The Bob Show

General discussion about the sport of hang gliding
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Tad Eareckson
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Re: The Bob Show

Post by Tad Eareckson »
Jack Axaopoulos accuses Bob Kuczewski of Voter Fraud
Bob Kuczewski - 2018/11/16 06:02:18 UTC

It's been over 8 years now since Jack Axoupolous rigged the HGAA election. That organization soon failed under Jack's oppression, and it's been dead ever since.
Spell the dickhead's name right ferchrisake, Bob. You got it wrong three or four different ways, depending upon how one counts. (And half a dozen times - but at least you're consistent.)

By the way... Voter fraud isn't what you did with HGAA. It's what you're doing with US Hawks. You're bringing flying people in giving them the impression that their positions are gonna count for something, silencing individuals who won't play nicely with your favorite people of varying ages, maintaining an environment in which only one person's vote is really gonna count for anything for a period now spanning well over two US Presidential terms. tanslates uskawks to
Bob Kuczewski - 2016/02/21 10:00:30 UTC

Forget Trump ... Bill Cummings for President!!!

Image Image Image Image Image
An EVEN BETTER Trump than the one we have now!!! Hard to even imagine the possibilities.
P.S. - 2018/11/16 17:45:00 UTC

You're welcome.
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Re: The Bob Show

Post by Tad Eareckson »
Wall of Shame in the banning of Joe Faust from hanggliding.o

Got his name spelled wrong AGAIN, Bob. Six references at the moment. (Topic title could use a little work as well.)
Steve Davy
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Re: The Bob Show

Post by Steve Davy »
Wall of Shame in banning of Joe Faust from
Bob Kuczewski - 2018/11/29 16:04:15 UTC

In my opinion, Jim Gaar (blindrodie) has been supportive of many good things over the years. He's been a member of the Torrey Hawks for a long time. I know that Warren has reported negatively on Jim, and I would welcome some resolution to those complaints. But overall, I have considered Jim to be a positive contributor to the sport of hang gliding.
Now I realize that you are WAY more twisted and fucked-up in the head than I could have possibly imagined!
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Re: The Bob Show

Post by Tad Eareckson »

Yeah. I've been working on that one.
Wall of Shame in banning of Joe Faust from hanggliding.o
Bob Kuczewski - 2018/11/28 20:50:46 UTC

Mark G. Forbes ("mgforbes")

Mark G. Forbes ("mgforbes") may be the single rottenest apple in the USHPA barrel. Mark Forbes keeps his fingers in all of USHPA's power and money committees. Insurance committee chairman: forever. USHPA Treasurer: forever. Executive Committee: forever. A year ago in 2017 Mark Forbes couldn't even win his own Regional Director election, so his cronies on the USHPA Board made him an unelected "Director at Large". He continues to control USHPA's power and money to this day.

It is disgusting to see Mark Forbes pile on to the banning of Joe Faust. But it's not surprising. Joe Faust has always put love of flight first. All of Joe's works have reflected his purity of purpose. Mark Forbes has always put power and money first. For nearly half a century Joe Faust has been true to his principles, and yet Mark Forbes had the audacity to compare Joe to a chameleon:
Mark G. Forbes - 2018/09/13 20:03:07 UTC

Joe ... reminds me of a chameleon placed on a plaid tartan ...

Now look at the timing of Mark's post in the context of the topic. Jack Axaopoulos had given Joe a warning trying to bait Joe into a reply. But Joe said nothing. At 4:03 pm Mark Forbes posted his screed. At 4:31pm Jack banned Joe and locked the topic. Coincidence? Not a chance. Mark Forbes weighed in and Jack not only gave him the last word, but banned Joe ... even though Joe hadn't uttered another keystroke since Jack's "warning".

Mark Forbes went on to make slanderous statements against me. He started out with "I am not at liberty to discuss all of the reasons behind his expulsion" as if there were some deep dark secret he needed to conceal. Didn't USHPA publicly broadcast their "pack of lies" charges to every member on the planet in their unprecedented email blast? The proper translation of Mark's "I am not at liberty" is "I don't have a leg to stand on".

Mark Forbes has well earned his prominent place on this wall of shame. History should forever associate the name of "Mark G. Forbes" with the lowest points in the history of hang gliding.
He started out with "I am not at liberty to discuss all of the reasons behind his expulsion" as if there were some deep dark secret he needed to conceal.
Now where have we seen THAT tactic used before? Oh yeah...
The Bob Show
Bob Kuczewski - 2011/12/13 05:55:39 UTC

If I boot you permanently it will be due to my concerns over the topic we discussed on the phone. This forum should be a safe place for people of varying ages to visit. You have not given me any assurances that's true with you on this forum.
[TIL] About Tad Eareckson
Bob Kuczewski - 2013/03/10 18:20:34 UTC

Eventually (and for reasons that I won't full disclose here), it became necessary to ask Tad to leave the US Hawks forum, and he is currently the only person who's been completely banned from the US Hawks.
Zach Marzec
Jim Rooney - 2013/03/07 18:24:58 UTC

Go back to Tad's hole in the ground.
While you're there, ask him why he was banned from every east coast flying site.
Wall of Shame in banning of Joe Faust from hanggliding.o
Bob Kuczewski - 2018/11/29 16:04:15 UTC

Jim Gaar

In my opinion, Jim Gaar (blindrodie) has been supportive of many good things over the years. He's been a member of the Torrey Hawks for a long time. I know that Warren has reported negatively on Jim, and I would welcome some resolution to those complaints. But overall, I have considered Jim to be a positive contributor to the sport of hang gliding.

Jim certainly knew of the badgering Joe Faust was getting in the USHGRS topic because Jim added his own somewhat ambiguous post to that topic:
Jim Gaar - 2018/09/13 19:06:12 UTC

It's not clear what Jim's post was intended to convey, but it followed this post by Joe Faust:
Joe Faust - 2018/09/13 19:04:56 UTC

sg, please start a topic on your concern about the mentioned matters...
So Jim was aware of the topic, and yet he has remained completely silent on the abusive banning of Joe Faust. It's this silence - and the continued silence of others - that allows Jack Axaopoulos to continue to bully good people like Joe and so many others.
Pure unadulterated SCUM. I swell with even more pride at your sleazy banning of me when I hear you talking about a total piece o' shit like that with the least hint of positive undertones.
Bob Kuczewski » 2018/11/29 16:56:28 UTC

I would welcome Jim's thoughts, and he's always welcome to post here any time. But the place where Jim and others need to speak is on Good men and women should speak calmly and fairly - and repeatedly - until Jack Axaopoulos either corrects this abuse or is the only person left on
Keep digging yourself in, motherfucker.
Warren Narron - 2018/11/30 00:29:15 UTC

Jim Gaar should respond to several issues here but if history is followed then he probably will not.
It sounds like Bob might give him an award or something for being such an overall contributor to the sport when I know it is just the opposite.
Joe was right in that Rodie was expecting Jack to ban Joe.
Rodie has been instrumental in many bannings. Jim Gaar was probably top of the list for back channel input given to the drama queen, Jack Axaopoulos, before newby Doug Marley came along.
Gaar knew Jack's weakness and, like an arsonist admiring a good forest fire, got off on what was coming.

Gaar isn't going to stand up for Joe. Come to think of it I believe he has removed reference to the US Hawks in his signature file.
Jim Gaar is a liar and a thief. He has done more to harm hang gliding than good.
Warren Narron - 2018/11/30 00:42:49 UTC

Since he is a member of the Hawks, the organization could easily subpoena him to testify in his own behalf under threat of expulsion if he didn't.
Serious charges have been levied against him and it would only make sense that he should want to exonerate himself if those charges are untrue.
I have one question to ask of Jim Blindrodie Gaar that can prove he is or isn't an unrepentant thief.
Can I get this answer from a fellow Hawk or not?
I wouldn't dignify an organization that would tolerate scum like that with a punctuation mark's worth of a post.
Bob Kuczewski - 2011/08/10 05:52:32 UTC

Take Jim Rooney, for example. Tad doesn't make suggestions for Jim to become a better or safer pilot. Instead, Tad just calls him names and expresses his wishes that Jim were dead.

Is that helpful for Jim? Is it helpful for Tad? Most importantly, is it helpful for the sport of hang gliding?
Threaded bridle system
Jim Gaar - 2011/05/26 15:44:33 UTC

Beyond that I'm a Rooney follower...

Still waiting and praying for that total piece o' shit to follow the other total piece o' shit - and hopefully impact forty or fifty percent harder.
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Re: The Bob Show

Post by <BS> »

Jim probably said something nice.
Trump Has A Problem Criticizing People Who Say Nice Things About Him
Steve Davy
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Re: The Bob Show

Post by Steve Davy »

When I'm in a public place I figure that some of the people around me still support that lunatic. Gives me the creeps.
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Tad Eareckson
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Re: The Bob Show

Post by Tad Eareckson »
US Hawks Hook-In Verification Poll
Bob Kuczewski - 2011/10/25 06:28:43 UTC

Tad, Joe Greblo is a very conservative instructor, and he teaches a physical hook-in check just prior to launch. He does not mandate a lift and tug. If you go to Joe's web site ( you can find contact information for him. Joe knows far more about hang gliding than I probably ever will. If you can convince him that he should be teaching "lift and tug" instead of "turn and check", then you'll get my vote of support.
I don't want your vote of support. The only thing you've ever supported me on is my demolition of the sleazy tactics The Industry uses to attack you. You've never given me or anyone else an ounce of support on implementing anything based on solid aeronautical theory, engineering, procedures, practices. If I WERE to get anything from you along those lines it would only be evidence that I'd majorly screwed a pooch somewhere.

And fuck anybody who gives me a vote based on how somebody else - 'specially a mega-asshole like Joe Greblo - votes.

The guys I've gotten to implement proper, safe, efficient hook-in checks - on at least three continents - do them 'cause I've gotten them to understand the the-gun-is-always-loaded logic and strategy. Fuck guys like Eric Hinrichs - who do them because they were taught to and don't teach them to their students or lift a finger to help get established flyers on the right track. I want that motherfucker on this forum only as illustrations of the proper procedure.

And retarding one's students for months or years from developing proficiencies that should be solidly incorporated in days, hours, minutes, seconds doesn't make one a very conservative instructor. It makes one a parasite on the sport - which is what virtually all commercial instructors are. And FUCK conservative instructors - the "light touch"...


...assholes - anyway. The medium in which we operate can and does become lethally violent, sometimes in matters of seconds, and it needs to be dealt with using max aggressive responses - 'specially given the shit control authority we have available relative to conventional fixed wing aircraft. And you find me a video of a Hang One NOT responding as aggressively as possible - instinctively - when the situation calls for it.

I don't want some very conservative dickhead holding me back from learning how to fly. If I did I'd be another total waste of space like Tom Lyon. I want someone constantly pushing me forward. And if you wanna take issue with that point you find me an incident to support the opposing position. And no, fringe activity like Pat Denevan pulling a Pat Denevan One up 350 feet and fatally slamming her in on his state-of-the-art equipment isn't a legitimate example.
He does not mandate a lift and tug.
1. In fact he advocates against it - as it gives the pilot a false sense of security.
hook in faliure (almost)
Joe Greblo - 2016/09/29 17:07:54 UTC

I watched another pilot launch unhooked using your (Jonathan's) technique.
Right Tom (Galvin)?

And his products launch unhooked left and right. Also stand around watching as his other products are launching unhooked left and right.

2. Must have a really good reason then, right Bob? 'Cause he DOES mandate thirty hours of upright flying before he risks allowing anyone to touch the control bar. So what is it?

- He's lying when he says he watched another pilot launch unhooked using Jonathan's technique 'cause Jonathan's technique is to properly assemble and preflight the glider, harness, connections and execute the hook-in check within a couple seconds of launch - all the while assuming he's not hooked in. And in that scenario it's physically impossible to launch unhooked. Nobody's ever managed to do it in the recorded history of the sport.

- And he doesn't cite the total bullshit high wind scenarios you concocted about needing to keep the wing below the turbulent jet stream six inches above and/or having a lifting wing reducing the traction one needs to maintain safe yaw control. And by the way...


Your very conservative instructor uses three man crews - which include the totally fucking way south of useless nose men - in conditions which are easily and safely self launchable - while he's busy violating the crap outta u$hPa's near 38 year old hook-in check regulation.
... he teaches a physical hook-in check just prior to launch.
The motherfucker doesn't even DO a physical hook-in check just prior to launch. We've got him on video - see above - that SOMEBODY ELSE shot and posted, by the way. It's at this:


point that that Joe does his physical hook-in check just prior to launch. Just about the same point in the progression that Chris Gursky...

Image doing his. Nope...


Didn't quite get it snapped in properly.

- And given that Joe knows far more about hang gliding than you probably ever will, has never made the slightest mention of your fake issues, doesn't PROHIBIT lift and tug for any student or pilot under his control or influence in any conditions we can even more safely conclude that this is just more lunatic rubbish you pulled outta your ass in order to derail implementation of the practice everybody's required to do under SOP's that have been around since near the beginning of time but which all instructors refuse to teach and virtually all flyers choose to flagrantly violate.

And funny that with the most explosive viral incident event in the entire history of the sport and mainstream media reporting all over the planet that we haven't heard a punctuation mark's worth of comment from this top notch instructor who teaches a physical hook-in check just prior to launch and doesn't mandate a lift and tug.

Compare/Contrast with someone who actually DOES do a physical hook-in check just prior to launch:

Hook in ( last chance), version 3

puts the message out on a global scale, doesn't get a dime for any of his efforts. Also gets shit in the way of thanks and endorsement from the Western mainstream.

Ya know what THIS:
Joe knows far more about hang gliding than I probably ever will.
sounds a lot like?
Is this a joke ?
Jim Rooney - 2011/08/26 08:24:31 UTC

And I'm not so arrogant to think that my precious little ideas are going to magically revolutionise the industry.
There are far smarter people than me working this out.
I know, I've worked with them.
(Bobby's a fucking genius when it comes to this shit... for example.)
And Joe opens his mouth in public almost as little as Bobby does. And whenever we're privileged enough to get snippets here and there they just add to the mountains of evidence we've already accumulated that they're both total morons.
Joe knows far more about hang gliding than I probably ever will.
Which is another way of saying that he's a total shit instructor. 'Cause the job of an instructor is to bring his students up to the same speed on all practical issues that he is - AT A MINIMUM. And the Instructor HOPES that his products will EXCEED his accomplishments, proficiency, level of understanding aeronautical issues. And can you point to any of his products who...
John Kelly Harrison - 55 - Nevada - 53375 - H5 - 1996/10/23 - Joe Greblo - PL TFL TPL AWCL CL FSL RLF TUR XC - ADV INST, TAND INST - Exp: 2015/06/30
...resemble that remark? My guys here catch mistakes I make all the freakin' time and a few of them have been on some pretty fundamental shit. And all the stuff beyond typo level is in the public record.

If Joe knows far more about hang gliding than you probably ever will then how come he's never published anything to address any of the total rot we see in Dennis Pagen's books and crash reports, Donnell Hewett's Skyting Theory, Dr. Trisa Tilletti's Higher Education articles - the rot with which you're perfectly happy 'cause you have very little experience in towing?
If you go to Joe's web site ( you can find contact information for him.
And if the motherfucker goes to Tad's Hole In The Ground ( HE can find contact information for ME. Also over eleven hundred posts worth of valuable documentation of what's been going on with the sport since Day One. And his is a dot-com, this one's a dot-org, and I'm not seeing anything over there that inspires me towards further exploration. Or maybe you can point something out that I'm missing.
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Tad Eareckson
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Re: The Bob Show

Post by Tad Eareckson »
Hang gliding is in more trouble than I thought.
Red Howard - 2018/12/11 23:57:06 UTC

I know that you have a beef with another forum owner. This conflict is the predictable result of two control freaks, colliding head-on.

My name is in the no-posts-or-links-about "Rules" for the worlds largest hang gliding community right along with Bob Kuczewski and Scott C. Wise. And I was banned, for knowing what the fuck I was talking about, LONG before either of you two motherfuckers - at which time very few individuals lifted fingers in the way of expressing dissent.
Tow Park accidents
Jim Rooney - 2009/11/12 14:15:29 UTC

I don't think it's the severity, it's the repeated warnings.

Over and over and over again, he decides not to listen and plows ahead with his "everyone is an idiot but me" mantra and his page long sermons.

It's not his forum and he seems to not understand (correction, not respect) that fact.

When someone crosses the line, they get told they've crossed it. What they do next I think is what matters... do they shape up? or is it time to ship out?

Tad chose the latter time and time again.
Good riddance.
Got that, Bob? I got banned for repeatedly saying stuff that wasn't in line with what Jack and his pet u$hPa tool pigfuckers would say themselves. Find a scrap of evidence to the contrary. And a lot of what I was doing was scoring bigtime on your Rodie buddy.

So how come Joe's getting this volcano of outrage and support from you over his banning while I didn't get shit? Are his rights more important than mine in the same "rules" framework? Are his contributions to the sport more important than mine 'cause he was around and doing stuff at the dawn of the sport and I wasn't? And even if they were, would that make him more deserving of defense than Yours Truly? Or anyone else Jack would view as an inconvenience?

And if that Greatest Generation was so fucking great then where the hell were any of them when THIS:


absolute lunacy was published in 1981 and everyone and his dog was swallowing it hook, line, and sinker? And spare me any of your boilerplate crap about having very little experience in towing 'cause it's EXACTLY the same dynamics for:
Simple Progression for Teaching Hang Gliding
Ryan Voight - 2015/02/22

If you teach them how to pull the glider with the harness they'll learn to steer the glider through weight shift simply by running toward their target.

Fuck Jack and the worlds largest hang gliding mutual masturbation society. How many more decades do we need to watch him lock down threads and ban people the nanosecond he realizes that he's being painted into a corner?

The only way to kill that motherfucker is to help him make himself totally irrelevant. Ask Jim Keen-Intellect Rooney - if you can find him anywhere - if you don't believe me. His dump was on a pretty good slide to becoming nothing more that an endless discussion Chris McKeon was having with himself about the best helmet to use for slamming into a boulder headfirst at 45 miles per hour. It was even way less interesting to read than The Bob Show. Likewise with respect to Davis's intellectually castrated sewer.

But yeah, Red's right. You're another control freak - which makes you another enemy of aeronautical competence. And hang gliding's survived in that environment about as long as is possible - and not very well at that.
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Re: The Bob Show

Post by Tad Eareckson »
Hang gliding is in more trouble than I thought.
Bob Kuczewski - 2018/12/13 00:44:32 UTC

As many of you know, the owner of a forum can change literally anything. That's why it's important for the owner to hold all posts in high regard. I believe we have the best record in hang gliding here on the U.S. Hawks. Kitestrings had been a close second (or possibly tied for first) until their moderators began rearranging posts to suit someone's agenda.
Kitestrings... two words - just like in the fuckin' dictionary. One of the many reasons you don't get to post here anymore is 'cause you tend not to be real concerned about getting and doing things right.
As many of you know, the owner of a forum can change literally anything.
- On Kite Strings there are 18 individuals who can literally change anything - and only 22 individuals who've ever posted anything.

- I'm not even the owner.

- I'm seeing you currently with 665 Members, can't find out how many have posted, and for the well over eight years of The Bob Show's existence there's only been individual who can literally change anything.
...their moderators...
Right - PLURAL. There's an ACTUAL and MAJOR sharing of POWER here and we've been getting along just fine - with respect to that issue.
...began rearranging posts...
Nobody BEGAN rearranging posts - in discussions you initiated in violation of what you agreed to in order to have access privileges restored. I began rearranging posts a zillion years ago when miguel inadvertently submitted a reply in the wrong topic. I've also rearranged posts when realizing after days, weeks, months that a particular issue needed its own topic. And I know I haven't done anywhere near enough of that sorta thing.

I however never have and never will rearrange posts to sabotage anyone's intent or distort the historical record - the way Jack and Davis do all the fuckin' time and you have done on the request of your Pigfucker Sam buddy. And on that last one a fair argument can be made that that vandalism was a significant factor in the towing inconvenience fatality of one of your clueless earlier members. suit someone's agenda.
- Fuck anyone who doesn't have an agenda. Also fuck anyone who has a sleazy agenda.

- It suited MY agenda - which included issues of:
-- preventing distortion and destruction of the historical record
-- the forum being spammed by duplicate posts and topics from an individual not authorized to post

- The clearly stated agenda of Kite Strings is to reform hang gliding from the opinion based total crap it's been since the dawn of its existence to a legitimate flavor of aviation - something that ain't never gonna happen on any forum that values aeronautical opinions and respect for the individuals who have them.

- The agenda of The Bob Show is to continue hang gliding as the opinion based total crap it's been since the dawn of its existence 'cept with Emperor Bob in control of everything rather than the commercial interests.
That's why it's important for the owner to hold all posts in high regard.
Oh. ALL posts in HIGH REGARD.
Sam Kellner - 2010/03/28 21:41:19 UTC

:lol: Yeah, I don't even read all of those long winded "explanations". :lol: :roll:
'Specially posts from stupid Davis, Jack, Bob Show pigfuckers about holding posts longer than two and a half sentences or fifteen smilies - whichever come first - with total contempt. Kind of a Catch-22 situation ain't it, Bob?

I don't hold total pieces o' shit like Sam or the crap the motherfucker spews with any regard whatsoever. I will, however, totally accurately document his posts in context and leave others to draw their own conclusions.
I believe we...
Meaning Emperor Bob. OBVIOUSLY - 'cause he's the only motherfucker who has control of any of the relevant switches.
...have the best record in hang gliding here on the U.S. Hawks.
Nope. Most assuredly not since you:
Banned Posts from SWTHG Forum

2011/10/20 06:02:42 UTC
Kitestrings had been a close second (or possibly tied for first) until their moderators began rearranging posts to suit someone's agenda.
Nope. Just that action alone made you a very distant second. And you're not gonna be able to point to or document a single deceptively altered punctuation mark to be able to drag us back a millimeter.
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Re: The Bob Show

Post by <BS> »

Forums usually offer a "hide your online status" choice, found in the user control panel under global settings. When in use, a registered user's name will not show at the bottom of the main page under "who is online", but will show as one of the numbered "hidden". I can't find that feature anywhere on that site, so have concluded Bob is the "1 hidden". That's not weird.
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