The Bob Show

General discussion about the sport of hang gliding
Zack C
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Re: The Bob Show

Post by Zack C »

Tad Eareckson wrote:It would be nice to get a specific date on that.
June 16, one week before Kevin.
Tad Eareckson wrote:Two point?
Tad Eareckson wrote:Wild guess: 130 pound Greenspot ...
Tad Eareckson wrote:Columbus - right?
Aye, aye, and aye.
Tad Eareckson wrote:Wild guess: 'Cause he didn't have a release he could use to abort a tow when he needed to?
It was a Wallaby release, but I'm not sure if a better release would have made a sounds like he didn't grasp what was happening at the time and it happened very quickly. This is his account (he had a keel camera running but hasn't shared the footage):
Three seconds after tow commenced the keyhole tang released.
The nosewires rested on the V bridle towline.
I did not recognize that the nosewires were loose but did know something was wrong because some line was bobbing in front of me.
One second after the keyhole tang released the glider pitched up and left the cart.
The movie shows me moving forward to instinctively correct the pitch.

Approximately one second after pitch up the weak link broke and the glider stalled, rolling slightly right. Height is unknown as the FlyTec 6015 failed to record this flight, despite being turned on.

Recognizing the stall and early release I instinctively pulled in to regain speed and as the ground came up pushed out to effect a glide.

Impact was two seconds later.
Tad Eareckson wrote:"Still recovering" leaves open a wide range of possibilities.
He sustained wrist, facial, and back injuries. He's back at work but still undergoing therapy and not strong enough to fly yet.

As to the tang failure, an instructor who examined the glider and mechanism used to secure it to the transport suspects that the tang release button, which is normally hidden on the S2 by the nosecone, was depressed through the nosecone while they were messing with wrapping the line around the nose wires. The tang slid forward into an angled orientation that kept the button depressed but also kept the tang from releasing until the wing was loaded.

I agree that the mechanism could be better, though this is the first incident I'm aware of involving Wills's newer nose wire attachment design.

I was always taught to tether gliders to a line around the keel near the nose instead of the nose wires but I had assumed it was to keep from kinking the wires. I was never big on using the utility vehicle to transport gliders and never used it myself so I'm not that familiar with the mechanism used.

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Tad Eareckson
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Re: The Bob Show

Post by Tad Eareckson »

Jesus H. Christ. What's it gonna take? Do we know the glider size and/or flying weight?
...but I'm not sure if a better release would have made a difference...
Maybe not. But still, it's one more option off the table.
...(he had a keel camera running but hasn't shared the footage)...
We so seldom get to see the really good stuff. I'd kill (Rooney) to get a copy of Rooney diving his tandem glider and passenger into the powerlines.
...but did know something was wrong...
That would've been a really excellent time to abort the tow. And at that point you're not holding any bar pressure.
One second after the keyhole tang released the glider pitched up and left the cart.
Another opportunity down the toilet.
The movie shows me moving forward to instinctively correct the pitch.
So much for:
Possibly because the guy was at least smart enough to understand that pulling in wasn't gonna improve the situation any.
but I can't say I'd have done any different/better at that point.
Approximately one second after pitch up the weak link broke and the glider stalled...
But that's an issue I wouldn't have had to deal with.
Recognizing the stall and early release I instinctively pulled in to regain speed and as the ground came up pushed out to effect a glide.
I'm thinking that because of the rather extreme rake of the control frame on more modern gliders the sidewires are doing a good bit to brace it forward. Otherwise, when he had pulled in...

So maybe with that geometry pulling in isn't all that monumentally a bad idea. It would be an interesting experiment to hook into the glider, detach the nose wires, have some buddies lift the glider by the wings, nose, and tail, and see how much basetube pull it would take.
He sustained wrist, facial, and back injuries.
The results of the crash were pretty severe because of the control frame collapse but the crash resulted from the Rooney Link very clearly providing protection from an excessive angle of attack.
I agree that the mechanism could be better, though this is the first incident I'm aware of involving Wills's newer nose wire attachment design.
Gliders need to be made idiot proof as possible - and they can be without making compromises in cost, strength, weight, drag, setup time.

The Wills Wing AT hardware for the control frame corners was dangerous. It was cleaner, lighter, and more elegant than the early U-bracket stuff but it made it:
- easy to:
-- put the glider together without installing a pin
-- miss noticing that a pin wasn't installed
- quite possible to get and keep the glider in the air without a pin

Pete Lehmann had his HPAT fold up a couple hundred feet over the ridge and I had my HPAT control frame fall apart while I was moving it to the ramp some months later.

Then came the folding basetube - not bad unless you need to slide wheels onto the ends.

Then came the current hardware - which is cleaner and more elegant and makes it impossible to leave the pins out.

This miserable little sociopath:
Poll on weaklinks
Jim Rooney - 2013/03/11 18:59:06 UTC

I have no fear of bent pins.

Why aren't straight pins used?
That's easy. They can't be used with anything but thin lines.
They also can't be made with anything but thin lines.

Tad loves to forget that I've actually gotten one of his to jam.
NOTHING is perfect kids.

Straight pin releases can work, but they're not the panacea that these guys are claiming.
learns from somebody else how to sabotage a nice release in a manner that never has or will be done even by the stupidest of the dregs who fly hang gliders and has a never ending field day.

Lin Lyons turns a three-string into a locking mechanism quite inadvertently and - as he gets zilch in the way of help from the asshole on the other end - comes real close...
Image getting killed but nobody says anything about a three-string being a problematic piece of crap.

And these guys did absolutely nothing careless, stupid, or unreasonable in handling and moving this glider and get a potentially lethal situation and an actual serious crash with serious injuries out of the deal. And we're not gonna be hearing anyone getting away with criticism of Wills Wing any more than they did in previous decades.

And OF COURSE the weak link blew. Everybody knows that if you fail to maintain the correct tow position (centered, with the wheels of the tug on the horizon), the weak link will break before you can get into too much trouble. It worked EXACTLY as it was supposed to - a proven system that works with yet another data point to add to its huge track record.

New HGMA requirement: Once you connect and preflight the fuckin' nose wires you can put the fuckin' nose cone on and stop worrying about things. Name something else on that or any other glider that needs to be babied to any extent whatsoever and can put you in the hospital or worse if it isn't.
Special care must be taken in any form of towing. In particular, in platform towing, it is critically important that the nose line be attached so that there is no possibility of inducing a spontaneous disengagement of the bottom front wires. In particular, there must be no way that the nose line can pull forward on the nose wires, the nose tang, or anything attached to either.
This kinda crap gets me a lot more pissed off than the kinda crap that Majo's instructors pulled.
Zack C
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Re: The Bob Show

Post by Zack C »

Tad Eareckson wrote:Do we know the glider size and/or flying weight?
155. Dunno about his hook in weight.
Tad Eareckson wrote:But that's an issue I wouldn't have had to deal with.
Would a stronger weak link really have made a difference? I don't know much about how a glider behaves without nose wires and I wasn't there so I don't know how severe the pitch up was, but it seems like a stronger weak link would have broken shortly after the 130.

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Tad Eareckson
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Re: The Bob Show

Post by Tad Eareckson »

310 - max flying weight
465 - 1.5 G weak link towline
226 - Rooney Link towline
139 - pounds unavailable
049 - percent of target

Since we're using the weak link to protect the release (rather than the glider) and the two point release would be feeling no pain at the 267 one and a half Gs would allow let's run the numbers for max legal.

620 - 2.0 G weak link towline
226 - Rooney Link towline
374 - pounds unavailable
036 - percent of target

And the release is feeling 357 which is near the top of what we want to do to a straight parachute pin.
Would a stronger weak link really have made a difference?
Would've definitely made SOME difference. Would've at least given him more time to react to the pitch-up and, if it failed, the stall. And I don't think it would've failed.

Here's what I think is going on with the physics of an aerotow...

When the planes are moving fast (normally) tension spikes are gonna be fast and dramatic when things start getting out of kilter. But as things continue to get out of kilter and the tension goes up the tug's dealing with more drag and slowing down and its prop is operating less efficiently and producing less thrust. So if you can survive the initial spike and you're not locked out it's something of a self correcting system.

And if you think about removing anything resembling a weak link from the system and deliberately trying to break the glider on aerotow...
Is this a joke ?
Jim Rooney - 2011/08/26 02:44:10 UTC

The forces of an aerotow can get high enough to tear the wings off the glider.
This is no exaggeration... it can be done.
Poll on weaklinks
Jim Rooney - 2013/03/07 06:40:02 UTC

So... if it's *only* purpose is to prevent your glider from breaking apart... which is complete and utter bullshit... but if that was it's only purpose... why then do we have them at all?
Your glider will tear the rope apart before it breaks.
It will tear the towmast off the tug before it breaks.
Your glider is capable of amazing feats of strength... it is in no danger of folding up on you.
He's only lying on one of those statement.
I don't know much about how a glider behaves without nose wires...
The glider doesn't know it doesn't have any nose wires until it hits the ground.

It just thinks that the pilot abruptly ceased pulling in - that's why it popped off the cart. And as soon as your guy's brain kicks in...
The movie shows me moving forward to instinctively correct the pitch.
Recognizing the stall and early release I instinctively pulled in to regain speed and as the ground came up pushed out to effect a glide.
...he's able to apply torque to his wing through the sidewire attachments at the leading edge / cross spar junctions and control frame apex and get - if I'm understanding this scenario properly - normal pitch control (and note he doesn't say anything to indicate otherwise).
Zach Marzec
Mark Frutiger - 2013/02/08 19:12:21 UTC

The load on the tug was not excessive as with a lockout, but I was not surprised when the weak link broke.
When we get into steep climbs we need to be applying excessive loads to the fucking tugs - even if it inconveniences them more than they're used to for a couple of seconds. And an extra 139 pounds is a pretty good chunk of their available thrust so they'll definitely be feeling it.

I'd like to think if you were in that situation you'd have aborted the tow when you were still on the cart and totally safe and, failing that, you'd have been able to stay on, get things under control, release, and either toss your chute or land (good excuse to practice flare timing). If you'd have been in the same boat as this asshole with all of his stupid junk equipment then we've wasted a lot of time and effort in equipment development and reconfiguration.

And it's freakin' unconscionable for this asshole to withhold the report and the video. People using Quallaby and bent pin releases and Rooney Links at this point in our history deserve to get their teeth knocked out the backsides of their fucking heads but he's pretty much totally blameless as far as losing the nosewires is concerned. That's a serious design deficiency and that could've happened to anyone and, with enough monkeys and typewriters, will again.

Compare/Contrast to Lin Lyons...

...who DID fuck up his three-string connection (limited culpability though 'cause he was a student at a shit operation with a serious case of Plan B Deficiency Syndrome) and nevertheless gave us a beautiful video, photos of the defective hook-up configuration, detailed written accounts, and participation in discussions accessible to the public.

If this incident were to be properly handled with the video released it would:
-- give us a real good idea of any differences proper tow equipment might have made
-- result in a public awareness of a potentially deadly glider design flaw
-- bring some much deserved heat on Wills Wing and USGHA to clean up their fucking acts
- help us a lot in our campaigns to:
-- get through to a few of the less mentally defective participants in the sport
-- disembowel a few of the more mentally defective icons in the sport

And speaking of which... It would be loads of fun watching those nose wires fall off and listening to Jim Keen-Intellect Rooney telling everyone all about how...
Tow Release Malfunction
Jim Rooney - 2010/03/26 20:54:43 UTC

Dude, quit bogarting that stuff ;)
How's it go? Never say never.

Bent pin releases are indeed very very reliable. But 100%? Nope. It's exceptionally rare, but they jam. All mechanical things do.
...shit like that is just an inevitable part of the game that we just hafta accept, get used to, deal with.

Also in the compare/contrast department...

You dare suggest that the Rooney Link did not, in fact, increase the safety of Zack Marzec's towing operation at Quest and...
Poll on weaklinks
Jim Rooney - 2013/03/05 19:42:58 UTC

I'm tired of arguing with crazy.
As I said many times... there are those that listen with the intent of responding... you unfortunately are one.

You've done a great job of convincing me never to tow you.
Thank you for that.
Mission accomplished.
You get that crap in retaliation and a shit hang gliding "community" which allows the motherfucker to get away with it.

Sam Kellner...
Platform towing /risk mitigation / accident
Sam Kellner - 2012/07/03 02:25:58 UTC

No, you don't get an accident report.
Gets away with manslaughter and pays virtually nothing in the way of social consequences.

I guess shit only counts in this sport when you endanger or are perceived to be endangering access to popular flying sites. I would be happy beyond all description of hang gliding were banned from Ridgely following a Rooney Link precipitated fatal tumble and/or a crash because of a properly set up and preflighted Wills Wing glider disassembling on launch. They've already had a fatality as an obvious consequence of a Dragonfly control system failure that's been swept under the carpet. Keep 'em coming, dudes. There's only so many elephants you can pack into a living room and keep pretending that you've still got an unobstructed view of the widescreen.
Steve Davy
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Re: The Bob Show

Post by Steve Davy »

On my Falcon 3 I've found that a quarter inch diameter double braid line placed between the nose plate and keel, behind the button will lock that button in place.
One loop of line tied around the keyhole collar nut assembly will limit the amount the button can be depressed.
Two turns around the nut assembly, such that the second turn is directly behind the button, locks the button.
I'll check to see if the same holds true on my Sport 2.
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Tad Eareckson
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Re: The Bob Show

Post by Tad Eareckson »
New Oregon site - US Hawks only!
Rodger Hoyt - 2013/11/05 05:17:29 UTC

I located a new potential hang gliding site today in southern Oregon. Takeoffs both south and north, 1900 feet vertical, a five-mile ridge, with an abundance of large landing fields below. This should provide excellent wintertime ridge soaring for me.

Since I will be officially opening and regulating this site (as I have done with several other world-class southern Oregon sites) I will be requiring that all pilots be US Hawks members ONLY. What does this mean?
It means Sam Kellner - who should've been convicted of manslaughter for what he did to Terry Mason two seasons ago - will get to fly it but I won't.
It means that USHPA members will not be allowed to fly here.
Meaning that no hang glider pilots who want the options of flying damn near every popular slope launch site in the country and aerotowing anywhere will not be allowed to fly there.
Is this vindictive because non-USHPA members are excluded from other southern Oregon sites? I see it more as equal opportunity for pilots whose conscience won't allow them to join that corrupt organization.
But whose shit excuses for consciences WILL allow them to join Bob's corrupt dictatorship.

Bill Cummings - 2013/11/05 06:13:12 UTC

But Rodger that is so unfair! -----But wait a minute----- That's exactly what USHPA is doing----- and it always seemed fair------ but now I'm not so sure.
Why is it so hard to wrap my mind around this concept?
Yeah. Speak up, Bob. The Tea Party has appointed you an authorized psychiatrist/psychologist to make the country a safer place for people of varying ages.

Fuck you assholes. It's The Bob Show. It's been The Bob Show since 2010/08/13. It started out as a dictatorship, it's mission statement is a total pile of shit, and it hasn't moved one millimeter in a positive direction and never will.

And how many active discussion participants do you have over there? Maybe two or three more than we've got over here? And Kite Strings is a stated dictatorship which not only excludes people who lie and/or misrepresent others' statements - and thus well over 99 percent of the assholes who fly these things - but attacks them unmercifully.
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Tad Eareckson
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Re: The Bob Show

Post by Tad Eareckson »
New Oregon site - US Hawks only!
Sam Kellner - 2013/11/05 16:11:24 UTC

Image You GO Rodger Image
Image You TOO Sam! Image And be sure to keep those smilies coming! Image Image Image Image Image Image
Is that anywhere near Glide, Oregon?

I was in that area a couple of weeks ago. The weather was great, sunshine and mild temps.

Saw two gliders on top of a Cooper wagon, near Grant's Pass. That's as close as I got to flying during the trip.

We, wife and me, did a lot of walking the beach, poking at dead things with a stick. Image But hay, the weather was great!

Congrats on the first.... US Hawks Assn. Flying Site Image Image

Bob Kuczewski - 2013/11/07 10:15:27 UTC

Hello Rodger!!!!!

Thanks for all your efforts in opening up flying sites!!! Image Image Image Image Image
Now just learn to...
Bob Kuczewski - 2011/12/31 07:34:26

But if you want to talk numbers and logic, then start by explaining the laws of physics in terms of differential equations and not your simple 2+2=4 "logic" if you want my respect. Go ahead and explain the first quarter of Newtonian physics for us and see how far you get. We'll let you work your way up to the Navier-Stokes equations.
...explain the first quarter of Newtonian physics in terms of differential equations so Bob will have some respect for you!!! Image Image Image Image Image
If there's anything that the US Hawks can do to support you, please let me know.
Did you catch that, Rodger? Not:
If there's anything that the US Hawks can do to support you, please let us know.
If there's anything that the US Hawks can do to support you, please let me know.
Does that tell you anything about what US Hawks REALLY is?
We could, for example, send out an email message announcing your new site if you like. Image
"WE", Bob? How many US Hawks members does it take to screw in a lightbulb?
With regard to it being a US Hawks ONLY site, that's very generous of you. Thanks very very much. And since US Hawks membership is free, that doesn't put too much of a burden on anyone who wants to fly there!!
Did you bother to read what he said in his post, shithead? It's only open to Bob Show members who AREN'T USHGA members. That eliminates Bill, Sam, and you. So who have you got on your stupid list who IS eligible?
I would suggest forming your own US Hawks Chapter ... it's also free.
And worth every penny of the price.
As you can see, we...
Who's "WE", Bob?
...provide a forum for every Chapter...
As long as you're not Tad, of course.
...and it would be a great way to kick off your new club and site!! Just let me know...
Don't you mean, "Just let us know..."? So difficult to keep the pronouns straight when you're lying all the time, isn't it?
...and thanks for opening up a new site. If it weren't getting so cold up there, I'd be on my way up there to celebrate with a flight!!

No you wouldn't, motherfucker. You'd hafta cancel your USHGA membership - and then you wouldn't be able to fly Torrey.
Best wishes, and again, please feel free to post, email, or just call me if there's anything we can do to help you secure or promote your site!!
Steve Davy
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Re: The Bob Show

Post by Steve Davy »

Three seconds after tow commenced the keyhole tang released.
Reminds me of this one:
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Tad Eareckson
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Re: The Bob Show

Post by Tad Eareckson »

Don't do that to me again. The tears burned my eyes shut and it was fifteen minutes before I could work again.

My brother - who's a Coast Guard regulator - turned me on to that one probably about the time it came out. Still can't believe that's not John Cleese getting interviewed.

Wonder if we could get Steve Pearson for a remake.

Probably just have to settle for this one:

If you take this away that angle goes from there to now there and the... You're stalled. You're stalled.
You know... You're plowing through the air.
And no longer can you...
So you immediately... When you lose this coforce you have to adjust the angle of attack, gain speed down...
Not bad.
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Tad Eareckson
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Re: The Bob Show

Post by Tad Eareckson »

Bob Kuczewski - 2013/11/12 10:30:03 UTC

Re: Java Program:

Hi Tad,
Hi Bob, long time no hear. The last time you communicated with me directly was 2012/09/13 22:50:49 UTC on the subject of the tow force diagram/animation you put up at:
Tow Force Diagram with "V" Bridle

for the purpose of calculating loads on weak links. I responded to your notes on that issue starting at:

but I'm guessing you never bothered to read what I had to say - along with not bothering to read any of the discussions on the advisability of using Rooney Links to increase the safety of the towing operation in the weeks after Zack Marzec was scraped off the runway at Quest.
In your forum, you wrote this regarding someone else...
Whatsamatta? You don't know his name? Or is there some reason you're not using it? It's:
Orion Price - Northridge, California - 88538 - H3 - 2011/04/03 - Joe Greblo - FL 360
Sure am happy it's not my name on his card.
...who'd joined KiteStrings:
People don't just join Kite Strings. They only get on Kite Strings if they're approved by Zack or me - and Zack always gives me sole discretion. And I only approve people if I determine they have or may have a legitimate interest in being here. And I now disapprove them the instant they demonstrate that they don't.
What was your purpose for registering on Kite Strings?
The duplicitous motherfucker's sole purpose for registering on Kite Strings was to be immediately banned. And I immediately accommodated him.
To have an honest, civilized, respectful, rational discussion about hang gliding issues and problems? I rather doubt it 'cause I've never seen you partipate in any of the critical discussions on any of the mainstream forums.
I think you misspelled "participate".
Yep, Sherlock. You caught that I'd missed two letters / one syllable AND correctly divined the intended word. I run everything through a spellcheck before posting but sometimes get bit on subsequent minor edits. Fixed it, thanks.

So how come you didn't have a single comment anywhere on the fourteen pages of deadly total crap on 130 pound test fishing line Dr. Trisa Tilletti poured into the 2012/06 issue of the magazine? Are you sure you're using your talents where they're doing the most good for the greatest number of people?
But aside from that, I don't think too many people would go to KiteStrings for "rational" discussions...
Right again, Bob. 99.9 percent of the people who participate in this sport are total fucking douchebags who:

- think that Jim Rooney has a keen intellect, Bobby Bailey is a fucking genius, and Towing Aloft is an excellent book

- are scared shitless of rational discussions

- get their entertainment and feeling of self worth by listing to scumbags like Davis Straub, Jim Rooney, Bob Kuczewski ranting endlessly about Tad being an unrepentant child molester and scumbags like Orion Price ranting endlessly about Tad's deficiencies in the testicle department
...and they CERTAINLY wouldn't go there for "civilized, respectful" discussions.
They CERTAINLY wouldn't go ANYWHERE for rational, civilized, respectful discussions. They'd go to shit heaps like the Jack, Davis, Greblo, and - if desperate enough - Bob Shows where they're free to express their opinions on flare timing, crash techniques, the reasons hook-in checks are unnecessary and dangerous, what to do after launching unhooked, why 130 pound Cortland Greenspot works better than all the other shit out there for increasing the safety of the towing operation, how to react to weak link breaks, the length of time it takes a glider to notice that you've taken a hand off the basetube, CPR classes, who's opinions are worth listening to, candidate Bob Kuczewski's tireless dedication to advancing hang gliding safety with other shitheads and have some sleazebag of a "moderator" protect them with delete, lock, and ban buttons when they start looking like the total morons they are.
Really, what were you thinking when you wrote that?
I was thinking about the rare individuals - the extremist one percent - we have on Kite Strings who love hang gliding and want to rescue it from the sleazy assholes and morons who infest and control it and come here for rational, civilized, respectful discussions on getting things right and in line with conventional aviation.

So who have you got flocking to your little perpetual dictatorship-masking-as-a-democracy nowadays, Bob? How'd your little experiment go after you locked me down in The Basement and then banned me to make your forum a safe place for people of varying ages to visit? Did you make it a safe place for people whose age varied to...

...sixty-six to visit?

You wanna know what I was thinking about you early in the history of our correspondence? Tough shit.

I was thinking triple digit IQ, ability to write complete sentences, aeronautical engineer, I can talk with this guy and get him on board with physics and logic based hang gliding to help get this total bent pin disaster area cleaned up.

What I, of course, SHOULD HAVE been thinking is, "How come this motherfucker with a triple digit IQ, the ability to write complete sentences, and an aeronautical engineer degree is watching this total bent pin disaster area and not doing shit about it?"

But now I know EXACTLY how this sewer of a sport and scum like you and your OP buddy operate.

- The sport is and always has been a majorly incompetent flavor of aviation.

- Competence has always been the enemy.

-- Competent pilots understand that this is an inherently dangerous sport and that understanding that it's an inherently dangerous sport is the foundation for making it's practice safe.

-- The Industry wants to sell it on a foundation that it's as safe as croquet and that the only people who get fucked up are clueless bozos who were accidents waiting to happen.

-- Solutions to problems and their advocates are automatically attacked because implementation would be an admission of incompetence and negligence and open The Industry up to devastating liability issues.

-- Scumbags such as yourself and OP are rewarded by The Industry with advancement in the power structure for attacking and marginalizing solutions to problems and their advocates and cheering on mainstream dregs like Jim Rooney, Sam Kellner, Steve Wendt.

You're a virus, Bob. I was a bit slow on the uptake but now know every base pair in your DNA sequences and just what makes you tick. I can predict every move you're gonna make and know exactly what treatments to apply to minimize the number of infections and their effects.
[TIL] About Tad Eareckson
Bob Kuczewski - 2013/03/10 18:20:34 UTC

I first learned about Tad Eareckson when I was Regional Director and the USHPA Board circulated a letter he had written (with intention to send?) to the FAA about some dangerous practices in hang gliding. The Board's knee-jerk response was to try to take some kind of legal action to silence Tad. I indicated that I thought we shouldn't be sending our lawyers in as our first response and that maybe we should have someone talk with him first. So Dennis Pagen volunteered, and I believe the matter was settled without any serious damage to the sport.
Keep up the great work limiting the serious damage Tad's able to do to the sport, Bob. Neither one of you lying bottom-feeding motherfuckers is gonna be kindly remembered by history.

Zach Marzec
Kinsley Sykes - 2013/02/09 23:49:42 UTC

I am very hard pressed to come up with a scenario where I would want my weaklink not to break when it's loaded up. Conversely, I can think of several times on tow where I was glad it did. Usually I was just about to release cause things were going from bad to worse and POP, I was flying myself and things worked out.

I get pretty torqued up at the "strong weak link" advocates who come out of the woodwork when something like this happens and use it to say "see, this proves my/our point". This, in spite of not being there and only having second hand information to make this point. If you believe that fine, knock yourself out, but don't use BS like "this wouldn't have happened if only you had listened to me".
Zach Marzec
Jim Rooney - 2013/03/07 18:24:58 UTC

You were out looking for data to support your preconceived conclusion, rather than looking at the data and seeing what it tells you... which is why this is the first time we've heard from you and your gang.

Go back to Tad's hole in the ground.
While you're there, ask him why he was banned from every east coast flying site.
See if you can get endorsements like those the next time some asshole - ideally Davis Maybe-Just-Coincidence Straub, Jim Keen-Intellect Rooney, or Sam You-Don't-Get-An-Accident-Report Kellner - gets snuffed by the focal point of his safe towing system.
To: Bob Kuczewski
From: Tad Eareckson
Subj: reply
Date: 2013/11/16 13:54:04 UTC

Got a response up at:
if your interested - or if you're not.

If you're not then somebody will be - the thread's averaging a bit over 48 hits per post nowadays.
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