You are NEVER hooked in.

General discussion about the sport of hang gliding
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Tad Eareckson
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Re: You are NEVER hooked in.

Post by Tad Eareckson »
Tad's release (even more)
Freedomspyder - 2009/02/14 17:43:30 UTC

I've found your posts on both Hookin check & releases very intereseting & well thought out.
Best of luck dealing with the ozreport forum cult & their leader.
Hang glider Crash
Allen Sparks - 2010/09/07 01:03:18 UTC
Evergreen, Colorado


I'm very happy you weren't injured.


Thanks for the Tad 'lift and tug' reminder.

I have launched unhooked and experienced the horror of hanging by my fingers over jagged rocks ... and the surreal result - i.e. not being significantly injured.

I am a firm believer in 'lift and tug' and the mindset of assuming I am not hooked in. It is motivated by the recurring memory of my own experience ... and the tragic deaths and life-altering injuries of good friends.
Failure to hook in.
Bille Floyd - 2011/10/27 16:59:26 UTC

Well, I agree with what --Christian ..-- just said about :
only the "Last" check Counts !!

The day i crashed on that Foot launched TOW; i had hooked into the tow bridle And the hang loop for the harness.
the wind died, and Stayed dead for 10 min.
So i unhooked from the glider and sat on the bace-tube, but left the Bridle attached.

The Wind came back up and i picked up the glider & made a mental pre-launch check. Remembering that i had already hooked in previously --
i deleted the, "lift the glider" part to check for tension on the harness.
and signaled for the driver to GO !!

That was the LAST foot launch with a HG, i'll ever make again, with my :
Real Feet !!
Legless-Whitehaired-Dude Video Thread
Allen Sparks - 2013/03/29 22:28:14 UTC

Vids of Bill Floyd

starting with Torrey - 2011
Legless-Whitehaired-Dude-jumps off cliff's of Torrey-Pines
Bille Floyd - 2012/04/13

My Friend Spark took me on a Flying trip in Apr 2011.
I made flights on a Hang glider after losing both of my legs below the knee in 2007. I was just a Tad Bit nervous at first, but remembered the Joy of Flying soon after Launch !!!

Bille Floyd

deltaman - 2012/06/21 07:57:38 UTC
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Tad Eareckson
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Re: You are NEVER hooked in.

Post by Tad Eareckson »
Legless-Whitehaired-Dude Video Thread
Mike Badley - 2013/03/29 23:07:15 UTC

Just goes to show that you only need a bird brain to fly - who needs legs?
People who wanna be able to set up their gliders and foot launch. BilleFly HAS legs - but they're strap-on jobs which totally suck compared to the ones he was initially issued and destroyed because...
Bille Floyd - 2011/10/27 16:59:26 UTC

The Wind came back up and i picked up the glider & made a mental pre-launch check. Remembering that i had already hooked in previously --
i deleted the, "lift the glider" part to check for tension on the harness.
and signaled for the driver to GO !! was to goddam much trouble for him to do the "lift the glider" part to check for tension on the harness - and the stupid asswipes running the winch to require him to make any pretense of adhering to USHGA's regulation requiring the pilot to demonstrates a method of establishing that he's hooked in just prior to launch.
Not quite as impressive as the one-legged hopper from Slide, but affirming none-the-less...
Unfathomable stupidity affirming.
Cheers! Glad to see you in the air.
Me too. He's already three quarters killed himself once at Torrey by doing a couple of stupid things - one of them unbelievably stupid - on the same flight. There's a lot of hope for even more entertainment every time this guy moves a glider to launch position.
Tim Dyer - 2013/03/29 23:40:14 UTC
Las Vegas

If you knew the backstory on how his legs were lost, you might think otherwise.
How is it possible for anyone in hang gliding to NOT know the backstory on how his legs were wasted?
I hope to make a trip with him this year to AJX.( I can pick his brain ;) )
And once that fifteen second exercise is checked off what plans do you have for the rest of the drive?

By the way... What are you Vegas assholes doing different to reduce the probability of a rerun? Just kidding.
Glide Junkie - 2013/03/30 00:58:45 UTC
San Diego

I appreciate the infectious zeal for life Billy has!
Yeah. An infectious zeal for life seems to be something all these spectacular fuckups...
Remembering Zack Marzec
asiler - 2013/02/04

Zack's positive attitude and passion for flying impacted many of the instructors and the students he taught during his time at Kitty Hawk Kites. Zack was the type of person who never met a stranger and always encouraged people to try new things. His love of flying and teaching was an inspiration and an example for those new to the sport.

Bruce Weaver, Vice President of Recreation and Manager of Kitty Hawk Kites Hang Gliding School said, "Zack started teaching hang gliding for us in 2009, when he won the title "Rookie of the Year". He had a passion and a gift for flying and teaching and truly lived his life to the fullest. His positivity and enthusiasm were contagious and he enriched the lives of the thousands of people he taught and of all those who knew him."
...have in common. Consider coming over to Kite Strings for a free inoculation.
Patrick O'Donnell - 2013/03/30 01:47:05 UTC
London, Ontario

WoW!!!! thoes are some fun times, I also am lucky that still my life is full of the mostly good things,, yes cool stuff cool stuff that Noman and Allman and you other brothers of a feather that Hang glide, and Do It. ,,,,I like it.. Image
And let's not think about all the other brothers of a feather whose lives have been destroyed and ended because only the tiniest percentage of brothers of a feather have the slightest fuckin' clue what you're doing.
michael170 - 2013/03/30 04:42:42 UTC
Bille Floyd - 2011/10/27 16:59:26 UTC

Well, I agree with what --Christian ..-- just said about :
only the "Last" check Counts !!

The day i crashed on that Foot launched TOW; i had hooked into the tow bridle And the hang loop for the harness.
the wind died, and Stayed dead for 10 min.
So i unhooked from the glider and sat on the bace-tube, but left the Bridle attached.

The Wind came back up and i picked up the glider & made a mental pre-launch check. Remembering that i had already hooked in previously --
i deleted the, "lift the glider" part to check for tension on the harness.
and signaled for the driver to GO !!

That was the LAST foot launch with a HG, i'll ever make again, with my :
Real Feet !!
Allen Sparks - 2013/03/30 13:22:01 UTC


This thread is about flying and having fun. It is not about hook-in checks.
Right' Michael. This is hang gliding. And in hang gliding flying and having fun ALWAYS take priority over...
Allen Sparks - 2010/09/07 01:03:18 UTC

I am a firm believer in 'lift and tug' and the mindset of assuming I am not hooked in. It is motivated by the recurring memory of my own experience ... and the tragic deaths and life-altering injuries of good friends.
...the tragic deaths and life-altering injuries of good friends.

That one was a good one to delete, Allen. (Discovered it gone just before 2013/03/30 15:36:51 UTC.) Words like those could really come back to haunt you - ESPECIALLY when you're hanging out a lot with a buddy like BilleFly.

And, since they're safely archived over here, rest assured that I'll make sure they really come back to haunt you the next time one of these regularly scheduled clusterfucks rolls around.

Piece of advice, Allen...

If you or any of your idiot buddies ever has to make a choice between skipping:
- a) a hook-in check
- b) flying and having fun

go for "b".

It was 48 weeks ago today that Jon Orders went for "a" one too many times and it cost his passenger her life and ruined the rest of his - and no amount of praying by him or anybody else is ever gonna fix things and bring them back to what they had been just prior to that critical two second window.

Get your fuckin' priorities straight.
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Tad Eareckson
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Re: You are NEVER hooked in.

Post by Tad Eareckson »
Legless-Whitehaired-Dude Video Thread
Allen Sparks - 2013/04/01 00:28:54 UTC
Great, Allen. Just ignore Michael's point and keep posting more videos of your idiot buddy violating USHGA's most fundamental and critical safety regulation covering foot launched flights...
Failure to hook in 6/29/12
Allen Sparks - 2012/07/13 12:41:24 UTC

I've launched unhooked twice. Both times were in 1977.

One was a shallow slope launch, survivable. I sprained my ankle.

The other was a windy assisted cliff launch at Jean ridge NV - not too survivable.

Hanging from the basetube by my finger tips 40' over jagged lava rocks was my worst nightmare come true. Miraculously, I was not seriously injured.

Hang checks, walk through, visual inspection, checking chest and leg straps, etc, are essential items in the preflight process.

Hook-in checks are required by the USHPA SOPs (e.g. USHPA SOP 104.07 7-A-8)

With each flight, demonstrates method of establishing that pilot is hooked in just prior to launch.
I used to interpret 'just prior' as 15 minutes. I now firmly believe that it should be done immediately before launch.

It is amazing to me how many USHPA-rated pilots do not appear to do hook-in checks just prior to launch. There are many examples on youtube.

I am not trying to argue that a hook-in check is fool-proof. I am saying that it is a USHPA requirement, that it is often not done, and that it should be drilled into our flight procedures.

I do hook-in checks per SOP, multiple times before launch, including 'just prior'/'immediately before'.

As a USHPA observer, I will not sign off for a USHPA rating until the pilot has demonstrated that he is doing a hook-in check consistently, just prior to launch, on every flight I observe. Jean Ridge, ferchrisake.

Nah, I won't sign your rating if you're not complying with the regulations but if some total moron has given you one already I'll be more than happy to help you continue to commit the same pooch screw that cost you your legs half a dozen years ago at the same site where I damn near lost my life three dozen years ago.
Rolla Manning - 2013/04/01 06:18:10 UTC
Las Vegas

Bille is a true inspiration to all
Yeah, I'm sure he is. Just the opposite of the sort of person I want people to be inspired by.
When you think that life is trying to put you down,
Hang Gliding can set you free and make you whole
If you have never met Bille you are definitely missing out.
He is so full of life and very exited to be living it every day.
Yeah, it's really amazing how exited he is. Almost as exited as his ol' buddy George Worthington became on 1982/09/10 right after one of the wings of his uncertified motor glider fell off at four hundred feet.
Thanks for posting Sparky!!
Yeah, thanks bigtime Allen. A real service to the sport and the people in it.
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Tad Eareckson
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Re: You are NEVER hooked in.

Post by Tad Eareckson »
Leg loops, leg loops, leg loops!!!
Paul Hurless - 2013/03/30 01:00:42 UTC

If you're on launch and something doesn't feel right, stop, take a breath and then review your mental checklist until you figure out what it is.

I was up on Slide Mountain...
Jay Powell's accident at Slide Mountain Jul.4 1998 or 1999
Marianne (Bing) - 2012/07/24 22:50:02 UTC

Jay Powell's accident at Slide Mountain, July 4 1998 or 1999

I'm trying to find an article about a hang gliding accident on Slide Mountain, Reno, Nevada on the fourth of July, about 1998, 1999. The name was Jay Powell, and he didn't clip in. Do you have anything about this accident? Thank you very much for reading this!

It was my son who crashed from Slide, for some unknown reason he didn't snap in. He had a helmet on, however he had a closed brain injury and will never be the same. I never did save any of the articles, now I'm trying to find one, if possible. His name is Jay Powell if you ever come across a writing, would you kindly send it on? I know that's much to much to ask, however, you never know!

Regards, Bing for my first flight of this year and my first flight with a new harness. The conditions were mellow and it should have been a no-brainer.

I climbed over the guard rail and was standing there observing the conditions and something about my harness seemed off. I expected to take a few flights with it to get used to it, but this wasn't anything to do with the fit. After mentally going back over my preflight I realized what it must be. I reached down to confirm it and yes, that was it, the leg loops were not around my legs.

Another pilot from the .org was visiting the site and he held the nose wire of the glider for me so I could unzip and fasten the loops where they would do some good.

I have always flown with High Energy Tracer harnesses and their leg loops pretty much fasten themselves around your legs when you put them on. My new Moyes Contour lacks that feature. I don't know that it would have been anything more than some discomfort when I landed, but I will be putting a lot more emphasis on checking them from now on. Even a little bit of complacency can be a problem.

Thanks, Tom (Low), for giving me a hand.
Mark Selner - 2013/03/30 01:41:39 UTC
Apple Valley, California

ive launched without them on.
Mark Selner - 92054 - H2 - 2012/07/28 - Dan DeWeese - FL FSL
Hey Dan...


Why don't you make some plaques that read:
and Check Your Leg Loops!
and install them right under all of your "Hook In!" jobs? That way you could remind people to check their leg loops in addition to checking to make sure they're hooked in, continue to teach them to skip hook-in checks, and not risk getting your instructor certification pulled and your USHGA Safety Award recalled.
...almost turned into the mountain .i had too pull my self up on the base tube then un clip too get the cacoon out no fun at all.had too run fast on the landing.and didnt even wack. :oops:
Or you could've flown the glider away from the mountain, just climbed into the control frame to kick into the boot if necessary, and bellied in. But bellying in could've been dangerous if you had elected to land in a narrow dry riverbed with large rocks strewn all over the place instead of the Crestline primary.
Manta_Dreaming - 2013/03/30 05:18:11 UTC

Glad to hear you're ok and kept a level head.
That's about the most level you're ever gonna be able to see that head getting.
As I recall there was a pilot who launched without his legs in the leg loops but unfortunately he fell to his death, maybe in Switzerland a few years back.
Question - would a hook in check have also caught that?
Of course not!
Tom Galvin - 2012/10/31 22:17:21 UTC

I don't teach lift and tug, as it gives a false sense of security.
All that would've done would've been to have given him a false sense of security.
Paul Hurless - 2013/03/30 05:34:05 UTC

If by hook in check you mean picking the glider up to verify being connected...
He does.
...then yes it would have. I caught it before that.

The pick up and tug is what I do right before I launch. It's part of my normal launch sequence during which I pick up the glider and give it one or more firm extra tugs to feel it picking the harness up, checking and saying "clear", and then saying "launching". As soon as I do that I am off the hill.
And thank you SO MUCH, Paul, for all the help you've given us in all the post unhooked launch forum battles against assholes like Ryan Voight, Davis, Rooney, Bob Kuczewski, Rick Masters, Sam Kellner, Quinn Cornwell, Stewart LaBrasca...
I like having a good habit pattern to always follow, now I just need to add a step to it.
I did a hang check behind the launch, but that was mostly just to check the height above the bar since it was the first time for me flying with this harness.
1. Which is about the only time a hang check is of any use.
2. And it DID NOT catch your leg loops.
I also do a lean forward and look and feel the strap pulling tight before I pick up the glider to move to launch. I do my best to eliminate single points of failure.
Yeah Paul...
Towing Aloft - 1998/01

A weak link is the focal point of a safe towing system.
Mark Frutiger - 2013/02/03 13:41

Yesterday was a light and variable day with expected good lift. Zach was the second tow of the afternoon. We launched to the south into a nice straight in wind. A few seconds into the tow I hit strong lift.

Zach hit it and went high and to the right. The weak link broke at around 150 feet or so and Zach stalled and dropped a wing or did a wingover, I couldn't tell. The glider tumbled too low for a deployment.
Report about fatal accident at Quest Air Hang Gliding
Paul Hurless - 2013/02/09 08:49:22 UTC

If you had been properly trained on how to tow, you would know that it shouldn't be a big deal when a weak link breaks, even just after coming off the cart, if you are doing things right.
Sure ya do.
I seriously doubt that there is any way I could have fallen out of the harness since I would have to dislocate both shoulders to get my arms to slip through it when it's zipped up, but it would have been weird and/or uncomfortable when I landed.

I tend not to panic or worry too much when something goes wrong, I just troubleshoot it and fix it.
So please tell us how you'd have trouble shot and fixed whatever it was that went wrong with Zack Marzec's flight right after his Rooney Link popped. Just landed and gotten back on the cart for a relight because you've been properly trained to do things right and it shouldn't have been a big deal?
John Fritsche - 2013/03/30 05:41:45 UTC

I had a Tracer for many years, in which you just stick one leg through one leg strap, and the other strap automatically closes around your other leg when you close & zip the chest of the harness. I then switched to a Z5, which doesn't have that nifty feature, and caught myself about to launch with only one leg secured on one of my first flights with it. Fortunately, that close call has continued to keep me very aware of the need to step through two leg straps now.
Meaning you don't do hook-in checks - and have no intention to start doing them, even after having read what Paul just said.
So, Tracer owners, beware: if/when you switch to any other harness, you've got to remember that you've got to step through two leg straps from now on!!!
So you can keep skipping hook-in checks.
Manta_Dreaming - 2013/03/30 05:44:41 UTC

Here's the link to the incident I referred to:
Fatal Failure to Engage Leg Loops

Note that the unfortunate pilot only fell around fifty feet - enough of course.
Instead of just lifting the glider five inches.
Dave Boggs - 2013/03/30 06:28:51 UTC

Cocoon, Hook in harness ( Aussie),then get in leg loops first . IF I need to get out, I crawl out of the harness, it stays hooked in until I land
Usually last off hill, nobody there, to tell me I am about to die :shock:
I always assume that I am - regardless of whatever stupid bullshit I've done in the setup and staging areas. That's what keeps me from dying.
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Tad Eareckson
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Re: You are NEVER hooked in.

Post by Tad Eareckson »
The good takeoff & landing thread
Tim Dyer - 2012/06/14 21:46:37 UTC
Las Vegas

3 of my 10 training hill runs on 6.8.12. All FSL and less than 10mph wind with small thermals. Staying out of the middle of the field for the students.....until they left 8-)

Allen Sparks - 2012/06/14 22:49:29 UTC

Imagehook in checks Image
Delay between check and launch...

Flight 1 - 0:07
Flight 2 - 0:19
Flight 1 - 0:32

Average - 0:17

Yeah... ImageSuper job! Image

Hard to imagine anybody ever being mistaken about anything after a seventeen second time lapse.
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Tad Eareckson
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Re: You are NEVER hooked in.

Post by Tad Eareckson »
Launches and spot landings SB.wmv
Tim Dyer - 2012/06/14

Elings Park, Santa Barbara - 2012/06/08
1:18 - hook-in check
1:25 - commits

2:31 - hook-in check
2:32 - sets down
2:35 - picks up
2:43 - sets down
2:44 - picks up
2:50 - commits

4:04 - hook-in check
4:07 - sets down
4:27 - picks up
4:36 - commits
With each flight, demonstrates a method of establishing that the pilot is hooked in just prior to launch.[/quote]
Paul Hurless - 2013/03/30 05:34:05 UTC

The pick up and tug is what I do right before I launch. It's part of my normal launch sequence during which I pick up the glider and give it one or more firm extra tugs to feel it picking the harness up, checking and saying "clear", and then saying "launching".
Got that, Tim? A HOOK-IN CHECK is:
- NOT something you do WHENEVER.
It was fun and educational. Also helped my confidence.
Failure to hook in.
Steve Davy - 2011/10/24 10:27:04 UTC

OK- how many times does he need confirm that he is hooked in? And when would be the best time to make that confirmation?
Brian McMahon - 2011/10/24 21:04:17

Once, just prior to launch.
Christian Williams - 2011/10/25 03:59:58 UTC

I agree with that statement.

What's more, I believe that all hooked-in checks prior to the last one before takeoff are a waste of time, not to say dangerous, because they build a sense of security which should not be built more than one instant before commitment to flight.
I'm absolutely POSITIVE it did.
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Tad Eareckson
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Re: You are NEVER hooked in.

Post by Tad Eareckson »

It was a year ago yesterday (damn, I got confused I missed the anniversary) that Jon Orders took his last flight on a hang glider - launched as a tandem but landed as a solo.

Try the following Google searches:

"Lenami Godinez-Avila" "hang check"
"Lenami Godinez-Avila" "hook-in check"

I just got results of "about 3030" for the former and exactly three - two thirds of them here and the rest on The Jack Show - for the latter.

Un fucking believable.
Zack C
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Re: You are NEVER hooked in.

Post by Zack C »

Tad Eareckson wrote:I just got results of "about 3030" for the former and exactly three - two thirds of them here and the rest on The Jack Show - for the latter.
I think you mixed those up.

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Tad Eareckson
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Re: You are NEVER hooked in.

Post by Tad Eareckson »

Nah, that part was OK. But just above it:

"Lenami Godinez-Avila" "hook-in check"
"Lenami Godinez-Avila" "hang check"

was supposed to look like:

"Lenami Godinez-Avila" "hang check"
"Lenami Godinez-Avila" "hook-in check"

Thanks for the catch.

By the way...

I FINALLY, sometime last year, successfully fixed:

I failed to get it right the first time, again after you informed me of the error, and again after you told me I was still coming up short.

I stumbled over the error many moons later and couldn't believe that it was still screwed up. Sure wasn't clicking on many cylinders that night.
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Tad Eareckson
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Re: You are NEVER hooked in.

Post by Tad Eareckson »
Tragic Death on hang glider
Terry Ryan - 2012/04/30 05:15:41 UTC

Tragic indeed.

I am absolutely heart-sick reading about the tandem accident out in BC.
A young girl, Lenami Godinez, seeking her first air adventure, died. And the pilot, Jon Orders, who I know personally and consider a friend, will be irrevocably devastated. Ohhh, my heart goes out to all involved. This is such a horrible time for those people, their families and friends ... and for the hang gliding community in general. I know we'd give anything to turn the clock back and make things right. But ...
Please, be safe out there.
Terry Ryan
Fred Wilson - 2013/05/11 14:33:11 UTC
Vernon, British Columbia

Jon Orders Facebook:

===> His court case is coming soon, like this fall. <===

Jon: I and ever single last one of your friends will be tickled Pink to be able to help you Try to get through each and every day,
- to Try our very best to make this work out for the best for you!
Sure Fred... Jon:

- spends his entire hang gliding career skipping hook-in checks and not participating in discussions about unhooked launch prevention

- drops an intended passenger a thousand feet

- swallows the video card and instantly becomes the global face of hang gliding for several months

- has spent every moment in the year plus since doing absolutely nothing to try to prevent someone else launching a glider with a dangling carabiner

and you launch this call for universal support from each and every Jack Show shit.

T** at K*** S******

- spends his entire foot launch career verifying his connection just prior to launch and not launching unhooked

- writes articles and untold hundreds of posts fighting to try to get you assholes to verify your connections just prior to launch and make sure your buddies, students, and passengers are doing the same

HangGliding.Org Rules and Policies

No posts or links about Bob K, Scott C Wise, Tad Eareckson and related people, or their material. ALL SUCH POSTS WILL BE IMMEDIATELY DELETED. These people are poison to this sport and are permanently banned from this site in every possible way imaginable.
I'm poison to the sport and permanently banned from that site in every possible way imaginable.

I think I'll go out to the ridge and blast a Sharpy out of the sky, scrape a passenger off on the powerlines in front of launch, use my glider as a weapon against someone else cruising the ridge, land and pay a couple of witnesses to testify that my passenger unhooked herself five seconds before launch while I was watching the ribbons, and then see if I can get a few of my lifetime bans overturned and be welcomed back into the community with open arms.

What a fuckin' sewer this sport is.
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