
General discussion about the sport of hang gliding
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Tad Eareckson
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Re: Manifesto

Post by Tad Eareckson »
Tad Eareckson's latest tow release
Swift - 2014/09/23 21:08:00 UTC

Weren't you the fellow that was going to do some high tech testing of different weak links and releases?
Just weak links...
Free* weak link tensile testing.
Orion Price - 2013/03/16 00:31:26 UTC

I have a 10kN (2,200lbf) tensile tester at my disposal. Mail me your links, and I will test them.


The * after the "free" is a stipulation. Disclose all relevant information about the link, and let me publish the data for everyone to enjoy. That's it. All it costs you is a envelope. Want to try a different knot? What to try a new material? What happens when you use two links? What about old links? You will know. Tensile tests like this are much more telling than just a material's failure or ultimate point.

I'm a west coast foot launch guy, but I've got about 20 tows at enjoy field and whitewater combined. I've seen your guy's testing contraptions. I've also glossed over Tad's color ASCII text batshit insane manifesto. But I got turned off when it was clear he doesn't know the difference between acceleration, mass, and what forces are. Maybe my machine can paint a better picture for the tow world. Also in the background of that pic is a SEM, it will be interesting to see the failure up close.

Send them to:
P.O. Box 922303
Sylmar, CA 91392

Also allow several weeks for processing. Label your links clearly.
[TIL] About Tad Eareckson
Orion Price - 2013/03/16 17:56:25 UTC

In place of debunking the scientifically illiterate and religiously motivated Tad. I've started a free weak link testing endeavor. Send me your links and i will test them free of charge.
Free* weak link tensile testing.
Releases are even more out of his league
Whatever happened to that project?
It's currently mouldering back at the top of Page 43 with zero replies and 162 hits.

He's also the fellow who next week six and a half months ago was going to answer all of Joe Faust's questions about why T** at K*** S****** was a dangerous nut case and major threat to the sport of hang gliding who needed to be silenced.

OP's just a guy who enjoys running his mouth any way he feels like totally unconstrained by anything pertaining to reality.
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Tad Eareckson
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Re: Manifesto

Post by Tad Eareckson »
Tad Eareckson's latest tow release
Marc Fink - 2014/09/24 06:23:38 UTC
Orion Price - 2014/09/23 02:39:17 UTC

The only way Tad will say you are not "insane."
Isn't that like the black hole calling the kettle black?
Hey motherfucker. Do you see your fellow motherfucker actually citing anything I've said anywhere ever?
weak links
Marc Fink - 2007/05/19 12:58:31 UTC


The simple fact is that hundreds of thousands of tows using weaklinks in their present configuration successfully bely your contentions that we're all crazy for towing that way.

Simply put, your statements are irresponsible and are based on your personal interpretations.

I am a tow operator--as well as a "towee." I also do aerotow tandems. Using greenline or similar line, which generally tests at 125 lbs +- 50 lbs is widely accepted because it simply works well and relatively predicatably for the enormous range of conditions and applications in towing. If this weren't true, then accident rates would be much higher and these kinds of weaklinks would have been abandoned along time ago.

A 400 lb load limit for a solo tow is absurd. You claim in-depth knoweldge of what you're doing--but do you know what kind of stitching your using, what kind of tack, and how it affects the integrity of the join you're doing?

Everyone supports you making efforts to improve things--but in the process you trash the present methods as somehow being an accident waiting to happen. You might not actually say it--but the implication is that both the operators and towed pilots are being irresponsible for using faulty equipment and practices.
Weak link?
Davis Straub - 2014/08/20 19:48:26 UTC

Many of us are now using 200 lb test line from Cortland.
Davis Straub - 2014/09/01 15:22:41 UTC

I can tell you that I fly with a 200lb weaklink on one side of my 750lb pro tow bridle. I am happy with it.
I'm not calling you insane, Marc. I'm calling you the same stupid semiliterate cowardly little shit you've been over the course of your entire vile existence.

Go ahead and keep aligning yourself with your Davis, Rooney, OP buddies. That'll just make it a lot easier to stomp you to an unrecognizable pulp.
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Tad Eareckson
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Re: Manifesto

Post by Tad Eareckson »
Tad Eareckson's latest tow release
Bille Floyd - 2014/09/24 18:41:46 UTC
Marc Fink - 2014/09/24 06:23:38 UTC

Isn't that like the black hole calling the kettle black?
@ Swift & the goon...
Mark Fink - 53522
- H4 - 1994/01/13 - Rob Millman - AT PL ST TAT TFL TPL TST AWCL CL FSL RLF TUR XC
- P4 - 2003/09/19 - Dwayne McCourt - FL ST TFL CL FSL HA RLF RS TUR XC
...who wrote the above :

People like Both of you ; wanna make me delete this forum from my favorite !!
- Why would that intellectually castrated shitheap...
"Sharing" of Hang Gliding Information ?!?
Merlin - 2012/05/26 13:22:30 UTC

I confess to previously having a bit of an Oz Report habit, but the forced login thing has turned me off permanently, and I am in fact grateful. Frankly, the site had pretty much been reduced to a few dedicated sycophants in any case. on ANYONE'S favorite list?

Swift asked OP a totally legitimate question in response to an astronomically illegitimate post. What's so outrageous about that?
Neither of Ya would actually have the balls Or nerve to say stuff like that to an actual human ; as you hide behind your keyboard .
Marc fer sure - as well as behind Davis's skirt - the way his buddy Jim Keen-Intellect Rooney does.
Actually Davis --- your the one responsible for that Crap ; bin going on for a LONG time now. Some people say that Tad Eareckson is one of the reasons Why you closed this forum ;
Here's where Davis banned Tad Eareckson:
Davis Straub - 2010/04/03 12:46:26 UTC

Tad is gone.
with ZERO pretense of a legitimate reason. He closed his crappy forum down in response to the fallout from the 2012/04/28 Lenami Godinez-Avila unhooked launch fatality. But, hell, if I can take any credit whatsoever for that paranoid self destructive action... COOL!!!
...but Ya drove a bunch of users away by doing it ?
COOL!!! And I know one place where some of those driven away users are spending more of their browsing time.
Videos of landings at Kagel bailout LZs
Orion Price - 2014/09/23 02:00:09 UTC

The guy running ozreport ends up having continuous flame wars, law suits, Tad Eareckson s, and the like; just to be subpoenaed about his forum. By simply limiting web crawlers like google from our posts, this is almost entirely eliminated.
Can't tell ya just how much I appreciate you bringing a Tad Eareckson back onto The Davis Show and catalyzing a flame war, OP. I totally thrive on that sorta stuff. And I'm gonna make damn sure this blows up in all the right faces - most assuredly including yours.
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Tad Eareckson
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Re: Manifesto

Post by Tad Eareckson »
Tad Eareckson's latest tow release
Davis Straub - 2014/09/24 19:25:16 UTC

Closed this forum?
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Tad Eareckson
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Re: Manifesto

Post by Tad Eareckson »
Tad Eareckson's latest tow release
Marc Fink - 2014/09/24 21:54:00 UTC

Those who do not know history--are doomed to repeat it.
Is this a joke ?
Davis Straub - 2011/08/28 15:26:28 UTC

Then again, Russell Brown had us double up behind him after six breaks in a row at Zapata. We couldn't figure out why we had so many breaks so quickly. Maybe just coincidence.
Zach Marzec
Davis Straub - 2013/02/13 15:45:22 UTC

We have no agreement that a stronger weaklink would make it safer (again, I fly with a slightly stronger weaklink).
Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.
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Tad Eareckson
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Re: Manifesto

Post by Tad Eareckson »
Tad Eareckson's latest tow release
Kinsley Sykes - 2014/09/25 03:17:09 UTC

Think he's talking about the need to log in to post and read vs totally open forum
And let's not forget the inability to find anything with a Google search.

So Kinsley...
Kinsley Sykes - 2010/03/18 19:42:19 UTC

In the old threads there was a lot of info from a guy named Tad. Tad had a very strong opinion on weak link strength and it was a lot higher than most folks care for. I'd focus carefully on what folks who tow a lot have to say. Or Jim Rooney who is an excellent tug pilot. I tow with the "park provided" weak links. I think they are 130 pound Greenspot.
Any thoughts on the way things are trending with weak links and what folks who tow a lot have to say? Or with Jim Rooney - who is an excellent tug pilot?
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Tad Eareckson
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Re: Manifesto

Post by Tad Eareckson »
Tad Eareckson's latest tow release
Gerry Grossnegger - 2014/09/25 03:50:42 UTC

Is it a problem?
Two. Davis, arguably the biggest piece of shit who's ever infested this sport, and you, a miserable goddam halfwitted total waste of space.
Doesn't your web browser remember your login?
The problem is that once one DOES log in there's nothing but a lot of crud to see.
Davis Straub - 2014/09/25 05:25:49 UTC

Remembers mine.
What a relief.
And Tad was kicked off the Oz Report forum long before I required you to login.
And Tad *WAS* kicked off the Oz Report forum long before *I* required you to login. So it wasn't *YOU* who kicked Tad off the Oz Report forum. Otherwise you'd have said, "And I kicked Tad off the Oz Report forum long before I required you to login." or, if you were literate, you'd have spelled "login" the way Kinsley did.

So who was it who kicked Tad off the Oz Report forum long before YOU required your few dedicated sycophants to log in? What was the justification?
Davis Straub - 2010/04/03 12:46:26 UTC

Tad is gone.
Somebody ask this motherfucker. Make him answer, ignore your questions, or delete your post.
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Tad Eareckson
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Re: Manifesto

Post by Tad Eareckson »
Tad Eareckson's latest tow release
Kinsley Sykes - 2014/09/25 11:29:37 UTC

No problem for me.
Logging in on hang glider sites - with the possible exception of this one - will NEVER be a problem for you, Kinsley.
Just trying to explain what I thought Billie meant.
Great! So what do you think Bille meant in that same post when he called Marc Fink a goon? Haven't heard a lot of other dedicated sycophants rushing to his defense on that one.

Also Kinsley, given that this thread of OP's is titled:
Tad Eareckson's latest tow release
Have you wondered the slightest bit about how a photo of locked steel carabiner engaging a locked 3/8 inch quick link with a heavy rope looped through it constitutes any kind of tow release? Is it the case that I'm really so stupid as to present that as such or that you Davis Show dickheads are stupid enough to take that lying piece of shit at his word just 'cause...
Is this a joke ?
Kinsley Sykes - 2011/08/31 11:35:36 UTC

Well actually he didn't. But if you don't want to listen to the folks that actually know what they are talking about, go ahead.

Feel free to go the the tow park that Tad runs...
Zach Marzec
Kinsley Sykes - 2013/02/11 17:46:12 UTC

Because this has been beaten to death - google Tad Eareckson and try to read the mind-numbing BS. Most of the folks who have been towing for decades have worked this stuff out.

The reason for the vehemence of the response is they pile on to any AT accident, with no knowledge of the cause, and trot out the, if only he had a strong weaklink, nothing would have happened.

It's fine to want to work on better solutions to make us all safer by improving technology, it's ugly and inhuman to use the death of a really nice guy to advance your point... in case it wasn't obvious I agree with Bart and Jim, and no it's not a lack of english comprehension - he said there would have been a different outcome with a stronger weaklink. don't like Tad Eareckson for being right about everything all the time?
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Tad Eareckson
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Re: Manifesto

Post by Tad Eareckson »
Tad Eareckson's latest tow release
Bill Cummings - 2014/09/25 12:07:06 UTC
Orion Price - 2014/09/23 02:39:17 UTC


The only way Tad will say you are not "insane."
I think Op Op was laughing so hard when he posted that he typed in about a release when he really meant to say WEAKLINK!

I say this because I would only crack a smile on the parody referring to a weaklink and not on the reference to a release.

As to the "Black Hole," reference I have this to say:
Nothing else will drain the prejudice from your being faster than owing your life to a black man (Rubin Less) that lost his life in Cambodia at the same time when he stopped us (Charlie Company 1st of the 7th) from walking into a NVA ambush.

Rubin did this to save a man (white) from court martial due to his refusal to walk point through the Cambodian jungle. Rubin volunteered to walk point to defuse this cowards refusal to walk point. Rubin was the first of four men to die in that ambush. ( Austin, Welsh, and McCormick)
Rubin's experience as an infantry man and his sacrifice saved many of us that day.

As to the log in problems I noticed that due to my cookie blaster program that I selected I always have to log in each time I go to the OZ Report.
Before I was always automatically logged in. In short logging in could be a problem at your end.

This thread is going south moderators. I recommend that you consider locking it down.
I think Op Op was laughing so hard when he posted that he typed in about a release when he really meant to say WEAKLINK!
- Then why hasn't the stupid lying little shit said so?

- What's the difference? In hang gliding a weak link is just...
Poll on weaklinks
Davis Straub - 2013/03/06 18:29:05 UTC

You know, after all this discussion I'm now convinced that it is a very good idea to treat the weaklink as a release, that that is exactly what we do when we have a weaklink on one side of a pro tow bridle. That that is exactly what has happened to me in a number of situations and that the whole business about a weaklink only for the glider not breaking isn't really the case nor a good idea for hang gliding.

I'm happy to have a relatively weak weaklink, and have never had a serious problem with the Greenspot 130, just an inconvenience now and then.

I'm thinking about doing a bit more testing as there seemed to be some disagreement around here about what the average breaking strength of a loop of Greenspot (or orange) weaklink was.
...a variation of a release. It's the glider driver's only real hope of getting off tow in any kind of emergency. It's your PRIMARY RELEASE 'cause everything else you use is always welded shut with frozen slush - so you just radio down to your snowmobile driver to floor it.
pro tow set-up
Ryan Voight - 2009/11/03 05:24:31 UTC

It works best in a lockout situation... if you're banked away from the tug and have the bar back by your belly button... let it out. Glider will pitch up, break weaklink, and you fly away.

During a "normal" tow you could always turn away from the tug and push out to break the weaklink... but why would you?

Have you never pondered what you would do in a situation where you CAN'T LET GO to release? I'd purposefully break the weaklink, as described above. Instant hands free release Image
Instant hands free release. Image
I say this because I would only crack a smile on the parody referring to a weaklink and not on the reference to a release.
So what do you think it actually is, Bill?
As to the "Black Hole," reference I have this to say:
Nothing else will drain the prejudice from your being faster than owing your life to a black man (Rubin Less) that lost his life in Cambodia at the same time when he stopped us (Charlie Company 1st of the 7th) from walking into a NVA ambush.

Rubin did this to save a man (white) from court martial due to his refusal to walk point through the Cambodian jungle. Rubin volunteered to walk point to defuse this cowards refusal to walk point. Rubin was the first of four men to die in that ambush. ( Austin, Welsh, and McCormick)
Rubin's experience as an infantry man and his sacrifice saved many of us that day.
Ya know what would've saved even more of you that day? If every last one of you had taken the lead of the only one of you who had his head on straight and refused to walk point through the Cambodian jungle, turned around, and been court martialed. But hey... Great job! It's thanks to guys like you that I'm safe here wallowing in all those freedoms you preserved for me through your noble and courageous actions and sacrifices.
This thread is going south moderators.
From where that thread started the only possible direction it could've gone was north.
I recommend that you consider locking it down.
And did I remember to thank you for my freedom of speech? I so do enjoy being able to go to forums like The Davis Show where I can write cogently and engage the intellect of others without fear of being sabotaged, locked down, deleted, banned by corrupt, deranged, egomaniacal dictators.

Go back to The Bob Show where it's safe for people of varying ages to visit and fuck yourself.


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Tad Eareckson
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Re: Manifesto

Post by Tad Eareckson »
Tad Eareckson's latest tow release
Swift - 2014/09/25 14:59:03 UTC

Hey Bill C, before this thread gets locked down maybe OP should answer the question of weak link testing as previously promised? Comments on a picture taken out of content might be funnier if OP had not previously promised something of substance on the issue and failed to deliver.
Nah, Bill C. needs it locked down BEFORE we start scoring serious hits on these motherfuckers.
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