Blue Sky Scooter Towing

General discussion about the sport of hang gliding
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Tad Eareckson
Posts: 9153
Joined: 2010/11/25 03:48:55 UTC

Re: Blue Sky Scooter Towing

Post by Tad Eareckson »
New Wills Wing web site

So I checked it out and got to:
Scooter Tow - Wills Wing

and found - to my delight - that the "Wills Wing Scooter Tow Resources" video is now an embeddable Vimeo video:

So I'm using this post to create a new dedicated topic - which I should've done in the first place. And I'll be pulling the thirty relevant posts out of "instructors and other qualified pilot fiends" and consolidating them here. At the time I was reluctant to do that 'cause I was a bit anal about the hit counters and their legitimacy. But legitimacy of the hit counters went down the toilet a fair bit with the problem we had of the SEMrush bots being sensed as humans before we got it fixed in late November - so what the hell.
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