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Re: test

Posted: 2011/03/31 17:35:38 UTC
by bobk
You're right. I had forgotten about that post.

Old age .... :(

Re: test

Posted: 2011/04/01 02:50:58 UTC
by Zack C
bobk wrote:I suspect this is a form of advertisement which is needed to support this free site. I'm not absolutely opposed to that practice - it's a free world - but it does bother me to see links placed in my own posts that I didn't put there. I'm wondering what other members of the forum think of this practice.
Yeah, it bugs me too. It's pretty easy to deal with...just Google "disable infolinks" followed by the name of your browser...but others will still see the links in your post. They're not normal links in that they're double underlined, and they're not that uncommon on other sites...combined with the fact that mousing over them reveals them to clearly be ads, I'm not too concerned about anyone thinking the links were put there by posters.

When I registered with ProphpBB I knew we'd have ads, but I didn't know they'd be of the Infolinks type.

In case this isn't clear to anyone, ProphpBB is a free forum hosting service that is responsible for the ads (I have no control over them) and sees all of the ad income. They do allow us to upgrade to a paid account that will disable ads (and allow attachments), which I may consider (along with getting a domain) if this forum grows to a substantial size.
