Breaking USHPA's Monopoly Control of Flying Sites

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Re: Breaking USHPA's Monopoly Control of Flying Sites

Post by bobk »

Absolutely. We read it all the time. But you wouldn't be spreading the word very well since most everyone there is already aware of the effort.

Look, there's no doubt that we disagree on a lot of issues. If you want to use that as an excuse to allow USHPA to retain its monopoly, then that's on you. I came here to try to accomplish something and those who agree with that goal are welcome to work with us. Those who decline because of some grudge are welcome to do so as well.
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Re: Breaking USHPA's Monopoly Control of Flying Sites

Post by <BS> »

bobk wrote:Who here is able to post on other forums to spread the word?
Spread "the word".
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Tad Eareckson
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Re: Breaking USHPA's Monopoly Control of Flying Sites

Post by Tad Eareckson »

We have 21 Members plus one Guest who've posted here at least once.

- Two of those Members plus the Guest are banned and another Member should've been.

- One of the two banned Members is dead - most likely from an opioid drug overdose.

- Five Members are non US.

Ten US Kite Strings Members also are or have been the Bob Show Emperor or Bob Show Members.

- Emperor Bob:

-- characterized one of those as an Unrepentant Child Molester, arbitrarily banned him or her out of a fake concern for the safety of his fake Subjects of Varying Ages - and had his Fake Board of Directors legitimize his action with a despicable pretense of review and process.

-- permanently locked another of those in His Basement and crippled his forum access for attacking Emperor Bob and one or two of his favorite Ass Kissers on the pretense of not knowing his actual identity (Nobody / Steve Davy - as Emperor Bob and everyone else and his dog very well know).

So that leaves on Kite Strings:
- Unrepentant Child Molester
- Dave Gills
- Larry West
- Alan Sparks
- Garrett Speeter

Unrepentant Child Molester wants nothing to do with active participation in the sport and despises the dregs who constitute over 99 percent of its participants.

Dave Gills - Pittsburg area
Larry West - Albuquerque
Alan Sparks - Denver area
Garrett Speeter - Fairbanks - got nuthin' to say to him

Think we have some critical mass potential here, Bob?

In this neck of the woods...

Biggest site ever been, ever will be - Ridgely Airpark. Public airport operated with manager's blessing/complicity as Highland Aerosports' private enterprise as far as all things hang gliding were concerned. Tandem thrill ride operation with legitimate recreational hang gliding treated as crumbs. (See Torrey Pines Gliderport / Air California Adventures.) Arrogant incompetent shit owners, operators, staffers; carnage; change of Airpark Management - collapse, extinct, never coming back; crew scattered to the winds and extinct from everything aviation.

High Rock. County owned. Backs up on Camp David, could never legally fly over the back. Secret Service went berserk in wake of 9/11. Pain-in-the-ass restrictions, McConnellsburg is available the next ridge upwind.

McConnellsburg. CHGA/MHGA owned, u$hPa insured.

Woodstock. US Forest Service.

Shenandoah National Park. Several Skyline Drive launches that don't see much action.

Daniels. Privately owned by hang glider pilot - Roger Ritenour.

Manquin. Steve Wendt owned Blue Sky Hang Gliding. Steve is exceptionally knowledgeable. Hell, he's the one that signed off Jim Keen-Intellect Rooney's instructor rating.

Training hills. Taylor, Smithsburg. Private farms, not problems.

Gonna say that there's way less than zero Mid Atlantic interest in Breaking USHPA's Monopoly Control of Flying Sites. They're all dinosaurs who've had their Threes and Fours for decades, the flying sites are all in remote mountain areas, the ridge lift bands are limitless for all practical purposes, traffic is light, hang/para conflicts are nonexistent, the only two individuals who ever made any stinks about u$hPa control - Vic Powell (an early President) and T** at K*** S****** - are gone. Vic dropped out after losing in the waiver controversy and Tad was suspended from the forum for (about) three months a bit shy of nine years ago for being disrespectful of 130 pound Greenspot Fishing Line and its High Priests.

I think the very small victory you scored with Dockweiler was the result of a Perfect Storm of special circumstances:
- extremely:
-- non towed foot launch friendly geography
-- high density population
- astronomical real estate values which translates to dearth of potential tow sites
- restricted soaring airspace which translates to:
-- high conflict between:
--- hang and para
--- commercial and recreational
-- abuse of public resources by commercial interests and corruption of government agencies

Show me somewhere else in the US with an environment like Southern California and I'll show you an environment in which you might find two or three individuals who give flying fucks. My neck of the woods... They're all u$hPa operatives and clones with nothing to worry about other than wind direction and strength.

The ELECTED REPRESENTATIVES of all the Regions in the country voted unanimously with zilch in the way of reservation to expel you for conducting yourself in a manner contrary to the Interests of The Corporation.

And here's what I had:
weak links
Jim Rooney - 2007/07/22 22:30:28 UTC

I've heard it a million times before from comp pilots insisting on towing with even doubled up weaklinks (some want no weaklink). I tell them the same thing I'm telling you... suck it up. You're not the only one on the line. I didn't ask to be a test pilot. I can live with your inconvenience.
ONE MILLION COMP PILOTS with me on the issue which got me permanently expelled for all intents and not one of the useless goddam motherfuckers whispered a word in my defense - let alone support. And not one of them surfaced anywhere when Team Kite Strings PERMANENTLY DEMOLISHED the Standard Aerotow Weak Link and its Priesthood in the wake of the 2013/02/02 Zack Marzec inconvenience fatality.

Find some forum traffic from anywhere outside of SoCal in which anybody's making any noises like you and your guys are and concentrate you fire accordingly to have a snowball's chance in hell of accomplishing anything along the lines of your Dockweiler Crumb Days victory.

And also note that we never got, and never will get, what we wanted - which was:
- an accurate definition of the weak link (the weak link (and not the towing operation safety increaser))
- sane, legal implementation of aerotow weak links, compliant with the FAA regs under which hang gliders have been covered since 2004

But what we DID get... The weak link is the Official u$hPa Focal Point of a Safe Towing System. And since early 2013 NOBODY can tell anybody what:
- strengths anybody should be using for any implementations
- the Official u$hPa Focal Point of a Safe Towing System is supposed to do for anyone.

And that will NEVER change. The Official u$hPa Focal Point of a Safe Towing System now has a value to a tow identical to that of a four-leafed clover or lucky rabbit's foot. And the credibility of the douchebags who insisted on definitions, made claims about weak links beyond their sole purpose and specs in sailplaning?
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Re: Breaking USHPA's Monopoly Control of Flying Sites

Post by bobk »

On one hand, you regularly beat your chest about how "Team Kite Strings" demolishes people:
Tad wrote:Team Kite Strings totally fucking demolished him ...
Tad wrote:We DEMOLISHED that little motherfucker ...
and on the other hand you write:
Tad wrote:We have 21 Members plus one Guest
Think we have some critical mass potential here, Bob?
Which is it?

The truth is probably somewhere in between.
Bob wrote:I'd like your help and the help of your members to work toward breaking that monopoly.
Tad wrote:Sure. It's a total no brainer legitimate issue.
It is a total no brainer legitimate issue. So why are you still squirming and making excuses rather than just encouraging folks to get involved?
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Tad Eareckson
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Re: Breaking USHPA's Monopoly Control of Flying Sites

Post by Tad Eareckson »

On one hand, you regularly beat your chest about how "Team Kite Strings" demolishes people...
That's not chest beating, just statement of fact.
Tad wrote:...
Let's look at those quotes in a bit o' CONTEXT and in chronological order.
Tad Eareckson - 2017/03/11 21:15:26 UTC

This autocorrecting center of mass bridle bullshit is EXACTLY the same hands-free launch run roll control bullshit Ryan is selling. We DEMOLISHED that little motherfucker on that issue and exposed him as a liar and fraud. And nobody cared. More Kool-Aid please.

So yeah. Only USHPA and their operatives. Only 99.99 percent of the people involved in the sport.
A bit different light, dontchya think? I'll pause here to give you time to bandage your foot.

Tad Eareckson - 2017/09/28 18:11:43 UTC

He's been walking dead since Team Kite Strings totally fucking demolished him in the wake of the 2013/02/02 Zack Marzec inconvenience fatality at Quest. Finally learned to keep his stupid clueless mouth shut.
We got him talking, buried him in his contradictory statements, but there were other fortuitous issues, dynamics, circumstances...


...which got the stake safely pounded through his heart.
Which is it?

The truth is probably somewhere in between.
The truth is both. The Standard Aerotow Weak Link scam was unsustainable. THIS:
Is this a joke ?
Davis Straub - 2011/08/26 14:04:52 UTC

We had six weaklink breaks in a row at Zapata this year. Russell Brown (tug pilot, tug owner, Quest Air owner) said go ahead and double up (four strands of Cortland Greenspot). He knows I used his Zapata weaklink in Big Spring (pilots were asked to tell the tug pilot if they were doing that).
was the breaking point. (No pun intended.) Davis was laying the foundation for people to start becoming happy with something 54 percent heavier than the Davis Link he and his scumbag buddies had been forcing on hundreds of thousands of flights since the beginning of time. And compare contrast with:
weak links
Jim Rooney - 2007/07/22 22:30:28 UTC

I've heard it a million times before from comp pilots insisting on towing with even doubled up weaklinks (some want no weaklink). I tell them the same thing I'm telling you... suck it up. You're not the only one on the line. I didn't ask to be a test pilot. I can live with your inconvenience.
Weak link question
Jim Rooney - 2008/11/24 05:18:15 UTC

BTW, if you think I'm just spouting theory here, I've personally refused to tow a flight park owner over this very issue. I didn't want to clash, but I wasn't towing him. Yup, he wanted to tow with a doubled up weaklink. He eventually towed (behind me) with a single and sorry to disappoint any drama mongers, we're still friends. And lone gun crazy Rooney? Ten other tow pilots turned him down that day for the same reason.
Game over. Ooh look! The Emperors behind the curtain have no clothes!

The aerotow weak link situation would be exactly the same today as it would've been if all of us had suffered the severe misfortune of being born with Kinsley Sykes level IQs but there wouldn't have been any history of people who knew what the fuck they were talking about being on the record, no...
Towing question
Martin Henry - 2009/06/26 06:06:59 UTC

PS... you got to be careful mentioning weak link strengths around the forum, it can spark a civil war ;-)
...civil wars.
It is a total no brainer legitimate issue. So why are you still squirming and making excuses rather than just encouraging folks to get involved?
I'm not squirming and making excuses 'cause I've got nothing here to squirm and make excuses about.

- I've given you a fairly moderated platform for you to present, debate, broadcast your position and I've endorsed it.

- Want me to encourage folks to get involved? OK. Folks, I encourage you to get involved. Happy now?

- But I'm also gonna tell you that the folks who wanna be involved are all already involved and your Dockweiler Crumb Days victory may well be your high water mark.

There was a TREMENDOUS decades-long undercurrent regarding Hewett's Infallible Weak Link insanity. And tons of people were crashed, mangled, killed as direct and indirect consequences. (Virtually all hang and para glider towing crashes are direct and indirect consequences of Hewett's Infallible Weak Link insanity.) But you can count on your fingers just about all the individuals who went into open combat against the Forces of Darkness and most of them are listed on the Kite Strings Members page. And people weren't lining up to shake our hands when the accepted standards and practices rather abruptly changed for no reason in particular. (Really strange, considering the length of the track record of 130 pound Greenspot.)

My personal druthers are that US and Canadian hang gliding go as extinct as Highland Aerosports did. You do aviation right or not at all. And US based hang gliding will never be done right 'cause it will always be a dickhead and sociopath magnet and the dickheads and sociopaths will always outnumber decent legitimate aviators by a ratio of fifty to one at an extremely optimistic minimum.

And you and your Bob Show buddies are gonna need to rack up a lot more minutes of excellent flying during Dockweiler Crumb Days to balance out what happened at Jean Lake on 2015/03/27 - not to mention at Leakey on 2012/06/16. And you've got plenty of blood on your hands for both of those.

And do you really think that there's a single individual anywhere in the US dissatisfied enough with u$hPa to consider taking the kind of action you did who is totally unaware of our forums? And if there's anybody that fucking clueless just how effective are you expecting him to be?

I reached the conclusion a long time ago that anybody not already on Kite Strings was probably gonna be a really crappy candidate for Kite Strings. I recommend you start thinking along those lines on the occasions you're trying to accomplish anything positive.
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Re: Breaking USHPA's Monopoly Control of Flying Sites

Post by bobk »

Tad Eareckson wrote:Want me to encourage folks to get involved? OK. Folks, I encourage you to get involved. Happy now?
Yes. Thanks.

If, as much as Tad hates me, he can encourage folks to get involved with on breaking up USHPA's monopoly, there's no better endorsement.

Let's get to work!
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Tad Eareckson
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Re: Breaking USHPA's Monopoly Control of Flying Sites

Post by Tad Eareckson »

Kite Strings has had twenty posting Members in addition to the two founders, no more than fourteen on the plus side of the equation. Mostly earlier in our history when we'd detect indications of intelligent life on the Jack and Davis Shows we'd make efforts to bring them into the discussion here. That worked about twice, late March of 2011, Antoine and Chad May - and both of them were too stupid to understand that you need to always release the towline before there is a problem and that the weak link will always break before you can get into too much trouble.

Granted, Antoine was ENORMOUSLY valuable - and in a second language at that - but that was a one in a million shot. And subsequent to that western hang gliding culture devolved to a level one would have never dreamt possible even just back then.

Both of our forums have major hang gliding web footprints, are impossible to miss when looking into their relevant issues. I'm saying that anyone who isn't already part of the solution here is part of the problem and I don't want him anywhere near here. Fuck all the ones who've been around a while and haven't come on board and fuck any new guy even more. A new guy who's figured out that his training sucks has already looked around, found us, compared us to The Jack Show, totally rejected us in favor of The Worlds Largest Hang Gliding Community with its Tad-Is-Poison-To-The-Sport Mission Statement. So fuck him and the horse he rode in on too.

So tell me where my thinking on this is flawed. Show me exceptions to the rules.
Steve Davy
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Re: Breaking USHPA's Monopoly Control of Flying Sites

Post by Steve Davy »

...Tad-Is-Poison-To-The-Sport Mission Statement.
HangGliding.Org Rules and Policies
These people are poison to this sport and are permanently banned from this site in every possible way imaginable.
Note that Jack Asshole wrote "this" sport, not "the" sport.
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Re: Breaking USHPA's Monopoly Control of Flying Sites

Post by bobk »

Tad Eareckson wrote:Both of our forums have major hang gliding web footprints, are impossible to miss when looking into their relevant issues.
I just did a google search for "hang gliding", and US Hawks was on page 12. I got to page 40 without finding KiteStrings (that's when I gave up). Google now plays a lot of games tracking users, so your mileage may vary.
Tad Eareckson wrote:So tell me where my thinking on this is flawed.
You're confusing web site popularity with access to flying sites. It only takes one person to go to their local government or private landowner and show them (with documentation) that USHPA is a corrupt, abusive, and unethical organization that puts the profits of their board members ahead of public safety. I believe - especially in the case of government owned sites - that may be sufficient in itself to remove the USHPA requirement. Then back that up with recreational land use statutes to seal the deal.

Any one person can do that. It helps to have more than one, but the argument stands on its own merit with even one person making it. It does take some time and determination, but this will be a foundational change in the sport - well worth the effort.

Let's talk offline (or via PM) about selecting actual sites.
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Tad Eareckson
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Re: Breaking USHPA's Monopoly Control of Flying Sites

Post by Tad Eareckson »

Bob Kuczewski - 2017/10/14 01:39:18 UTC

If, as much as Tad hates me, he can encourage folks to get involved with on breaking up USHPA's monopoly, there's no better endorsement.
Why should anybody who isn't a total douchebag give a rat's ass about his feelings towards some individual who regarding support of or opposition to a particular issue? Ryan didn't wanna see Point of the Mountain hauled away in gravel trucks. Should one thus be assuming that I did?
Steve Davy - 2017/10/14 05:13:20 UTC

Note that Jack Asshole wrote "this" sport, not "the" sport.
Yeah. I'll remember the distinction.
Bob Kuczewski - 2017/10/14 08:01:32 UTC

I just did a google search for "hang gliding", and US Hawks was on page 12. I got to page 40 without finding KiteStrings, and that's when I gave up.
- "Kite Strings" is two words - like "US Hawks". See if you can remember to hit the space bar between them next time.

- I got a Bob Show hit on Page 8 (ten entries per page). And no Kite Strings at all with Google giving up at Page 28. Go figure.

- Fine. I have zero interest in attracting any assholes looking for the closest places they can go to get the tandem thrill ride off the bucket list.

- How many Bob Show members do you figure you've picked up from assholes googling "hang gliding"?

- Google " "hang gliding" "aerotow release" ". Joe Street's came up Numero Uno. It's the only safe AT release available in North America, it's a spin-off of my work, and I helped him develop it. Kite Strings came up at the top of the second page. The Bob Show came up four entries later and that topic was all about and included Yours Truly.

- Google " "hang gliding" "Kelly Harrison" "Arys Moorhead" " - like maybe Lloyds of London or some ambulance-chasing, blood-sucking lawyer would do. ("Let's all keep an eye out for each other out there.")
But you're confusing web site popularity with access to flying sites.
No I'm not. Tad's Hole In The Ground isn't in the business of winning popularity contests for itself and its members. It's mostly in the business of losing them. And we've got a pretty unassailable record here.
It only takes one person to go to their local government or private landowner and show them (with documentation) that USHPA is a corrupt and abusive organization.
- Fine. Name one.

- I went to the FAA with a couple hundred pages worth of bulletproof documentation showing them that u$hPa is and always has been a corrupt and abusive organization. And you got Dennis Pagen to agree to try to shut me up before I did much serious damage to the corrupt and abusive organization as a last measure before my expulsion. And remember how everything worked out. Bummer that the FAA is also a corrupt and abusive organization.
I believe - especially in the case of government owned sites - tha may be sufficient in itself to remove the USHPA requirement. Then back that up with recreational land use statutes to seal the deal.
- So any thoughts on who a one person should/might be for any flying resource anywhere in the US? Or just a specific flying resource?

- How's that been working out for ya with respect to the only other site at which you've made an effort?
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