The Bob Show

General discussion about the sport of hang gliding
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Tad Eareckson
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Re: The Bob Show

Post by Tad Eareckson »
Life 4 Rent
miguel - 2011/12/22 16:57:16 UTC

Thanks for the Hendrix. Never saw that one before.
I was half expecting Ron Paul to pop up in the middle.
Warren Narron - 2011/12/23 18:41:06 UTC

Ha! that is funny!
I just happened to run across that clip and thought I'd share.
I haven't had decent internet speed all that long and it is amazing what you find.
We had better use it while we can before we lose it.
(Coming soon to a monitor near you if statists get their way.)

No one should complain if one wants to post something off topic (out of the box thinking) once in a while.
No one is being charged for bandwidth here and no one is forced to follow off topic posts.
Or on topic posts. (You listening, Bob?)
It's also not like there is a ton of traffic here... crickets...

Bob booted Tad to The Basement on 2011/12/09 to begin an "experiment" of "about a month" to see if that would boost participation in discussion of hang gliding issues and off completely on 2011/12/14 to make the forum "a safe place for people of varying ages to visit". So far the evidence seems to be pointing in the precise opposite direction with respect to both desired results.
Posting a video like that is making a statement, in that time, in your existence.
As opposed to people that post a series of smilies instead of writing something, a video is more artistic.
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Tad Eareckson
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Re: The Bob Show

Post by Tad Eareckson »
US Hawks Hang Gliding Association - Frequently Asked Questions
What will keep the US Hawks from becoming another USHPA or HGAA?

You will ... hopefully. The price of freedom is eternal vigilance. Everyone has to do their part once in a while. If you see something that's not being done correctly, then it's your duty to speak out. One big difference between the US Hawks and other organizations is that the US Hawks really does honor the free speech of its members.
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Steve Davy
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Re: The Bob Show

Post by Steve Davy »
Discuss Tad here
Free - 2011/12/24 06:04:50 UTC

Can someone help with contact info for Tad?
I want to wish him well this Christmas season and possibly get help in restoring my login privilege at Kitestrings.

Let's talk, Tad.
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Re: The Bob Show

Post by bobk »

Re: Discuss Tad here
Free - 2011/12/24 06:04:50 UTC

Can someone help with contact info for Tad?
I want to wish him well this Christmas season and possibly get help in restoring my login privilege at Kitestrings.

Let's talk, Tad.
Tad, is there a reason that Warren can't post on Kite Strings?
Join a National Hang Gliding Organization: US Hawks at
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Tad Eareckson
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Re: The Bob Show

Post by Tad Eareckson »

Only if he's forgotten his password - and there's an "I forgot my password" line he can click on.

To date I've only banned spammers and deactivated half a dozen screen names of entities which pretty obviously weren't glider people. And the latter folk can easily reactivate themselves.

My best to Warren too but he's a bit late for me. Been sick as a dog the last few days and am currently hoping to be able to be functional in time for the family gathering tomorrow and beyond the point at which anybody can die as a result of being in my proximity.
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Tad Eareckson
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Re: The Bob Show

Post by Tad Eareckson »
Hello US Hawks!!
Bill Cummings - 2011/12/16 20:16:57 UTC

Well then now---it seems as though most everyone will slow down to looky-look at a train wreck in progress. And of course stay well clear of the tracks themselves/ourselves during the event.
Lotsa trains don't wanna get too close to train wrecks 'cause they're afraid that the guy who pulled the rails out from under the first one will start looking for other targets.
But let's move along now folks.
Alright. But I'm not seeing - or predicting - much happening.
My physics teacher, Mr. Anderson, had a unique style of teaching.
Ridicule, shame, embarrassment, mortification, indignity, degradation were just a few of the educational tools that he would employ daily. Other days when he was angry he would turn down right nasty.
I don't do that to the people IN THE CLASS - just to the assholes who feel like strolling in whenever they feel like it for the sole purpose of sabotaging it.
He taught at a college level but we were in our senior year of high school.
1. You are less likely to die if two seconds before launch you assume that you're not hooked in than you are if for the past five minutes you've been assuming that you are.

2. It's a lot easier and safer to roll a glider in on the wheels than it is to try to whipstall it to a dead stop three feet off the ground.

3. When a swerving car is about to plow into you at an intersection it's almost always better to have both hands on the handlebars and brake levers.

4. Your kite's a lot more likely to finish the day in good shape if you use a string that doesn't break every third time you're trying to get it off the ground.

5. It's easier to crack the nut if you put it near the hinge and squeeze at the ends than it is if you move the nut and your hands close to the middle.

6. If you're using a hang strap that blows at twelve thousand pounds on a glider that blows at two thousand pounds you don't need an extra strap.

None of that is rocket science.
To his credit, if judging by my presents, he had a class of slow learners.
What were the learners like in your English class? (Sorry.)
The level of joy entering his class room was equal to a one way trip to the gas chamber.
Sometimes if you don't understand the grade school level basics of flying a hang glider a Saturday afternoon can instantly turn into the equivalent of an actual one way trip to the gas chamber. And lots of us have known people for whom that's been the case.
Speaking of things equal, to this day, I can recite that a mole is equal to 6.0221415 times 10 to the 23rd and also tell you what that means and still have absolutely no clue as to what I'm talking about.
Is there an equivalent you need to worry about in hang gliding? The most complicated thing I hafta do is calculate the load the weak link on the end of a two point bridle feels.
In retirement now I don't recall any time during my working life that I had any need for that equation.
And I've got tables so that you don't even hafta do that calculation. You can just look it up.
Back then I confessed to my classmates that I had no clue as to what Mr. Anderson was talking about. To my surprise they admitted that they were in the same boat with me.
1. Did you confess to Mr. Anderson that you had no clue what he was talking about?
2. Were Zack, Larry, Antoine, and Steve in your class?
The greatest lesson I left Mr. Anderson's class with was, when thirty people are listening with an open mind and nothing is sinking in it's not your fault.

It is the instructor's fault.
What if for the previous decade or so the thirty people have been getting brainwashed with total rot and Mr. Anderson is trying to teach that two plus two actually DOES equal four? Whose fault is it that the answers all read, "Well, in the opinions of most of the flight park operators..."?
Some people may know a lot but lack the talent to teach or use the wrong style of getting their point across.
OK. So you go find someone more to your liking or just work your own way through the textbook. But the point's gonna be the same and getting the point may well save you that one way trip to the gas chamber.
That doesn't mean that their knowledge is flawed but the principal should have fired Mr. Anderson.
1. What if the principal...
AL's Second flight at Packsaddle how it went
Bob Kuczewski - 2011/10/23 16:29:29 UTC

As for Nobody's request for me to read a document, I haven't found the time yet. I'm sorry, but I don't have time to read everything that everyone asks me to read.
...not only has no understanding of or background or interest in the course material but...
Zack C - 2011/12/17 14:56:03 UTC

1. You continually misrepresent Tad's statements. himself one of the main disruptive elements of the class and is out to undercut the teacher at every opportunity for his own political reasons?

2. US Hawks isn't a school and nobody appointed or paid me as or gave me the authority of a classroom teacher. It was supposed to be a hang gliding organization that really honored the free speech of its members. But I don't know what the hell it's supposed to be now.

P.S. Who's the NEW US Hawks physics teacher and how much is he getting paid?
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Re: The Bob Show

Post by Warnarr »

Tad Eareckson wrote:Only if he's forgotten his password - and there's an "I forgot my password" line he can click on.

To date I've only banned spammers and deactivated half a dozen screen names of entities which pretty obviously weren't glider people. And the latter folk can easily reactivate themselves.

My best to Warren too but he's a bit late for me. Been sick as a dog the last few days and am currently hoping to be able to be functional in time for the family gathering tomorrow and beyond the point at which anybody can die as a result of being in my proximity.
Tad didn't ban me. Of course, it was my own fault that I couldn't log in. Fixed now.

Tad, I hope this finds you feeling well enough to enjoy the family get together.
There are so many toxins being inflicted upon us its a wonder any of us survive as well as we do.
My sympathies for what you are going through. I hate to see people suffer.

Just wanted you to know that I am thinking best of wishes for you and your family.
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Tad Eareckson
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Re: The Bob Show

Post by Tad Eareckson »

Tad, I hope this finds you feeling well enough to enjoy the family get together.
Yeah, I guess I made it past that bar better than I had hoped. And there were enough folk there who were dealing with the same thing that if anybody dies within the next few days it'll be tough to pin it on me. And a few others had just dealt with it so to them I posed no threat anyway.
There are so many toxins being inflicted upon us it's a wonder any of us survive as well as we do.
Yeah, but in this case case we're pretty obviously dealing with a little package of DNA which - oddly - is doing its damnedest to replicate itself.
My sympathies for what you are going through.
Thanks much, but what I'm going through is so trivial that I'd like to pass them on to others much more deserving.
I hate to see people suffer.
I hate to see SOME people suffer. I LOVE to see people who spend good chunks of their lives gratuitously causing suffering to get really healthy doses themselves. Comfort the afflicted, afflict the comfortable.
Just wanted you to know that I am thinking best of wishes for you and your family.
Thank you. Best to you and yours as well.
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Tad Eareckson
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Re: The Bob Show

Post by Tad Eareckson »
AL's Flight At Packsaddle 10-04-11
Terry Mason - 2011/12/01 19:55:00 UTC

Those of us who prefer to fly, will always wonder about the key board jocks, who frighten away new flyers with skitzoid horror stories of murder, and at the hands of friends who only wish to share the incomparable thrill of free flight. I'm reminded of Johnathan Livingston Seagull, striving against the ever present obstructionists. Thanks to Sam for limiting Our forum to FLYERS. See you soon Bob
OK .. I Admit Writing Some of Those Newsletters
Terry Mason - 2011/12/26 16:46:34 UTC

and a happy new year, children; so, I'm still looking for data on 'hang gliding', if POLITICS were in the free speech zone, maybe there would more interested pilots searching this site, and responding to a plea for info. on tow dolly construction, possible scooter tow details we may have missed, or even another exciting story about their site? What ever!tjm
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Tad Eareckson
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Re: The Bob Show

Post by Tad Eareckson »
Christmas at Torrey (with Little Hawk)
Sam Kellner - 2011/12/28 03:02:43 UTC

Fantastic, Bob. Image
Great job of continually being the good will ambassador for the sport of Hang Gliding Image
ABSOLUTELY!!! And of single-handedly doing SO MUCH to make it really safe for people of varying ages!!!
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