instructors and other qualified pilot fiends

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Re: instructors and other qualified pilot fiends

Post by <BS> »

He couldn't reach the fuckin' stirrin' arms.
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Tad Eareckson
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Re: instructors and other qualified pilot fiends

Post by Tad Eareckson »
[TIL] About Tad Eareckson
Bob Kuczewski - 2016/04/23 21:40:24 UTC
Orion Price - 2013/03/16 17:56:25 UTC

People ask me: "OP, why must you troll the trolls?"
OP, it's been over 3 years since you started this topic...
And you chimed in letting that motherfucker get away with all the crap he felt like spewing. discuss Tad's testicles.
As opposed to all the topics you opened up on two or three forums to discuss personal issues of Tad's which were nobody's fuckin' business.
I've seen very little progress in your maturity since then.
And what was it you were expecting? I cut the son-of-a-bitch's wire the nanosecond I saw what he was trying to pull and made sure he got dealt with.
Public communication has been the bedrock of political change in the United States.
Which is why you so honor the free speech of the members of your five and three quarters year old dictatorship.
That's why it was given a prominent place in our US Constitution:
First Amendment of the US Constitution

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof, or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press, or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.
Congress won't but you sure shall.
There are people who use public communication (like this forum) for the purposes of improving our civilization - including the sport of hang gliding. Those people may have differing opinions, and they use free speech to argue for things like stronger or weaker weak links...
When we recognize the difference between a weak link and a release, the way sailplaning does, there are no arguments about stronger and weaker weak links, just the way there aren't in sailplaning.

There also ceased being arguments about stronger and weaker weak links in hang gliding a bit over three years ago 'cause nobody in The Industry will state what it's using and why. Even fewer arguments at Highland Aerosports since last November.
...stand-up landings or wheel landings...
Another set of arguments that doesn't exist in sailplaning.
...representation for hang gliding on Soaring Councils, and redress of grievances like unjust expulsions.
Fuck you - hypocrite.
These are all constructive uses of public communication.
They tend to be when u$hPa's got a blood bath spinning totally out of control.
Unfortunately, you have not been able to make such constructive contributions.
He's a Rooney caliber u$hPa operative shit - interested only in climbing the power ladder.
Instead, you play the class clown trying desperately to derail serious discussions.
Why dontchya get him on The Bob Show and put his talents to good use?
In some ways, you and Tad are two peas in a pod.
We both breathe in oxygen and exhale carbon dioxide.
Neither of you can carry on a rational discussion about the merits of a topic without resorting to either foul abusive language (Tad's case)...
RESORTING TO? If you identify someone as a total dickhead in the first half dozen words of your opening sentence how does that qualify as RESORTING TO anything?
...or adolescent ad hominem attacks (your case). Both are intended as a diversion to throw a "monkey wrench" into otherwise thoughtful discussions.
Get fucked, Bob. Right now the sport's disintegrating and people capable of waking up are waking up to the fact that Kite Strings is their only source for solid competent information.
In the past, I've attempted to take you seriously...
I took the motherfucker seriously in the first ten seconds - and made sure shit was gonna blow up in his face.
...and I have shown you respect...
Fuck anybody who shows an asshole like that a dust particle's worth of respect. the hope that it might elevate the conversation.
'Cause people tend to be basically good at heart - 'specially hang glider people.
It hasn't. So just as a teacher is eventually forced to draw the line with a "class clown", I'll be doing the same with you. When you see a response from me using the phrase "class clown" with a link to this topic, you'll know exactly what I mean. I look forward to your growth and maturity, but I won't be waiting around for it.
Any chance you could start holding your breath anyway?
Doug Martens - 2016/04/24 00:50:52 UTC

I have a great respect for Tad's efforts to keep us all alive.
When did I ever express any interest in keeping you ALL alive? I'd say a minimum of sixty percent of glider people are in desperate need of elimination from the gene pool.
My opinion of him is identical to George Carlin, both foul mouthed and ahead of their time.
I'll take George Carlin. Wasn't all that insulted by being compared to Ted Kaczynski either.
Warning contains foul language.

As far as the testicle issue, dogs get better treatment than Tad...
And then you always seem to do stuff like that. So I have no clue what you're really saying and what kind of point you're trying to make. But it's sure not doing much to advance the conversation.

Moved down into the Grebloville forum's "Politics of flying" subforum - which was recently created mostly as a dumping ground for Bob related stuff - not long after Doug's post. Currently reading 18627 hits.
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Tad Eareckson
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Re: instructors and other qualified pilot fiends

Post by Tad Eareckson »
The USHPA Risk Retention Group
Mark G. Forbes - 2015/12/31 15:08:01 UTC

Our premium rate is set by independent actuaries, who look at our history and project an estimate forward. Right now, our history looks lousy and our future premium rate is high. We're betting that we can beat that, and show a healthy profit for a few years. As we do that, the actuaries will re-compute their estimates each year. If our claims come down and we don't have huge costs, then the future premiums will decrease too. That will reduce the amount USHPA has to pay for insurance, and hence the cost that it has to pass on to members as dues. When and how much is all depends on how well we do as a group to minimize accidents and claims.
Just keep shredding all the fatality reports you possibly can and citing invisible dust devils whenever you're forced to put something in print. You'll be fine.
It has always been the case, but I'm hoping that it will be more clear to everyone...this is OUR money we're spending, every time somebody screws up and gets hurt, or hurts somebody else.
Not MINE anymore - motherfucker.
It's not some far-away insurance company. It's ALL OF US, and we should all understand that. If you see somebody about to do something dumb/sketchy/ them out on it!
How are we supposed to be able to identify anything dumb/sketchy/marginal when everything you teach and require for rating advancement is dumb/sketchy/marginal?
Their screw-up is going to cost YOU money. Take ownership! Don't wait for an accident to happen to say "I told you so".

Toldyaso - dickhead.
If there's a problem brewing, head it off before it costs us all a fortune. We need to own the problems, and deal with them.
Increase in our USHpA dues
Mark G. Forbes - 2012/12/20 06:21:33

We're re-working the accident reporting system, but again it's a matter of getting the reports submitted and having a volunteer willing to do the detail work necessary to get them posted. There are also numerous legal issues associated with accident reports, which we're still wrestling with. It's a trade-off between informing our members so they can avoid those kinds of accidents in the future, and exposing ourselves to even more lawsuits by giving plaintiff's attorneys more ammunition to shoot at us.

Imagine a report that concludes, "If we'd had a procedure "x" in place, then it would have probably prevented this accident. And we're going to put that procedure in place at the next BOD meeting." Good info, and what we want to be able to convey. But what comes out at trial is, "Ladies and Gentlemen of the Jury, my client suffered injury because USHPA knew or should have known that a safety procedure was not in place, and was therefore negligent and at fault." We're constantly walking this line between full disclosure and handing out nooses at the hangmen's convention.
HOW? You motherfuckers see all the solutions as your biggest problems.
Hope you're enjoying the inevitable collapse of your Ponzi scheme. I know I sure am.
Steve Davy
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Re: instructors and other qualified pilot fiends

Post by Steve Davy »

Years ago I was working on a project that required the use of a bit of hot glue. Rather than find an extension cord that reached the project I just plugged the gun into a wall socket and when it was hot enough unplugged it and went over to the project and did the gluing. A coworker was totally blown away by this, and could not figure out how a hot glue gun could function if it was not plugged in. I suspect that his reasoning went something like this; Drill motor plugged in functions. Drill motor not plugged in does not function, thus glue gun plugged in should function and glue gun not plugged in should not function.

I recall this strange to me episode from time to time and it reminds me of the curious way that some folks reason.

PS - This guy was not stupid but rather, I suspect, locked into a concept that he was unable to escape.
Dave Gills
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Re: instructors and other qualified pilot fiends

Post by Dave Gills »
1st aerotow lessons
Jim Gaar - 2016/05/24 14:55:54 UTC

Don't know if they "offer" any type of Chase-the-Ace, but if they do TAKE IT! I was challenged by the late Les Taff to a Chase-the-Ace flight as she thought I was not as good as I said I was. Towed me up in a Falcon 1 195 and tried to shake me off and/or break a 130 pound weak link.
Did not happen! And it was a hoot to try and stay up with a 582 DF in mid day conditions...YMMV. Image Image
Maybe they should have little stickers of glider "victories" on the side of their tug planes.
Nigel Hewitt - 2016/05/24 22:35:40 UTC

Grief yes. I had that at Quest. I don't know if the tug pilot hated me and just wanted me to die or if he wanted to give me the best possible training experience ever because it was a close run thing. When he finally waved me off I was not sure I ever wanted to be towed again.
I think someone recently had a life altering training experience.
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Re: instructors and other qualified pilot fiends

Post by <BS> »

Some tug pilots on some days performed aggressive low level turns on tow out.
That'll learn 'em...YMMV.
Steve Davy
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Re: instructors and other qualified pilot fiends

Post by Steve Davy »
How long do you wait?
Willmrx - 2016/06/04 23:10:14 UTC

How long do you wait for a pilot to move his or her glider, after it lands in the lz before you are concerned, that the pilot maybe injured? I am not saying they pounded in, just looked like a okay landing? 2 minute? 5 minutes? 10 minutes? 45 minute? 1 hour? Wait for the turkey vultures to start circling?
I no longer tend to be concerned about most hang glider folk, Will.
Steve Davy
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Re: instructors and other qualified pilot fiends

Post by Steve Davy »

Just when I think that Jack Asshole's idiot sanctuary cannot get any more ridiculous along comes this little gem:
How did I go from 3 thumbs up to 2?

What a totally pathetic joke you people strive to be!
Tad Eareckson - 2016/06/30 10:00:00 UTC

This - with Steve's OK - and subsequent post moved here from "open phones" topic.
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Tad Eareckson
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Re: instructors and other qualified pilot fiends

Post by Tad Eareckson »
How did I go from 3 thumbs up to 2?
Mark Webber - 2016/06/29 17:39:54 UTC

Here is a form to fill out.

Somebody remind me not to shed a lot of tears if/when this dickhead majorly, terminally eats it.
HG ORG Mission Statement - Hang Gliding Wiki
HangGliding.Org's Mission Statement

- To provide a friendly and positive, approachable community for people interested in the sport of HG

- To provide a friendly community for Hang Glider pilots to hang out and discuss hang gliding

HangGliding.Org Rules and Policies

When posting, think about non-HG pilots who come to visit the site every day. Please put your best foot forward and showcase the fun adventurous atmosphere we experience every day in the landing zone after a great flight
Fuck you, Jack.

Hey Steve... Any objection to me moving these two posts over to "fiends"?
2016/06/30 10:00:00 UTC

This and previous post (of Steve's) moved here from "open phones" topic. Hit counters at the time reading 1839 and 59394 for phones and fiends respectively.
2016/06/30 10:35:00 UTC
2016/06/29 19:46:14 UTC - 3 thumbs up - smokenjoe50
Ditto with respect to this Jack Show Asshole In Good Standing.
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Tad Eareckson
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Re: instructors and other qualified pilot fiends

Post by Tad Eareckson »
How did I go from 3 thumbs up to 2?
Comet - 2016/06/30 05:52:54 UTC

Although I disagree with Mavi most of the time, I find Mavi's posts are enhanced by their eloquence and grammar...
Speaking of which... Did you need to say "Mavi" twice? Wouldn't "his" have worked a lot better in the second reference?
...clearly a cut above the average poster...
As far as grammar is concerned? About ten cuts above the average dreg one finds on the average glider forum poster.
...and a pleasure to read.
Whatever floats your boat.
After all, if one doesn't have either the education or intellect to exercise correct spelling and grammar, how much credibility can we give their opinions?
- The degree of formal education made available to an individual is primarily an accident of birth.

- Ditto for intellect. But if one's is limited one needs to recognize the fact and shut the fuck up when people with them are exercising them.

- I have little patience with spelling issues. If one can figure out how to post something online one can also figure out how to run a spellcheck beforehand.

- Fuck opinions and assholes who have and value them. This is aviation and we've had zero use for opinions for over 112 years.
But if their syntax is well-constructed, we may be able to assume, right or wrong...
We MAY be able to assume, RIGHT or WRONG? In other words, we can't assume shit based on quality of syntax construction.
...that they've put equal thought and effort into the research behind those words.
The assumption being that if someone puts thought and effort into research behind his words he will be speaking on behalf of truth and the benefit of a pilot audience when, in actuality, there's a 99 percent probability that he'll be fucking his pilot audience over in order to advance his social position within the uber corrupt local, national, global hang gliding power structures.
I also believe that, while some insecure individuals may derive reassurance from seeing the triple-digit approval rating below their user names, I am actually more likely to dismiss their opinions as those of a just another sycophantic follower.
- Davis and his Dedicated Sycophant Core, Jack and his Mutual Masturbation Society, Bob and his lunatic asylum.

- You should fuckin' ADORE Yours Truly. I've been kicked off of eight glider forums and blacklisted out of the sport itself. And I am genuinely PROUD of being the recipient of every single one of those hostile actions.
Kinsley Sykes - 2010/03/18 19:42:19

In the old threads there was a lot of info from a guy named Tad. Tad had a very strong opinion on weak link strength and it was a lot higher than most folks care for. I'd focus carefully on what folks who tow a lot have to say. Or Jim Rooney who is an excellent tug pilot. I tow with the "park provided" weak links. I think they are 130 pound Greenspot.
Haven't heard much from that little shit since early 2013, have ya?
If you please most of the people, you're just walking a safe line and probably not doing or saying anything new or innovative.
- Or you're just spewing shit that's certifiably insane. Dave Hopkins comes to immediate mind.

- We don't NEED anything new or innovative. We've had all the fundamentals available to us for DECADES. And if you beg to differ...
Another hang check lesson
Alan Deikman - 2014/09/23 19:47:06 UTC

For my part I will just refer you to the classic Tad Eareckson essay which I call "the gun is always loaded" which is a bit overworked but probably all you will ever need to read regarding FTHI. A lot of people will find it gores their particular sacred Ox, but I have never seen anyone point out a flaw in his logic.
...quote me something - preferably from Christopher.

P.S. Early in the history of Kite Strings when I was still very naive I noted the quality of Christopher's writing and commented on it...
Tad Eareckson - 2011/04/30 13:22:26 UTC

I was trying to figure out why somebody named Mavi from Istanbul spoke English about twenty times better than ninety-eight percent of the rabble on the Jack Show. some correspondence with Zack. My reaction today would be, "Oh, somebody with the capacity to think, read, write. How come he hasn't yet done SHIT to help get this sewer of a sport straightened out?" Christopher's made some halfway intelligent and useful comments here and there over the years but I've assessed him as a net negative and consequently banned him from Kite Strings.
Jaybird78 - 2016/06/30 15:51:38 UTC

You can have the most eloquent grammar and still be a dumb ass.
And/Or much much worse.
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