
General discussion about the sport of hang gliding
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Tad Eareckson
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Re: Manifesto

Post by Tad Eareckson »
Tad Eareckson's latest tow release
NMERider - 2014/09/25 16:41:42 UTC

Swift - I'm a fellow local pilot of OP and all of this is par for the course but I still like the guy as he's very, very funny.
I don't think he's so goddam funny...
[TIL] About Tad Eareckson
instructors and other qualified pilot fiends
How to get banned from ((tad drama)lol)

...Jonathan. There's nothing remotely funny about the way your Mark G. Forbesses, Tim Herrs, Dr. Trisa Tillettis, Davis Straubs, Steve Kroops are running this sport, what happens to people as a result, and what happened to me for trying to do something about. Even less funny than what happened to you on 2014/01/29.
Knight & Rooney already did the weak link testing...
And we should trust their results even though they were obviously falsified and the weak links weren't installed on anything that actually goes into the air?
...and although I was unable to successfully search out the link reference here I did find that reference on Tad's site...
Weak links
...back to here:

How's that for irony?
I dunno. Tad isn't trying to hide anything from glider people and the public so he makes everything as easily accessible as possible to anyone interested and is happy to see crawlers indexing it.
BTW - I have been enjoying Tad's personal correspondence. He also puts a smile on my face.
That's not my main mission, Jonathan. It's to keep people like you in the air and out of ambulances and neck braces.
Getting back to OP the prankster...
Pissing all over decades of solid work like:
Another hang check lesson
Alan Deikman - 2014/09/23 19:47:06 UTC

Amazing how when this topic comes up every time you see people argue the same arguments over and over again. It has been a classic (although niche) endless Internet flame topic.

I suspect that some of the parties that have posted in threads like these before are refraining now since they have learned that it is nearly (completely?) impossible to change people's minds on the topic.

For my part I will just refer you to the classic Tad Eareckson essay which I call "the gun is always loaded" which is a bit overworked but probably all you will ever need to read regarding FTHI. A lot of people will find it gores their particular sacred Ox, but I have never seen anyone point out a flaw in his logic.
isn't my idea of a prank.
...and Tad-O-Phobe, Bill has it right...
Bill ALWAYS has it right.
...and OP really must have meant weak link.
You mean instead of:
Tad Eareckson's latest tow release
he really meant to say:
Tad Eareckson's latest tow weak link
Ya really think so Jonathan?

Currently thirteen posts on this thread, a small nasty flame war, a call for lockdown, 579 hits and OP can't be bothered to clarify his clever little joke or respond to any questions?
In OP's defense, the failure to follow-through (flake rate) in this sport and online activity is about the same as it is everywhere else in life these days.
OK, OP. You've got a pass to be a typical hang gliding douchebag. Just continue waltzing around the web spraying your shit wherever you feel like it.

And, of course, it's not like Davis is gonna enforce any of his own rules...
Welcome to, and policies of, the Oz Report discussion group
Davis Straub - 2003/03/04 02:07:45 UTC

The idea here is to a encourage useful and fun discussion of hang gliding, and issues raised in the Oz Report, and other venues, and not drift into other extraineous off topic areas, just because there is a silent audience.

So I will manage this forum to accomplish that, with your help.

1. No "off-topic" postings. Postings must directly relate to hang gliding or paragliding.

2. I will remove people from any forum on the Oz Report forum who violate this policy.

3. This is not a free speech zone, as I may be held liable for statements that you write here. At the moment I don't care to test this assertion in court.

4. Be civil or you will be banned from all of the Oz Report forum.

The Oz Report forum has evolved through reader actions and input to we administrators into more than a comments area. It is an area where readers can and do begin thread (topics of discussion) outside anything raised in the Oz Report. It also has an Off Topic area (the cesspool) where those wishing to discuss concerns not related to hang gliding can go and get abused by Warren.

The Oz Report forum is moderated (it is not a free speech zone). If folks get abusive I step in and calm them down (or cut them out). I also monitor for quality. For example, if threads go off in odd directions, I split them up so that their content has some relation to their title. This, I believe, helps the reader navigate the forum.

I also pull off topic items into the Off Topic section so as to not have to clutter the hang gliding area with irrelevant material.

I encourage quality posts, posts that actually help the reader and would be of interest to the readers. I discourage drivel, nonsense and lazy, just hanging around, here-I-am-with-nothing-really-much-to say posts. There are other sites that encourage such behavior, this is not one of them.

The Oz Report forum is not a campfire. It is not a place to hang out with your bud and have a beer while slurring your words. It is a serious forum for pilots who wish to write cogently and engage the intellect of others. It is not for everyone, and not everyone has something useful to contribute.

For the new pilots who come here in your blazing ignorance (and your burning desire for a hint of acceptance), I say, humility is a fine cloak for your obsessive egos. Lurk, listen, read (past issues - using the search function in the Oz Report itself and the other (non Google) search function in the forum), and, if you must, ask questions, without explaining to us first how you know everything already.

I value my reader's time. One way I do this is to discourage readers with nothing useful to contribute from contributing it on the forum. Please, don't post there unless you really have a contribution to make to your fellow pilots. I realize that the forum structure makes it easy to ignore others (unlike the mailing list format), but still, use good judgment.

If you can't, please take those low quality comments elsewhere where I'm sure that they will find a ready audience among those with too much time on their hands.
...against anyone attacking or pissing all over Tad Eareckson.
I know I'm so far behind the 8-ball on promises that I've had to ratchet my flake-rate scale down (or up?) to decades rather than years now.
But you had much more time to comment on this thread than its author did.
I anxiously await OP's comeback for me calling him a Tad-O-Phobe.
Don't hold your breath. He never follows up on anything and he knows he'd get his head blown off the instant he opened his mouth. Even Jim Keen-Intellect Rooney was smart enough to learn that lesson after years of getting away with shit while he was setting himself up.
Perhaps Tad-L-Tale may be more on point?
How 'bout low life piece of shit and danger to the sport and everybody in it?
Maybe we should run a Tad-Pole before the election?
Do that. I'm never gonna win any popularity contests but take notes of the way individuals are voting and look at the trending.
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Tad Eareckson
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Re: Manifesto

Post by Tad Eareckson »
Tad Eareckson's latest tow release

Lemme tell all y'all smartass motherfuckers sumpin'...

If you're given a choice between:

- the weak link that Quest has been perfecting for twenty years:

which is weak enough so that it will break before the pressure of the towline reaches a level that compromises the handling of the glider but strong enough so that it doesn't break every time you fly into a bit of rough air; and

- this one:

No fuckin' brainer.
Manned Kiting
The Basic Handbook of Tow Launched Hang Gliding
Daniel F. Poynter

"The greatest dangers are a rope break or a premature release." - Richard Johnson
That weak link will never break - just like the ones sailplanes use.
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Tad Eareckson
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Re: Manifesto

Post by Tad Eareckson »
Tad Eareckson's latest tow release
Marc Fink - 2014/09/26 01:48:54 UTC

This thread already has spun out of control into outer space...
It didn't SPIN out of control. It STARTED out of control.
...but how on earth did you get a racist slur out of the use of the words "black hole" ??
Maybe it's not Tad's sanity we should be talking about.
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Tad Eareckson
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Re: Manifesto

Post by Tad Eareckson »
Tad Eareckson's latest tow release
NMERider - 2014/09/26 02:06:13 UTC

Because Bill has an anomaly wherein he does not see the letters 'l' and 'e' if preceded by the letter 'h' and 'o'?
That's ONE of his anomalies.
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Tad Eareckson
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Re: Manifesto

Post by Tad Eareckson »
Tad Eareckson's latest tow release
Steve Davy - 2014/09/26 03:58:37 UTC
Orion Price - 2014/09/23 02:39:17 UTC


The only way Tad will say you are not "insane."
That is a very nice photo Op Op, however it isn't a tow release. It's a component for suspending a balloon drop system developed over twenty years ago by Tad Eareckson.

Below are a few photos of releases developed by Tad:
Too complicated. Won't work.
Is this a joke ?
Jim Rooney - 2011/08/26 17:34:33 UTC

My point is that everything has issues. Everything. Period.
Will I fly with a straight pin release? Sure.
Does it have the track record of the curved pins? No.
Does it have limitations that the curved pins don't? Yes, yes it does.
Do they matter? Depends on your situation.
Try fitting a straight pin release with anything but weaklink. (it doesn't quite fit the same) OH! Right. Just might be that we've thought of that eh?
If you hook it up wrong it won't work and you can end up like this:


State of the art operations like Mission use two-strings.
Martin Henry - 2014/09/26 04:30:22 UTC

With just one "left" click and I knew I was going to end up asking myself "why did I click on this thread?"
History repeats itself...
As long as you have stupid people doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.
I just knew it was going to get a "Tad" ridiculous... ;)
At what point in the thread would you say that things "GOT" a "Tad" ridiculous?

I wonder what it's like to have never done or said anything of any substance in the course of one's existence.
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Tad Eareckson
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Re: Manifesto

Post by Tad Eareckson »

Well, I see Davis just locked:
Tad Eareckson's latest tow release

with 774 hits when I checked - undoubtedly 'cause the discussion didn't meet the high standards for intellectual exchange of The Davis Show. Or maybe:
- 'cause:
-- T** at K*** S****** was coming way on top
-- the opposition douchebags were too obviously revealing themselves to be the total douchebags they are
- to give OP cover for not:
-- responding to any questions
-- explaining why he represented a photo of a component of a twenty year old balloon drop assembly as Tad Eareckson's latest tow release


This guy's just a stupid, nasty, school yard bully punk - a megatroll. (You can apply that to Davis too, if you want.) There's nothing funny about him and hang gliding certainly doesn't need any more like him.

Fuck you, Bill.
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Tad Eareckson
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Re: Manifesto

Post by Tad Eareckson »
Please explain yourself without deleting me
Oakdude (Paul Walsh) - 2014/09/27 18:25:56 UTC

Come on Davis,
explain yourself.
Why the lockout on the Tad thread??
Please dont delete me like last time I asked an awkward question.
There are an innumerable number of logons I can use so you wont get me like that ever again.
Just simply explain why you locked this thread.
WHOA! Same page. Who'da thunk?

Why do you think, Paul? Why do you think he banned me and locked down the Zack Marzec threads? We were scoring hits. Assholes in the enemy camp had set themselves up so well that even other assholes in the enemy camp were poised to demolish them.

Try this little experiment...

Look at the current Davis Show Page 1.

in a new window. Takes you back to Page 308, this time of year eight years ago.


You had topics started by individuals other than "The Oz Report" and discussions that people were interested and participated in and that went on for a while. Now it's just boring crap that Davis posts with zilch in the way of discussion. And when people DO want to engage in anything Davis makes sure they can't.

And this didn't happen overnight. It's been a long evolutionary process.

Fine with me. I've got a forum which feeds on controversy and where no one who isn't a total piece of shit has ever been banned, no post has ever been deleted or hostilely edited, and no discussion has ever been locked down.

I'd be real hesitant to let you on board with your record but it's not entirely out of the realm of possibility. And, regardless, if you want something addressed you can always go over to The Bob Show and post and I'll quote and respond to it.
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Tad Eareckson
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Re: Manifesto

Post by Tad Eareckson »
Please explain yourself without deleting me
Davis Straub - 2014/09/27 20:36:19 UTC

First, give me your real name.
Why? Is that a Davis Show rule? What bearing does it have on anything?

I'd LOVE to have the motherfucker's name. The first one is Paul. There's a bunch of motherfuckers whose names I'd love to have. peanuts was driving me nuts for years before I was able to crack the code. But he asked a totally legitimate question and he shouldn't hafta have his privacy violated any more than anyone else legitimately registered anonymously to get it answered.

Your forum rules are just as bogus as you and just about all the other assholes running glider groups are.

Just like to point out, Davis, that since 2014/09/25 22:11:44 UTC, a bit over an hour shy of two days ago, nobody, including you, has had a goddam comment about anything on your shit "forum" that didn't stem from:
Tad Eareckson's latest tow release

And this with a guy who got eighty percent killed on an aerotow lockout on Tuesday.

Keep up the great work.
Edit - 2014/09/27 23:15:00 UTC

Originally had the stuff about the time over what it actually was. Screwed up by clicking one thread too low.
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Tad Eareckson
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Re: Manifesto

Post by Tad Eareckson »
Please explain yourself without deleting me
Gerry Grossnegger - 2014/09/28 04:02:33 UTC

Yeah, we wouldn't want him to sponge up all the logons.
Maybe if you paranoid pieces of shit would open your "forum" back up you wouldn't hafta deal with all those fake IDs.
Oakdude - 2014/09/28 11:22:13 UTC

No mate I am not a Tad.
THANK GAWD! That would've been totally catastrophic for him!
I would be very happy to give you my complete id privately.
Yeah, if I wrote moronic crap like:
Report about fatal accident at Quest Air Hang Gliding
Oakdude - 2013/02/09 11:50:37 UTC

There really are a couple of total assholes here on this know who you are..... Image Image Image
One thing I do have to admit though.........your both very consistent ASSHOLES.
Makes one wonder if you are like this with people to their faces......probably not....and if you many friends/bruises do you really have/get?????
Zach was a very dearly loved young man. He opened many eyes to the utter joy and delight of our sport.
Stop being dickheads and go kick your dog, you know for that feeling of superiority you so desire. You crap does not wash here.
As stated several times....go get some training and experience and then come back.
Zach Marzec
Oakdude - 2013/02/17 21:21:49 UTC

Ksykes... Image Image
They are also spewing forth on the .org the same drivel.
Whilst rating each others comments with 3 thumbs up(goodness knows where) and rating anyone who disagrees with a sink this vote.
I hope people are aware enough to see thru this weird behaviour.
I for one suggest that all 3 of them use 3000Kg links and try to show everyone else on video just how good they are.
I'd wanna keep my actual identity as hidden from the public as possible too.
Marc Fink - 2014/09/28 13:03:02 UTC

Funny how whenever the subject of Tad comes up it turns into a David Lynch movie
Funny how the subject of Tad keeps coming up - senile lunatic who last hooked into a glider just shy of half a dozen years ago. Go figure.

Well over two and a half days now with nuthin' to talk about other than T** at K*** S******. Currently a total of 1086 hits from the thread Davis locked down (961) plus on this one questioning why he locked it down (125). Lotsa airplay on The Jack Show as well lately. Why do you think that is, Marc?
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Tad Eareckson
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Re: Manifesto

Post by Tad Eareckson »
Please explain yourself without deleting me
Cragin Shelton - 2014/09/28 15:08:33 UTC

Tad is not one of my favorite people.
Why? What did I ever do to you - asshole?
A bit of Google effort will demonstrate that I am most definitely not one of his favorite people.
- Yeah?
I'm outta here
Cragin Shelton - 2008/12/08 22:01:10 UTC

The Friend and Foe feature is your friend here. I recommend you take advantage of it and stick around.

When I look at the last page of the Weak Link thread, this is what I see:

This post was made by Tad Eareckson who is currently on your ignore list. Display this post.
This post was made by Tad Eareckson who is currently on your ignore list. Display this post.
This post was made by Tad Eareckson who is currently on your ignore list. Display this post.
This post was made by Tad Eareckson who is currently on your ignore list. Display this post.
This post was made by Tad Eareckson who is currently on your ignore list. Display this post.
This post was made by Tad Eareckson who is currently on your ignore list. Display this post.
This post was made by Tad Eareckson who is currently on your ignore list. Display this post.
This post was made by Tad Eareckson who is currently on your ignore list. Display this post.
This post was made by Tad Eareckson who is currently on your ignore list. Display this post.
I didn't think you were really all that interested in anything I had to say. So now you're going around the web deliberately looking for my stuff? Whoa! I should've gone into full attack mode six years ago.

- Ya...
Weak link question
Janni Papakrivos - 2008/11/11 21:02:00 UTC

I'd like to add if my weak link happens to break for no reason I land, get back on the cart and tow again. BFD!
Cragin Shelton - 2008/11/11 22:00:54 UTC

And that, ladies and gentlemen, is what started this entire soap opera of a thread! Tad was whining that broken-link pilots at RIdgely get a preferential push to the front of the line to re-launch, delaying his turn to get into the sky.
Is this a joke ?
Jim Rooney - 2011/08/28 19:39:17 UTC

Weak links break for all kinds of reasons.
Some obvious, some not.

The general consensus is the age old adage... "err on the side of caution".

The frustration of a weaklink break is just that, frustration.
And it can be very frustrating for sure. Especially on a good day, which they tend to be. It seems to be a Murphy favorite. You'll be in a long tug line on a stellar day just itching to fly. The stars are all lining up when *bam*, out of nowhere your trip to happy XC land goes up in a flash. Now you've got to hike it all the way back to the back of the line and wait as the "perfect" window drifts on by.

I get it.
It can be a pisser.

But the "other side"... the not cautions one... is not one of frustration, it's one of very real danger.
Better to be frustrated than in a hospital, or worse.
No exaggeration... this is the fire that the "other side" is made of. Best not to play with it.
An OK Day at Ridgely
Matthew Graham - 2014/06/09 01:51:11 UTC

I got on the flight line at a little after 1pm behind Sammi. She had a sledder. Then the tandem glider called rank and went ahead of me. The tandem broke a weak link and it took a while to sort out a new weak link. I finally towed around 1:30 and also broke a link at 450'. Back to the end of the line. Actually, my wife Karen let my cut in front of her. Bertrand and Sammi towed again. Each having sledder. The cirrus had moved in and things did not look good. Again I arrived at the front of the line only to have the tandem call dibs. And then the tug needed gas. I thought I would never get into the air...
Cragin Shelton - 2008/11/11 22:00:54 UTC

He wanted them to use stronger weak links, not for purposes of safety...
Report about fatal accident at Quest Air Hang Gliding
Lauren Tjaden - 2013/02/07 23:56:42 UTC

I am posting the report my husband, Paul Tjaden, just wrote about Zach Marzec's death at Quest. It is a great tragedy to lose someone so young and vital. We are sick about it, and our hearts go out to his friends, family and loved ones.
Cragin Shelton - 2008/11/11 22:00:54 UTC

...but so they would get the heck out of his way so he can fly when the sky is good.

Nonetheless, I think that the OP by Op Op was an inappropriate joke...
Tell me exactly how that was some kind of "JOKE"? Who were some of the people rolling on the floor laughing their fucking asses off?
...aimed at an individual by name who cannot defend himself here...
Hey motherfucker...

- Wanna see me defend myself somewhere? When's my three month suspension from CHGA gonna be up? The one that began on...
Forum Rules and Etiquette
Matthew Graham - 2008/12/12 14:22:04 UTC

The forums are for reasoned and respectful discussion and debate. Profanity, links to adult web sites, engaging in flame wars and direct personal attacks are not permitted. Any person violating these simple rules of etiquette will be first given a warning. If there is a second violation after the warning, the person's privileges to post topics and to reply will be revoked for a period of at least three months. If the violator is re-instated onto the forum after the suspension period and then commits a third violation, that person's privileges to post topics and to reply will be revoked permanently.

As Tad has been previously warned for use of profanity and then continued to use profanity in posts to the Hang Gliding Forum, his privileges to post topics and to reply has been revoked for a period of at least three months effective today December 12, 2008. After a period of three months, he may contact any member of the CHGPA Board of Directors and request permission to regain posting privileges.

Matthew Graham
...2008/12/12? And I'd really like to see that warning I was supposed to have gotten - and know why douchebags like Rooney, Chris McKee, Marc weren't getting any.

- There's pretty much no place on the web where I can defend myself - 'cept where *I* control the turf.

- But that's OK. I've got some muscle who do pretty good jobs of defending me nowadays.
...or even see the joke.
- The WHAT?
- Wanna bet?
It was unkind and unnecessary.
Since when did any of that sorta shit start bothering you, Cragin?
Therefore, I think Davis was correct to lock the thread...
No shit. I'm quite sure that you think EVERYTHING Davis does is quite correct. Members of forums shouldn't be permitted to discuss stuff moderators don't want them too. I'll bet you were pretty cool with:
Weak link question
Forum Rules and Etiquette
I'm outta here

being locked after my "suspension" started, too.
In fact, I'd support deleting the thread as an improper snide attack.
Oh good. YOU'd support it. So let's do it. Let's erase the evidence showing what kind of people OP, Marc Fink, Davis Straub, Bill Cummings, and Martin Henry are and the supportive comments Tad got from Swift, Bille Floyd, Steve Davy, and Jonathan. And let's also do everything we can to erase the memory of Tad Eareckson from the sport of hang gliding while we're at it.

Fuck you, Cragin. You and your buddy Dan can rot in hell. Enjoy your little Marc Fink / Jim Rooney caliber club, forum, and flight park. And DO give us a report on...
Highland Towing Seminar and recognition for their efforts

...Highland's Towing Seminar so we ALL know how to enhance towing safety and understand the science and art of staying on tow in both smooth and thermic air a lot better. (I already fully recognize their efforts - don't forget to thank them for me.)
Davis Straub - 2014/09/28 15:15:40 UTC

I locked the thread because it was going no where...
- Nowhere you wanted it to go, fer sure.

- Just like the Zack Marzec postmortem discussions.

- And you're just so much better than all the people who post on your forum. Only you really have the wisdom to understand when a discussion is going nowhere.
...and had descended into Tad territory.
No it didn't, pigfucker.
Orion Price - 2014/09/23 02:39:17 UTC


The only way Tad will say you are not "insane."
It STARTED OUT in Tad territory so it couldn't have possibly descended into it. You were fine as long as it was totally illegitimate attacks on Tad - it was just the mounting success of the counterattack with which you had a problem.
Oakdude - 2014/09/28 15:17:35

Furry Muff
Yeah Paul, everything's cool. Davis Dead-On Straub - right as usual. Now please carry on with your normal Davis Show groundbreaking discussions so's the sport can keep moving forward.
Swift - 2014/09/28 16:37:50 UTC

But Tad was right all along. Long time insiders are now using 200lb test weak links.
Jack it up to 250, reengineer the Dragonfly so it can tow gliders safely and legally, and I'm happy. (I don't really give much of a rat's ass whether or not the control system gets fixed. Whenever one of its drivers gets killed odds are that that's a GOOD thing.)
Op Op should have been writing an apology instead of a weak (link) cheap shot.
Motherfucker should be spending the next six months writing apologies.

OK, Davis. Lock this one down now. Better delete it too, for good measure.
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