The Bob Show

General discussion about the sport of hang gliding
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Tad Eareckson
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Re: The Bob Show

Post by Tad Eareckson »
Basement Bob
Bob Kuczewski - 2014/11/20 03:24:52 UTC

Very nicely said Bill. Your words to Steve reflect the kind of organization...
...that I've been hoping the US Hawks would...
...become. With the addition of more clubs and more members - especially those like yourself - I think we....
...might be getting there.Steve, please take me up on that phone call.
Oh, it's singular now.
That's a sincere...
Bill Cummings - 2014/11/20 03:32:56 UTC

I actually thought that "Nobody" was another AKA for Tad.
ANOTHER? How many do you know? I've never posted anywhere under another screen name 'cept on The Jack Show after there was a software problem after I tried to register as "Tad Eareckson" and subsequently got defeated trying to reregister as anything like that. There I was "AeroTow" and immediately, clearly, frequently identified myself as "Tad Eareckson".
All my previous posts were put up with that understanding.
I'm really sorry that I pissed you off with one of my post comments to a Youtube video.
You really pissed ME off with your posts on the Zack Marzec postmortem discussions.
I really do not wish to have your hang gliding input unavailable to myself.
You needn't. Try reading Kite Strings. Register and I'll activate you immediately. Or Steve can if he sees you before I do. And you wouldn't ever get banned or basemented.
Let me make a clarification here. My propensity for engaging with pigs is somewhat lower than your stated expectations.
At my age (65) and due to my prescription medication that has effected my levels of testosterone I have found it extremely difficult to feel any excitement over the girls on the Victoria Secrete commercials let alone any farm yard animals.
Even alpacas? Don't knock 'em until you've tried them.
Please, let us start over.
I do apologize for having angered you. Bill C.
Bob Kuczewski - 2014/11/20 05:37:34 UTC

Hi Bill,

I don't think you could have been any nicer or friendlier to "Nobody". You even added a considerable amount of self-deprecating humor for his benefit.
Thanks for explaining that for all us stupid muppets, Bob.
Here's your reward from Tad's forum (aka "kitestrings"):
It's not "Tad's" forum and it's "Kite Strings" - two words, capitalized.
The Bob Show
Steve Davy - 2014/11/20 05:32:16 UTC
Like the way the default time stamp reads, Bob?

You watched that video, saw bisfal bisto crash after having his weak link break, then advised that he not increase the strength of his weak link.

What kind of a sick person would offer that advice? Do you enjoy watching folks crash? What the fuck is wrong with you, Bill?

I'll say it again, rot in Hell pigf**ker!
There weren't any asterisks in the original. More free speech latitude for Kite Strings people. And when STEVE's posting it's HIS forum.

If there was ever proof that you just can't be nice to some people ... this is it.
I had all the proof I needed not too far into our relationship, Bob. I was abysmally slow on the uptake, however.
Bill Cummings - 2014/11/20 06:24:10 UTC

All one needs to do is count the seconds between the weaklink break and the crash landing to be able to determine that is was pilot error not the weaklink that caused the crash.
1. So what was it that caused the Quest Link break. He was a little high, hardly enough to be worth mentioning, but straight, level, under control, dealing with things. Tell me how that fucking piece of fishing line increased the safety of the towing operation. Tell me what would've happened if he'd been lower and pitched up more... the moment of the of the increase in the safety of the towing operation.

2. Yeah, the crash was pilot error. He's obviously a shaky Hang Two who's been the victim of the usual shit training. Do you think that he'd have been more or less likely to crash if he'd been able to start setting up for the landing at five hundred feet? Why do we need a fucking piece of chintzy fishing line to override his status as Pilot In Command, blow the flight plan to hell, and force him to launch again after he swaps in another identical downtube and identical fucking piece of chintzy fishing line from those total fucking piece of shit morons running Quest?

Did you get where Tommy Thompson said...
How pilot proficiency relates to weaklink G rating
Tommy Thompson - 2014/11/08 11:10:29 UTC

A pilots ability to control pitch plays a large roll in the G's applied to the gilders tow line, if a H2 pilot has not gained proper pitch control they'l pop 1G weaklinks each time they try to launch in conditions beyond their skill level, you could just put a 2G weaklink on him and chances are he could complete a mid-day tow...
...that more HIGHLY skilled pilots have better chances of safely flying LOWER weak link ratings? Any thoughts on that?

Here's about as highly experienced and skilled pilot as you can get responnding to an increase in the safety of the towing operation:


Much less consequential landing, however...

Can you tell me some reason...

Image should be expecting better results on the next one? There's no element of that towing system that might merit a second look?
Anyone that comes away with a different understanding isn't looking at the same video that I was watching.
Yeah, Bill. PILOTS - at all levels - make ERRORS. But if we're qualifying them to hook up behind fucking Dragonflies then we need to allow THEM to be the PILOTS In Command - not the fucking douchebags sitting in the Dragonflies and the pitch and lockout protectors they force everyone and his dog to use.

If you really mean that about being my friend then register over here and let's get this sorted out without any help from Bob.

And it looks like we'll also hafta get along without any help from Jim Keen-Intellect Rooney. He appears to have finally given up on his career-long campaign to save us all from ourselves and our Tad-O-Links and straight pin releases.
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Requisite post#1

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Requisite post#5

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Requisite post#5
Steve Davy
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Re: The Bob Show

Post by Steve Davy »

Hello NME,

I clicked the approve buttons, and hopefully now you're able to post without any restrictions. Sorry about the delay, but I didn't write the software here.
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Re: The Bob Show

Post by NMERider »

Tad Eareckson wrote:....Here's about as highly experienced and skilled a pilot as you can get responnding to an increase in the safety of the towing operation:
...Much less consequential landing, however...
Launched in a 3mph tailwind and stayed on the cart until I had more than enough airspeed to execute a safe landing in a tow failure.
The weak link broke and I made a smooth transition to the uprights in order to set up a decent landing.
Could have simply flared hard and ran in the slight tailwind. Got lazy and tried a right turn to land crosswind.
Ran out of airspeed and mushed into the ground sliding sideways. Doh! :oops: :lol:
My AT instructor told me I would have been fine just landing in the slight tailwind.
Pilots don't always stay on the cart long enough for situations like this. The cart wheels are good as long as the casters line up.
It's better to hold on to the cart until there's more than enough airspeed to set up a safe landing and then release the cart.
Yes, weak links can be problematic and pilots must be ready for what can and will go wrong.

I think it's time to re-edit my old Torrey video and post it back up.
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Tad Eareckson
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Re: The Bob Show

Post by Tad Eareckson »

Goddammit. I thought I'd successfully turned all that crap off. There aren't supposed to be any requisite posts after somebody's been activated.

Welcome aboard as Kite Strings sixteenth contributor - seventeenth if you count Orion Price, which I'd rather not.
Launched in a 3mph tailwind and stayed on the cart until I had more than enough airspeed to execute a safe landing in a tow failure.
Don't you mean...
weak links
Jim Rooney - 2007/08/01 19:49:30 UTC

It's more of this crappy argument that being on tow is somehow safer than being off tow.
...a tow SUCCESS?
The weak link broke...
What weak link. Was it one of those proven 130 jobs that increases the safety of the towing operation or one of the new 200s that many of us are now happy with?
My AT instructor...
...should be stood up in front of a wall.
...told me I would have been fine...
...if your half G fishing line had permitted you to remain as Pilot In Command and adhere to your flight plan.
Pilots don't always stay on the cart long enough for situations like this.
1. There should NEVER BE situations like that. No excuse whatsoever. Total incompetence.

2. You came off the cart with enough airspeed to have handled things - 'specially if you'd gone for a...
Friday the 19th with Hawks & Friends!
NMERider - 2012/10/24 21:47:05 UTC

I have to say that landing on the wheels is so much fun it's not funny. landing instead of a decent one.

3. The longer people stay on carts the more of a pain in the ass it is for other people to retrieve them.
It's better to hold on to the cart until there's more than enough airspeed to set up a safe landing and then release the cart.
One shouldn't ever need to be worrying about setting up a landing when coming off a cart. That shouldn't be happening for another hour or two.
Yes, weak links can be problematic...
Not Tad-O-Links. Ask Zack C and compare/contrast with Zack M. I one hundred percent guarantee you no one will ever be needing to set up a landing coming off a cart with a Tad-O-Link.
...and pilots must be ready for what can and will go wrong.
They should be but - contrary to the popular myth - it's physically impossible to always be. Mother Nature can kick our asses any time she feels like it and thus we need to eliminate things that can go wrong from the system - not deliberately build them in, call them safety devices, and make them mandatory. We've been dealing with that bullshit since 1981 when Donnell Hewett popularized his lunacy all around the planet. And we here have lived long enough to be able to witness its collapse.
I think it's time to re-edit my old Torrey video and post it back up.
Will look forward to it.
Steve Davy
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Re: The Bob Show

Post by Steve Davy »

I one hundred percent guarantee you no one will ever be needing to set up a landing coming off a cart with a Tad-O-Link.
I think it would be more accurate to say "because of a Tad-O-Link" rather than "with a Tad-O-Link".

One shouldn't ever need to be worrying about setting up a landing when coming off a cart. That shouldn't be happening for another hour or two.
Kinda' like when one runs off of a cliff one shouldn't be worrying about setting up a landing?
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