The Bob Show

General discussion about the sport of hang gliding
Zack C
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Re: The Bob Show

Post by Zack C »

Tad Eareckson wrote:Apparently Zack didn't respond to that one so lemme expand a bit.
I did respond. For the record, the remainder of the conversation was:
Zack C wrote:Bob,

Yes, you could phrase it that way, but you could say something similar of any forum, as every forum uses subjective criteria for banning members. Is not US Hawks's ban policy 'whatever Bob wants'? Is that posted anywhere?

The mission of Kite Strings is clearly stated. Tad has said many times that not everyone is welcome there. His policy is pretty well described on your own forum:

To you he said ( ):
08. You don't even REMOTELY qualify to be here - and never will.
09. This forum has never pretended to be a free speech zone. You are still here only because I tolerate you being here - not because you have the slightest interest in furthering any of the stated goals.
He then explicitly issued a warning not to revisit a topic unrelated to the forum's mission that you immediately ignored. I'd think you've had enough documentation about policy not to be surprised by his decision.

All that said, I'm only the administrator because I created the forum and handle its technical aspects. Questions about policy are best addressed to Tad. I made it clear to him before creating the forum that any moderation would be left to him.

To which Bob replied:
Bob K wrote:Hi Zack,

I wrote:
Are you effectively saying that the policy is "whatever Tad wants"?
You replied:
Yes, you could phrase it that way, ...
Which is fine. I can accept that. But you went on to say:
Is not US Hawks's ban policy 'whatever Bob wants'?
Not exactly. I do make the final decisions, but I try to find a consensus among the members. If the majority of identified users really felt it should be reversed, then there's a good chance that I would reverse it. At least that's what I'm trying to build with the US Hawks. At some point I'd like to have a real, elected board of directors who would debate and then make those decisions in plain view of the members. That's where I would like the US Hawks to be better than USHPA and better than and

With regard to my ban at kitestrings, I was trying to make a point about Tad's credibility and his ability to justify his mistakes. I think that's something to be concerned about - especially if he's allowed to go unchallenged on your forum. But that's your call.

Thanks for writing back,
Bob Kuczewski
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Tad Eareckson
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Re: The Bob Show

Post by Tad Eareckson »

Thanks Zack, most useful. Sorry you had to get dragged into this one. Had the usual hang gliding lowlifes in mind when we started up Kite Strings but failed to anticipate a Bob. Class all by himself.
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Re: The Bob Show

Post by Tad Eareckson »

Bob Kuczewski - 2014/12/10 20:54:59 UTC

To: Zack C
Cc: Tad Eareckson

Thanks Tad.

I've checked your site, and it looks like you were diligent in honoring my request. Thanks.

There are a lot of people out there who would love to take pot shots at both of us. For that reason, I believe we would both like to be quoted properly and fairly. That's all I was asking, and I appreciate your willingness to do so.

Bob Kuczewski
I've checked your site, and it looks like you were diligent in honoring my request.
Caving to your threat?
Don't bother. This benefits me and hurts you. Win/Win.
There are a lot of people out there who would love to take pot shots at both of us.
There are a lot of people out there who DO take pot shots at both of us.

- I welcome them. I'm a MUCH better shot than any of them. There are a lot of people out there now who can't afford to fuck with me any more. We've got decades worth of 130 pound Greenspot quacks - Pagen, Bryden, Moyes, Bailey, Kroop, Trisa, Malcolm, Glover, Davis, Jack, Rooney, Cragin, the Tjaden twins, Halfhill, OP - whose reputations are irretrievably in the toilet where they belong.

- When people take UNFAIR shots at you I defend you. When people take UNFAIR shots at me - and on the glider forums one hundred percent of them are unfair - you pile on.
For that reason, I believe we would both like to be quoted properly and fairly.
1. You believe wrong. When some asshole attributes to me something I never said I'll destroy his credibility. Rooney pulled that bullshit with me all the time and did exactly the same thing to Zack.
Poll on weaklinks
Zack C - 2013/03/05 21:11:09 UTC

You've repeatedly assigned sentiments to me I never expressed, ignored my questions, and asked me questions I've already answered. I'm beginning to wonder if you're actually reading what I'm writing.
Zack C is fully intact, Rooney is total permanent TOAST. He got away with pulling that shit with me at CHGA and on The Jack Show - thanks to the crud controlling those wires - but it eventually caught up with him - BIGTIME.

2. What you seem to be having an astonishingly difficult time GETTING is that I DIDN'T QUOTE YOU. I *PARAPHRASED* MY TAKE on what you were saying and doing, there's a full record of our relevant correspondence here, and anyone with an interest could've very easily gone back to the exchange, seen EXACTLY what was said and ACTUALLY QUOTED, and made up his own mind about the validity of that assessment. And so far NOBODY - including you - has protested that my take was off base.

3. I don't give a rat's ass who's being treated unfairly. Makes no difference if it's me, somebody on the team here, you, some total piece o' shit like Jack, Davis, Rooney, Trisa - although I can't really imagine anything happening to any of them that wouldn't be at least fair. I want the record straight and honest.
That's all I was asking...
Bob Kuczewski - 2014/12/09 15:05:27 UTC

Request for correction of libelous statement.
Right. Retract that or I'll sue your ass off.

How 'bout?:

Bob - "Hey Tad, I didn't say, 'Go fuck yourself.'"

Tad - "I know you didn't. I was paraphrasing what you WERE saying. Anyone who isn't a total moron would understand that and there isn't any evidence that total morons are reading Kite Strings. We use a lot of three syllable words here and that tends to frustrate them after a sentence or two."

Bob - "Nevertheless, I'd really appreciate it if you'd edit the post to make that perfectly clear."

Tad - "If that's the best thing you've got to worry about right now - FINE. DONE. Now total morons like Sam won't make the mistake of thinking you said, 'Go fuck yourself.' Your stellar reputation remains totally untarnished. Now how 'bout responding to my proposal that you unban me like I just unbanned you just so's I can navigate around your site more easily and efficiently to harvest the information I want? Pretty much the same thing you wanted Davis to do for you."

P.S. Please leave Zack alone from now on and hold me primarily responsible for the content of this forum.
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Tad Eareckson
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Re: The Bob Show

Post by Tad Eareckson »

Is not US Hawks's ban policy 'whatever Bob wants'? Is that posted anywhere?
What's posted on The Bob Show is:
Frequently Asked Questions
Why do we need another organization?
The need for choice on the national level has been clear for some time. The HGAA, for example, was originally formed to be more of a grass roots organization than USHPA. However, it was quickly overtaken by those who again concentrated power and shunned opposing viewpoints. So the US Hawks was formed to provide yet another alternative.

What will keep the US Hawks from becoming another USHPA or HGAA?
You will ... hopefully. The price of freedom is eternal vigilance. Everyone has to do their part once in a while. If you see something that's not being done correctly, then it's your duty to speak out. One big difference between the US Hawks and other organizations is that the US Hawks really does honor the free speech of its members.

How will the US Hawks try to be different from USHPA or the HGAA?
The US Hawks will try to be more of a grass roots organization - more like the start of hang gliding. There's nothing wrong with the strong central control exhibited by other organizations, but the US Hawks will appeal to pilots who want more local control and greater personal participation in decision making. We believe that good decisions sometimes require a significant effort to dig into the facts. Sometimes arguments are heated, and that's not something to be feared or rejected. That's the process - painful or not - that leads to better decisions.
which is a total load o' crap.
His policy is pretty well described on your own forum:
Kite Strings
Tad Eareckson - 2011/11/18 21:31:54 UTC

Kite Strings is - primarily - a science classroom.

Real world science classrooms do not allow whatever bozo who so chooses to walk in off the street and say whatever pops into or floats through his deranged little mind.

Public school science classrooms in the United States ARE censored. Jehovah's Witnesses are prohibited under federal law from teaching intelligent design "theory" in lieu of or in addition to evolution because it's a clear violation of US Constitutional freedoms and protections - and, in any case, the goal of education is not to make the student more stupid than he was when he came in.

To be allowed through the doors of legitimate science classrooms - as a teacher or student - one must virtually always have demonstrated a minimal level of competency to earn the privilege. And when someone fails to maintain a minimal level of competency one can expect to be involuntarily removed - in handcuffs if necessary - to make way for somebody who ISN'T a waste of or negative influence on the space.
Zack C - 2010/11/23 05:23:34 UTC

In September of 2010, hang gliding safety activist Tad Eareckson entered a discussion on the Houston Hang Gliding & Paragliding Association's discussion group that would result in his being banned from the group within two months. But despite the controversy over Tad's 'arrogance' and 'condescending tone,' I was impressed by his knowledge, logic, and respect for science, which included a great deal of his own research and experimentation. My attempts to carry out a rational discussion with him were continually sabotaged and eventually aborted by other group members, many with little interest in or comprehension of the discussion.

I wished to continue the discussion, and I knew others in the group were interested in it as well. But Tad had been banned from every group he entered to date, so we needed a place of our own where knowledge was prized over personality. And thus the idea for Kite Strings was born.

The purpose of Kite Strings is to foster serious discussion regarding the practices and technologies of modern hang gliding. This is a forum ruled by science, truth, facts, reason, and logic. Anyone with a respect for these principles and a willingness to learn and engage in rational discussion is welcome to participate.

The forum is still in its infancy, so we don't have much in the way of structure or posting rules. Until we're large enough to have a need for more, all topics will be under a single forum. As for rules, just keep it civil, stay on topic, keep topics in line with the forum purpose, and don't lie or misrepresent others' statements.
Jim Rooney is terminally stupid rotten little shit any way you wanna do the math, has no respect whatsoever for science, truth, facts, reason, and/or logic and wouldn't recognize any of them if it were eighteen feet long, swam up behind him, and bit his ass off, and has a long well documented history of lying and misrepresenting others' statements at every opportunity.

Not that he'd have any interest in subjecting himself to a discussion in which he wasn't protected at all times by Davis with his delete, lock, and ban buttons and his friends, followers, harmonizers, and other cult members - but he has permanently forfeited the privilege of participating in any conversation over which I have control.

But I'm absolutely certain he'll be welcomed with open arms at SouthWest Texas.
Not exactly. I do make the final decisions, but I try to find a consensus among the members. If the majority of identified users really felt it should be reversed, then there's a good chance that I would reverse it.
1. Can you document an instance of you ever doing that?

2. Anything in there about protection for minority individuals and positions? Or is it just a dictatorship with optional deference to mob rule? "Well, I'd like to hear what Tad has to say but fifty-one percent of my identified users want him silenced. Sorry Tad and you forty-nine percenters."
At least that's what I'm trying to build with the US Hawks.
Right, you've never actually done anything based on input from a simple majority.
At some point I'd like to have a real, elected board of directors who would debate and then make those decisions in plain view of the members.
At SOME point? That was over two and a half years ago and I haven't been seeing a whole lot of progress.

Guess I don't get a vote because I might send a personal message to a person of a varying age. And Steve Davy probably doesn't get a vote because - although he's clearly identified - you've made up a special citizenship rule just for him.
That's where I would like the US Hawks to be better than USHPA...
At least that criminal syndicate is composed of elected sleazebags.
...and better than
Don't set your sights too high. You might get blinded by the sun.
Might hafta work your way up to that. TWO administrators over there.
With regard to my ban at kitestrings, I was trying to make a point about Tad's credibility and his ability to justify his mistakes.
Too bad you didn't try to make it on something relevant to hang gliding or aviation. But I guess that wasn't gonna work for ya.
I think that's something to be concerned about - especially if he's allowed to go unchallenged on your forum.
Unchallenged? If you can find something anywhere on the web that amounts to a challenge or attack directed at me that I haven't posted on Kite Strings and responded to please let me know. I thrive on that crap.

If that's too broad an assignment quote something of yours subsequent to your expulsion from membership - protested by no one, by the way - that I haven't posted and responded to.

If anybody's dodging challenges, Bob...
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Tad Eareckson
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Re: The Bob Show

Post by Tad Eareckson »
Thought this was interesting...
Phil Sergent - 2014/12/09 20:42:47 UTC

thought I'd share. I didn't see S C Wise in the Hawks membership roster but he seems like he'd make a good member here Image
Request To Site Owner
Scott C. Wise - 2014/12/09 00:57:02 UTC


There's a lot of discussion about Bob's incident here, at, and the US Hawks. In fact, the US Hawks topic is already up to 10 pages including posts from the following people:

eagle - Jacmac - majiemae - JoeF - BigBird - brianscharp - flyingbrian - SamKellner - RickMasters - wingspan33 - billcummings - miguell - dhmartens - tommy42 - Free - bobk

It's great to be able to have discussions in multiple places, but it's clearly unfair to Bob that he's not able to even read what's being said about his incident here in the Oz forum. To me, it's like talking about someone behind their back.

In fairness to Bob, I think Bob's account should be reactivated so he can at least read what's being posted here with the understanding that he is not allowed to make any posts anywhere on your forum. It's easy enough to see if he did post. In speaking with Bob, and he would completely agree to such limiting conditions.

I would expect that Bob has the wherewithal to create a shadow account that you'd probably never know about. But Bob has informed me that he truly feels that type of thing would be dishonest so he's never considered doing so.

Please let me (and us) know if you would consider reactivating Bob's account so he could at least read what's being said about him behind otherwise closed doors.

S C Wise
Davis Straub - 2014/12/09 04:21:15 UTC

There is no way in hell that he is ever going to be able write or view what is on this forum (unless folks copy and paste it onto other forums which they are quite free to do).

Bob would not be civil the last time after repeated infractions and private disagreements with me and I do not trust him at all.

Also, I do not wish this thread to continue, so please take it over to some other forum.
Bob Kuczewski - 2014/12/09 22:43:11 UTC

Great screen capture BigBird!!!!
Yeah, I went to the trouble to give you the ACTUAL TEXT. But great screen capture BigBird!!!!
This gives you a little insight into how insecure Davis Straub is about the US Hawks.

S.C. Wise ("Wingspan" in other contexts ... and Member #2 of the US Hawks!!) was making a very reasonable request to simply allow me to read what is on the Oz Forum. Davis is so insecure that he won't even allow that.

That's why we need a forum and an association like the US Hawks.
'Cept without another dictatorial paranoid control freak with it totally under his thumb.
Our goal as an association is to have a forum that belongs to the members.
But your actual state of affairs is to have it belonging to a Supreme Dictator.
That's what USHPA should have, but they're afraid of the members having the ability to publicly ask questions of their leaders, and that's why USHPA doesn't have a forum to this day. Instead, the USHPA Directors go to a "safe zone" like the Oz Forum where Davis protects them from anyone who dares question them.
Yep. I knew that was true with respect to the Aerotow Industry but hadn't grasped that it was also true with respect to USHGA.
Davis scratches...
...USHPA's back...
...and USHPA scratches...
...his back...
Dick. return. It's a very cozy...

Let's not forget that I was banned from the Oz Forum because I dared to ask reasonable questions of a Regional Director candidate supported by the USHPA insiders. In February of 2010, the Torrey PG crowd had found a somewhat feeble-minded Bill Helliwell to dupe into running in the Region 3 recall election.
And in December of 2012, I was shoved into Bob's Basement "for about a month" in an "experiment" to see what effect that would have on Bob Show douchebag membership and participation. And shortly thereafter I was banned altogether from The Bob Show because Bob was afraid that I might send personal messages to people of varying ages.
Helliwell refused to post on because he would be challenged there. But Davis gave him safe haven in the Oz Forum.
And you made The Bob Show a safe haven for Sam to not get too challenged by questions about Terry's fatal harmless platform tow stall.
Forums are certainly a perfect setting for a debate...
Especially when one is an Administrator with Basement and ban buttons at his disposal. I posted a few simple questions to Helliwell (like where does he stand on open voting by the USHPA Board, and how would he balance the Torrey Pines Soaring Council in his region). Davis began actually removing my posts so it appeared as if those questions had never been asked of Bill Helliwell, and Helliwell continued to chit-chat on the forum about meaningless nonesense like who liked the movie "Avatar".
Did he say anything about installing mirrors on gliders to help prevent unhooked launches or why we needed to make helmets mandatory while ground handling for everyone south of a Three? How did you like the movie "Avatar", Bob?
Davis was doing the bidding of the USHPA insiders, and I suspect that's why he locked down his forum ... to give Mark Forbes and the others...
...Davis Dead-On Straub, Jim Keen-Intellect Rooney, Mark You-Have-No-Idea-What-Happened Knight, Peter Link-Knife Birren, Sam No-You-Don't-Get-An-Accident-Report Kellner, Brad Gryder, Jim Gaar, people of varying ages...
...a safe place to post without being challenged by anyone who actually knows the right questions to ask.
Yep. You'd be the one to know if anyone would.
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Tad Eareckson
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Re: The Bob Show

Post by Tad Eareckson »
Thought this was interesting...
Merlin - 2014/12/09 21:58:24 UTC
Bob Kuczewski - 2014/12/09 21:43:11 UTC

This gives you a little insight into how insecure Davis Straub is about the US Hawks.
Indeed. I'm surprised he bothers with his forum at all at this point. A common failing of old men - they hold on too tight and destroy what they're trying to preserve.
The motherfucker is a total sociopath. Always has been...
Interesting article involving Davis Straub

...always will be. He's never created a goddam thing of positive value and the only thing he's ultimately ever been interested in trying to preserve is Davis.
Bob Kuczewski - 2014/12/09 22:15:16 UTC

Very good observation Merlin. You're an astute observer of the human race!!
Meet the new boss...
Rick Masters - 2014/12/09 22:17:46 UTC

When he pulled the site from public view, it became just a bunch of sycophants stroking each other in the dark.
Tad's release (even more)
Freedomspyder - 2009/02/14 17:43:30 UTC

I've found your posts on both hook-in checks and releases very interesting and well thought out.
Best of luck dealing with the Oz Report forum cult and its leader.
...before that.
Bob Kuczewski - 2014/12/09 22:39:36 UTC

Ugh. That's not a pretty picture. Image
How 'bout when they're doing it in broad daylight, like on The Bob Show?
Phil Sergent - 2014/12/09 23:28:56 UTC

OK, that explains why I came up empty checking the Hawk membership!!

I though it was a reasonable request also.
MUCH more reasonable than the request T** at K*** S****** made of Bob.
Then again nothing surprises me in our sport anymore - it seems the common bond that once united us all, is lost in some sort of popularity/superiority contest.
There was NEVER a common bond. Hang gliding has ALWAYS been an asshole magnet and it's ALWAYS been infested and controlled by a lot of the worst people you ever wanna meet.

And Bob's building up his toxic little cult on a totally fake foundation of free speech and respect for the individual and if he ever allows it to get off the ground with a board elected from a pool of Bob acceptables it's gonna be a disaster that's already happened.
Phil Sergent - 2014/12/10 02:17:13 UTC

SOB!!!! These forums need a 'like' button!!!
Yeah, that's what they REALLY need. And, of course, "Sink This!" and "Bury" buttons - just like on The Jack Show.
I just checked out the last page (10) of the BK video log thread over at OZland - GD, Wingspan is kicking some serious ass with his posts/responses!!!
1. He said "ass", Bob. Are you gonna tolerate foul language like that over there? What if a person of a varying age reads it?

2. Yeah, and did you notice:
- how quiet the opposition got as Scott was chewing their comments to shreds?
- the way Davis locked everything down as things were getting properly resolved?

That's a pattern on which you can bet your bottom dollar.
I'd be clicking the 'like' button left and right if one was available. That was some refreshing reading!!!
Bob Kuczewski - 2014/12/10 02:24:51 UTC

That's one of the many things we can add to this forum as it grows. So far we've been fairly small, so I haven't invested my time in figuring out those "frills". But as we continue to grow (and gain more help) I'm hoping we can continue to improve the functionality of this site.
Yeah, let's do that, Bob. That'll help keep your guys from noticing that all they're really doing is helping prop up a corrupt dictatorship. You could probably also provide a larger collection of smilies.
Wingspan is US Hawks member #2. Image He was the former Chairman of the Hang Gliding Association of America's "Transition Team" and a long-time member of both and the Oz Forum. He knows a lot more about the history of these organizations than almost anyone on the planet.
So do you trust him enough to assign him Administrator or Moderator status or anything? Or do you have him totally under your thumb just like everybody else on your dump?
We've got some pretty smart people on this forum ...
But not...
Training Manual Comments / Contribution
Warren Narron - 2012/01/06 18:55:32 UTC

Going against the grain here, but someone has to point out that the probable best candidate to write a training manual has been banned from this site.
Basement Bob
Bill Cummings - 2014/11/20 00:43:20 UTC

You have so much knowledge about towing and it is obvious that you are so much more intelligent than I am. Do something about getting banned everywhere and get the word out. You are truly an Encyclopedia about towing.
Thanks again for your understanding about Bob K's situation.
Consider me a friend Tad, Bill C.
...TOO smart. Not smart enough to be able to see exactly what you're doing and why.
I think you'll fit right in. Image
I'm ABSOLUTELY CERTAIN he will, Bob. And that's what The Bob Show is all about. Everybody FITTING IN with everybody else. A sure-fire recipe for eternal mediocrity and stagnation. And when everybody fits in with everybody else then what the hell do you need an elected board or individual freedoms and protections for? You've already got everybody on the same page with everything.

And for people who notoriously DON'T fit in...
Zach Marzec
Jim Rooney - 2013/03/07 18:24:58 UTC

You're the one advocating change here, not me.
I'm fine.

These are only questions if you're advocating change. Which I'm not. You are.

You're the one speculating on Zack's death... not me.
Hell, you've even already come to your conclusions... you've made up your mind and you "know" what happened and what to do about.
It's disgusting and you need to stop.
You weren't there. You don't know.
All you have is the tug pilot report, who himself says he doesn't know... and HE WAS THERE... and he doesn't know.

Ever heard of "Confirmation Bias"?
Because you're a textbook example.
You were out looking for data to support your preconceived conclusion, rather than looking at the data and seeing what it tells you... which is why this is the first time we've heard from you and your gang.

Go back to Tad's hole in the ground.
While you're there, ask him why he was banned from every east coast flying site. always have Tad's Hole In The Ground.
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Tad Eareckson
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Re: The Bob Show

Post by Tad Eareckson »
Jailed for taking pictures at Torrey
Bob Kuczewski - 2014/11/13 18:58:53 UTC

I've been contacted by a few Sylmar pilots about this incident which happened this past Sunday, so I just wanted to post a link to the ongoing discussion and photos:
Jailed for taking pictures at Torrey

Please feel free to write or call me directly at 858-204-7499.

Thanks also to the Sylmar pilots who've offered to send me money for my defense. At this time I believe that won't be needed, but I very much appreciate the shows of support.

Be sure to vote in the 2014 Regional Director Elections!!
And look at all the discussion your post has generated up the road a wee bit at the Hang Gliding Capital of the World. A total of one responses and near that many of them relevant.
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Tad Eareckson
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Re: The Bob Show

Post by Tad Eareckson »
What is a reasonable amount of time to clear the LZ?
Erik Boehm - 2014/12/11 16:23:11 UTC

Suppose you've just landed...
Are both of your arms still intact? don't immediately sprint to clear the LZ normally (though in some cases, you may if you know someone else will be landing soon).
Maybe you want to remove your helmet/unhook, turn off your vario/camera... whatever...
Under the provisions of the 2014/12 Bob Kuczewski Mandatory Ground Handling Helmet Regulation you can't remove your helmet before you unhook. It's now extremely dangerous to do that and even if you're not killed instantly you'll have your rating suspended for six months on a first offense and permanently revoked on a second.
How long before you've moved out of the LZ?

Suppose you notice a glider getting ready to land in a couple/few minutes (suppose 200 meters/600 feet)

How long until you clear the LZ then?

I ask because I was looking at a video from this summer where there were still 2 people in the middle of the LZ when I landed, and I was able to spot the exact time of landing in the video, and it certainly seems to me like they should have been out of the LZ with plenty of time to spare.
Jim Gaar - 2014/12/11 16:30:08 UTC

My own method is to leave the LZ as soon as I can muster the strength to do so and always in a manner that is obvious and direct and does not change in it's path. No helmet or radio or gloves off. Check the sky as I DBF (or whatever pattern I need for a safe landing) for other pilots in the landing mode, land safely and walk/hussle out of the area immediately. YMMV!
Good job there, Rodie. Keep that helmet on so no matter what you'll be legal. If you unhook it won't matter. If you stay hooked the bad news is that you're more likely to get turtled but the good news is you'll have your helmet on if you do.
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Tad Eareckson
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Re: The Bob Show

Post by Tad Eareckson »
Hello US Hawks!!
Bob Kuczewski - 2014/12/10 20:03:32 UTC

Welcome Gordon!!!!!

Image Image Image Image Image Image Image Image Image Image Image Image Image Image Image Image Image Image Image

I don't think I'd know a Cirrus III from a Comet, but it's great to have you on board here at the US Hawks!!
Who isn't it great to have on board here at the US Hawks!!?
We're trying to build a national hang gliding association that brings...;
...pilots and clubs together in one place.
And ostracizes and isolates pilots who don't meet with Bob's approval in other places.
We're also trying to recapture the grass roots movement of hang gliding before it became "institutionalized".
By starting out with a dictatorship - the way so many other grass roots movement have.
So we're all about pilots knowing what's going on in the organization and having direct access to everyone in charge.
Everyone in this case for since 2010/08/13 being Bob.
In other words, we want it to be more an organization of peers than a top down dictatorship.
But whenever Bob says "we" he means "Bob" and when he says we wants it to be more an organization of peers than a top down dictatorship he means we wants it to be a top down dictatorship with peers being anyone besides we whom we tolerate.
That's why we're basing the new organization on a forum where free speech is valued and encouraged.
Just be careful to make sure your free speech is OK with we and make sure you don't paraphrase anything we says or we will threaten to sue free speaking peers for libel.
Thanks for signing up, and thanks for the great introduction. Please contact me any time if I can be of help!!!
And make sure to do it via PM or email so's you have a hard record of everything that was said.
Bob Kuczewski
Yeah, right.
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Tad Eareckson
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Re: The Bob Show

Post by Tad Eareckson »
Hello US Hawks!!
Sam Kellner - 2014/12/11 23:21:30 UTC

So, now that we have lived most of our lives, we should learn to loop. Image
Or, hell...


Just go platform towing with Sam Kellner on the dump lever.
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