The Bob Show

General discussion about the sport of hang gliding
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Re: The Bob Show

Post by <BS> »

Bob Kuczewski, a perennial thorn in the side of Air California Adventure...
Some anti-American wrote:If you're not happy here, you can leave. Love it, or leave it.
Soldiers Guarding Poppies Not Rosa Parks
Bob Kuczewski wrote:The great thing about choices is that people should go out and seek the organizations that they feel most comfortable with. I welcome you here if you like what we're doing, but if you don't then please go find what resonates with you. I am learning that we cannot tolerate people who join us with the intention of undermining or destroying us. So if you harbor animosity against what we're doing, then please don't suffer here. Go find what makes you happy. I mean that with the sincerest and best intentions.
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Tad Eareckson
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Re: The Bob Show

Post by Tad Eareckson »

My last post - 2019/07/18 15:33:40 UTC - in this topic, last one on the previous page, brought the count to one thousand.

Prior to the 2019/07/18 17:15:00 UTC edit the 2011/02/12 06:56:36 UTC quoted post contained passages that looked like:
Without naming names (I'm curious to see if they'll own up to it first), on May 10, 2009, one Director (Luis Felipe Amunategui) wrote:
That same day, another Director (Lisa Tate) responded:
A third Director (who I'll call "Mr. X" (Rich Hass)) chimed in that same day with this:
Also, I have almost no background in towing, so I've asked a close friend (John Heiney) to review his concerns for my own enlightenment.
Eventually, some of the cooler heads among the Directors began suggesting that someone (Dennis Pagen) discuss this with Tad (pretty much as I had suggested).
I'da thunk that it was fairly fucking obvious that Yours Truly had edited in: (Luis Felipe Amunategui) - (Lisa Tate) - (Rich Hass) - (John Heiney) - (Dennis Pagen). And Dennis had already been identified by Bob 2011/02/11 16:13:44 UTC in his previous post in that thread and Bob outed the three others here 2017/08/06 04:36:50 UTC at:

So why should anyone really give a flying fuck? The info was all accurate and the link was provided so anyone who cared enough could check the original source.

Compare/Contrast with:
Zack C - 2011/12/17 14:56:03 UTC
bobk wrote:Just so that I understand you, Zack, is that the extent of the "mistreatment" that you've spoken about?
This discussion should be off-line (actually, it should never have existed in the first place), but it's kind of late for that...

There's really nothing I can say that Tad hasn't already said better, but in the interest of hearing it from someone else...
1. You continually misrepresent Tad's statements.
I don't know whether you were genuinely doing what you felt was the right thing to do or just looking for convenient justification to finally can Tad, but I believe your actions were inappropriate and set a terrible precedent for your organization.
Our counter as of this one will read 11546 posts - and one will have a pretty hard time finding a misrepresentation, out of context quote anywhere by anyone who wasn't subsequently banned. And folk here get banned and pre-banned for misrepresentations they've made elsewhere. And we do a pretty good job of catching and correcting inadvertent inaccuracies. And if that's your biggest complaint, Bob...

Is self-regulation working at Torrey Pines Gliderport? | San Diego Reader
Thom Senzee - 2019/07/17

"It may now be time for the FAA to get more involved," Kuczewski says. "Though I'd prefer local control, that would be preferable to what we have now."
THAT doesn't appear to have been a misrepresentation or inaccuracy - and it's a statement not far south of the path I took which got my career ended over a decade ago. And we were on the phone that day for an hour or two - for whatever that was worth (beyond the sore throat I'm still feeling (despite the fact that it wasn't a shouting match and we on similar pages for most of the conversation)).
Frequently Asked Questions
What will keep the US Hawks from becoming another USHPA or HGAA?
You will ... hopefully. The price of freedom is eternal vigilance. Everyone has to do their part once in a while. If you see something that's not being done correctly, then it's your duty to speak out. One big difference between the US Hawks and other organizations is that the US Hawks really does honor the free speech of its members.
Soldiers Guarding Poppies Not Rosa Parks
Bob Kuczewski - 2015/02/17 18:48:41 UTC

The great thing about choices is that people should go out and seek the organizations that they feel most comfortable with. I welcome you here if you like what we're doing, but if you don't then please go find what resonates with you. I am learning that we cannot tolerate people who join us with the intention of undermining or destroying us. So if you harbor animosity against what we're doing, then please don't suffer here. Go find what makes you happy. I mean that with the sincerest and best intentions.
Two ways of saying the same thing. We'll honor your free speech up to the point that it makes the right/wrong people uncomfortable and love it the way we're running it or leave it and go back to where you came from. Pretty crap foundation on which to build an organization superior to the one we have with u$hPa.
AL's Second flight at Packsaddle how it went
Rick Masters - 2011/10/19 22:47:17 UTC

At that moment, I would banish all concern about launching unhooked. I had taken care of it. It was done. It was out of my mind.
That's WRONG. And that guy's a douchebag. The SOP says JUST PRIOR TO LAUNCH and every motherfucker who's ever plummeted to his death has had some moment in his bullshit procedure at which he would banish all concern about launching unhooked, had taken care of it, had done it, put it out of his mind. Conversely no motherfucker who's had a 0.001 percent doubt about the security of his connection has ever sustained so much as a skinned knee as a relevant consequence of the launch. And this is pretty fucking obvious 'cause the overwhelming majority of unhooked launches have nonfatal consequences and they report what was going on in their heads immediately prior to commitment.
Another hang check lesson
Unhooked Death Again - Change our Methods Now?
JBBenson - 2009/01/25 16:27:19 UTC

I get what Tad is saying, but it took some translation:
HANG CHECK is part of the preflight, to verify that all the harness lines etc. are straight.
HOOK-IN CHECK is to verify connection to the glider five seconds before takeoff.
They are separate actions, neither interchangeable nor meant to replace one another. They are not two ways to do the same thing.
If you maintain the fear right up to - and preferably through and beyond - the moment of commitment then you don't launch unhooked.

We discussed this on the phone and I told you that Greblo was full o' shit and a hundred miles south of useless on this issue and that we had him on tape doing shit in the way of a hook-in check until...


...near the end of his launch run and that I'd provide the link.
U.S. Hawks Observer Program Discussion
Bob Kuczewski - 2019/07/14 18:51:52 UTC

The U.S. Hawks Board has wrestled with the ratings issue, and we are at a impasse on adopting a system to issue new ratings. We've had great success at issuing ratings based on other existing ratings, but we haven't come up with a system to issue new ratings yet.

We have been at a stumbling block regarding the rating system documents themselves. We generally agree that USHPA's rating system (which evolved over many decades) is a reasonably good standard. Where we have differed is in whether or not we can publish copies of those documents which contain a copyright notice.

I don't want to rehash that argument in this topic (although it might be worth revisiting in a new topic), but I'd like to open the discussion about having U.S. Hawks observers who can give witness to the performance of various flight skills. Those skills need not be from any particular document, but could simply be a reflection as to what was witnessed. There is no copyright violation in referencing another document, and an observer could report witnessing task 'X' as described in USHPA SOP 'Y' without any problem.

We could even extend this approach to actually issuing ratings based on the existing USHPA SOPs, but it seems a little awkward to issue ratings based on documents that we can't publish or distribute ourselves.

Any thoughts are welcome.
You're recognizing their rating system, honoring their pilot proficiency ratings, considering adopting all that shit for your organization. For the past 38 plus years they've mandated:
With each flight, demonstrates a method of establishing that the pilot is hooked in just prior to launch.
Any intention of actually implementing that requirement they've had on their books with zero challenge for over 38 years? Or are ya just gonna continue the tradition of letting instructors and their products do and not do whatever the fuck they feel like doing or not?
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Tad Eareckson
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Re: The Bob Show

Post by Tad Eareckson »
Best Plan to Save Sport of Hang Gliding
Swift - 2019/07/23 01:03:37 UTC

It's a corporate position in a company that doesn't make anything but corporate positions at corporation salaries.
I don't know what she can do with what she has to work with. I don't envy her job. I hope accolades are not what she took the job for.
There's only so much polish you can put on that turd.
Free advertisement for private, for profit instruction? What else is there?
USHPA is a corporation without a product.
It has sold their only asset/property.
Now they are lean and mean with no product but hot air.
They can't or won't teach anyone to fly hang gliders.

There's the answer. Create a non profit teaching system.
The money spent on corporate salaries would better be spent on a central teaching center.
One new pilot that otherwise will not go through the typical process to learn to fly may be all it takes to change the future prospects for the survival of hang gliding as we know it.
Reducing the cost and barriers to learning will bring in more prospects for saving hg from withering on the vine.

The corporate lawyer isn't ever going to expose the corporation/jobsecurity to the liability of instruction but they can donate to another non profit to do the work they won't do.
We could all donate. Work, equipment, infrastructure. Choosing the right people to run it and pay the people doing the work.

One millionaire could step up and fund this now. I think there are many.. Any volunteers to be the hero that helps save hang gliding for future generations?

Oh, that's right.. human contribution of .0024% of total atmospheric CO2 is going to kill us all within 12 years... what was I thinking?
Best Plan to Save Sport of Hang Gliding
Bob Kuczewski - 2019/07/23 04:12:21 UTC
Lemme help y'all out with some grade school level arithmetic...
CO2 parts per million:
- 280 - Pre Industrial Revolution
- 410 - Now

Our fossil fuels contribution is 31.7 percent of current (so you're only off by a factor of a bit over 13.2 thousand) or 46.4 percent over what we humans had before starting our free ride. And it's CONSTANTLY RISING FAST (as we continue to pave over all the ecosystems that used to help mitigate things a bit). And what's happening NOW is absolutely HORRIFYING.
weather changes
Mike Bomstad - 2019/06/26 14:47:51 UTC

This is the worst season since Ive been flying.
Very odd weather, unreliable forecasts. Unusual wind velocities and directions .
We broke the planet
But go ahead and keep on telling us just how fine things are with the Polar Bears, glaciers, sea levels and how there's probably not much of a problem 'cause things will probably spring back to just fine in a few milliseconds like a flexing downtube with zilch harm done to anyone or anything.
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Tad Eareckson
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Re: The Bob Show

Post by Tad Eareckson »
Best Plan to Save Sport of Hang Gliding
Col.r - 2019/07/23 09:15:08 UTC

We are trying to find a consensus on a save hanggliding plan...

It is so easy to get distracted ...I have read similar discussions here and on my other favourite forum..Maybe some positive outcomes this time?..

My motive for poking my nose into the USA scene, is if a fix can be found, perhaps it will work in Aust too.

Ben R , summarised my itemised replies, however in my thoughts a manifesto drawn up by switched on current pilots is the first option..

Post Re: Best Plan to Save Sport of Hang Gliding Mon, Jul 8 2019, 4:27:43 pm
To succeed, we can't leave needed change up to our President and expanded Executive Committee.

"I agree with your sentiment but I think the solution lies in electing representatives who are more qualified, committed to transparency, solicit feedback from all stakeholders, and exercise responsible oversight of the administrative leg. The current leadership, despite good intentions, is lacking in all of these qualities. I can't imagine we'd have any of these problems if the board was full of Tikis.

A manifesto would be helpful for identifying candidates who are both pro-growth and committed to these ideals. We need representatives that both engaged and responsible--more than superficial figureheads.."

It is easy for people to say what others should be doing, me included , but in my humble opinion gather your wisest and least time poor figureheads and try to find a way to kickstart our stalling sport..

Get your now smaller, more efficient Ushpa board to see reason/help or what else?

If we want to save our countries, don't do this...Yeah, got distracted.

Ben Reese - 2019/07/23 20:42:51 UTC

Sorry for laughing while I read your post..
Actually I was impressed and agreed with your comments, until I saw the Trump pic on climate changes...
Seems your staying focused but on the wrong subject..
Funny how you point out how we need to focus on saving HG while your really trying to save us from plant fertilizer.
That is CO2.
Save HG Image
Swift - 2019/07/23 23:04:43 UTC

I find it distracting to build anything if we are going to die in twelve years anyway. What would be the point?

The fix is to reduce entry obstacles. Fund easy basic training. Fund instructors to train more students.
Introduce a pathway for more pilots to be trained easier, cheaper and closer to home.
Location is a problem for many in America.
People need to be able to fly more often than scant vacation time each year.
Scooter tow may be the answer for more people to enter the sport.
Once they learn some basics they can always go to the Disneyland parks, if they wish and have the money.

The money flowing through the corporation of hang gliding could easily support a high volume, central training center.
The aim would be basic flight. The pilots that stick to it will be the ones to save the sport. The ones we are looking for.

But again, what is the point if our .06% contribution of the .04% CO2 atmospheric makeup is going to end life on earth as we know it in less than 12 years?

.06% of .04% is .0024% of the CO2 in the atmosphere. Is this correct?
If our life hinges on that slim margin what difference is it going to make if we cut 100% of .0024%?
That .0024% means life to mankind. Cut it out and we are dead anyway. No heat. No industry. No gas guzzling HG vehicles. No hang gliding because we can't build them and we can't get to a mountain to fly them and we will be frozen in our caves.

CO2 is life for humans and plants.
It seems like anyone who is against it would have to be from another planet.
But again, what is the point if our .06% contribution of the .04% CO2 atmospheric makeup...
Current atmospheric CO2 makeup is 0.041 percent. Our fossil fuel burning contribution to that figure has been 0.013 percent or 31.7 percent of total. going to end life on earth as we know it in less than 12 years?
Life on earth as we knew it less than half my lifetime ago has already ended.
.06% of .04% is .0024% of the CO2 in the atmosphere. Is this correct?
No. It's totally fucking clueless. It's actually 31.7 percent of 0.041 percent - 13.2 thousand times this fucking clueless bullshit of yours.
If our life hinges on that slim margin what difference is it going to make if we cut 100% of .0024%?
You're right. Let's burn as much as possible. Everything's going just fine with agriculture, forestry, fisheries, ecosystems, weather, climate now. Let's keep drilling, fracking, mountaintop removal mining full tilt at least until we start seeing some noticeable downsides.
That .0024%...
31.7 percent. But... close enough.
...means life to mankind.
Right. There were no humans on the planet prior to the Industrial Revolution - most of the six thousand years it's been since God said, "Let there be light."
Cut it out and we are dead anyway.
Any deader than the ones currently being killed by heat waves, buzz saw hurricanes, Paradise caliber wildfires, irreversible droughts and famines, coastal flooding...
No heat.
No heat? Have you bothered to pull your head outta your ass within the past week long enough to take note of what's been going on over most of this country?
No industry.
Yeah, there's never been any industry of any kind on the planet that didn't rely on coal fired power plants. Never will be either.
No gas guzzling HG vehicles.
Good. Fuck hang gliding. And speaking of guzzling HG vehicles...
Weak link question
Janni Papakrivos - 2008/11/05 23:03:26 UTC

I probably witnessed 50 broken weak links this summer at Highland.
Flying the 914 Dragonfly
Jim Rooney - 2008/12/06 20:01:49 UTC

You will only ever need full throttle for the first 50ft of a tandem tow. Don't ever pull a solo at full throttle... they will not be able to climb with you. You can tow them at 28mph and you'll still leave them in the dust... they just won't be able to climb with you... weaklinks will go left and right.
Adam Parer on his tuck and tumble
Adam Parer - 2009/11/25

Due to the rough conditions weak links were breaking just about every other tow and the two tugs worked hard to eventually get everyone off the ground successfully.
Is this a joke ?
Davis Straub - 2011/08/28 15:26:28 UTC

Then again, Russell Brown had us double up behind him after six breaks in a row at Zapata. We couldn't figure out why we had so many breaks so quickly. Maybe just coincidence.
Remember when I began my crusade do get that total lunacy under control? And remember just how much help I got? Particularly from your Bob buddy?
No hang gliding because we can't build them...
We're heading for that situation right now - which is why Steve Pearson has deigned to descend from his throne and attempt to do something about the death spiral. And that's after our current President has Made America Great Again, gotten an excellent start on melting the polar icecap, given Big Oil the green light on paving over the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge.
...and we can't get to a mountain to fly them...
Fuck mountains. Hang gliding didn't evolve from mountain or hill flying and the vast majority of it in this country is currently happening off of runways a lot closer to where most people actually live.
...and we will be frozen in our caves.
Right. If we don't keep pouring CO2 into the atmosphere at better than our current rate the evil rain forests will quickly suck it all back out and plunge us into a horrendous ice age the likes of which this planet has never before seen.
CO2 is life for humans and plants.
And non human animals don't enter into the equation enough to be worthy of a single ghost of an acknowledgement. Not a single earthworm or insect pollinator. Not so much as a Turkey Vulture to mark our thermals for us. Humans and plants. Jim Gaar and Spotted Knapweed. Who could possibly ask for a more wonderful planet.
It seems like anyone who is against it would have to be from another planet.
Yeah, I'm from the planet that evolved after the asteroid evolved and lasted until humans really started ramping up their mechanized destruction of it.

I so do wonder what God was thinking when he had Noah load all those pairs of his creations when he determined it necessary to eradicate all but a half dozen or so of his humans in order to purify those he made in his own image up to his intended standards.

Hey Bob... Any comment on your buddy's arithmetic?

Off by a factor of 13.2 thousand and NOBODY's calling him on it ANYWHERE - save for here.
Ben Reese - 2019/07/24 02:56:41 UTC

(quoting entire message by Swift, right above)

Image Image Image
Suck my dick, Ben.
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Tad Eareckson
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Re: The Bob Show

Post by Tad Eareckson »
Best Plan to Save Sport of Hang Gliding
Bille Floyd - 2019/07/24 13:34:53 UTC

And your political distraction ; it kinda nullifies , that other-wise, Good post of yours !

If the Democrats win ; the USA will become a socialist country, with 1.5 million new and unwanted parasites , each year. Exactly where they expect to get the money to feed and supply health care for them ; now that is a mystery , (especially with a national dept of over $20 - trillion).
Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed to me,
I lift my lamp beside the golden door!
Is this a great country or what.

Unwanted parasites - just like every other human who's touched down on this continent since 1492 and his progeny - ignoring several centuries worth of transatlantic slave trade of course.

And speaking of parasites...
Failure to hook in.
Bille Floyd - 2011/10/27 16:59:26 UTC

The Wind came back up and i picked up the glider & made a mental pre-launch check. Remembering that i had already hooked in previously --
i deleted the, "lift the glider" part to check for tension on the harness.
and signaled for the driver to GO !!

What's it been costing the US taxpayer to keep your stupid semiliterate useless ass bipedal for the past dozen years?
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Tad Eareckson
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Re: The Bob Show

Post by Tad Eareckson »
Best Plan to Save Sport of Hang Gliding
Tormod Helgesen - 2019/07/25 09:48:13 UTC
Ben Reese - 2019/07/23 20:42:51 UTC

Funny how you point out how we need to focus on saving HG while your really trying to save us from plant fertilizer.
I'm risking shutting down this thread by replying to this but this is the dumbest argument ever for continuing polluting of the air. (it's vaguely relevant because if the climate changes to much we won't be able to fly since we'll be busy surviving). If plants were starving for CO2 we wouldn't see an increase in the CO2 level at all because it'd be devoured by plants, but it's increased by 25% in a short span of time. Increased level of CO2 do benefit some plants and lead to increased growth, BUT in the process 150 extra gallons of water per pound of plant material is transformed into water vapor. Water vapor is the most effective greenhouse gas and this adds to the already significant greenhouse effect of increased levels of CO2 in the atmosphere. This only adds to the spiraling effect of increased temperature in itself. This "CO2 is food for the plants" BS is being repeated by politicians and others as an excuse for doing nothing, I guess we're in trouble.
I'm risking shutting down this thread by replying to this...
Nobody's ever risked shutting down a thread by replying to anything. Davis locks threads and deletes posts when people are scoring on him and/or his cronies.
...but this is the dumbest argument ever for continuing polluting of the air.
- One of them for sure.
- Any comment on Swift's arithmetic.
(it's vaguely relevant...
It's totally relevant.
...because if the climate changes to much...
It's already changed too much.
...we won't be able to fly since we'll be busy surviving).
- We'll never again have the quality of conditions we had just a decade or two ago.

- There's stuff not surviving. We're in a period of mass extinction now and there are tons of individual humans getting snuffed by the hell we've unleashed.
If plants were starving for CO2 we wouldn't see an increase in the CO2 level at all because it'd be devoured by plants...
We probably would 'cause we're a lot more effective at clear-cutting rainforests than they are at regenerating themselves.
...but it's increased by 25% in a short span of time. Increased level of CO2 do benefit some plants and lead to increased growth, BUT in the process 150 extra gallons of water per pound of plant material is transformed into water vapor. Water vapor is the most effective greenhouse gas and this adds to the already significant greenhouse effect of increased levels of CO2 in the atmosphere. This only adds to the spiraling effect of increased temperature in itself. This "CO2 is food for the plants" BS is being repeated by politicians and others as an excuse for doing nothing, I guess we're in trouble.
You GUESS? When was the last time you looked out the window?

Bob still silent - just waiting for the downtube to flex back. Still no comment from Davis - but that motherfucker never was much in the way of grade school level arithmetic anyway.

Mike Bomstad, Tormod... Please don't let Paul Hurless weigh in on the right side of this.
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Tad Eareckson
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Re: The Bob Show

Post by Tad Eareckson »
Best Plan to Save Sport of Hang Gliding
Swift - 2019/07/25 23:33:57 UTC
Tormod Helgesen - 2019/07/25 09:48:13 UTC

I'm risking shutting down this thread by replying to this but this is the dumbest argument ever for continuing polluting of the air.
But it was a risk you were willing to take to label a valid argument as dumb.
If your argument is the only truth then the discussion of saving the sport of hang gliding is a moot point to begin with.
(it's vaguely relevant because if the climate changes to much we won't be able to fly since we'll be busy surviving).
Your argument is totally relevant if it is in fact true. It may be better to split those discussions off into another thread but since it comes up so much I would like to know how prevalent your views are in respect to other pilots?
Without arguing the theories of catastrophic climate change, how about a poll on what pilots believe or think they know?
My thoughts on saving the sport depend on personal investment aimed at helping new people coming into the sport by supporting instructors, who are the main asset of our corporate model. New members are the product and the salvation of the sport.

I have to ask again, what would be the point, if your AGW theory is correct?
I personally don't believe the AGW theory is correct and even if it were true, any proposed fixes that I've seen aren't going to change it.
If 100% of our .06% contribution to the total of .04% atmospheric concentration (.0024%) could be eliminated, would it really matter? And at what cost? There would be no hang gliding and there wouldn't be much else. It would take care of the perceived population problem because we would all likely be dead.

I'm all for a CO2 discussion in another thread but how about a preliminary count of how the thinking pilot lines up at this point in time?
Tormod Helgesen - 2019/07/26 07:58:02 UTC
But it was a risk you were willing to take to label a valid argument as dumb.
But it's not a valid argument because it's false. It's just cherry-picking of facts.

You break down the facts into small percentages to make it look less bad, but ask yourself this: Whilst 300ppm CO2 has an proven effect on earths climate, what does a 25% increase do?
]But it was a risk you were willing to take to label a valid argument as dumb.
Yeah Swift. If the author of an argument states that it's valid then it very obviously is. Who better would there be to make that determination?
If your argument...
He's not ARGUING anything. He's STATING FACTS. And nobody - yourself included - is disputing them or questioning their validity. the only truth then the discussion of saving the sport of hang gliding is a moot point to begin with.
- Fuck hang gliding. In this discussion we're dealing with global environmental catastrophe.
- Moot means DEBATABLE - not whatever you're thinking it does.
Your argument is totally relevant if it is in fact true.
Oh. You're expressing doubt about the validity of your position? So what's stopping you from checking the sources and making firm determinations? Don't know how to find them 'cause you get all your information from lunatic denier crap?
It may be better to split those discussions off into another thread but since it comes up so much I would like to know how prevalent your views are in respect to other pilots?
Who gives a flying fuck? Reminds me a lot of:
Poll on weaklinks
Do you believe taking off with a stronger weak link would be safer for your Aerotowing?

08 - 21% - Yes, it would be safer
10 - 27% - No, it would not be safe
18 - 48% - I already fly with the correct strength
00 - 00% - I'd launch with no weaklink at all, if they would let me
01 - 02% - None of the above
And then we knew exactly how to proceed, what kind of fishing line to use to begin a new track record, how to revise the SOPs.
Without arguing the theories of catastrophic climate change...
We don't need to argue any theories of catastrophic climate change. We just need to extract our head from our ass and look out the fuckin' window for two or three seconds. about a poll on what pilots believe or think they know?
Hang Two minimum. And three logged flights in the calendar year. When you're soliciting opinions from pilots on what they believe or think they know regarding climate science it's important to weed out the folk who just gave it a shot one weekend to scratch it off their bucket lists.
My thoughts on saving the sport... along the same lines as my thoughts on saving the planet.
...depend on personal investment aimed at helping new people coming into the sport by supporting instructors, who are the main asset of our corporate model.
Fuckin' nailed it. And only u$hPa certified instructors with current CPR certification. Otherwise you're likely to get shitloads of guys who've been flying for a few years who think they're capable of communicating stuff to friends who've expressed interest. One can only shudder to think of the carnage we'd see...
Rethinking towing
ziggyc - 2019/07/01 22:52:10 UTC

I would point out that Nancy got a hell of a lot worse than a black eye. When she plummeted to the ground she was going an estimated 35-40mph and landed head first, herniating her brain into her spinal column. The helmet made it out just fine. She was brain dead instantly; 41 years of life and love....gone in an instant. She was kept alive by machines for one more day so that family and friends could say their goodbyes.
...if that course of action were permitted.
New members are the product and the salvation of the sport.
And fuck all those guys who were around in the first decade - flying solo and transitioning to the control bar immediately after launch on their first hops.
I have to ask again, what would be the point, if your AGW theory is correct?
Yeah, it's just Tormod's theory - nothing to do with the consensus of the scientific community and observations with what's actually now going on with every square foot of the surface of the planet.
I personally don't believe the AGW theory is correct...
And reality doesn't stand a snowball's chance in the hell this planet is rapidly becoming against your personal beliefs.
...and even if it were true...
And consistent with the consensus of the scientific community were saying and documenting while totally disregarding your personal beliefs.
...any proposed fixes that I've seen aren't going to change it.
Or even mitigate it - says the guy who presents THIS:
Swift - 2019/07/23 23:04:43 UTC

But again, what is the point if our .06% contribution of the .04% CO2 atmospheric makeup is going to end life on earth as we know it in less than 12 years?

.06% of .04% is .0024% of the CO2 in the atmosphere. Is this correct?
If our life hinges on that slim margin what difference is it going to make if we cut 100% of .0024%?
arithmetic to show us all the contribution of fossil fuel burning from the beginning of the Industrial Revolution to the present day.
If 100% of our .06% contribution to the total of .04% atmospheric concentration (.0024%) could be eliminated, would it really matter?
See above. And try running it by a seventh grade math teacher - preferably one from well outside of the Bible Belt.
And at what cost?
Obviously way higher than doing nothing and watching all the coastal cities and populations of the planet continue going underwater.
There would be no hang gliding and there wouldn't be much else.
Hang gliding - in this country at least - is rapidly plummeting to the level of near extinction - and there's not shit anybody's gonna be able to do about it after the decades of incompetence, corruption, sabotage it's sustained over the entirety of its existence.
It would take care of the perceived population problem because we would all likely be dead.
WE are all DEFINITELY gonna be dead in the not-too-distant future. And if you have fewer than two kids of your own - and I'm pretty sure the number you have is zero (and ditto for your Bob buddy) then you're helping put our species on the path to extinction anyway. But as our population would steadily diminish our prospects for sustainable survival would steadily increase. Our species has been around for a couple hundred thousand years - and for all but the tiny most recent sliver of that period minus any benefits from fossil fuels.
I'm all for a CO2 discussion in another thread...
...involving a few of those Davis has deemed worthy of participation...
...but how about a preliminary count of how the thinking pilot lines up at this point in time?
Sure. And then if the denier douchebags achieve a 51 percent majority we can continue doing nothing as all the ecosystems of the planet continue collapsing.
Tormod Helgesen - 2019/07/26 07:58:02 UTC
But it was a risk you were willing to take to label a valid argument as dumb.
But it's not a valid argument because it's false. It's just cherry-picking of facts.
There's no cherry-picking of FACTS. There's just this mind-bogglingly clueless mangling of grade school arithmetic that not a single Davis Show motherfucker - on either side of the conflict - has yet picked up on.
You break down the facts into small percentages to make it look less bad...
CHECK THE MATH - asshole.
...but ask yourself this: Whilst 300ppm CO2 has an proven effect on earths climate, what does a 25% increase do?
He's not claiming a 25 percent increase. He's claiming a 0.0024 percent increase. That's a THOUSANDTH of your figure. And that's the same in Norwegian as it is in English.
Post Welcome to, and policies of, the Oz Report discussion group
Davis Straub - 2003/03/04 02:07:45 UTC

I encourage quality posts, posts that actually help the reader and would be of interest to the readers. I discourage drivel, nonsense and lazy, just hanging around, here-I-am-with-nothing-really-much-to say posts.
Sure ya do, Davis. Really hard to imagine just how far things would've gone down the toilet without your constant encouragement of quality posts, posts that actually help the reader and would be of interest to the readers and discouragement of drivel, nonsense, and lazy just hanging around, here-I-am-with-nothing-really-much-to say posts.
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Tad Eareckson
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Re: The Bob Show

Post by Tad Eareckson »
Best Plan to Save Sport of Hang Gliding
Un Tuckable - 2019/07/26 14:42:41 UTC
Tormod Helgesen - 2019/07/26 07:58:02 UTC

Whilst 300ppm CO2 has an proven effect on earths climate, what does a 25% increase do?
Or 40%? The CO2 levels look like they are still accelerating upwards...
Population explosion, everyone and his dog driving cars, drilling everywhere, industrialized rainforest destruction, melting permafrost... Ya think?
...could get up to 600ppm in ~15 years.

HGs don't burn fossil fuels to fly.
Bullshit. Not to mention:
Weaklinks - the HGFA rules
Davis Straub - 2008/04/22 14:47:00 UTC

Here is the requirement from the 2007 Worlds local rules (which I wrote) for weaklinks:
Pilots must use weaklinks provided by the meet organizers and in a manner approved by the meet organizers. All weaklinks will be checked and use of inappropriate weaklinks will require the pilot to go to the end of the launch line to change the weaklink.

Weaklinks will consist of a single loop of Cortland 130 lb Greenspot braided Dacron Tolling line and should be placed at one end of a shoulder bridle.
At the 2008 Forbes Flatlands Greenspot for the first time was used as the standard weaklink material (thanks in large part to the efforts of Bobby Bailey). We applaud these efforts to improve the safety of aerotowing by using a better weaklink material.
Is this a joke ?
Davis Straub - 2011/08/28 15:26:28 UTC

Then again, Russell Brown had us double up behind him after six breaks in a row at Zapata. We couldn't figure out why we had so many breaks so quickly. Maybe just coincidence.
And where's that douchebag in this discussion? If ya wanna get banned fast try advocating a straight pin barrel release or flying pro toad trims the bar at your knees.
That's positive selling point.
And tell them that it cures skin cancer while you're at it.
One demographic group to target could be the 40+ age group. People that tried it or thought about it when they were young, but didn't have the time or money back then.
Good freakin' luck.
Too depressing for those of us who already know what's going on and if the denier assholes were the least bit interested in the actual reality of the situation they'd have read it already.
Swift - 2019/07/26 22:37:18 UTC
Tormod Helgesen - 2019/07/26 07:58:02 UTC

You break down the facts into small percentages to make it look less bad...
I broke down the facts into small...
The total crap you wanna sell us to help justify your existence.
...percentages to give you a bigger picture.
How very considerate of you.
You are focused and distracted from the real world human contribution equation of .0024% atmospheric CO2.
If all human attributed CO2 were eliminated, (impossible) there would still be 99.9976 natural occurring CO2 that can't be controlled.
Get fucked.
I understand the concern people have for the future but...
...they're all fuckin' clueless 'cause they were vaccinated against measles and had their IQs dropped by 33 percent. are being sold a bill of goods that can never be delivered.
And you're gonna work overtime to make sure nothing good is ever delivered.
Who can really believe that cutting our small contribution to the atmosphere can alter the "climate"...
The "climate". In quotation marks. 'Cause the idea of "climate" is just some bullshit theory that a few so-called "scientists" pulled outta their asses to suit their personal financial situations. any significant way?
Of course not. Our contribution is only 0.06 percent of 0.04 percent. 0.0024 percent. Simple arithmetic. We've already established that.
The proposals I'm seeing will do nothing, even if possible, other than make life worse and more expensive in taxes.
And what better authority could we possibly have on these issues than yourself.
How are carbon taxes on productive people...
Or, to be fair, destructive people...
...paid to lumps like Al Gore going to fix anything? They are not.
Yeah, fuck that Al Gore person. We just keep pouring billions of dollars into him and exactly what are we getting for them?
And China will just explode with more CO2 output coupled with real toxic pollution.
You mean like all the acid, particulates, mercury, arsenic, heavy metals we get when we do good clean coal?
I am against pollution.
Me too. Which is why I'm considering banning you - despite your valuable assistance in our war against u$hPa and the Flight Park Mafia.
CO2 is not pollution.
Of course not.
the presence in or introduction into the environment of a substance or thing that has harmful or poisonous effects
You can pour infinite amounts of it into the atmosphere and all ya get are better fed and happier plants.
but ask yourself this: Whilst 300ppm CO2 has an proven effect on earths climate, what does a 25% increase do?
The proven effect of 300ppm or .03 % CO2 concentration in the atmosphere is that it is too low for planet health.
Yeah. Prior to the Industrial Revolution plants were starving all around the planet. And humans were reduced to eating nothing but Woolly Mammoths. It was really terrible.
A 25% increase, or .04% concentration is a good start.
We've increased it 32 percent. And people are dying in massive continental heat waves left and right.
Swift - 2019/07/26 22:45:57 UTC
Un Tuckable - 2019/07/26 14:42:41 UTC

HGs don't burn fossil fuels to fly. That's positive selling point.
It takes a lot of fuel to hang glide.
Goddam right.
I also don't believe oil is produced by decomposed dinosaurs.
Sounds like you've really done your homework on this issue. Image
Think about it.
Why? You've obviously thought about it three times as much as any human on the planet so far. I'm willing to go with anything and everything you're saying. It would be totally stupid to try to duplicate the effort.

Then another load of high bandwidth drivel from Ben Reese. I'll deal with:
Ben Reese - 2019/07/27 04:51:33 UTC

Spiking is the key word... Gradual increases in CO2 will be absorbed into the ecosystem.
Right. We're just gradually burning hundreds of millions of years worth of fossil fuel deposits and as soon as we're finished we'll just wait a few hundreds of millions of years for it to be redeposited. But by then we won't have a lot of time left before the Sun goes Red Giant on us and...
Un Tuckable - 2019/07/27 14:22:59 UTC

The pre-1950 CO2 levels (under 300ppm) is too low for planet health? It didn't stop humans from evolving.
Backwards - it largely seems.
The 1800s science behind why a small change of CO2 makes a big difference is mostly due to that most of the atmosphere isn't made of greenhouse gasses. About 99% of the atmosphere isn't a greenhouse gas, 78.08% nitrogen 20.95% O2.
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Re: The Bob Show

Post by TheFjordflier »

Why is it that, every time I read the world largest HG forums, I am even more certain that mankind is the dumbest of all species on this planet? :roll:
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Tad Eareckson
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Re: The Bob Show

Post by Tad Eareckson »

- It's a quality/quantity Inverse Square Law thing. And hang gliding has been on that path since Day One. And that will NEVER change for as long as what's left of the sport continues to exist at some measurable level.

And I'm about to make this tiny little forum a bit smaller.

- We still have a planet? When was the last time you checked?
Best Plan to Save Sport of Hang Gliding
Nathanflies_ - 2019/07/27 15:58:22 UTC


Ummm, here is what happens when you increase co2 to our food. It is NOT plant FERTILIZER this is sourced from Harvard research if you want to claim that isn't good enough go ahead but after this please go back to effin topic I did NOT TYPE ALL THAT CRAP OUT ABOUT SAILPLANES CURRENT SYSTEM OF TRAINING FOR YOU OLD FAT CATS TO JUST RAMBLE ON OFF TOPIC ALL DAY when last I checked not many of us are atmospheric scientists so we are all just arm chairing it!!!
It is NOT plant FERTILIZER...
And if it were we'd already be seeing:
- substantially increased yield per acre
- greenhouses using levels cranked up beyond what fossil fuel burning has gifted us to this point
... this is sourced from Harvard research...
It won't matter.
...if you want to claim that isn't good enough go ahead but after this please go back to effin topic...
Neither will this.
- Using sentences and punctuation.
- Try typing out what sailplanes use for weaklinks and what they use them to do for them for a dozen years and see where that gets you.
"Old" you definitely got right. We're not bringing new people into the sport.
weather changes
Mike Bomstad - 2019/06/26 14:47:51 UTC

This is the worst season since Ive been flying.
Very odd weather, unreliable forecasts. Unusual wind velocities and directions .
We broke the planet
when last I checked not many of us are atmospheric scientists so we are all just arm chairing it!!!
Then why did you post:
As CO2 levels climb, millions at risk of nutritional deficiencies -- ScienceDaily

Scientists do the research, draw the conclusions, peer review themselves, publish their findings in terms society at large is supposed to be able to understand. And I compose virtually one hundred percent of my contributions to Kite Strings from an armchair and have only been around any actual hang gliders once since the spring of 2009 and I'm not seeing how that's had any bearing on the validity of what I'm saying. Compare/Contrast with Jim Keen-Intellect Rooney over the breadth of his career.

Zack C - 2010/11/23 05:23:34 UTC

The purpose of Kite Strings is to foster serious discussion regarding the practices and technologies of modern hang gliding. This is a forum ruled by science, truth, facts, reason, and logic. Anyone with a respect for these principles and a willingness to learn and engage in rational discussion is welcome to participate.
I'm rather reluctantly pulling your plug. I'm sure it won't cramp your style much - seeing as how the last time you were even logged in was 2012/12/21 19:30:35 UTC - but I'm not having anyone inventing his own grotesquely warped arithmetic to support his own grotesquely warped and ultra lethal political agenda and ignoring all attempts at rational dialog.

And I'd be delighted to reconnect you in the event... But I won't be holding my CO2 enriched breath for very long.
P.S. - 2019/07/31 09:40:00 UTC

While we're seeing 2012/12/21 19:30:35 UTC as Last Active the last post was 2013/07/23 21:16:35 UTC - seven months beyond.
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