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Re: Knots

Posted: 2016/06/16 07:15:17 UTC
by Steve Davy
NMERider wrote:
Steve Davy wrote:
T2/T2C VG Rigging, Cord and List of Pulleys....
Thanks for the post. Useful information that I was previously unaware of. :D
You can thank Wills Wing, Inc., and while you're at it ask the negligent fuckers why they don't offer a release system on their gliders.

Re: Knots

Posted: 2016/06/18 23:06:47 UTC
by NMERider
Steve Davy wrote:....You can thank Wills Wing, Inc., and while you're at it ask the negligent fuckers why they don't offer a release system on their gliders.
I didn't realize Wills posted that link on kitestrings using your account. :o :lol:
What are you referring to by, 'offer a release system on their gliders'?
With the exception of the keel attachment I thought all release system were attached to the harness.

Re: Knots

Posted: 2016/06/19 06:27:02 UTC
by Steve Davy
I was referring to a built in release system on their gliders, like sailplanes come from the factory with release systems built in, and automobiles come from the factory with braking systems built in, and motorcycles come from the factory with clutches built in, and motorboats come from the factory with throttle systems built in...

P.S. A downside to a built in release system is that it would become more difficult for Davis Straub to figure out how to kill more victims with his worthless crap equipment, but he is very resourceful in that department and I'm confident that he would find a way.

Re: Knots

Posted: 2016/06/19 18:08:58 UTC
by <BS>
...ask the negligent fuckers why they don't offer a release system on their gliders.
Why would they when their gliders aren't designed for towing? Although, by using the most current proper and safe towing procedures they can be towed successfully.

Re: Knots

Posted: 2016/07/03 08:44:26 UTC
by Steve Davy
Here is a hitch that I had considered as something of a novelty. Now, after learning and experimenting with this one I find that it is a wonderful knot to know and so I am including it here.

A bit long winded but entertaining video on the Siberian or Evenk hitch:

Re: Knots

Posted: 2016/07/04 20:02:12 UTC
by miguel
Thanks for posting. This will replace my cheesy, has not failed yet, slipknot.
Liked the second video better.

Re: Knots

Posted: 2016/07/05 05:45:05 UTC
by Steve Davy
I hope you are doing well, Miguel.
When you say slip knot do you mean like this one?
The reason I ask is because just about any knot can be formed as a slipped knot.

P.S. Here is a nice stopper knot that starts out as a slipped overhand (or noose) knot:

Re: Knots

Posted: 2016/07/06 04:59:15 UTC
by miguel
Yep, I used a version of the overhand slip knot to tie gliders to the truck. After cinching down the gliders to the rack, I would take the free end and the bight and make an easy to untie knot. Never lost any gliders, but the drive up was short.

Re: Knots

Posted: 2016/07/08 05:50:00 UTC
by Steve Davy
Sounds like you were using this form of a trucker's hitch:


Re: Knots

Posted: 2016/07/08 13:42:44 UTC
by Tad Eareckson
The subject of knots had come up...
Ian's Shoelace Site - Ian Knot, Ian's Fast Shoelace Knot

...before the fireworks during a Fourth (Third) of July party on the Severn River Sunday.

One of the kids had had me pull up that one. (Small world.)