The Bob Show

General discussion about the sport of hang gliding
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Tad Eareckson
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Re: The Bob Show

Post by Tad Eareckson »

Ya know, Bob...


It's really hard to find a photo of you on a glider not smiling and waving at the camera...

Image show everybody what a really great, friendly, welcoming guy you really are. And I'm pretty sure it's totally impossible to find a photo of anybody else doing it.

There's a pretty good rule that the more face one sees in an avatar shot the more likely it is that one's dealing with a total sleazebag. Most of the people who have some measurable degree of legitimacy in these sports don't want their avatar shots to be about THEM personally. They want them to a be about their wing and/or some relevant issue in which they take pride.

My avatar shot:

That's under a direct load of 400 hundred pounds and can be blown with a 19.6 pound pull (20.4 load to actuation ratio). I was proud of the developments I made in aerotowing equipment and ASSUMED they'd just be naturally be incorporated and replace all the cheap stupid bent pin crap in global circulation. I never dreamt for a nanosecond that there'd be crud like Rooney, Davis, Matt, Bob around everywhere to do nothing but piss all over all my efforts and me.
Continuing Saga of Weak Link and Release Mechanism Failures
Warren Narron - 2012/03/06 02:26:04 UTC

Tad, used to post about as nice as anyone, and nicer than some. Remember?

Blowback... You put in a thousand plus hour$, tooling, te$ting and documenting safety issues for the masses and have it ignored and suppressed by people, for whatever reason, and you would get testy too.
You're fairly snarky as it is, and you haven't done the work...

And you may be correct about the footnote... but today's footnotes are now hyperlinks...

There is a good chance that from now on, for every incident and fatality caused by insufficient weaklinks or sub-standard release mechanisms, a hyperlink trail will lead back to ... where all the evidence can be found.

A further link could then go to a list of all the people and the role they played in the suppression of those safety issues...
Who would like to be on that list?
How many are already on it?
(I kinda like this one:


too. Got a chance to make sure nothing bad happened on a really remarkable day and pulled it off.


And didn't need, want, have my face plastered over anything either.

And you can have this one:
AL's Flight At Packsaddle 10-04-11
Terry Mason - 2011/12/01 19:55:00 UTC

Those of us who prefer to fly, will always wonder about the key board jocks, who frighten away new flyers with skitzoid horror stories of murder, and at the hands of friends who only wish to share the incomparable thrill of free flight. I'm reminded of Jonathan Livingston Seagull, striving against the ever present obstructionists. Thanks to Sam for limiting Our forum to FLYERS. See you soon Bob

Bob. That could be seen coming from miles away. (Granted though, not the kind of threat represented by paragliding instructors demonstrating kiting minus helmets at Torrey.))

Even lying know-it-all crud like Ryan. Ya gotta admit that he's a skilled aerobatics flyer and produces quality video. His Jack Show avatar is something on the order of:


It's not about who he is. It's about what he can do with a high performance glider and a camera.

But keep smiling and waving. Waving with one hand while you fly the glider with the other or have Malcolm fly the glider for you. I have no doubt that you'll continue drawing in some of the kind of people you want to draw in. And you're more than welcome to them.

I'll be posting this as close as I can manage to exactly a decade after your opening shot - 2010/08/13 21:40:09 UTC. There haven't been any celebration fireworks going off on The Bob Show beyond your post and won't be prior to the PDT calendar kicking over to tomorrow. Probably won't be anything here either when Kite Strings hits ten at 2020/11/23 05:23:34 UTC but that's not really anything we were shooting for anyway. And I can promise you there bloody well won't be any: Images.
P.S. - 2020/08/13 21:45:00 UTC

Totally nailed it.
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Tad Eareckson
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Re: The Bob Show

Post by Tad Eareckson »
US Hawks Hang Gliding Association
Bob Kuczewski - 2010/10/13 18:23:24 UTC

Building the US Hawks
Roll up your sleeves, leave your ego at the door...
Sure Bob. You have enough ego in the tip of your left little finger to power the US Hawks for the next ten thousand years. If we added half an ounce of anybody else's ego we'd hit critical mass and when the mushroom cloud cleared we'd be lucky to find a surviving cockroach within a three hundred mile radius of ground zero.
Frequently Asked Questions
Why do we need another organization?
The need for choice on the national level has been clear for some time. The HGAA, for example, was originally formed to be more of a grass roots organization than USHPA. However, it was quickly overtaken by those who again concentrated power and shunned opposing viewpoints.
Solved that problem. One vastly superior human concentrating total power in himself so he could welcome opposing viewpoints as much or little as he felt like.
So the US Hawks was formed to provide yet another alternative.
- The way Stalin was yet another alternative to Hitler - 'specially for the Poles.
- Formed by whom, Bob? Name one of the "Several Others" who contributed a punctuation mark to the establishment of The Bob Show.
Complaints about Tad
Rick Masters - 2015/01/16 19:59:15 UTC

He has concerns about people trying to muck up the forum, but he has also dealt effectively with Tad.
Also dealt effectively with Rick. Final Rick Masters post:
Joe's reinstatement in effort
Rick Masters - 2019/01/01 03:23:38 UTC
Is there a Board of Directors for the US Hawks?
For now, I'm going to take the US Hawks in the direction that I believe is right. If people want to go along, then they're welcome. If not, there are at least two other alternatives. :)
Another way of saying that while opposing viewpoints may be TOLERATED (for a while anyway), they will FOR NOW have ZERO influence on Emperor Bob's BELIEFS about what is right. So at this point we know that "now" is defined as the period between 2010/08/13 21:40:09 UTC and 2020/08/15 14:53:38 UTC and nothing within this now period has altered Emperor Bob's Beliefs a punctuation mark's worth. And the most important, fundamental, central element of Emperor Bob's Beliefs is that he's a being so vastly superior to any other individual in US hang gliding that it would be totally absurd for him to even think about sharing - let alone handing over - any reins of power.

Kite Strings...

None of this forum had shit to do with my or anyone else's BELIEFS. Donnell Hewett was an incompetent egomaniacal lunatic.
Donnell Hewett - 1982/09

In addition to the above mentioned roll and yaw tendancies, there is some sideways force on the pilot due to the body line. This is illustrated below:


As can be seen, this sideways force tends to pull the pilot over to the correct side to make the glider turn naturally in the proper direction.
That glider WILL roll to PORT - regardless of his beliefs or opinions.

Tost weaklinks didn't need his personal flight testing to be able to blow at their ratings plus or minus ten percent.

A rope break or premature release never stopped being the greatest danger to a towed hang glider when he pronounced it to be a towed hang glider's only real hope for survival for more than two or three weekends.

And I didn't have everything 100.00 percent right at 2010/11/23 05:23:34 UTC - the launch of Kite Strings. The most serious issue was that I had an AT release design in circulation that wouldn't blow (2012/11/14 17:00:53 UTC) under normal tow tension - even though I BELIEVED I'd bench tested it enough to ensure that it would. We fixed the problem.

We don't do BELIEFS or OPINIONS here - just mostly aeronautical theory and incident analysis. Thus anyone with half a brain or better can be brought up to full speed and thus everybody on board with the mission statement has a moderator button. And the worst problem we've had - minus your beliefs and opinions contributions - was Allen deleting some of his own posts. And that wasn't related to a moderator button.

And by the way, Emperor Bob...
Region 3 prepares to say farewell to Bob
Bob Kuczewski - 2020/06/14 07:13:08 UTC

How many Bob Show posts have there been to date in support of your postion / opposition to the petition (currently clocking at 1048) subsequent to your announcement?
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Tad Eareckson
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Re: The Bob Show

Post by Tad Eareckson »

C'mon Bob, aren't you gonna say anything about how, from what you've read, Jacob Blake was also not a particularly good man and that certainly the unidentified public servant who shot him in the back seven times at point-blank range for attempting to get into the driver seat of his car after trying to break up a fight while black is not a very good man either 'cause he only managed to paralyze him from the waist down and do a lot of less consequential damage?

And while we're on that subject...
Whoops! Snapped another tip wand :-O
NMERider - 2012/03/14 15:43:09 UTC

I refuse to come in with both hands on the downtubes ever again. I have had some very powerful thermals and gusts kick off and lost control of the glider due to hands on the DTs. I prefer both hands on the control bar all the way until trim and ground effect. I have been lifted right off the deck in the desert and carried over 150 yards.
Shouldn't Jonathan be busted down to Hang One or under? A Four's supposed to able to execute three consecutive landings that average less than 25 feet from a spot with perfectly timed and executed flares. OVER 150 YARDS?!?! That's a substantial XC flight for a One.

If he were doing that landing and had been off just an even 150 he'd hafta totally nail the old Frisbee in the middle of the LZ SEVENTEEN CONSECUTIVE TIMES to get his average down to just passable level. And...
Should we try a different way? Designwise....
Steve Corbin - 2015/09/02 22:26:04 UTC

Any un-biased observer should be able to see why wanna-be pilots find PG more attractive than HG. Standing around in the Andy Jackson Memorial International Airpark at a busy fly-in shows that a PG landing is a total non-event, while everyone stands up to watch HG's, piloted by "experts", come in to land. A good landing by a HG is greeted by cheers, an acknowledgement that landing one successfully is a demonstration not just of skill, but good luck as well.
...what are the odds of something like that ever happening?

Remember the good ol' days when James Arness could draw and center-punch another white guy's heart in one shot from halfway down the street when the guy was facing, drawing on, and firing at him? What's our world coming to? How do we have the sightest hope of Making America Great Again at this rate?
Person, woman, man, camera, TV. Always a student!
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Tad Eareckson
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Re: The Bob Show

Post by Tad Eareckson »

Hey Bob...
President Trump
Bob Kuczewski - 2017/06/12 19:03:45 UTC

The graph on the previous page shows estimated atmospheric CO2 for millions of years. It's generally believed that the decline in atmospheric CO2 corresponds to the sequestering of carbon in what we call fossil fuels.

The whole point is that putting CO2 into the atmosphere is an elastic and reversible process. The hysteria that we'll end up with a runaway green house situation (and end up like Venus) is not supported by the scientific evidence. So claims that President Trump will "melt the planet" are evidence of a biased and untrustworthy news source.
Laura's about to smash into the Gulf Coast as a 130 mph Category 4 and put a fair chunk of Mississippi, Louisiana, Texas under about one and a half or swimming pool depths worth of Gulf of Mexico. Now might be a really good time to remind people that atmospheric CO2 based global warming is an elastic and reversible process and that the hysteria that we'll end up with a runaway greenhouse situation (and end up like Venus) is not supported by the scientific evidence. Maybe also to start building some sort of wall.

America's still being Made Great Again - there'll just be a bit less of it for a few days in the near future.
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Tad Eareckson
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Re: The Bob Show

Post by Tad Eareckson »
President Trump
Bob Kuczewski - 2020/08/28 02:24:24 UTC
Washington has not changed Donald Trump.
Donald Trump has changed Washington.
Similar to the way Tim Herr, Mark G. Forbes, Davis Straub, Jack Axaopoulos, Jim Rooney, Bob Kuczewski, Sam Kellner have changed hang gliding.
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Re: The Bob Show

Post by <BS> »

Maybe also to start building some sort of wall.
Trump Virus Memorial Wall.
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Tad Eareckson
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Re: The Bob Show

Post by Tad Eareckson »

But we'll need at least another 25 miles over what's up to date for all the names to date. And as for the future... Anybody's guess.
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Re: The Bob Show

Post by Tad Eareckson »
Horse Canyon Closed During Fire
Bob Kuczewski - 2020/09/08 09:23:49 UTC

The road to the Horse Canyon launch was closed yesterday (September 7th, 2020) due to fire restrictions.
Well don't worry, Bob... The hysteria that we'll end up with a runaway greenhouse situation (and end up like Venus) is not supported by the scientific evidence. And it only got up to 120 degrees in the your neck of the woods a couple days ago. And that's nowhere NEAR what it's like on Venus this time of year.
Australia Rain
Doug Marley - 2020/02/13 14:54:28 UTC

Oh, go hug a tree. Go hug a kanga. Then go hug a wallaby. You and Chicken-Little are best buds, aren'tchya?

There has been drastic environmental changes throughout the earth's history. We are experiencing the most minimal changes within human-kind's existence. Nothing remains the same for very long. By the way, forest fires are good for the environment. It's nature's way of making new, stronger growths. Merely because you liked the pristine, green forests does not mean that they should remain that way. Real natural conservationists have finally learned that fire helps renew old forests. Everything must die at some point.
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Tad Eareckson
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Re: The Bob Show

Post by Tad Eareckson »
Australia Rain
Doug Marley - 2020/02/13 14:54:28 UTC

Oh, go hug a tree. Go hug a kanga. Then go hug a wallaby. You and Chicken-Little are best buds, aren'tchya?

There has been drastic environmental changes throughout the earth's history. We are experiencing the most minimal changes within human-kind's existence. Nothing remains the same for very long. By the way, forest fires are good for the environment. It's nature's way of making new, stronger growths. Merely because you liked the pristine, green forests does not mean that they should remain that way. Real natural conservationists have finally learned that fire helps renew old forests. Everything must die at some point.
Gawd... Where are all those REAL natural conservationists who've FINALLY (it always seems to be the REAL natural conservationists who are LAST to get the really simple obvious stuff) when you really need them to explain to all the stupid tree huggers out there that these West Coast fires that are turning thousands of square miles of land, habitat, properties into moonscapes are doing wonders to renew everything?

It's about fucking time we started experiencing some of these most minimal changes within human-kind's existence. I was getting pretty damn sick and tired of all those years when we WEREN'T experiencing some of these most minimal changes within human-kind's existence. It was getting pretty goddam old. And I can hardly wait to do a road trip next summer and see all the new stronger growths we'll be getting to replace all that sickening pristine green crap. I'm just hoping I'll be able to beat most of the crowds.

(Hard to believe you don't seem to have this asshole appearing on membership list, Bob. Prime candidate for supporting your effort to establish yet another alternative national hang gliding association controlled by someone with 100.00 percent of the actual power who doesn't tolerate opposing viewpoints - 'specially competent ones.)
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Tad Eareckson
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Re: The Bob Show

Post by Tad Eareckson »
Australia Rain
Doug Marley - 2020/02/13 14:54:28 UTC

Oh, go hug a tree. Go hug a kanga. Then go hug a wallaby. You and Chicken-Little are best buds, aren'tchya?
The kinds of sociopaths who have zilch compassion for non human life forms aren't your best bets when your looking for individuals who will have the slightest degree of compassion for any of their fellow humans.
There has been drastic environmental changes throughout the earth's history.
- And when you're really looking for an authority on the drastic environmental changes that have occurred throughout the earth's history it's pretty tough to beat someone who can't compose a sentence that would pass muster in a third grade English class.

- About 66 million years ago an asteroid slammed in to the north end of the Yucatan Peninsula. That resulted in a drastic environmental change. Most of us would rather not experience another drastic environmental change like that if we could do anything about it. (And we have people working on stuff we could do about it.)
We are experiencing the most minimal changes within human-kind's existence.
Really? What were some of the biggies? Name some comparable mass extinction events the planet's experienced over the course of the past six million years and prior to the past century - preferably not ones the sole consequence of human encroachments.
Nothing remains the same for very long.
Not now fer sure. Hardly a week can go by without us hearing about some new sickening environmental horror.
By the way, forest fires are good for the environment.
All of them. Never in the history of the planet under any circumstances has there been a forest fire that wasn't good for the environment. Maybe an inconvenience every now and then but nothing that had any truly undesirable consequences. Exactly like the Standard Aerotow Weak Link which has served as so well since the dawn of modern hang glider aerotowing to this very day.
It's nature's way...
What if humans start them? Humans didn't start controlling fire before about two million years ago. Is dropping napalm into a jungle from an F4 good for the environment? Does that count as nature's way? How 'bout something sparked by an illegal campfire at the height of a record drought in a national forest?
...of making new, stronger growths.
New stronger growths?

So seedlings and saplings are stronger than trees in mature stands. So define "stronger". Able to leap tall buildings in a single bound? More fire resistant? If they're stronger when they're new then why are they stupid enough to keep growing and getting older and weaker?

This is what GRASS does in drier plains, prairie, savanna habitats. Lightning sparks fires at the end of the dry season, the fire spreads, the scrub and new tree growth that's getting established gets wiped out, the grass regenerates immediately. This is the ecosystem in which humans evolved. And they rather quickly learned how to help things along and maintain and expand this kinda habitat.

This is NOT what's been going on with the forests of Eastern Australia and the Western US in the course of this calendar year so far.
Merely because you liked the pristine, green forests does not mean that they should remain that way.
Fuck no. Really intelligent people like you and me DESPISE pristine green forests. We know they're just arrogant obstacles in the path of the new stronger stuff. What we really need to do is get into the Redwoods, Olympic Peninsula, Tongass, Amazon Basin with flamethrowers and chainsaws and start getting things on the proper environmental track.
Real natural conservationists have finally learned that fire helps renew old forests.
- We've had real natural conservationists since the beginning of time. Ditto for individuals, leaders, cultures who perpetrated exploitations which destroyed ecosystems and caused their civilizations to collapse. There's a reason that when Cook landed in Australia the interior was a mostly uninhabitable desert.

- RENEW OLD FORESTS? With new, stronger growth? So you burn down a decrepit two thousand year old 250 foot Redwood and replace it with new, stronger growth to make the forest healthier? Did the total shit for brains with which you were born prove inadequate for the task? You had to figure out a way too pack some more in?
Everything must die at some point.
Yeah, for a Redwood a couple thousand years, for an African Elephant about seventy years. But who has time for that bullshit when we're trying to get newer, stronger growth to help Make America/Africa Great Again. Leave the job to NATURE? :roll:

P.S. Yeah, Redwoods are extremely fire adapted and dependent. Their bark makes them fireproof at ground level and they need NATURAL flavored fire to come through once a decade or so to come through and eliminate the competition. If that were to get established it would grow up to the point at which it would transmit fire to the branches.

When a mature Redwood dies after a couple thousand years it opens up a space and some sunlight into which a new Redwood can thrive and mature.

But at the rate we're ramping up the roasting of the planet... No, wait:
It'll start getting cooler. You just watch.
Speaks volumes about The Davis Show that he allows assholes like this to get away with shit like this. Also to Bob 'cause he sees assholes like this as potential resources.
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