The Bob Show

General discussion about the sport of hang gliding
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Tad Eareckson
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Re: The Bob Show

Post by Tad Eareckson »
MoHawk Uprising
Bob Kuczewski - 2019/02/02 23:53:53 UTC

You're sitting around a campfire with three "friends". Every one of them watches as a big fat water moccasin slowly slithers up to you from 50 feet away. None of them say a word to you about the danger. You stretch out your arms to yawn, and the snake strikes.

Who should you hold in greater contempt, the snake or your "friends"?

All it takes for evil to thrive is for good men to do nothing.
Warren Narron - 2019/02/03 22:11:35 UTC

A truer analogy would be a log across the creek where everybody crosses. People cross back and forth ahead of you just fine but by the time you cross, water moccasins are stirred up and they bite you.
You survive but now you insist that your friends take a stick and beat the log repeatedly before they cross the creek.
They get bit and die.
Who should you hold in greater contempt, the snake or you?

By the way, a barefoot friend you know was bitten on the foot by a snake in Tennessee.
Some pilots from the north east were there and no one would volunteer to drive down the mountain to take him to the Dunlap hospital.
I was a bit tweaked by alcohol but had to do it. It was not the first time I had driven impaired so it wasn't such a big deal but who should you hold in greater contempt, the snake or those snakes?
Bob Kuczewski - 2019/02/06 08:51:30 UTC

Here's the truest analogy. Frank Colver, Tom "Red" Howard, and Mike Grisham were all aware that Joe Faust was being unjustly treated by Jack Axaopoulos ("sg"). They were all aware that Joe's voice was being silenced. And yet they all chose to protect their own ability to "hang out in Jack's living room" rather than stand in solidarity with Joe.

There's no truer analogy ... than the truth.

Moderator's Note:
- The statements in this post should be interpreted as the poster's opinions and not as statements of undisputed fact.
Bob Kuczewski - 2019/02/02 23:53:53 UTC

You're sitting around a campfire with three "friends".
"Friends" being the only flavor of friends you've ever had or ever will. And I'm a bit surprised if you were able to amass that many.
Every one of them watches as a big fat water moccasin slowly slithers up to you from 50 feet away.
A big fat Water Moccasin who was bored 'cause it was nighttime and he had nothing better to do. So he sees this campfire and thinks, "Cool! I can slither up from fifty feet away and start killing humans! And just wait until I tell my buddies about it tomorrow morning!"
None of them say a word to you about the danger.
Perhaps 'cause total bullshit like this never actually happens in the REAL world.
You stretch out your arms to yawn, and the snake strikes.
Vertically. From two and a half feet below. Great target practice, test of skill. Also saves him the trouble of slowly slithering up a couple more feet for any easy shot at the left kidney.
Who should you hold in greater contempt, the snake...
The SNAKE. 'Cause they're all EVIL. Just read your Holy Bible if you don't believe me. And this is Water Moccasin range so you're never gonna be more than a couple hundred yards away from the nearest Holy Bible.
...or your "friends"?
- They're all totally imaginary too - with or without the quotation marks. So I can't see that it makes much difference one way or the other.
- The lunatic ophidiophobic total douchebags who pull crap like this outta their asses any time they feel like it.
All it takes for evil to thrive is...
...SNAKES. So let's kill 'em all NOW! Notice the way you never hear about big fat Water Moccasin slowly slithering up to people from fifty feet away and biting them in the arms as the stretch in Ireland. Or Antarctica. Or Mississippi.
...for good men to do nothing.
If you're looking for good men, women, people of varying ages in hang gliding then GOOD FREAKIN' LUCK. And if you find any they're gonna be outnumbered by a factor of at least a thousand to one.
Warren Narron - 2019/02/03 22:11:35 UTC

A truer analogy would be...
...goddam near ANYTHING one would care to pull outta his ass. So give it a go, Warren. Not much to lose over there on The Bob Show.
...a log across the creek where everybody crosses. People cross back and forth ahead of you just fine but by the time you cross, water moccasins are stirred up...
Goddam right. They've called an emergency meeting, decided they're not gonna take no more of this people crossing back and forth across their creek shit, developed a plan of attack to maximize surprise and damage, taken up positions.
...and they bite you.
Six at once - three per ankle, totally unload. Then the get a nearby Alligator to dispose of your body and regroup to deal with their next unsuspecting victim.
You survive...
After six big fat Water Moccasins simultaneously and fully unloading on you!?!? No fuckin' way. You'll be dead before you splash.
...but now you insist that your friends take a stick and beat the log repeatedly before they cross the creek.
They get bit and die.
Goddam right. NOTHING gets big fat Water Moccasins riled up and massed for attack like people taking sticks and beating logs repeatedly.
Who should you hold in greater contempt, the snake or you?
How much time do I get to think about this one.
By the way, a barefoot friend you know was bitten on the foot by a snake in Tennessee.
- Are you sure it wasn't on the arm while he was sitting at a campfire and stretching?

- Any chance we get to hear what KIND of snake? We haven't heard anything about it being a pit viper. From what I've heard so far I'm guessing Rat Snake.
Some pilots from the north east were there and no one would volunteer to drive down the mountain to take him to the Dunlap hospital.
See my comment above about the likelihood of finding good men in hang gliding.
I was a bit tweaked by alcohol but had to do it. It was not the first time I had driven impaired so it wasn't such a big deal but who should you hold in greater contempt, the snake or those snakes?
The snake who was minding his own business on his own home turf and got stepped on by some two hundred pound barefoot bozo? I gotta pick the snake.
Bob Kuczewski - 2019/02/06 08:51:30 UTC

Here's the truest analogy.
Pretty fuckin' low bar, dontchya think?
Frank Colver, Tom "Red" Howard, and Mike Grisham were all aware that Joe Faust was being unjustly treated by Jack Axaopoulos ("sg").
Anybody who goes to The Jack Show expecting fair treatment of anybody is a total fuckin' douchebag who's never bothered to read either the "Mission Statement and Site rules for" or any locked thread.
They were all aware that Joe's voice was being silenced.
And Joe's voice, as we all know so well, is ten thousand times more worthy of being heard than the next runner up's.
And yet they all chose to protect their own ability to "hang out in Jack's living room"...
It's the local coffee shop now.
...rather than stand in solidarity with Joe.
You mean the Joe you don't trust with Bob Show Moderator status?
There's no truer analogy ... than the truth.
And whenever any inconvenient truths start getting in the way then just ignore them.
Moderator's Note:
- The statements in this post should be interpreted as the poster's opinions and not as statements of undisputed fact.
Like the turbulent jet stream which constantly blasts six inches over one's wing and renders a lift-and-tug hook-in check just as deadly as the big fat Water Moccasin which slithers up to campfires to attack unsuspecting hang glider pilots.


Any thoughts on why he just goes for cover and shade when he has such an excellent opportunity to take a shot at my ankle? (I'm guessing no snake that you've ever found in range has lived long enough for you to observe and think about its behavior.)

Oh. And let's throw this one:
Officer's record cleared after shooting death of 5-year-old |

in 'cause I know of your deep concern for the safety and well-being of people of varying ages - 'cept of course for the little brown ones your favorite President rips away from their drug smuggling murdering rapist illegal immigrant parents and piles in cages for the rest of time. (Shower time, anyone?)
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Tad Eareckson
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Re: The Bob Show

Post by Tad Eareckson »
President Trump
Bob Kuczewski - 2017/06/12 19:03:45 UTC

The graph on the previous page shows estimated atmospheric CO2 for millions of years. It's generally believed that the decline in atmospheric CO2 corresponds to the sequestering of carbon in what we call fossil fuels.

The whole point is that putting CO2 into the atmosphere is an elastic and reversible process.
Precisely. We spend a couple hundred years burning a million years worth of fossil fuel deposits, all we gotta do is:
- stop burning fossil fuels
- let all the forests, marshes, other ecosystems regenerate to what they were five hundred years ago
- wait a million years for all the depleted fossil fuel deposits to be redeposited

Elastic, reversible, simple.
The hysteria that we'll end up with a runaway green house situation (and end up like Venus) is not supported by the scientific evidence.
WHAT hysteria that we'll end up with a runaway greenhouse situation (and end up like Venus)? Are any credible scientific sources actually saying this? Or is this just some more straw man bullshit you pulled outta your ass to discredit all the RESPONSIBLE voices on the planet?
So claims that President Trump will "melt the planet" are evidence of a biased and untrustworthy news source.
Right. Fake News - anything that Trump didn't personally tweet five minutes ago.

What the people who AREN'T total shitheads are saying is the crap that's HAPPENING NOW. More heat is being trapped in the atmosphere, ocean temperatures are rising, weather patterns are rapidly and dramatically altering, ice caps and glaciers all around the planet are melting, ocean levels are rising, coastal cities are going underwater, massive buzz saw hurricanes are doing Hiroshima numbers on islands and vast swaths of countries, ecosystems are being destroyed, a mass extinction event is ramping up.

The atmosphere is trapping more heat and holding more moisture. And I don't know if you've ever done any thermal flying but neither of those issues do much to enhance our experiences. That translates to lower lapse rates and cloudbases and more cloud cover.

Some of my best flying experiences happened at Ridgely in spring, late summer, during droughts - multi-thousand foot climbs, lotsa miles, hours of airtime to the point at which you started hoping you'd sink out.

And now back here in your old neck of the woods...

We seem to have entered a period of nonstop heavy rain. If Highland Aerosports had tried to start up in either of the past two years instead of 1999 they'd have folded before half a season. And they'd have been in deep shit 'cause they financed those Dragonflies on credit cards.

And my pre Ridgely favorite "local" flying site...
Woodstock Tower Road Outer Retaining Wall Collapse
Ward Odenwald - 2019/03/05 15:28:12 UTC

The torrential, record setting precipitation that we suffered through during 2018 and this winter has not only created significant surface erosion issues at the WS launch, it has undermined the structural integrity of the rock retaining walls that are the foundation of the WS Tower Road.

Here's a series of 9 images taken Saturday morning from approximately halfway between the 2nd and 3rd switchbacks (descending from takeoff). They highlight a growing road collapse and a section of the adjacent retaining wall ~30 yards up from this collapse that is separating from the road and most likely also close to collapse.

The rest is "my 2 cents" concerning what I found. I'm hoping that this “lay person” explanation of what's happening on the road up to launch is nothing more than total BS and there's an easy/fast fix to these issues. However, if I'm half right about what's going on, the road to my favorite flying site will be closed for a long, long time!
But don't worry yourself unduly 'cause putting CO2 into the atmosphere is an elastic and reversible process. So let's carry on full tilt at Making America Great Again.
Bob Kuczewski - 2017/06/12 19:03:45 UTC

Trump is a world class negotiator. Give him some time to see the results.
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Re: The Bob Show

Post by <BS> »

Give him some time to see the results.
How about the rest of his life behind bars?
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Tad Eareckson
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Re: The Bob Show

Post by Tad Eareckson »

If he were ten years old now and were to live another fifty million years the surface of what he deserves might be scratched a wee bit. And let's not forget all the total douchebags out there who voted to have him inflicted on the planet.
[TIL] About Tad Eareckson
Bob Kuczewski - 2013/03/10 18:20:34 UTC

Tad joined us, and for a while things were fine. But over time, it became obvious to me that he was more interested in just bashing people than trying to actually solve problems in the sport of hang gliding. For a long time, I tried to show him kindness on our forum and I gave him a lot of slack with regard to his profanity and his comments that he wished certain people would crash and kill themselves. Eventually (and for reasons that I won't full disclose here), it became necessary to ask Tad to leave the US Hawks forum, and he is currently the only person who's been completely banned from the US Hawks.
Total honor, Bob. And...
Rules - Hang Gliding Org

I am not at liberty to discuss all of the reasons behind his expulsion, but let it suffice that his intentional, deliberate actions caused significant harm to our association and its members, and directly caused significant expense which we all pay for through increased dues. He was disruptive, defiant and unapologetic about his actions. He was given every opportunity to change his behavior. He chose instead to become even more belligerent. And after due consideration, the USHPA board decided that his actions had made him an unacceptable liability to our association, and revoked his membership.

Mark G. Forbes
Former Director of the United States Hang Gliding & Paragliding Association
Just gotta LOVE the similarities in the writing styles, rhetoric, operation modes. Peas in a fuckin' pod.
Edit - 2019/03/19 20:20:00 UTC
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Tad Eareckson
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Re: The Bob Show

Post by Tad Eareckson »

Peas in a pod... Just reviewed the topic and got to your 2016/04/23 21:40:24 UTC post, which I've dissected before.
[TIL] About Tad Eareckson
Bob Kuczewski - 2016/04/23 21:40:24 UTC
Orion Price - 2013/03/16 17:56:25 UTC

People ask me: "OP, why must you troll the trolls?".
OP, it's been over 3 years since you started this topic to discuss Tad's testicles. I've seen very little progress in your maturity since then.

Public communication has been the bedrock of political change in the United States. That's why it was given a prominent place in our US Constitution:
First Amendment of the US Constitution wrote:Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof, or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press, or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.
There are people who use public communication (like this forum) for the purposes of improving our civilization - including the sport of hang gliding. Those people may have differing opinions, and they use free speech to argue for things like stronger or weaker weak links, stand-up landings or wheel landings, representation for hang gliding on Soaring Councils, and redress of grievances like unjust expulsions. These are all constructive uses of public communication.

Unfortunately, you have not been able to make such constructive contributions. Instead, you play the class clown trying desperately to derail serious discussions.

In some ways, you and Tad are two peas in a pod. Neither of you can carry on a rational discussion about the merits of a topic without resorting to either foul abusive language (Tad's case) or adolescent ad hominem attacks (your case). Both are intended as a diversion to throw a "monkey wrench" into otherwise thoughtful discussions.

In the past, I've attempted to take you seriously, and I have shown you respect in the hope that it might elevate the conversation. It hasn't. So just as a teacher is eventually forced to draw the line with a "class clown", I'll be doing the same with you. When you see a response from me using the phrase "class clown" with a link to this topic, you'll know exactly what I mean.

I look forward to your growth and maturity, but I won't be waiting around for it.
If hang gliding were a LEGITIMATE flavor of aviation there'd be zero tolerance of opinions. And I'm still waiting for yours on what weak link strengths should be and what they're supposed to be doing for us.

Stand-up versus wheel landings...
Paragliding Collapses
Jim Rooney - 2011/06/12 13:57:58 UTC

Most common HG injury... spiral fracture of the humerus.

OP and Yours Truly two peas in a pod in ANY ways? That motherfucker's only positive contribution to the sport was to provide another data point to support:
Should we try a different way? Designwise....
Steve Corbin - 2015/09/02 22:26:04 UTC

Any un-biased observer should be able to see why wanna-be pilots find PG more attractive than HG. Standing around in the Andy Jackson Memorial International Airpark at a busy fly-in shows that a PG landing is a total non-event, while everyone stands up to watch HG's, piloted by "experts", come in to land. A good landing by a HG is greeted by cheers, an acknowledgement that landing one successfully is a demonstration not just of skill, but good luck as well.
Neither of you can carry on a rational discussion about the merits of a topic without resorting to either foul abusive language (Tad's case)...
Sure I can. Tons of examples. Just lotsa times foul abusive language is precisely what's called for.
I look forward to your growth and maturity, but I won't be waiting around for it.
Really good call. And name one dust particle's worth of a positive contribution he ever made to the sport other than the aforementioned.
Steve Davy
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Re: The Bob Show

Post by Steve Davy »

Just gotta LOVE the similarities in the writing styles, rhetoric, operation modes. Peas in a fuckin' pod.
If I had to associate with one of the two I would have to pick Mark. A bit less creepy and not a total lunatic.
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Tad Eareckson
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Re: The Bob Show

Post by Tad Eareckson »

Having to make a choice between having to associate between one or the other of those two... What an appalling thought.

I long back in the history of this forum phased into the mindset that if that any western hang gliding culture individual wasn't on Kite Strings or publicly aligned with its mission I wanted NOTHING to do with him. He's either part of the problem or enabling it with his conspicuous silence.
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Re: The Bob Show

Post by Tad Eareckson »
Two Dead at Torrey - Paragliding Collision (March 9, 2019)
Bob Kuczewski - 2019/03/20 12:38:55 UTC

"Our safety record is impeccable and we average less than 1 accident per 10 years or 100,000 flights."

"Less than 1 accident per 10 years" ???

Liars! You can count 16 separate accidents right on this page in less than 10 years. Many involved multiple people and gliders. And those are just the accidents that happened to be published by the press. I personally know of others that were never reported. Liars.
Davis Straub's "Oz Report" Conflict of Interest
Bob Kuczewski - 2011/03/09 02:33:49 UTC

This is going to sound cold, but I believe people have a right to make their own choices. I don't want a "nanny state" where anyone is telling me what I can and can't do ... for my own good. The sport of hang gliding would surely not exist if that thinking were carried to its logical extreme. There's something bred into all living things that urges them toward taking some degree of risk in their lives. Those who want to forbid that risk are essentially snuffing out the human spirit itself. I can't support that. I do support information. I support good information. I support exposing bad information. But I don't support dictating what anyone can or can't do. The fundamental principle of economics (and evolution) is two words: "people choose".
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Re: The Bob Show

Post by <BS> »

I don't want a "nanny state" where anyone is telling me what I can and can't do ... for my own good.
Bob Kuczewski's the regulation I would have drafted and passed:

"All H0/P0, H1/P1, H2/P2 pilots must wear protective headgear whenever connected to a glider. All instructional demonstrations for pilots of those ratings must also comply with that rule to set an appropriate example. It is also recommended (but not required) that all pilots of all ratings wear protective headgear whenever connected to a glider."
Steve Davy
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Footmouth Bob

Post by Steve Davy »

That's classic. :lol:
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