 - a little shy of fourteen months ago. Great wake-up call. And I certainly hope that more of you guys will start using those little red "FOCUSED PILOT" rubber wristbands from USHGA.
Robert Burgis - 19109 - H4 - 1976/12/04 - KATZ - AT FL AWCL CL TUR XC
Steve D - 2012/10/25 06:23:16 UTC

An article by Tad Eareckson:
Mike Blankenhorn - 2012/10/26 02:39:07 UTC

Wow, I never saw it put quite like that before. Great write up!
[TIL] About Tad Eareckson
Orion Price - 2013/03/16 17:56:25 UTC

People ask me: "OP, why must you troll the trolls?"

After watching this video:

Tad Eareckson says:
Go fuck yourselves:
- Paul Voight - Fly High Hang Gliding
- Sylmar Hang Gliding Association
- Joe Greblo - Windsports Soaring Center
- The Crestline Soaring Society
- Rob McKenzie - High Adventure
So in effect my effort is a preemptive ban. The crack pot has been banned from most every arena of discourse on hang gliding. Now he is also known to our group as an incredible idiot on the subject of hang gliding.

In place of debunking the scientifically illiterate and religiously motivated Tad. I've started a free weak link testing endeavor. Send me your links and i will test them free of charge.

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Tad Eareckson
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Re: You are NEVER hooked in.

Post by Tad Eareckson »
Failure to hook in
Steve Murillo - 2013/08/22 17:09:00 UTC
Manhattan Beach, California

Rob, first off, very glad you are OK.

Secondly, thanks for posting this. This highlights the fact that a failure to hook in can happen to ANY ONE OF US...
If by "US" you mean you halfwitted Southern California hook-in check phobic douchebags... Goddam right - and GOOD.
...if we do not consciously perform that task each and every time.
Which task?
- hooking in before going to launch?
- check your hook-in by turning around and looking at it?
- asking a wire person to check for you?

Keep doing the same thing over and over for a few more decades. I have absolutely no doubt whatsoever that you'll eventually get better results.
Personally, I vow to re-double my efforts and make sure I perform a "Hook In!" check each and every time, no matter the circumstances.
Just as long as those circumstances don't occur within the final two to five seconds prior to commitment to launch.
Again, glad you are OK. See you at the Pool Party!
And DO try to rekindle some interest in selecting a really good...
Looking for a Safety Mascot

...SHGA safety mascot. And maybe you can come up with an international orange "HANG CHECK!" rubber band for the other wrist - asshole.
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Tad Eareckson
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Re: You are NEVER hooked in.

Post by Tad Eareckson »
Failure to hook in
Gregory Jones (jonesy) - 2013/08/22 19:42:46 UTC

Wow, sounds familiar.
No shit, dude.
Stoked you're okay man!
Now get yourself a new glider and keep doing the same thing - but BETTER!
NMERider - 2013/08/22 21:28:11 UTC

My camera was off when i saw the incident as I was just starting to cross from the end of the ridge to Trash. This is all I could get from 200' below launch as I crossed.
Keep that camera running, Jonathan. There's a lot of really awesome shit happening in y'all's neck of the woods.
Xander - 2013/08/22 21:51:20 UTC

Thanks for posting. Sorry to hear that the glider is trashed, but really glad you came out of it without too much harm. Hook in, knucklehead. :)
You tell 'em, Xander. And tell him to make sure that gun's not loaded before he starts pointing it at people's heads and squeezing the trigger.
Greg Angsten - 013/08/22 22:08:34 UTC

hook in
Greg Angsten - 70779 - H4 - 2004/04/18 - Joseph Szalai - AT FL FSL RLF TUR
We know. If you don't hook in before launch you have a strong possibility of launching unhooked.
Wow, you are beating yourself up lately. Very sorry about the glider but we all know how much worse it could have been.
Bullshit. If you assholes REALLY knew how bad it could be you'd have figured out that you need to do something different from the bullshit that Greblo and McKenzie are passing off as instruction.
Even though it just starts an argument, I'm going to say it anyway. Hook the harness in in setup and then check it in preflight. Then NEVER unhook from the glider with your harness on. It won't prevent forgetting leg loops but it will prevent this.
It ABSOLUTELY WILL NOT. It will just create a climate in which everyone is even MORE likely to assume that...
Hang Gliding Fail
andyh0p - 2011/04/24 - dead
03-0325 - 06-0511
18-0919 - 21-1025

...everyone is hooked in within two to five seconds of launch.
Marshall Robin - 2013/08/22 22:24:10 UTC

I'm glad you made it out relatively unscathed, Rob.
Me too! If he had been seriously fucked up or killed you assholes...
Marshall Robin - 67441 - H3 - 2012/08/25 - Joe Greblo - FL 360 TUR
...might take this issue seriously enough to properly address it. And that would diminish my chances of getting more...

...entertaining videos.
Definitely a sobering reminder to take no part of your launch routine for granted.
Until you're within two to five seconds of launch. Then it's a no brainer that everyone's hooked in.
Glenn Smith - 2013/08/22 22:53:59 UTC
Glenn Smith - 76433 - H4 - 2007/08/05 - Andrew Beem - AT FL AWCL CL RLF TUR XC
I know it says "Hook In" right at launch...


That's the main reason I wanted one at Kagel.
...but maybe we need it in braille too.
Maybe you need to read the fuckin' 32 year old USHGA SOPs...
With each flight, demonstrates a method of establishing that the pilot is hooked in just prior to launch.
Glad you're alright.
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Tad Eareckson
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Re: You are NEVER hooked in.

Post by Tad Eareckson »
Failure to hook in
David Van Noppen - 2013/08/23 01:13:43 UTC
David Van Noppen - 39017 - H4 - 2004/06/20 - Steven Prepost - AT FL AWCL CL FSL RLF TUR XC
Damn Rob. Glad you weren't launching at Glacier point .
There's no fuckin' way anybody's gonna launch unhooked at Glacier Point.

It's against regs... well as certifiably insane - to approach launch position hooked in. Thus nobody's assuming anybody's hooked in and checked prior to reaching launch position - the way all you Southern California assholes ALWAYS do EVERYWHERE you fly.
did your glider hit the bush that saved my ass?
Who gives a rat's ass? For the purpose of the exercise he was dead when he skipped the hook-in check - completely regardless of whether or not he was actually hooked in.
I guess this means I can come to your poOl party early as I have commitments later that day. Glad your still with us so we can watch those stellar landings.
Yeah, let's focus on those stellar foot landings with which all you assholes are so obsessed.

And make sure you read Jim Keen-Intellect...
The Press - 2006/03/15

The Civil Aviation Authority (CAA) is urgently pushing for new hang-gliding industry standards after learning a hang-gliding pilot who suffered serious injuries in a crash three weeks ago had not clipped himself on to the glider.

Extreme Air tandem gliding pilot James (Jim) Rooney safely clipped his passenger into the glider before departing from the Coronet Peak launch site, near Queenstown, CAA sports and recreation manager Rex Kenny said yesterday.

However, he took off without attaching himself.

In a video, he was seen to hold on to the glider for about fifty meters before hitting power lines.

Rooney and the passenger fell about fifteen meters to the ground.
...Rooney's definitive series on the issue. He's a professional pilot and really knows what he's doing.

Hey Joe Greblo... Bob Kuczewski... This one isn't important enough to be worthy of your comments?
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Tad Eareckson
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Re: You are NEVER hooked in.

Post by Tad Eareckson »
Failure to hook in
Alexey Gagarin (Dizzy) - 2013/08/23 07:43:19 UTC
Los Angeles

Glad you ok Rob. Could you share more details what happened after you realize that you unhooked? Just let it go and fell or did you steer into the hill side?
Yeah Sylmar people. Let's have a BIG discussion about what to do in those so very critical few seconds AFTER you launch unhooked.

And everybody do your best to stay current on emergency response, search and rescue, first aid, CPR... for those so very critical minutes after those so very critical few seconds after one of your buddies launches unhooked.
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