The Bob Show

General discussion about the sport of hang gliding
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Tad Eareckson
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Re: The Bob Show

Post by Tad Eareckson »
Tow Park accidents
Jim Rooney - 2009/11/09 19:01:33 UTC

Oh yeah, and I think Ken broke his nose when he power whacked and when his full face helmet chin-bit caught the ground, it rotated his helmet down and the forehead bit smashed his nose.
No helmet, no injury. Whenever these assholes start imposing safety standards on flyers you can bet your bottom dollar that they'll be odious and, on the average, totally useless AT BEST.
1978/08/02 - Tim Schwarzenberg - 26 - Desert Mountain - Kalispell, Montana - Highster

Forgot his helmet, unhooked to get it. Launched without hooking up again. Hung onto control bar for several minutes, fell 400'. Body found 4 days later. Had told his roommate shortly before that he dreamed he, "fell out of my kite."

Good thing he had his helmet on at impact. Could've been really ugly otherwise.
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Tad Eareckson
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Re: The Bob Show

Post by Tad Eareckson »
President Trump
Bob Kuczewski - 2016/11/09 07:54:02 UTC

Make America Great Again
Michael Cohen - 2019/02/27

He is a racist, he is a con man, and he is a cheat.
Right up your alley, Bob.

Haven't heard from you on this topic since 2019/01/09 05:50:04 UTC. So maybe you can give us an update on how great America's being made at this stage of events.

And a few questions...

- There are 23 countries in the continental Americas. How well is he doing with the ones that AREN'T the US?

- One you MAGA motherfuckers never seem to wanna answer... A date or two when America was at your target level of greatness. (Maybe think about going for something AFTER the abolition of legal slavery.)

- Just how great is America gonna be when all of her coastal cities are substantially below sea level? Or do we not need to worry about that 'cause...
Davis Straub; Idiot Statist, Endless Wars & Tyranny
Bob Kuczewski - 2015/02/03 20:07:24 UTC

My main point is that our atmosphere is like a down tube (I'll bet you didn't see that coming). A downtube can suffer two kinds of deformation: elastic and inelastic. An elastic deformation is a minor flexing that leaves the tube unaffected when you remove the force. In other words, it bounces back to its original condition. An inelastic deformation is a major flexing that causes permanent damage to the metal (including breakage). A down tube won't bounce back from an inelastic deformation. In some cases it can be forced back, but that's yet another inelastic deformation and each of them further weakens the metal.

So the real question about global warming isn't so much whether we're bending the down tube - we know we're bending it. The question is whether we're bending it to the point of breaking. It's hard for me to know if that's the case except to point to the likelihood that most (if not all) of the carbon dioxide we're putting into the atmosphere comes from previously living matter that had likely gotten it from the atmosphere. If that's the case (please let me know if it's not), then until we literally run out of things to burn, we're likely still in the elastic range of that system (since our current state came from that prior state).

There, now both sides can flee the US Hawks because I've demonstrated that I both believe that we're experiencing global warming (a clearly flaming leftist) and I'm simultaneously in denial of its consequences (an obvious right-wing neocon).
Nah, you're fine with your fascist buddies 'cause your political support is a hundred percent behind letting all the fossil fuel industry scumbags rip up all the wildlife refuges they feel like to drill, frack, mine everything they can get their hands on; using the atmosphere and oceans as infinite capacity sewers for the combustion products; ignoring the ever accelerating carnage being inflicted on all the ecosystems upon which virtually all life forms - including human - on the planet are dependent.
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Re: The Bob Show

Post by Tad Eareckson »
Banned of Brothers
choppergirl - 2019/04/01 21:46:49 UTC
Augusta, Georgia

I'm finding EAA deletes my comments off their Youtube videos immediately, so they can doubly bite me. Don't patronize or support any organization that practices censorship.... just my two cents.

Back when I ran a game server, you could say whatever you wanted on it, call me a fat cow, talk trash at me, even spout baseless vitriol. As long as there was any small amount of intelligence behind it at work to put words together to communicate some message, whether I agreed with it or liked it or not, I let it pass. About the only thing I banned was repetitive spam or robot spam that clogged up the channel and had no useful content to it.
Don't patronize or support any organization that practices censorship.... just my two cents.
Seems to me like you either haven't looked into Emperor Bob's history very well or don't really mean what you're saying.
Bob Kuczewski - 2019/04/02 15:38:17 UTC
Don't patronize or support any organization that practices censorship.... just my two cents.
Amen. Amen. Amen.

There's far too much "shaping" of truth in the so called "information age". Your statement is perfect, and it underscores one of the central problems in the sport of hang gliding. Thanks!
Sure Bob, whatever you say.
Frequently Asked Questions
What will keep the US Hawks from becoming another USHPA or HGAA?
One big difference between the US Hawks and other organizations is that the US Hawks really does honor the free speech of its members.
- Says the only member of the US Hawks who's ever had a vote that can't be arbitrarily overridden - written at a point in time when the US Hawks only had one member.

- And if there's ever a problem with a Bob Show subject speaking freely in a manner not to the liking of Emperor Bob then Emperor Bob will deal with it...
Complaints about Tad
Rick Masters - 2015/01/16 19:59:15 UTC

He has concerns about people trying to muck up the forum, but he has also dealt effectively with Tad.
...however he pleases and get a stamp of approval from his Fake Board of Directors.

- Which is another way of saying that you have total shit in the way of honor for the free speech of anyone who ISN'T a Bob approved current member of The Bob Show.

- Let's see...
Joe Faust banned from
Bob Kuczewski - 2018/09/13 21:04:29 UTC - 2019/01/13 00:28:32 UTC
Major Bob Show civil war over the loss of Joe Faust's leave to patronize and support a u$hPa shill "organization" that practices censorship and bannings and pisses all over free speech issues at a level which would've still been unimaginable a decade ago.
Bob Kuczewski - 2009/05/11 19:40 UTC

Third, I'm not an expert in towing, but I consulted someone who knows the topic pretty well. His comment was that while it might be good for USHPA to make recommendations in this area, there is still plenty of room for innovation. For that reason, he doesn't think USHPA should mandate any kind of obligatory system that would stifle that innovation - whether Mr. Eareckson's or any other. I have very little background in towing, so I'm just passing this perspective on for your general consideration.
Bob Kuczewski - 2017/08/06 04:36:50 UTC

The pilot who I asked about towing was John Heiney and he definately knows towing.
Neither one of you motherfuckers - one who wasn't an expert on and the other who definately knows towing - had enough honor for my free speech to actually read a sentence's worth of my letter to the FAA to assess whether or not any of it had the slightest level of legitimacy.
Rich Hass, President - 2015/04/18


Mr. Kuczewski recently served as an expert witness on behalf of the plaintiff in a lawsuit filed against a USHPA member and Air California Adventures, the Torrey Pines concessionaire and flight school. USHPA's board will consider whether he overstated his qualifications as an expert witness and colored his testimony for the purpose of achieving his personal goals with respect to the Torrey Pines Gliderport at the expense of accurate depictions of the standards of care of all flying site managers (including USHPA chapters), and the standards of care applicable to USHPA instructors.
Zach Marzec
Jim Rooney - 2013/03/07 18:24:58 UTC

You're the one speculating on Zack's death... not me.
Hell, you've even already come to your conclusions... you've made up your mind and you "know" what happened and what to do about.
It's disgusting and you need to stop.
You weren't there. You don't know.
All you have is the tug pilot report, who himself says he doesn't know... and HE WAS THERE... and he doesn't know.

Ever heard of "Confirmation Bias"?
Because you're a textbook example.
You were out looking for data to support your preconceived conclusion, rather than looking at the data and seeing what it tells you... which is why this is the first time we've heard from you and your gang.

Go back to Tad's hole in the ground.
While you're there, ask him why he was banned from every east coast flying site.
According to Adam Elchin - who suffered from many delusions, including one that he was empowered to ban me from a public airport (the same public airport that would effectively kick his ass out and render Highland Aerosports extinct a little shy of seven years later) - the only east, or any other, coast or region flying site which informed me I was banned, it was for communicating with the FAA about how u$hPa was massively violating all of the SOPs it had agreed to as conditions of operating under its aerotow exemption.

Anyone who isn't a total douchebag honors speech based on its merits - not on the basis of membership in a particular organization or citizenship of a particular country.

And you won't find any censorship here, Bob. You WILL find a really healthy level of bannings but those most worthy of them tend to get their writings most publicized and dealt with.

P.S. Notice the way Steven Colbert broadcasts the unedited deranged rantings of your favorite president all the fuckin' time but Donald J. Trump never seems to quote Steven Colbert to clearly illustrate what a clueless asshole he is. (Guess it must be 'cause he considers doing so would be far beneath his dignity.)
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Tad Eareckson
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Re: The Bob Show

Post by Tad Eareckson »

Hey Bob...
Davis Straub's "Oz Report" Conflict of Interest
Bob Kuczewski - 2011/02/11 16:13:44 UTC

I remember when I was Regional Director there was a big dust up about Tad back in May of 2009, and some of the Directors were calling for legal action to censor him. On May 11, 2009, I sent the following message to the Board. I believe in open dialog, so I started by pointing out that Tad had included his email address in his letter (so we could contact him). I then offered my support for Dennis who suggested that we try to talk with Tad before taking legal action. Here's my message to the Board:
Sent: Monday, May 11, 2009 12:40 AM
To: Pagen, Dennis; Tate, Lisa
Cc: USHPA Regional Directors
Subject: Re: aerotow SOP complaint

Hello Dennis (cc Gregg and other Regional Directors),

First, I think Mr. Eareckson's email address was in Gregg's original letter included below if anyone needs it (TadErcksn@...).

Second, I cast my vote for having Dennis write a letter to Mr. Eareckson as he suggested. Mr. Eareckson is obviously intelligent and passionate, and we can certainly use those qualities if we can harness them in a positive direction. If Dennis can do this, then that's the win-win solution. Another invitation to attend (or even present) at the next Towing Committee meeting might also be a good idea. I vote for inclusivity over litigation.
Name one individual from the past four and a half decades who's ever had his energy harnessed by u$hPa for the purpose of moving recreational hang gliding in a positive direction. (And no, tandem thrill rides don't count as recreational hang gliding.)
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Tad Eareckson
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Re: The Bob Show

Post by Tad Eareckson »
Two Dead at Torrey - Paragliding Collision (March 9, 2019)
Bob Kuczewski - 2019/03/20 12:38:55 UTC

Liars! You can count 16 separate accidents right on this page in less than 10 years. Many involved multiple people and gliders. And those are just the accidents that happened to be published by the press. I personally know of others that were never reported. Liars.
Tad Eareckson - 2019/03/29 14:46:12 UTC

Haven't heard from you on this topic since 2019/01/09 05:50:04 UTC.
And I'm guessing we won't ever again. Having made:


an issue about your ACA buddies at Torrey it would be a bit awkward bringing further attention to your favorite Motherfucker In Chief - seeing as how he's incapable of getting through three sentences without telling half a dozen blatant lies.

But your deafening silence on the issues speaks volumes anyway. Always fun to listen to the stuff people conspicuously AREN'T saying.
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Re: The Bob Show

Post by <BS> »
Re: Censorship at Funston?
Bob Kuczewski wrote:I have to admit that my tolerance for people telling lies is growing extremely thin these days. There was a time when I might have been more diplomatic, but after 7 years of seeing the cesspool of USHPA leadership, my patience isn't what it used to be.
In hindsight ...
Bob Kuczewski wrote:It's been a few years since I was banned from the Funston forum by Steve Rodrigues for asserting that Urs Kellenberger either lied or was ignorant of the facts. It's worth noting that since that time we've elected a new President of the United States who's used "the L word" quite frequently in his campaign (and since).

The "L word" (lie) has become taboo in "polite circles" and I find that a shame. The truth is important, and people who are not truthful deserve to be outed. I am glad that Donald Trump hasn't been afraid to use that word, and I make no apologies for using it myself. But people may differ on issues of politics and strategy. There's nothing wrong with that, and we probably won't resolve these differences on this forum (or anywhere else).
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Tad Eareckson
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Re: The Bob Show

Post by Tad Eareckson »

Zack C - 2011/12/17 14:56:03 UTC

There's really nothing I can say that Tad hasn't already said better, but in the interest of hearing it from someone else...
1. You continually misrepresent Tad's statements.
Davis Straub's "Oz Report" Conflict of Interest
Bob Kuczewski - 2009/05/10

I agree with that sentiment, and I think it would be wise for USHPA to ask Mr. Eareckson what it is specifically that he is seeking. I don't think trying to silence him with an injunction is a good start.

Also, I have almost no background in towing, so I've asked a close friend to review his concerns for my own enlightenment. If anyone else on the Board with towing expertise would like to offer comments on Mr. Eareckson's points for similar enlightenment that would be appreciated by us gravity launch pilots.
Bob Kuczewski - 2009/05/11 19:40 UTC

Third, I'm not an expert in towing, but I consulted someone who knows the topic pretty well. His comment was that while it might be good for USHPA to make recommendations in this area, there is still plenty of room for innovation. For that reason, he doesn't think USHPA should mandate any kind of obligatory system that would stifle that innovation - whether Mr. Eareckson's or any other. I have very little background in towing, so I'm just passing this perspective on for your general consideration.
Bob Kuczewski - 2017/08/06 04:36:50 UTC

The pilot who I asked about towing was John Heiney and he definately knows towing.
Redundant hook in check.
Bob Kuczewski - 2018/12/28 05:20:17 UTC

My objection to Tad's presentation of "lift and tug" was that he wanted to force it on everyone in all circumstances.
You are a LIAR, Bob. Fuckin' PERIOD.

There comes a point when one needs to stop giving motherfuckers benefits of doubts, second chances, slack cutting. And knowing now what I do about how this universe actually ticks I could've just read down to:
Frequently Asked Questions
What will keep the US Hawks from becoming another USHPA or HGAA?
You will ... hopefully. The price of freedom is eternal vigilance. Everyone has to do their part once in a while. If you see something that's not being done correctly, then it's your duty to speak out. One big difference between the US Hawks and other organizations is that the US Hawks really does honor the free speech of its members.
and known EXACTLY what I was dealing with. It's not even genuine snake oil 'cause you obviously don't know shit about snakes. (Also well under zero interest of ever actually learning anything about them.)
Zack C - 2010/11/23 05:23:34 UTC

The purpose of Kite Strings is to foster serious discussion regarding the practices and technologies of modern hang gliding. This is a forum ruled by science, truth, facts, reason, and logic. Anyone with a respect for these principles and a willingness to learn and engage in rational discussion is welcome to participate.

The forum is still in its infancy, so we don't have much in the way of structure or posting rules. Until we're large enough to have a need for more, all topics will be under a single forum. As for rules, just keep it civil, stay on topic, keep topics in line with the forum purpose, and don't lie or misrepresent others' statements.
We could've stopped at:
This is a forum ruled by science...
'cause everything that follows is redundant. If there's a respect for science then everybody's either on or headed for being on the same page - at least when we're primarily dealing with fundamental aeronautical theory - and incivility doesn't happen. Antoine wants to implement the best possible aerotow release system he comes over here, gets tuned in, builds a virtual duplicate of the one I developed - 'cause it was the best/only way to do it. Same deal as if I'd developed the first VG system - they're pretty much all clones of each other for the same reason.

SCIENCE is your WORST ENEMY. 'Cause YOUR objective is to get as many individuals as possible kissing your ass and under your control. You're just a much slicker and infinitely more intelligent and articulate version of Rooney. And you know that once you acknowledge that if you run to the right with no hands on the control frame the glider will immediately slam in to the left you're gonna irrevocably lose eighty percent of your potential...
Threaded bridle system
Jim Gaar - 2011/05/26 15:44:33 UTC

Beyond that I'm a Rooney follower...
...FOLLOWERS. Also if you acknowledge that T** at K*** S****** knows what the fuck he's talking about.

Anybody who's got lies, misrepresentations on his record - un- acknowledged and apologized for - need not ever apply. But people already know that and that's the reason we're something close to a ghost town at this point in the sad history of the sport. Hang gliding always has been a terminally scummy sport and nothing's ever gonna change that at any statistically significant level.
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Tad Eareckson
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Re: The Bob Show

Post by Tad Eareckson »

Hey Bob... Any comments on your favorite president calling for police to bash heads of individuals they arrest into car door frames prior to transport to jail?
Trump tells police not to worry about injuring suspects, drawing rebukes from law enforcement - The Washington Post

Also... Who do you think would've gotten the vote of your Rosa Parks hero in the last presidential election? And for extra credit... Any thoughts on what her opinion would be of the guy put into the White House by the Electoral College after that one?
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Re: The Bob Show

Post by Tad Eareckson »

Bob Kuczewski - 2017/10/26 05:10:52 UTC

Third, I don't know a lot about aero towing, but I do know that there are two ends of a tow rope, and there's a pilot with his life at stake on either end. That means there's a negotiation about everything from cost to weak link strength. I'll bet if you were paying $10,000 per tow, you could use any weak link you wanted ... someone would take that risk. But if you offered a $10 "strong weak link bonus", and no one would take it, then you can bet they have a legitimate safety concern that they're willing to favor over hard cash.
Yeah, I know I already beat this one up at the time...

...but it's so fuckin' outrageous that it needs a second pass. (I've tried to eliminate or minimize redundancy.)
Third, I don't know a lot about aero towing...
Yeah, it IS a bit difficult to learn much about aerotowing with one's head perpetually inserted a foot and a half up one's ass.
...but I do know that there are two ends of a tow rope...
Funny you should mention that. 'Cause the FAA safety rules under which the aerotow exemption which hang gliders have flown since 1984 have MANDATED those two locations as the points for legal range weak link installations. And I can make a pretty good argument that if you have weak links installed on both ends of a bridle passing through a tow ring at either end of the towline you're in full compliance 'cause you can either consider the bridles as extensions of the towline or the bridle assemblies themselves as weak links.
...and there's a pilot with his life at stake on either end.
Any "pilot" at any end of a towline who's counting on a weak link to save his life doesn't deserve to have his life saved and the gene pool will suffer if it is. I can't even IMAGINE going up with a mindset that if I get into serious trouble the weak link will have already broken or that I'll be able to just push out abruptly to actuate my instant hands free release and just fly away. Please enlighten me as to what you'd be thinking and/or give me a scenario in which a weak link will do the tug the least bit of good down where it matters. And you're gonna hafta invent something for the tug scenario 'cause nothing remotely suitable has ever happened in the REAL world.

And I'll tell ya sumpin' else... Those motherfuckers go up with a finger on the trigger and both ears on the engine. 'Cause they're scared shitless of the same thing we are...


Power failure on takeoff. And they're not gonna sit around waiting for the Infallible Weak Link to increase the safety of the towing operation in one of those scenarios.
Weaklinks and aerotowing (ONLY)
Steve Kroop - 2005/02/10 04:50:59 UTC

To: Davis Straub; Tow Group
Cc: Rohan Holtkamp; Paris Williams

Weak links are there to protect the equipment not the glider pilot. Anyone who believes otherwise is setting them selves up for disaster.
And to expand on the comments of this Questie douchebag... It only protects the "EQUIPMENT" from being overloaded while its rolling or fully airborne. It doesn't do SHIT to prevent the "equipment" and/or "pilot(s)" from getting totaled after it finishes protecting the equipment from being overloaded.

Furthermore... The safest and longest track record aerotow weak link ever developed will only prevent you from getting fatally slammed in if you have a good...
Is this a joke ?
Marc Fink - 2011/08/28 21:11:09 UTC

I once locked out on an early laminarST aerotowing. went past vertical and past 45 degrees to the line of pull-- and the load forces were increasing dramatically. The weaklink blew and the glider stalled--needed every bit of the 250 ft agl to speed up and pull out. I'm alive because I didn't use a stronger one.
...250 feet of air below you when it finally gets around to increasing the safety of the towing operation (which you've been totally unable to do with your Industry Standard easily reachable release). And from that height and situation you'll be way better off tossing your chute. And do note that 250 feet is the exact same figure your buddy Rick Masters gives for either getting a collapsed paraglider reinflated or a reserve popped.
That means there's a negotiation about everything from cost to weak link strength.
That's not what the FAA says. The FAA says there's a MINIMUM legal weak link strength for the glider and the tug's needs to be STRONGER. And since virtually all Dragonflies pull tandems and never change their weak links to pull solos I wouldn't need to negotiate SHIT if these motherfuckers were flying LEGALLY.

And while we're on the subject of COST...
Florida Ridge Hang Gliding :: Pilot Services
Flight Services
Solo Pilot Aero-Towing
- $30/$50 - over 2000
- $20/$30 - 200 or less
Adam Parer on his tuck and tumble
Adam Parer - 2009/11/25

Due to the rough conditions weak links were breaking just about every other tow and the two tugs worked hard to eventually get everyone off the ground successfully.
Two launches in rough conditions for every successful tow to altitude. Twice the costs in time, crew effort, wear and tear on tugs, glider forced/emergency landings, danger to flyers and planes on both ends, wasted soaring window, 130 pound test fishing line. Where's the benefit to anyone, Bob?
Forbes, day one, task one
Davis Straub - 2009/01/03 20:50:24 UTC
Forbes Airport, New South Wales

Steve Elliot came off the cart crooked and things went from bad to worse as he augured in. He was helicoptered to Orange and eventually to Sydney where the prognosis is not good. I'll update as I find out more.
Why do you think his weak link didn't work when it was supposed to, Bob? Didn't quite make it up to the 250 foot minimum required altitude?
I'll bet if you were paying $10,000 per tow, you could use any weak link you wanted ... someone would take that risk.
- Yeah, I guess so. If I use a five hundred pound weak link on the back end that'll overwhelm the four hundred pounder on the front end.
Davis Straub - 1999/06/06

During the US Nationals I wrote a bit about weaklinks and the gag weaklinks that someone tied at Quest Air. A few days after I wrote about them, Bobby Bailey, designer and builder of the Bailey-Moyes Dragon Fly tug, approached me visibly upset about what I and James Freeman had written about weaklinks. He was especially upset that I had written that I had doubled my weaklink after three weaklinks in a row had broken on me.
And also render the front end release inoperable. I'd want AT LEAST 10K to risk my life with snowball's-chance-in-hell odds like that.

- The Lockout Mountain Flight Park tandem weak link...

Image its two thousand pound Spectra bridle. What do you think their tuggies make per tandem pull?

- So you're saying that a tuggie would be perfectly willing to seriously endanger two lives and two aircraft for 10K? Yeah, you're undoubtedly right. I'm guessing any one of those sleazy goddam motherfuckers would slit your niece's throat for fifty bucks if he thought he had a half decent chance of getting away with it.

By the way... 914 Bailey-Moyes Dragonflies cost several tens of thousands of dollars a copy. Highland Aerosports totaled two of them along with their pilots. Neither was towing a glider anywhere significantly near the time of the crash. The problems were assembly and maintenance - in that chronological order. And neither of those crashes did anything for the long term survival of the operation.

- If this SHIT:
weak links
Jim Rooney - 2007/08/01 13:47:23 UTC

Whatever's going on back there, I can fix it by giving you the rope.
has any degree of legitimacy then why:
- does anybody at either end ever need a weak link for any reason whatsoever?
- do the FAA and u$hPa mandate minimum weak link ratings?

And I flew behind that individual motherfucker scores of times and untold scores more behind the assholes who trained him and signed him off. And just what do you imagine that feels like...
weak links
Jim Rooney - 2007/07/22 22:30:28 UTC

I've heard it a million times before from comp pilots insisting on towing with even doubled up weaklinks (some want no weaklink). I tell them the same thing I'm telling you... suck it up. You're not the only one on the line. I didn't ask to be a test pilot. I can live with your inconvenience.
...when you're trying to clear the kill zone?
Is this a joke ?
Bart Weghorst - 2011/08/28 20:29:27 UTC

Now I don't give a shit about breaking strength anymore. I really don't care what the numbers are. I just want my weaklink to break every once in a while.
Yeah, these are the assholes in whose hands we wanna be trusting our lives.
But if you offered a $10 "strong weak link bonus", and no one would take it, then you can bet they have a legitimate safety concern that they're willing to favor over hard cash.
Well, let's take a look at the REAL WORLD, Bob...
Is this a joke ?
Davis Straub - 2011/08/26 14:04:52 UTC

We had six weaklink breaks in a row at Zapata this year. Russell Brown (tug pilot, tug owner, Quest Air owner) said go ahead and double up (four strands of Cortland Greenspot). He knows I used his Zapata weaklink in Big Spring (pilots were asked to tell the tug pilot if they were doing that).
Don't just gradually dial up with a single loop of 150.
weak links
Marc Fink - 2007/05/19 12:58:31 UTC


The simple fact is that hundreds of thousands of tows using weaklinks in their present configuration successfully bely your contentions that we're all crazy for towing that way.

Simply put, your statements are irresponsible and are based on your personal interpretations.

I am a tow operator--as well as a "towee." I also do aerotow tandems. Using greenline or similar line, which generally tests at 125 lbs +- 50 lbs is widely accepted because it simply works well and relatively predicatably for the enormous range of conditions and applications in towing. If this weren't true, then accident rates would be much higher and these kinds of weaklinks would have been abandoned along time ago.

A 400lb load limit for a solo tow is absurd.
Fuckin' DOUBLE IT.

And let me edit Davis Dead-On Straub's post a little to properly reflect your take on how AT operations should be working.
Davis Straub - 2011/08/26 14:04:52 UTC

We had six weaklink breaks in a row at Zapata this year. Russell Brown (tug pilot, tug owner, Quest Air owner) said go ahead and double up (four strands of Cortland Greenspot). He knows I used his Zapata weaklink in Big Spring. (Pilots were asked to tell the tug pilot if they were doing that - and pony up an extra ten bucks per pull to compensate him for the increased risk to which he'd be exposing himself.)
Or who knows? Maybe the comp pilots were getting reimbursed for tow fees 'cause it's a lot cheaper to get six gliders to altitude in six tows than it is to get zero gliders substantially off the runway in six tows.

Let's take a look at the bullshit operation at which you got one hundred percent of your AT experience - TANDEM.
Aerotow Primer for Experienced Pilots
The Wallaby Ranch Aerotowing Primer for Experienced Pilots - 2019/04/11

If you should have a weak link failure close to the ground, it will be important to immediately lower the nose of the glider, due to the relatively high angel of attack while under tow and the sudden loss of energy upon release.
High angel of attack, sudden loss of energy. That's a STALL, Bob. And it's problematic in ideal glassy smooth conditions. But those aren't the conditions Threes and up ever fly in. So we can't afford to be flying with weak links which will break before we can get into too much trouble 'cause if we do it enough times we're gonna get seriously hurt or worse.

The SMARTER sleazebag assholes started shutting the fuck up on weak links shortly after the 2013/02/02 inconvenience fatality.
Weak Links?

But go ahead keep yourself aligned with Donnell's near four decade old Infallible Weak Link lunacy - if you think that's still gonna work to your advantage.
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Tad Eareckson
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Re: The Bob Show

Post by Tad Eareckson »
Tad Eareckson ongoing project
Bob Kuczewski - 2019/04/11 06:57:51 UTC

I fear that poor Tad may be losing his mind. He keeps addressing me by name and asking me questions on his forum ...
2017/10/19 23:56:37 UTC
2017/11/28 10:54:29 UTC
2018/12/13 01:48:58 UTC
2018/12/20 22:20:24 UTC
2018/12/21 03:22:13 UTC
2018/12/22 17:18:59 UTC
2018/12/22 23:26:40 UTC
2019/03/15 01:53:50 UTC
2019/03/16 22:20:05 UTC
2019/03/16 22:59:20 UTC
2019/03/17 22:51:29 UTC
2019/03/29 14:46:12 UTC
2019/04/04 22:11:19 UTC
2019/04/10 21:06:51 UTC
Maybe Tad forgot that I can't answer any of his "Hey Bob" questions ...
...because he banned me?
I fear that poor Tad may be losing his mind.
- Great to see you keeping up so well with Kite Stings!!! Image Image Image Image Image

- Yeah Bob, I'm pretty sure I am. I'm tired, discouraged, depressed, isolated, lonely, a bit physically crippled, realizing what a colossal waste of time it was to try to get hang gliding reformed as a legitimate flavor of aviation, wishing I could go back in time with what I've learned the hard way, hating myself for the risk to which I exposed Quinn a couple years ago... But I can still afford to lose a helluva a lot of mind and stay head and shoulders above 99.9 percent of the dregs constituting the hang gliding community.

- EVERYBODY eventually loses his mind - sometimes gradually (like my father), sometimes abruptly (like your Orion Price buddy).
He keeps addressing me by name and asking me questions on his forum ...

Maybe Tad forgot that I can't answer any of his "Hey Bob" questions ...
...because he banned me?
- After:
-- cutting you fifty miles of majorly undeserved slack.
-- you banned me for being in violation of some rule or standard you have yet to put in print about seven and a third years after the fact.

- No, I haven't forgotten I banned you. I'm just constantly kicking myself for not having carefully analyzed what you were saying and doing and clicking you on in the first place. And then repeatedly allowing you back in on Guest status. What possible more evidence do we need on the "Tad losing his mind" thing?

- So what's stopping you from answering any of my questions on YOUR (and ONLY your) forum? We know we're both monitoring what's going on with each other's forums. And, hell, we're both banned from all or nearly all glider forums of any significance.

And if some motherfucker comes after me on the Jack, Davis, Bob, Grebloville forums I'm quite content to blow him outta the water from the comfort of home base. But that pretty much never happens anymore 'cause they'd just as soon not have their positions and statements on Standard Aerotow Weak Links, Jim Keen-Intellect Rooney, the Aussie Method dredged back up for people to see.

I fear that poor Tad may be losing his mind.
[TIL] About Tad Eareckson
Orion Price - 2013/03/11 15:12:28 UTC

His situation reminds me of a tragedy of a family friend. As began to loose his edge, he proportionality wanted to write people weirder and weirder letters. Newspaper editors, distant relatives, and especially the government would receive long rants pointing out his intelligence and schadenfreuding over their failures. Eventually his internet usage had to be monitored, and his snail-mail letters "mailed" by someone else. The failure mode exhibited here is nearly identical.
Great minds...
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