instructors and other qualified pilot fiends

General discussion about the sport of hang gliding
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Tad Eareckson
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Re: instructors and other qualified pilot fiends

Post by Tad Eareckson »
Discuss Tad here
Bob Kuczewski - 2011/12/09 21:58:14 UTC

I've spoken with Tad many times on the phone, and several times he's made the assertion that his presence on this forum is actually contributing to the growth of the US Hawks.

- There's NO POSSIBLE WAY an assertion like that can be made. The best one can do is make a guess.

- At this stage and for the foreseeable future I'm not at all interested in contributing to the "growth" of the organization - just laying a solid foundation upon which it can grow in a competent responsible manner. And for that task US Hawks has grown way too much already.
I do agree that Tad has brought some people to this forum, but at the same time, I also know that he's driven (or kept) many other people away.
And since all men are created equal we don't hafta look into any quality issues. This is only about getting numbers so a Bill, Antoine, Mike, Steve, and Zack is always gonna be trumped by a Davis, Jack, Pilgrim, Rooney, Sam, and Terry.
So I haven't been able to tell if his presence is beneficial or not.
Depends upon what your objectives are and how you define beneficial. On the morning of 1986/01/28 NASA's objective was to get the Challenger off the ground. They WERE successful - much to the surprise of a lot of engineers whose objective it was to keep it on the pad until the job could be done right.
During my recent cross-country drive, I had the chance to speak with Tad again on this topic, and he again asserted that his presence (and posts) were contributing to the growth of the US Hawks...
Bullshit. He expressed the OPINION that the wire would PROBABLY be a lot dustier minus his posts.
...more than they were harming it.
If it starts going down the "Preflight, Hangcheck, Know you're hooked in." path it needs to be stopped, redirected, and/or harmed - from the inside or outside.
So I've decided to put that assertion to the test.
Minus the consent of the lab rat. But hey, who give's a rat's ass about a rat's ass anyway?
Starting today (December 9th, 2011)...
...a date which will live in infamy...
...I've restricted Tad to only posting in the "Free Speech Zone".
Aerotowing Guidelines
Bob Kuczewski - 2011/10/19 17:31:51 UTC

OK, so exactly where have I been a "Current Dictator"? Please name one single instance. There's no need to write War and Peace. Just tell me where I've acted as a "Current Dictator" on this forum?
Yeah, that's how Hitler started out - arbitrarily excluding people from mainstream discussions and giving them special little roped off areas where they could carry on their discussions with other subhumans.
I plan to continue that restriction for about a month...
Define "about". I was "suspended" from the Capitol club form for PRECISELY three months about three years ago. And I'm REAL curious as to the reason you have for not saying until "January 9th, 2012". Guess ya better leave things open ended just in case this little "experiment" in restricting unpopular speech is successful beyond your wildest expectations. see if that helps or hurts general participation in the rest of the forum. This restriction is not intended to be any judgement on Tad or on the value of his posts.
Who the hell CARES what this restriction is INTENDED to be or do. Everybody within earshot with a respect for rules and principles should be REAL uncomfortable with what it DOES - regardless of how he feels about the victim or what he says.
Instead, it's intended to simply answer the question as to whether Tad's presence is helping or hurting the growth of the US Hawks and the US Hawks forum (a question he posed himself). At the end of the month, I'll review the results of this restriction to see if our forum participation (measured in posting rates) has increased or not.

All comments are welcome (either here, by PM, or in the Free Speech Zone). Thanks.
Yeah, I've got a comment. Bullshit.

You don't have a freakin' clue what science is and there's not a snowball's chance in hell you ever will.
Tad's barrel release tested
Brian Vant-Hull - 2008/06/30 13:48:08 UTC

...and inspected, under controlled and numerically repeatable conditions, the barrel release...
Scientific experiments are CONTROLLED and REPEATABLE. What you're doing is a total farce and fraud.

- The traffic doubles. So what? How do you know it wouldn't have tripled if I had stayed?

- The traffic drops to half of what it was. Maybe it would have gone to a quarter if I were involved.

- Your sample size sucks anyway. If Bill recovers from the flu you could see a 33 percent spike in activity level.

- Is lotsa traffic necessarily a good thing? If the number of halfwits writing "Preflight, Hangcheck, Know you're hooked in." quadruples will that bode well for a good 2012 season?

- The wire heats up because people are pissed off that I've been kicked off. "Oh, look! Tad's gone, participation goes up! I was right all along and there's the PROOF!" Are you counting Nobody's flurry of recent posts to bolster your position?

- If this bullshit "experiment" has the desired effect of bringing all the "Preflight, Hangcheck, Know you're hooked in." halfwits into circulation as desired I guess we'll be "conducting further studies"?

And here's a few other little side benefits I get for being volunteered for your "experiment":
You are not authorised to view the member list or profiles.
And I no longer have ANY search options available.

And I can't PM anybody. But I guess anybody I'd have a reason to PM would be OK with that.

Oh well, sacrifices of lab rats must be made in our relentless pursuit of truth.

Hey! Sam, Terry, Pilgrim...

Got an idea! Start a thread in General titled "we luv cats". Post to it twenty times a day, the rates will go through the ceiling, Bob's experiment will be a smashing success, and everybody's Tad problem will be ended just as successfully as it was at the Davis and Jack Shows and all those other places of which I've lost track.
What will keep the US Hawks from becoming another USHPA or HGAA?

You will ... hopefully. The price of freedom is eternal vigilance. Everyone has to do their part once in a while. If you see something that's not being done correctly, then it's your duty to speak out. One big difference between the US Hawks and other organizations is that the US Hawks really does honor the free speech of its members.
Needs editing. Let's try this...
Nothing. If you make too much noise about stuff we're doing wrong I'll cut your wire. If you don't like the way I'm running stuff go start your own organization - I'm the one who makes up the rules as I go along here. Love it or leave it.
If Jack had banished Scott and I to "the basement" and allowed others to post references to our basement posts in the main forum, then I suspect Scott and I would have lots of people participating in those discussions.
And that would have made it OK.
Let me make it clear that I have no problem with people reviewing your ideas Tad.
- Cool! I'm sure they'll all be thrilled to hear that they have your permission.

- "MY" ideas like...

-- If you take a hand off a stuffed basetube to release you can count on doing an unplanned semi-loop.

-- A light weak link is a helluva lot more likely to cause a dangerous stall than prevent one.

-- The more confident you are that you're hooked in just prior to the instant of launch the more likely you are to find yourself hanging from the basetube the moment after.
In fact, I'm likely to post links to your writings myself.
Super! Then they'll be able to easily find everything I say with which you're in total agreement. "Click here to see Tad's take on the downsides of clipping barbed wire fences on landing."
But while you have lots of good information, your presentation is so poisonous that it not only defeats your own posts...
And you've made that determination how?
...but drives people away from the forum in general.
Good. Can ya give me some pointers on what I'm doing right? I recently noticed Pilgrim was still on the list.
The results of the test that I've mentioned above will tell us whether that's true or not.
If the forum grows during your restriction, then that will be an important data point.
And when flocks of Rooneys, Rooney Followers, and Rooney Harmonizers start flocking in, thanking you for making this a better place, and making their opinions on physics available to their fellow halfwits, of what use will that data point be? Nah, just kidding. Everybody and his dog know how that data like that gets used. And isn't there some saying about "lies, damned lies, and statistics"?
pro tow set-up
Jim Rooney - 2009/11/03 06:16:56 UTC

God I love the ignore list

Tad loves to have things both ways.
First weaklinks are too weak, so we MUST use stronger ones. Not doing so is reckless and dangerous.
Then they're too strong.

I have no time for such circular logic.
I had it with that crap years ago.
Tow Park accidents
Jack Axaopoulos - 2009/11/10 00:45:32 UTC

Guess AeroTow didnt take my last warning seriously.
Jim Rooney - 2009/11/10 06:11:41 UTC
I think my opinion on Mr Negative are pretty clear, so I'll just say Image

Ah, with that out of the way....
Back on topic Image

Tad, the current restrictions are designed to determine whether you're viewed as a "spammer" by those who want to build the US Hawks.
- Guess what, Bob. I'm viewed as a spammer now by those who want to build the US Hawks and have good records of playing well others. So I'm pretty sure I'll still be viewed as a spammer at the "conclusion" of your "experiment".

- What are the qualifications one needs to get on YOUR list of people who want to build US Hawks?
Jaime Perry - 2009/11/10 10:56:19 UTC
Trenton, Georgia

I can't say that I'm sorry to see him go.

BUT ...

I really wish the sport had a die hard advocate for safety improvements because I think we have alot of room to improve the sport. Sometimes Tad makes some good points, he just goes about things in the most ineffective and offensive way. Imagine someone as passionate as Tad that was a great communicator who could influence people and make things happen ...

Honestly now that he is banned I'd like to see some rational discussion about some of his safety concerns without his obnoxiousness making me leave the threads.

I've only been a pilot since September 07 and there have been numerous serious accidents at my local flying site. I don't feel like we do a good job of compiling the information on the incidents to make use in an effective lessons learned program. I wonder alot lately "What can I do to make a difference" ? really has the ability to make a big difference in this sport, I'd like to challenge all of us to figure out how to use this wonderful place(that SG has so generously provided) as a powerful advocate for safety in this sport.

SG I know your reluctant to ban anyone but I support you on this one. It had gotten to the point that I avoided mentioning safety at all so as not to lure Tad into any thread of discussion.

Thanks for all that you do again !
And I'm ABSOLUTELY POSITIVE that The Bob Show (that Bob has so generously provided) will start becoming the powerful tool for promoting safety in this sport that The Jack Show did after halfwitted twits with broken ignore buttons were no longer being forced to read my ineffective, offensive, obnoxious posts.
The restriction is also designed to see if it makes the US Hawks "a better place" to use your choice of words.
Jason Dyer - 2010/04/03 13:45:05 UTC

awww, I'm going to miss him.

I think in principal he has a good thing going, but his bedside manor needs a little work Anyone that goes against his grain is misquoted and bullied somewhere in a full page of opinion and strife.

Thanks Davis, it will be a better place without him.
Rob Wenban - 2011/07/19 23:23:59 UTC

Thanks Davis, he has nothing constructive to add, he simply causes trouble - well done!
It UNDOUBTEDLY WILL make it "a better place". You learn from the masters quickly, Grasshopper. Now wave bye-bye to your soul before you push the flush lever.
Both of these are in the eye of the beholder, and that's why we have to "do the experiment" to see how it turns out.
- Physics doesn't give a rat's ass about eyes of beholders. You take a hand off the basetube at the wrong time you're gonna be upside down regardless of your opinions and beliefs on the issue and what it says and doesn't say in "Towing Aloft".

- When you say "we" "have to" do the "experiment" who is "we" and who's holding the guns to "OUR" heads?

- I'm pretty sure you have the Peter "Unplanned Semi-Loop" Birren vote safely in your pocket. (Pretty good timing, huh Peter?)

- It sure is a good thing I've got JD Guillemette repairing helicopters for my freedom somewhere in the middle east right now.
Since you've been a big advocate of testing (weak links, release strengths, etc), then I hope you won't mind the inconvenience of this current experiment. :)
- Yeah, I actually mind the "inconvenience" a lot - especially using the weak link analogy 'cause most of the time they're not able to function very well as weak links after the conclusion of the testing.
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances. The President For Life, however, may do whatever the hell he pleases at any time, for whatever reasons, and using whatever stunningly transparent pretenses he pleases.
- Stupid people tend to hate me, smart people tend to like me. The bent pin release is proof that only one or two glider people in a thousand are capable of understanding fifth grade science. And if you DO understand fifth grade science you won't win any popularity contests in this sport or on this forum.
I hope everyone who's enjoyed corresponding with Tad will continue to do so in the Free Speech Zone.
Is this a joke ?
Jim Rooney - 2011/08/26 06:04:23 UTC

If someone's got a problem with it... we've got over ONE HUNDRED THOUSAND TANDEM TOWS and COUNTLESS solo tows that argue otherwise. So they can politely get stuffed.

As my friend likes to say... "Sure, it works in reality... but does it work in theory?"
Hahahahhaa... I like that one a lot ;)
And if you don't wanna have your conversations restricted to the "Free Speech" Zone you can politely get stuffed.

P.S. Not only am I...
You are not authorised to send private messages.
...not authorized to send private messages....
You are not authorised to read private messages.
...I can't even access my archived private messages.
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Tad Eareckson
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Re: instructors and other qualified pilot fiends

Post by Tad Eareckson »

In REAL aviation sailplanes and tugs are equipped with certified built-in releases which:
- work
- allow the pilots to maintain full control of the planes when releasing

In hang gliding most of the glider's releases are dangerous uncertified slap-on pieces of crap which don't work half the time and can't be accessed in an emergency without putting the glider into an unplanned semi-loop.

The TUGS however DO *ALL* have built-in releases which allow the driver - with not so much as a wobble's worth of control loss - to, via a squeeze of a lever on a joystick on a three-axis or push of a foot pedal on a trike, instantly blow the glider off with 250 feet of spectra over its basetube to whatever fate awaits it.

And when was the last time you ever heard of a tug release failing (1996/07/25 for yours truly) or saw a discussion on a forum about tug releases?

And why the GROTESQUE discrepancy?
Is this a joke ?
Jim Rooney - 2011/08/24 16:26:09 UTC

Welcome to towing.
We've been doing this a long time and are quite familiar and comfortable with our processes.

It always amazes to hear know it all pilots arguing with the professional pilots.
I mean seriously, this is our job.

So, argue all you like.
I don't care.

Some weekend warrior isn't about to inform me about jack sh*t when it comes to towing.

We have done quite literally hundreds of thousands of tows.
We know what we're doing.

It's only a mystery why people choose to reinvent the wheel when we've got a proven system that works.

I find no disagreement in the professional community as to such.

See, we're not confused.

Bobby's a fucking genius when it comes to this shit...

We've been at this a long freaking time.

Please quit trying to educate me about my job.

I don't care if people disagree with me... cuz I know they're wrong. It makes me sad.

See, you don't get to hook up to my plane with whatever you please.

I'm the guy you've got to convince.
(or whoever your tug pilot may be... but we all tend to have a similar opinion about this)

I'll take our opinion over yours any day of the week.

This is going to be a bit harsh, but I honestly don't care what you think.
You're not the one making the decisions here.
Think it may possibly have anything to do with the lowlife scum we've allowed to seize control of the sport?
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Tad Eareckson
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Re: instructors and other qualified pilot fiends

Post by Tad Eareckson »
Discuss Tad here
Bob Kuczewski - 2011/12/15 05:12:16 UTC

It gives me no great pleasure to announce that Tad's account has been suspended.
HAS BEEN suspended? Like "Mistakes were made."? Try stating it honestly - YOU booted me off with no justification whatsoever.
This is a sad day for the US Hawks, and I wish I could have found some other way to handle this situation.
Right. But your hands were totally tied by the rules of the association and you had no other choice. BULLSHIT.
I apologize to everyone (including Tad) that I could not find a better way.
Don't you mean WORSE way?
It was never my intention to disgrace Tad, and I was disappointed that he felt the need to post his "confession" to the forum.
- Don't worry. I'm doing fine. You didn't disgrace me - you disgraced yourself and your bullshit organization by:
-- getting involved in something very personal that was none of your - or anybody else's - goddam business
-- absolutely gutting every rule and principle you laid down at the start

- YOU took it upon yourself to publicly post:
The Bob Show
Bob Kuczewski - 2011/12/13 05:55:39 UTC

If I boot you permanently it will be due to my concerns over the topic we discussed on the phone. This forum should be a safe place for people of varying ages to visit. You have not given me any assurances that's true with you on this forum.
then pretend that you were too stupid to anticipate the kind of damage that would do to me. You were WAY out of bounds with that.

- I didn't post my "confession". I posted a statement of facts which I felt compelled to do to counter your bogus insinuations.
So I've asked Rick if we could move this topic to the "Free Speech Zone" where it will be less prominent. Rick was kind enough to agree, and so I've just done that.
Yeah Bob. After you copied my posts from The Basement where the discussion was taking place and plastered them all over the front page to make the issue as prominent as possible.

Maybe in the future you could consider thinking one or two steps ahead before you do stuff.
Steve Davy
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Re: instructors and other qualified pilot fiends

Post by Steve Davy »

Bob's flippen out, AGAIN ! Didn't he pass though Texas recently ? Hmmm.
I wonder what kind of water filter Zack's been using?
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Tad Eareckson
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Re: instructors and other qualified pilot fiends

Post by Tad Eareckson »

Bob uses the same filter Zack does. The difference is that when Zack's starts drawing slowly he replaces it - Bob just flips his around.
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Re: instructors and other qualified pilot fiends

Post by Tad Eareckson »
The Bob Show
Bob Kuczewski - 2011/12/16 20:50:32 UTC

I think this topic is mostly done.
Or maybe it's just beginning!!!
It was a sad ending, and I wish it had turned out differently.
Sure ya do, Bob. You wish that everybody who doesn't share your bigoted fascist values - did.
But I did want to address Warren's comments on double jeopardy. We have a system of justice...
Yeah? Who's "we"?
...that requires people to "pay" for their crimes.
Regardless of what the "victim" wants.
Sometimes that payment is money, sometimes it's service, sometimes it's jail, and sometimes it's even death.
Or, in Texas, pretty much always death. And sometimes it's for the rest of your life having to fall prey to whatever arrogant hypocritical vigilante shithead happens to come out from under his rock to stick it to you a little more whenever he feels like it.
But along with the notion of "paying" there should also be some level of remorse indicating a willingness to not repeat the offense.
OH! There SHOULD BE! Is that in the US Constitution or some legislation that I missed somewhere? If I beat some asshole to a bloody pulp the penalty is eighteen months plus one and a half gallons of remorse?
That's what Tad never exhibited, and that's what concerned me the most. Tad's unwillingness to admit he was wrong (in this very obvious case)...
This very obvious case. That's funny - the judge called it a very DIFFICULT case. But the judge WASN'T a stupid Nazi. And he didn't want to punish me AT ALL. And he didn't ask, expect, or sentence me to express REMORSE.
...was symptomatic of all the problems we've had with Tad in many other areas.
Who's "WE", Bob?
His refusal to condemn his own conduct also made it difficult to have him on a forum where we do not screen people based on their age.
- You don't screen ANYBODY for ANYTHING. So how come you bother singling me out?
- Maybe you should screen for bigots so gay adults and kids will be less disgusted than they would be at this point.
- Oh! It made it DIFFICULT! Who says? How?
All of these things went into my decision and I take sole responsibility for it.
Aerotowing Guidelines
Bob Kuczewski - 2011/10/19 17:31:51 UTC

OK, so exactly where have I been a "Current Dictator"? Please name one single instance. There's no need to write War and Peace. Just tell me where I've acted as a "Current Dictator" on this forum?
Note the title of this topic, Bob.
Why didn't you just start another poll?
Should US Hawks be:

- a) a haven for dangerous sexual predators to lure innocent eight year hang glider pilots to degradation and destruction; or

- b) a wholesome community where decent people and their good Christian families can feel safe to promote hang gliding and discuss strategies to recover from unhooked launches, Lookout Release jams, and 130 pound Greenspot failures?
I am hopeful that someday the US Hawks will be a more self-governing body with elected officers. At that time, I would welcome them to review this case. But for now, I feel it's my job to do what I can to grow this organization to support the sport of hang gliding.
Yeah Bob, good strategy.

- Silence Tad using whatever nasty bullshit manipulation you can get away with.

- Pull in and consolidate all the halfwitted douchebags that Tad's been keeping under control and driving away.

- Stack the board with Sam, Terry, and your other idiot bootlickers.

- Then review this farce of an action you took and take a nonexistent chance of letting him back in after you've got an even crappier and more inbred version of USHGA firmly entrenched.
But for now, I feel it's my job to do what I can to grow this organization to support the sport of hang gliding.
DUDE!!! For now, I feel it's my job to do the precise opposite!!!

Ya know Bob... As absolutely vile and corrupt as USHGA is, nobody was ever removed from the membership because of a legal issue having nothing to do with hang gliding when some homophobic dickhead decided that someone hadn't expressed proper remorse in the aftermath of a conviction a quarter century ago.
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Tad Eareckson
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Re: instructors and other qualified pilot fiends

Post by Tad Eareckson »
The Bob Show
Bob Kuczewski - 2011/12/16 20:50:32 UTC

His refusal to condemn his own conduct also made it difficult to have him on a forum where we do not screen people based on their age.
And wouldn't that ALSO make it just a WEE bit difficult for me to target my victims?
Lemme anticipate your certifiably insane response...
"Well, you could PM everybody on the list and ask the recipient to respond if under the age of eighteen."
How am I doing? Got something even farther off the deep end than that?
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Tad Eareckson
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Re: instructors and other qualified pilot fiends

Post by Tad Eareckson »
Bob K destroys the torrey hawks
Nobody - 2011/12/17 07:50:55 UTC
Bob K destroys the torrey hawks and everything HG
h3anon - 2010/11/16 16:31:50 UTC

Bob K destroys the torrey hawks and everything HG
Nah, he's preserved all the unnecessarily dangerous aspects of it and the bigotry and bullying.
Lets see if the CENSOR known as BobK moves deletes or edits this post as he has already done here.
He IS a censor in that if he wants to cut your microphone he'll invent some sleazy excuse for doing it but as far as I can tell he's got a pretty good record on not deleting or editing things.
Im a torrey hawk and a H3. I will remain anonymous because ive seen the bobk pattern unfold. Bob will surely turn on me, and I will become another one of his long list of victims that he will attack endlessly. So I am forced to post anonymously because of BobKs tactics.
I don't know whether or not this guy's saying this based upon legitimate evidence but that sure has been my experience.
BobK has ruined the Torrey Hawks. I came to this new torrey site to catch up on things and what did I see? The worst hang gliding forum on the internet.
I dunno, the big ones all suck.
Nothing but attacks and garbage. I checked the old hawks site and read whats been posted. Then read whats been posted here. You have completely lost it Bob.
He never had it.
I watched what you did at the hgaa site. You blew up when people moved your posts. You cried foul and censorship at every turn if anyone touched a post in any way. You cried foul about posts being moved because it ruins the historical record.
I'll definitely side with Bob on that.
You have done the exact same thing here. Actually, you have done worse. You have directly edited peoples posts. You have moved posts. You have censored the entire site by only allowing new people to post in this forum when you demanded that you could post anywhere in any thread on the hgaa site.
I really question this. Where's the evidence?
You sir are a huge hypocrite. You want all your rules applied to everyone but yourself. You are also a blatant liar.
Yeah, I'd I'd hafta go with that. Not all the time or in all circumstances but enough to put him in the fail column.
You claim people removed you from the hgaa. You were voted out Bob, not thrown out by anyone, did you not see the results? Dont bother to post your long list of stupid excuses. You were clearly voted out of the hgaa and the voting record has been posted.
Probably not. I'm pretty sure he was totally backstabbed and fucked over on this one.
But the worst thing of all was, when you committed voter fraud. Yes, I read your ridiculous excuse as to why its not. Asking someone who has the power to change the vote, to actually change the vote is fraud Bob. Nothing else matters.
Nah. I'm pretty sure he's on solid ground here.
This is when I lost all respect for you.
I haven't lost ALL respect - but there's not a whole helluva lot left.
You are corrupt or delusional. Doesnt matter which.
I'd definitely go with with that. And I'd say corrupt AND delusional. One feeding the other.
You were the only ushpa RD to be removed from office. No one at the soaring council wants to talk or deal with you. USHPA has completely shut you out. You have been thrown off the ozreport and the org. This crappy website is 99% bitch posts about how everyone mistreated you, when its you that mistreated everyone and have been thrown out of the online community.
I wouldn't go with much of that. And getting thrown off the Davis and Jack Shows goes into his plus column.
You are the most destructive force in hang gliding.
Well, he lines up with a lot of them pretty well.
I would like to start a petition to have you removed from the hawks so that we can save this hang gliding club, but I have no way of doing that without you finding out who I am and then I will have to bear the brunt of your attacks. I will be an H4 soon, and will be flying torrey, I just hope the look of disgust on my face doesnt give away who I am when I run into you.

Its time to take a walk and take your crap negative website with you. We need a new hawks forum. Maybe ill talk to Joe about setting one up. I trust he will keep my identity anonymous so I dont have to put up with the childish attacks you will surely throw at me. Better yet, this is my official request to Joe that a Bob removal petition be started. Im sure you will make sure Joe see's this message right? You poison everything you touch and dont know how to work with anyone.
Well, he works ASTONISHINGLY WELL with Sam the Rooney Harmonizer. And I'd predict he'll get along famously with Rooney as well.
I dont understand how anyone would want to associate themselves with you. I wont be reading your 20 page point for point reply. It will just be a bunch of verifiable lies and excuses. Thank the lord almighty I dont have to listen to your crap on the popular hang gliding forums anymore. Im going to go send Straub and Sg a donation.
Straub and sg are TOTAL SCUM. Bob gets more points than they do.
Oh f***, I just read the instructions above this post. The moderator will review this post? You really have turned into a control freak communist censor Bob.
I'da gone with Nazi - but communism always ends up something similar.
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Tad Eareckson
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Re: instructors and other qualified pilot fiends

Post by Tad Eareckson »

OK Bob, you have succeeded beyond all imagination where the professional thought police have failed so miserably for so long. I'm a child predator who took advantage of my victim's unshaped innocence for my own pleasures and, in the process, condemned him to a life of shame and self-doubt or confusion and was willing to blame everyone but myself (as I've demonstrated above).

I admit that I was wrong (in this very obvious case) and hereby express significant remorse for my actions toward the boy.

Now can I be allowed back on your forum where you do not screen people based on their age?
Tad Eareckson - 2011/12/15 15:46:09 UTC

Get your DNA sequenced. Fifty bucks says they're gonna find a big gap where the common sense was supposed to be.
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Re: instructors and other qualified pilot fiends

Post by Tad Eareckson »
$15 pacifiers
Jim Rooney - 2005/09/20 13:11:43 UTC

I know of at least one pilot out there that flies with two caribiners. His logic makes more sense to me... you can't have too many backups.
I dunno Jim...
The Press - 2006/03/15

The Civil Aviation Authority is urgently pushing for new hang-gliding industry standards after learning a hang-gliding pilot who suffered serious injuries in a crash three weeks ago had not clipped himself on to the glider.

In a video, he was seen to hold on to the glider for about fifty meters before hitting power lines.
- Seems to me like you should do a little more work of figuring out how tow use ONE carabiner before you start spending your hard earned cash on backups.
Is this a joke ?
Jim Rooney - 2011/08/26 17:34:33 UTC

Try fitting a straight pin release with anything but weaklink. (it doesn't quite fit the same) OH! Right. Just might be that we've thought of that eh?
- How come you're not using even ONE weak link for each of the releases in your configuration?

- That at least one other pilot with the two steel carabiners was Tom McGowan - who also aerotowed using an extra safe eight foot one point bridle with...
More on Zapata and weak link
Paul Tjaden - 2008/07/22 04:32:22 UTC

I have never had a lockout situation happen so quickly and dramatically and had no chance to release as I have always thought I could do.
I have a tandem rating!!!
Lauren Tjaden - 2008/03/23 22:20:15 UTC

When Jim got me locked out to the right, I couldn't keep the pitch of the glider with one hand for more than a second (the pressure was a zillion pounds, more or less), but the F'ing release slid around when I tried to hit it. The barrel release wouldn't work because we had too much pressure on it.
...nonfunctional bent pin releases at BOTH ends. Is quantity ALWAYS more important than quality?

I'm thinking it might be a good idea for you to look up words like "logic" and "sense" before you try to use them in sentences.
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