The Bob Show

General discussion about the sport of hang gliding
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Tad Eareckson
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Re: The Bob Show

Post by Tad Eareckson »

Yeah, I'd forgotten about that one (2018/11/29 16:04:15 UTC). Brain has been seriously melting down under the strain.
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Re: The Bob Show

Post by Tad Eareckson »
Best Plan to Save Sport of Hang Gliding
Bob Kuczewski - 2019/07/31 08:01:09 UTC

That's a good question Jim. The U.S. Hawks has the best record of both free speech and fair moderation of all the national forums. You would be treated fairly here and so would Warren. I don't have a dog in that fight, but even if I did, we have 4 other Board members (Joe, Bill, Sam, Scott) who could easily vote me down.
That's a good question Jim.
Rodie's NOTHING BUT good questions and information.
The U.S. Hawks has the best record of both free speech and fair moderation of all the national forums.
Says Emperor Bob without fear of contradiction. Reminds me a lot of:
Zach Marzec
Zack C - 2013/02/13 15:02:38 UTC

Can you explain, then, exactly how we arrived at the current 130 lb weak link standard? It's been in use since the earliest aerotowing records I can find.
Jim Gaar - 2013/02/13 17:57:05 UTC

Former Flight Park Manager

Because it has the best known and accountable safety record (in my personal books anyway).
Swift - 2013/02/13 18:14:30 UTC

Can you elaborate more on how you personally arrived at this conclusion?
Jim Gaar - 2013/02/13 19:59:19 UTC

Why yes!

After 5 years as Safety and Launch Marshall for Adventure AirSports and towing (with a Dragonfly 582 BH) every type of wing class available on 3 different styles of carts and using Pro-tow and COM bridles and over 400 incident and accident free tows I feel it's pretty much the standard.

I would not/did not hesitate to assess each and every tow along with the conditions, experience of the towing pilot and wing type in confirming it's use.
Swift - 2013/02/13 20:59:29 UTC

And each assessment always worked out to one size fits all?
Jim Gaar - 2013/02/15 21:27:45 UTC

Sorry to be slow answering...

Because it works with all the variations found at a modern towpark, or certainly any one where I would be responsible for safe launches. I came up in the early stages of ATing. I was a Mentor, and a test pilot. I'm NOT a tug pilot but all the tug pilots that worked with me (3) were on board with the current procedures described in this thread.
And each assessment always worked out to one size fits all?
Yes, for solo towing, every single one worked, hundreds of times!
And volumes more incessant demented babbling in which he never actually answers any actual questions. Primo Bob Show material.
You would be treated fairly here and so would Warren.
Goes without saying. The Bob Show is legendary for its fair treatment of everyone - and not just members
I don't have a dog in that fight, but even if I did, we have 4 other Board members (Joe, Bill, Sam, Scott) who could easily vote me down.
All of whom handpicked by Emperor Bob and carrying no authority that Emperor Bob can't override upon any whim. Also no one on Emperor Bob's Fake Board whom Emperor Bob can't ban for life upon any whim - as per the rest of the membership.

Keep up the great work, Bob. And do keep expanding the ranks of your personality cult with real quality individuals like Sam and Rodie.
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Re: The Bob Show

Post by Tad Eareckson »
Jack and Davis Splitting the HG Community
Bob Kuczewski - 2019/07/31 18:27:19 UTC

The splitting of the hang gliding community and the strangling of hang gliding communications continues on the Oz Forum today. Swift had started a very important topic titled "Best Plan to Save Sport of Hang Gliding". Swift opened the topic with this great post:
Best Plan to Save Sport of Hang Gliding
Swift - 2019/06/22 15:52:15 UTC

Let's start a conversation. I have an idea that can positively result in the growth of new pilots.
People can start lining up with their own arguments and I'll hold mine off for a while.
Do you see hang gliding dying a slow death, or not?
Steve Pierson's recent concerns as the premier hg manufacturer in the US tells me the premise is true.
What can we do about it?
After 10 pages of discussions (and many diversions by naysayers), Swift pointed out the flaw in Jim Gaar's objections to free speech:
Swift - 2019/07/30 21:40:40 UTC

You used coarse language to say Bob K. wouldn't censor someone for saying bad things about you. I think that is a good thing. He doesn't censor your ability to counter that kind of information does he? What stops you from doing that?
Swift was right on target (as usual). Jim knows very well that he's welcome to counter any complaints against him here on the U.S. Hawks. We have a very fair and objective Board of Directors that are willing to help resolve problems in the hang gliding community. So far, Jim has been unwilling to participate in that process.

Davis used the disagreements to first put the topic into the "Off Topic" section, and to eventually lock it altogether. Here's the final post by Davis:
Davis Straub - 2019/07/30 21:55:29 UTC

Enough with the personal attacks. The thread is closed.
Moral of this story: If you've got a "Best Plan to Save Sport of Hang Gliding" and Davis doesn't like where it leads, he will lock your topic and put it in the basement. The same is true of Jack. Eventually they may even ban you. That's why this topic was started way back ... in 2011.
Swift was right on target (as usual).
Fuck yeah. Totally nailed it on the global warming and carbon dioxide thing for example. Not one single other individual was on board with him with his takes and numbers but he never wavered a millimeter's worth. And he was the only individual to get Steve Pierson's name right. Not even Steve Pierson has been able to accomplish that much.
Jim knows very well that he's welcome to counter any complaints against him here on the U.S. Hawks.
As all of us are, Bob. The Bob Show is absolutely legendary for its respect for and protection for freedom of speech. ('Cept, of course, for...
Complaints about Tad
Rick Masters - 2015/01/16 19:59:15 UTC

He has concerns about people trying to muck up the forum, but he has also dealt effectively with Tad. dregs like T** at K*** S******. (The safety of visiting people of varying ages has obviously gotta take precedence of free speech and ever since Bob effectively dealt with Tad there's been totally zero evidence of a single person of a varying age being made the slightest degree of unsafe. (One can only imagine the degree of daily carnage that's been going on at Kite Strings for the better part of nine years now.)))
We have a very fair and objective Board of Directors that are willing to help resolve problems in the hang gliding community.
Of course WE do. You took no chances with the whims of elections and hand picked and appointed them all on the basis of their superior records of fairness and objectiveness. And if they ever fail to live up to those standards you have the power to ignore and/or override them - sack them for no stated reason if it comes to that.
So far, Jim has been unwilling to participate in that process.
Big fuckin' surprise. I got a process for Rodie. That vile lying piece o' shit no way in hell will ever get clicked into the membership here.
Davis used the disagreements to first put the topic into the "Off Topic" section, and to eventually lock it altogether.
So what's new? Tell me when Davis has EVER failed to sabotage a discussion that started threatening to move the sport in a positive direction? Ditto for Jack, Peter, any club forum you wanna name.
Moral of this story: If you've got a "Best Plan to Save Sport of Hang Gliding" and Davis doesn't like where it leads, he will lock your topic and put it in the basement. The same is true of Jack. Eventually they may even ban you. That's why this topic was started way back ... in 2011.
- What's the "HG Community"? The majority of the people in hang gliding are dregs who NEED to be permanently split off from it to the maximum extent possible. That's what's been done here at Kite Strings. They're gonna get quoted accurately, responded to, addressed. But they're never gonna be members here.

- If you don't want them strangling communications then don't give them communications to strangle. Jack's running a small private business just like your local coffee shop to provide a friendly and positive, approachable community for people interested in the sport of HG. The problem is that the sport isn't a friendly and positive, approachable community for people interested in the sport of HG - never has been, never will be. The sport's a major dickhead magnet that doesn't tolerate minority - read aeronautically competent - positions and thus they have nothing of any interest to hang out discussing.

- I've been in and watching this shit heap of a sport since 1980. It was a shit heap four decades ago and its been steadily devolving ever since. A sport which uses a towline to transmit pressure from a tug to a glider won't survive and shouldn't. And the bullshit you assholes are trying to do to save it - which is a mix of:
-- more of the same with the expectation of getting better results
-- cures even sleazier than the targeted diseases
-- way too fuckin' little way too fuckin' late
are gonna have zilch positive effect.
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Tad Eareckson
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Re: The Bob Show

Post by Tad Eareckson »
Jack and Davis Splitting the HG Community
Bob Kuczewski - 2019/08/03 08:44:26 UTC
Best Plan to Save Sport of Hang Gliding .2
Davis Straub - 2019/08/02 17:51:19 UTC

I didn't ban him. I just deleted him.
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That's right up there with Bill Clinton's claims that he didn't have sex with his intern based on what the meaning of "is" is.
Says the asshole who endorsed and undoubtedly voted for President a motherfucker who lies to the public on the record about twenty times per day.

A couple relevant Clinton quotes:
There’s nothing going on between us.
There is no improper relationship.
Yeah, they're deliberately misleading. So if you're doing your job right you ask the obvious follow-up question. "How 'bout at any point within the past six weeks?" "No comment." "Thank you for your time, Mister President." But in my humble opinion that shouldn't have been a major national concern anyway.

And here's the rest of the post from Davis:
He can re sign up. But if he makes any personal references, he'll be banned.
And so far we've neither had from Swift another Davis Show post nor a word anywhere else that he's been unable to sign back up.
But if he makes any personal references, he'll be banned.
Unless, of course, you wanna...
Is this a joke ?
Davis Straub - 2011/08/26 20:10:56 UTC

Oh, and BTW, Tad is clueless as well as being a child molester (no kidding).
Jim Rooney - 2011/08/26 23:12:32 UTC

Just to back Davis up on this, cuz the person that let's the cat out of the bag always gets flack for it...

So we're clear as a bell on this.
Tad is a convicted paedophile... the child molester card on T** at K*** S****** 'cause you're getting your balls torn off in the relevant discussion points. (Right up...
What will keep the US Hawks from becoming another USHPA or HGAA?
Bob Kuczewski - 2011/12/28 20:18:03 UTC

Tad was (and is) an unrepentant child molester.
...your alley, Bob.)

All you supertrolls keep feeding each other. Makes for great entertainment.
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Tad Eareckson
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Re: The Bob Show

Post by Tad Eareckson »
From the Email Box of Jerry Katz
Bob Kuczewski - 2019/02/25 09:20:52 UTC

Trey Gowdy, South Carolina Congressman, recently responded to a reporter about the military in response to a question from a CNN reporter about the DoD ban of transgenders from joining the U.S. armed forces. As Trey typically does so very well, he nailed it rather succinctly.

Question: How can President Trump claim to represent all U.S. citizens, regardless of sexual orientation, when he banned transgenders from joining the military? Isn't that discrimination?

Trey Gowdy's Response:

"Nobody has a right to serve in the Military. Nobody! What makes you people think the Military is an equal opportunity employer? It is very far from it - and for good reasons - let me cite a few."

"The Military uses prejudice regularly and consistently to deny citizens from joining for being too old or too young, too fat or too skinny, too tall or too short. Citizens are denied for having flat feet, or for missing or additional fingers."

He went on to explain:

"By the way, poor eyesight will disqualify you, as well as bad teeth. Malnourished? Drug addiction? Bad back? Criminal history? Low IQ? Anxiety? Phobias? Hearing damage? Six arms? Hear voices in your head? Self-identification as a Unicorn? Need a special access ramp for your wheelchair?

"Can't run the required course in the required time? Can't do the required number of push-ups? Not really a morning person? and refuse to get out of bed before noon? All can be legitimate reasons for denial"

"The Military has one job: Winning War. Anything else is a distraction and a liability. Did someone just scream? That isn't Fair? War is VERY unfair, there are no exceptions made for being special or challenged or socially wonderful."

"YOU must change yourself to meet Military standards and not the other way around. I say again: You don't change the Military - you must change yourself. The Military is not about being fair, it is about taking advantage of others and about winning."

"The Military doesn't need to accommodate anyone with special issues. The Military needs to win wars and keep our Country safe - PERIOD!"

"If any of your personal issues are a liability that detract from readiness or lethality...thank you for applying and good luck in future endeavors."

"Any other questions?"
Trey Gowdy, South Carolina Congressman, recently responded to a reporter about the military in response to a question from a CNN reporter about the DoD ban of transgenders from joining the U.S. armed forces.
Yes. From JOINING the U.S. armed forces. Conspicuously silent about all the transgenders already SERVING successfully in U.S. armed forces - and still continuing to.
As Trey typically does so very well, he nailed it rather succinctly.
Yeah, assholes like that typically do - as long as they don't have anybody with half a brain or better challenging them.
Question: How can President Trump claim to represent all U.S. citizens, regardless of sexual orientation, when he banned transgenders from joining the military? Isn't that discrimination?
- Sexual orientation doesn't have shit to do with transgender identification - asshole.
- Yeah. This top of the world expert on everything banned them from JOINING. See above.
What makes you people think the Military is an equal opportunity employer?
It certainly wasn't when if you were black you were consigned to a segregated unit and treated like shit. Did that up to 1948/07/26 at which point Truman put a stop to it - the segregation part anyway.
"The Military uses prejudice regularly and consistently to deny citizens from joining for being too old or too young, too fat or too skinny, too tall or too short.
Plenty of too young individuals have lied about their ages, gotten in, performed successfully. Too short people tend to do really well in submarines and tunnels. George Washington was too tall by the standards of the day.

And more on topic... There were women passing themselves off as men serving in the US military from the Revolutionary at least through the Civil War (both sides) and doing their jobs just fine.
Citizens are denied for having flat feet, or for missing or additional fingers."
Citizens are denied for having bone spurs - but if you can get enough stupid racist Nazi bigots to vote for you then you can take over the most powerful military force the planet has ever seen as Commander In Chief. And then you can work overtime continuing to fuck over all the same sorts of individuals you were fucking over before you were able to get your tiny little hands on the launch codes.
Criminal history?
The military DOES take people with criminal histories. A sociopath with great eyesight can make a pretty effective sniper. Also bear in mind that laws change over time. It's now totally legal in many states to be a partner in an interracial marriage for example. (As was Jerry Lee Lewis's marriage at the time.)
Low IQ?
Low IQ is a major asset when lunatic and/or illegal commands are given in lunatic and/or illegal conflicts. And speaking of low IQ...
"All can be legitimate reasons for denial"
There's supposed to be a period between "denial" and the quotation mark - anonymous asshole who posted this bigoted rot.
Anxiety would've been a real good thing to have in the early morning hours of 1941/12/07 at Pearl Harbor. All the individuals who really had their shit together at the time had had it for days prior - but they're weren't enough of them in the right capacities.
Hearing damage?
I wonder how many artillery officers we have who DON'T have hearing damage - which they didn't before they became artillery officers. Maybe it would be a good idea to recruit people who already have the hearing damage for specialties where it's known that those who don't have it will have it.
Hear voices in your head?
Joan of Arc heard voices in her head. Led a French army that kicked a lot of English ass for a while.
Need a special access ramp for your wheelchair?
FDR needed a special access ramp for his wheelchair. Commander In Chief of the US military for all of WW2 up to several weeks before VE Day.
"The Military has one job: Winning War.
And you are the world's foremost expert on Winning War - the way the US always has so efficiently and decisively in the past and always will in the future. You know that there couldn't POSSIBLY BE ANYONE in ANY CATEGORY that The Military has determined to be undesirable who could do ANYTHING to make ANY positive difference of ANY degree in ANY outcome.

Alan Turing might have done more to defeat Nazi Germany (which I'm sure you consider a bad thing) than any other single individual and his grateful home country destroyed him and drove him to suicide shortly after the victory. But you'll be seeing him in the near future appearing on their fifty pound note. (We have the single individual who did more than any other to defeat the slave holding half (Rosa Parks' neck of the woods) on our own fifty.)
Anything else is a distraction and a liability. Did someone just scream? That isn't Fair? War is VERY unfair, there are no exceptions made for being special or challenged or socially wonderful."
Or smart enough to come up with "E=MC2" and figure out what you might be able to accomplish with a few pounds of uranium faster than Hitler's side was able to. (Arrogant fucking asshole.)

Socially wonderful?

George S. Patton
My theory is that an army commander does what is necessary to accomplish his mission, and that nearly eighty percent of his mission is to arouse morale in his men.
Officers must not hesitate to lead. Before an attack is declared hopeless, the senior officer must lead an attack in person.
All officers, and particularly General Officers, must be vitally interested in everything that interests the soldier. Usually you will gain a great deal of knowledge by being interested, but even if you do not, the fact that you appear interested has a very high morale influence on the soldier.
And he isn't remembered as being particularly socially wonderful.
"YOU must change yourself to meet Military standards and not the other way around."
'Cause YOU couldn't POSSIBLY have any insights on anything that The Military had down ten times better fifty years ago. If YOU think there's more of a threat from a Japanese carrier task force than from local Japanese saboteurs don't even think of questioning the orders to cluster the planes to make them easier for the sentries to guard.

"The Military". The assumption being that "The Military" can do no wrong in the way of what's in the best interests of the country IT'S SERVING. Well then, why the fuck do we need a dust particle's worth of civilian democratic control over it? Let's just toss the Constitution and make the US another military dictatorship. Put Emperor Bob in charge - Ranger training and a year over two Presidential terms running a dictatorship thinly disguised as a grassroots organization.

The fuckin' military doesn't tell the democracy what to do. The democracy pays and pays for the fuckin' military and tells it what and what not to do - in theory anyway.

Dwight Eisenhower - Supreme Commander of the Allied Expeditionary Force in Europe, 34th President of the United States, warned of the rising power of the military-industrial complex on his way out - not strongly enough as history has shown us.
"The Military doesn't need to accommodate anyone with special issues.
Bull fucking shit. EVERYONE has special issues. So it needs to accommodate them if it's gonna keep any actual humans in it. And special issues often come with special strengths and weaknesses. And that's why The Military puts different individuals into different specialties.
"The Military needs to win wars and keep our Country safe - PERIOD!"
- Fuck yeah! Reminds me so very much of:
Zach Marzec
Jim Rooney - 2013/02/16 05:05:41 UTC

Ok, keyboard in hand.
I've got a bit of time, but I'm not going to write a dissertation... so either choose to try to understand what I'm saying, or (as is most often the case) don't.
I don't care.

Here's a little bit of bitter reality that ya'll get to understand straight off. I won't be sugar coating it, sorry.
You see, I'm on the other end of that rope.
I want neither a dead pilot on my hands or one trying to kill me.
And yes. It is my call. PERIOD.
Is this a joke ?
Jim Rooney - 2011/08/26 02:44:10 UTC

The "purpose" of a weaklink is to increase the safety of the towing operation. PERIOD.
- Well I got news for ya - asshole...
-- The Military DOESN'T always win wars. It didn't win in Vietnam and it's not winning in Afghanistan and won't and can't. And I haven't heard anybody claiming that the problem is all the fags, dykes, transgenders whose special needs are being accommodated by The Military. So apparently The Military doesn't have all the answers to everything the way it almost always has before.
-- Our country ISN'T safe.
-- Kim Jong Un could push a button and vaporize Seattle and there wouldn't be a goddam thing The Military could do to stop him.
-- We have mass shootings three times a week now and the good guys with the AR-15s aren't stopping the bad guys with the AR-15s.
-- Our oceans are filling up with plastic drinking straws, water bottles, and shopping bags.
-- The whole fuckin' planet is roasting as a consequence of man's miniscule 0.0024 percent contribution to the atmospheric CO2 level.
-- We have the biggest dickhead in the history of the planet in the White House.
"If any of your personal issues are a liability that detract from readiness or lethality...thank you for applying and good luck in future endeavors."
Also if any of your personal issues could be an asset that dramatically enhance readiness or lethality. Or minimize the need for lethality.
"Any other questions?"
Not for a total fuckin' dickhead such as yourself. I've already heard thirty times what I needed to know what I was dealing with.

I wasn't in the military but I can fly a fuckin' glider a helluva lot better than a lot of assholes in this sport I know who were. Put guns on the gliders - I'm gonna win. Blow their stupid fuckin' heads off while they're moving back to the head of the line following a Standard Aerotow Weak Link increase in the safety of the towing operation. (Cragin Shelton and Dan Tomlinson fer starters.) Do a strafing run on the center of the LZ when one of them's lying stunned under his glider after an imperfectly timed flare. More challenging stuff if I need to.

And Bob... You wouldn't stand a snowball's chance in hell against me flying around with your hands on the control tubes à la Greblo - the only way I see you doing at the only place you're able to fly nowadays.


General Howell Cobb, Macon, Georgia to James A. Seddon, Secretary of War, Richmond, Virginia - 1865/01/08
You can't keep white and black troops together, and you can't trust negroes by themselves. It is difficult to get negroes enough for the purpose indicated in the President's message, much less enough for an Army. Use all the negroes you can get, for all the purposes for which you need them, but don't arm them. The day you make soldiers of them is the beginning of the end of the revolution. If slaves will make good soldiers our whole theory of slavery is wrong but they won't make soldiers. As a class they are wanting in every qualification of a soldier. Better by far to yield to the demands of England and France and abolish slavery, and thereby purchase their aid, than to resort to this policy, which leads as certainly to ruin and subjugation as it is adopted; you want more soldiers, and hence the proposition to take negroes into the Army. Before resorting to it, at least try every reasonable mode of getting white soldiers. I do not entertain a doubt that you can by the volunteering policy get more men into the service than you can arm. I have more fears about arms than about men. For heavens sake try it before you fill with gloom and despondency the hearts of many of our truest and most devoted men by resorting to the suicidal policy of arming our slaves.
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Re: The Bob Show

Post by <BS> »

- Our country ISN'T safe.
You misspelled world.
- We have the biggest dickhead in the history of the planet in the White House.
Who, among other insanely idiotic things, wants to nuke hurricanes. I just hope the codes are too complicated for his dumb ass.
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Tad Eareckson
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Re: The Bob Show

Post by Tad Eareckson »

You misspelled world.
No I didn't. I was addressing Trey Gowdy. And I can't imagine an asshole like that really gives a flying fuck about anything more than fifty yards off the beach.
I just hope the codes are too complicated for his dumb ass.
If we're lucky they know the codes ARE too complicated for his dumb ass, they're using a code word instead, and it's "origins".
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Re: The Bob Show

Post by Tad Eareckson »
Hero Hawks
Bob Kuczewski - 2019/09/06 06:29:36 UTC

This video doesn't quite fit the definition of a "Hero Hawk", but it's inspiring just the same!!

I have to salute the bravery of that little hawk!!

Image Image Image Image Image Image Image Image Image Image Image Image
- That's a goddam REDTAIL. That is NOT a LITTLE hawk. That's a BIG fuckin' hawk. (Buzzard actually.) Which one might think you'd know...


...seeing as how it's your goddam logo bird.

- Yeah Bob? How 'bout THIS:
Don't mess with Tx. chickens viewer discretion advised
Sam Kellner - 2012/11/29 02:14:13 UTC

We've had a hawk after the chickens for a week or so. The chickens were all in the thicket west of the grape arbor, hiding and making danger/alarm sounds.
I was outside and had the 20ga with #4 shot. I walked up near the grape arbor and after standing there ~5minutes, I saw the hawk sitting on the ground amongst some weeds, not 15ft in front of me.
I got a shot off but the dust flew and the hawk was a split second ahead of me. He got away!

This afternoon I was working on the RV area outback near the hen house. I heard a loud squalking commotion around in front of the house. I picked up the 20ga. and ran around the house, with the hammer cocked, thinking the hawk would be on top of a chicken.
What a surprise. The chicken was on top, the hawk was dazed. The hen was after his eyes. He was a goner. Image
The hen has two weekold chicks. The hawk got a third chick a couple of days ago.
We have named the hen Red Revenge!

ACTUAL little hawk? (Accipiter - true hawk.) She's just trying to survive as a hawk, eating the same stuff as untold billions of us humans do, and she gets shot at - in flagrant violation of US Federal law - by one of your loyal pigfucker members (who'd under four and a half months prior inconvenienced another one of your members...

...into the Texas landscape (and sent all the evidence into your buddy Tim Herr to get it properly shredded) and brutally killed by a member of a non-native introduced species.

Margie Holland - 2012/11/29 18:29:25 UTC

Wow - hey, it just goes to show - you don't mess with a grieving mama (chicken or otherwise).
She sure showed that bully what for! Image
Horray for Texas Chickens!!! Image Image Image
stupid despicable response from another one of your douchebag members.

And if you read all the comments on the video you see nothing but love of and concern for these birds that are attacking them and slicing up their sails. Major bright spot in this dickhead sport - and a glaring contrast to the comments we see and don't see in Pigfucker Sam's thread.

By the way... You've got a BIG technical problem over there in your Southwest Texas subforum. Try navigating to Pigfucker Sam's Texas Chickens thread without using this link / by scrolling through the four pages worth of topics. And I hope you can get it fixed 'cause I want as many people in general and people of varying ages in particular as possible to find and read this Pigfucker Sam thread.

P.S. I had a little bird who was the center of my life for a while who on 2017/08/01 was killed by a hawk very closely related to that one and it's been major near constant pain every day since. But if I had a time machine and a shotgun I wouldn't pull the trigger 'cause I don't have the right to take one life in exchange for another. And what happened to my bird was entirely my fault and not the Coop's. (Sure wish I had a time machine to go back to two seconds before I tossed her up for that flight training exercise though.)

P.P.S. Kite Strings people... Lost my Hummers (at least two including at least one adult male (who hung out in crappy light most of the time)) probably at the end of Wednesday and pulled the feeder yesterday. (I use an Ohaus triple beam balance to keep track of feeding.) I'd hoped to keep them for maybe another week. It's pretty much August plus a wee bit off of both ends.
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Re: The Bob Show

Post by Tad Eareckson »
Tad Eareckson bans Swift for position on Global Warming
Bill Cummings - 2019/08/04 17:51:05 UTC

In 2016 Charles Q. Choi (May 26th Science and Astrology.) indicates that Mars is ending its ice age.
This should be good news for the global warming/ climate change groups. Man's contribution to this warming/change appears to be far more reaching than previously thought.
Bob Kuczewski - 2019/09/12 04:29:43 UTC

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Only five of those nauseating little smilies, Bob? I thought it was WAY more hysterical than that. Looks like damning with faint praise to me.

Just under a month after Bill's idiot post Dorian turned civilization on the Bahamas to total rubble and toxic waste. Fifty confirmed deaths and 1300 missing at present.

Good freakin' luck building an organization with the kinds of dregs who spawn and tolerate shit like that.
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Re: The Bob Show

Post by Tad Eareckson »
Tad Eareckson bans Swift for position on Global Warming
Bill Cummings - 2019/10/05 03:12:04 UTC
Sacked for speaking about climate change.
- The guy's a scientist - so obviously you can't trust a single word he's ever uttered.

- Did you actually watch the video? Bill, Bob, Warren, anybody? 'Cause I watched the whole 20:48 of it and the title of the video is as much pure unadulterated shit as Emperor Bob's title of this thread is.

If you so much as bother to read the fine print:
LibertyWorks - 2018/12/21

Peter Ridd speaks on issues relating to Climate Change, his unfair dismissal and control of thought at universities.
you can find the truth of the matter. He didn't say shit about climate change itself, not a single word. The issue was ENTIRELY about the health of the Great Barrier Reef and how it was or wasn't holding up in response to laundry list of environmental factors - including climate change - and I found him highly intelligent, articulate, credible. I didn't find a punctuation mark with a hollow tone to it and nothing stood out on a cursory Google search.

No interest in looking further into LibertyWorks however. That totally misleading headline totally pegs my bullshit meter. Ditto for them's what pass it on and emperors and their serfs who let it slide 'cause it suits their sleazy deceptive agendas.

Thanks for the link anyway. Gave me lots to think about and further look into.
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