Welcome / About This Forum

General discussion about the sport of hang gliding
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Tad Eareckson
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Re: Welcome / About This Forum

Post by Tad Eareckson »

Nah, you gotta REALLY TRY to offend and make the unacceptable list. And I'm more than happy to have ANYBODY interested in having an honest discussion on hang gliding issues. A Kinsley Sykes could make it in just barely - there's a hint of substance there. A Marc Fink - no fuckin' way.

Third new member in a row, third apology or dropping the ball in a row.

Since I found out that the automated notification system had broken I've been making a point of logging in as an Administrator and checking for entities in the queue. I'm sure I missed "<BS>" because the candidates list is ordered alphabetically and "<BS>" appeared at the very top and it didn't register as a person to me upon somewhat casual observation - looked like a column heading.

But - fortunately - Brian emailed me this afternoon and...

Also must apologize for the forty-eight minute delay in the appearance of Brian's first post here. I had forgotten that the system requires approval for a newly activated member's first post or two or three and wasn't looking for and didn't notice the little Image icon alerting me that an action needed to be taken. Even after Steve alerted me there was something there it took a minute of staring before I saw it. What a clusterfuck. Gotta figure out how to turn that layer of protection off.

Anyway, sorry again for the delays and accidental insults, very happy to have you here.

And stay tuned to the "Dear Niki..." thread. I've composed a post for you that I should have up a few seconds after this one that will hopefully be of some use.
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Re: Welcome / About This Forum

Post by <BS> »

No worries and thanks for the welcome.

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Tad Eareckson
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Re: Welcome / About This Forum

Post by Tad Eareckson »

About a couple EDT midnights ago Kite Strings and its host:
totally vanished from the web until about 10:30 this morning my local time. Scared the crap outta me. We're closing in on four years, there's an ungodly amount of work that's been poured into this site, and the hit counters and search results say it's a critically important hang gliding resource.

The good news would've been that I'd just within the previous couple days gotten mostly caught up on maybe a month and a half's worth of housekeeping to the extent that I had all existing posts properly archived in word processing but I'd sure hate to try to reconstruct what we have here from that. Need to talk to Zack about getting an occasional proper database backup.

Like to publicly thank my volunteer proofreaders - Steve and Brian. Brian's making up for lost time and - as best as I can tell - has been working through the entire forum chronologically and catching lotsa typos and really embarrassing goofs that I'd have never found on my own.

Health status...

On 2014/08/27 I got hit with something - maybe pneumonia - that knocked me to hell for a solid week. Substantial partial recovery over the course of the next few days then a leveling off a good bit shy of goal. Fair amount of congestion and coughing, kinda sick and weak, not getting better or worse. I can handle working on the forum pretty well but not much more than that.
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Tad Eareckson
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Re: Welcome / About This Forum

Post by Tad Eareckson »

Downtime 18-19 September 2014
mdvaldosta - 2014/09/19 19:45:20 UTC
Valdosta, Georgia

We regret to have experienced downtime since the morning hours of yesterday, due to a DDoS attack that necessitated our data center to null-route our IP address; this was done in order to protect other servers on their system from being impacted. We host a lot of forums. A lot (12,896 active forums at the time of this post). It sucks that every single one of them suffered because of someone's selfish (and illegal) act. This has happened before, it pretty much happens to everyone. Normally we mitigate it pretty well, but since we were impacting some of ServInt's other clients they did not give me (us) a chance to fix it. I'm severely disappointed in them, to be honest, as you are probably of us.

We cannot do anything about what happened yesterday, aside from implementing changes that would allow us to handle these type of events better in the future. So that's what we're doing. It will be Monday before we have the hardware in place that would make it easier, and quicker, to mitigate these sort of attacks. But, let's face it, we're not Google and we don't have a million dollar budget. We have been hosting forums for nearly a decade, and we're here for the long haul, and we're getting better at it every year. And we'll continue to get better, and we would really appreciate your support and understanding while we do that.
Housekeeping update...

Right after the issue with Brian I figured out how to turn off the restriction on newly approved members so's their first couple of posts need no approval.

Health status...

I think I started getting significantly better late yesterday. Cough much diminished, not feeling as wiped.
Steve Davy
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Re: Welcome / About This Forum

Post by Steve Davy »

I'm so happy to read that you are feeling and getting better, Tad!
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Tad Eareckson
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Re: Welcome / About This Forum

Post by Tad Eareckson »

Our hit counts are once again spinning out of control - registering crawlers as humans and subhumans (OP, Paul Hurless, Cragin Shelton, Marc Fink...).

This one snuck up on us. We undoubtedly got a legitimate surge from recent attention to Psychopathic Tad and his Hole In the Ground on both the Jack and Davis Shows but at some undeterminable point that got merged into by the crawlers. And I've been seeing an extraordinarily high rate level of crawler activity the past few days

Keep an eye on "Welcome / About This Forum". The counter should be increasing at daily rate in the single digits range. When it's scores or hundreds something's seriously wrong. Let's hope for not much longer.

Health status...

Thanks, Steve. Seem to have made some more progress Wednesday. I'm not too far south of normal now.
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Tad Eareckson
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Re: Welcome / About This Forum

Post by Tad Eareckson »

Crawler Attack 03 appears to have subsided very shortly before 2014/10/05 18:35:48 UTC - leaving, as a reference, "Welcome / About This Forum" with 21029 hits. So probably nearly a thousand unearned.

Prior to then I was noticing a huge amount of activity from:
out of Saint Petersburg, Russia. It's not a bot registered with Kite Strings. I wonder if there's some glitch in some software that causes it to be recognized as a human.
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Tad Eareckson
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Re: Welcome / About This Forum

Post by Tad Eareckson »

Hit counters went nuts again from some point on Thursday to late Saturday Eastern time. I have zilch doubt now that the culprit is SEMrush - ungodly amount of activity from them during the attack, nothing detectable before or after. Wrote them at about 2014/10/18 15:50:00 UTC and am still waiting for the response they promise I'll have within twelve hours. Maybe I'll have better luck with ProPhpBB on the other end.

Health status...

Over the Columbus Day Weekend I made it to the point at which the cough is just a mild annoyance - pretty much back to normal.
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Tad Eareckson
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Re: Welcome / About This Forum

Post by Tad Eareckson »

Happy fourth birthday, Kite Strings.

SEMrush got back to me not outrageously behind schedule and advised a "fix" which could've only been executed at host level, would've affected all of the thousands of other subscriber forums, and, I'm pretty sure, wouldn't have fixed anything.

The host got back to me...

SEMrush bots hits counting as views : Forum Management

...and freed up the buttons we needed and Zack pushed them to get SEMrush registered and recognized as a bot.

By at least 2014/11/15 00:03:05 UTC - a couple Friday nights ago US time - we started again getting probed by SEMrush and got a tremendous amount of activity from them until, I think, late Tuesday. And the counters only trickled up at the normal, expected, realistic rate. Funny how that bot is so all or nothing and interested in Kite Strings.


The fucking Bailey / standard aerotow weak link - the single largest, most insidious virulent insane damaging scam in the history of aviation is total toast - along with all it's disciples and snake oil salesmen. They're still in use in some of the more severely inbred pockets of the country but they're dying out quickly and very quietly.

The reputations of all those sleazebags and assholes - Pagen, Trisa, Bobby, Davis, Jack, Kroop, Mitch, Wendt, Paulen - are irretrievably down the toilet where they belong. Ditto for Stuart over there in bagworld.

Jim Keen-Intellect Rooney - the single most vile bipedal piece of total shit this sport or any flavor of aviation has ever seen - is total history.

Davis - a less astronomically stupid version of Rooney - is pretty much neutralized.

If you measure the intellectual difference between Rooney and Davis and extent it up and beyond you arrive at Bob. Same level of moral depravity but literate in the language, math, science, physics and constantly using those assets to attack the competence which is also his primary threat.

Bob I'm listing as our primary target - although I'm happy to consider anybody else's argument. When we learn how to destroy a Rooney, Davis, or Bob we have the models we need to make short work of whatever shit that comes along to try to replace them - Orion Price for example. And we have the weaponry in place and ready to go.

And as long as we have the level of member participation and activity that we do now - tiny though it is - we're gonna continue very slowly growing in power, effectiveness, credibility, influence.

Lotsa people are afraid of us now 'cause we're the only ones who make any sense about anything - consistently. Don't do anything to dilute that fear and don't EVER take any prisoners.
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Tad Eareckson
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Re: Welcome / About This Forum

Post by Tad Eareckson »

On Saturday found a cool little button:

Resynchronise statistics
Recalculates the total number of posts, topics, users and files.

in the Administration Control Panel and mustered the courage to click it.

At http://www.kitestrings.org/, the "Board index" one sees:

- Total posts
- Total topics
- Total members
- Our newest member

and under "General" the numbers of Topics and Posts.

At http://www.kitestrings.org/forum2.html - General - one sees two sections - "ANNOUNCEMENTS" and "TOPICS". The former has always consisted only of "Welcome / About This Forum" and the latter has always been everything else.

From the total topics and posts subtract the general topics and posted and one's SUPPOSED TO get what's in "Welcome / About This Forum" - but that's been reading a bit low for a long time. It was two low when I first noticed it long ago and four low until just before I fixed it at 2014/11/29 13:21:16 UTC.

Yeah, I'm undoubtedly the only one here anal enough to give a flying fuck but that's a bit of a headache out of the way for me. Will always be majorly bummed about the rather massively inflated hit counts, however. We may have only earned about two thirds of what's showing.

At 2014/11/25 13:53:15 UTC I sent the following to Steve via PM:
Do you know how to post smilies that aren't on our rather meager list here? I didn't until I saw miguel post one.

Smilies are just GIF images and they can be harvested and embedded/displayed like any other posted images. "Copy Image Address" (on a Mac that's "control click") and paste between:
[ img]http://forum.hanggliding.org/images/smilies/popcorn.gif[ /img]


I use smilies myself as little as possible and despise obnoxious Sam and Bob caliber deluges of them but it's often critical that original posts be accurately duplicated - particularly those containing obnoxious Sam and Bob caliber deluges of them. Before I learned the "trick" I was reduced to using the closest stuff I could find from our collection or having to describe them. :roll:
Maybe somebody else will find that useful. (That was a HUGE help, miguel. Thanks bigtime.)

A bit more on...
Zack C - 2010/11/23 05:23:34 UTC

The forum is still in its infancy, so we don't have much in the way of structure or posting rules. Until we're large enough to have a need for more, all topics will be under a single forum. As for rules, just keep it civil, stay on topic, keep topics in line with the forum purpose, and don't lie or misrepresent others' statements.
- We're NEVER gonna be "large enough". Hang gliding is obscenely corrupt opinion based aviation and a real total asshole magnet and the kind of person wanted and needed for this mission is no more than one in several thousand. And even with what we have we've been able to do a lot of damage in the right places. If we were one in a hundred it would be game over.

- Wanna be clear, just for the record, that lying, misrepresenting others' statements, trolling doesn't mean JUST HERE. But, of course, anybody who would need to be told that wouldn't want to be part of this mission any more than the mission would want him to be a part of it.
Edit - 2015/12/09 20:00:00 UTC

A bit more discussion on the smilies issue at:
(not that any of this is rocket science).
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