The Bob Show

General discussion about the sport of hang gliding
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Tad Eareckson
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Re: The Bob Show

Post by Tad Eareckson »

You can do the option when logging in - but I've seen it not work.
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Re: The Bob Show

Post by <BS> »

Where? I'm not referring to this site.
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Re: The Bob Show

Post by Tad Eareckson »

On Bob's:
I forgot my password
- Log me on automatically each visit
- Hide my online status this session
Ours looks like:
Username: - Password: - | Log me on automatically each visit - Login
And you gotta use the User Control Panel to: "Hide my online status:" then reboot for it to start taking effect.
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Re: The Bob Show

Post by <BS> »

You're right. I had missed that after thinking I'd tried all possibilities. Oops, apologies for the false conclusion Bob. The obvious conclusion is the hide your online status feature there probably functions better than my ability to find it.
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Re: The Bob Show

Post by Tad Eareckson »

Yeah, I do that about three or four times a day.
Hang gliding is in more trouble than I thought.
Bob Kuczewski - 2018/12/13 11:41:49 UTC

At this point I'm just documenting the history of our time. I think the record is now very clear that I made many attempts to get you and others to speak up. For some reason (whatever reason) you chose to remain silent. That's now part of the historical record.

My own interpretation of that historical record is that the silencing of voices (like Joe's and Scott's and others) on has helped USHPA maintain their monopoly control of hang gliding. It has also helped suppress the voices who might have spoken up to prevent accidents over the years and to prevent injustices over the years.
At this point I'm just documenting the history of our time.
1. Me too - mostly.

2. And do make sure to keep conspicuously omitting my name from it as much as possible - in keeping with the Jack, Davis, everybody-fuckin'-else model.
I think the record is now very clear that I made many attempts to get you and others to speak up.
My take is that if anyone would be inclined to speak up then he'd have spoken up already.
For some reason (whatever reason) you chose to remain silent.
Big surprise. The motherfucker's chosen to remain silent - or worse - for decades.
That's now part of the historical record.
As it was long before.
My own interpretation of that historical record is that the silencing of voices (like Joe's and Scott's and others)...
And do make sure to conspicuously make no mention of Tad's.
...on has helped USHPA maintain their monopoly control of hang gliding.
The monopoly in which you were a player when I was under major fire.
It has also helped suppress the voices who might have spoken up to prevent accidents over the years and to prevent injustices over the years.
Hang gliding "accidents"? We're talking about hang gliding, right? Like whose? Name some. What were their issues?

Can you name a single "accident"...

...that might have been prevented if someone had been listened to?

I presented an encyclopedia of documentation - mostly out of u$hPa's own magazine archive - illustrating how people were getting themselves killed and killing others by violating SOPs that u$hPa wrote and refused to implement or enforce. Nobody ever made the slightest effort to refute or discredit a single punctuation mark's worth of any of it - just characterized me as running around screaming that the sky was falling. And your response was to direct Dennis Pagen to shut me up before I could do much damage to the sport and bring me back into the fold where my incredible amount of energy could be productively harnessed. Probably to identify, hunt down, and silence other whistleblower types before they could do too much damage to the sport.

And fuck Red. Rafi Lavin died totally needlessly right after launch at Funston on 2015/08/23.


But the GOOD news is that the center area of that sidewire wasn't the least bit work hardened from any of those stupid stomp tests Wills Wing instructs all owners to do with each setup.

I wouldn't have that asshole on this forum for that reason alone. He pulls this original rot totally outta his ass, won't engage in discussion, and is conspicuously absent from the conversation after yet another sidewire fails at the usual point.

As I was composing this Steve contacted me - 2018/12/14 02:20:19 UTC - to advise me that Jack Show Jack's Basement had become invisible - sometime subsequent to 2018/12/11 - to those not lucky enough to have Jack's Local Coffee Shop access.

That's 15479 posts in 301 topics by gawd knows how many authors suddenly erased with no hint of notification - let alone justification - from the public record.

Also we now have:
HangGliding.Org Simplified Rules and Policies
with no remaining trace of this:
- Tired of seeing an inflammatory topic on the front page? Click on the "BURY this topic" link at the top of the page. Once a topic gets enough votes, it will be moved to "The Basement" forum where it will no longer show up on the front page.
absurdly transparent sleazy bullshit. (And we all know that the simpler the better - same way gliders, harnesses, instruments have evolved over the decades.)

Remaining on the Index page under NEWS AND STUFF the logged in member still sees this:
The Basement
All topics the user community has voted to take off the front page are moved here.
Click on the "BURY this topic" link at the top of each topic to vote to bury a topic and take it off the front page.
bullshit - but good freakin' luck finding the "BURY this topic" link at the top of each topic to vote to bury a topic and take it off the front page.

Fifteen and a half thousand posts all composed by authors assuming that their work would be pretty much permanently elements of the sport's historical record abruptly erased from it - along with 5912 in 236 Incident Reports topics.

Gee, one would think Jack would be PROUD to have a prominent public record of all the inflammatory rot the worlds largest hang gliding community kept out of the mainstream public areas.
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Tad Eareckson
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Re: The Bob Show

Post by Tad Eareckson »
Frequently Asked Questions
What will keep the US Hawks from becoming another USHPA or HGAA?
You will ... hopefully. The price of freedom is eternal vigilance. Everyone has to do their part once in a while. If you see something that's not being done correctly, then it's your duty to speak out. One big difference between the US Hawks and other organizations is that the US Hawks really does honor the free speech of its members.
Frequently Asked Questions
Nobody was Frequently Asking these Questions, Bob. 'Cause the answers to them were all written before the dictatorship actually existed. So we're starting off with a LIE.
What will keep the US Hawks from becoming another USHPA or HGAA?
A different flavor of control freak - more intelligent, literate, articulate. Able to use more subtle tactics to silence a lot of the same individuals for the same fundamental reason - don't play nicely with others.
You will ... hopefully.
Who am I... hopefully? Some guy considering joining up?
The price of freedom is eternal vigilance.
Exactly the same as for running a brutal dictatorship, right? 'Cept for the latter times a thousand. There's really not much of a distinction though. The individual who's seeking freedom for himself is pretty much automatically seeking to gain it at the expense of the freedoms and/or qualities of lives of other individuals.

The motherfuckers who have the freedom to blast Gray Wolves the milliseconds they cross to the outside of the Denali National Park boundaries deprive untold thousands of park visitors of the privilege of ever seeing a wolf in the wild in their lifetimes - not to mention the freedoms and privileges of the Wolves themselves to exist and raise their canines of varying ages. I know all about this one 'cause late last spring I went to Denali and the closest I ever got to seeing a Wolf or two were Red Foxes - which I get in the backyard here at home all the freakin' time.

And the more economic, political, military power one has the more freedoms one tends to accrue.
Everyone has to do their part once in a while.
Just once in a while. The rest of the time everything's OK and all ya gotta do is maintain eternal vigilance. Your guys tend to be pretty good at that part.
If you see something that's not being done correctly, then it's your duty to speak out.
Then you can go back home and rest easy 'cause you've done your duty and made goddam sure that it's being done correctly. Or, in the extremely unlikely event that it's still being done incorrectly in another seven or eight years, you might wanna consider going way the fuck above and beyond the call of duty and speak out again. But there's no way in hell you're gonna be stood up in front of a wall and shot for dereliction of duty if you don't. Your ass is totally covered.

Just make sure you don't go totally nuts and speak out once or twice a day 'cause we're trying to provide a friendly community for hang glider pilots to hang out and discuss how to build a even better and friendlier hang gliding community. And if you repeatedly demonstrate an unwillingness to play nicely with the other people of varying ages with all your speaking out when seeing stuff done incorrectly then we're gonna promote you to our Free Speech Zone to run an experiment to determine an acceptable maximum duty-to-speak-out level and decide on the best mechanism to permanently deal with excessive speaking-out-duty fulfillment.
One big difference between the US Hawks and other organizations...
Kite Strings is now another organization - officially recognized by one hundred percent of the voting members of The worlds largest hang gliding community. And we've only got seven members who've posted anything since over a year ago. that the US Hawks...
By "the US Hawks" you mean yourself, right Bob? 'Cause you were its only member when you were writing this. And now, over eight and a third years into your organization's history, you're still the only member with a vote that can't be overridden and moderator access to your site.
...really does honor the free speech of its members.
1. Oh great. You've determined that every asshole who plops himself down on your doorstep really does honor the free speech of any other asshole who plops himself down on your doorstep - Rick Masters, Peter Birren, Charles Schneider, Sam Kellner being sterling examples. Jim Gaar also if you can get him, it goes without saying.

2. Just its members? So the US Hawks really doesn't honor the free speech of its nonmembers? It's good with bringing aboard and honoring the free speech of a total piece o' shit and Jack and Davis Show Member-In-Good-Standing but not with T** at K*** S****** who's one of your most effective assets in fuckin' demolishing all your u$hPa operative enemies?

3. I don't tell people I'm gonna honor their free speech if they register for Kite Strings and I click them in for access. Fuck their free speech if it's the same kinda rot most glider people spew out in the mainstream forums. Also fuck them.

Jim Rooney's speech was fifty times freer than the second best candidate's from the entire history of the sport. And it was all total shit but we sure did value it. Used it to totally and permanently demolish the motherfucker and his legions of loyal cocksuckers in the aftermath of the 2013/02/02 Zack Marzec inconvenience fatality. And u$hPa's been kicking itself ever since for not having had him taken out by sniper when it became obvious that he was becoming a monumentally major asset to Team Kite Strings.

The first two posts on this forum - by Zack C and Yours Truly - outline what kinds of speech will and won't be acceptable in our discussions. If you find anything unclear, ambiguous, contradictory in them then do let us know and we'll get it dealt with.

And we're not even gonna start wasting any time with any motherfucker who comes in here - if he makes it that far - blathering about a weak link being useful in preventing a glider or tug getting into too much trouble.

And we're not too much interested in having people do their duty to speak out if they see anything being done wrong 'cause on Day One we were already doing damn near everything right. And the stuff that wasn't that mattered any got sorted pretty quickly - not by people doing their duties to speak out but through low key corrections and discussions involving fundamentally competent individuals trying to get everything accurate and on the same page.

4. Flying hang gliders has pretty much shit to do with freedom and damn everything to do with operating inside lotsa sets of narrowly defined rules. Guys who believe otherwise find themselves:
- ground looping back into the mountain launch
- inconvenience crashing back down onto the runway
- eating runways after tug pilots have made good decisions in the interests of their safety
- dangling from basetubes with their carabiners dangling from their harness support webbing
- quickly sinking out into the LZ or trees
- having to choose between dying:
-- now by making the easy reaches to their Industry Standard releases
-- two seconds from now by trying to fix bad things 'cause they don't wanna start over
- breaking their arms due to imperfected flare timing
a lot faster and more often than those who don't.

And I don't wanna be thermalling with five other guys all turning clockwise when some asshole comes in and expresses his preference for counter.

And nobody ever passed a pilot written exam by exercising his First Amendment freedoms.
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Tad Eareckson
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Re: The Bob Show

Post by Tad Eareckson »
Frequently Asked Questions
What is the US Hawks?
The US Hawks is a national hang gliding organization designed to give all hang glider pilots a platform for sharing information and a focal point for pooling their efforts to further their own flying and the sport of hang gliding.
Another flavor of the Jack and Davis Shows.
What does it cost to join the US Hawks?
Just your soul and balls.
Currently, membership is free. The US Hawks will follow the model of the Torrey Hawks by providing a voice...
Bob's voice, to be specific.
...for all hang glider pilots.
Oh really, Bob... Mine too? All those u$hPa assholes who voted for your expulsion for publicly testifying under oath in court?
The Torrey Hawks did this on the local level, and the US Hawks will attempt to do that on the national level.
When's it gonna stop ATTEMPTING to do that?
There may be a time when we need actual money, and we'll address that issue then.
For now though, just the soul and balls.
Why do we need another organization?
So Bob can have one of his own - like Jack and Davis.
The need for choice on the national level has been clear for some time. The HGAA, for example, was originally formed to be more of a grass roots organization than USHPA. However, it was quickly overtaken by those who again concentrated power and shunned opposing viewpoints. So the US Hawks was formed to provide yet another alternative.
And since it started with 100.00 percent of the power fully in the hands of a single individual there's zero fuckin' possibility of it being overtaken, quickly or glacially, by anything else - EVER.
Won't the US Hawks further fragment our resources?
Hang glider pilots typically pool their resources to reduce the costs of insurance and to lobby for protection of flying sites. There's no reason that the US Hawks couldn't team with either USHPA or the HGAA on both of those issues.
Aside from the fact that the latter no longer exists.
In fact, having multiple organizations might increase the total number of people participating...
How's that been going? How many people have entered the sport due to the existence of The Bob Show? Bet I can name more who permanently left the sport feet first due to its existence and influence.
...and therefore increase both the insurance pool and the lobbying efforts.

What will keep the US Hawks from becoming another USHPA or HGAA?
A veneer of it being something better.
You will ... hopefully.
Really? So I can cast a vote in opposition of a position backed by the Administrator? Like maybe replacing the Administrator with another? And if that creates or bolsters a majority position...?
The price of freedom is eternal vigilance.
And your life if you buy into all this freedom bullshit.
Everyone has to do their part once in a while. If you see something that's not being done correctly, then it's your duty to speak out. One big difference between the US Hawks and other organizations is that the US Hawks really does honor the free speech of its members.
That and two bucks will get ya a cup of coffee. (Ask the coffee shop owner about available options.)
Will the US Hawks offer insurance?
Not at this time. The HGAA is currently working to see if they can get independent insurance.
How's that working out at this point?
The outcome of their effort will tell us a lot about the "lay of the land" with regard to insurance.
Pretty flat I'd say. And since you have very little experience with towing I guess we're all fucked.
One option that I've suggested before is requesting to be included on USHPA's (or even the HGAA's) insurance with a small markup.
Last I heard...

...u$hPa doesn't have any. But I imagine you'll...

...have much better luck.
That means we would have to follow their rating standards which are not unreasonable at this time.
Not unreasonable in the least - seeing as how they've never actually adhered to their own rating standards. And which are pretty much total crap to begin with anyway.
Will the US Hawks try to replace USHPA or the HGAA?
No. I started the HGAA because I wanted pilots to have choices.
...of control freaks to keep them in line.
Eliminating USHPA (or the HGAA) would reduce our choices and that's never been my goal.
Just eliminating choices of people of varying ages. Bob's got his shit totally together in that department.
Pilots who like USHPA...
...aren't actual pilots. Never have been, never will be.
...should have USHPA.
Deserve it. Good deal for the gene pool.
Pilots who like the HGAA should have the HGAA.
The what?
And pilots who like the US Hawks should have the US Hawks.
Where Bob will make all their choices for them. Is that a great choice or what!
As I said when founding the HGAA, more choices gives us a better chance of each pilot finding an organization that they like.
Why should they? Name one that's ever had its shit satisfactorily together with respect to sound aeronautical theory.
Hopefully those organizations (USHPA, HGAA, US Hawks) will all work together to make our sport better.
Ya think? And let's say that you actually DID wanna make "OUR" sport better. You're gonna do that with organizations bending over backwards to make it worse?
They each appeal to different kinds of pilots and that's likely to give us more total pilots participating in our national organizations. Win. Win. Win.
Sure. 'Cept the sport's been on a steady downhill slide since long before any of this action started.
I hope the US Hawks' relationships with USHPA and the HGAA will be positive.
Hard to imagine them being much better than they are now.
How will the US Hawks try to be different from USHPA or the HGAA?
By maintaining Bob as the sole member with a vote that counts for anything until the end of time.
The US Hawks will try to be more of a grass roots organization - more like the start of hang gliding.
And just look how well that's worked out! So let's plant another one just like it. How could we possibly miss in getting better results!

The start of hang gliding was a fucking disaster - 'cause nobody had fucking clues as to how the birds they were building were actually controlled. And what Zack and I did was to start Kite Strings as a declared dictatorship. (Hell, I didn't even have a moderator button that actually worked in the beginning.) Then we brought people in, got them up to speed if they needed various degrees of being gotten up to speed, kicked people out when they demonstrated they had no fuckin' business being here, started sharing power and continued to a degree unprecedented in the sport.

And if I get hit by a truck tomorrow there will be a lot fewer posts on Kite Strings but it won't be taken over, corrupted, misdirected, vandalized, destroyed. It'll continue operating as a very small community of like minded individuals who all wanna see hang gliding functioning as a legitimate, competent flavor of aviation in which no eleven year old kids will be slammed into dry lakebeds as consequences of typical equipment being employed and typical procedures being followed.
There's nothing wrong with the strong central control exhibited by other organizations, but the US Hawks will appeal to pilots who want more local control...
Meaning no accountability to anyone for anything - read Sam Kellner.
...and greater personal participation in decision making.
As long as they're happy having zero power in any decision making exercises at the national organization level.
We believe that good decisions sometimes require a significant effort to dig into the facts.
1. We who? List the individuals who authorized you to state their beliefs.
2. Just how hard did we dig into the facts in the aftermath of the 2012/06/16 Terry Mason inconvenience fatality?
Sometimes arguments are heated, and that's not something to be feared or rejected. That's the process - painful or not - that leads to better decisions.
That will all be made on your behalf by Bob - regardless of how many three-pointers you score in any of the heated arguments.
Is there a Board of Directors for the US Hawks?
Not yet.
Sure there is. It's Bob. KISS.
The HGAA's early problems arose because different people wanted to take the organization in different directions.
The early problems arose because hang gliding's a dickhead magnet, aeronautical competence is something to be pissed all over, and there will never be any empowerment of the kinds of individuals who SHOULD BE empowered and trusted with authority.
That created power stuggles which cost the HGAA some of its early leadership. For now, I'm going to take the US Hawks in the direction that I believe is right.
Which is another way of saying that those who see something that's not being done correctly and do their duty to speak out will be condescended to, undermined, marginalized, permanently dealt with as they persist in doing their duties since the US Hawks really does honor the free speech of its members. :)
If people want to go along, then they're welcome.
Yeah Bob, that's the kinda people you really want working with you to found a grass roots organization. Love Bob or leave him.
If not, there are at least two other alternatives. :)
At most one. And you people who want to "go along"... Get fucked. I don't want you anywhere NEAR this forum. I've banned Sam Kellner, Christopher LeFay, Lin Lyons, Orion Price, and Jeff Roberson for being go-along types. And Bob Kuczewski's majorly gone from here 'cause he's ultra geared to going along with whatever he calculates will be most useful to him in consolidating personal power. 99.9 percent of ATers are using bent pin barrel releases then he's fine with them welding themselves shut under normal tow tensions and feels that the BIG DEAL I make about the straight pin differences are somewhat overblown.
Can local chapters join the US Hawks?
Certainly. We currently provide a public forum for each of our chapters to keep them better integrated with the national organization. We may be the first national hang gliding association to do that (watch for others to follow).
Can local chapters ever share in the central control of the US Hawks? :)
Do all local chapters have to have 'Hawks' in their name?
Nah, they can substitute "Bobs" for 'Hawks' if they so desire.
No, but you might think so given our first 3 local chapters (Torrey Hawks, Tooele Hawks, and Lakeview Hawks)!
And here's the most accurate definition of a hawk:
Family Accipitridae: several genera, especially Accipiter, which includes the Cooper's hawk and goshawk.
Which your pigfucker buddy Sam feels free to shoot (Accipiter striatus) in violation of federal law. And the bird you have splattered all over your site ain't one of those. It's a...
Family Accipitridae: several genera, in particular Buteo, and including the common (Eurasian) buzzard (B. buteo).
...BUZZARD (Buteo jamaicensis).
Any club is welcome to apply for membership.
How many months does it usually take to clear them for acceptance? Background checks to identify unrepentant child molesters, that sorta thing?
All we really want to see is that the club is sincere in being a member of the US Hawks...
Let Bob lead you around by the balls from now until the end of time.
...and that they have a desire to promote and protect the sport of hang gliding in their local area.
See above.
Do I have to be a member of the US Hawks to use the forum?
No, but your membership in the US Hawks would show a more sincere interest in our organization and an appreciation of our efforts. Eventually we may provide additional services for actual members or place limitations on non-members.
You won't have a vote that will count for anything as a non-member. Or as an actual member.
Can I donate to the US Hawks?
No. Our model is based on freedom of speech...
As long as it's nothing that indicates a problem playing nicely with others.
...and freedom of representation.
Bob will represent everything for ya - for free.
But thanks for asking!!
Thank whom for asking, Bob? And how frequently has this question been asked?
If the US Hawks begins to offer expensive services (such as insurance) then we may have to charge for those services.
u$hPa was told by the insurance companies to permanently go fuck themselves after Jean Lake. What are you gonna show them to convince them you'll be doing a better job?
If I can't donate, then what can I do to help?
Carefully study all the issues and vote responsibly in all elections. Just kidding.
Just try to visit the forum regularly and post as often as you can.
Just stuff that's OK with all the better socially adapted kids though.
It also helps if you spread the word about the US Hawks and try to bring in new members.
It won't matter much who they are though since Bob's gonna take the US Hawks in the direction that he believes is right anyway.

Today's u$hPa began as the Southern California Hang Gliding Association in 1971. In the time The Bob Show's been around the sport went from the standard Rogallo to the UP Comet - my first and second to last glider and the bird from which all modern flex wings have been derived. And in that same timespan you haven't been able to establish an organization in which you've been able to tolerate a single vote from a single individual that you can't override.

And you're NEVER gonna be able to make any kind of transition 'cause you've been working on sucking up every name you can get your hands on instead of going for any kind of quality and the time you'll be able to keep it from becoming another u$hPa - which is what every other national hang gliding association on the planet is - will be measured in SECONDS.

But feel free to go ahead and prove me wrong. I'll be over here holding my breath.
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Tad Eareckson
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Re: The Bob Show

Post by Tad Eareckson »

Hey Bob...

You've on numerous occasions maintained - without ever having supported your claim with the slightest shred of actual evidence - that there's nothing that comforts u$hPa more than watching us take shots at each other.

First of all... You have NOTHING in the way of ammunition to use against me. And you're only worried about my fire 'cause it's totally deserved and legitimate. You haven't even written any retroactive bullshit in the way of rules to justify your banning of me. Possibly 'cause you can't keep track of all the contradictory bullshit justifications you've concocted as justification at the time and over the years.

Secondly... What actually scares u$hPa shitless is exactly what Mark G. Forbes has publicly and openly stated it is - accurate analysis and reporting on fatal incidents precipitated by their incompetence, negligence, duplicity. They slaughter an eleven year old kid in front of his family. We analyze all the data, statements, evidence, traffic, relevant SOPs we can get our hands on; figure out exactly what happened and why; publish our findings.

You want me to pull punches just 'cause we have a common enemy?
Frequently Asked Questions
What will keep the US Hawks from becoming another USHPA or HGAA?
You will ... hopefully. The price of freedom is eternal vigilance. Everyone has to do their part once in a while. If you see something that's not being done correctly, then it's your duty to speak out. One big difference between the US Hawks and other organizations is that the US Hawks really does honor the free speech of its members.
Yeah, I'm not a member anymore so the US Hawks really doesn't honor my free speech. And my duty is to shut the fuck up when I see something not being done correctly. Oops.

I can't find the reference but years ago I heard a former guest of the Hanoi Hilton recount how an NVA officer had shown him an American newspaper reporting on anti war demonstrations back home. "See? This proves you're wrong." "No. This proves I'm RIGHT." (First Amendment thing.) The host had something of a meltdown.
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Re: The Bob Show

Post by <BS> »

The forever temporary "advisory" BOD, may have an opening. Could be a long-term position for someone who'll go along to get along.
If people want to go along, then they're welcome.
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Tad Eareckson
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Re: The Bob Show

Post by Tad Eareckson »
The Bob Show
Bob Kuczewski - 2011/12/13 05:55:39 UTC

I've had to deal with your profanity, your attacks on other members, your strong weak link theories, your lift and tug theories, and your hopelessly long and repetitive posts. So we have not been able to actually define how the organization should be structured.
And here I was thinking that...
Frequently Asked Questions
What will keep the US Hawks from becoming another USHPA or HGAA?
One big difference between the US Hawks and other organizations is that the US Hawks really does honor the free speech of its members.
...the US Hawks really does honor the free speech of its members. I guess it (Bob) only honors it when it's what it (Bob) wants to hear. Otherwise it's something that must be tolerated, dealt / put up with.

So who was forcing you to DEAL with anything? I haven't changed my tone significantly since you made The Bob Show a safe place for people of varying ages to visit seven years plus about a week ago. Why should it matter WHERE something is posted? And what overall good does it do to make The Bob Show a safe place for people of varying ages to visit while Kite Strings remains a horrendously dangerous place for people of varying ages to visit?

So whose weak link theories are you having to deal with...

Image Quest, Wallaby, Florida Ridge, Lockout, Foothills, Kitty Hawk, Ridgely, Morningside, Cloud 9, Cowboy Up, Sonora, Hewett, Cummings, Pagen, Bryden, Birren, Russell, Davis, Paulen, Moyes, Bobby, Kroop, Rooney?

Here's the last post you're EVER gonna hear from any mainstreamer asshole on hang glider weak links:
Weak Links?
Bart Weghorst - 2018/09/14 17:58:16 UTC

Please understand that the use of weak links does not prevent a lockout. They could help but they really serve a different purpose. I don't like to explain all this here because I think this forum is not a good medium to teach hang gliding subjects like these. When in doubt, consult an experienced AT operator and attend an AT course.
Who could even BEGIN to argue with any issue in that post? Crystal fuckin' clear...
Is this a joke ?
Bart Weghorst - 2011/08/28 20:29:27 UTC

Now I don't give a shit about breaking strength anymore. I really don't care what the numbers are. I just want my weaklink to break every once in a while.
So we have not been able to actually define how the organization should be structured.
Looks like "WE" have now - after seven years of uninterrupted Tad-free harmony and bliss. Exactly the same way it was on 2010/08/13...
Is there a Board of Directors for the US Hawks?
Not yet. The HGAA's early problems arose because different people wanted to take the organization in different directions. That created power stuggles which cost the HGAA some of its early leadership. For now, I'm going to take the US Hawks in the direction that I believe is right. If people want to go along, then they're welcome. If not, there are at least two other alternatives. :)
...when you answered everyone's Frequently Asked Questions - a wee bit under six months before you had to start really honoring all the free speech of T** at K*** S****** for the brief period of his membership - 'cept with the veneer of a Fake Board of Directors to help feign a degree of legitimacy.
Due Process for Pilots - Mike Jefferson Case
Bob Kuczewski - 2011/07/19 02:53:33 UTC

Miguel doesn't need to put up with that kind of crap. He comes here to help out, and you slam him. The same has been true of Sam Kellner (one of our best members by the way) and many other people that you've denigrated.
miguel - 2011/07/20 15:15:23 UTC

For the record, I was not offended or upset by Tad's answer to my post.
Just another day on the internets. Image
Jim Gaar - 2011/07/19 15:02:57 UTC

There are a number of us in here that have put up with Tad for years (and on other forums).
Is this a joke ?
Jim Rooney - 2011/08/25 04:55:25 UTC

So, argue all you like.
I don't care.
I've been through all these arguments a million times... this is my job.
I could be more political about it, but screw it... I'm not in the mood to put up with tender sensibilities... Some weekend warrior isn't about to inform me about jack sh*t when it comes to towing. I've got thousands upon thousands of tows under my belt. I don't know everything, but I'll wager the house that I've got it sussed a bit better than an armchair warrior.
Jim Rooney - 2011/08/26 23:12:32 UTC

He has been banned from every flying site he's ever set foot at and some he hasn't.

And yes, he is a deranged megalomaniac.
I had the displeasure of having to put up with him before he was kicked out of one of the flight parks that I was working for.

Good riddance.
Fatal hang gliding accident
Bob Kuczewski - 2011/11/12 00:09:21 UTC

By the way Tad, I should take this opportunity to thank Sam for continuing to post here despite your continual unwarranted attacks and snipes. Unlike you and I, Sam can go post on the Oz Forum or anytime he wants. He doesn't need to put up with your endless drivel here or anywhere else. I believe Sam hangs around the US Hawks in spite of you because he believes in establishing a new organization to represent hang gliding.

My hat is off to Sam, and I apologize to him for Tad's continual sniping. Thanks Sam!!
Catch the pattern, people of varying ages? You start seeing "put up with" in that kinda context, from assholes on the power side of the conflict targeting individuals on the other you can write the author off as a motherfucker with total confidence.

Great company you're keeping there, Bob. And keep up all the really great work having to deal with stuff.
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