The Bob Show

General discussion about the sport of hang gliding
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Tad Eareckson
Posts: 9152
Joined: 2010/11/25 03:48:55 UTC

Re: The Bob Show

Post by Tad Eareckson »
Goodbye Bob K?
Steve Davy - 2015/03/27 05:20:26 UTC
The behavior upon which the board has determined that you should be expelled from the association falls into the following categories:

1. Creation of at least two national hang gliding organizations with the stated purpose of competing with USHPA, one of which you currently control;
Reminds me of this:
Thou shalt have no other gods before me
Quite in line with Jim Keen-Intellect Rooney and his Sacred Fishing Line.
Brian McMahon - 2015/03/27 05:25:25 UTC
Scott MacLeod - 2015/03/27 02:28:51 UTC

I don't know Bob and I've flown Torrey once so I'm an expert on neither...
This is exactly how ninety percent of the USHPA feels. They don't give a crap what happens...
...including fatalities... long as they aren't affected. I appreciate the efforts that all volunteers for the sport give out for practically free or even out of their own pocket, and that includes all of the USHPA leadership that aren't financially invested in some way.
Fuck every last piece o' shit in the u$hPa "leadership". NOT ONE of those motherfuckers voted or raised his voice in any way against this travesty. If every last one of them were stood up against a wall at sunrise the world would be a much better place by rush hour.
Bob is a great example of such a volunteer.
The ten percent of the time when he's on the right side of an issue.
Yes he is extremely opinionated about the way things ought to be...
Goddam right. Unfortunately we're in a sport that works on PHYSICS and doesn't give a flying fuck about OPINIONS - Bob's or the ones for which he has the utmost respect like Sam's.
...but he has held rock steady to his core principals for many years.
Bull fucking shit. He oscillates between Jekyll and Hyde modes at tuning fork frequencies.
He has repeatedly asked the USHPA leadership to get HG specific representation by asking for help in getting the Torrey Hawks (a USHPA chapter) membership on the Torrey Pines Soaring Council. The TPSC has no power to do much of anything, no real authority at all. The USHPA leadership repeatedly told Bob (I was copied on most of these emails) that they absolutely considered Torrey to be a non-USHPA site and would not get involved in a local dispute between Bob and the concessionaire.
Yeah, now that ya mention it...
Much of what Torrey Hawks has been asking for was not to resolve any dispute, it was to try to get Hang Gliding represented with the same equity that Paragliding or other sports that exist at the park. Yet they are citing actions by Bob at the site that they have repeatedly disavowed as some of the primary causes for why he is to be expelled.

I wish that the USHPA would have attempted to channel Bob into a direction that could have been positive...
[TIL] About Tad Eareckson
Bob Kuczewski - 2013/03/10 18:20:34 UTC

Having said all of that, I have to add that Tad has an incredible amount of energy, and I think it would be great if the sport of hang gliding could figure out how to harness it. He's done extensive work on towing releases and he has a library of photographs related to releases. I think he brings an important perspective to the sport, but his personality is so toxic that it's very difficult to gain any benefit from it. Indeed, I consider it a failing on my part that I wasn't able to help Tad get past some of his "personality" issues and become a good contributing member on the US Hawks forum.
...but people see what they want to see whether true or not.
All that they saw in Bob was someone that they wouldn't compromise with.
Aviation tends to exact a lot of really nasty penalties for compromise.
I'm not an unreasonable person and I know Bob well enough to say that he is not unreasonable either.
You don't know him very well.
He is easily misunderstood because of his personality...
He's easily misunderstood because he oscillates between two distinct and extreme Jekyll and Hyde modes. When he's on the right side of an issue he dots every i and crosses every t. The other ninety percent of the time he doesn't have time to read everything that everyone asks him to read and makes u$hPa and Stalin look like really great folk.
...but I can tell you that this didn't all begin because Bob was unreasonable.
Depends on what you're defining as "this".
It began with unreasonable actions being done to someone else and he found himself a target for defending someone else. Step by step, it has mushroomed from there. I do not defend every action Bob has taken...
Do you condemn him for any? Or does he get a free pass on doing lotsa despicable things 'cause of a high visibility and high cost moral stand he's taken on one issue?
...he has said and written things to people that make me cringe.
Any problem with what he's done and is doing to Steve Davy and me? Is cringing all you do? Emperor Bob's own words from his own mission statement:
Frequently Asked Questions
If you see something that's not being done correctly, then it's your duty to speak out.
Do you do your duty or just cringe?
The rift that blew up the HGAA was a huge misstep.
Bob happily got into bed with another sleazebag and the results were one hundred percent predictable.
He is a little too direct and maybe a little too sure that his way is the right way about things.
Ya think that could explain why he's been running an iron fisted dictatorship he's been presenting as a democratic free speech paradise for the better part of five years now?
But I say again that he is one of the hardest working volunteers for the sport that I have met.
And the sport's better off for his actions how? It's much safer 'cause now everybody's required to wear a helmet at all times when connected to a glider?
Others will argue that he is one of the hardest working destructors of the sport.
He's done a pretty admirable job of fucking me over, keeping blatantly illegal bent pin releases in circulation, ensuring a steady rate of unhooked launches.
Shame some of those people in leadership positions couldn't compromise or work to channel his energy and instead threw up their arms or put road blocks up where ever they could.
Bullshit. This is an issue of totally evil corrupt motherfuckers working to crush any opposition to any of their tandem thrill ride money making machines.
Scott C. Wise - 2015/03/27 05:46:01 UTC

This is what you said - in shorthand.
Hasn't Gotta Clue wrote:"I've got no idea what's going on, but because I am prejudiced against Bob K I'm going to blame him for any problems I have flying the sites I like."
Ignorance seems to be on USHPA's side.
Ignorance, Stupidity, Incompetence, Sleaziness are u$hPa cornerstones.
Wonderful. But those who see the bigger picture will know who (or what National Association) is actually to blame when this or that flying site is negatively impacted by their ($ centered) bias toward negligent, poorly run, high volume, high visibility PG training schools.
It's really hard for the head-up-the-ass crowd to see bigger pictures.
I guess you've never had someone (an asshat?) smile at you then turn around and punch you in the nose. Image
Scott MacLeod - 2015/03/27 02:28:51 UTC

Therefore, for selfish reasons, I'm behind whatever decision USHPA makes.
Selfish? Try becoming an unselfish, well informed, member of the flying community. Then you can HELP make the USHPA a better organization instead of just taking their party line (or would that be - Hook, Line, and Sinker?).
This is total shit DNA. You're not gonna make him a better person by submitting a Davis Show post.

Hey Davis... Any comments on any of this? Just kidding.
Steve Davy - 2015/03/27 06:01:50 UTC

Don't worry Scott
I have met a couple USHPA folks and none of them have struck me as asshats.
USHPCorporation folk are THE experts at protecting their asshats-oops-I mean assets.
You've still got a "t" in the word that doesn't belong there.
Norman MacLeod - California - 90305
- P2 - 2010/09/13 - Lan Do Chirico - FL ST FSL RLF RS TUR - Exp: 2013/05/31
Norman (Scott) MacLeod - California - 90598
- H3 - 2014/04/19 - Rob McKenzie - FL FSL TUR
- P4 - 2014/02/26 - Rob Sporrer - FL ST CL FSL HA RLF RS TUR XC
1. If it flew Torrey it flew it on a paraglider.

2. Hey Bob...
Davis Straub's "Oz Report" Conflict of Interest
Bob Kuczewski - 2011/03/28 03:31:26 UTC

My goal is to make flying better (safer, more fun, and more fair) for everyone. I was happy spending my money on lessons with Joe Greblo, Rob McKenzie, Ken Baier, Alan Chuculate, and John Heiney.
Watchya think of the crud your buddy Rob McKenzie is putting into the air on hang gliders?
2011/03/28 03:31:26 UTCDavis Straub - 2015/03/27 12:17:01 UTC


Did you not read my request that we keep this to the issues and not to engage in personal attacks?[/quote]
Yeah Davis. We read your crap. What we haven't read is anything from you on anything of substance or decency on this issue.
2011/03/28 03:31:26 UTCIf this continues I will close the topic[/quote]
Of course you will. You'll close ANY topics of substance which threaten to move the sport in a positive direction.

2011/03/28 03:31:26 UTC...and as Bob is restricted to this thread only, he will not longer be able to post here.[/quote]
Obviously. So Mark G. Forbes and/or Rich Haas can ooze back out from under their rocks and call Bob a turd in the punch bowl and you will be obligated to close the topic. Then since Bob IS RESTRICTED to THIS THREAD ONLY because of his flagrant violations of Davis Show Rules back in 2010 he will no longer be able to post here. Davis is honah bound as a Suthen Gentleman to ensure that Bob will no longer be able to post here.

How convenient. That's exactly the tactic Davis and his li'l pet cocksucker buddy Marc Fink used on me. I'd try to have a rational discussion on AT releases, Davis's li'l pet cocksucker buddy would spew some nastiness, Davis would lock the thread down because of "incivility". Fuck civility - first refuge of a scoundrel.
2011/03/28 03:31:26 UTCButch Pritchett - 2010/04/02 23:21:11 UTC

Tad that turd is getting back in the punch bowl.[/quote]
Davis Straub - 2010/04/03 12:46:26 UTC

Tad is gone.
The only reason this sleazy motherfucker let you back on is 'cause this expulsion is too outrageous to ignore and he'd have caught too much heat for letting the u$hPa douchebags talk without letting you respond. Be careful not to slow the process of The Davis Show's steady decline...
"Sharing" of Hang Gliding Information ?!?
Merlin - 2012/05/26 13:22:30 UTC

I confess to previously having a bit of an Oz Report habit, but the forced login thing has turned me off permanently, and I am in fact grateful. Frankly, the site had pretty much been reduced to a few dedicated sycophants in any case.
...into total locked down and locked in irrelevance. If people can't get good information from The Jack and Davis Shows they're gonna look for and find it elsewhere.
Bob Kuczewski - 2015/03/27 15:27:39 UTC

Davis, I think you just gave nuclear weapons to the other side. If they think they can kill the discussion by being uncivil, then you may be encouraging bad behavior with your warning.
(I didn't get my post off soon enough.)

Donchya think that motherfucker knows that. See above. He's been using that cheap transparent tactic for years.
A better approach might be to ban individual people from the topic for incivility.
An even better approach would be for him to stay the fuck out of this and let things get just as ugly and vicious as they need to be. The right side will come out on top of the battle - even if/though the war is a foregone conclusion.
I'll also point out that this topic is very different from most normal topics because a person's ability to fly is at stake.
Yeah? What's a normal topic on The Davis Show?
Is this a joke ?
Jim Rooney - 2011/08/25 04:55:25 UTC

Don't even get me started on Tad. That obnoxious blow hard has gotten himself banned from every flying site that he used to visit... he doesn't fly anymore... because he has no where to fly. His theories were annoying at best and downright dangerous most of the time. Good riddance.
See? I got myself banned from every flying site that I used to visit. Kinda like you got yourself arrested a couple times at Torrey and are getting yourself expelled from u$hPa.
Poll on weaklinks
Zack C - 2013/03/05 15:16:23 UTC

Yes, this is very much about safety. What happened at Quest last month has only reinforced my position.
Jim Rooney - 2013/03/05 19:42:58 UTC

Again, tell me how all this nonsense is about "safety"?

So, a stronger weaklink allows you to achieve higher AOAs... but you see high AOAs coupled with a loss of power as *the* problem? So you want something that will allow you to achieve even higher AOAs?
Are you NUTS?

I'm tired of arguing with crazy.
As I said many times... there are those that listen with the intent of responding... you unfortunately are one.

You've done a great job of convincing me never to tow you.
Thank you for that.
Mission accomplished.
This is u$hPa / Davis Show business as usual.
For that reason I would appreciate some lattitude in presenting my defense.
Lotsa luck. You're not gonna have any better luck with Davis's sleazy silencing tactics than I'm gonna have with your sleazy silencing tactics. And notice the way Davis doesn't respond to your reasonable and obvious proposal exactly the same way you never respond to any of my reasonable and obvious proposals.
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Tad Eareckson
Posts: 9152
Joined: 2010/11/25 03:48:55 UTC

Re: The Bob Show

Post by Tad Eareckson »
Goodbye Bob K?
Rich Hass - 2015/03/27 17:15:23 UTC

The last time Bob K. called...
About when?
...asking for USHPA's support for adding a Torrey Hawks rep to the Soaring Council, I reminded him that the USHPA Board voted to support adding representation for hang gliding--and turned down his motion to support a rep specifically for the Hawks. Consistent with the Board's directive, I offered to meet with the Soaring Council and lobby for this additional representation--provided we had an agreement, where local USHPA hang gliding pilots could elect their own rep. My only condition was, both hang gliding pilots voting and the candidates for the representative position needed to be USHPA members.
Yeah, ya sure wouldn't wanna dilute the power of the u$hPa monopoly any.
Bob K. refused, saying "Too much water has gone under the bridge." He expressed concerns about how a local election might be rigged.
I have little doubt that it would be.
(I had suggested letting hang gliding pilots who had flown at Torrey Pines in the past two years vote.)
All of whom would've needed to have been current u$hPa Fours.
So alternatively, I suggested letting all USHPA members with hang ratings in R-3 vote. No dice. What became crystal clear is, Bob K. doesn't trust local hang gliding pilots enough to let them choose their own representative.
Might be onto sumpin' there. Nearing five years of Bob Show freedom and not one other individual has 0.01 percent of the control Bob does.
None of the above has anything to do with the expulsion hearing.
Nah, that's all pure corruption and sleaze.
I only mention this to illustrate an example where USHPA has tried to work with Bob K. but unless he gets his way 100% of the time, you are the enemy.
Training Manual Comments / Contribution
Bob Kuczewski - 2012/01/07 17:59:55 UTC

I'm looking for people who can work together to build an on-line training manual for hang gliding. Yes, that does require a certain amount of agreeability and willingness to compromise. The only Training Manual that Tad can build is the one where he has 100% control.
Given the toxic relationship between Bob K. and the Soaring Council, hang glider pilots are far more likely to get a seat at the table if they offer to elect their own representative than by waiting for the Soaring Council to recognize the Torrey Hawks.

Regarding Bob K.'s upcoming expulsion hearing, USHPA members have a right to know why USHPA is taking this action.
That's OK, Rich. To anyone who's been paying attention it's pretty fuckin' obvious why u$hPa is taking this action.
That is why we provided notice to all members at the same time we notified Bob K.
...that he was going to be expelled from u$hPa and there wouldn't be a goddam thing he'd be able to do about it.
We anticipate some members will want to evaluate the underlying evidence upon which the USHPA Board will make its final decision on the matter.
1. It's pretty fuckin' obviously already made its final decision. We're all just waiting for the show trial to be over with.

2. Certainly not Scott MacLeod. He's met a couple u$hPa folk and none of them have struck him as asshats. So you can do whatever the fuck you feel like and get away with it.
To that end, USHPA is in the process of making these materials available to its members.
Oh. You didn't anticipate that there would be any interest in evaluating the underlying evidence upon which the USHPA Board will make its final decision when you sent out the notifications a week ago so you're just getting around to fabricating something now. I'm assuming you're fabricating it 'cause if you had anything clear and unambiguous before or at the time of this pretty much unanimous lynching vote it would've been a two or three second copy and paste job.
Instructions for accessing these materials will be sent to USHPA members by email.
Think any NON members would have any interest in evaluating the underlying evidence upon which the USHPA Board will make its final decision on the matter? Why are you limiting this access to members. Isn't this is such an obvious no brainer that you'd want EVERYBODY interested in the sport and what's been going on to know? Potential members, San Diego City Council and Police, the FAA, general public?

Worried about Bob's privacy? Ask him.
USHPA will also provide information on how its members can listen to the expulsion hearing, unless Bob Kuczewski asks for a closed hearing.
Any information on how anyone can speak on his behalf and against you sleazy thugs during the hearing?
As Mark Forbes said earlier, USHPA has an established procedure for expulsions...
I guess you're OK if you've demolished or killed somebody through gross negligence and/or violations of u$hPa SOPs and/or FAA regulations. Like when a couple guys get killed after a front end weak link fails with a high tug or some asshole with a dump lever makes a good decision in the interest of someone's safety. I don't recall any expulsions for any issues such as those.
...and not surprisingly, trials-by-Oz Forum participants is not part of USHPA's process.
1. Course not. The Oz Forum isn't anywhere near as well sealed off and universally hostile as u$hPa is.
2. Any chance we could have this trial on the u$hPa Forum? That sounds pretty reasonable to me.
It's worth mentioning; USHPA's bylaws on member expulsions is laid out in the California Corporations Code and the language of USHPA's bylaws that implement the procedure comes straight from the book Advising California Nonprofit Corporations, authored by the Continuing Education of the Bar - California. This language has been in USHPA's bylaws for many years.
California... Cool. Isn't that the state in which Bob was arrested and thrown into jail for trespassing on a public city park - twice?
Joe Faust - 2015/03/27 18:14:38 UTC

Tip of iceberg: The following RichH statement is simply not true: "but unless he gets his way 100% of the time, you are the enemy". Counterexamples are plenty.
Davis Straub - 2015/03/27 18:21:58 UTC

I do not expect this to be trial by Oz Report forum.
Nah, course not. No trials on The Davis Show - just a knife in the back when you're winning your case.
It is just a public forum to hear from all interested parties.
Yeah, it's a PUBLIC forum...
Request To Site Owner
Davis Straub - 2014/12/09 04:21:15 UTC

There is no way in hell that he is ever going to be able write or view what is on this forum (unless folks copy and paste it onto other forums which they are quite free to do).

Bob would not be civil the last time after repeated infractions and private disagreements with me and I do not trust him at all.

Also, I do not wish this thread to continue, so please take it over to some other forum.

Bob K. has a special dispensation to post here on this thread only.
But it's a public forum - at least for anyone who’s "CIVIL". And I sure hope Bok K. - and everyone else - stays CIVIL so you won't be forced to lock it 'cause that would automatically and irrevocably terminate Bob's Special Dispensation.
I look forward to looking at the materials that the USHPA produces.
I look forward to you breaking your fuckin' neck on another blown dolly launch and the two hundred pound weak link you're now happy with preventing you from being dragged.
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Tad Eareckson
Posts: 9152
Joined: 2010/11/25 03:48:55 UTC

Re: The Bob Show

Post by Tad Eareckson »
Goodbye Bob K?
Bob Kuczewski - 2015/03/27 19:14:53 UTC

Joe, let me start on a positive note by thanking you for your effort to move this discussion in the proper direction.
The proper direction is the destruction of u$hPa.
USHPA should be working to resolve the problems at Torrey Pines and they should be cooperating with the one person who has been most consistently working to improve the situation.
weak links
Brian Vant-Hull - 2007/07/21 13:00:33 UTC

I don't think there's any argument that weak length strength should scale with total mass (and I'd like to see your contraption for scalable strength weak link), and again you are honest in not having a strong theoretical argument for what the number of g's should be.

I'll be lazy and ask if any of your references give a physical reason for the 0.8 to 2 g range they quote as safe. If not, constructing a reasonable physical argument could be a major contribution. You clearly have the physics down well enough (as good as anyone else in the world) to do so.
weak link table
ian9toes - 2009/06/14 15:18:37 UTC

I strongly disagree with banning the one guy who has the most knowledge about safety issues involving what I believe is the most dangerous part of our sport. I hear someone dies every year from towing. I hope SG bites his tongue in the interest of public safety.
Training Manual Comments / Contribution
Bill Cummings - 2012/01/10 14:04:59 UTC

Tad's procedures for aerotowing should become part of any training manual.
But all that got me on The Bob Show was the same vote as Sam Kellner and Terry Mason at the peak and then...
Training Manual Comments / Contribution
Warren Narron - 2012/01/06 18:55:32 UTC

Going against the grain here, but someone has to point out that the probable best candidate to write a training manual has been banned from this site.
...a banning.
But that's not USHPA's direction as you can see by the response of USHPA's President Rich Hass above.

On to Rich Hass...

Rich, I'd like to be a little more blunt than Joe, but I don't want to tempt Davis's finger on the ban button.
Fuck Davis. That's eighty percent of what he uses his finger for.
Here is exactly what you yourself wrote and published in the USHPA Board minutes regarding the matter of balancing the Soaring Council:
Bob Kuczewski's Motion to Amend the Chapter Support Report: To ask USHPA's representative on the TPSC to work to increase our sports' representation on the Torrey Pines Soaring Council to bring our total HG/PG representation from two to three so we will have the same number of HG/PG representatives as the RC clubs have.

The motion to amend passes twelve in favor, ten against
Nowhere in there does it say that you need Bob Kuczewski's permission to do anything. It is laughable to anyone who's been watching for you to somehow claim that you did (or didn't do) anything to try to comply with my wishes. If you wanted to try to come up with some crazy plan to have an area-wide hang gliding election, you certainly didn't fail to do it as any favor to me.

What I did say was that the Soaring Council was based on clubs - local and national clubs (it's in their bylaws which I know you must have read by now). There are currently seven of those clubs (three RC clubs, two sailplane clubs, and two for HG/PG combined). If USHPA wanted to increase the representation for our sports (as passed in that resolution), it would have been quite natural for you to endorse the addition of the Torrey Hawks CLUB. That fits perfectly within the guidelines and bylaws of the Soaring Council, and it fits perfectly with your purported goal of having local organizations control local sites. But you didn't want to do that because you don't like our club - your own personal bias. Instead, you wanted to come up with some ridiculous and unworkable plan to somehow elect a USHPA representative from the "San Diego hang gliding community". There is no such entity, and that's why the Soaring Council is based on clubs. Clubs are the representatives of the hang gliding (and paragliding) communities. The SDHGPA has been a paragliding club for years, and they have a seat on the Council to represent their club. I suggested that if you wanted to play some game to "elect" representatives from the "community", then the SDHGPA should give up their seat as well and have their paragliding representative "elected" from the "community" as well. But you didn't like that.
Oh gawd - another long winded "explanation".
But regardless of any discussion that we had or didn't have, you know that the USHPA Board passed my resolution as follows:
Bob Kuczewski's Motion to Amend the Chapter Support Report: To ask USHPA's representative on the TPSC to work to increase our sports' representation on the Torrey Pines Soaring Council to bring our total HG/PG representation from two to three so we will have the same number of HG/PG representatives as the RC clubs have.

The motion to amend passes twelve in favor, ten against
That stands on its own and doesn't say anything about whether I like it or don't like it. Yet for five years now you've done nothing to carry it out. Nothing. And you have the nerve to come to this forum and somehow blame it on me? Shameful.

The reason you didn't carry out your ridiculous plan wasn't out of any deference to me. It was because it was completely unworkable. You would have had to change the Soaring Council's bylaws. You would have had to create some mechanism for deciding who was "local" enough to San Diego to vote. You would have had to decide who was a "hang glider pilot" (H0? H4?) and who was a "paraglider" pilot (P0? P3?). You would have had to hold expensive elections (do you remember the cost of the recall election?). All of this nonesense simply because you hated (and still hate) the Torrey Hawks Hang Gliding Club. Again, shameful.

Rich, actions speak louder than words. In 2010 the USHPA Board voted to pass the resolution that I've quoted twice already. In those five years, what exactly have you done to carry out the Board's directive? And please don't try to use me as an excuse in your reply. Everyone can see through that by now.

But let me end on a positive note. If you really want to balance the Soaring Council, and if you really have good intentions toward hang gliding at Torrey Pines, then drop this ridiculous expulsion proceeding right now and begin to work with the Torrey Hawks in the spirit that Joe Faust has suggested. Our club President (Jacmac) has already posted a few times to this forum, and I'm sure you can't have anything bad to say about him.
I can give it a go.
I don't need to be in the loop for you to work something out with him. What do you say Rich?
Bill Cummings - 2015/03/27 19:33:21 UTC


You just reminded everyone how to go about advancing their agenda to remove from high visibility information about the unjust situation in San Diego, CA.

The people enjoying an unfair advantage that are happy with the status quo will quickly encourage a flame war on this thread to have it locked down and to shut up Bob K. and what he hopes to reveal.
Big surprise.
I see this happening just as sure as I see the Bob K’s expulsion. I'm 98% sure both will happen if you allow it here.

Before you act true to your words and lock it down I would hope that Bob, before responding to any individual, will first post his proof about the City of San Diego's failure to follow City Charter 43a which they agreed to in a settlement.
Bob’s problem is that the City after paying a fine and making an agreement to set up a Torrey Pines City Park Advisory Board that would have HG representatives seated broke from that agreement.

He should post how Councilwoman Sherri Lightner has failed her fiduciary duty to her district and the City letting the lease run out with the old concessionaire and the possibility of the current concessionaire never having even signed a new lease which would make them squatters. And there is way more.

Davis, I suggest that you move the people that engage in a flame war to get this thread locked down to a separate thread. (If you don’t, it's guaranteed they will.)

Then lock it down when Bob K. personally attacks someone here.
Thank you.
Fuck Davis and his bullshit locked down forum. Don't play into that motherfucker's hands and give him relevance he's NEVER deserved. Bob should challenge Rich and Mark to engage on The Bob Show where everybody can see what's going on. Or they could maybe even come over here to more neutral turf - I hate all three of them fairly equally.
Davis Straub - 2015/03/27 21:45:04 UTC

Bob Kuczewski - 2015/03/27 21:30:05 UTC

Shame on you for trying to pass your own commentary off as part of the Board's motion. You're showing your willingness to try to deceive the members of this forum in your response.
Did you not listen when I asked you to not engage in personal attack?
I ask once again.
I won't ask one more time.
Yeah that was a pretty nasty personal attack. Quite shocking by Davis Show standards. And all the poor u$hPa guys are trying to do is effectively destroy Bob's hang and para gliding careers.
weak links
Davis Straub - 2009/04/26 22:05:31 UTC

Tad obviously completely lacks social intelligence and probably a few other forms of intelligence. Also, he obviously has other mental health issues.
Is this a joke ?
Davis Straub - 2011/08/26 20:10:56 UTC

Oh, and BTW, Tad is clueless as well as being a child molester (no kidding).
Jim Rooney - 2011/08/26 23:12:32 UTC

Just to back Davis up on this, cuz the person that let's the cat out of the bag always gets flack for it...

So we're clear as a bell on this.
Tad is a convicted paedophile.
Knock off the personal stuff, Bob. Just stick to the relevant issues and everything will be fine.
Bob Kuczewski - 2015/03/28 02:14:01 UTC

OK, I'll try to stick very objectively to the facts.
The Bob Show
Bob Kuczewski - 2012/01/14 17:29:26 UTC

Tad, as a 30 something year old man, you had a homosexual relationship with a 12 year old boy while you were in a position of trust with regard to that boy.
Do you think you did anything wrong?

In your answer please disregard the consequences of the law and of others who might have penalized or retaliated against either of you. I am only asking if you think you did anything wrong as a 30 year old man having a homosexual relationship with a 12 year old boy in isolation of the societal consequences.
Davis Straub - 2015/03/28 03:37:50 UTC

Keep up the good work and your promise.
You keep up the great work too, Davis - along with the high standards for Davis Show discourse that we've all come to expect.
Bob Kuczewski - 2015/03/28 04:22:53 UTC

We may just have different interpretations of what's a "personal attack".
Sure Bob. See above.
I would not have considered this statement to Rich Hass to be a "personal atttack" and I would expect to find similar language strewn throughout this forum with no moderation comments at all.

But having said all that, I am planning to have a few close friends review my posts ... just to be safe. Image
How many friends do you have on your democratic Utopia over there close enough to trust with any Bob Show control? Zack and the two most currently active members besides Yours Truly have my password.
P.S. I decided to give it a try and it wasn't long before I found this gem at:
BK got Booted from BOTH , (OZ and .ORG) , because he's a confrontational A-((O)) !!
What Rich said
Bille Floyd - 2015/03/15 11:55:25 UTC

BK got Booted from BOTH , (OZ and .ORG) , because he's a confrontational A-((O)) !!
What does that hafta do with personal attacks?
Davis Straub - 2015/03/28 04:30:34 UTC

Bob, I can't spend hours going through this forum warning people.
'Specially Davis Show pigfuckers personally attacking people who have your sleazy number.
Yes, you need to have others make sure that you are not engaged in personal attacks.
Yes, that was a personal attack on Rich.
Poor Rich. And all he's really trying to do is protect the rights of u$hPa thugs to take over public parks, decide who is and isn't allowed to enter them, assault, batter, and incarcerate people they don't like, and perjure themselves in court with total impunity.
Just pretend that you are talking to your sweet mother and you are watching what you are saying.
Suck my dick, Davis.
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Tad Eareckson
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Re: The Bob Show

Post by Tad Eareckson »
Goodbye Bob K?
Bob Kuczewski - 2015/04/05 21:34:26 UTC

As you may know, at least one of the major forums has blacklisted the web site. If you try to post a link to "" there, it is automatically changed to something like "". That's making it hard to grow competition in the marketplace. Until you've figured out what to do with your domain, you're certainly free to direct it anywhere you like. Image
Don't have that problem here, Bob. If you have a problem with Kite Strings it's the precise polar opposite.
This is about USHPA covering themselves for years of neglect at Torrey Pines.

The Torrey Pines concessionaire has been sloppy for a long time, and a number of their students have gotten hurt while under direct supervision. At least one of them is suing the concessionaire (not USHPA), and so Dennis Pagen and Marty Divietti were hired (with real money) to testify against the injured woman. I was asked to testify about what I know, and I did so while refusing to accept any money from anyone. But since USHPA doesn't like my particular testimony, they've decided to use it as an excuse to expel me. You'll notice that they're not expelling Dennis Pagen or Marty Divietti. Image
[TIL] About Tad Eareckson
Bob Kuczewski - 2013/03/10 18:20:34 UTC

I first learned about Tad Eareckson when I was Regional Director and the USHPA Board circulated a letter he had written (with intention to send?) to the FAA about some dangerous practices in hang gliding.

The Board's knee-jerk response was to try to take some kind of legal action to silence Tad. I indicated that I thought we shouldn't be sending our lawyers in as our first response, and that maybe we should have someone talk with him first. So Dennis Pagen volunteered, and I believe the matter was settled without any serious damage to the sport.
Thanks bigtime, Bob. Lemme also thank you on behalf of the sport.
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Re: The Bob Show

Post by Tad Eareckson »

Bob Kuczewski - 2015/03/29 21:22:59 UTC

Banned of Brothers

Hello Tad,
Hello again, Bob.
I'm updating my list of who's been banned from which sites...
2008/12/12 - Capitol Hang Glider Association
2009/05/17 - Peter Birren Show
2009/11/10 - Jack Show
2010/02/24 - Paragliding Forum
2010/04/03 - Davis Show
2010/11/19 - Houston Hang Gliding and Paragliding Association
2011/12/14 - Bob Show
2012/11/01 - Rocky Mountain Hang Gliding and Paragliding Association
2014/01/11 - Mikkel Krogh Show
...and I was wondering if you could update me on the full list of everyone who has *ever" been banned from KiteStrings.
Nobody has ever BEEN banned from Kite Strings (TWO words) 'cause I never use that sorta bullshit...
[TIL] About Tad Eareckson
Bob Kuczewski - 2013/03/10 18:20:34 UTC

Eventually (and for reasons that I won't full disclose here), it became necessary to ask Tad to leave the US Hawks forum, and he is currently the only person who's been completely banned from the US Hawks.
...grammatical dodge. Whenever one of you sleazebags refers to somebody having BEEN banned from a site he controls he's attempting to convey the impression that the banning was an action taken in response to violation clearly stated and evenly and fairly enforced rules by a representative governing body - rather than a politically expedient assassination by a corrupt dictator.

So while nobody has BEEN banned from Kite Strings *I* have banned four individuals without a word's worth of consultation with or input from anyone else. My decisions and my decisions alone - although I've never heard much in the way of chatter from people calling foul.
If any of the bans have been reversed, please note that as well since I'm keeping track of the history of the bans.
Couple weeks ago I banned Steve Corbin because of what appeared to be support of what appeared to be an off the scale blatant racist remark by Tommy Thompson on The Jack Show. Said I'd reinstate him anytime he wanted to make a retraction but shortly thereafter based on an unrelated post concluded that his comment had been sarcastic and plugged his wire back in after nine hours, four minutes, twenty-seven seconds.

The three pin bending motherfuckers I've banned never had the slightest business being on here in the first place.

- Your actions were and remain pretty much nonstop sabotage. You never had and never will have the slightest interest in the mission of Kite Strings. (Pretty much the same deal at US Hawks as far as I've seen.)

- Sam Kellner is a total piece o' shit who wouldn't be able to work his way up to absolute douchebag in thirty lifetimes. My letting him on here in the first place was an act of unfathomable stupidity I committed only out of deference to you.

- Orion Price's character is on par with Sam's and his only purpose in registering here was to be banned. Fuck him and anybody who has anything to do with him.

And, as you undoubtedly already know but pretend not to, I unbanned you 2014/11/22 03:30:58 UTC but asked you not to post on the public forum.
Banned of Brothers
Bob Kuczewski - 2011/02/16 17:37:55 UTC

People who have been banned from: (operated by Jack Axaopoulos)
- Brian (Noman)
- Tad Eareckson
- Warren (Free)
- Scott Wise (Wingspan34)
- Bob Kuczewski (bobk)
- Al Hernandez (al hernandez)
- Soar8hours
People who have been banned from: (operated by Davis Straub)
- Tad Eareckson
- Bob Kuczewski (bobk) - Note: Bob is currenly allowed to post only in expulsion topic as "Bob Hawk".
- Dennis D
- Scott Wise (Wingspan34)
- Al Hernandez (al hernandez)
- Mike Lake
People who have been banned from: (operated by Jack Axaopoulos)
- Scott Wise (Wingspan34)
- Bob Kuczewski (bobk)
People who have been banned from: (operated by Jack Axaopoulos)
- Everyone!! - Jack locked the entire site after defacing it and using it as his own billboard to attack people he didn't like. He effectively banned EVERYONE from the club's own web site!! Check it out at:
People who have been banned from: (operated by Tad Eareckson)
Request for actual list pending
- Bob Kuczewski
- Sam?
- Jim?
- OP?
People who have been banned from: (operated by ??)
- Rick Masters
- Joe Faust
- Bob Kuczewski
People who have been banned from: (operated by Bob Kuczewski)
- Tad Eareckson
- Nobody - Not banned but restricted to the "Free Speech Zone"

Please post here if you know of others and I'll keep updating this list.
People who have been banned from: (operated by Jack Axaopoulos, Paul Hurless, Tormod Helgesen)
- Jim Keen-Intellect Rooney
- michael170
- Tommy Thompson (Soar8hours)
People who have been banned from: (operated by Davis Straub, u$hPa, HPAC)
People who have been banned from: (operated by Zack C, Tad Eareckson, Steve Davy)
- Sam Kellner
- Jim who? Rooney? Rowan? Gaar? Top notch candidates.
- Orion Price (OPOP)
People who have been banned from: (operated by u$hPa, BHPA)
- Tad Eareckson
People who have been banned from: (operated by Bob Kuczewski)
- Steve Davy (Nobody) - as you bloody well know - for all intents and purposes
People who have been banned from: The Peter Birren Show (operated by Peter Birren, u$hPa)
- Warren Narron
- Tad Eareckson
People who have been banned from: Capitol Hang Glider Association (operated by Highland Aerosports, Jim Keen-Intellect Rooney, 130 pound Greenspot fishing line, Cragin Shelton)
- Tad Eareckson (suspended for three months six years ago)
People who have been banned from: Houston Hang Gliding and Paragliding Association (operated by Rich Diamond, Charlie Schneider)
- Tad Eareckson
People who have been banned from: Rocky Mountain Hang Gliding and Paragliding Association (operated by Tom Galvin, u$hPa)
- Tad Eareckson
- Steve Davy
People who have been banned from: Mikkel Krogh Show (operated by Mikkel Krogh Show)
- Tad Eareckson

noman / noman3 / Brian Horgan has never been banned by Jack for very long. Last posted 2015/01/01 18:29 UTC.
I'd also like screen names and real names if you have them.

You can find my current list in the "Banned of Brothers" topic on US Hawks.
I know. (How things coming with my fake trial for violation of your fake nonexistent rules by your Fake Board of Directors?)
No problem. Hang gliding is an asshole magnet and forums and the sport NEED bannings. A scummy parasitic little motherfucker like Jim Keen-Intellect Rooney should be permabanned from anything and everything having to do with hang gliding and no degree of reformation or apology should ever be allowed to buy him so much as an acknowledgement of existence - and that would be letting him off easy. The problem is that things have evolved such that the motherfuckers most in need of banning are the exact same ones who've positioned themselves to best effect it against the sport's best assets.
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Re: The Bob Show

Post by <BS> »
Banned of Brothers
Bob Kuczewski - 2011/02/16 17:37:55 UTC

People who have been banned from: (operated by Davis Straub)
- Tad Eareckson
- Bob Kuczewski (bobk) - Note: Bob is currenly allowed to post only in expulsion topic as "Bob Hawk".
- Dennis D
- Scott Wise (Wingspan34)
- Al Hernandez (al hernandez)
- Mike Lake
When and why was Mike Lake banned?
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Tad Eareckson
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Re: The Bob Show

Post by Tad Eareckson »

Beats the crap outta me. First I've heard of it. Rather doubt it's accurate. Last signs of life:
In air excitement
Graeme Henderson - 2014/09/11 05:21:38 UTC

Just remember though, this isn't about ace pilots like you, who will certainly only die in a freak accident involving a shopping trolley, a box of matches and half a dozen cans of baked beans.
Mike Lake (Pudpud) - 2014/09/11 17:57:28 UTC

My kind of humour
2014/11/01 20:29:27 UTC - MikeLake - last logged in on Tad's Hole In The Ground
Scooting my butt back up to launch
Mike Lake (pud) - 2014/11/14 21:59:50 UTC

Get a lock & chain!
Turnaround times?
Mike Lake (MikeLake) - 2014/11/20 16:29:42 UTC

No sweat. It's just that I was having a discussion with some aerotow guys about this issue.

This was my post

"On a good day when the gremlins are too drunk to bother and the ground crew are all sober....

The tow up time will depend on wind strength and the time this gives on tow.
But from release it takes about a minute to reel in and another minute to make sure the spent line isn't interfering with the good line.

If the ground crew are on the ball the next pilot is ready so another two minutes tops to clip in and launch.
The quad will already be at the winch end as he follows the first pilot down the runway. The two lines are carefully pulled back at 10mph to avoid tangles (something to address) so say five minutes and you are ready for the next two launches.

This is a good day but of course we do have the occasional line break or tangle always timed when the clouds are building."

This is our turnaround overhead (note not including the actual launch time).
It got me wondering about other systems. I can't remember too much from my payout winch days.
Hey Mike, phone home if you're listening and let us know if you still have a pulse.
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Tad Eareckson
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Re: The Bob Show

Post by Tad Eareckson »
Goodbye Bob K?
Scott C. Wise - 2015/04/04 02:32:37 UTC

John Harrison was not flying at a u$hPa approved site. As a business that had no permit, he was effectively trespassing on the Federal lands of Jean dry Lake. Harrison was supposed to have the detailed Part 103 Tandem Waiver info on his person. As a Master rated pilot he didn't seem to have it memorized. Or he did and he was intentionally violating its terms (that his flying activities MUST take place at a u$hPa approved launch site). As good and experienced (Master rated!) a man as people may have considered him to be, he and another person...
...of a varying age...
...might be alive today if he had FOLLOWED the RULES!
They WOULD be alive today if he'd gone with common sense rather than the petty irrelevant bullshit you're harping on and used something better than the placebo release that everyone and his dog knows is totally useless in an emergency situation. They'd be just as dead as they are now if Kelly had had his stupid BLM permit and Part 103 Tandem Waiver in his pocket. Slightly more dead 'cause the increase in weight would've taken them down faster and harder.
Mark G. Forbes - 2015/04/04 03:03:06 UTC

Approved tandem launch sites

You don't have a clue what you're talking about. I've attached the definition of an approved launch site so that you may learn, instead of spouting ignorantly. FAA has had that clause in the exemption for decades, and we have a document (included with the tandem packet) which defines what such a site is. Pilots have been towing at Jean Lake for many years.


We know. And obviously adhering to all the u$hPa SOPs while doing so.
It's a fine towing site; wide open and flat...
...good hard surface...

Image the tow vehicle can accelerate quickly and efficiently...


...and make sharp turns as necessary.
...and fits the definition of an approved tandem site.

United States Hang Gliding & Paragliding Association

USHPA Approved Launch Sites for Tandem Training Flights.

Hang Gliding Tandem Launch Site Characteristics

Tow Launch sites:

1. There must be ample room straight ahead and on either side of the tow road or runway to accommodate a landing from an early release or weak link break from an altitude of 200 feet or less.

2. For launches originating from a launch dolly, the launch area must be sufficiently flat to minimize the potential for the cart to significantly veer off course. There must be additional distance compared to typical solo tow requirements to accommodate the slower, longer rollout during the launch.

3. There should be sufficient wind streamers, windsocks and/or other indicators present to afford the instructor ample information about the strength, direction and condition of the wind prior to launch.
So what do you think went wrong, Mark? Totally benign conditions, Barbie's Dream...

...Tandem Tow Site, Hang Five skydiving instructor with...
John Kelly Harrison - 55 - Nevada - 53375 - H5 - 1996/10/23 - Joe Greblo - PL TFL TPL AWCL CL FSL RLF TUR XC - ADV INST, TAND INST
...qualifications coming outta his ass, tow equipment in total compliance with u$hPa's sterling standards... I'm just totally dumbfounded by this one.
Two Dead on Hang Glider
Scott C. Wise - 2015/04/07 05:36:31 UTC

From another thread where it didn't belong, this was posted:
Goodbye Bob K?
Mark G. Forbes - 2015/04/04 03:03:06 UTC

You don't have a clue what you're talking about. I've attached the definition of an approved launch site so that you may learn, instead of spouting ignorantly...
The one thing that should be implicit with any u$hPa Approved Tandem Launch Site would be that the operator (USHPA Certified Tandem Instructor) is not violating the law in the course of operating his business in that location. According to sources, J K Harrison had not secured the PERMIT that is REQUIRED for a business to operate on Jean Dry Lake Bed (Federal BLM Property).

But it seems that a u$hPa (Executive Committee?) Director believes that a simple description of what a good tow site should look like also somehow allows any u$hPa Certified Tandem Instructor (operating a business) to ignore the requirement of obtaining a business permit before taking an 11 year old boy on a (fatal!) tandem hang gliding thrill ride.
Well, at least he got his money's worth on the thrill component.
It seems to be implicit in Mr. Forbe's...
His last name is "Forbes", Scott.
...response that the u$hPa does not feel that it is necessary for its members to follow laws connected with the LEGAL use of what it defines as "Approved Tandem Launch Sites".
GOOD. That's not their department and none of their goddam business. Has ZERO to do with the safety of the flight. If Kelly had gone up with Arys over a field of molten lava on a gusty afternoon on The Big Island using a hovercraft as a tow vehicle that would've been OK 'cause he'd have gotten a permit from the National Park Service.
Apparently, Mr. Forbes (and the u$hPa?) is condoning Tandem Training activities that violate local or even Federal laws connected with the commercial use of private/State/Federally owned lands.
Who gives a flying fuck? Apparently not the BLM. They weren't out there checking to see who had permits and who didn't BEFORE the crash.
In truth, Mr. Forbes, it is you who don't...
...have a clue. Answer this: Is the u$hPa allowed to promote the violation of ANY standing law by way of endorsing ANY of its own SOPs or other descriptive policies? If so, I think that is called endorsing illegal/criminal behavior. That's what organized crime does! Image
This is bullshit. u$hPa's not responsible for following people around to see what people are doing and where and checking local laws and paperwork. Where do you get off accusing them of PROMOTING this? Where they DO KNOWINGLY *PROMOTE* clear and lethal violations of Federal aviation safety violations is their publication of crap like Dr. Trisa Tilletti's weak link article in the 2012/06 magazine issue and their deliberate blindness to the open, severe, flagrant violations of weak link regulations at virtually all aerotow operations. And where were you during THOSE battles, Scott?
Speaking of endorsing criminal behavior, the circle has now been completed - back to the u$hPa's move to expel Bob K from its membership. There's a Felony involved in that action. As I have mentioned elsewhere, the ship is sinking faster than almost anyone realizes. Image
Davis Straub - 2015/04/07 13:46:18 UTC
In truth, Mr. Forbes, it is you who don't have a clue.
Mr. Speck. Stop with the personal attacks if you don't wish to be banned (again?).
Oh. So when Mr. Forbes says:
Mark G. Forbes - 2015/04/04 03:03:06 UTC

You don't have a clue what you're talking about. I've attached the definition of an approved launch site so that you may learn, instead of spouting ignorantly.
that's perfectly OK. But when Mr. Speck says:
In truth, Mr. Forbes, it is you who don't have a clue.
that's a personal attack worthy of (another) banning.
Butch Pritchett - 2010/04/02 23:21:11 UTC

Tad that turd is getting back in the punch bowl.
Tad Eareckson - 2010/04/02 23:23:44 UTC

Fuck you.
Davis Straub - 2010/04/03 12:46:26 UTC

Tad is gone.
Nice level playing field you're running over there, Davis. If I learn to suck your dick as well as all your buddies do ya think there's some chance I could get back on?
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Tad Eareckson
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Re: The Bob Show

Post by Tad Eareckson »
Two Dead on Hang Glider
Steve Davy - 2015/04/08 07:57:38 UTC
Goodbye Bob K?
Mark G. Forbes - 2015/04/04 03:03:06 UTC

You don't have a clue what you're talking about.
Two Dead on Hang Glider
Scott C. Wise - 2015/04/07 05:36:31 UTC

In truth, Mr. Forbes, it is you who don't have a clue.
Two Dead on Hang Glider
Davis Straub - 2015/04/07 13:46:18 UTC

Mr. Speck. Stop with the personal attacks if you don't wish to be banned (again?).
Why does Mr. Forbes get a free pass, Davis?
People who suck each others dicks ALWAYS get special benefits.
Graeme Henderson - 2015/04/08 10:17:06 UTC

How can you make a personal attack against an anonymous poster?
Same way ya can against some useless piece o' shit who posts under his own name - GRAEME.
Fuck you, Graeme. An anonymous poster is still a PERSON. And in battlefields controlled by scum like Davis, Jack, u$hPa thugs there are EXCELLENT reasons...
Jim Rooney - 2013/03/05 19:42:58 UTC

I'm tired of arguing with crazy.
As I said many times... there are those that listen with the intent of responding... you unfortunately are one.

You've done a great job of convincing me never to tow you.
Thank you for that.
Mission accomplished.
...for people to stay anonymous. The only reason YOU have the luxury of comfortably posting under your own name is 'cause you're one of Davis's Dedicated Sycophants who never takes a stand on anything that matters.
Davis Straub - 2015/04/08 12:14:45 UTC

Dear Mr Rodent,

I can not spend all my time monitoring everyone.
Obviously. Not when you spend all of your time monitoring the people you've targeted for destruction. Like the Ferguson cops couldn't spend any time monitoring the white folk 'cause they were way too busy spending all their time lynching nigras.

And now that Mister Rodent has done your job for you and posted the relevant nine word sentence you still don't have any time to spend monitoring Mark.
Bille Floyd - 2015/04/08 14:24:19 UTC

Two people are Dead, on a HG ; and your worried about a Hall-Pass ?
No, shithead. We're worried about another Davis Show banning nakedly geared towards silencing opposition and subverting justice.
Really ??
Yeah, motherfucker - REALLY. Those two people are dead BECAUSE of decades worth of silencing of opposition voices by scum like Davis, Mark G. Forbes, Rich Haas, Dr. Trisa Tilletti while wastes of space like you sit back and do NOTHING. Wasn't the protection of our freedom of speech the reason we invaded Iraq?
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Tad Eareckson
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Re: The Bob Show

Post by Tad Eareckson »
Two Dead on Hang Glider
Naranek - 2015/04/08 19:04:55 UTC
Steve Davy - 2015/04/08 07:57:38 UTC

Why does Mr. Forbes get a free pass, Davis?
You don't have a clue, do you? Image
Yeah we do - from long experience. That was a rhetorical question.
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