instructors and other qualified pilot fiends

General discussion about the sport of hang gliding
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Re: instructors and other qualified pilot fiends

Post by miguel »

Damn Dude, you out danced Michael Jackson at his best.

To make it simple and undanceable for you. The conditions I described were stronger than the available control on the glider. No ground speed is what happens when you are flying into a 30 mph breeze. When I went prone, I did not go with both hands on the base tube. I pulled the wing down by climbing the downtube and pulling myself through the control frame. I got the wing level but the wind was simply too strong and picked the glider up like a leaf.

But then again, conditions are always pleasant and mellow in Tad's imagination. :mrgreen:
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Tad Eareckson
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Re: instructors and other qualified pilot fiends

Post by Tad Eareckson »

Brian is neither elegant nor eloquent...
And he doesn't know what he's talking about and hands out deadly advice and is a bigot.
...but his message is spot on.
Yeah, as spot on as he usually is.
If Spork has a problem with a pilot...
- He does.

- I have no interest in returning to flying hang gliders and even less in flying paragliders and Funston is about as far across the continent is it can get from yours truly. But *I* have a BIG problem with that "pilot" - kinda like I have a real big problem with assholes like Dell Schanze, Sam Kellner, Bob Kuczewski, don't get me started...
...take it up with the pilot...
He shouldn't have take it up with that asshole. That's not his job. That's the job of law enforcement and the criminal justice system. Kinda like I shouldn't have had to take anything up with any Ridgely or USHGA motherfuckers when they were endangering my life - I'd argue - to a greater extent than Rick's was, by towing me in blatant violation of federal aerotow safety regulations.

Rick's still alive and unscathed. Zack...

...ain't. And that industry immediately reloaded for its next victim.
...instead of whining on the internet.
- I thought that was the primary purpose of the internet. Hell, it's the primary purpose of Kite Strings - and here you are after 231 posts.

- I'm glad he's whining on the internet. Feeling that Jim Rooney was one of the most intelligent and level headed posters there puts him on a list of mine that he's gonna have a real hard time getting off of, but - as far as I'm concerned - he's making more sense than ninety percent of those assholes put together. And I have no dog whatsoever in that fight.
He said, she said, he said...
What he's saying adds up - consistently. And I haven't been shy about expressing my views on a lot of his two-plus-two-equals-whatever detractors in the past. a waste of everybody's time.
- How's he wasting ANYBODY'S time? Who has his eyelids taped open and a gun to his head being forced to pursue the thread into Jack's Basement and read every word? It has 129 posts and over five and a half thousand (5526) hits at present.

- If you really wanna waste some time go over to The Davis Show and read Rooney's thesis...
Whoops! Snapped another tip wand :-O
NMERider - 2012/03/14 15:17:14 UTC

His one-technique-fits-all attitude espoused on the Oz Report Forum has become tiresome to read. It does not work in the fucked-up world of XC landings and weary pilots.
...on how to perfect your flare timing or his hundreds of comments about how 130 pound Greenspot standard aerotow weak links and bent pin barrel releases are the evolutionary results of decades worth worth of trial and error by fucking geniuses like Bobby Bailey.

- And if that sorta thing can happen to him on his paraglider at Funston - as it's also happened to Bob on his hang glider at Torrey - it can happen to anyone anywhere for any reason. And that's EVERYBODY'S problem and EVERYBODY needs to be doing SOMETHING to deal with it.
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Re: instructors and other qualified pilot fiends

Post by Tad Eareckson »

The conditions I described were stronger than the available control on the glider.
In adequate or optimal control configuration?
No ground speed is what happens when you are flying into a 30 mph breeze.
Sounds like adequate to me. I hafta fly faster than that just to stay behind a Dragonfly. And I usually fly prone with my hands on the basetube for a little reserve should I need it.
When I went prone, I did not go with both hands on the base tube.
miguel - 2013/04/25 21:51:50 UTC

No injury to me but the glider was totalled.
That would explain a few things.
I pulled the wing down by climbing the downtube and pulling myself through the control frame.
How come I never see bozos doing that after they've drifted too far back in strong winds over the ridge at Woodstock and are trying to blast their ways back out?
I got the wing level but the wind was simply too strong and picked the glider up like a leaf.
Oh well, the important thing was that you were in excellent configuration to use your glider as a crumple zone.
But then again, conditions are always pleasant and mellow in Tad's imagination. :mrgreen:
Nah. I was often one of those bozos who'd drifted too far back in strong winds over the ridge at Woodstock trying to hold the basetube as far back as possible with my fingertips in an effort to try to get a tree a couple of thousand feet below to start inching backwards.
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Re: instructors and other qualified pilot fiends

Post by Tad Eareckson »
One legged Brad put Funston in jeopardy today
Glenn Zapien - 2013/04/28 05:17:04 UTC
Cereso, California

So, in closing, A pilot who no longer flies HG, and now only primarily flies PG goes on an international HG site to cry like a little bitch about a local issue with a specific local HG pilot. man up and deal with it you pussy. Take your drama to where people want to hear you like the local behavioral health department. They have treatments for you. Fuckin nut job.
I never did like this asshole. Good to see him snowballing with validation of my initial take on him.

Note on one of my comments from six posts back in this thread...

In Jack's Basement early today:
Dark Matter: The hand of God?

got a couple of bumps and knocked:
How to get banned from ((tad drama)lol)

down to the Number 6 slot. Shortly thereafter Jack opened up the overview to reveal the top four titles.

Later on Jack tossed:
One legged Brad put Funston in jeopardy today

out of the main section and into The Basement because it was giving too accurate an impression of what a sewer "self regulated" free flight aviation really is.

"How to get banned from" drops to Number 7, Jack opens up to the top five displayed titles.

Interesting little numbers thing occurred in the middle of last EDT night...

Kite Strings currently has two titles in quintuple hit digits - this one:

- instructors and other qualified pilot fiends

-- and:

- Weak links

The 2013/04/28 02:44:31 UTC fiends post brought it to the top right over the 2013/04/28 00:28:18 UTC links post.

Starting very close to 2013/04/28 04:16:03 UTC and for a long time afterwards the respective hits were reading:

Two very similar five digit palindromes together and at the top of the list. Yeah, I know... A bit obsessive-compulsive but kinda cool anyway...

Releases is, at this time of posting, sitting with a nice palindromic 9669 hits and should very shortly be making it into the five digit club.

Kite Strings has evolved a critical mass - not the participation flavor for which I had originally hoped but, even if it's mostly a monologue, it's a formidable presence in the culture and having a small but significant influence.
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Tad Eareckson
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Re: instructors and other qualified pilot fiends

Post by Tad Eareckson »
One legged Brad put Funston in jeopardy today
Larry Howe - 2013/04/29 03:43:09 UTC

This thread is hilarious. I've been away from the org for quite some time and come back to find that some things just never change. Spork is never wrong and unbelieveably has problems with the guys at his home site. Whodathought Image Image
It's not important, unless it has eternal ramifications John14:6
Eagle 164
Sport2 155
Wills Wing Z-5
Center of Gravity CG-1000
John Borton - 2013/04/29 13:23:12 UTC

I see that the gay baiting, bible thumper stopped his "daily study of Christ" long enough to return and judge someone on his very first post.
Seems to be something of a pattern as to where different people are falling into the battle lines over there.
As of 2013/04/28 02:02:19 UTC the titles appearing for The Basement had been chopped back down to four. Makes me wonder if Jack's monitoring over here and adjusting what he's doing to try to make himself a little less transparent.
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Tad Eareckson
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Re: instructors and other qualified pilot fiends

Post by Tad Eareckson »
Landing in the Big T wash
Greg Angsten - 2013/04/04 18:53:18 UTC
Westchester, California

Here are the areas we are talking about. Yellow is our runway, no parking in red areas, green preferred.
34°16'53.12" N 118°17'41.75" W
NMERider - 2013/04/05 21:09:27 UTC

There have been a number of bad landing incidents in the wash by a variety of experienced pilots because it is a dangerous bailout, period. It is NOT the club's landing zone either. It is a bailout and when it's hot on the surface it can and will bite you in the ass.
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Tad Eareckson
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Re: instructors and other qualified pilot fiends

Post by Tad Eareckson »
How to get banned from ((tad drama)lol)
Orion Price - 2013/04/29 21:09:43 UTC = Tad Eareckson has a conversation with himself.
- Any of you terminally stupid gutless motherfuckers feels like having a conversation with me you are more than welcome to start or engage in one. But if you EVER misrepresent my - or anyone else's - statements or walk out of a conversation when the answers to questions start getting embarrassing, like:
Weak link question
Tad Eareckson - 2008/11/24 06:16:08 UTC

Would someone - Brian, Janni, Lauren, ANYONE - PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE explain to me how the tug's ass is endangered by a double loop ONLY when it's on a SOLO glider but not at all when it's on a TANDEM?
chances are you won't be posting anything here.

- And I'm not gonna waste my time posting on any forum controlled by any sleazy cowardly piece of shit like Jack, Davis, Peter, Bob who tells me what I can and can't say and makes up rules of convenience as he goes along.

- If I WERE just having a conversation with myself why would anyone have a problem with that?

- Isn't that what Pagen does when he publishes one of his excellent books?

- And you're totally cool with...
michael170 - 2012/06/06 03:14:26 UTC

Did anyone here bother to read Drs. Lisa Colletti and Tracy Tillman's thirteen page idiotic article in the June issue of USHPA's worthless magazine?
NMERider - 2012/06/06 03:25:09 UTC

You are being much too complimentary IMHO. I got so nauseated reading it I had to take a breather. Do you mean to tell me they wrote an article that wasn't insipid and self-congratulatory to the extreme? I've found their entire series on aerotowing to come off rather poorly to say the least. A sad waste of such exalted and highly qualified medical professionals. How do I know this? Well they won't stop patting each other on the back about how great they both are.
Pardon me while I puke. Image
...the Tilletti twins pretending to have conversations with each other.

- Notice that your Jack Show "How to get banned from ((tad drama)lol)" currently has 18 posts and 948 hits?

- Try this Google search: "hang gliding" "Orion Price"

- Bannings and exclusions here aren't necessarily permanent. But right now Kinsley Sykes...
Zach Marzec
Kinsley Sykes - 2013/02/18 14:32:01 UTC

Overall this actually makes some sense...
...would have a WAY better shot at getting on here than you do of returning - 'cause at least he's TRYING a little to understand one of these issues.

Remember this:
Free* weak link tensile testing.

And my:
Tad Eareckson - 2013/03/19 01:41:40 UTC


By the end of next month the number of samples you'll have had mailed to you will be ZERO - and that figure will be a lot higher than any contribution to hang gliding that you and your fellow testosterone poisoned Sylmar dickheads are ever gonna make.
Well, the end of next month was yesterday, dude. And your little topic has drifted back to Page 6 Davis Show obscurity where it's currently sitting with 151 hits, zero replies, and zero action.

And the response to:
[TIL] About Tad Eareckson
Orion Price - 2013/03/16 17:56:25 UTC

In place of debunking the scientifically illiterate and religiously motivated Tad. I've started a free weak link testing endeavor. Send me your links and i will test them free of charge.
has, of course, been identical.


- The controlling forces in hang gliding are never gonna admit that they've always been totally full o' shit with their Rooney Link focal point of a safe towing system.

- The rank and file participant:

-- desperately wants believe:

--- in the Rooney Link that keeps him from getting into too much trouble because every last one of that crowd understands that he's never gonna be able to use an Industry Standard release to release in an emergency

--- that there's no way in hell he's not gonna be able to handle a Rooney Link pop to limit the consequences to anything more inconvenient than inconvenience

-- will swallow and slap on his glider anything an authority figure tells and hands him

- Only about:

-- 0.1 percent of hang gliding people are capable of understanding enough of the grade school arithmetic necessary to translate any test results into G ratings.

-- 1.0 percent of those people are capable of understanding that the sole purpose of a weak link is to...
Tost Flugzeuggerätebau

Weak links protect your aircraft against overloading.
...protect your aircraft against overloading and thus be able to understand how to select an appropriate rating.

- Those people have already sent their weak links to...
Free* weak link tensile testing.
Orion Price - 2013/03/16 00:31:26 UTC

I've seen your guy's testing contraptions.
...their guy for TENSILE testing on his contraption.

- What the fuck else do weak links get tested for? PRESSURE limits?

You're all testicles and mouth. And...
- Hang gliding has NEVER had any shortages in either of those categories.
- You will come and go without having done a single goddam thing in this sport to have any lasting positive effect.

P.S. Since OP's bump to his thread about T** at K*** S****** brought it back to the top of Jack's Basement lineup it looks like he's given up on trying to to keep the reference to T** at K*** S****** even more out of view and, as of today, he's back to showing the top seven most current topics.
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Tad Eareckson
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Re: instructors and other qualified pilot fiends

Post by Tad Eareckson »
Field Med Kit Item - Snake Bite Kit
Cragin Shelton - 2013/05/02 13:58:56 UTC

For at least 15 years I have had an inexpensive venom kit in my field gear - good for snake bites and other stings.
- Right, Cragin, a snake bite is a kind of STING.

- Where'd you get your data on it being "good for snake bites and OTHER STINGS"?

- Reminds me a lot of Lauren Eminently-Qualified-Tandem-Pilot Tjaden and her Quest Link lockout protectors...
It's a wrap
Lauren Tjaden - 2011/08/01 02:01:06 UTC

I rarely break weak links -- in fact, I believe the last one was some two years ago, and I have never broken one on a tandem (probably because I am light and also because I change them whenever they show any signs of wear). They are a good thing to have, though!! the one that just killed Zack Marzec.
A news report today, with photos, shows the value of having such a kit when out in the woods, where we often launch and land:
Here's a thought, Cragin... Launch off of ramps and work on your approaches so you don't land in the woods as often. You'll get more airtime, your leading edges will stay in a lot better shape, you won't get as many rattlesnake bites, and the rattlers can save their venom for use on mice - win/win/win/win.
Pure unadulterated crap.
- Nobody knows how much of a dose he got.
- Everybody knows how much venom he was able to extract with this bullshit kit - 0.0 milligrams.
Luckily, I have never had to use it for a snake bite.
Keep launching and landing in the woods, Cragin. I have every confidence you'll eventually get your chance.
I have, however, used it successfully for many bee and wasp stings.
And the results if you hadn't used it successfully for many bee and wasp stings would've been different how?
I highly recommend everyone who enjoys the mountains and forests pick up this kit at any major outdoor supplier, and keep it handy.
And another one of your idiot recommendations which helped cost someone his life two weeks later...
Bill Priday's death
Cragin Shelton - 2005/10/03 15:13:27 UTC

I remarked that 'you are not hooked in until after the hang check.' We ran Bill through a routine lay-down hang check at the back of the ramp, and he had a fine launch.
NMERider - 2013/05/02 16:19:57 UTC

Great advice! We have a lot of rattlers in SoCal and they show up in an around our LZs.
That would probably account for all the broken arms you guys are getting. They're undoubtedly messing up everyone's flare timing.
This kit seems to be the same one Mr. Turkey Hunter used:
The hang check of wilderness first aid - a hundred times worse than totally useless.

Hey guys...

I'll bet I can cite more hang glider jockeys who've been killed by Rooney Links since the beginning of February than you can cite hang glider jockeys who've been bitten by poisonous snakes in the entire history of the sport. (And bites on hands don't count.)

And what is it that you're talking about? A dangerously worse than useless solution to a nonexistent problem.

Fuckin' wastes of space.
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Tad Eareckson
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Re: instructors and other qualified pilot fiends

Post by Tad Eareckson »
FIeld Med Kit Item - Snake Bite Kit
Danny Brotto - 2013/05/03 00:49:19 UTC

Arg! Sorry Cragin but these snake bite kits are useless and can actually do more harm than good! As a reptile enthusiast (and sometimes field collector), I thought I should I should chime in and help dispel the inaccuracy.

I can imagine that such a suction device might prove beneficial for bee or wasp stings as the venom sack is superficial to the victim's skin. Venom continues to be injected post sting by pulsating muscles left with the venom sack at the site of the sting. So the suction could serve to help keep additional venom from being injected however any injected venom is not coming out. Another more economical technique would be to simply scrape the venom sack and stinger off with a knife or key. Trying to pull it out will simply squeeze more venom into the wound so don't do that!

Venomous snake inject venom deeply into the wound. You are not going to suck, cut, or bleed it out. At the same time not all venomous snake bites are "wet"... venomous snakes can bite but withhold venom making a "dry" bite. Any venom lost in a defensive maneuver means less/no venom for its next potential meal.

More information here:
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