Lever Link

General discussion about the sport of hang gliding
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Tad Eareckson
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Re: Lever Link

Post by Tad Eareckson »

Tad Eareckson - 2015/08/06 01:30:33 UTC

I was kinda pissed off and went over to The Davis Show to search your posts and get some material with which to blast you but was disappointed to find that you and I were on the same pages with everything I looked at.
Should've kept checking.

Goodbye Bob K?
Jeff Roberson - 2015/04/20 14:49:31 UTC

My 2-cents

I know next to nothing about the back story of this drama but I did just watch the: "instructing with no helmet" video and read the last ten pages of this thread (my comments below are in regard to this one incident).

The instructor being caught teaching without a helmet is the one who should be (strongly) reprimanded, not the messenger. The fact that the instructor continued to fail to comply after being (rightfully) confronted is particularly egregious behavior and says a LOT about the apparently overly-lax safety attitude at Torrey (Bob was clearly in the right on this incident and was certainly justified in escalating the situation). If I had been there that day, I too, would have (strongly) voiced my concerns - especially as the instructor defiantly (and recklessly) continued with this unsafe practice (as he is clearly seen doing in the video). I can't see how Bob's personality and/or prior behavior is in any way relevant here.

That said, it really irks me to know that some of my dues may be used to pay some farg'n lawyers.

So Bob, if you can somehow clear this up without creating an (expensive for the club) legal mess, please try to do so (and note that IMHO, your idea of starting a competing new ORG is unrealistic and unworkable - the number of HG pilots is dropping and can barely support one organization - good or bad, the USHGA is here to stay). Same message to you USHGA - please tell that Gabe fellow to ALWAYS wear his helmet when instructing on a USHGA insured site, and drop this silly expulsion motion which appears to be serving no one (except the lawyers).

Jeff Roberson - AKA "ridgerunner"
USHGA #34482
Continuous member 1981-2015 and Hang IV since 1984.
Utah Cup XC contest administrator 1984-1990, 1995-1997.
3 Utah site open distance records (including South Side POTM).

Note that I only once flew "Boring Pines" back in 1983 and have never met Bob.

p.s. Thank you Davis for allowing this topic to (transparently) air on your venue.
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Re: Lever Link

Post by <BS> »

Tad Eareckson wrote:Yeah, fer sure. You too. Credit where it's due. And blame. (Ya know what they say about assumptions.)
I assume they make us unwelcome.
Known assholes need not apply.
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Tad Eareckson
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Re: Lever Link

Post by Tad Eareckson »

Nah, there's a difference between an ass and an assHOLE.
- We're ALL asses. If we weren't there'd be no needs to preflight our gliders and do hook-in checks.
- Being an assHOLE requires an exercise of free will and commitment by an ass.
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Tad Eareckson
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Re: Lever Link

Post by Tad Eareckson »

Bob Kuczewski's video log
Jeff Roberson - 2014/11/12 14:36:59 UTC

Looks to me like a messenger got shot
Is that what he got shot for? Bringing a message?
When Dangerous Dave, one of the baddest of the bad-boy e-teamers...
Friend o' Kelly's?
...first moved to Utah a couple decades ago, I remember he fancied flying without a helmet.
Anybody in Utah fancy flying without wheels or skids?
I was one of the local pilots who confronted him on this one day. We told him that the Point of the Mountain was a USHGA insured site and that helmets were required.
How far up your asses did you guys hafta reach to pull out that proclamation?

- Quote me something from u$hPa SOPs from Day One up to and including the 2014/03 revision that says ANYTHING about helmets for solo flyers.

- What the fuck does the issue of POTM being an insured site have to do with anything? Site insurance only covers stuff that we crash our gliders into.
He didn't put up too much of a fuss and has since gone on to become one of most respected pilots in the area.
Not much of a high bar from what I've seen.
Although Dave has some of the most impressive flying skills of any pilot I've ever met (and I've known quite a few who have lived in the SLC area including Larry Tudor, Dave Sharp, Paris Williams, Jeff O'Brian, etc.), thats no excuse - he is an imperfect human being who must obey the rules just like everyone else.
The imaginary ones? Goddam right! The hook-in check required for every flight of every rating.. Want a hang check in the setup area fifteen minutes ago to count as your hook-in check just prior to launch? Go for it.
If I saw an instructor teaching without a helmet, I'd say something for sure (and would be right in doing so).
Of course you would. You just said you would and that's plenty good enough for me. You'd just walk up to him while he's running his class and tell him how he should be doing his job 'cause the u$hPa Administrator who signed his ticket just really wasn't up to snuff.
If he refused to comply, I would continue to insist (and would hopefully receive the support of all my peers).
Oh my Gawd - you have PEERS out there. I'd so been hoping you were just a one-off genetic accident.

Brings to mind...

Failure to hook in 6/29/12
Adam Parer - 2012/07/15 05:01:12 UTC

We are militant with this sort of thing down here. Anyone seen walking around in their harness unhooked are immediately pulled up, by everyone. Not sure of the reaction if the justification was to keep the harness clean or scratched free, or that it was uncomfortable to bend over because there was extra weight to carry, or they have a sore back. It would probably be advice along the lines of 'harden the f^&k up'
...a squad of Aussie Methodist vigilante thugs. They have NOTHING - and refuse to put anything - on their HGFA books but are all perfectly fine with intimidating any individual pilot who doesn't buy into their idiot crap.

Also note that Adam Parer was one of the most respected pilots on the fuckin' planet and in the space of just under five and three quarters years tumbled his glider twice.

- On 2009/11/16 he went over thermalling at high altitude and damn near died 'cause his piece o' shit harness wasn't designed to allow a parachute deployment in circumstances in which he'd most likely NEED a parachute deployment.

- On 2015/08/07 he fucked up doing aerobatics in smooth air too low for deployment and did die.

So I don't have much use for some of these highly respected pilots and their opinions on what the rest of us muppets should be doing to keep ourselves safe.
Does this Gabe fellow really teach without a helmet on a regular basis and does the site actually allow this?
Yes to both questions! And the effort they expend to suppress the news of all the consequential carnage is absolutely astounding.
Flying without a helmet is bad...
Flying paragliders at inland sites in thermal conditions is perfectly OK - just as long as you have that helmet on and buckled anyway.
...instructing without a helmet is MUCH worse.
Yeah. Students would see their instructor instructing without a helmet and get the idea that flying without a helmet was OK and the floodgates would open. And these sports are already dealing with more brain damage than they can really cope with. Just look at who they have running their comps, dictating fishing line standards, and writing magazine articles.
If the folks running the Torrey site are allowing instructors to teach without a helmet, (and it appears that they are), then I think the USHPA should certainly step in to correct this situation if they can.
Fear not. Any time those motherfuckers get opportunities to fix nonexistent problems and make things more miserable for recreational flyers...
I've never met this Bob fellow...
Pity. You guys would get along famously.
...but his message appears to be squarely in the right.
Not just regular right. Full blown Tea Party right.
Just my 2-cents after 33 years doing this HG foot launch thing.
Just think. In another 33 years we'll be up to FOUR cents worth. Tell me one thing of any practical use you've picked up in the course of that third of a century that can't and shouldn't be easily understood by Joe Hang Two.

Hey people of varying ages... Just a reminder to watch the fuck out whenever you hear these assholes playing their ratings, experience, hours cards. I one hundred percent guarantee you that whenever you hear any of this kinda crap being touted you are being conned. (Think Jim Keen-Intellect Rooney.)
Oh yeah and kiting *is* flying in my book - even on flat ground.
Must make it pretty convenient...
Jeff Roberson - 34482 - H4 - 1984/05/26 - G. LaGrone - FL AWCL CL FSL RLF TUR XC
...to pick up ratings and special skills signoffs.

Fuck you and your book, Jeff. Being a competent/safe pilot has shit to do with rigidly adhering to nonexistent helmet regulations. You need to crash - in a fairly specific manner in order for a helmet to be of the slightest benefit. Being a competent/safe pilot is about NOT crashing through judgment, decision making, threat assessment, response.

I'd previously dealt with this post - a good bit less thoroughly - on the day it appeared a bit under nine months ago when I was overloaded with the Bob/Torrey/u$hPa stuff and wasn't making the connection between Ridgerunner and LeverLink Jeff.


Commented on the head-up-the-assedness. I have to admire my consistency.
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Tad Eareckson
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Re: Lever Link

Post by Tad Eareckson »

Bob Kuczewski's video log
Jeff Roberson - 2014/11/12 14:36:59 UTC

Looks to me like a messenger got shot

When Dangerous Dave, one of the baddest of the bad-boy e-teamers, first moved to Utah a couple decades ago, I remember he fancied flying without a helmet. I was one of the local pilots who confronted him on this one day. We told him that the Point of the Mountain was a USHGA insured site...
Torrey ISN'T a u$hPa insured site - asshole.
...and that helmets were required. He didn't put up too much of a fuss and has since gone on to become one of most respected pilots in the area. Although Dave has some of the most impressive flying skills of any pilot I've ever met (and I've known quite a few who have lived in the SLC area including Larry Tudor, Dave Sharp, Paris Williams, Jeff O'Brian, etc.), thats no excuse - he is an imperfect human being who must obey the rules just like everyone else.
- But you don't hafta obey rules like the ones that all competent third graders have down such as using apostrophes in contractions.

- And I'm sure you've never rolled through a stop sign at a deserted intersection at two in morning or driven five miles an hour over a posted speed limit.

- As far as I'm concerned you violated the crap out of this forum's basic and fundamental civility rules by characterizing a post of mine that I butchered on your insistence as "incoherent gibberish" and walking out of this conversation. I'd be totally justified in banning you and I don't think there'd be any legitimate contributors here who'd find that action inappropriate.

Matter o' fact... I just deactivated your account. You said you were done here and now I don't have to keep seeing you on the home page as "Our newest member".

- "EVERYONE ELSE" does NOT obey the rules. If everyone were to score a conviction for every law he'd ever broken you'd have a hard time finding anyone over the age of six out of prison.

- Now that I think of it...
...he is an imperfect human being who must obey the rules just like everyone else.
Yeah, that makes sense. He is an imperfect human being who must obey the rules just like everyone else. But if he obeys the rules he becomes a perfect human being just like everyone else. And as a perfect human being he no longer must obey all the rules just like everyone else. And then he cycles back into an imperfect human being... And then all the Star Trek androids fry all their circuitry and go inert from the overload of trying to process that loop. Fuckin' idiot.
If I saw an instructor teaching without a helmet, I'd say something for sure (and would be right in doing so). If he refused to comply, I would continue to insist (and would hopefully receive the support of all my peers).
And here's a RATIONAL assessment of that kinda outrageous bullshit:
Rich Hass, President - 2015/04/18


In a subsequent restraining order hearing initiated by Air California Adventures against Mr. Kuczewski, the judge watched Mr. Kuczewski's own video of the confrontation and commented that Mr. Kuczewski's behavior was "just totally unacceptable behavior". The judge encouraged Mr. Kuczewski to avoid similar confrontations in the future.
You name me an instructor who wouldn't be highly motivated to punch your fuckin' lights out for pulling crap like that. And if I saw an instructor about to punch your lights out I'd turn away so I wouldn't be able to testify against him - even if you had a LEGITIMATE issue. Does any sane person think for a nanosecond that Bob thought for a nanosecond that there was a snowball's chance in hell that Gabe would say, "You're right, Bob. I really SHOULD be wearing a helmet and setting a better example for my students. Somebody toss me my helmet. Thanks buddy. Let's get together for some suds this evening. I'd like to hear some more of your ideas on how I can become a better instructor."?

I'd like to see assholes like Ryan Instant-Hands-Free-Release Voight stood up in front of walls for teaching students to skip hook-in checks and do no-stepper stops on old Frisbees. Only a total fucking idiot would think that could effect any kind of positive change by being an obnoxious jerk at a flying site. You wanna effect ANY positive change you do it by letting an instructor kill a couple students and documenting everything you can online.
Does this Gabe fellow really teach without a helmet on a regular basis and does the site actually allow this?
Yeah, he does. How 'bout posting some videos of YOU teaching YOUR students how to get things RIGHT.
Flying without a helmet is bad - instructing without a helmet is MUCH worse. If the folks running the Torrey site are allowing instructors to teach without a helmet, (and it appears that they are), then I think the USHPA should certainly step in to correct this situation if they can.

I've never met this Bob fellow, but his message appears to be squarely in the right.

Just my 2-cents after 33 years doing this HG foot launch thing.

Oh yeah and kiting *is* flying in my book - even on flat ground.
Lemme tell ya sumpin', motherfucker...

u$hPa DID step in to "CORRECT" that situation because they COULD. And the only reason they COULD was because that situation had NEVER been an actual problem. If you read u$hPa's STATED POLICY they WILL NOT correct ANY ACTUAL PROBLEMS because doing so will open them up to charges of negligence for not having corrected them previously. So what they do when some eleven year old kid gets snuffed as a consequence of being hit with a dozen gross negligence issues at once is define all the gross negligence issues as "TYPICAL".

Now here's some REAL WORLD shit involving serious injuries precipitated by gliders in STAGING AREAS:


Nobody's on launch - both gliders are in staging areas; the objectives are to PREVENT the gliders from flying; both victims are acting as assistants; the hang guy isn't even a pilot - just a sightseer Good Samaritan; both of the relevant pilots find themselves doing some SERIOUS kiting - the hang guy gripping the control frame elements, the para harnessed up and clipped in; nobody does anything stupid or inappropriate; BOTH assistants get sent airborne by the gliders and SERIOUSLY fucked up - the hang with a seriously mushed brain; both pilots stay on the ground - and the clipped in para guy stays on his feet; neither pilot is SCRATCHED.

Both assistants would've been better off in full football gear and the hang guy MIGHT have come out smelling like a rose if he'd been so equipped. Might very well have still sustained the serious internal abdominal injuries but would definitely have greatly mitigated and might have gotten a pass on the brain mushing.

I'd call this pretty damn good anecdotal evidence that the people on the wires are in a lot more vulnerable positions than the people on the gliders in kiting and launch assist situations and challenge anybody to provide evidence to the contrary.


And until you can do this you explain to me the rationale for making helmets mandatory for kiting, instructing, anytime anyone's connected to a glider while the wire people are totally cool with shorts, T-shirts, sandals, and baseball caps. Explain to me why because of just these two incidents we don't make full football gear mandatory of all wire people in all conditions.

My position... Make helmets mandatory for launch and landing (it's perfectly OK for Brad to take his helmet-cam helmet off for some shots...


...while he's boating around in glass a few hundred feet over) and at any time a pilot's connected and there's a reasonable expectation of a chance of becoming involuntarily airborne. Require pilots to make responsible rational decisions in the given circumstances and recognize that in rare circumstances we're still gonna get a few competent responsible people seriously fucked up no matter what we do 'cause Mother Nature doesn't behave predictably enough for all of us to predict the right calls all the time. (I would've probably taken exactly the same actions the assist guys did and suffered the exact same consequences. That doesn't mean I'd support a u$hPa / Bob Kuczewski mandatory ground handling and assitance football gear regulation. 'Cause, believe it or not, there ARE tangible and significant downsides to some of this bullshit.)

P.S. You're banned. Why do the job half-assed. You don't come in here, spew a bunch o' crap, announce that you're done here, walk out of the conversation, and expect to come back. Go over to Bob's dump. He LOVES people who aren't Tad or overly Tad aligned and never do anything of any actual substance. Have him appoint you Chairman of the Lever Link and Helmet Committees. Think of all the smilies with which you'll be buried.

P.P.S. Also reactivating you so you and your stats show back up in the members list which means I gotta resume seeing you as "Our newest member" for an indefinitely and quite probably unpleasantly long period but there'll be comfort in having it as a reminder of your status.
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