instructors and other qualified pilot fiends

General discussion about the sport of hang gliding
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Tad Eareckson
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Re: instructors and other qualified pilot fiends

Post by Tad Eareckson »
I get knocked down (but I get Cowboy Up again)
Jack Axaopoulos - 2019/02/24 17:50:45 UTC

This is why we can't have nice things Image
More CIVILITY please. Image

/Thread locked
This is why we can't have nice things Image
Oh! So WE - the worlds largest hang gliding community - can't have nice things. I totally agree with you, JackAss. Closing on thirteen years now and all you've got is total crap. Don't have much to show for all the effort, do ya?

Anybody want nice things? Come on over to Kite Strings - the world's smallest hang gliding community. It's one of those quantity/quality things.
More CIVILITY please. Image
Seems that the longer your dickhead colony evolves the less civility you to have. Any thoughts on that?
/Thread locked
How many threads do you think you have locked at this point, Jack? Kite Strings... Zero. Three topics locked - Incident Reports - Index, Skyting, Swarovski ATX spotting scope system. But just 'cause they're archives. No discussion has ever been locked, not one single post has ever been deleted by anyone but its author (and I would've preferred that that didn't happen), no editing of posts to alter meaning or intent (just for typos, grammar, readability).

We have tons of nice things over here. That's how come you and your u$hPa sewage buddies are scared so shitless of us.
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Tad Eareckson
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Re: instructors and other qualified pilot fiends

Post by Tad Eareckson »

OK Jack, let's take a look at the LATEST iteration of your lunatic, sociopathic, paranoid schizophrenic, fraudulent, semiliterate excuse for rules for the worlds largest hang gliding community...
Rules - Hang Gliding Org
HangGliding.Org's Mission Statement

* To actively promote the sport of HANG GLIDING
* To actively market and position the sport of HG in the recreational/sporting market place
* To provide a friendly and positive, approachable community for people interested in the sport of HG.
* To provide a friendly community for Hang Glider pilots to hang out and discuss hang gliding
* To provide online resources to potential pilots and hang glider pilots

2019 HangGliding.Org Simplified Rules and Policies

* This website is a small private business just like your local coffee shop. No different than any other business you visit on a daily basis, big or small. Anyone showing a pattern of abuse or harassment that would cause them to be thrown out of their local coffee shop can expect the same treatment here, including personally attacking or harassing the customers, or the business owner.
* KEEP IT CIVIL. Customers who show a pattern of attacking, badgering or harassing other customers, will be removed.
* Dont spam the forum. No advertising on this site. Ask SG for permission first.
* No classifieds in the forums - they go on the classifieds section. This helps pay for the very high end hosting I use to run such a large website.
* When posting, think about non-HG pilots who come to visit the site every day. Please put your best foot forward and showcase the fun adventurous atmosphere we experience every day in the landing zone after a great flight. The majority of website traffic is NEW traffic, and very likely non-pilots. This website has very broad world wide reach. Over 3 MILLION people have visited this website.
* One account per person. No fake email addresses. Accounts registered using well known spammy email companies will not be approved.
* No PORN or adult material. It is against my server companies policies and there are plenty of other websites for that stuff. If you couldn't show it on TV during a childrens program, don't post it here. Please use the REPORT feature in the forum to notify me.
* This site is reasonably moderated. Unfortunately, the sport of hang gliding contains a very small but extremely vocal group of extremists who escalate and harass people at every turn. People like this have "run off" the reasonable pilots from community web sites in the past. This will no longer be tolerated here. This site will be a run as a professional business moving forward. If you are looking for a wild west, anything goes forum, where people are free to scream at one another like rabid children, there are plenty of sites out there like that for you, but not here. We are here to promote the sport of hang gliding. Literally millions of people have visited this website from all over the world. Keep that in mind and put your best foot forward when posting.
* No posts or links about the toxic Bob Kuczewski, Scott C Wise, Tad Eareckson and related people, or their material or organizations. ALL SUCH POSTS WILL BE IMMEDIATELY DELETED. These people are poison to this sport and are permanently banned from this site in every possible way imaginable. They have been banned over and over again by multiple websites and organizations. Bob Kuczewski even holds the title as the only regional director, in history, to be forcibly REMOVED from office by the United States Hang Gliding & Paragliding Association. Bob was then even expelled from U.S.H.P.A. for his misdeeds. Bob Kuczewski even requested that I change peoples votes (ELECTION RIGGING) during an election in a newly formed hang gliding organization. This would have been a felony in an american election. If it is suspected you are working on behalf of Bob or his organization, you may be immediately banned. Bob consistently manipulates people to push his agenda here. Do not act as a proxy for toxic Bob Kuczewski. Don't even try it. Lot's of people are watching and report these Bob games to me.
Bob is a serial harasser, and has been arrested twice, possibly thee times now for his harassment at Torrey Pines. Avoid at all costs. Bob has libeled me for many years since being democratically voted out of the Hang Gliding Association of America (HGAA). The absolute worst, petty, case of sour grapes you have ever seen. He is now obsessed with attacking me for almost a decade. His constant lies and delusions have no place in this sport. WARNING: Do not attack Bob unless you are prepared to be libeled forever. Bob has a history of turning on his friends that disagree with him and harassing them too. Read more about his endless harassment of people below.


I am not at liberty to discuss all of the reasons behind his expulsion, but let it suffice that his intentional, deliberate actions caused significant harm to our association and its members, and directly caused significant expense which we all pay for through increased dues. He was disruptive, defiant and unapologetic about his actions. He was given every opportunity to change his behavior. He chose instead to become even more belligerent. And after due consideration, the USHPA board decided that his actions had made him an unacceptable liability to our association, and revoked his membership.

Mark G. Forbes
Former Director of the United States Hang Gliding & Paragliding Association

More on Bob Kuczewski's toxic history

Anybody else got a headache and blurry vision yet?

Zack C - 2010/11/23 05:23:34 UTC

The purpose of Kite Strings is to foster serious discussion regarding the practices and technologies of modern hang gliding. This is a forum ruled by science, truth, facts, reason, and logic. Anyone with a respect for these principles and a willingness to learn and engage in rational discussion is welcome to participate.

The forum is still in its infancy, so we don't have much in the way of structure or posting rules. Until we're large enough to have a need for more, all topics will be under a single forum. As for rules, just keep it civil, stay on topic, keep topics in line with the forum purpose, and don't lie or misrepresent others' statements.
And it's been that way since Day One and that's all we've ever needed. And we have an organization strong enough for...
* No posts or links about the toxic Bob Kuczewski, Scott C Wise, Tad Eareckson and related people, or their material or organizations.
...the self appointed Worlds Largest Coffee Shop Owner For Life to be afraid of. Must be doing something right.
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Tad Eareckson
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Re: instructors and other qualified pilot fiends

Post by Tad Eareckson »
Rules - Hang Gliding Org
HangGliding.Org's Mission Statement

* To actively promote the sport of HANG GLIDING
* To actively market and position the sport of HG in the recreational/sporting market place
* To provide a friendly and positive, approachable community for people interested in the sport of HG.
* To provide a friendly community for Hang Glider pilots to hang out and discuss hang gliding
* To provide online resources to potential pilots and hang glider pilots
So how's all that stuff been working out for you?

What kind of shape is hang gliding in now compared to what it was when you started up in 2006?

How successful have you been in enforcing friendliness standards in a sport that's been a major dickhead magnet since the beginning of time?

If somebody wants to find out what he should be using for an aerotow weak link - the focal point his safe towing system - and what it's supposed to be doing for him where does he go for answers and what will the answers be? Failing that, whose opinions should he be giving the most attention?
2019 HangGliding.Org Simplified Rules and Policies
Sure is a good thing these are the SIMPLIFIED Rules and Policies. I'd probably go blind before getting to the halfway point in the unabridged ones.
* This website is a small private business just like your local coffee shop.
- How the fuck do you know what my local coffee shop is like?

- I just scrutinized the Starbucks website looking for THEIR Russian novel's worth of rules and policies for customer conduct and I couldn't find shit. Seems like they're perfectly OK with most of the stuff allowed by the US Constitution and regular accepted local laws and ordinances. Nothing about the manager snooping around eavesdropping on everybody's conversations, turning over tables, throwing patrons out on the street when they say stuff he doesn't agree with. And they're doing a helluva lot better than you are.

- My own local coffee shop that only provides tables and uses the conversations of the people who sit at them as its product.

- Oh. It's a SMALL (as in the worlds largest hang gliding community) PRIVATE BUSINESS. Thank you for clarifying that you're making money off of content that other people are providing. And here I was thinking that it was a COMMUNITY of individuals from around the world united by a love of the hang glider flavor of aviation. I've always thought the place smelled pretty funny.
No different than any other business you visit on a daily basis, big or small.
Right. All businesses all around the planet are all just alike and are all just like The Jack Show. Hard to imagine any of them ever came into existence without The Jack Show available to provide the model.
Anyone showing a pattern of abuse or harassment that would cause them to be thrown out of their local coffee shop can expect the same treatment here, including personally attacking or harassing the customers, or the business owner.
Also anyone saying anything Jack doesn't want them to. Like....
Donnell Hewett - 1980/12

Now I've heard the argument that "Weak links always break at the worst possible time, when the glider is climbing hard in a near stall situation"...
...the argument that "Weak links always break at the worst possible time, when the glider is climbing hard in a near stall situation."
* KEEP IT CIVIL. Customers who show a pattern of attacking, badgering or harassing other customers, will be removed.
- What customers?

- 'Cept of course the coffee shop owner. He gets to piss all over, attack, badger harass, remove any "customers" he feels like 'cause the owner of he worlds largest coffee shop is accountable to NO ONE.
* Dont spam the forum. No advertising on this site. Ask SG for permission first.
- And remember never to use proper punctuation for anything. See below about the seven-year-old level content guidelines.

- The forum IS spam. Any thread that has any elements of substance and legitimacy gets locked down before the posts count gets up into double digits.
* No classifieds in the forums - they go on the classifieds section. This helps pay for the very high end hosting I use to run such a large website.
- Yeah? What else helps pay for it? The astronomical goodness of your heart?
- How much?
* When posting, think about non-HG pilots who come to visit the site every day.
Yeah, untold thousands of English speaking potential hang glider pilots lurking around The Jack Show to make sure that this crowd is well up to their civility and friendliness standards. Those are the people we really wanna draw into the sport to help dilute all the assholes who participate in it now. And if anybody were actually doing that the easy way would be to just scan for locked threads. Right now there's one apiece an the most recent two pages - four percent. And then he'd read the content. Thanks for making it easy for them.
Please put your best foot forward and showcase the fun adventurous atmosphere we experience every day in the landing zone after a great flight.
- Put your best foot forward way up his ass.

- In the landing zone the fun's usually over 'cept for the assholes entertaining themselves by watching imperfectly timed landing flares.

- Really great flights tend not to end up in the landing zone.

- I wonder how these landing zones are able to maintain such fun adventurous atmospheres without you (pa)trolling them all and deciding what people will and won't be allowed to discuss.

- I was around landing zones between 1980 and 2008. Good freakin' luck finding one occupied by more than five glider people without two or more of them hating each other's guts.
The majority of website traffic is NEW traffic, and very likely non-pilots. This website has very broad world wide reach.
Should be seeing a huge resurgence of the sport any minute now.
Over 3 MILLION people have visited this website.
I so do hope all the national hang gliding associations have enough registration forms to keep up with the coming demand.
* One account per person. No fake email addresses. Accounts registered using well known spammy email companies will not be approved.
Likewise with any legitimate and principled hang glider pilots.
* No PORN or adult material.
Like you get buried with every time you open a page on the Davis/Gerry Show.
It is against my server companies policies and there are plenty of other websites for that stuff.
- Like the Davis/Gerry Show. (See above.)
- We don't have a rule like that over here. And yet I remain perpetually disappointed by the total dearth of such submissions.
If you couldn't show it on TV during a childrens program, don't post it here.
Ditto for the literacy level and aeronautical theory concepts and explanations. (Keep up the great work on the punctuation.)
Please use the REPORT feature in the forum to notify me.
- And make sure you do it that way anonymously. Jack so does enjoy reporting on the hordes of cowardly unidentified little snitches he has lining up to suck his dick.

- What? The daily contributions to this forum are too overwhelming for you to even monitor what's going on in your fake coffee shop - with its increasingly senile and dwindling membership and ever diminishing level of activity?
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Tad Eareckson
Posts: 9153
Joined: 2010/11/25 03:48:55 UTC

Re: instructors and other qualified pilot fiends

Post by Tad Eareckson »
Rules - Hang Gliding Org
* This site is reasonably moderated.
Why just REASONABLY well? I'da thunk that the worlds largest hang gliding community would be moderated EXTREMELY well. What's the problem? Just one moderator and he ain't all that great in the literacy department? Over here at the world's smallest hang gliding community we have eighteen moderators from seven countries with five national languages and just about everything gets the hell proofread out of it and the final product is pretty clean.
Unfortunately, the sport of hang gliding contains a very small but extremely vocal group of extremists who escalate and harass people at every turn.
- The sport of hang gliding itself is very small. So a very small subgroup within it should number about one or two individuals. How much of an actual problem could they possibly be?

- How are the able to be so extremely vocal when all of the worlds largest hang gliding communities have cut their wires?

- Extremists? Isn't hang gliding an EXTREME sport? Aren't ALL of its participants EXTREMISTS? Don't all the moderate people just stay home and play checkers?

- Are there no issues in this rapidly dying sport which DEMAND escalation? Isn't it at total no-brainer that if something isn't majorly escalated FAST this sport will drop below critical mass level and go extinct?

- I guess locking threads that people want to continue and banning individuals people want to hear doesn't count as harassment.

- Name some advances in hang glider technology and flying accomplishments that weren't achieved by extremists.

- Don't you need the extremists at the top of this game to effectively neutralize the dregs like you, Davis, Rooney?
weak links
Jim Rooney - 2007/07/22 22:30:28 UTC

I've heard it a million times before from comp pilots insisting on towing with even doubled up weaklinks (some want no weaklink). I tell them the same thing I'm telling you... suck it up. You're not the only one on the line. I didn't ask to be a test pilot. I can live with your inconvenience.
Poll on weaklinks
Jim Rooney - 2013/03/04 19:31:36 UTC

The accepted standards and practices changed.
People like this have "run off" the reasonable pilots from community web sites in the past.
- Because their mommies wouldn't step in and silence the opposition for them.
- Name one.
This will no longer be tolerated here.
Oh. So you USED TO tolerate it. At exactly what point did you decide you would no longer tolerate it?
This site will be a run as a professional business moving forward.
- Starting when? Better make it soon 'cause all I'm seeing is steady disintegration.
- Got that, Jack Show douchebags? You're providing the content to bring in the eyeballs, Jack's lying back and raking in the advertising dough.
If you are looking for a wild west... where a lot of the good flying occurs...
...anything goes forum, where people are free to scream at one another like rabid children...
The rabid children. Not the well behaved non extremist little children on whose level your supposed to be writing everything.
...there are plenty of sites out there like that for you...
Really? Name some. There aren't all that many noteworthy hang gliding sites out there and all the ones I know about kill all controversial discussions within five or six milliseconds of an extremist making an irrefutable point.
...but not here.
Fuck no. We certainly don't wanna get any of your nonexistent coffee spilled on any tablecloths or floors.
We are here to promote the sport of hang gliding.
- The royal "We". We're the only one who gets to decide what anyone in the worlds largest hang gliding community is here for.

- We're certainly not here to deal with any of the reasonable typical stuff in hang gliding 'cause we've all been doing everything right since Day One.

Four years minus thirteen days ago. Kid would've been fifteen now.
Literally millions of people have visited this website from all over the world.
- Obviously 'cause you're doing such an excellent job locking down threads, banning extremists, making sure everybody stays friends with everyone else.

- Literally a fraction of the exposure the 2015/03/27 Jean Lake crash got. And the fuckin' Interlaken unhooked tandem launch video is currently just under nine and a quarter million views. That's ONE VIDEO, Jack. And I'd say that a real good chunk of that figure is one time viewers. So good freakin' luck using your lock and ban buttons to distort perceptions of the sport to better than it actually is.
Keep that in mind and put your best foot forward when posting.
How 'bout opening it up to Wild West mode for a month so we can see what happens with traffic, posts, hit counts? Nah, didn't think so.
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Tad Eareckson
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Re: instructors and other qualified pilot fiends

Post by Tad Eareckson »
Rules - Hang Gliding Org
* No posts or links about the toxic Bob Kuczewski, Scott C Wise, Tad Eareckson and related people, or their material or organizations.
A bit unfair, dontchya think Mister Local Coffee Shop Owner? Seeing as how your coffee shop rules are LITTLE BUT a massive post about the toxic Bob Kuczewski, related people, their material and organizations.
- And here I was thinking that this forum was only REASONABLY well moderated.

- Bob's only one of a very small but extremely vocal group of extremists. Doesn't sound like he should really be a problem worth mentioning in the worlds largest hang gliding community of friendly reasonable pilots.
These people are poison to this sport and are permanently banned from this site in every possible way imaginable.
But that doesn't do all that much to silence them, does it? I'd nominate Jim Keen-Intellect Rooney and his army of pet cocksuckers as the most toxic algal bloom ever to erupt in the sport anywhere on the planet. Team Kite Strings hammered that vile little motherfucker to unrecognizable pulp. And that wasn't done by forbidding mention of his name, material, cocksucker cult. The precise opposite. Now nobody ('cept us) ever heard of him before and the aerotow operation that signed his tickets and empowered him is ancient history.
They have been banned over and over again by multiple websites and organizations.
Can't imagine how any of them could still be the slightest problem for anyone then? Can we move on now?
Bob Kuczewski even holds the title as the only regional director, in history, to be forcibly REMOVED from office by the United States Hang Gliding & Paragliding Association.
Wasn't Mark G. Forbes also recently similarly removed from office by a popular vote of his Region members?
Bob was then even expelled from U.S.H.P.A. for his misdeeds.
- Good point, Jack. Esteem for u$hPa from US hang glider pilots has never been higher than it is now.

- Got a link for a recording or transcript of the u$hPa hearing in which all of Bob's misdeeds were enumerated? Some of the really ugly stuff like giving testimony under oath in public court about a corrupt commercial paragliding operation which got a radio controlled student half killed after a midair with another paraglider? Same operation that pulled a near identical stunt five days ago which got two paragliders midaired and killed? (Hell, even JONATHAN is giving Bob kudos over that one now.)
Bob Kuczewski even requested that I change peoples votes (ELECTION RIGGING) during an election in a newly formed hang gliding organization. This would have been a felony in an american election.
My GOD!!! I had no IDEA! Got a link to that newly formed hang gliding organization so we can fully understand the depths of his depravity?
If it is suspected you are working on behalf of Bob or his organization, you may be immediately banned.
- And then we'll select an impartial jury to hear the evidence and unanimously convict you. In the meantime... guilty until proven innocent. Is this a great country or what!

- How 'bout the Ku Klux Klan, Unite The Right? Card carrying members. You're OK 'cause you're not in Bob's organization.
Bob consistently manipulates people to push his agenda here.
- Whoa! Astonishing that hang glider pilots can be so easily manipulated. Who'da ever thunk?
- Exactly what is his agenda? Haven't heard anything about it.
Do not act as a proxy for toxic Bob Kuczewski. Don't even try it.
Easy dude!!! Why would we even WANT to act as a proxy for the toxic Bob Kuczewski? He's just a member of a very small but extremely vocal group of extremists who escalate and harass people at every turn. What's the problem?
Lot's of people are watching and report these Bob games to me.
Wow. Got a regular Stasi network going for ya. Plus reasonable moderation. This Bob dude must be really really toxic. Why don't you just have him assassinated?
Bob is a serial harasser, and has been arrested twice, possibly thee times now for his harassment at Torrey Pines.
- The Torrey Pines that just got those two paragliders killed Saturday afternoon?

- Is that what he was arrested for? Harassment? I heard it was for being present at a public park.

- So I'm assuming he was convicted for harassment twice, possibly thee times now. So how much time did he get? And when will he become eligible for parole?
Avoid at all costs.
Fuck yeah. Thanks for the warning, Jack. We're all just defenseless reasonable children after all.
Bob has libeled me for many years since being democratically voted out of the Hang Gliding Association of America (HGAA).
- Got a link?
- So you've sued him, right? How much were you awarded in damages?
The absolute worst, petty, case of sour grapes you have ever seen.
I'll bet I can top it. Probably have already.
He is now obsessed with attacking me for almost a decade.
What? The libel judgment didn't do anything to get him off your back?
His constant lies and delusions have no place in this sport.
Nah, after several decades worth of the Standard Aerotow Weak Link scam there isn't enough room.
WARNING: Do not attack Bob unless you are prepared to be libeled forever.
You will have no legal recourse. Because when Jack says you'll be libeled by Bob he means he'll tell the documentable truth about you. And will be prepared to present the truth in court - the way he's been able to do on all previous glider related cases.
Bob has a history of turning on his friends that disagree with him and harassing them too.
Bob's a sociopath. He doesn't have any actual friends. If he did he'd have trusted them with shared control of The Bob Show forum / fake organization on Day Two.
Read more about his endless harassment of people below.
But be sure not to discuss any of it on The Jack Show - because:
* No posts or links about the toxic Bob Kuczewski, Scott C Wise, Tad Eareckson and related people, or their material or organizations. ALL SUCH POSTS WILL BE IMMEDIATELY DELETED.
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Tad Eareckson
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Re: instructors and other qualified pilot fiends

Post by Tad Eareckson »
Rules - Hang Gliding Org
How come you're just a FORMER DIRECTOR AT USHPA, Mark? Like Bob?
I am not at liberty to discuss all of the reasons behind his expulsion...
Why not? 'Cause you're too noble to keep piling excessive shit on Bob? Or to cover up some small fraction of the uber sleazy tactics you employed to oust him?
...but let it suffice...
Suck my dick. I'm not letting a molucule's worth of anything any of you lying u$hPa motherfuckers suffice for anything.
...that his intentional, deliberate actions caused significant harm to our association and its members, and directly caused significant expense which we all pay for through increased dues.
How 'bout your intential deliberate actions, inactions, misrepresentations, lies, criminal negligence in regulating and controlling these sports?
This is terrible
Dave Pendzick - 2015/03/30 17:42:41 UTC

This is not going to end well for us...
Anything you might have been able to do better to help make anything Bob could do total nonissues?
He was disruptive, defiant and unapologetic about his actions.
Oooh! Disruptive, defiant, AND unapologetic about his actions. All flagrant violations of the code of the u$hPa Inner Circle Mutual Masturbation Society.
He was given every opportunity to change his behavior.
Wanna show me the SOPs on u$hPa Member behavior codes?
He chose instead to become even more belligerent.
This is getting pretty tedious, Mark. Got anything of any actual substance to say?
And after due consideration, the USHPA board decided that his actions had made him an unacceptable liability to our association, and revoked his membership.
Your goddam sleazy u$hPa Board is an unacceptable liability to our association. Has been ever since I entered the sport in the spring of 1980.
Mark G. Forbes
Former Director of the United States Hang Gliding & Paragliding Association

More on Bob Kuczewski's toxic history

Gotta hand it to ya, Bob. The worlds largest hang gliding coffee shop owner's simplified rules are about a half hour read and you managed to tie up the last and most memorable fifteen minutes of them. The motherfucker must be losing at least three hours of sleep per night worrying about you.
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Tad Eareckson
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Re: instructors and other qualified pilot fiends

Post by Tad Eareckson »

So slightly under an hour and a half subsequent to my last post - in which I referenced my old buddies at Highland Aerosports - guess who I find myself looking at on Maryland Public Television, the local PBS affiliate.

(Posted by Mike Sobola, the segment's producer. Sorry 'bout the crappy resolution.)

The air date was 2013/04/02 - two months subsequent to Zack Marzec's elimination from the gene pool by a combination of his pro toad bridle and the Industry Standard focal point of his safe towing system. (End exactly six years prior to when I watched it.)

Appears to have been shot at the end of the previous season.
Highland on TV

Cold, trees in full green foliage, corn full height and brown.

We may have a couple glimpses of Rooney - 1:43 and 2:49 - but can't tell for sure.

Big emphasis on tandem - instruction and the bucket lister crap.

Total ZERO mention of soaring capability - of which there was undoubtedly none on the shoot day. Leaves the uninitiated viewer with the impression that it's all about sleds.
1:09 - Sunny Venesky is co-owner of Highland Aerosports. It was HIS dream to open a successful hang gliding business.
And no mention of Chad Elchin and why he ain't around no more. And if I recall correctly it was Chad who'd been the main driving force behind setting up a shop.
7:37 - And when she does return the gang will still be here the gang will still be here, making dreams come true at Ridgely Airpark - Ridgley’s true dream city.
Nope. The "GANG" and its operation are extinct and nobody's ever heard of them before.

Outdoors Maryland also did a High Rock segment - Season 1, Episode 13, 2007/09/25. They use a launch from the platform in their opening title stuff and you see it all the fuckin' time between shows on their daily programming. Matthew Graham was involved, probably Karen as well.

Several of my bird buddies have also done segments.

And speaking of birds... Note the title sequence in the first two seconds. A still from it serves as their logo. And the bird is a White-Tailed Hawk. Goddam thing's never been closer to any part of Maryland than coastal Louisiana.
Zack C - 2011/07/17 19:53:53 UTC

Mystery bird


This picture isn't very good as it was taken from a long distance, but can you ID this bird, or at least narrow it down? It was thermaling overhead at a local gas station and then landed on the power line (never getting very close to me). The underside of the bird is white except for the head. I distinctly remember the tail being white with no stripes. Its aspect ratio looked higher than a Red Tail. I'd guess Harrier if not for the fact that it's July...

My Barn Swallows have hatched, fledged, and left the nest. They grow up so fast...


(Yep, it WAS/IS identifiable.)

Hal Wierenga had pointed out the issue to the morons when he did a segment on rails back at the beginning of time but, hell, they'd already spent the bucks on the graphics done by some other total moron.
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Tad Eareckson
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Re: instructors and other qualified pilot fiends

Post by Tad Eareckson »
Red's Advice for New Hang Gliding Pilots
Towing HG aloft is a special skill, well beyond simply being able to fly, making good approaches from high altitudes, and landing on a target. First, naturally, you must learn to fly fairly well, using a good course of HG instruction. You will also want to build your flying experience, above just what is provided by lessons. Then, as an improving HG pilot, you want to take a special class to learn the skills needed for HG towing, as taught by highly experienced HG tow pilots using specialized equipment, towing bridles, and releases.
Towing HG aloft is a special skill...
According to u$hPa it's three special skills - Platform, Aero, Surface.
...well beyond simply being able to fly...
Really? So it's impossible to learn to fly using solo tow launch exclusively from Day 1, Flight 1? Has anybody notified Steve Wendt concerning this issue?
...making good approaches from high altitudes...
How high? What's the minimum release altitude possible for a tow launched flight? Is it not possible to just skim in ground effect while being pulled by a rope?
...and landing on a target.
Yeah, that's EXTRA critical for tow launch training.
First, naturally, you must learn to fly fairly well...
See above.
...using a good course of HG instruction.
Like Mission Soaring Center - with its state-of-the-art equipment.
You will also want to build your flying experience, above just what is provided by lessons. Then, as an improving HG pilot, you want to take a special class to learn the skills needed for HG towing, as taught by highly experienced HG tow pilots using specialized equipment...
Preferably state-of-the-art stuff.
...towing bridles, and releases.
- What, no mention of the focal point of one's safe towing system? An appropriate weak link with a finished length of 1.5 inches or less?

- Three point bridles which connect to the pilot's left shoulder, the pilot's right shoulder, and the glider? Or pro tow bridles which just connect to the pilot's left shoulder and the pilot's right shoulder?

- And make sure your release is:

-- well functional a fair bit beyond the breaking strength of the towline - since you're not using a weak link

-- within easy reach - otherwise you might not be able to safely blow off tow in an emergency situation (seeing as how you're not using an appropriate weak link with a finished length of 1.5 inches or less which will automatically blow you off tow before you can get into too much trouble)

- Any thoughts on the Birrenator? If Nancy Tachibana hadn't been equipped with one she might have died on impact instead of a couple hours later after being carted away brainless. And that could've been real problematic for Pat Denevan - u$hPa's 1992 NAA Safety Award recipient and 2001 Hang Gliding Instructor of the Year. Possibly even for u$hPa itself.
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Tad Eareckson
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Re: instructors and other qualified pilot fiends

Post by Tad Eareckson »
weak links
Jim Rooney - 2007/07/22 22:30:28 UTC

I've heard it a million times before from comp pilots insisting on towing with even doubled up weaklinks (some want no weaklink). I tell them the same thing I'm telling you... suck it up. You're not the only one on the line. I didn't ask to be a test pilot. I can live with your inconvenience.
Ya know sumpin', MOTHERFUCKER...

Pulling a solo on the same weak link you use for pulling tandems twenty times an afternoon doesn't make you a TEST PILOT. For that matter neither does pulling a solo with nothing between you and the glider that breaks at under fifteen hundred pounds. There's absolutely nothing that can happen that'll be a surprise.

There's never been such a thing as a "test pilot" in the sense you mean it since Wilbur and Orville figured out what was going on with adverse yaw and what to do to handle it. People don't design new gliders and take them up to altitude to find out what they're gonna do. They already know what they're gonna do - within a pretty reasonably narrow range - before they've tightened the last couple bolts.

And I recall that you were perfectly happy dangling from the basetube and diving your glider, hooked in passenger, and self into the powerlines at Coronet Peak on 2006/02/21 'cause you knew pretty much what the effects of holding on and not holding on would be - unconventional as that rather short flight was.

I was never a test pilot either. I already knew what the tow equipment I developed and took up for maiden flights would do in the air 'cause I'd carefully designed and thoroughly bench tested it on the ground. But throughout my flying career - which began before tow bridles started being connected to pilots - I JUMPED at every opportunity I had to fly different gliders, tow systems, sites, environments, conditions, landing approaches. I never got into full aerobatics but I did always push my comfort zone doing wangs when situations allowed for them.

So fuck you and anyone else who doesn't wanna be a "test pilot". If you're not constantly working to move yourself and the sport forward there's just about zilch chance that you're not working to move it backwards. And that's the direction it's been going for decades.

P.S. You were only in the sport long enough to figure out that if you stayed in you'd always be at risk of getting your ass kicked by someone like me and demonstrating just how well your landing techniques would work in real world soaring conditions.

Paragliders injured in Queenstown crash |
Dasha Kuprienko - 2016/09/30 08:33

In a statement, Skytrek Tandem Hang Gliding and Paragliding said the injured pair landed on a slope on the side of Coronet Peak, about halfway between the take-off point at Coronet Peak car park and the intended landing point at Flight Park, off Malaghans Rd.

Weather conditions were stable at the time, and it was not yet known why the incident happened, the company said.
And nice job adding to the data pool on what we've always known about paragliders in thermal conditions - while again not being a test pilot (with yet another chick passenger/victim).
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Re: instructors and other qualified pilot fiends

Post by <BS> »
Paradise Airsports launch incident
We didn't witness it. From speaking with pilots who did, the pilot had a good angle of attack on the cart and launched off the cart well. The pilot was a little above the tow plane, but this is fairly normal. I'm usually above the tug when I come off the cart.

The pilot was flying straight then drifted off to the right. Then a wing came up and the pilot appeared to the tug pilot to be going into a lockout attitude. The pilot did not take action to correct their position or attitude. The tug pilot gave the hang glider pilot the line. At this point the hang glider was stalled and the pilot did not pull in. The hang glider spun in.

The pilot was knocked out and helicoptered to the trauma center at Orlando Regional.

This is not a practice day and the pilot was not in the upcoming competition.

My recommendation for a helmet:

It is my contention that if the pilot had been wearing a full- faced helmet of this construction they would not have been knocked out.
Problem solved, next.
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