instructors and other qualified pilot fiends

General discussion about the sport of hang gliding
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Tad Eareckson
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Re: instructors and other qualified pilot fiends

Post by Tad Eareckson »

At some point subsequent to Steve's reporting that the Jack Show Basement had disappeared from existence for anyone not logged in as a member...

...and prior to 2018/12/17 08:00:00 UTC the Jack Show Basement also disappeared from existence for either some or all logged in members. Some or all logged in members plugging in a known Basement topic URL such as:
So long guys

are rewarded with:
You are not authorised to read this forum.
At this point my thinking is that only Jack Show moderators are authorised to read that - a total of approximately one individuals. There was the thought that the Jack Show moderators had simply deleted the entire Basement subforum but I just confirmed that... Nope.

At the moment the statistics show a total of 26990 topics. And if one totals up the figures for the eleven subforum topics currently visible to at least some logged in members (60 - 284 - 4315 - 123 - 236 - 277 - 173 - 781 - 1660 - 6282 - 11997) one arrives at 26489. Difference - 302. When Team Kite Strings last had Basement subforum access it boasted 301. Close fucking enough. The difference may be a "Hang gliding general" complaint about Phase One of Jack's mutilation of the historical record that we missed before Jack deep-sixed it, something else the moderators of The worlds largest hang gliding community don't want people seeing, a glitch...

Still no detectable rumblings from either The worlds largest hang gliding community or The Davis Show regarding this latest outrage - the single most massive historical record desecration in the world history of the sport. Very strange.

To help confirm whether or not this pulling of access affects all or just targeted individual logged in Jack Show members please report to Yours Truly via PM or email ( Best not report what you can or can't see publicly for the time being 'cause you might open yourself up to some of Jack's well documented retaliatory actions.
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Tad Eareckson
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Re: instructors and other qualified pilot fiends

Post by Tad Eareckson »
So long guys
Jack Axaopoulos - 2011/06/12 18:20:06 UTC

Like ive told others... if you want to go... just go. You dont get a free parting cheap shot at the community to tell us how much we suck. Sorry... no free attack on us while you exit.

Well I see now that you are threatening to delete your account in a PM if I dont delete it for you, which I can only assume means youre going to do what a certain other poster did and start vandalizing and deleting posts...
The big Seedwings Space thread
soren_ladegaard - 2010/06/13 05:34:21 UTC

After 4 years and almost 600 post I am leaving this forum due to personal attacks. This forum has turned very hostile with 5-6 users harrassing others just for the sake of it. The forum lacks moderation so they noone's stopping them.

I am out of here! Image you force my hand... account banned so you cant vandalize. Well this truly sucks. Threatening to damage the site just because you got pissed off is really messed up dude. You need to seriously chill out.

Accounts cant be deleted. It screws all the threads up. Sorry, I cant let you just start trashing the place, which is your intent.
At 2018/12/17 08:00:00 UTC your Jack Show statistics showed 386816 posts total.

15479 posts in The Basement. 4 percent effectively gone. Mostly controversial stuff - read: substantive, critically important, worth reading and taking stands on. Also topics members elected to start in the Basement and nothing to do with the fake legitimate procedure for having them forcibly removed from mainstream areas.

5912 posts in Incident Reports. Another one and a half plus percent of the posts eliminated from nonmember view. One might think that the parents of an eleven year old kid would be interested in looking at some of this stuff before deciding whether or not to let him go up on a tandem "discovery" flight.

Ever consider banning yourself to prevent more vandalism of your local coffee shop than Jim Keen-Intellect Rooney could've ever dreamt possible?
Tow Park accidents
Jack Axaopoulos - 2009/11/12 14:49:58 UTC


One of the stated goals of this site is to promote HG. MOST views on this site are NOT from members but from visitors, they have no ignore button.

Having Tad run around every day giving the impression that there is a massive weekly slaughter of pilots at tow parks due to their horribly dangerous devices surely doesnt promote HG. Especially when the safety records are quite excellent.

Like Jim said, theyve gone a decade with no fatalities at their tow park. Pretty damn good I say.

Yet listening to Tad, you would think guys were dying all over the place
He's been nothing but misleading and negative and ignored multiple warnings from me. So He's GONE
One of the stated goals of this site is to promote HG.
A fictional, deliberately distorted version of hang gliding.
MOST views on this site are NOT from members but from visitors...
- You have absolutely no way of knowing that. At the moment you boast 10607 members and you have no more fuckin' clue than I do with respect to Kite Strings who's accounting for hits - logged in members, logged out members, visitors, unregistered bots. And don't have any registered members announcing that they were reading The Jack Show for years before entering the sport and registering as members.

- OK, let's say you DO. Quote a couple of your members saying they flipped coins to make decisions about coming into the sport and signing onto The Jack Show because of Jack Show content issues.
...they have no ignore button.
So you just provided one which only has an "ON" setting for 531 topics containing 21391 posts by gawd-knows-how-many authors. Always a good bet deciding visitors don't wanna see anything you've decided they don't wanna see. Reminds me of your "Vote to BURY" button with no corresponding "Vote to DISPLAY PROMINENTLY" button to display even if it's not actually wired to anything.
- Tired of seeing an inflammatory topic on the front page? Click on the "BURY this topic" link at the top of the page. Once a topic gets enough votes, it will be moved to "The Basement" forum where it will no longer show up on the front page.
If just one Jack Show asshole - yourself for example - effects a single click the results will be one hundred percent in favor, zero opposed. Unanimous. How many more votes could we possibly need at this point? Motion carried.
Having Tad run around every day giving the impression that there is a massive weekly slaughter of pilots at tow parks due to their horribly dangerous devices surely doesn’t promote HG.
The way seeing a subforum titled "Incident Reports" with 5912 posts in 236 topics, clicking on it, getting "You do not have the required permissions to read topics within this forum." does.
Especially when the safety records are quite excellent.
So astoundingly excellent in fact what it would be a total fucking waste of time to read anything that might indicate anything to the contrary.
Like Jim said, theyve gone a decade with no fatalities at their tow park. Pretty damn good I say.
Really great guy, Jim was? Whatever became of him?
Yet listening to Tad, you would think guys were dying all over the place
Not really. Pretty much all on the downwind halves of the runways.
He's been nothing but misleading and negative...
So why didn't you just document the actual facts and all the positive stuff to discredit and embarrass him?
...and ignored multiple warnings from me.
The local coffee shop owner. The one who has never sold or given away a single drop of coffee to anyone.
So He's GONE
No he's not. He's over here with his own organization. Where pieces o' shit like you, Rooney, Davis, Tom Galvin can't lock down, vandalize, remove from view, delete any of his posts and discussions. And while he's still running around every day giving the impression that there is a massive weekly slaughter of pilots at tow parks due to their horribly dangerous devices and surely not promoting hang gliding you're telling your pet cocksuckers that you'll:


any and all mentions of him on your useless shit-hole. So you've just demonstrated pretty decisively that you don't actually give a flying fuck about the sport - or anything else beyond maintaining the facade of providing a friendly and positive, approachable community for people interested in the sport of hang gliding where Hang Glider pilots can hang out and discuss hang gliding - just as long as they don't discuss anything of any actual SUBSTANCE.

Is this a joke ?
Jim Rooney - 2011/08/25 04:55:25 UTC

Don't even get me started on Tad. That obnoxious blow hard has gotten himself banned from every flying site that he used to visit... he doesn't fly anymore... because he has no where to fly. His theories were annoying at best and downright dangerous most of the time. Good riddance.
Do you fly anymore? When was the last time? Do you have anywhere TO fly? I can't imagine you do 'cause what with the way you've treated people over the course of the past dozen plus years you'd get the back of your head bashed in by somebody with a lead pipe the moment you took your helmet off in the LZ.

And your little Jim Rooney motherfucker friend no longer has a place to fly ANYTHING anywhere. Ditto for posting anything about anything anywhere. There's zero chance he'll ever be strapped into a Dragonfly anywhere ever again so there's zero reason for anybody pretend he doesn't view him with total unbridled contempt and disgust.

And you yourself have a total of eight posts in the past calendar year plus. With this one I've got 358 since 2018/01/01. And I've never made a dime off of my local coffee shop. So thanks for so graphically illustrating what your actual values really are.
Steve Davy
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Re: instructors and other qualified pilot fiends

Post by Steve Davy »

And you yourself have a total of eight posts in the past calendar year plus.
Does that include posts in topics that he has vanished?
HG pioneer Joe Faust should not be banned from forum
Asking for names of all banned persons.

Give the guy a break, Tad. I'm confident that when Jack has finished manipulating the topics in his basement sub-forum he will flick the switch and make his new and improved basement visible for all to see.
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Tad Eareckson
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Re: instructors and other qualified pilot fiends

Post by Tad Eareckson »

Does that include posts in topics that he has vanished?
Book burning.

Steve PMed me that the "bug reports" subforum has also disappeared. That's almost certainly been deleted - what with the numbers we're seeing - but wouldn't have contained anything of any value with respect to the sport.
I'm confident that when Jack has finished manipulating the topics in his basement...
Too much effort for the motherfucker. He's seen that the loyal cocksuckers of The worlds largest hang gliding community will let him get away with virtually ANYTHING.
Rules - Hang Gliding Org
HangGliding.Org Simplified Rules and Policies

* No posts or links about the toxic Bob Kuczewski, Scott C Wise, Tad Eareckson and related people, or their material or organizations.
Kite Strings was never intended to be an "organization". It was established as a publicly visible forum in which its founder - Zack C - and Yours Truly could have a discussion about getting hang gliding functioning as a legitimate flavor of aviation without having it incessantly sabotaged by the dregs who constitute the mainstream of the population - particularly the Houston area individuals.

Then it evolved into a hit squad - a team exposing all the crap The Industry didn't want anybody to see subsequent to its regularly scheduled fatal impacts.

You have a local coffee shop at which coffee is unobtainable, Davis has a forum where acceptable people can discuss anything Davis will allow them to, Bob has a pretense of a hang gliding ORGANIZATION to provide an alternative to u$hPa but he won't live long enough to be able to permit more than one individual to vote on any issue that actually matters 'cause he's welcomed with open arms every individual who's taken the trouble to click in a screen name, email address, and password. And hang gliding, being the major dickhead magnet that it's always been...
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Tad Eareckson
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Re: instructors and other qualified pilot fiends

Post by Tad Eareckson »
Rules - Hang Gliding Org

Just noticed that:
The man has no integrity and spends his days smearing people on the internet.
has very recently been replaced by:
If it is suspected you are working on behalf of Bob or his organization, you may be immediately banned.
Thank you, God. :) :) :) :) :)

Gee Jack... How come one might not ALSO be immediately banned If it is suspected one is working on behalf of TAD or HIS organization? I find this level of blatant discrimination against someone who's worked so tirelessly and diligently to poison the sport to be extremely hurtful. :cry:

Hey you fuckin' useless Jack Show cocksuckers... How do you feel about the threat of being immediately and - obviously - PERMANENTLY banned on a mere suspicion of a non-pilot paranoid schizophrenic local coffee shop owner that you're working on behalf of a particular person or his organization? If Bob or anyone on his show says the sky is blue and you concur with that sentiment your ass can be gone in a nanosecond. And...
* No posts or links about the toxic Bob Kuczewski, Scott C Wise, Tad Eareckson and related people, or their material or organizations. ALL SUCH POSTS WILL BE IMMEDIATELY DELETED.
...your posts are gonna be IMMEDIATELY DELETED so nobody else will be able to go back and see if there was the slightest justification for any suspicion - let alone action.

A community death sentence executed by a fake local coffee shop owner who's telling you straight out that he has no actual way of knowing whether or not his victim is actually "guilty" of anything or not. Shoot 'em all now and let God sort 'em out.

How 'bout this?
Is this a joke ?
Davis Straub - 2011/08/28 15:26:28 UTC

Then again, Russell Brown had us double up behind him after six breaks in a row at Zapata. We couldn't figure out why we had so many breaks so quickly. Maybe just coincidence.
T** at K*** S****** was advocating absurd four hundred pound Tad-O-Links years before Russell figured out that he couldn't get any gliders off the ground in light morning conditions with the long track record jobs due to the coincidence issue.
weak links
Tad Eareckson - 2007/05/17 23:03:32 UTC

A 400 pound weak link will keep solo gliders from 250 pounds up within specs and leave tandems no worse off than they are now.
Marc Fink - 2007/05/19 12:58:31 UTC

A 400lb load limit for a solo tow is absurd.
Weak links
Tad Eareckson - 2010/12/09 21:34:15 UTC

A double loop of Greenspot isn't a bad-one-size-fits-all and you could live happily enough ever after using one.
Doesn't that make Russell a related person - ineligible for membership and mentioning in any posts? And shouldn't y'all be lining up to kiss Marc's perpetually slimy ass?

Bunch o' freedom loving rugged individualistic hang glider pilots ain't gonna tolerate no fuckin' FAA telling 'em what they can and can't do. Just how much Jack dick are you willing to suck to be allowed to carry on having your local coffee shop conversations with the local coffee shop owner monitoring your every words, constantly poised to throw you out permanently if he's the slightest bit suspicious of anything you say?

Not to mention the snitch issue...
Interview with Davis Straub, Oz Report founder
Jack Axaopoulos - 2012/02/24 15:15:42 UTC

You guys need to PM me when TAD shows up. He is NOT allowed to access this website.

The IP address area matches Tad's old account.
If he comes back again, ill contact his ISP for illegal access which could get his account yanked.
Another hang check lesson
michael170 - 2014/09/25 04:48:33 UTC

That would be just after I started this thread:

Then SG gave me the boot because he thought I was Tad.
And note that Jack's 2012/02/24 15:15:42 UTC (above) no longer exists. I wonder just how much time he spends deleting material on his dump to try to lessen the degree to which he looks like the total douchebag he actually is. But I guess whatever it is it's the tiniest fraction of what it would cost him to significantly lessen the degree to which he actually is a total douchebag.

P.S. And hey Bob... It's mostly the douchebags over there sucking Jack's dick who are the ones you're trying to recruit to come over to your place and suck your dick. Pretty good strategy - I now realize having looked at things with respect to that framework.
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Tad Eareckson
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Re: instructors and other qualified pilot fiends

Post by Tad Eareckson »
A basic trainer design for teaching hang gliding
Frank Colver - 2018/12/19 18:18:37 UTC


I realize it doesn't show in the drawing, or is incorporated on the model, but the design has both a floating cross spar and a deep keel pocket. So, it should turn just fine with weight shift.
I do appreciate your concern since you couldn't have known about the floating cross spar and deep sail pocket, since I haven't talked about actual mechanical details of the glider.
Or have ever had a fuckin' clue regarding the mechanics of hang glider roll control.
When you write your owner's manual do make sure to advise against preflight sidewire stomp tests. They cause the wires to be work hardened in their midspans.
The standard Rogallos did have a fixed cross spar and no sail pocket, as you say, but the LE bending at the tips allowed the sail to billow more on the side the weight was shifted to. It was our observation of this billow change that led us to realize why flex wings would turn so well with weight shift and rigid wings would not.

Kudos to the person who first realized that the cross spar didn't need to be attached to the keel!
The cross spar(s) didn't need to be attached to the keel 'cause the cross spar(s) didn't need to be attached to the keel. Had pretty much shit to do with roll control authority/response though.
Red Howard - 2018/12/19 21:36:55 UTC


I'm not surprised that you knew this. Image Not everybody does.

Even the Comets relied on this same flexibility there, with their keel pockets and floating crossbars.
Yeah? So where are the keel pockets and floating CROSS SPARS (like Frank just said)...


...on today's best gliders?

And the Comet handling notoriously sucked. Roll control was a bitch and holding the bar back to penetrate out was agony.
What people don't know that they don't know, can be hazardous to health.
And lotsa times the crap they know from listening to assholes such as yourself can be hazardous to their health.
I believe that you are the guy who can get it right, there.
Where are you on the Tooth Fairy?

Frank's "designing" a bunny hill trainer. And the manual and/or some idiot instructor or mentor is gonna explain to the student pilot how the floating crossbar / deep keel pocket combo amplifies his weight shift effort. And before he graduates from the bunny hill he's gonna be stupider than he would have if he'd started on a Sport 2.

Frank Colver / U$HPA7 - big fuckin' surprise.
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Tad Eareckson
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Re: instructors and other qualified pilot fiends

Post by Tad Eareckson »
Interview with Davis Straub, OzReport founder
Jack Axaopoulos - 2012/02/24 15:00:21 UTC

Tad has been BANNED again.
Must've been. I've searched a dozen years of Jack Show archives looking for something you've ever been wrong about and have come up totally empty.
The "Extremist 1%" is not allowed on this site.
Just the dregs of the bottom 15 percent who constitute 99 percent of the assholes willing to suck your dick often enough to stay on. Disagree? Cite some of the contributions that have moved the sport in anything like a positive direction that have emerged from your sewer.

It's actually the finest paper-thin topmost layer of The Extremist 1% who produce the discoveries, theories, inventions who move societies forward. The next percentage level never makes it anywhere near the edge of the radar screen.
Go crawl back under your rock....
It's not a rock. It's a...
Zach Marzec
Jim Rooney - 2013/03/07 18:24:58 UTC

Go back to Tad's hole in the ground.
...hole in the ground. And ya know what happened to THAT egomaniacal little motherfucker and former loyal Jack Show Jack cocksucker? Birds of a freakin' feather.
...with Bob...
I have my own rock. And Bob's not welcome under it anymore. Never should've been, actually.
...and the other extremists that get themselves banned from every site and group they deal with.
You mean the ones now constituting the...
Rules - Hang Gliding Org
HangGliding.Org Simplified Rules and Policies

* No posts or links about the toxic Bob Kuczewski, Scott C Wise, Tad Eareckson and related people, or their material or organizations.
...organizations The worlds largest hang gliding community now...
...fears so much?
You guys have a marvelous record of getting along with people. Image
So then how do you think The Extremist 1% were so successful in establishing such dangerous organizations? Image
You can tell yourselves how you are all right, the other 99% are all wrong, and how everyone who disagrees with you is a nazi censor to make yourselves feel better.
Don't need to. Your paranoid rantings, increasingly repressive and threatening site rules, and rapidly failing local coffee shop are all making the points just fine thank you.
(Just ignore the hypocrisy that Bob runs the most tightfisted, censored HG forum out there Image )
Really? Anything comparable to:
If it is suspected you are working on behalf of Bob or his organization, you may be immediately banned.
Its ok, the rules dont apply to you guys, you are all "special" Image
The rules some fuckin' nobody fake local coffee shop owner feels like pulling outta his ass, modifying all the fuckin' time without notice, and dictating to The worlds largest hang gliding community minus input or consent of any degree? Goddam fuckin' right. Image I've got nothing but contempt for anybody with the slightest respect for rules like those or their authors.

So how come you're not telling your pet cocksuckers to just ignore the hypocrisy that Tad runs the second most tightfisted, censored HG forum out there? Or quoting any oppressive rules or current, banned, dead members to illustrate such a point?
P.S. - 2018/12/21 02:15:00 UTC

If you'd actually done the slightest degree of homework regarding your claim about Bob running the most tightfisted, censored HG forum out there then there's no fuckin' way you'd have thought that I'd have had either the option of or the slightest desire to...
Go crawl back under your rock with Bob...
...go crawling back under any rocks with Bob.
Steve Davy
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Re: instructors and other qualified pilot fiends

Post by Steve Davy »

If Bob or anyone on his show says the sky is blue and you concur with that sentiment your ass can be gone in a nanosecond.
I wonder what happens when anyone on Jack's idiot asylum says the sky is blue and then Bob concurs.
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Tad Eareckson
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Re: instructors and other qualified pilot fiends

Post by Tad Eareckson »

We'll probably never know. Bob tends to bend over backwards to avoid taking firm positions on physics based issues whenever he senses some level of controversy may be involved. Doesn't wanna risk alienating potential supporters from the sky is green camp.
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Tad Eareckson
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Re: instructors and other qualified pilot fiends

Post by Tad Eareckson »
Aerotow primary releases?
Swift - 2016/03/22 21:58:16 UTC

Ask here:
Jim Rooney - 2016/03/23 00:21:21 UTC

Oh dear lord... don't do that to him without warning him!

That dude is a serious nutcase.
I'm not kidding in the least.
I have an "organization" now - one that scares your ol' buddy...
I'm outta here
Jim Rooney - 2008/12/11 17:28:03 UTC

Head over to if you would like to see how a forum should be run.
...Jack shitless. So what do you have now? And who's quoting any of the proclamations you made in order to hold back the tide of unnecessary death of destruction in the sport that you labored so tirelessly to prevent while you were involved in various capacities?

Ya know the ONLY entity working to make sure that you aren't totally erased from the collective memory of the sport? The same way they're now doing with Donnell?
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