2013/06/15 - Tres Pinos - jammed release

General discussion about the sport of hang gliding
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Tad Eareckson
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Re: 2013/06/15 - Tres Pinos - jammed release

Post by Tad Eareckson »

06-15-13 hang gliding tow release fail with parachute deployment
Lin Lyons - 2013/06/20 18:38 UTC

At the top of my flight, I was dragging about a mile of tow line behind me. Harold had released the power to both winch drums, and watched the line scream off both drums at a rate he'd never seen, or heard, before. He was pretty much terrified.
Which tells us that never once in their history of twenty billion winch tows at Tres Pinos had any one of these Mission Soaring Center motherfuckers done a release malfunction drill. And from Jim Keen-Intellect Rooney we know:

Tow Release Malfunction
Jim Rooney - 2010/03/26 20:54:43 UTC

Bent pin releases are indeed very very reliable. But 100%? Nope. It's exceptionally rare, but they jam. All mechanical things do.
If they were perfection, everyone would be using them.
So this was inevitable. The three-string is a mechanical thing so there was a one hundred percent certainty that this failure WOULD occur.
Mission Soaring has been around for four decades.
They have never seen an accident like mine.
Do they need to see one to anticipate one? How many Quest Link induced dangerous stalls did we hafta watch to predict that one of them would eventually kill a pro toad?
"I'm really sorry Harold."
They're redesigning the tow link, even though I'm the only person to have made this mistake.
Oh, you're the ONLY person to have made THIS:


mistake. In a sport in which we have all kinds of hotshot "pilots", instructors, dealers incapable of reading owners' manuals and "think" that the purpose of the spreader...


...is to keep the carabiner from being crushed you're the ONLY person to have hooked up a three-string wrong. And you know that because that's what Mission told you. Bullshit.

They're "redesigning" the tow "link" - even though you're the ONLY person to have made this mistake.

Mission Soaring Center
Mission Soaring Center - 2015/03/04

Mission Soaring LLC has been serving the Northern California hang gliding community since 1973.
The Mission Soaring Hang Gliding school provides professional training on state-of-the-art equipment at our dedicated training site at Tres Pinos.
"Redesigning" meaning hacking out one of the three loops of their state-of-the-art piece of towing equipment to up the state of the art. So isn't that an admission that it wasn't you who was the problem? That the three-string - which has been used essentially without any problems at virtually all truck tow operations on the planet since the beginning of time - was actually dangerous? Apparently it was just too complex a mechanism for them to be able to teach their students how to use safely.

So how come they haven't issued an advisory to help ensure the safety of other tow pilots at other operations?

And, anyway, the new state-of-the-art two-string is also a mechanical thing and thus failure is inevitable with it as well. Are we really sure that the new state of the art is better than the old state of the art?
Steve Davy
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Re: 2013/06/15 - Tres Pinos - jammed release

Post by Steve Davy »

What do you suppose would have happened had Lin not disconnected his auto release?
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Tad Eareckson
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Re: 2013/06/15 - Tres Pinos - jammed release

Post by Tad Eareckson »

Death by Birrenation. Not a sight for those with faint hearts.

I dunno...

I guess that in "normal" operation the Birrenator pulls the three-string pin and stays engaged while the glider whipstalls and tumbles. So with the tow angle steepening and going negative the nose would be getting pulled even more down.

$15 pacifiers
Jim Rooney - 2005/09/20 13:11:43 UTC

Sorry, I don't see the logic in trying to save a couple bucks on equipment that I am litterally entrusting my life to. "Pacifier"? may be... but there's an old saying out there... "You never need the backup, until you need the backup".

I know of at least one pilot out there that flies with two caribiners. His logic makes more sense to me... you can't have too many backups.
Is this a joke ?
Jim Rooney - 2011/09/02 23:09:12 UTC

Yeah, damn those pesky safety devices!
Remember kids, always blame the equipment.
Yeah, let's keep loading gliders up with more and more lunatic dangerous crap to try to fix nonexistent problems and compensate for not doing jobs right in the first place.
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Tad Eareckson
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Re: 2013/06/15 - Tres Pinos - jammed release

Post by Tad Eareckson »

Added some stills from another video of additional post landing footage from the same recording. (See the recently edited first post for details.) In order to keep things neat and tidy I did a lot of editing; copying and pasting; post, topic, author juggling. So now the first page of this topic is entirely photo archives with a very light sprinkling of comments.

For the record... Steve's post originally occupied the URL and time stamp of the first post on this page. Likewise my reply was bumped down one.

Had the topic locked while under reconstruction and am opening it back up with this post.
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