The Bob Show

General discussion about the sport of hang gliding
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Re: The Bob Show

Post by TheFjordflier »

I'm glad you finally dealt with this individual. There are at least a couple more of his kind on the world's two largest hang glider sites :evil:
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Tad Eareckson
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Re: The Bob Show

Post by Tad Eareckson »

I'm glad you finally dealt with this individual.
Thanks, but that motherfu-, sorry, INDIVIDUAL, hasn't been finally dealt with. Still has a strong pulse - to date 47 Davis Show posts subsequent to that one. And still...
Bringing in the NTSB
Doug Marley - 2020/07/03 22:40:08 UTC

So many frightened little 'twats' here. Have many of you not been listening to reports of labs providing false positives for too many cases? Have you not been aware that hospital administrators are starving for money to keep their employees and hospitals in business? The administrators are receiving tens of thousands of dollars per patient that they proclaim as being infected. It makes sense that these hospitals are trying to stay afloat financially when the governors are telling them they can't accept patients for other ailments. AOC publicly announced that it is the goal of the dnc to continue this plandemic as long as it takes to kill Trump's re-election.
The virus is mostly dead at this time, just like the previous year's flue virus. Any virologist who is not linked to the dnc will tell you all this social-distancing, etc, is not needed and is utter nonsense. You people have been listening too much to the fake news coming from the dnc and msm. Start acting like the strong Americans that you are rather than pathetic, weak, feeble-minded pansies.
Col Rushton - 2020/07/03 22:41:07 UTC

Change the word epidemic for climate change or inhumanity or ... if we stay being kept divided, the status quo / likelihood of "disaster" is guaranteed... Education requires people to have an open mind :roll:
...has never in the course of his miserable existence been the slightest bit wrong about anything.

Yeah Doug, I AM a frightened little twat - but definitely not THERE.

I'm not PERSONALLY frightened of the virus all that much. I'm pretty safely isolated most of the time and mask and distance protected when I'm not. But I know what it's doing to billions of less fortunate individuals and take no joy in that.

Asterisk. Maskless Trump rallies, Darwin Effect... (Yeah Doug. Please DO continue acting like the strong American that you are...
Poll on weaklinks
Brad Gryder - 2013/02/21 23:25:31 UTC

There's also a way to swing your body way outside the control frame so it stays up there while you reach out with one hand and release. Come on - do some pushups this winter. :roll: See if you can advance up to some one-arm pushups.
...rather than like us pathetic, weak, feeble-minded pansies.)

What's going on with the human population explosion, global warming, melting ice caps, deforestation, ecosystems collapses, mass extinction, oceans filling up with plastic garbage... Yeah. I'm TERRIFIED. I'm scared, depressed, hopeless, overwhelmed CONSTANTLY.

You fuckin' assholes...

- It's not getting warmer - the ice caps are expanding and we're heading into another ice age. We'll need more rifles in Chicago to handle coming Polar Bear invasion.

- It's warming to a miniscule degree but this is just a minor natural fluctuation and things will swing back in two or three years.

- The total incineration of thousands of square miles of overheated drought stressed forests makes them healthier. Ditto for all the associated wildlife and humans that get trapped in the process.

- Highest CO2 levels in three million years... The most minimal changes within human-kind's existence. Nothing remains the same for very long.
Doug Doerfler - 2015/09/21 23:37 UTC

Did you notice the moron in the video rubs his wire on a big rock when he steps on it, then the second time actually comments to make sure the rock isn't sharp

abrasion on a flat rock can still be pretty bad for wires
Brian Scharp - 2015/09/23 00:10 UTC

No. What I saw was a deliberate demonstration that - with a little care - the test can be done with no rock contact even in that setting.
No retraction, apology... What kind of civilized society tolerates crap like this?
There are at least a couple more of his kind on the world's two largest hang glider sites :evil:
- At least a couple more of his kind? I'm hoping that there are a couple who aren't.

- What's with the apostrophe in "world's"?

- It's getting so there's not much difference between the world's largest and the world's smallest. Kite Strings is often way more active than major club sites like Capitol and Sylmar. And Bob - who never had any actual there there - is down to a rotted out Ponzi scheme.
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Tad Eareckson
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Re: The Bob Show

Post by Tad Eareckson »
President Trump
Bob Kuczewski - 2020/10/03 06:04:34 UTC

Best wishes for a full and speedy recovery to President Trump.
I share your concern, Bob. And I'm praying that Walter Reed has maintained a reserve of bleach adequate to deal with this sudden unforeseeable crisis and get things back on track in time for the next scheduled debate. If not I have a couple gallons I've managed to horde that I'd be more than happy to donate to this worthy cause.
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Re: The Bob Show

Post by Tad Eareckson »
Is Tiki serious?
Bob Kuczewski - 2020/10/07 15:30:39 UTC
Tiki Mashy Running for the USHPA BOD
Tiki Mashy - 2020/10/06 16:31:41 UTC
Actions speak louder than words Tiki. You voted to expel a member whose only "crime" was testifying to the truth about an out-of-control business. You didn't speak up when it wasn't your own business on the line. So why should we believe you now?
Yeah Bob, I was thinking along those lines myself. 'Cept the bitch didn't just not speak up - she cast her stone. (Yeah, I was listening.)
Having said all of that, people can change their perspectives over time. Maybe having her own ox gored has opened her eyes. Time will tell ...
Don't hold your breath. The sport's imploding - after decades or reverse evolution. NOTHING will turn that around. And that nothing most assuredly includes...
Frequently Asked Questions
Bob Kuczewski - 2010/08/13-2020/10/07

Is there a Board of Directors for the US Hawks?
Not yet. The HGAA's early problems arose because different people wanted to take the organization in different directions. That created power stuggles which cost the HGAA some of its early leadership. For now, I'm going to take the US Hawks in the direction that I believe is right. If people want to go along, then they're welcome. If not, there are at least two other alternatives. :)
And please don't ever forget your effort to get Dennis Pagen to talk to me to get me back under u$hPa control in order for them to be able to harness my energy. Also your alliance with the worlds largest coffee shop owner to establish a previous alternative association.
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Re: The Bob Show

Post by Tad Eareckson »
Jack Axaopoulos accuses Bob Kuczewski of Voter Fraud
Bob Kuczewski - 2018/11/16 06:02:18 UTC

It's been over 8 years now since Jack Axaopoulos rigged the HGAA election. That organization soon failed under Jack's oppression, and it's been dead ever since.
And whom else do we know who's been screaming "voter fraud" pretty much nonstop - in this other case for a bit over two weeks now? Hell, that motherfucker months before the election had told the planet that the only way he'd be able to lose the election would be through massive voter fraud. How strange it is that an individual in your position and with your background would have zero comment on the issue.

Or are you just holding your fire until some actual evidence of voter fraud is produced? Maybe you should shift your focus to voter suppression. What with you're expertise in the field seems like that would be a no-brainer.
President Trump
Bob Kuczewski - 2020/10/03 06:04:34 UTC

Best wishes for a full and speedy recovery to President Trump.
A month before the fraudulent election in which about eighty million of us fraudulent voters expressed a desire to put an end to this global horror show.

And while the whole planet has been talking about this lying sociopathic mega piece o' shit and the election pretty much nonstop this autumn we haven't heard a single peep from whom I'd say is his most prominent publicly identified supporter in the sport.
[TIL] About Tad Eareckson
Bob Kuczewski - 2013/03/10 18:20:34 UTC

Eventually (and for reasons that I won't full disclose here), it became necessary to ask Tad to leave the US Hawks forum, and he is currently the only person who's been completely banned from the US Hawks.
And do allow me to reiterate what an honor and privilege it was to have made it necessary for Emperor Bob to ask Tad to leave the US Hawks forum and have been the only person who'd been completely banned from the US Hawks - in your total farce of a process with the complicity of your total farce of a Board of Directors.

And don't forget to Fire Fauci while you're at it.
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Re: The Bob Show

Post by Tad Eareckson »

Hey Bob...
President Trump
Bob Kuczewski - 2016/11/09 07:54:02 UTC

Make America Great Again
You and your fellow Nazi pieces o' shit have a lot to answer for.
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Re: The Bob Show

Post by <BS> »
Washington has not changed Donald Trump.

Donald Trump has changed Washington.
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Re: The Bob Show

Post by Tad Eareckson »

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Re: The Bob Show

Post by Tad Eareckson »
President Trump
Bob Kuczewski - 2021/01/08 18:45:59 UTC

I missed a good portion of President Trump's live speech on January 6, 2021. But I just watched the entire speech here:
LIVE: Trump Delivers Remarks at the 'Save America Rally' in Washington, D.C.

President Trump made several mentions of walking down to the Capitol. The most explicit reference was this passage:
I know that everyone here will soon be marching over to the Capitol building to peacefully and patriotically make your voices heard. Today we will see whether Republicans stand strong for integrity of our elections.
But I did not see any place where he incited anyone to violence or to any illegal activity.

There was no excuse for the lawless behavior of the rioters. But I also haven't seen anywhere that President Trump has called for or incited any of those illegal actions.
That piece o' shit can't compose three sentences containing fewer than fifteen outrageous lies. He incited a violent mob to stage a lethal attack on the US Capitol in an attempt to overturn a national election he lost by over seven million popular votes. He needs to be impeached, convicted, neutralized, arrested, tried and convicted for treason, spend the rest of his life behind bars at a minimum.

But go ahead, Bob. Keep standing by your man while most of his close associates and former enablers are tripping all over each other jumping ship. People really admire the quality of unwavering loyalty you're exhibiting so doggedly.
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Re: The Bob Show

Post by Tad Eareckson »
President Trump
Bob Kuczewski - 2021/01/08 18:45:59 UTC

But I did not see any place where he incited anyone to violence or to any illegal activity.

There was no excuse for the lawless behavior of the rioters. But I also haven't seen anywhere that President Trump has called for or incited any of those illegal actions.
Ya know sumpin' else nobody's seen or heard any evidence of? Your Motherfucker In Chief buddy making the slightest effort to call off the attack on the Capitol he launched from the Ellipse at 13:00 until well over three hours later. Prior to 16:22 he was just requesting his fascist thugs to "REMAIN PEACEFUL", to just keep on exercising their First Amendment rights to protest the certification of this stolen election - just as they have been the past couple hours.

And if you find a few spare moments after catching up managing all the heavy activity almost constantly overwhelming your alternate national hang gliding association please point out some of the more important distinctions between your favorite US President and David Jebb.
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