The Bob Show

General discussion about the sport of hang gliding
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Tad Eareckson
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Re: The Bob Show

Post by Tad Eareckson »

I dunno...

Mark's advised us to please be careful out there. That's surely prevented at least half a dozen unhooked launches and many hundreds of imperfectly timed flares.

Hey Bob...

On one of the many more recent phone conversations we had when Kite Strings was your only hope for mobilizing the thousands of active flyers out there highly motivated to Break u$hPa's Monopoly Control of Flying Sites, we were discussing the eclipse and I said that my primary motivation with the rattler was to get him bagged quickly before some asshole came along with a shovel to make E09 a safe place for people of varying ages to visit. And you identified yourself as someone who would've been an asshole who would've come along with a shovel to make E09 a safe place for people of varying ages to visit. Big surprise - what with your legendary concern for the safety of people of varying ages.

And if you'd been there instead of me and nobody had been around with a bigger shovel to properly deal with you in a timely manner you'd have majorly degraded and permanently severely tainted the experience of that day for a lot of people.

Most of those people had come hundreds of miles to see one of the most spectacular phenomena in the NATURE of this planet. And that was a definite first for many and undoubtedly last for some chunk of that set. And that rattler was definitely a significant bonus for probably all who saw him.

Spectacular product of millions of years of evolution - damn near all of it in isolation from humans and their predecessors. Spectacular phenomenon of nature, also undoubtedly a first and last experience for many. That was the FIFTH live rattler I've encountered in the wild in my lifetime - and I go out of my way to see stuff like that. Previous was a couple decades ago and I may not live to see another at that rate.

And most of that is 'cause of assholes like you who go around with shovels decapitating everything they find that they THINK might be a venomous reptile - not to mention bulldozing and paving everything in sight they think will work for the purpose of unsustainable human population expansion.

And this little guy:


has been out surviving and filling his niche in the ecosystem in some rather bleak and desolate desert scrub that nobody wants for anything other than a once in fifty thousand year eclipse viewing platform, we invade en mass for half a day, you decapitate him 'cause of your concern for the safety of people of varying ages and it's too much goddam trouble to just bag him for a couple hours and your idiot fucking bible says he's evil for being born a snake. (And I remember you on the phone a good many years ago saying with respect to Mark G. Forbes, "He's a SNAKE." (Like the most vile of God's creations.))

But you don't shoot the Moose, Grizzly, Wolf, Mountain Lion a hundred miles back upstream at Yellowstone 'cause they're furry and found on calendars and postcards - and you'd be a whole lot less likely to get away with it. (The way your buddy Sam has shooting (at) hawks.)

Well, lemme tell ya sumpin', motherfucker... Times change and lotsa rattlers around the country enjoy various levels of LEGAL protections - including ones in Idaho. You can't just go around chopping heads off of anything and everything you feel entitled to and necessarily get away with it. And even with as much of a dickhead magnet as hang gliding is there's a very strong trend against killing rattlers.

- On 1989/04/09 a cold, slow moving little Timber Rattler was discovered soaking up some afternoon rays on the south McConnellsburg ramp. Everybody ran for cameras.

- Sharon Moon (Florida - can't find the reference) ejected a surprise Pygmy Rattler out of her sailplane cockpit when she found the situation too close for comfort but didn't feel good about it. (I'd have landed with him.)

- Rattlers at launches are just getting moved out of the traffic areas.

- I can't even recall a single reported instance of a rattler being deliberately killed by a glider person.

My feeling... If you don't have some compassion for the non human stuff - including the somewhat scary non human stuff - you also have zilch compassion for most or all of the human stuff. And Terry Mason comes to immediate mind on that score. Not seeing any solid evidence of you not being a major sociopath.
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Tad Eareckson
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Re: The Bob Show

Post by Tad Eareckson »

Another comment on another phone exchange from that period, Bob...

I made a comment to the effect that hang gliding was a natural extreme dickhead magnet and that it:

- was thus naturally, predictably, rather quickly taken over by extreme dickheads and put on a path to extinction

- would, if anything ever emerged from the ashes, again naturally, predictably, quickly be taken over by extreme dickheads who would also drive 2.0 into the dust

And then you told me about the theory on human dynamics a "friend" of yours had concocted.
- The early human populations are taken over by dickheads.
- The non dickheads get fed up and establish populations beyond.
- More dickheads emerge from these frontier settlements and the process repeats itself.
- Thus the least intrinsically dickheaded flavors of humans are those in the most recently populated land masses.
- America and Australia. I rest his/my case.

WHAT?!?! Our species has been in this hemisphere for about sixteen thousand years and in Australia for about fifty!

Oh, right. By humans you mean white Protestant English speaking types packing heat. That was so stunningly RACIST - but I guess I should've been surprised that I was the least bit surprised.

- Guess what Bob... If there's some kind of evolutionary, anthropological theory with any claim to a measurable level of possibility to it then it wasn't originated by some "friend" of yours that you met at some "Make America Great Again" rally.

- It takes a totally astonishing ignorance of and level of stupidity about genetics, biology, human history and culture to begin to buy into crap like that.

[TIL] About Tad Eareckson
Bob Kuczewski - 2013/03/10 18:20:34 UTC

Eventually (and for reasons that I won't full disclose here), it became necessary to ask Tad to leave the US Hawks forum, and he is currently the only person who's been completely banned from the US Hawks.
Thanks bigtime for the honor.
US Hawks Hook-In Verification Poll
Bob Kuczewski - 2011/11/04 16:17:15 UTC

You've had a platform here to make a pretty good case, and I think I'd prefer a straight pin myself. However, I do feel that the BIG DEAL you make about the differences is somewhat overblown.
Tad's barrel release tested
Jim Rooney - 2008/07/01 03:58:58 UTC

For clarity, as I have no issues with Tad's barrel releases...

I'm practiced at releasing Bailey's under severe load because I fly with them tandem (and figured it might be a good idea), not because it's part of tandem training. And the conversation went "No, like this... pop".

I consider this a non-issue flying solo since you will not achieve the loads where you see differences between straight pin or barrel pin releases... you do have a 130lb weaklink?... don't you? So I don't really see why I should care about the release force required at 250lbs (or 500lbs for that matter).
Poll on weaklinks
Jim Rooney - 2013/03/12 15:43:02 UTC

A) Go try it.
You want to amp it up to 200?... add whatever weight you need (if any). Put some rocks in a backpack for all I care. This is a dead simple test. Rather than FUD, just do it.
B) As I said before, the guys seeking these straight pins are doing so because they want stronger weaklinks.
C) Also as I said before, I don't care... the straight pin / bent pin is "issue" is a non issue to me. Use either. You like straight pins? BFD... use straight ones.
D) See A)
Birds of a feather.
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Tad Eareckson
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Re: The Bob Show

Post by Tad Eareckson »
Dockweiler flying - open letter to HG folks
Bob Kuczewski - 2017/12/17 20:15:29 UTC

I've included a recent quote from Mark Forbes below. Mark Forbes is a very slick writer, but if you're a critical reader, you'll see the real message for what it is - dishonesty.

For starters, Mark's message is full of statements that are disingenuous (at best). For example, he states over and over that he supports pilots flying without USHPA:
No-Membership, No-Insurance Flying Agreement with City
Mark G. Forbes - 2017/12/12 18:15:48 UTC

... that's great!
... that's wonderful.
... I hope these "no membership, no insurance" pilots have a good time flying at the beach.
Does anyone really believe that Mark Forbes thinks it's "great" and "wonderful" that we can fly at Dockweiler without USHPA membership? Does anyone really believe that Mark Forbes is hoping that "no membership, no insurance" pilots have a good time flying at the beach? If so, then where are his previous actions backing that? There are none. He's lying. In fact, it was USHPA that pressured Joe Greblo into keeping non-USHPA members from flying there. That's what forced us to bring the matter to Los Angeles County in the first place. For Mark Forbes to act as if he's happy about that shows how dishonest he can be.

Then he piles on more dishonesty and sarcasm directed at putting down Dockweiler as a flying site:
I hope these "no membership, no insurance" pilots have a good time flying at the beach. It's a nice place for basic training on a big, slow glider. I've only been there once, and it wasn't flyable.
It's a site for "basic training"? How about the fine - and highly advanced - art of soaring such a site? Joe Greblo's school only allows advanced pilots to do that. That's not "basic training", yet Mark Forbes doesn't mention that at all. More dishonesty.

Mark's comments about "a big, slow glider" are also misleading. I've soared there in my Falcon, and I've personally witnessed a pilot soar there for nearly an hour in a double-surfaced glider. More dishonesty from Forbes.

And that last line: "I've only been there once, and it wasn't flyable" may be true for him, but that wasn't his point. His point was to put the site down and minimize the fact that it's been freed from USHPA's grip. Mark knows very well that it's an extremely fun site with soaring possibilities and lots of exposure to introduce the public to hang gliding. But that doesn't fit his agenda, so he leaves it out.

Mark Forbes is the embodiment of what's wrong with USHPA.
For starters, Mark's message is full of statements that are disingenuous (at best).
For a model of ethical and moral purity, straightforwardness, openness, solid democratic principles see:
Frequently Asked Questions
It's a site for "basic training"? How about the fine - and highly advanced - art of soaring such a site?
Fine and highly advanced ART of SOARING such a site...


Simply BREATHTAKING watching these world class pilots showing us muppets how to do this right. Banking turns up to fifteen, twenty degrees. Varying airspeed two miles per hour up and down from trim. I was truly humbled.
...Joe Greblo's school only allows advanced pilots to do that.
Fuck yeah. I shudder to think what would happen if one allowed some wet-hind-the-ears forty hour intermediate pilot to do that.
That's not "basic training"...
It was in 1980 when I was learning and teaching at Jockey's Ridge. But those were the Dark Ages before we learned (the hard way) how insanely dangerous it was to allow students to put their hands on the control bar and/or prone out with less than twice the airtime one needed for a Four back then.
...yet Mark Forbes doesn't mention that at all. More dishonesty.
From one of the most fundamentally, skillfully, infuriatingly dishonest individuals I've ever dealt with.
Mark's comments about "a big, slow glider" are also misleading. I've soared there in my Falcon...
And there's no fuckin' way Wills Wing's single surface entry level certified glider could be considered slow - or big.
...and I've personally witnessed a pilot soar there for nearly an hour in a double-surfaced glider.
More dishonesty from Forbes.
What do you call it when you use the artificial, progress retarding and killing barriers some corrupt commercial dickhead like Joe Greblo throws in the paths of individuals motivated to attain hang glider pilot proficiencies to attribute obscenely inflated values to what would otherwise be normal, solid, unremarkable, Day Three level competencies?
And that last line: "I've only been there once, and it wasn't flyable" may be true for him, but that wasn't his point. His point was to put the site down and minimize the fact that it's been freed from USHPA's grip.
Freed from anybody's grip is a bit of a stretch. It's still fuckin' outrageous that a totally commercial enterprise can and does exclude from a public recreation area anyone it feels like five days a week - including Saturday and Sunday - and can and will exclude same the other two days any time it feels like making a few more bucks off of the public recreation area. The precedent you set with this one may well be worse than not having set a precedent at all.
Mark knows very well that it's an extremely fun site with soaring possibilities and lots of exposure to introduce the public to hang gliding.
The public which is just lining up in droves to refill our rapidly depleting ranks.
But that doesn't fit his agenda, so he leaves it out.
And you'd be past master at identifying that strategy, wouldn't ya Bob?
Mark Forbes is the embodiment of what's wrong with USHPA.
But his counterpart at the US Hawks is so spot on with everybody on everything that not once over the course of the seven year plus five month existence of the Association has a single Member in Good Standing expressed the slightest interest in having the slightest degree of actual shared power. It obviously ain't broke so it would be an act of total lunacy to attempt to fix it any.
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Tad Eareckson
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Re: The Bob Show

Post by Tad Eareckson »
Davis Straub's "Oz Report" Conflict of Interest
Bob Kuczewski - 2009/05/10

I agree with that sentiment, and I think it would be wise for USHPA to ask Mr. Eareckson what it is specifically that he is seeking. I don't think trying to silence him with an injunction is a good start.

Also, I have almost no background in towing, so I've asked a close friend to review his concerns for my own enlightenment. If anyone else on the Board with towing expertise would like to offer comments on Mr. Eareckson's points for similar enlightenment that would be appreciated by us gravity launch pilots.
Bob Kuczewski - 2009/05/11 19:40 UTC

Third, I'm not an expert in towing, but I consulted someone who knows the topic pretty well. His comment was that while it might be good for USHPA to make recommendations in this area, there is still plenty of room for innovation. For that reason, he doesn't think USHPA should mandate any kind of obligatory system that would stifle that innovation - whether Mr. Eareckson's or any other. I have very little background in towing, so I'm just passing this perspective on for your general consideration.
Bob Kuczewski - 2017/08/06 04:36:50 UTC

The pilot who I asked about towing was John Heiney and he definately knows towing.
Bob Kuczewski - 2009/05/10

I agree with that sentiment, and I think it would be wise for USHPA to ask Mr. Eareckson what it is specifically that he is seeking.
Since none of us douchebags can be bothered to actually read a sentence or two of anything he actually wrote.
I don't think trying to silence him with an injunction is a good start.
So let's reserve that for our second move. Then we can totally ignore him while presenting a facade of reasonable process.
Also, I have almost no background in towing, so I've asked a close friend to review his concerns for my own enlightenment.
Because I certainly couldn't derive any enlightenment of my own by exposing my eyes to anything from the original source. But even though the only thing I know about towing - despite the fact that I'm sailplane rated - is that it involves pulling on some sort of rope tied to the glider, I know that this close friend of mine is certainly better qualified to assess and interpret things than this Tad Earickson could possibly be. How do I know this? 'Cause Tad Earickson is rocking this perfectly trimmed boat we all have while this close friend of mine has never in his entire decades long career uttered a half a syllable's worth of comment - positive, negative, neutral - on any towing issue.
If anyone else on the Board with towing expertise would like to offer comments on Mr. Eareckson's points...
...which neither I nor any other of us u$hPa establishment motherfuckers have the slightest intention of ever actually reading...
...for similar enlightenment that would be appreciated by us gravity launch pilots.
Yeah, us GRAVITY launch pilots. None of you douchebags ever use any degree of generated thrust to help accelerate your gliders up to semi safe launch speeds. And you also never stand, ramps, cliffs, dunes in 25 mile per hour winds in which you already have an excess of airspeed just by remaining stationary.
Bob Kuczewski - 2009/05/11 19:40 UTC

Third, I'm not an expert in towing, but I consulted someone who knows the topic pretty well.
'Cause I AM expert enough to differentiate between someone who knows the topic pretty well and some fuckin' whack job like Tad Earickson who's in serious need of having his positive energy harnessed by us.
His comment was that while it might be good for USHPA to make recommendations in this area...
And here I was thinking for all those years that u$hPa had actual regulations regarding qualifications, standards, sign-offs for flying AT. And they didn't even have so much as any recommendations.

And that's how they got their aerotowing exemption from the FAA. u$hPa said if they signed off on 4144 we'd recommend people use equipment of various standards. And we were totally good to go.
...there is still plenty of room for innovation.
Which is another way of saying we're killing people on a fairly regular schedule 'cause we're putting them up on shit equipment and rubber stamping all of our fatality reports with "Made no attempt to release."

Funny we never heard anything from John Heiney - who definately knows towing - about there still being plenty of room for innovation in the wake of 2015/03/27 Jean Lake. Everything Kelly Harrison was using and doing was found to be "typical". And it's virtually impossible to improve on typical - just ask any Cheetah or Peregrine Falcon.
For that reason, he doesn't think USHPA should mandate any kind of obligatory system that would stifle that innovation - whether Mr. Eareckson's or any other.
How very bizarre. The sport of hang gliding started off tow-only in the late Sixties. And in all the time since absolutely nothing was obligatory anywhere. So you'd have expected innovation to have rocketed through the stratosphere by the mid to late Seventies. Yet here we are in the spring of 2009, no mandates, nothing obligatory... and there's still plenty of room for innovation. How could that possibly be possible?
I have very little background in towing, so I'm just passing this perspective on for your general consideration.
So you asked your "close friend", John...
Bob Kuczewski - 2017/08/06 04:36:50 UTC

The pilot who I asked about towing was John Heiney and he definately knows towing.
...Heiney, who definately knows towing, to review my concerns for your own enlightenment and ten seconds later he pulled this bogus concern of mine about mandating "MY SYSTEM" as a u$hPa SOP out of his stupid sleazy ass. And you were so astoundingly enlightened that you were able to continue not actually listening to anything I was actually saying because you still have almost no background in towing to this very day.

Let's take another look at that one...
His comment was that while it might be good for USHPA to make recommendations in this area, there is still plenty of room for innovation. For that reason, he doesn't think USHPA should mandate any kind of obligatory system that would stifle that innovation - whether Mr. Eareckson's or any other.
That was the ENTIRETY of your enlightenment on towing. What more enlightenment could one possibly ever desire?

I ALWAYS knew that something about you smelled off but you're good at talking in a manner such that people will hear what you want them to hear and ignore all the alarm bells firing up.

But then when ya go back and carefully dissect all the shit you pull... Infuriating doesn't begin to scratch the surface.

And John Heiney... Not just a friend but a CLOSE friend - undoubtedly in no small part out of your respect and admiration for his deep understanding of hang glider towing. A close friend who isn't a member of your alternate hang gliding association and never bothered to lift a finger on your behalf while you were getting fucked over by the Torrey thugs, arrested by the corrupt San Diego law enforcement thugs, expelled from u$hPa by the same motherfuckers you were sleeping with while they were ending my career.

So thanks for further confirmation of what we all already know. Your only friend of any description is Bob Kuczewski. While your close friend John Heiney was busy doing absolutely nothing a lot of your prominent enemies were giving you major covering fire on issues of principle. Even Davis tossed you a crumb or two on some of that shit. (Only because there was so much popular outrage that he knew he needed to go with the flow a wee bit.)
Frequently Asked Questions
Is there a Board of Directors for the US Hawks?
Not yet. The HGAA's early problems arose because different people wanted to take the organization in different directions. That created power stuggles which cost the HGAA some of its early leadership. For now, I'm going to take the US Hawks in the direction that I believe is right. If people want to go along, then they're welcome. If not, there are at least two other alternatives. :)
Close to seven and a half years now. And still all you've got is people who want to go along.

I make a point of keeping the kind of people who want to go along the fuck OUT of Kite Strings. Granted, activity-wise nowadays we're pretty much a ghost town. But that in itself serves as a pretty good barometer regarding the future of the sport. It's obvious that it's headed towards extinction under the burden of people who want to go along and there's no critical mass of the people who refuse to go along to pull it out of its death spiral.
Steve Davy
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Re: The Bob Show

Post by Steve Davy »

A ghost town is what you get when all the Gold is depleted. Kite Strings is the Mother lode.
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Tad Eareckson
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Re: The Bob Show

Post by Tad Eareckson »

Yeah, but u$hPa and its clones have been totally successful in shifting the sport over onto the shit standard.
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Tad Eareckson
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Re: The Bob Show

Post by Tad Eareckson »
Cape Kiwanda HG reunion anyone?
Bob Kuczewski - 2018/02/15 08:37:00 UTC

U.S. Hawks Member Numbers

Hi Frank,

The answer is yes and no.

We actually do have member numbers. You can find them here:
Official US Hawks Membership List

Technically they're really member dates (the sign up date), but those dates create an ordering that can be numbered.

The tricky part is that we've had a number of fraudulent sign ups (spammers etc) that don't deserve to waste our member numbers. When a new "member" registers on the forum, I send them an email message asking about their interest in hang gliding. They don't become a real member (on that list) until they respond.

It's tricky because there's no explicit time limit for them to respond. So someone who registered 6 months ago, but didn't respond until today would be entered into the list with the date of their registration. That would "bump" the numbers of those who registered in the 6 months since then.

We could revise this policy, but it's been easy for me because the forum automatically keeps track of the registration date. So there's no question about it.

Please take a look at that registration/membership list when you get a chance. Image

Also, in addition to that official list (maintained by hand), the forum has a "Members" button at the top. That will show all registrations (confirmed or not). It has a nice feature that lets you sort it by various columns (ascending or descending). I enjoy sorting by number of posts with most active at the top. It's inspiring to see how many people have made major contributions to our forum.
When a new "member" registers on the forum, I send them an email message asking about their interest in hang gliding. They don't become a real member (on that list) until they respond.
In my first post on the "Welcome" topic I state that the individual needs to email me in order to be activated. That's pretty much never happened. And I periodically go into the ACP to check for new registrations. When I find one if it's a legitimate glider person I'll likely know who it is right away by the user name and/or email address. If it's a legitimate glider person whom I don't know the user name will usually tip me off. If it's a legitimate interested person I can usually google the info and make the determination. If it's a spammer I'll usually be able to verify that pretty quickly. And I'm not really worried about it if someone falls through the cracks. The kind of individual who's gonna be a worthwhile member of Kite Strings is really gonna want to be and will be able to get through to me. Or hell, one or the eighteen other Moderators from various points around the globe.
Also, in addition to that official list (maintained by hand), the forum has a "Members" button at the top.
Just as long as you're an approved Bob Show Member In Good Standing.

Yeah Bob, I took a look at your list. Took a look at where my name should've been / used to be:

40. TadEareckson - 2011/02/11

Gone. 451 Bob Show posts between then and your extrajudicial assassination a bit over ten months later at 2011/12/15.
Training Manual Comments / Contribution
Bob Kuczewski - 2012/01/07 17:59:55 UTC

Tad has been asked repeatedly to help with building the US Hawks and he's pretty much refused to participate. If you see something he's written that's particularly helpful, please post it. I have no problem giving attribution to Tad or his work. You can communicate with him through his forum at I'm not trying to "erase" Tad, but I am trying to protect the US Hawks from the destructive aspects of his personality.
What will keep the US Hawks from becoming another USHPA
Bob Kuczewski - 2012/03/20 20:18:24 UTC

This is NOT or USHPA. We do NOT try to "erase" people ... or their contributions on this forum. But there are people who - for whatever reason - are not suited to working productively in a group. Can anyone name a better "poster child" for those people ... than Tad?
Yeah, "WE" - meaning YOU (second person singular ('cause for the seven and half years of Bob Show existence there's only been one rule that matters)) - "erase" people, MOTHERFUCKER.
Frequently Asked Questions
Is there a Board of Directors for the US Hawks?
Not yet. The HGAA's early problems arose because different people wanted to take the organization in different directions. That created power stuggles which cost the HGAA some of its early leadership. For now, I'm going to take the US Hawks in the direction that I believe is right. If people want to go along, then they're welcome. If not, there are at least two other alternatives. :)
Emperor Bob's way or the highway. Three quarters of a decade as of three days ago. Bunch o' groupie cocksuckers to enable you to present an illusion of a better alternative to u$hPa.

269 names on that list and only T** at K*** S****** was so vile that he needed to be quickly eliminated with only the thinnest facades of justifications and process.

I guess you just erased my name 'cause I'm no longer a member (and have no snowball's chance in hell of ever being reconnected come hell or high water). I see at least three dead people - a victim of Sams and his shit Leakey tow operation, a suicide, an obvious opioid drug overdose - 84, 24, 5 posts respectively. Yeah, they're all certainly much better Bob Show Members than Tad ever was or could hope to be. Won't find any of them doing their duty to speak out when they see something that's not being done correctly and having their Member free speech being honored.

Other interesting stats...

Twelve listed Members who are Tad Show Monitors or Administrators. (How many people do you have as Monitors or Administrators? (Just as many as you need, I'm guessing. Just as many of the membership you can respect and trust.))

Two Members who are unrestricted Tad Show Members and three others whom I've banned but haven't erased. (I had taken Sam's name down 'cause I didn't want that total piece o' shit with no redeeming social value stinking up the place but, what the hell, it's back up to make the point.)

You've got Orion Price and JONATHAN (a banned and dead Kite Strings Member and active Kite Strings Moderator and contributor respectively) listed as members in good standing. Need one say more?

And let's go back to your cowardly bullshit premise for your silencing and erasing me...
The Bob Show
Bob Kuczewski - 2011/12/13 05:55:39 UTC

This forum should be a safe place for people of varying ages to visit. You have not given me any assurances that's true with you on this forum.
Note that it didn't devolve into "trying to protect the US Hawks from the destructive aspects of his personality" until three and a half weeks later.

Yeah, you got me, Bob. Now I can't lurk as a US Hawks member and prey upon all the people of varying ages who visit The Bob Show. If only other sociopathic glider forum emperors were as conscientious as you are we'd be able to get a grip on this serious people of varying ages endangerment issue. Of course your premise was that I'd be able to communicate with them via Personal Message and it was easier and more noble sounding to ban me than disable my Personal Messaging wire (which I'd never used and never had any interest in using anyway). And maybe you could explain to me how I was supposed to be able to COMMUNICATE with people of varying ages VISITORS. Personal Messaging is only possible between two individuals who've registered and been cleared by Emperor Bob.

But let's go with your premise that I'm a conscienceless person of varying ages predator hunting the target rich environment of glider forums - mainly yours and mine (in that order, of course).

Zebras aren't particularly concerned about the Lions they can see and know about.
Lion pictures and videos

What scares them shitless is all the ones they CAN'T see and DON'T know about.

I heard Silver Spring free range kids mom Danielle Meitiv respond to some asshole pointing out that there were fifteen hundred registered sex offenders living within the quarter mile wide swath of real estate between her home and the park. Her response was "Yeah. So?" The threat to her kids and family wasn't from any of them. It was from the Child Protective Services assholes who snatched the kids off the street and attempted to criminalize the parents. (If you're having trouble with the analogy, Bob, you're Child Protective Services.)

Nobody's gonna be having an encounter with Kevin Spacey unless he really really wants to have an encounter with Kevin Spacey - and highly unlikely even then.

So now The Bob Show is a safe place for people of varying ages to visit - unless your varying age is 66 and the Bob Show member is SouthWest Texas Chapter President...

...Sam Kellner.

So ever since 2011/12/15 The Bob Show has been a perfectly safe place for people of varying ages to visit. 269 full Members with all the privileges, rights, protections that entailed - they can say and do anything that's OK with Emperor Bob. (Like not having a vote on anything that Emperor Bob can't veto.) Not a single potential issue for people of varying ages because Emperor Bob has done...
The tricky part is that we've had a number of fraudulent sign ups (spammers etc) that don't deserve to waste our member numbers. When a new "member" registers on the forum, I send them an email message asking about their interest in hang gliding. They don't become a real member (on that list) until they respond.
...extensive background checks on all of them. We know that "binsel" is OK 'cause he/she/it signed up on Apr 30, 2013, Emperor Bob sent him/her/it an email message asking about his/her/its interest in hang gliding, and he/she/it said he/she/it was interested in hang gliding. "GREAT!" says Emperor Bob. "I'd like to put you in touch with some people of varying ages I know who are ALSO interested in hang gliding!"

Anybody wonder who did the background check on the only Bob Show Member who's ever had a vote on anything?

I'll do a little bit on that. Stephen Parson and Jon Orders have felony manslaughter convictions 'cause they launched with tandem thrill riders they thought they'd hooked in. The reason Emperor Bob DOESN'T have a felony manslaughter conviction - along with a Dishonorable Discharge - is 'cause there wasn't a person of a varying age standing in the wrong place at the wrong time on the other side of the wall when Bob pulled the trigger of an unloaded unauthorized handgun.
'Lift and Tug Before You Get Off' - PSA video from Heli1
NMERider - 2015/06/28 20:35:10 UTC

A brief summary of the 2-second rule on performing a hook-in check within 2 seconds of launching is directly analogous to the 2-second rule on firearm handling. In other words assume that the firearm is ALWAYS loaded before handling and assume that you are NEVER hooked in unless you verify that the chamber is in fact empty and that you are in fact hooked in within 2 seconds of handling and attempting to launch. I had one friend who parted his wife's hair with his 'unloaded' .45 and several who have launched unhooked plus several more who launched without leg loops and one who died early this year without his leg loops.
I think most of us humans can sympathize with other humans who've been humans in manners that haven't always had stellar outcomes. I know I can stomach them a lot better than the perfect ones.
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Tad Eareckson
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Re: The Bob Show

Post by Tad Eareckson »
Kansas City Hang Gliding Crash
Frank Colver - 2018/03/22 18:30:17 UTC

Good grief!!! I didn't know there was a character like Blindrodie lurking around the hang gliding world. Image
The hang gliding world is INFESTED with and CONTROLLED by total scumbags like Rodie. Has been for decades. How deep is the cave you've been living in.
I guess there is more intrigue in this sport than I ever imagined.
Try reading just about anything.
I hark back to the days when nobody locked their gliders on top of their vehicles. Well, even I do that now.
Gliders only cost a couple hundred bucks back then - commensurate with their airworthiness and performance.
Bob Kuczewski - 2018/03/25 18:00:07 UTC

To be fair to Jim Gaar ("Blindrodie")...
Would be to beat the shit out of him and feed the few scraps left over to the dogs.
...there are likely 2 sides to every story.
Sure Bob...
Threaded bridle system
Jim Gaar - 2011/05/26 15:44:33 UTC

Beyond that I'm a Rooney follower...
Ridgerodent gone?
Sam Kellner - 2011/09/10 02:24:50 UTC

I was working up some harmony for Rooney Tunes. Image
Whatever you say.
However, he has been invited to participate in discussions to resolve the matter...
Sure. No problem whatsoever with THAT motherfucker on The Bob Show. Above and beyond the call in the character department.
...but he has not opted to do so. That gives greater credibility to Warren's position.
How 'bout Peter Birren?
Whether we like it or not, disputes are part of human nature.
Really? We don't seem to have had many disputes worth mentioning amongst Kite Strings contributors. Granted though, we've kept the place a total douchebag free zone.
I think we could improve the hang gliding world by providing fair venues for mediation.
And who better to arbitrate things than Emperor Bob?
But that requires all parties to participate.
Suck my dick.
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Tad Eareckson
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Re: The Bob Show

Post by Tad Eareckson »
Retraction? Restitution?
Bob Kuczewski - 2018/03/25 19:10:54 UTC

Thanks Rick. The Ranger Creed is not very long, but even in those few sentnces it mentions duty to each other twice:
Never shall I fail my comrades.
I will never leave a fallen comrade to fall into the hands of the enemy
1. Who's a comrade and what does he need to do to be allowed to join the club?
2. What do you do if your comrades decide to massacre a village of civilian peasant farmers - men, women, kids, dogs, water buffalo?
3. Who's the enemy and why are we over there fighting him?
That's the duty that I feel to those who have joined the U.S. Hawks.
1. Thanks, Emperor Bob. And my deepest apologies for having taken any positions you ever disagreed with.
2. And because you feel that duty you certainly don't have the slightest obligation to share any actual power with anybody.
It's the same duty reflected by Joe's opening post, and by so many of our members who have spoken out for justice.
So many of our members content to have been led around by their balls by Emperor Bob for the better part of eight years now.
Just as the Rangers attracted an elite group of soldiers...
Guys who are really good at killing other guys with whom our Commander In Chief may have disagreements - or have resources we'd like to get our hands on.
...I believe the U.S. Hawks is attracting an elite group of hang gliding pilots.
Fuck yeah. Who but an elite group of hang gliding pilots would hand their balls over to Emperor Bob and be willing to go along with whatever the fuck he said for the better part of eight years?
Deepest thanks to all who've joined us.
Don't mention it. And suck my dick.
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Tad Eareckson
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Re: The Bob Show

Post by Tad Eareckson »

P.S. Hey Bob...

How does Pat Tillman fit into the equation with the Ranger Creed and that lunatic sociopath you and your lunatic sociopathic kindred spirits put in the White House a couple Januaries ago? Tell us about the other side of that story.
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