
General discussion about the sport of hang gliding
Steve Davy
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Re: Quotes

Post by Steve Davy »

<BS> wrote:http://ozreport.com/forum/viewtopic.php?p=106696#106696
Stalking grisly facts to rub in one's face is SICK
Blindrodie wrote:Good Lord are you the internet Paparazzi?

Her death isn't anyone's business unless the family want's it to be. The facts are that she's dead. Anything you drag up won't make a bit of difference in anyone's life but yours maybe.

Crawl back in your hole...

Substitute Her with His and she's with he's, lose the 8-) and you have what Davis deleted due to lack of civility.
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Tad Eareckson
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Re: Quotes

Post by Tad Eareckson »

And a sample of what Davis considers a near excess of civility:

Zach Marzec
Swift - 2013/02/11 16:56:59 UTC

If you didn't know, English isn't Deltaman's first language.
Jim Rooney - 2013/02/11 19:22:18 UTC

Of course not... it's Asshole-ese.

Sorry, I'm sick and tired of all these soap box bullshit assheads that feel the need to spout their shit at funerals. I just buried my friend and you're seizing the moment to preach your bullshit? GO FUCK YOURSELF!!!!!!!!

I can barely stand these pompus asswipes on a normal day.
Sliding scale to accommodate loyal Davis Show cocksuckers.
Steve Davy
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Re: Quotes

Post by Steve Davy »

AAIB Bulletin: 5/2012
Because the hang glider was banked to the left, the pitch up would have been into the turn. The action of the pilot in moving her right hand to release the tow could have caused the glider to pitch up and roll left even more.
Steve Davy
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Re: Quotes

Post by Steve Davy »

A new perspective on flying.
Albert Branson - 2017/05/10

I do not have the ability to delete anonymous posts or any other posts from this forum. I would have as the rules state if I could.
Luddite needs help
Albert Branson - 2016/12/04

Steven Davey posted junk again so I just deleted it. Some people just need that kind of attention. Sad.
Anonymous or objectionable posts will be deleted.
"Anonymous or objectionable posts will be deleted" is a statement, not a rule, Albert.
Tad Eareckson - 2017/05/11 12:30:00 UTC

Steve Davy's Post 1111
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Tad Eareckson
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Re: Quotes

Post by Tad Eareckson »

Aerotow primary releases?
Swift - 2016/03/22 21:58:16 UTC

Ask here:
Jim Rooney - 2016/03/23 00:21:21 UTC

Oh dear lord... don't do that to him without warning him!

That dude is a serious nutcase.
I'm not kidding in the least.
Trump Told Russians That Firing 'Nut Job' Comey Eased Pressure From Investigation - The New York Times
Matt Apuzzo, Maggie Haberman, Matthew Rosenberg - 2017/05/19

"I just fired the head of the F.B.I. He was crazy, a real nut job," Mr. Trump said, according to the document, which was read to The New York Times by an American official.
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Tad Eareckson
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Re: Quotes

Post by Tad Eareckson »

Are you satisfied with flex wing handling qualities?
Ryan Voight - 2016/08/22 20:14:50 UTC

The reason this is a trick question, is the same reason it should be irrelevant that the Lookout release has less mechanical advantage, and may be difficult to use during the high tension of a lock-out. There are other releases (no so common anymore, thankfully) that could become full-on inoperable when the tension increased...

So... are you willing and able to manually release when you believe you are entering an unrecoverable lockout? Hint- if you are *entering* an unrecoverable lockout... you should have already A) steered yourself back where you belong, and if you were unable to do A then do B) release before before BEFORE entering an unrecoverable lockout situation.

Failing to fly the glider where you want it to fly is a serious situation... a lockout is an even more serious situation, but it is a symptom that follows that first problem. Failing to recognize the first problem, and remedy or escape *BEFORE* the following lockout ensues... THAT is what people seem not to get here.

Davis wrote pretty extensively about this when the comp-fatality happened, and even shared how the comp rules were written to ENCOURAGE "when in doubt, just get out". Frankly, a lockout should never happen... it's not a single failure, and it's not a problem with the equipment or with the mechanics or physics of what is being attempted... a lockout can only happen as the result of operator error(S)... plural.
Do You Think It's Funny
Ryan Voight - 2012/11/13 02:49:52 UTC

Yup, while getting pulled forward through the bar (and resisting the pull with his arms) he could have let go and reached for the release. That would have insured a good outcome Image

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Re: Quotes

Post by <BS> »

Pondering what you would do in a situation where you CAN'T LET GO to release?
pro tow set-up
Ryan Voight - 2009/11/03 05:24:31 UTC

It works best in a lockout situation... if you're banked away from the tug and have the bar back by your belly button... let it out. Glider will pitch up, break weaklink, and you fly away.

During a "normal" tow you could always turn away from the tug and push out to break the weaklink... but why would you?

Have you never pondered what you would do in a situation where you CAN'T LET GO to release? I'd purposefully break the weaklink, as described above. Instant hands free release Image
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Tad Eareckson
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Re: Quotes

Post by Tad Eareckson »

Yeah, I'd had that one on my mind for a long time. Curse you for beating me to it.
And it doesn't seem to matter in the least. Look who's POTUS now, ferchrisake.
Steve Davy
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Re: Quotes

Post by Steve Davy »

Jerry Lanham, early HG pilot in the Maryland area, dies
jlatorre - 2017/05/27 00:28:07 UTC

Red Howard probably remembers him, since he was a common sight at Oregon Ridge.
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Tad Eareckson
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Re: Quotes

Post by Tad Eareckson »

Oregon Ridge, Baltimore County park north of the city, about 150 foot vertical on a NE (rare useable wind direction) slot cut for a ski slope. Half a dozen flying days 1982/02/28-1990/04/22, 27 hops. Third bump on which I took my new used Comet 165, my first and second to last glider. Preceded by Lily Pons - major Sport Flight / Capitol training site, Buckeystown, Maryland - and a local thirty footer on a farm.

And I'd been there once before on a summer day before I started flying (1980/04/02) when it was packed - 1979, late June or July.


So we've got a pretty good lock on Jack Show "red" now. I'd had him via a phone conversation via Bob mid 2011 but the name quickly evaporated from my mind and Bob reconsidered and clammed up upon my second effort. (May have even crossed paths.)

Major accomplishment. Thanks, Steve.
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