The Bob Show

General discussion about the sport of hang gliding
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Tad Eareckson
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Re: The Bob Show

Post by Tad Eareckson »

Mike Lake is alive and not banned from The Davis Show. Currently showing as logged in there.
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Re: The Bob Show

Post by Tad Eareckson »
Banned of Brothers
Brian Scharp - 2015/04/11 15:51:02 UTC

People who have been banned from: u$hPa (operated by Tim Herr)
Crap. Another one I wish I'd / should've gotten myself. In my defense it didn't really register 'cause it was just way too fuckin' obvious.

Ya know, Bob... A couple weeks ago you asked me for help in contributing to your bannings database. And I went to some considerable trouble to give you what you wanted...

But apparently it's just too goddam much trouble for you to give what's going on over here a mild skim every now and then - probably 'cause it makes it easier for you to maintain convenient ignorance and stupidity on sensitive and critical issues.

Fine. But we've got two massive, historic, critical, intertwined, pretty much unprecedented hang gliding issues going on right now - your expulsion from u$hPa and a double fatal platform tow commercial tandem thrill ride which took out a Hang Five operator and a cute little person of a rather extreme varying age.


And you can't be fuckin' bothered. And you're missing opportunities that you're unlikely to ever have again - and the clock is ticking really fast.
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Re: The Bob Show

Post by Tad Eareckson »
Goodbye Bob K?
Bob Kuczewski - 2015/04/12 02:59:53 UTC

The Future ...

By the way ... as time rolls onward, I am more convinced than ever that it doesn't matter what I say in my defense.
When was there ever the slightest shred of doubt by anybody?
The USHPA Board has already made it's...
...decision and they're just biding their time to make it official per the SOP's.
Compare/Contrast with all the fairness and due process with which T** at K*** S****** was afforded at The Bob Show.
So as time rolls onward, I've been thinking about what this expulsion will mean to the future of the US Hawks. The only answer I can find is that it will help us grow even stronger and faster.
Who's "US", Bob? Name one person over there whom you've afforded the slightest degree of control in your four and two thirds year history.
The fact that USHPA can take such an action is a reminder that our ability to fly under the USHPA monopoly keeps us dangling from a thread - a thread that can be cut by a small group of insiders at any time.
Or, in the case of The Bob Show, a small group of one who can and will do whatever the fuck he feels like and won't even bother making up a rule someone's violated after he's through hook knifing someone's thread.
Our sport deserves better than that, and I think this expulsion will only further fuel the growth of the US Hawks.
One association, under Bob, with liberty and justice for Bob. Fuckin' train wreck before it ever left the station.
USHPA certainly can't say it wasn't a future of their own making.
At least they'll be able to say it legitimately using first person plural.
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Re: The Bob Show

Post by Tad Eareckson »
Goodbye Bob K?
Msoaring - 2015/04/13 19:38:10 UTC

Hello to all.
All of the people The Sociopath In Chief allows to access his shit heap anyway.
I am a current hang glider pilot (Advanced H-4 with AT), commercial rated sailplane pilot, a Lazair ultralight pilot, a paraglider pilot, and have been a USHGA (PA) member since 1977, and above all, a strong supporter and advocate of "free flight". This is my first post on the Oz Report.
My last one was:
Tad Eareckson - 2010/04/03 05:23:45 UTC

Yeah, but if you don't constantly stand up to stupid Nazi scum - even if you hafta do it all by yourself while good men stand by and do nothing - then the stupid Nazi scum is gonna win every time.
And I never noticed much in the way of moral outrage against Davis for that one.
I don't know Bob.
Good. You'll hate him a whole lot less that way.
After reading everything I could find on this issue...
You were legally blind for the following five days.
...I have decided that the USHPA is absolutely wrong and are abusing their powers in this unfair and controversial situation. Nothing good can come of this fiasco...
Even if it's the catalyst for the long overdue collapse of u$hPa?
...and, there are way too many other options for resolution than terminating a (proactive) member of our (declining membership) organization. I do not believe that members should continue to support the USHPA if they continue with this (illegal?) expulsion, and I will NOT renew my membership if one of my fellow soaring pilots is treated this unfairly.
You'll be kissing aerotowing goodbye 'cause u$hPa is the monopoly that totally controls it - with the FAA's blessing and blind eye to everything.
There are many personalities amongst our membership...
To put it mildly.
...and I will be damned if I will continue to be a part of, (or support), what is tantamount to a lynching because they "really really don't like Bob"!
Make sure you boycott The Bob Show as well 'cause he lynched me a lot more flagrantly than u$hPa is lynching him.
If this is truly what has become of the USHPA...
It became that eons ago.
I will NOT be a part of it.
Good luck finding something less illegitimate in this sport.
I, as a USHPA member, am requesting that the BOD drop this motion for Bob's expulsion, immediately, else that will be the last $upport from me!

I would like to propose, (with what little time we have left), that if you do not (will not) support this behavior by the USHPA, add yourself to this list:
(only if Davis allows it)
Yeah, not much happens in this sport that Davis hasn't decided he's happy with.

They need to understand the moral character of their membership.
They do. Pretty much in keeping with the moral character of their leadership.
When he's in Toto mode - yes. When he's not he needs someone to drop a house on him.
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Tad Eareckson
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Re: The Bob Show

Post by Tad Eareckson »
Oz forum
Merlin - 2015/04/15 01:29:11 UTC

For the last few days I've been able to enter the Oz forum without logging in. Did I miss something?
Scott C. Wise - 2015/04/15 03:01:42 UTC

Nope! You are absolutely correct. Once upon a time I think that was the norm, yes?
Joe Faust - 2015/04/15 03:06:48 UTC

The search tool at OzR seems much less effective than Google Search.
But I might be missing some skill over the searching.
Zach Marzec
Davis Straub - 2013/02/09 18:29:18 UTC

Isn't it great how well the search function is working at the Oz Report server?
Zack C - 2013/02/09 21:55:48 UTC

Google works great. Just wish Google could still be used to search the forum.
Totally sucks. Which is undoubtedly the idea.
Brian Scharp - 2015/04/15 05:37:13 UTC

I noticed the same thing. I thought maybe I'd just been logging in all this time without needing to. I couldn't say how long it's been like this because I do automatically log in and just found out by accident.
It was in response to the Lenami Godinez-Avila fatality.

Canadian fatality: What kind of guy swallows a memory card!?
LOG IN just to read OZ ?
Brad Gryder - 2012/05/13 23:32:03 UTC

I'd guess the spider volume spiked after the recent events in BC attracted them like flies slamming into the web.
Zack C - 2012/05/19 15:31:01 UTC

What are the adverse affects of spiders?
The forums are an excellent resource and it would be a shame for posts not to appear in search engines. Besides, phpBB's search engine sucks.
As Bille pointed out, it also makes sharing links (say, with the local club, of which only a few members have Oz logins) to forum posts problematic.

Mixed feelings about whether or not I want the sewer to remain unlocked for all to see. On the plus side it'll expose the sewage for all to see and make it easily searchable. On the minus it will slow The Davis Show's plummet towards total irrelevance.
Bill Cummings - 2015/04/15 13:54:18 UTC

Same thing here at my Toshiba Satellite. I wonder if they had to take down the login feature to allow Bob back in????
No. "Bob Hawk" is a registered user.
I don't really know since I'm completely computer illiterstupid.
You're simple logic stupid, Bill. And that keeps you from ever entirely getting shit. And that's too bad 'cause you're not evil and/or totally clueless.
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Tad Eareckson
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Re: The Bob Show

Post by Tad Eareckson »
Goodbye Bob K?
Joe Faust - 2015/04/13 19:51:18 UTC

Well stated; thanks.
Add me to that list.

The list now is:
Stick 32674 on there as well. I'd go to a Jim Keen-Intellect Rooney landing seminar before I'd ever give those motherfuckers another nickel anyway but what could it hurt?
32674 - H4 - 1991/12/17 - Santos Mendoza - AT FL PA VA AWCL CL FSL RLF TUR XC - Exp: 2009/08/31
Brian Scharp - 2015/04/13 22:05:38 UTC

TXT 719-387-4571
#21037=Keith Blaylock
EXPIRED on 2014/11/30
Graeme Henderson - 2015/04/13 23:02:12 UTC

I don't actually want to see anybody grounded, including you.
Excluding T** at K*** S****** of course. You never gave a flying fuck about the destruction of my career and/or any of my numerous silencings from the various mutual masturbation societies - including Davis's and Bob's.
The Illuminati reference was just my poking fun at the conspiracy theory about the decision already having been made here.
That's a theory like evolution - asshole.
What I was doing with my post is trying to give you an idea of how your campaign can be perceived, is in fact, in my opinion, being perceived by some. It is not what you say, but what people hear that counts.
Yeah let's start worrying about assholes perceiving things however the fuck they feel like perceiving them.
I apologize for saying you are anti-paraglider, but that impression is given by your support team here and your hang gliding only organisation.
u$hPa was a hang gliding only organization for decades. And it wasn't totally repulsive of the first couple.
It certainly appears that there are some who wish to see you martyr yourself in that cause.
Martyr himself? You think this "hearing" that these motherfuckers are holding is gonna have a molecules worth of legitimacy?
I wonder how many hang gliding schools would welcome the scrutiny you have given to the people at Torrey?
I'd say fuckin' ZERO. Name ONE that isn't violating the absolute crap out of SOPs - in a addition to rules of common sense. Also name one that's ever had any scrutiny...


...and why you think that people teaching aviation should get free passes on any degree of scrutiny. If you were putting YOUR eleven year old kid up with one of these assholes wouldn't you want him to have been brutally scrutinized a couple times within the previous twelve months?
How many would pass your standards?
Bob's standards? Any of them not involved in a conflict with him.
Crash at Questair
Alfie Norks - 2010/06/03 12:24:40 UTC

Speedy recovery to the pilot in question.
It could have been worse. It could have happened at...the other place (but nothing happens there. Image) Image Good luck if it does. No 911 calls allowed. My friend was lucky, the nurse on hand convinced the owner not to move him, this after he snatched and threw her phone away. Image She was trying to dial 911. My friend suffered lower back injury.
He'd hop in bed with Malcolm at the drop of a hat. Already has - come to think of it.
Could you have handled this differently to get what you wanted?
Yeah Bob. You should've tried REASON / appeals to their better natures when you were talking to these Mafia thugs.
You haven't handled it right or you wouldn't be in this situation.
Suck my dick, Graeme. Your stupidity rivals anything I've seen in this sport.
Your efforts as a RD earn no sympathy, just concern, I see you always pushing things to a head.
And you've never seen ANYTHING that you thought NEEDED pushing anywhere 'cause you're just another Davis Show Cocksucker In Good Standing.
I wonder only at the manner of the ending of your RD'ship and add to that your exclusion from forums.
Right. ANYBODY who's getting ganged up on and kicked shitless obviously brought things on himself. Fuckin' Jews had it comin'. Ditto for the fuckin' nigras.
I imagine that the USHPA can legally expel you...
Your imagination is well informed on this one.
...I doubt that anyone is entitled to membership.
Yeah, why worry about rules, fairness, justice. None of us is ENTITLED to any of this in an organization and sport we've supported for decades.
I am sure they would rather not have to act like this, but they now feel that they have no choice, they feel, believe, fear, that they must act. Bob you have really annoyed them.
Brain dead total piece o' shit.
Games, life is all games Bob, but not schoolyard games, real games with real prizes and real penalties.
And golden rules that thems with the gold make up as they go along.
If you can't see the funny side you are losing, trust me on that for the moment.
I wouldn't trust you to bleed to death with a slit carotid artery. I'd hafta do something about the other one to make sure.
You see this so subjectively Bob, and that is dangerous, you need to be objective here. As an aboriginal guy told me once, be the person on the hill watching you. Get it in perspective, for your sake.
I will be sad if you get kicked out Bob, but I see it as your responsibility. Sure, the USHPA could change their position and attitude on this matter, that however is up to them. But Bob, the good news is that you also have control here, you also can change your position and attitude on this matter and bring about a happy ending.
You still have time.
What a total fucking asshole. Hard to believe that the educational system in Australia sucks at least as much the one here does.
Msoaring - 2015/04/14 00:05:01 UTC

Hey, thanks for outing me!!

Like I said, I have been reading everything I could find on this issue, and I decided to not continue with the USHPA (I renew annually or when required) until a reasonable resolution is made.

If the USHPA determines this is the only option, and they go through with it, they risk losing members (IMHO).
Good. Now tell Graeme to go fuck himself.
Brian Scharp - 2015/04/14 00:30:40 UTC

Sorry, I agree with you and thanks for taking a stand.
Now take some more.
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Tad Eareckson
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Re: The Bob Show

Post by Tad Eareckson »
Goodbye Bob K?
Ben Reese - 2015/04/14 01:54:15 UTC

I hate to see pilots get expelled...
See above about T** at K*** S****** - motherfucker. is sad but it is avoidable.
Well let's hear you enlighten us all on how to avoid it.
It takes a great deal of history to get to this point in the game.
How much history did it take for Walter Scott to get shot in the back a bunch of times a couple Saturdays ago? A broken tail light?
I have seen the BOD act in extraordinary measures in the best interest of the sport and flying sites.
Enlighten us. I was active in the sport from 1980 to 2009 and I don't really recall it ever doing shit.
None of us here will know the extent of Bob's conflicts with Torrey, City of San Diego, the Jebb's, or members of BOD for the very reasons Bob has kept it mostly to himself in this forum.
1. Do you know everybody on the forum?

2. Do we NEED to know every scrap of history of the conflict? Do juries get and/or need to know every detail of every minute of relationships before being able to make sound decisions on whether or not someone's guilty of murder? Do we need to know which tail light it was and how badly and long it had been broken or how many stop signs Walter had been convicted of running?
The previous posts about conspiracy and Illuminati are simple Satire and know one should take such comments as serious.
I'll take 'em any way I fuckin' feel like.
To take them serious is crazy...
Right. 'Cause you've declared it to be so. in that test Bob K. and his defenders fail to show a higher level of social levity in a moment where one is dearly needed!
Get fucked.
I don't know if Bob K. is crazy...
He is. So:
- how's that relevant to this issue?
- since when did u$hPa start having problems with crazy people?
...but it is a fact that he has made other people feel crazy many times.
Is there an SOP that addresses that issue?
Crazy enough to get arrested, banned, runoff, scorned at city council meetings and now finally facing expulsion by BOD.
And this differs from the Rosa Parks situation how?
This does not happen because a few people do not like you.
So there's an SOP regarding a minimum likability level?
Lets look at two ends of the scale regarding Bob k's actions over a period of many years.
I got a better idea. Let's look at the specific charges against Bob which justify his expulsion.
A"tar baby" would suffice for the low end of the scale.
I got another good idea. Learn to write.
If you tangle with Bob K. or play his game you get tar on you..
See above.
If this was all then the BOD has no business expelling him? On the other hand if Bob K. is a threat to USHPA/members and flying sites by his continuous actions over a period of time then those are grounds for expulsion.
What's the evidence? Show me a member who's been scratched or a flying site that Bob's gotten shut down for fifteen seconds. Granted, Bob created and maintained the environment that Terry Mason got killed in but and I'd expel him for that but:
- that's not what Bob's being charged with
- fuckin' u$hPa's never heard of Terry
- Terry got warnings screamed at him but chose to ignore all of them and fly with his head up his ass
Bob, If you don't see your actions as harmful and continuous while hearing from many sources that it is like past friends, clubs, business people, elected officials, law enforcement, Org's and USHPA BOD's then you put yourself in their path of decision regarding your future.
Forcing others to decide takes the decision away from you. Bob if you really care about flying and HG then back off and let the problems you point out take care of them-self.
Yeah, that always works great. Were you cloned from the same batch of defective DNA that Graeme was?
Its not your job and by the way, there are many competent people in all area's willing to save our sport from its self.
"It's", "areas", "itself". Ironic that you spelled "competent" correctly.
Bob you simply lose credibility when you continually act out the victim. Your supporters are not helping you avoid obvious responsibility in all this drama. Bob check the Ego and understand sometimes winning is losing, before you lose your privilege to fly HG's.
He's already lost them - faggot. (See below after I've gotten caught up.)
It is a privilege not a right to belong to USHPA or fly under FAR part 103.
Flying under 103 is a Federal LEGAL RIGHT for anyone who adheres to clearly defined LAWS - and is practiced with total impunity by untold thousands of total assholes who violate the crap out of them at every opportunity. But u$hPa has monopoly control over huge sectors of it and they make it a privilege for individuals willing to suck the requisite dicks - like you, fer instance.
Bob I hope you turn this around and don't get expelled.
Yeah, we're all pulling for him Ben. I have no doubt whatsoever that if he realizes the errors of his ways and expresses sincere remorse for all of his unspecified transgressions that u$hPa will clear him and welcome him back into the fold with open zippers.
If it was me I would make public my reversal on adversarial positions at every venue I drew a line in the sand that disagrees with the majority of my peers.
But it's not you. You and your peers suck all the right dicks and therefore have no problem.
I could say more but whats the point?
More evidence of your cluelessness and illiteracy?
You have heard it all before from better sources than me..
Nah, the kinda crap we're hearing from you we only hear from other like-minded dregs.
But truly Bob the best to you and our sport which I may venture to say is the feeling most people have about this..
1. I've always found ONE period adequate for ending sentences.
2. Get fucked.
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Tad Eareckson
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Re: The Bob Show

Post by Tad Eareckson »
Goodbye Bob K?
Doug Martens - 2015/04/15 04:05:56 UTC

Note: SHGA BOD adopted a new rule/clarification:
1) If you are hooked in you must wear a helmet.
Thanks Bob K for your persistent passion of safety for consumer protections in California. You helped influence safety at Sylmar.
Yeah, thanks bigtime Bob. Hook-in check skippers are still launching unhooked about once a year, and stunt landers are having their arms broken and getting killed in and around the LZ but there hasn't been one single person to suffer a serious or fatal head injury in the setup area ever since you got the Bob Kuczewski Mandatory Helmet Regulation pushed through. Now if you could just help them out with their Safety Mascot selection process.
Ben Reese - 2015/04/15 06:01:35 UTC

Firing Line

Bob is not on the firing line for this one issue of making a deposition or testimony.
Once again its a number of issues extended over a long period of time.
Bob wants to split USHPA in two.
Is that all? I wanna smash it out of existence.
Its his goal from day one. He plays the martyr and gets traction with this idea. However this idea is flawed. There is simply not enough HG pilots current and new students to secure insurance and keep flying sites in healthy usage.
That's why we have the hang and para gliding tandem thrill ride industries.
Weather we like it or not the demographics tell the story of the future USHPA.
How's the flying whether been lately in your neck of the woods?
The trend is Para-gliders for many years this is where the growth is while HG is diminishing.
Gil Dodgen - 1995/01

All of this reminds me of a comment Mike Meier made when he was learning to fly sailplanes. He mentioned how easy it was to land a sailplane (with spoilers for glide-path control and wheels), and then said, "If other aircraft were as difficult to land as hang gliders no one would fly them."
Paragliding Collapses
Jim Rooney - 2011/06/12 13:57:58 UTC

Most common HG injury... spiral fracture of the humerus.
Why I don't paraglide
Tom Emery - 2013/04/17 14:29:12 UTC

Been flying Crestline about a year now. I've seen more bent aluminum than twisted risers. Every time another hang pounds in, Steven, the resident PG master, just rolls his eyes and says something like, "And you guys think hang gliding is safer."
We've noticed that.
I will be the 1st to say HG is a better way to fly!
As long as there are no shits such as yourself within XC range of my space - yeah.
While this is true it is also true HG is more difficult to learn, more expensive and less convenient...
Is this a joke ?
Jim Rooney - 2011/08/28 19:39:17 UTC

Weak links break for all kinds of reasons.
Some obvious, some not.

The general consensus is the age old adage... "err on the side of caution".

The frustration of a weaklink break is just that, frustration.
And it can be very frustrating for sure. Especially on a good day, which they tend to be. It seems to be a Murphy favourite. You'll be in a long tug line on a stellar day just itching to fly. The stars are all lining up when *bam*, out of nowhere your trip to happy XC land goes up in a flash. Now you've got to hike it all the way back to the back of the line and wait as the "perfect" window drifts on by.

I get it.
It can be a pisser.

But the "other side"... the not cautions one... is not one of frustration, it's one of very real danger.
Better to be frustrated than in a hospital, or worse.
No exaggeration... this is the fire that the "other side" is made of. Best not to play with it.
Davis Straub - 2011/08/28 15:26:28 UTC

Then again, Russell Brown had us double up behind him after six breaks in a row at Zapata. We couldn't figure out why we had so many breaks so quickly. Maybe just coincidence.
...CONVENIENCE have to do with anything? logistical terms. This generation wants fast and easy!

Now there is a positive side to this... Many PG pilots will want to improve the flight experience as they progress in skill and by default migrate to HG. That could be enough to secure a healthy future for HG and its business operators like schools, North Wing and Wills Wing to continue profitably.
Don't we hafta have a healthy present in order to SECURE a healthy future?
But this only works if we are one family with one set of goals and welcome PG's at every opportunity. Stop the madness and the ignorant dialog that if followed will doom HG's future..
Get fucked.
This whole US Hawks thing has been a 10 year pipe dream of Bob K's and a few others.
So was the Tad-O-Link but...
Weak link?
Davis Straub - 2014/08/20 19:48:26 UTC

Many of us are now using 200 lb test line from Cortland.
Davis Straub - 2014/09/01 15:22:41 UTC

I can tell you that I fly with a 200lb weaklink on one side of my 750lb pro tow bridle. I am happy with it.
Just one well placed and timed fatality.
Bob kept upping the stakes until this action by the BOD was forced on them.
Right. It was FORCED on them. If they hadn't acted when they did Bob would've just kept on winning court decisions.
They USHPA which is all of us...
Not me, cocksucker.
...also have been way to passive letting Bob get this far.
How decent of them.
Bob K. is the fifth column and he has been outed.
How's it feel to outed, Bob? Pretty sleazy tactic, donchya think?
Bob, maybe your loyalists will leave USHPA with you, then so be it.
They didn't start leaving until u$hPa expelled Bob.
My guess is they or most will come too their senses after a show of force but in the end flying is much more important than your personal agenda for a PG/HG civil war...
So what you're saying is that u$hPa's a monopoly that controls whether or not anyone's allowed to exercise his legal right to fly under 103. Thank you so very much for making that point so perfectly clear for everyone's benefit.
Looking at Torry Pines, 1st there were the birds soaring then came the wood and fabric sailplanes, then the Hangliders took over and now there are more PG's going back and forth on the ridge...
First there were insects then pterodactyls.
Times change make it work for everyone...
I'm so very relieved to hear that. How much longer you figure I gotta wait?
...or just move on like the birds have done...
So birds don't fly Torrey anymore? Do they shoot them or just make the flying fees prohibitively expensive?
Learn from them cause that's where it all started and the birds are still getting it done better than any of us!!
Unless you're talking about Passenger Pigeons, Carolina Parakeets, Ivory-Billed Woodpeckers...
We all fly for fun and enjoyment, USHPA does the heavy lifting so we can focus on the fun factor.
Thank you so very much for doing all that heavy lifting for me, u$hPa. Also...

...for your professional accident investigations so we can keep on making the sport safer for people of varying ages.
That is why we created it...
Who's "WE", Ben? What's your USHGA number?
...and us members...
Who are mostly sleazy cocksucking shits such as yourself.
...elect the BOD.
From a pool of sleazy cocksucking shits such as yourself.
Bob you don't make it fun.
Try watching some videos people smashing in as consequences of the focal points of their safe towing systems increase the safety of the towing operations.
You have not made it fun at Torrey for many years.
I don't believe there's anything in the SOPs mandating that Bob make a flying site fun for you.
Now the community is done with your drama...
And what was it I said a while back about motherfuckers who use the word...
Tad Eareckson - 2014/11/18 13:54:11 UTC

I just figured out that I despise people who use the word "drama" with respect to hang gliding conflicts.
..."DRAMA". I think that's a pretty good tell that the author's a lying sleazebag - no matter what the environment.
...and misguided agenda...
"Agenda" probably works pretty well too.
...that is wasting time and $$$. Will you change? I doubt it..
1. And make sure you keep using those double periods so's we know you're really done with the sentence.

2. Yeah Bob. Stop forcing u$hPa to spend all that time and $$$ expelling you and start doing and not doing whatever The Jebb Gang and its private police force tells you.
Good bye Bob..
This motherfucker's worried. If he weren't he wouldn't keep spewing this crap. That's a good thing.
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Tad Eareckson
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Re: The Bob Show

Post by Tad Eareckson »
Goodbye Bob K?
Ben Reese - 2015/04/15 06:50:14 UTC

Good Officers & Staff

Bob, you continually berate the staff of USHPA, the Jebbs, the SDPD, city council members and others who do not agree with you and your actions displayed over a long period of time.
NO!!! And all those folk are perfect and never have done or ever will do anything wrong - so obviously Bob's a total nut case.
It is always everyone else who is wrong and damaging our sports future..
What future? The sport I got into only has a past - if that much.
Rich Hass , Mark Forbes and Martin, P....
Who are Martin and P.? not have to debate you here...
Obviously. They can keep on doing whatever the fuck they want with no concern whatsoever regarding truth, rules, fairness, accountability.
This is not the forum for your hearing.
Yeah Bob. On this forum you get to have people speaking on your behalf. At your REAL hearing you're gonna be standing alone getting ambushed by a well prepared team with a lawyer who just happened to be in town during a couple of your restraining order proceedings and just happened to be sitting on the Jebb side of the courtroom and just happened to be talking with The Jebb Gang members and not you and facing a whole shitload of totally trumped up charges of violating SOPs that will be amended to the existing SOPs at the next board meeting. Donchya know ANYTHING - ya fuckin' moron?
It is in USHPA committee where you can make your case.
Yeah Bob, you're not ALLOWED to make your case anywhere else or before or after your show trial. It's in the SOPs somewhere I think. And anyway, Ben Reese, whoever the fuck he is, has just told you that it's in USHPA committee where you can make your case.
The above staff have a job to do...
Crush anybody who dares to stand up to them.
...and it has been determined that you and your actions over a long period of time require executive action.
Yes. It HAS BEEN determined. No individuals actually determined it - it was just something that naturally transpired with divine influence.
You have been pleaded with and warned many times over the years to stop damaging the secure status of Torrey and USHPA at large.
You just keep going as before.
Hey Ben... Maybe you could get Dennis Pagen to talk to him and get the matter settled without any serious damage to the sport.
I can personally vouch on this forum for all to read that Rich H., Mark F., Martin P. and others they assign duties to are fine people.
DAMN! I didn't have any idea! But now that you've personally vouched on The Davis Show for all to read (for the first time in close to three years) I now understand that Rich H., Mark F., Martin P. and others they assign duties to are fine people because you've said so - and you're quite obviously a fine person.
They and I mean all are of sound judgement and good character. They are highly intelligent and competent in their duties.
Goes without saying. Makes me wonder why you even feel the need to say it.
They all love our sport HG, PG its members and families who make all this possible.
Define "OUR" sport - motherfucker. Shits like you, your cronies, Jim Keen-Intellect Rooney, Dr. Trisa Tilletti didn't exist in the sport I thought I was signing up in 35 years (and two weeks) ago.
None are in any way bad for USHPA and its future.
So where did you get YOUR ability to predict the future with such clarity and confidence?
And there are many more members just as talented and capable as the above mentioned to take their place if needed.
So what about the members who are so disgusted by this bullshit and the sleazy pigfuckers behind it that they've announced that they'll resign if it proceeds? Guess they're all clueless freaks nowhere near the glistening moral fiber of these fine individuals who have nothing to lose.
Bob K. None of the above mentioned would talk about you as you have about them...
Nah, they're all decent folk totally content with just destroying Bob's hang and para gliding careers.
All you want to do is pick a fight and force people to react in a way you think will discredit them..
I don't believe he was the one picking the fight - motherfucker.
Hey you got a video of an angry instructor... Yea he fell for your trap this time...
What trap? Why did he physically assault someone just taking pictures of his class from a normally trafficked position?
Anyone who can fog a mirror knows your game by now...
Including the seven individuals who've promised to pull out of u$hPa in protest of this travesty?
Now your in it just like you wanted but, its backfired and now you are the target of discipline.
Yeah? So how come this issue is upsetting you so much? The wheels of justice are turning steadily and smoothly and Bob will be dealt with in another thirteen days with all the fairness and transparency he - or any of us - should expect.
Well deserved discipline which the USHPA letter spells out for all to see!
Crystal clear to anyone with a halfway functional pair of eyes.
If a 3rd is true then your gone...
1. Yeah. We get it. You've just ended your sentence. You don't need to keep adding periods.

2. IF a third is true? I thought you just said that this was well deserved discipline which the USHPA letter spelled out for all to see. But here in the next "sentence" you're not sure that ANY of it is true?

3. If a third of it is true then two thirds is total crap. And that should make people take a real serious look at the third that's "true" and the motherfuckers who padded it with twice as much total crap. Is that how you'd like to be treated in a courtroom? You've killed someone in self defense, the crooked cops and prosecutor have you up on murder charges, and they throw in two murders they know you had nothing to do with just to make their jobs easier and your execution more of a no brainer? You're OK with that strategy?
Rich H., Mark F., Martin P. and others they assign duties to are fine people. They and I mean all are of sound judgement and good character. They are highly intelligent and competent in their duties.
Yeah, right.
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Tad Eareckson
Posts: 9161
Joined: 2010/11/25 03:48:55 UTC

Re: The Bob Show

Post by Tad Eareckson »
Goodbye Bob K?
Martin Henry - 2015/04/15 14:48:28 UTC

This is one of the most bizarre topics/threads I have every followed...
I didn't know you actually followed topics/threads, Martin. I thought you just waded in, shot your stupid fuckin' mouth of with whatever "thought" popped into your head, then bugged back out before you could get your balls ripped off and handed to you.
(rivals Tad's Utopian "release" )
Right. Let's stay with the tried and true stuff.


If it ain't broke... 'Sides, you can always use a tried and true piece of fishing line that'll break before you can get into too much trouble...

Check out my Utopian "weak link" thread:
Weak link question
Towing question
Martin Henry - 2009/06/26 06:06:59 UTC

PS... you got to be careful mentioning weak link strengths around the forum, it can spark a civil war ;-)
Nobody mentions weak link strengths anymore, Martin. No more civil wars. People just suddenly decided they were happy with a slightly stronger one for no apparent reason - motherfucker.
One question, when do any of you have time to go flying?
Speaking for myself - never. I'd hafta be in close proximity to the kind of assholes that tolerate the presence of total pieces o' shit such as yourself.
To actually go out and contribute some physical effort to improving a local site (without getting hauled off to jail?)
If somebody went to Torrey with an assault rifle and took out all the motherfuckers associated with the concessionaire that would most assuredly improve the site but he'd probably get hauled off to jail. Same result as for somebody who goes there and takes pictures with his iPhone.
Sad part, occasionally some very valid points are made. Too bad these valid points are wasted by the inability to compromise (yah...perhaps from both sides).
Suck my dick, Martin. You and all your HPAC buddies.
Such a waste that this effort to "save Bob" could not be channeled into something useful.
Like running a hot iron rod three feet up your ass.
Bob, get a life...
Martin, get fucked.
...or at least try to just get some airtime without pissing somebody off. To the USHPA, turn the other cheek and accept some of your members are "loons"... If that won't work, everybody head to a Texas country bar and settle this like men. Image
Shotguns, payout winches, and dump levers...

Loser gets a memorial license plate dedicated to him.

Comrade Martin
Go to hell, Comrade Martin.
Orion Price - 2015/04/15 15:43:18 UTC

Ben Reese - lol. Out of all people to have banned.

People around my club often interchange the words 'faggot' and 'Ben Reese.' It's not to denote someone is a homosexual. Just that some people need to stop acting like a Ben Reese.
Gawd I hate it when I'm on the same page with OP.
Ben Reese - 2015/04/15 16:10:57 UTC

Who's Wrong?

Bob is this how you testify as an expert? I count 8 years from May 2008 not seven Years as you claim twice in your post. See Bob I don't want you representing me as an expert.
Then get your own expert. Hard to go wrong with Jim Keen-Intellect Rooney.
Also you say I am wrong on all my facts and opinions of you and your agenda. Really on all of it?? See this is why you get kicked out of forums, arrested, asked not to show at council meetings and lose friends and supports faster than you can make them. You make people crazy because you are an intelligent and capable person who knows how to push buttons...
I know exactly how he pushes buttons and how to deal with him. Anybody need any help?
Take your comments about the little bit of tea spilled in the harbor?? You theraten a revolt Of USHPA's 107 who's who of HG members willing to go into the breech with you. It's a therateing statement and you meant it from day one and here you are?
Yeah Bob. Enough with the therates already.
Bob I am not gonna call you. During last years difficult time with Ft. Funston you came up and tried to stir the pot for your agenda.
Second use of "agenda" in the post.
Remember your little toy Hang Glider you ran around with over your head? Did you bring a real wing to fly...
The Jebb Gang considered it real enough to try to bust him for teaching hang gliding with it.
...or did you just bring the drama as always??
I was wondering when we were gonna do "drama" again.
Is that you Bob... Super Bob was not needed then or now..
But keep those extra periods coming - whether needed or not.
USHPA came up did their part and now Funston is better than ever.
Does it still have Chris Valley flying at it?
Our club officers worked with Federal Parks, USHPA and others repairing damage and insuring a vibrant future for a beloved flying site.
And they left you alive?
It does work and quite well when we all work together.
Depends a lot on who "WE" are and what WE're all working together to accomplish.
I have faith in them and us, I don't have a lick of faith in you as time has qualified my opinion valid.
I'm sure WE're all with you on that.
Your continued actions only convince more pilots it is best to distance themselves from you.
Then how come a handful of them are shredding their membership cards as statements of solidarity? Not one single motherfucker did that for me - and I was totally right on everything.
Continuing Saga of Weak Link and Release Mechanism Failures
Warren Narron - 2012/03/06 02:26:04 UTC

Tad, used to post about as nice as anyone, and nicer than some. Remember?

Blowback... You put in a thousand plus hour$, tooling, te$ting and documenting safety issues for the masses and have it ignored and suppressed by people, for whatever reason, and you would get testy too.
You're fairly snarky as it is, and you haven't done the work...

And you may be correct about the footnote... but today's footnotes are now hyperlinks...

There is a good chance that from now on, for every incident and fatality caused by insufficient weaklinks or sub-standard release mechanisms, a hyperlink trail will lead back to ... where all the evidence can be found.

A further link could then go to a list of all the people and the role they played in the suppression of those safety issues...
Who would like to be on that list?
How many are already on it?
You have done some serious damage and are accused of malicious acts by credible people.
And in hang gliding "accused" is a synonym for "guilty".
Everyone in this fourm seems to be focusing on your criminal court case as proof of innocence.
Who's "everyone"? Has "everyone" in this "fourm" weighed in on this thread?
That is not part of USHPA claims for your booting. Your discipline comes from civil law and it is much more liberal in application where burden of proof is in degrees of guilt.
So he was arrested for trespassing on a city park but not tried for it and the court found the testimony of the plaintiffs to be without merit (read: lies). So what was the "PROOF" that fell short on this one?
This is why you're so worried and you should be because you are guilty enough to be at risk for your actions over 8 years of drama.
Second use of "drama".
So I stand corrected in my mis-statement of 10 years..
Correcting your moronic drivel would be a full time job for a team of five individuals.
I trust the BOD and the process you will debate in with them to resolve your issues going forward.
They are fair and just in the broad picture.
In Bob's picture, not so much.
If they error then you will have your little war.
They couldn't possibly be in error. They're all elected officials of excellent character and walk on water.
Take note Bob, they are not doing this because they have a light case or venddetta against you.
Fuck no. They're just businessmen protecting one of their top sources of tandem thrill ride industry revenue.
They are protecting us from you...
So THAT was why they were too busy to protect:


from them.
...ponder on that before and after the gavial falls.
Gotta watch out for those falling gavials...


'Specially when they're right over ya.
You could have used your voice here to change your channel but instead you choose re-runs and regularly scheduled programming since being off air for years now! See Bob we have never chatted On-line just like the majority of USHPA members. How many are like me who are disappointed in your style and response to the fiasco you generate over and over?
I dunno. Why don't you start your own national hang gliding association and find out?
I claim it's a much larger number than you will ever admit even if proven right here.

You want the judgement of your peers right here? You have made your long lists over 32 pages so enough said...
I have this strange feeling that you'll actually be saying more.
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