instructors and other qualified pilot fiends

General discussion about the sport of hang gliding
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Re: instructors and other qualified pilot fiends

Post by groundeffect »

I so remember that recommended reading: "Hang Gliding for Beginner Pilots, 3rd Edition". Oh! and the looks that I got when I mentioned the number of errors to the LMFP employees. Don't know if Matt was there or not, didn't know him at that time.
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Tad Eareckson
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Re: instructors and other qualified pilot fiends

Post by Tad Eareckson »

And the culture as a whole tolerates/defends/protects this crap.
Wills Wing Dealership Requirements/Guidelines

We at Wills Wing feel that the most important role of the dealer is to insure the safety of the retail customer and promote the safe growth of the sport by offering quality instruction and service. It is primarily on our determination of your ability to do that that we grant dealerships and corresponding discounts.

The responsibilities of a Wills Wing HANG GLIDER DEALER include:

A) Offering competent, safe instruction in the proper and safe use of hang gliding equipment.
Trust NO ONE in this sport and keep yourself out of positions in which you're under control of others as much as possible.
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Tad Eareckson
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Re: instructors and other qualified pilot fiends

Post by Tad Eareckson »
:cuss: Dammit Davis!!!
Fred Wilson - 2013/05/09 04:39:10 UTC
Vernon, British Columbia

Membership in the OzReport is free.
- And worth every penny of the dues.

-Unless you start winning battles against him and his pet cocksuckers...
What can be learned from this "scooter" towing accident?
Davis Straub - 2011/02/07 19:21:29 UTC

Okay, enough. On to new threads.
Enough of this.
Davis Straub - 2013/03/12 18:32:37 UTC

Okay, folks, this forum us beginning to turn into a cesspool.
Stop it now or I start kicking people out of here.
Then it becomes tenuous or terminated.
Membership is required to read the forum as a means of stopping SPAM only.
Yeah? So why is it necessary to prevent people from READING the forum to stop spam?
LOG IN just to read OZ ?
Davis Straub - 2012/05/13 22:13:01 UTC

Spiders. Tired of them. No need to have outside indexes of the forum. Now those spiders are just knocking on the door. They can't get in (now).
Davis just doesn't want the public to be seeing too much of the slaughter resulting from his hang checks, Aussie Methodism, bent pin releases, and Quest Links.

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Tad Eareckson
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Re: instructors and other qualified pilot fiends

Post by Tad Eareckson »
Looking for pro-tow release
Ann Fawkes - 2011/06/14 17:54:04 UTC

I am looking for a website or dealer who is selling the pro-tow release system with three rings.
I learned to aerotow with this but metamorfosi is apparently not selling them anymore...
All input is welcome. Would be nice if I found it in Europe ...
Casey Cox - 2011/06/15 15:32:49 UTC

Pro-tow is not as safe a tow bridle as a two point with aero release. It's just smaller, less drag, shorter bridle that takes a little less time to stow, and looks cooler.
Davis Straub - 2011/06/15 12:50:03 UTC

Do you have any references that back up your opinion here?
Steve Davy
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Re: instructors and other qualified pilot fiends

Post by Steve Davy »

An example of the excellent training we have today that didn't exist thirty years ago.
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Tad Eareckson
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Re: instructors and other qualified pilot fiends

Post by Tad Eareckson »

Yeah. Signed Paul off on his Three and Brad Barkley off on his Two.
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Re: instructors and other qualified pilot fiends

Post by groundeffect »

Got to ask, who is Paul and Brad?
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Tad Eareckson
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Re: instructors and other qualified pilot fiends

Post by Tad Eareckson »

Paul is Paul Edwards - pjwings on The Jack Show. Author of:
Getting into the sport! Advise appreciated!
Paul Edwards - 2013/04/20 00:52:10 UTC

The main reason hang gliding is reasonably safe today is because of the excellent training we have today that didn't exist thirty years ago.
Seems to have enough in the way of brains to be over here doing something useful but instead is comfortable hanging out with the rabble and writing crap like that.

Brad Barkley is Darbbb on The Jack Show. Generic total waste of space.

You can search both of those names on this site and read all you need to know about them.
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Tad Eareckson
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Re: instructors and other qualified pilot fiends

Post by Tad Eareckson »
Looking for pro-tow release
Zack C - 2011/06/16 03:14:35 UTC

I've never aerotowed pilot-only, but it is my understanding that this configuration pulls the pilot forward significantly, limiting the amount he can pull in further.
Davis Straub - 2011/06/16 05:11:44 UTC

Incorrect understanding.
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Tad Eareckson
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Re: instructors and other qualified pilot fiends

Post by Tad Eareckson »
Why the Angst??
Paul Walsh - 2013/05/19 22:14:18 UTC

I am a little saddened and deeply curious to this recent pattern.
We are a very few....truly lucky and fortunate. Many many Men(and of course Women) have for many centuries looked to the very same skies which we now inhabit, dreaming and wishing that they may share it with the birds.
How truly lucky are we.
Yeah. I can't begin to tell you...
Is this a joke ?
Jim Rooney - 2011/08/25 04:55:25 UTC

Don't even get me started on Tad. That obnoxious blow hard has gotten himself banned from every flying site that he used to visit... he doesn't fly anymore... because he has no where to fly. His theories were annoying at best and downright dangerous most of the time. Good riddance.
...just how happy I am for you.
We should be, theoretically...
Jim Rooney - 2011/08/26 06:04:23 UTC

As my friend likes to say... "Sure, it works in reality... but does it work in theory?"
Hahahahhaa... I like that one a lot ;) so close knit and supportive of our fellow skyfiends.
You ARE. In spades. That's the problem.
I know people are different....thats good...
In aviation that totally sucks way over 99 percent of the time. There's virtually ALWAYS a single best solution to any given situation...

...and individuals with OPINIONS that don't synchronize with the realities of Newtonian physics tend not fare very well in the long run or, when the shit's really hitting the fan, short run.
...but Why do we humans have to sink to our most base state, so regularly, and so predictably.
As you said, people are different. And for a very considerable chunk of the ones who are attracted to hang gliding, base states is all they've got. And when you have aviation with no standards and aviation organizations with no accountability you can predict with one hundred percent certainty that the scum with the basest of states will take control, structure the sport entirely to their advantage, and work to eliminate...
weak link table
ian9toes - 2009/06/14 15:18:37 UTC
Gold Coast

I strongly disagree with banning the one guy who has the most knowledge about safety issues involving what I believe is the most dangerous part of our sport. I hear someone dies every year from towing. I hope SG bites his tongue in the interest of public safety. Maybe just changing the heading of the post to, Blatant plug for aerotow weaklink. Does anyone really think he stands to get rich out of selling these, I don't think so. I suspect his main motivation is to save some lives and to not have all his hard work gone to waste. Keep the cocky bastard on I say Image
HangGliding.Org Rules and Policies

No posts or links about Bob K, Scott C Wise, Tad Eareckson and related people, or their material. ALL SUCH POSTS WILL BE IMMEDIATELY DELETED. These people are poison to this sport and are permanently banned from this site in every possible way imaginable.
Interview with Davis Straub, OzReport founder
Jack Axaopoulos - 2012/02/24 15:00:21 UTC

The "Extremist 1%" is not allowed on this site.
...the tiny percentage of participants with functional brains who know what the fuck they're talking about.
PLEASE PLEASE before any of you post another negative pile of egocentric shite.
You mean like THIS:
Report about fatal accident at Quest Air Hang Gliding
Paul Walsh - 2013/02/09 11:50:37 UTC

There really are a couple of total assholes here on this know who you are..... Image Image Image
One thing I do have to admit though.........your both very consistent ASSHOLES.
Makes one wonder if you are like this with people to their faces......probably not....and if you many friends/bruises do you really have/get?????
Zach was a very dearly loved young man. He opened many eyes to the utter joy and delight of our sport.
Stop being dickheads and go kick your dog, you know for that feeling of superiority you so desire. You crap does not wash here.
As stated several times....go get some training and experience and then come back.
Paul Walsh - 2013/02/09 12:41:57 UTC

I agree....sorry.
I just had to respond to these idiots. They have no clue about the math. etc.
And I objected to their implication that this was anything other than a totally reputable, experienced and knowledgable operation.
My apologies.
Both myself and my family have seen several of Zachs videos and they have inspired us all.
Zach Marzec
Paul Walsh - 2013/02/17 21:21:49 UTC

They are also spewing forth on the .org the same drivel.
Whilst rating each others comments with 3 thumbs up(goodness knows where) and rating anyone who disagrees with a sink this vote.
I hope people are aware enough to see thru this weird behaviour.
I for one suggest that all 3 of them use 3000Kg links and try to show everyone else on video just how good they are.
Okay it's Urs vs Spork now
Paul Walsh - 2013/05/07 08:55:26 UTC

But you are a complete wanker matter anything are a CLASSIC BellEnd who thinks he is the centre of the universe.
I go with the 'if you have a problem knock him the f*** out'..
I also must agree with Ryan, continuing to go there, knowing there is a 'threat', does not sound like someone who has been mortally threatened.
The only things which DO add up dorky, is the lack of consistency and content in your posts.
Still playing with the rating options again I is it for you??
Paul Walsh - 2013/05/07 13:27:34 UTC

Your a GIRL
Girly direct, not crying on a forum.
One legged Brad Vs Spork
Paul Walsh - 2013/05/11 15:27:49 UTC

Training for Sporky

If the ridge is a little busy for you Dorky, dont take off. Everyone knows Paraglider pilots dont/rarely take any notice of the ridge rules, so stop whining. Seriously, go fly somewhere where you are the only one on the ridge, I'm sure everyone will be much happier.
It does take skill and experience to be able to negotiate a busy ridge safely. Maybe take your time a little and work your way up to flying with others.
Still think you are a Girly boy.......Why hasnt the video of this been shown yet? Image
One legged Brad put Funston in jeopardy today
Paul Walsh - 2013/05/12 21:18:50 UTC

Sporky is really really showing his colours here.(Pink)
Girly boy.
Just think first.
And what the fuck would some testosterone poisoned, semiliterate, aeronautically incompetent, brain dead bigot like you know about THINKING?
We are a family.
"WE" most certainly are NOT - especially when "WE" includes "YOU".
Even though we may not agree...
This is aviation, dude. There are right answers and OPINIONS. The people with the brains and abilities to use them will ALWAYS agree. The people who aren't at least working towards agreement have no business trying to participate in the game. gentle and loving.
- Or...

-- If someone wants to enjoy recreational ridge soaring in compliance with FAA right of way regulations and doesn't want to be attacked by some psychopath with a faster heavier wing, call him a faggot.

-- If people attempt to counter some of the immense damage Donnell Hewett and the Flight Park Mafia have done to towing safety, call them idiots and total assholes.

- Lemme tell ya sumpin', motherfucker...

Given the reality of the situation in this culture, oftentimes the most gentle and loving thing one can do is call Rooney and his Followers and Harmonizers stupid evil pigfuckers and state that their deaths will be huge boons to the sport and gene pool.

Then, after one of them buys the farm exactly as you predicted would happen, you get a couple more people listening to you and avoiding similar fates.
That is what family do.
Don't talk to me about "FAMILY". Show me where any of Zack Marzec's flying or biological families have done a single goddam thing to help prevent a rerun.
2013/05/19 22:49:48 UTC - 3 thumbs up - Don Arsenault
2013/05/20 06:55:15 UTC - 3 thumbs up - Janica Lee
2013/05/20 11:37:20 UTC - 3 thumbs up - Dave Pendzick
2013/05/22 16:51:22 UTC - 3 thumbs up - darkcloud
2014/01/10 21:49:12 UTC - 3 thumbs up - Brian Horgan
How many of this asshole's posts have you assholes read?
michael170 - 2013/05/19 23:17:34 UTC
Doesn't begin to scratch the surface.
Brian Scharp - 2013/05/19 23:44:56 UTC

Amen brother. Excuse me if I sound skeptical, but does that include "Girly Boys", "Bell Ends", and "Whankers"?
Sure. But just for Girly Boys, Bell Ends, and Whankers - not for REAL family members.
That's a complete flip from "if you got a problem knock him the fuck out".
I agree with your latest advice, but I'm curious. What triggered the change of attitude?
He's been having a lot of trouble keeping his meds properly scheduled.
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