The Bob Show

General discussion about the sport of hang gliding
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Tad Eareckson
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Re: The Bob Show

Post by Tad Eareckson »

Bob Kuczewski - 2011/10/20 08:20:37 UTC

Posts moved from SWTHG Forum

Hello Tad,

At Sam's request, I've moved your posts out of his forum and placed them in the "Free Speech Zone" under a topic that reflects their original location.

This brings me no joy, but I can understand why Sam felt it was necessary.
Tad Eareckson - 2011/10/20 09:24:08 UTC

Yeah, I can understand why Sam felt it was necessary to move my posts - and Nobody's - out of HIS forum too. Slope's gettin' a bit slippery, isn't it?
Maybe you just don't understand that whether you're right or wrong on an issue, you drive people toward not wanting to read what you write.

I believe Sam wants to grow his club, and he wants people to come to his forum. But he feels you are driving them away. He's tried to be reasonable with you, but you persist in turning every topic into a battle zone. I don't think he made an unreasonable decision. It's not the decision that I would make, but he's running that club, not me.
Maybe you just don't understand that whether you're right or wrong on an issue, you drive people toward not wanting to read what you write.
1. I have a simple and EXTREMELY EFFECTIVE solution for people who don't want to read what I write.

2. A lot of the sorts of people who don't want to read what I write also don't want ANYONE ELSE to read what I write. I have a REAL BIG problem with those people.

3. The people who DO want to read what I write are reading it, thanking me for it, and making positive changes.

4. The click counters have NEVER supported all these accusations I get wherever I go that I'm driving people away. Even the people who put me on their ignore lists seem to be able to quote me pretty accurately somehow.
I believe Sam wants to grow his club...
I'm positive he does - I wish him the same success that I do Highland Aerosports and the CHGA.
...and he wants people to come to his forum.
And he accomplishes this goal by banning people and locking down and sabotaging discussions. Maybe he should check out the way things are being conducted on Kite Strings - I think we're getting better results.
But he feels you are driving them away.
He's tried to be reasonable with you...
Bullshit. This guy is a mix of Davis, Jack, Rooney, and Jim Gaar and, for some reason I can't really fathom, you're not seeing it. Maybe you don't want to.
...but you persist in turning every topic into a battle zone.
Hang gliding is a massively fucked up culture. Damn near every topic NEEDS to be turned into a battle zone. And my little guerrilla force is making some dents.
I don't think he made an unreasonable decision.
That's extremely disappointing. Puts US Hawks on bobsled run to surpass USHGA. And don't think for a nanosecond that desirable people coming to this forum won't be a little confused when they compare the mission statement to what's actually going on.
It's not the decision that I would make, but he's running that club, not me.
And how long will it be before - with your endorsement and backing - he'll be running the national organization?

I'll happily put Al up against him 'cause - even if Al doesn't get things as quickly as Zack does - he at least keeps working on them.
It was never that Bob wasn't seeing it. It was ALWAYS that I was too stupid to realize that Bob is just a somewhat smarter, more articulate version of Sam.
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Re: The Bob Show

Post by Tad Eareckson »
Davis Straub; Idiot Statist, Endless Wars & Tyranny
Sam Kellner - 2011/12/21 14:05:56 UTC

Let's work together and make the US Hawks the best.
What will keep the US Hawks from becoming another USHPA or HGAA?

You will ... hopefully. The price of freedom is eternal vigilance. Everyone has to do their part once in a while. If you see something that's not being done correctly, then it's your duty to speak out. One big difference between the US Hawks and other organizations is that the US Hawks really does honor the free speech of its members.
Yeah, now that WE have gutted our principles by sticking a knife in the back of the most prominent member to regularly do his duty WE can work together and make US Hawks the best!
Also, so the Hawks forum continues to catch on, allowing us the platform to express our HG opinions.
Yeah, now that Tad's out of the way with his tiresome understanding of the physics of hang gliding all the halfwitted dregs and scum of this sport are allowed a platform to...
Is this a joke ?
Jim Rooney - 2011/08/31 09:25:57 UTC

...but we all tend to have a similar opinion about this... their IDIOT hang gliding OPINIONS. Just what we needed.
Thanks BobK Image,
Southwest Texas Hang Gliding
US Hawks Chapter 4
Yeah BobK, thank you SO VERY MUCH.

I've never hated you as much as I do at this moment - you lying, hypocritical, soulless, serial killing son of a bitch.
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Re: The Bob Show

Post by bobk »

Tad Eareckson wrote:Yeah BobK, thank you SO VERY MUCH.

I've never hated you as much as I do at this moment - you lying, hypocritical, soulless, serial killing son of bitch.
You see, Tad? This is exactly why people ignore you. I went out of my way to NOT ignore you and I ended up on your "most hated" list.

And you wonder why people ignore you? You're like a mad dog chained in someone's front yard. Most people will just not make eye contact and keep on walking. I stopped by to see if I could help you and now you're lunging at my throat.

So don't complain when people just refuse to engage you. Your actions toward me (and others who've engaged you) demonstrate the futility (and danger) of making that attempt.
Join a National Hang Gliding Organization: US Hawks at
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Re: The Bob Show

Post by Tad Eareckson »

You see, Tad?
This is exactly why people ignore you.
Classic Bob. You make a false statement and proceed from the assumption as if it's indisputable fact.
Peter (Link Knife) Birren
Peter Birren - 2011/11/29 07:48:27 UTC

Put up or shut up, Tad.
Sam Kellner - 2011/11/29 13:29:20 UTC

Image I second that Image Put up or shut up. We shouldn't have to listen to an admitted drunk Image

NOT Tad's over and over and over and over drunken bla bla.

Sam Kellner
US Hawks
Even some of the serious brain damage cases you're empowering to lay the foundations of your deadly little USHGA 3 don't ignore me. I don't get ignored - I get attacked, censored, and banned by corrupt, cowardly, establishments whenever I start winning the battles.

My "Aerotow release options?" thread was at 6950 hits when your ol' buddy Jack locked it down two and a half years ago 'cause I was winning and he was losing. It's currently buried on Page 153 and reading 15385.
I went out of my way to NOT ignore you and I ended up on your "most hated" list.
You didn't end up on my most hated list for any of MANY reasons you REALLY deserved to be there. You ended up on my most hated list because you betrayed everything you said you stood for in your mission statement - EXACTLY the way your ol' buddy Jack did in dealing with both of us. Well, not EXACTLY - you were a bit more subtle.
You're like a mad dog chained in someone's front yard.
Maybe the problem is more the chains than the dog himself.
Most people will just not make eye contact and keep on walking.
Fuck most people. Sam, Terry, and Pilgrim are most people. I was doing fine with the people who weren't total vegetables. I was having productive exchanges with Warren, miguel, Al, and Bill - in addition to the half dozen people I brought over from here. I've also had productive exchanges with Red in the past. Even moved a bit forward with Peter for a nanosecond or two. Your cofounder and I had an EXCELLENT relationship before we both got booted off The Jack Show.
I stopped by to see if I could help you and now you're lunging at my throat.
1. You didn't help.
Zack C - 2011/12/17 14:56:03 UTC

1. You continually misrepresent Tad's statements.
- You continually misrepresented my statements, effectively sabotaging/derailing my discussions and undermining my credibility.

- You went into some EXTREMELY personal issues of my background in an attempt to further undermine me - an attempt which failed.

2. I'm lunging at your throat 'cause you strengthened and shortened my chain and neutralized all the work I did and my further ability to keep opinion based assholes like Sam in check.
So don't complain when people just refuse to engage you.
I don't complain when people just refuse to engage me. The more they refuse to engage me the better the gene pool is likely to get. I just complain when people LIE and cut my microphone and reduce the options for people who WANT to engage me - or just hear all or some of what I have to say.
Your actions toward me (and others who've engaged you) demonstrate the futility (and danger) of making that attempt.
1. And you're speaking on behalf of EVERYBODY, right?

2. Yeah, it's EXTREMELY dangerous for some assholes in positions of control and authority to engage me. Rooney comes immediately to mind. It's also extremely dangerous for him to engage Zack or Steve 'cause they'll cut him to shreds the way they did last summer - exactly the way I used to before before people like you cut all my microphone cords.

3. For the vast majority of foot launchers and pretty much ANYBODY who aerotows what's REALLY dangerous is NOT engaging me.

4. The framers of the US Constitution were of the opinion that the dangers of prohibiting people to engage each other outweighed the dangers of allowing them to. I'm pretty on board with that.

P.S. There are A LOT of issues here that you haven't addressed that you REALLY need to.
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Tad Eareckson
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Re: The Bob Show

Post by Tad Eareckson »
The hole in Tx's arm where all the $$ goes
Bob Kuczewski - 2011/12/22 02:13:47 UTC

I also hate to see the loss of any sites. I especially hate to see the loss of any foot-launch sites since I've still got a queasy feeling about towing.
Yeah Bob...
Steve Kinsley - 1996/05/09 15:50

Personal opinion. While I don't know the circumstances of Frank's death and I am not an awesome tow type dude, I think tow releases, all of them, stink on ice. Reason: You need two hands to drive a hang glider. You 'specially need two hands if it starts to turn on tow. If you let go to release, the glider can almost instantly assume a radical attitude. We need a release that is held in the mouth. A clothespin. Open your mouth and you're off.
Aerotow release options?
Dallas Willis - 2009/04/13 18:44:46 UTC

Scott (C. Wise),

Could you go into more detail about your push button truck tow release and the lanyard version you experimented with? I'm truck towing an awful lot lately and have yet to find a release that doesn't scare the heck out me.
Pretty much EVERYBODY still has a queasy feeling about towing. That's 'cause when people like Scott and me work our asses off to provide engineering solutions to make it safe, people like you and your asshole buddy Sam do stuff to keep them from getting into circulation and/or just piss all over them.
Sam Kellner - 2011/12/22 03:14:49 UTC

Listen Pilgrim,

I have as much right as anyone, to express what I feel could make Reg11 a more user friendly place to fly.
Actually, Sam... You now seem to have WAY MORE right than at least one person to express what you feel could make Region 11 a more user friendly place to fly.
Sam Kellner - 2011/12/22 03:14:49 UTC

Shut up? Ha! Tell your b**** to shut up.

Great to see how well everyone is "just getting along" now that the common enemy has been removed.
Pilgrim - 2011/12/22 05:23:46 UTC

Evening Bob,
I have to agree about the whole towing thing. Don't get me wrong. My first HG was in the early seventies with a Bill Bennett bird towed behind a century inboard. However, there is just something pure about running off of the earth and transitioning to flight.
Yeah, after you've driven your four-wheeler across a hundred mile slab of asphalt and up the switchback you can pretend that that you're just as much in tune with the natural world as a Redtail going airborne off a snag at the top of the slope.
Bob Kuczewski - 2011/12/22 07:06:35 UTC
... there is just something pure about running off of the earth and transitioning to flight.
Yeah, that WOULD explain all the interest you took in helping me replace USHGA's aerotowing standards with something actually survivable.
...That's his opinion, and he's voicing it. That's another thing that we do here in America (the land of the free and the home of the brave). Image
Yeah, sure "WE" do, Bob.
Banning - Commentary
Warren Narron - 2010/09/14 15:01:39 UTC

Every banning that I have experienced has also had an element of cowardice.
Did you take down all the mirrors in your house or didn't it matter 'cause you never had a reflection to begin with?
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Tad Eareckson
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Re: The Bob Show

Post by Tad Eareckson »
The hole in Tx's arm where all the $$ goes
Bob Kuczewski - 2011/12/22 07:06:35 UTC

That's another thing that we do here in America (the land of the free...

The United States' incarceration rate is, according to official reports, the highest in the world, at 737 persons imprisoned per 100000 (as of 2005).
...and the home of the brave).
So you think people born here are automatically better than people born in Afghanistan, Brazil, Canada, China, Denmark, Egypt, Ireland, Germany, Japan, Mexico, The Netherlands, Nigeria, Syria, The UK, Zimbabwe... just 'cause they're BORN HERE?

I'm not entirely sure I would agree with that in all cases. (And I don't consider your own example all that convincing.)
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Tad Eareckson
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Re: The Bob Show

Post by Tad Eareckson »
Aerotowing Guidelines
Nobody - 2011/10/20 03:42:24 UTC

Do you find any discrepancy in this document?
AL's Second flight at Packsaddle how it went
Bob Kuczewski - 2011/10/23 16:29:29 UTC

As for Nobody's request for me to read a document, I haven't found the time yet. I'm sorry, but I don't have time to read everything that everyone asks me to read.
Aerotowing Guidelines
Bill Cummings - 2011/10/26 11:06:32 UTC

Very fine effort Tad.
Davis Straub; Idiot Statist, Endless Wars & Tyranny
Warren Narron - 2011/12/22 07:46:18 UTC

9/11 Theories: Expert vs. Expert
Bob Kuczewski - 2011/12/22 08:11:37 UTC

OK, I spent 18 minutes and 15 seconds watching that video.
That's about what it would've taken for a thorough read of the Aerotowing Guidelines document about which USHGA 1 went ballistic over two and a half years ago. That's how Zack and Antoine got themselves configured this past season to make their launches a lot more survivable.

Really glad the dictator of USHGA 3 has his priorities straight.
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Tad Eareckson
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Re: The Bob Show

Post by Tad Eareckson »
Davis Straub; Idiot Statist, Endless Wars & Tyranny
Terry Mason - 2011/12/22 19:14:35 UTC

I've just wasted 1hr here looking for something relavent to 'hang gliding general' so please excuse me while I go to another forum and look for some details concerning a tow cart,and how to build one. Any one out there with advanced phisics, enginering exp.or hang gliding scooter tow knowledge, please feel FREE to post that specific info in the S.W. Texas Hang Gliding Assn. THANKS! tjm
Sorry Terry, if you wanna see anything regarding the physics - sorry - phisics of hang glider towing you'll hafta go down to The Basement - sorry - Free Speech Zone and check out:

Banned Posts from SWTHG Forum

Sam's never been a real big fan of phisics, logic, or common sense so I wouldn't start anything if I were you.

If you're planning on using this cart at Leakey...

That one works OK two out of three times or so.

Best o' luck.
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Tad Eareckson
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Re: The Bob Show

Post by Tad Eareckson »
Janis Ian - At Seventeen (Live, 1976)
Nobody - 2011/12/22 08:54:07 UTC

Janis Ian - At Seventeen (Live, 1976)
Bob Kuczewski - 2011/12/22 18:01:13 UTC

That song says a lot about the struggle of young people to fit in and find their own place in a judgemental world.
You mean like when other people who don't know anything about them step in and judge what kinds people they should be and relationships they should be permitted?
It's a fragile time and that's why we have laws to protect young people from being abused during that vulnerable time in their lives.
1. Who's "WE"? Fifty-one percent?

2. "We" have laws which pretty much GUARANTEE that certain categories of young people will have the hell abused out of them when they're young people - and forever afterwards.

3. There are lotsa vulnerable times in peoples lives. Pick a double digit age and I can probably link it to a suicide.
Since I suspect you're commenting about Tad's ban, I'll offer a comment of my own.
Oh good. Yet another one.
I suspect Tad would identify with those "misfit" feelings at 17.
Sometimes how much one feels like a misfit depends upon the group with which one is associated. For example, someone with a triple digit IQ will do just fine in a physics classroom but feel like a freak at an aerotow operation.
I think it's a shame that he was probably shunned and possibly ridiculed (or worse).
Maybe not as much as you think. This is a dumb jock culture and when you get good on a diving board or dune you can own the place - even if you never amounted to much on the football field.
But when he became a 30 year old man and decided to enter into a homosexual relationship with a 12 year old boy, he took advantage of that same fragile time for his own benefit.
1. The assumption, of course, being that all relationships and the aspects come about as the results of DECISIONS and/or that only one person (the older - OBVIOUSLY) was making them.

2. And AGAIN... It wouldn't have been NEARLY as horrific if Tad had entered into a HETEROsexual relationship with a twelve year old boy. Right?

3. Yeah, he took advantage of that same fragile time for his own benefit. It's not like there could possibly have been any MUTUAL feelings involved.
That's when he completed the cycle and became the abuser.
Yep, that's the only take the head shrinker industry will tolerate so it must be true. Otherwise the quacks wouldn't make nearly as much money as they do treating perps and victims.
He may have tried (and is still trying) to convince himself that it was good for the boy.
1. Yeah. I'm TOTALLY delusional. Incapable of looking at things objectively and rationally (meaning reaching the same conclusions as you do).
2. And you have, of course, talked to the other party to confirm beyond all doubt that he's totally lined up with your take.
But at the age of 12, that boy didn't have the maturity to make that kind of decision.
Because YOU say so. I, for one, at the age of twelve - or any other - would NOT have wanted you dictating what decisions I did and didn't have the maturity to make. At the age of twelve I wasn't all that impressed with a lot of the decisions people various multiples of my age were making. And I'm still not struck dumb with awe.
That boy was the confused, shunned "misfit" from that song.
Right. He didn't have the perfect black and white vision of right and wrong that you do.
Tad took advantage of that confused, shunned misfit.
Yep. That's the ONLY POSSIBLE take on the issue.
That's disgusting to me.
1. Fine. It disgusts me that you feel you can make calls and judgments like that.
2. Don't for a nanosecond assume that all of these relationships involve a confused, shunned misfit or two.
In a sense, the US Hawks is being founded by a large percentage of "misfits".
I'm not at all sure I have that impression. Seems to me like a lot of the same testosterone poisoned halfwits one finds at pretty much any other diver congregation.
But that's not all bad because the United States itself was founded by many people who didn't "fit in" with what was happening in Europe.
A lot of the people who founded the United States were misfits because they were fanatical religious witch burning whack jobs and Europe couldn't stand them any more than I can.
But even misfits need to hold each other accountable to some standards.
How 'bout some of you misfits leaving some of us other misfits the hell alone and instead work on your own problems to the point at which you're perfect enough to pronounce judgment?
I believe that Tad took advantage of that boy...
Your welcome to your BELIEFS. Just be real careful about portraying them as FACTS.
...and is justifying it with the same logic that he uses to justify everything else he says or does.
No no. I've never had much luck with logic in any hang gliding circles or other religious organizations. Bent pins and 130 pound Greenspot will ALWAYS be with us so anything more nuanced doesn't stand a snowball's chance in hell.
That's where I drew the line.
1. All by yourself after failing to get the feedback from the rest of the association you had hoped for.

2. While you're busy drawing lines is there any chance of you dealing with people who sign off with:
Preflight, Hangcheck, Know you're hooked in.
preferably BEFORE the next person gets killed? (Just kidding.)
It's certainly sad to watch young people shun and bully their outcasts as described in this song.
It's sad to watch ANYBODY shun and bully outcasts - but that's the American Way. So what are ya gonna do?
But the only thing worse in that case is to watch adults taking advantage of those outcasts for their own pleasure.
1. Is that something you actually WATCHED with respect to my situation? Or is that something you feel perfectly secure in ASSUMING?

2. Too bad we don't seem to be the least bit concerned about a wife and a couple of little girls getting a last view of a husband/father hanging from the basetube just off launch at Mingus but this issue and discussion is just SO MUCH MORE entertaining. And it's just so much easier and more fun to go after somebody like me than somebody like Matt Taber or Steve Wendt.
That's abusing someone who's already been abused.
Yeah, that's obviously what it was ALL about. 'Cept there were a lot of people fewer thousands of miles and decades removed from the situation than you are who had a different take on things.

At age twelve I get to pick whether I want someone like you around or somebody like me around. Guess which way I'd be leaning.

(Gee it's so much fun dealing with amateur vigilante psychiatrists a couple of dozen years after the quacks with the certificates had their legal shots at making my life as miserable as they could get away with. Oh well, now US Hawks is as pure as the driven snow - composed only of people with OUTSTANDING and unimpeachable characters. And that's all that really matters.)
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Tad Eareckson
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Re: The Bob Show

Post by Tad Eareckson »
Bob K destroys the torrey hawks
Nobody - 2011/12/23 06:12:16 UTC
Bob Kuczewski - 2011/12/20 19:49:50 UTC

Most importantly, do you have the guts to make a statement of your own about what you've posted?
I didn't post it. I moved it.
Do you know what really happened at the HGAA?
I don't know what you have about that but here's my take...

I gave some of the discussion regarding the organizing of the HGAA a skim but all I needed to know was that if a scumbag like Jack was within a thousand miles of it I wanted way less than nothing to do with it. Bob either didn't know or didn't care what kind of scumbag Jack was/is and there was no excuse for either option. (And I'd say ditto with respect to US Hawks and his relationship with Sam.)

One of the more memorable items on the long list of items that disgusted me about the "Worlds largest Hang Gliding community", part of whose mission statement is:
To provide a friendly and positive, approachable community for people interested in the sport of HG
To provide a friendly community for Hang Glider pilots to hang out and discuss hang gliding
and the goon at the switch was a thread Brian Horgan kicked off on 2009/06/07 on the front page titled:
with a post reading:
if you dont get off this computer today and go fly,YOU ARE A FAG!!!
go fly its beautiful outside and the clouds are calling you.
I was stunned that someone would write something like that and started waiting for an appropriate response.

Then I was stunned times ten when for the next two days Neanderthal after Neanderthal submitted contributory post after contributory post.

I really didn't wanna draw attention to myself but at that point determined that it was wrong and cowardly NOT to say anything. But a few minutes before I was ready to click the submit button Jonc1959 had robbed me of the honor of being first and already said about what I was going to. So I had to settle for throwing in a couple of two centses.

And the rest of the posts - save for a couple from Curt Otto (Lobido) - and thumbs up ratings some were given were extremely disappointing.

So fast-forward to this past spring when Lyne Perry, one of Bob's friends, blows her brains out.
Lyne Perry

I read the sad thread, see no kids or significant others, and wonder if orientation could've been a factor.

At some point Bob and I are talking on the phone on the issues of Lyne, bullying, and his efforts to counter it. I ask him if he's so concerned about bullying how come I didn't see him weighing in on the "dont be a fag" thread along with the only other two people worthy of any respect on that one.

Bob tells me that he's pretty much on board with the johnpeace position that there was really nothing wrong with what Brian and the rest of the bigot crowd were doing.

But Bob's ALSO saying his: should be a safe place for people of varying ages to visit.
Well, it isn't and never will be.

It's not any more safe for people of varying ages to visit a place at which a "dont be a fag" thread is tolerated without immediate and clear condemnation from the leadership - and, hopefully, most of the rank and file - than it would if the title, as Jonc1959 pointed out, were "dont be a nigger".

And now - with the extrajudicial banning of Yours Truly purportedly because Yours Truly's thinking with respect to a long past personal issue didn't/doesn't line up sufficiently with Bob's to be acceptable...
Davis Straub; Idiot Statist, Endless Wars & Tyranny
Sam Kellner - 2011/12/21 14:05:56 UTC

Also, so the Hawks forum continues to catch on, allowing us the platform to express our HG opinions.
...people of varying ages will be walking into a mine field of idiots like Sam expressing their unchecked HG opinions. I think I'll be advising my nephew to think long and hard about sailplanes.
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