Breaking USHPA's Monopoly Control of Flying Sites

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Tad Eareckson
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Re: Breaking USHPA's Monopoly Control of Flying Sites

Post by Tad Eareckson »

As you've mentioned (bots), there are sufficient unknowns in the equation to make the llast digit or two irrelevent.
- 'Specially after you've started by looking at the wrong topic on the wrong page and inflate by a factor of 11.5.
- Yeah. But you titled your post "Doing the Math". So...
But you're again diverting from the topic of breaking USHPA's monopoly. I hope they show their appreciation with a nice award this year.
No need. I treasure all the ugly attacks I've ever had by these motherfuckers and their operatives. 'Specially the thinly veiled references to me in Dr. Trisa Tilletti's 2012/06 landmark fourteen page magazine article on the 130 pound Greenspot aerotow weak link. Also the zero page article nine months later on its most prominent victim.
I'll have to pass out bonuses to our trial board members!!
Send out trial bonuses to accurately reflect their importance to the organization.
Once again, you're diverting from the topic of breaking USHPA's monopoly.
Aw shucks. 'Twernt nuthin'.
Maybe they'll throw in a signed copy of "Towing Aloft" with your award.
Maybe I'll pass it around so people can actually read it and see how consistent it is with what's actually going on.
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Re: Breaking USHPA's Monopoly Control of Flying Sites

Post by <BS> »

Tad Eareckson wrote:If you don't get any more out of line than you have so far on this session I could see leaving your wire connected indefinitely.
If ifs and buts were candies and nuts...
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Re: Breaking USHPA's Monopoly Control of Flying Sites

Post by bobk »

To make this work would require:

1. The maturity to think privately:
- I detest this person but we agree about X.


2. The retraint to say publicly:
- We agree about X.

I contend that the native Americans were unable to do that, and the Europeans played them like a fiddle against each other. What do you think the USHPA insiders would like to see happen here?
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Tad Eareckson
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Re: Breaking USHPA's Monopoly Control of Flying Sites

Post by Tad Eareckson »

Why wouldn't publicly saying somebody one detests is right about X be the much more powerful presentation? It certainly would be to my ears. And I'd have a lot of respect for the individual for his honesty - even if my other sentiments were aligned with the other individual.
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Re: Breaking USHPA's Monopoly Control of Flying Sites

Post by bobk »

Tad Eareckson wrote:Why wouldn't publicly saying somebody one detests is right about X be the much more powerful presentation?
It depends...

If you can limit it to:

- I detest this person but we agree about X.

... then you've got a point.

But if it turns into:

- I detest this person because he's a liar, pin bender, murderer, single digit IQ'r, scum bag, danger to himself and everyone (of varying ages) on the planet, but we agree about X.

... then you're starting to defeat the purpose because you're drawing attention away from the common goal ... essentially diluting it.

That's also the problem with long posts (we share this problem to some degree). Too much text dilutes what you're trying to say. Short and to the point can be much more powerful. Some of your "Team Kitestringers" are masters of that. You and I have a long way to go.
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Steve Davy
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Re: Breaking USHPA's Monopoly Control of Flying Sites

Post by Steve Davy »

bobk wrote:That's also the problem with long posts (we share this problem to some degree). Too much text dilutes what you're trying to say.

Too many notes, Bob?
Short and to the point can be much more powerful. Some of your "Team Kitestringers" are masters of that.
Try this one then.
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Tad Eareckson
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Re: Breaking USHPA's Monopoly Control of Flying Sites

Post by Tad Eareckson »

I detest this person but we agree about X.
Wow. Must be a real asshole for detesting this really nice person with this really great idea for no reason whatsoever. And he's endorsing X. Better vote no - just to be on the safe side.
I detest this person because he's a liar, pin bender, murderer, single digit IQ'r, scum bag, danger to himself and everyone (of varying ages) on the planet, but we agree about X.
99 percent of hang glider people are liars, pin benders, murderers, single digit IQ'rs, scum bags, dangers to themselves and everyone (of varying ages) on the planet - and know and are proud of it. Who are the sport's most celebrated heroes? Davis, Jack, Rooney, Ryan, Mitch, Bobby, Steve Wendt, Trisa, Mark G. Forbes... When a Crestline guy was so bold as to suggest that Kelly Harrison's operation might not have been all it should've been - right after he fatally splattered an eleven year old kid - along with himself - in front of the kid's family he was threatened with physical violence and apologized for his totally unfair and unjustified comments.

I'm not seeing a problem here. The polar opposite if anything.
... then you're starting to defeat the purpose because you're drawing attention away from the common goal ... essentially diluting it.
And of course our target audience members have max fifteen second attention spans and it would be totally wacko to introduce anything of depth and/or ambiguity.

130 pound Greenspot. Ideal aerotow weak link. Lotsa trail and error. Worked out decades ago. Huge track record. Dontchya think we know what we're doing? Fourteen page magazine article.

And I'm making up and/or exaggerating NOTHING. And that doesn't BEGIN to SCRATCH the SURFACE.

So yeah. You're probably right. So then we've got lotsa u$hPa people forming another u$hPa with Bob Kuczewski instead of Tim Herr making all their decisions for them.
That's also the problem with long posts (we share this problem to some degree). Too much text dilutes what you're trying to say. Short and to the point can be much more powerful.
Yeah. Hitler was real good at that. And our current US President has gotta be admired for his success. (Michael Moore is predicting second (third, fourth...) terms.) And both of them got into positions of immense power with distinct minority support.
Some of your "Team Kitestringers" are masters of that. You and I have a long way to go.
Sometimes short and to the point works. Sometimes just with a particular group.
Tost Flugzeuggerätebau

Weak links protect your aircraft against overloading.
In sailplaning... Beginning and end of discussion. Use the one specified by the glider manufacturer.

In hang gliding:
Wills Wing Support

Aerotow Release Attachment Points for Wills Wing Gliders
Rob Kells

Always use an appropriate weak link with a finished length of 1.5 inches or less.
Decades of inconvenience crashes and fatalities, fourteen page magazine articles, thread locks, bannings, 1630 Kite Strings posts to date. Everything stemming from some totally lunatic drivel Donnell Hewett scribbled down at the end of 1980. Religious cult following.

Any thoughts on how we can do this short and to the point?


Meant to comment at the time but got distracted and forgot.
I contend...
...that the native Americans...
Yeah. THE native Americans. From the islands in the Arctic Ocean down to tip of Tierra del Fuego.
...were unable to do that, and the Europeans...
Yeah. THE Europeans. Who all spoke excellent standard European, went to the same church, never dreamed of raising their voices to each other in somewhat heated disagreements.
...played them like a fiddle against each other.
They'd been against each other since the beginning of time. Just like THE Europeans were back over there and then over here.

People tend to do what they have to in order to best survive the complex realities of circumstances of time and place. Sociopaths are always major factors in the equations. Hang gliding is and always has been an aeronautical competence vacuum and sociopaths have always rushed in to fill the void. But, lucky for us, sociopaths aren't any more immune to the laws of physics than anyone else and gravity tends to be really tough on frauds - not to mention their disciples.

And I can one hundred percent guarantee you that we've heard the last of him and crap like:
Kinsley Sykes - 2010/03/18 19:42:19 UTC

In the old threads there was a lot of info from a guy named Tad. Tad had a very strong opinion on weak link strength and it was a lot higher than most folks care for. I'd focus carefully on what folks who tow a lot have to say. Or Jim Rooney who is an excellent tug pilot. I tow with the "park provided" weak links. I think they are 130 pound Greenspot.
from total fucking morons like Kinsley Sykes.
What do you think the USHPA insiders would like to see happen here?
All the Zack Marzec, Jeff Bohl, and Jean Lake documentation, videos, photos, analysis taken down and forgotten. Also all references to, quotes from Jim Keen-Intellect Rooney.
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Tad Eareckson
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Re: Breaking USHPA's Monopoly Control of Flying Sites

Post by Tad Eareckson »

I'll have to pass out bonuses to our trial board members!!
- Sure Bob. Maybe the right to cast a vote that you can't override on some issue like Standard Aerotow Weak Link 2.0 fishing line and knot types. Then we could finally start establishing a track record after the better part of five years of wandering in the wilderness aimlessly. Or, failing that, settle the Ginger / Mary Ann thing once and for all.

- So how much longer do you think this Trial is gonna last? Two years and nine months as of last Sunday. What data are you gathering and carefully sifting through to make sure there weren't any glitches at the cloning lab? What are the trends looking like?

- About a month maybe? Same length of time you ran your "experiment" on Yours Truly to scientifically assess the effect of Bob Show Cocksucker participation?

- And you founded your island of democratic utopia a US Presidential term plus six months before you established your handpicked Trial Board on which to run the Trial. What's your data showing so far? What are the differences between the Emperor Bob and Emperor Bob With Trial Board that you're seeing and nobody else is?

- Listed in the Sixth Amendment of the US Constitution is right to a speedy trial. How does what your Trial Board Members are getting stack up against what an accused mass murderer or serial killer is supposed to get and typically does?
Once again, you're diverting from the topic of breaking USHPA's monopoly.
What are we breaking it with? A legitimate hang gliding organization or actions by several individuals with the same interests? I note you're not going up with a legitimate voted resolution from a legitimate registered 619 member nonprofit corporation or any reasonable facsimile thereof.

You have exactly the same power structure Jack has at his Living Room and you're around twice as concentrated as Davis 'cause on that totally-out-of-the-public-view sewer Gerry has access to some or all of the buttons that matter. And nobody should hold his breath waiting for anything of any actual substance to happen.

And I'll at least give THOSE sociopaths credit for not pretending to be anything much better.

And thank you so very much for confirming what I said you'd do to me at Dockweiler with your bullhorn by not even acknowledging - let alone denying - it.
[TIL] About Tad Eareckson
Bob Kuczewski - 2013/03/10 18:20:34 UTC

Eventually (and for reasons that I won't full disclose here), it became necessary to ask Tad to leave the US Hawks forum, and he is currently the only person who's been completely banned from the US Hawks.
Suck my dick, Bob. And watch the Grammar Nazis video again to maybe help with your writing.

And as far as I'm concerned your Trial Board flunked its Trial before it started by lending their names to legitimize this farce - let alone perpetuating it. And now that I think about it... How's it supposed to be passing its Emperor Bob test?

- By staying in lockstep with Emperor Bob on every issue of substance year after year after year? If so, seems to me they all passed with flying colors many many moons ago and the Trial should've been ended.

- By someone who disagreed with Bob on something of substance and had the integrity to take a public opposition stand? Demonstrate that he's not a Jack/Davis Show caliber Dedicated Sycophant? That hasn't happened once in years so what's the point in continuing the Trial?

I'm running my own Trial over here. I've assessed eighteen Members (seventeen with Moderator or better access plus another with my password) - in addition to Zack and myself - as individuals who can be trusted not to trash or sabotage the forum, including members with whom I'm far apart on many relevant issues and a couple with whom I've had previous hostile relationships, and empowered them accordingly. And I have totally solid data to show that trust has never once been abused to the slightest extent.

So which organization should be trusted more by the glider and general publics, Bob? Yours or Kite Strings? Not that I'm asking or advising anybody to trust what they read anywhere. Rather to check, verify, understand.

I wonder what it feels like to have spent so many years painting oneself into so many corners.
Maybe they'll throw in a signed copy of "Towing Aloft" with your award.
100.00 percent as valid today as it was upon publication less than three months shy of two decades ago when the 130 pound Greenspot Standard Aerotow Weak Link had a much shorter track record. Amazing how right Dennis and Bill got everything. Or maybe you'd like to comment on a misplaced punctuation mark or two.
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Re: Breaking USHPA's Monopoly Control of Flying Sites

Post by bobk »

Back on topic ...
Bob wrote:I'd like your help and the help of your members to work toward breaking that monopoly.
Tad wrote:Sure. It's a total no brainer legitimate issue
Great. Let's see if you can keep your word. There are two things we can do right now:
1. Identify USHPA-controlled sites that we can open
2. Spread the word about the effort

Can you send an email message to your members requesting help with either of those items? Who here is able to post on other forums to spread the word?

Also, it would be good to know the geographic locations of folks who might be willing to make personal contacts and attend meetings. I'm in San Diego, but I'm willing to work on projects within a few hundred mile radius and sometimes farther.

Feel free to call or PM on any tactical issues.
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Steve Davy
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Re: Breaking USHPA's Monopoly Control of Flying Sites

Post by Steve Davy »

bobk wrote:Who here is able to post on other forums to spread the word?
Does your "Free Speech Zone" qualify as other forums, Bob?
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