The Bob Show

General discussion about the sport of hang gliding
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Tad Eareckson
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Re: The Bob Show

Post by Tad Eareckson »
President Trump
Bob Kuczewski - 2020/07/08 12:09:45 UTC

President Trump at Mount Rushmore
July 4, 2020

This is a truly great speech.

Image Image Image Image Image Image Image Image Image Image Image Image

Let's take a look at a couple bits...
In our schools, our newsrooms, even our corporate boardrooms, there is a new far-left fascism that demands absolute allegiance. If you do not speak its language, perform its rituals, recite its mantras, and follow its commandments, then you will be censored, banished, blacklisted, persecuted, and punished. It's not going to happen to us.
I was in public school through the eighth grade - 1959-1968. For all of it I was compelled to pledge allegiance to one nation under a god I came to realize was a total crock and for maybe the first third of it once a day we were all closing our eyes and reciting the Lord's Prayer. So much for the Constitution and separation of church and state. Or do you have some other take?
After forcing the surrender of the most powerful empire on the planet at Yorktown...
...with no help whatsoever from France...
...General Washington did not claim power but simply returned to Mount Vernon as a private citizen.
With three hundred slaves to do all the unpleasant stuff for him. Let freedom ring.
Abraham Lincoln, the savior of our union, was a self-taught country lawyer who grew up in a log cabin on the American frontier.
The American frontier which kept moving west 'cause the people who had inhabited the land for the previous ten thousand years never had the firepower to do much of anything about it.
The first Republican president, he rose to high office from obscurity based on a force and clarity of his anti-slavery convictions.
And you, hopefully, the last Republican president, were born into a position of wealth and power and perpetrated illegal racist practices in your father's business.
Very, very strong convictions.
Really hoping you'll end up with enough to keep you in prison for a few thousand years - starting in the near future.
He signed the law that built the Trans-Continental Railroad. He signed the Homestead Act given to some incredible scholars as simply defined ordinary citizens free land to settle anywhere in the American West...
Just empty land as far as the eye could see begging to be depopulated, clear-cut, grazed, plowed, mined, drilled, fracked, desertificated...
...and he led the country through the darkest hours of American history...
Even darker than what we're seeing now? In this era of mass extinction with our coastal cities and naval bases starting to disappear beneath the waves? every ounce of strength that he had to ensure that government of the people, by the people and for the people did not perish from this earth.
Define "the people". Also "this earth".
At Gettysburg 157 years ago, the Union bravely withstood an assault of nearly 15,000 men and threw back Pickett's Charge.
Pickett's Charge was a suicide mission - and everyone and his dog knew it at the time. If you're looking for bravery on that one it all belongs to the Confederates.
Every child of every color, born and unborn, is made in the holy image of God.
Oh. So God's a bisexual chameleon. What sex and color is he/she at the moment? And where can we go to see his/her 13.8 billion years worth of piss and shit? And what are his/her feelings about all those children you ripped away from their parents and locked up in cages?
Americans harnessed electricity, split the atom...
Americans like Nikola Tesla and Albert Einstein.
...and gave the world the telephone and the internet.
How nice of us. And how much use would the world have for the internet we gave it without the computer Alan Turing invented?
We settled the Wild West...
It was extremely unsettled before we settled it. Now everything's wonderfully settled.
...won two World Wars...
All by ourselves. Just like at Yorktown.
...landed American astronauts on the moon.
And dropped them back into the Atlantic on a failed launch and roasted them on reentry 'cause of shitrigged management and engineering.
And one day very soon, we will plant our flag on Mars.
And I'm hoping you'll be the one to do it. Low gravity so the bone spurs shouldn't be a problem.

Great speech, Bob. And keep up the great work making hang gliding great again the way this great President of yours is Making America Great Again. Give a thought to caging a few thousand children (preferably brown) for a few months - that one seemed to work pretty well. And if you get a spare moment video the kited paraglider demonstration I mentioned earlier to illustrate how insanely dangerous Brad Geary's antics really were.

And maybe a graph or two to show us the dangers and benefits of the 280 and 400 pound pro toad weak links Davis and the Flight Park Mafia now permit us to choose between at AT comps. That would really help 'cause subsequent to 2013/02/02 we haven't heard a report of single hang or para glider tow incident in which a weak link of any description was considered to have been a factor.

P.S. The fact that there's been zero response to this one on The Bob Show screams volumes about where his alternative hang gliding association is going - which is nowhere at best and pretty much certainly backwards at an ever accelerating rate.
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Tad Eareckson
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Re: The Bob Show

Post by Tad Eareckson »
Petition - Fire Robert Kuczewski for Racist Emails to Salk Institute Employees -
Caroline Vatterott - 2020/06/11

I am signing because who George Floyd was before this incident does not hold ANY weight to the way that the police treated him. There is zero excuse for this behavior, and anyone who says any different has another agenda
kelli james - 2020/06/11
San Diego

Black lives matter and don't need to be seen as "good" under the veil of white supremacy to matter.
Reina Bassil - 2020/06/12
San Diego

This type of public all-salk emailing behavior is unacceptable without stating that his intentions don't represent those of Salk or the community.
Addison West - 2020/06/12
San Diego

Because Bob is a piece of shit and karma has been a long time coming.
Brad Hall - 2020/06/19

I agree with Riena Bassil's comment. No one should let the racist remarks of a low life like Robert Keczewski damage the fine reputation of the Salk Institute. I believe that is the purpose of this petition. When a narcissist uses an institutions internal email to voice his disgusting opinions, and it becomes public, it is imperative for the institution to act to distance itself from the gross offender. How sad it would be for the public to equate the entire Salk Institute with the twisted remarks of one agitator. Actions and words have consequences. One national organization has already booted Mr. Keczewski out because of his damaging behavior. I sincerely hope the management of the Salk Institute will show the same courage and distance itself from the likes of Mr. Keczewski perminatly.
Jason Davis
Los Angeles

Bob Kuczewski is a serial bully, harasser and troublemaker with a long history in the hang gliding community of san diego. He has been arrested 3 times at Torrey Pines already. He's been sued for being abusive and lost.

He has been banned from virtually every hang gliding site in the world.

He was permanently expelled from our National Hang Gliding association.
The karma train finally caught up to Bob Kuczweski. Watch his youtube videos where he berates San Diego council members. Bob is always 100% right, and the rest of the world is 100% wrong.
Tad Eareckson - 2020/07/08
President Trump
Bob Kuczewski - 2016/11/09 07:54:02 UTC

Make America Great Again
One does what one can, Bob.
So let's take a look at some of these in the collection I've just created...
Caroline Vatterott - 2020/06/11

I am signing because who George Floyd was before this incident does not hold ANY weight to the way that the police treated him. There is zero excuse for this behavior, and anyone who says any different has another agenda
Pretty good post if you put a period on the end of the second sentence - or, better yet, lose the second half of the second sentence.
kelli james - 2020/06/11
San Diego

Black lives matter and don't need to be seen as "good" under the veil of white supremacy to matter.
Not bad either.
Reina Bassil - 2020/06/12
San Diego

This type of public all-salk emailing behavior is unacceptable without stating that his intentions don't represent those of Salk or the community.
- Where the fuck was one supposed to get the slightest impression - from anything Bob actually wrote - that he was doing anything other than expressing his own personal position on the issue?

- And that would've been your only issue with Bob's action if it had had the slightest degree of legitimacy? I wonder if I can start a petition to have various participants banned from
Addison West - 2020/06/12
San Diego

Because Bob is a piece of shit and karma has been a long time coming.
Seems like another real good example for the case of banning participants from
Brad Hall - 2020/06/19

I agree with Riena Bassil's comment.
You mean one of the one's in the totally clueless category?
No one should let the racist remarks of a low life like Robert Keczewski damage the fine reputation of the Salk Institute.
Can't even spell his name (which is in big bold letters at the top of the page) right.
I believe that is the purpose of this petition.
If the concerns are so fucking valid and Salk's reputation is so fucking fine then how come they haven't already fired Bob on their own initiative? And gone blazingly public about it? Remember Amy Cooper?
When a narcissist uses an institutions internal email to voice his disgusting opinions...
- But it was perfectly OK when he was posting similar crap publicly on The Bob Show.

- How 'bout the current occupant of 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue? I guess you're perfectly OK with everything that's been getting spewed out from the platform for the better part of four years now 'cause I haven't heard a whisper of dissent from you on anything to date. And what Bob circulated in that email was totally innocuous in comparison to that scale. (A scale with which Bob is totally in sync however.)
...and it becomes public, it is imperative for the institution to act to distance itself from the gross offender.
The way you u$hPa pigfuckers very quietly distanced yourselves from Donnell Hewett, Jim Keen-Intellect Rooney, the Infallible Standard Aerotow Weak Link?
How sad it would be for the public to equate the entire Salk Institute with the twisted remarks of one agitator.
Too late. He posted the email 2020/06/02 10:46 PDT - close to two months ago. If they're all that twisted why didn't Salk take immediate action? Are they just waiting for the signature count to hit 1500 to determine that the remarks are adequately twisted?
Actions and words have consequences.
Unless it's a u$hPa money cow operation like Pat Denevan fatally pile driving a towed Hang One rated student back into the runway at Tres Pinos. Then no problem whatsoever.
One national organization has already booted Mr. Keczewski out because of his damaging behavior.
Testifying under oath in open court regarding the negligence of a u$hPa operation which put a One rated PG in way over her head and got her two thirds killed. Hard to imagine much more damaging behavior. No, wait... Reporting on all the incompetence and negligence that went into the 2013/03/27 Jean Lake child murder.
I sincerely hope the management of the Salk Institute will show the same courage and distance itself from the likes of Mr. Keczewski perminatly.
I sincerely hope that readers take note of the fact that you're incapable of spelling "permanently" with fewer than three errors.
Jason Davis
Los Angeles

Bob Kuczewski is a serial bully, harasser and troublemaker with a long history in the hang gliding community of san diego.
A long history in the hang gliding community of san diego. Davis has much longer history in the hang gliding community of central florida. How come he never comes under fire for it?
He has been arrested 3 times at Torrey Pines already.
- On what charges and how many times was he convicted of any degree of illegal activity already?

- A bit ironic that you're bringing up arrests - given that the victim of Bob's comments was an individual with a substantial arrest record and a conviction for fairly serious felony and was probably being legally arrested when he was illegally murdered by the arresting officer.
He's been sued for being abusive and lost.
- Sounds like something you pulled outta your ass.

- Is there a law somewhere about being verbally abusive that I don't know about? And if there is then how come nobody seems the least bit concerned about Addison West and his comment?
He has been banned from virtually every hang gliding site in the world.
- For what infractions?
- What a total load of crap.
He was permanently expelled from our National Hang Gliding association.
- OUR National Hang Gliding association? Who's us?

- Your National Hang Gliding association is a total load o' shit and the banning was a total travesty - and everyone and his dog knows it.

- How the fuck do you know he was PERMANENTLY banned? That it would be forever impossible for a future Board to reverse the actions of that vile kangaroo court? Who did he kill? For second degree murder one doesn't typically get a life sentence.
The karma train finally caught up to Bob Kuczweski.
Yet another way to spell it wrong.
Watch his youtube videos where he berates San Diego council members. Bob is always 100% right, and the rest of the world is 100% wrong.
You're a total piece o' shit and the people petitioning for action against Bob should be petitioning ten times as hard for your expulsion. And the fact that that's not happening seriously undermines the entire legitimacy of this effort.

And let's note that zero percent of your comments have the slightest relevance to the issue of racism. And with Brad the concern is obviously nothing beyond a veneer. And I strongly suspect that a very substantial percentage of the support for this effort - 1033 signatures at the moment - are hang and paraglider mainstreamers who really don't give rats' asses about the George Floyd issue and just wanna inflict damage on Bob.

Also note that as this country's erupting into something rather strongly resembling civil war over this situation and there are major demonstrations around a good chunk of the planet relevant glider forum discussions are zilch. As a matter o' fact Bob's Basement is the only place I've found in which there is discussion - and that seems to be just Bob Trump (thanks for that one, Steve) and Bill Cummings.
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Tad Eareckson
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Re: The Bob Show

Post by Tad Eareckson »
Region 3 prepares to say farewell to Bob
Bob Kuczewski - 2020/06/14 07:13:08 UTC

It was very clear where I stood, and yet David Metzger has misrepresented my position in clear retaliation for my efforts to reform the Torrey Pines Gliderport.
Oh. YOU don't like YOUR position being misrepresented?
Zack C - 2011/12/17 14:56:03 UTC

You continually misrepresent Tad's statements.
And the forum rules from the founder:
Zack C - 2010/11/23 05:23:34 UTC

As for rules, just keep it civil, stay on topic, keep topics in line with the forum purpose, and don't lie or misrepresent others' statements.
And I make ZERO distinction between lies and misrepresentations. They're both deliberate efforts at deceit. Once or twice, maybe some kind of misinterpretation may be at the root of something sounding a bit off. But beyond that... And you do it CONTINUALLY - save for when I'm standing up for one of your positions on principle.

Fairly recent totally infuriating example...
Failure to Hook In
Bob Kuczewski - 2019/12/08 20:04:47 UTC

Here's a sobering video about the "failure to hook in" issue:


That video recently appeared on both Oz and
Lucky to be alive...
Make sure what you hooked in to is attached correctly - Holy S*** this was a close one.

Here's the video by TheFjordflier (posted in 2015 by Brian 2 posts back):

Hook in ( last chance), version 3

It's a great video, but do you see the problem? If TheFjordflier had hooked in with a "velcro only" connection, his video would NOT have ended nearly so happily.

There is nothing wrong with doing a "lift and tug" hook-in check while launching, and I encourage it when it doesn't add additional risk (as it might in certain launch situations). But the "lift and tug" has its own failure modes as seen in the improper "velcro only" connection video. That velcro connection was obviously strong enough to support the pilot's weight (at least for a little while) so it would have certainly passed the "lift and tug" test. That failure mode would likely have been fatal if it happened in TheFjordflier's video.

My point here is that any one check alone is insufficient. A good part of this topic was spent trying to stress the value of a thorough hang check (including an inspection of the connection point as in Joe Greblo's Four C's) along with a "just prior to launch" hook in check. They are BOTH needed. The velcro connection video is proof that a hook-in check alone (such as "lift and tug") just prior to launch isn't enough.

Aviation requires careful discipline. That's why there was a printed check list in every airplane I've ever flown. A careful hang check should be part of our check list and a hook in check immediately before launch should also be part of our check list. They do different things, and they are BOTH important.
The implication being that Tad and Jan are mandating that no one EVER does ANYTHING by way of preflight. And that's a grotesque misrepresentation. It's carefully crafted - as usual - so that technically it's not a LIE but I don't really give a flying fuck. It doesn't make the least bit of difference to me - even if you can go to court and beat the rap.

That last paragraph of that quote from an asshole who says:
US Hawks Hook-In Verification Poll
Bob Kuczewski - 2011/11/04 15:17:15 UTC

You've had a platform here to make a pretty good case, and I think I'd prefer a straight pin myself. However, I do feel that the BIG DEAL you make about the differences is somewhat overblown.
...when we have documentation of that shitrigged piece o' crap locking up under light loading?
I have a tandem rating!!!
Lauren Tjaden - 2008/03/23 22:20:15 UTC

The barrel release wouldn't work because we had too much pressure on it.

Anyhow, the tandem can indeed perform big wingovers, as I demonstrated when I finally got separated from the tug.
barrels release without any tension except weight of rope..
Bart Weghorst - 2011/02/25 19:06:26 UTC

I've had it once where the pin had bent inside the barrel from excessive tow force. My weaklink was still intact. The tug pilot's weaklink broke so I had the rope. I had to use two hands to get the pin out of the barrel.

No stress because I was high.
A shitrigged two string excuse for a release was THE issue that finished them off at Jean Lake. However, you do feel that the BIG DEAL I make about the differences is somewhat overblown. Tell that to the kid's family and Lloyd's of London. Then be sure to tell them how Critically Important it is for a paragliding instructor to be wearing a Helmet while demonstrating kiting in front of students.
Unhooked Death Again - Change our Methods Now?
JBBenson - 2009/01/25 16:27:19 UTC

I get what Tad is saying, but it took some translation:
HANG CHECK is part of the preflight, to verify that all the harness lines etc. are straight.
HOOK-IN CHECK is to verify connection to the glider five seconds before takeoff.
They are separate actions, neither interchangeable nor meant to replace one another. They are not two ways to do the same thing.
Couple days when I looked a lot more closely into the petition and realized what the primary motivation for it was - and wasn't - I started having misgivings about having amended it with my signature. But after a lotta thought and consideration... Nah.
Salk Institute for Biological Studies
Every cure has a starting point. The Salk Institute embodies Jonas Salk's mission to dare to make dreams into reality. Its internationally renowned and award-winning scientists explore the very foundations of life, seeking new understandings in neuroscience, genetics, immunology, plant biology and more. The Institute is an independent nonprofit organization and architectural landmark: small by choice, intimate by nature and fearless in the face of any challenge. Be it cancer or Alzheimer's, aging or diabetes, Salk is where cures begin.
Same mission here.
Kite Strings
A forum devoted to the scientific advancement of hang gliding
I assumed somebody with your education, background, aviation tickets would be totally on board with us and a valuable asset. Instead you've sabotaged us at every opportunity for what you calculated would be a personal political advantage. And it's cost a lot of lives - including one of your Bob Show members in good standing who was also one of my enemies. Why would you do anything differently at the Salk Institute if you thought you were in a position to be able to get away with it?
President Trump
Bob Kuczewski - 2016/11/09 07:54:02 UTC

Make America Great Again
That Nazi piece o' shit has told over twenty thousand lies since you helped turn him loose in the White House and his handling of the pandemic over the past six months has cost probably a couple times more US lives than were lost in combat over the course of the entire Vietnam War.
Bob Kuczewski - 2011/12/15 01:26:02 UTC

Re: Peaceful Coexistence


After our last conversation which I've documented below for my own memory, I've decided that I don't want you on the US Hawks forum any longer. Period. I'll take the lumps for banning you if that's what it takes.
Yeah, that's what it took. But now you're in a position to be taking a lot more and a lot more serious lumps.
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Tad Eareckson
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Re: The Bob Show

Post by Tad Eareckson »

Zack C - 2011/12/17 14:56:03 UTC

You continually misrepresent Tad's statements.
And you don't even bother to dispute the statement from the founder of Kite Strings who's also an unrestricted Bob Show member.

Whereas when you're FALSELY accused of anything by u$hPa, ACA, Jack, the worlds largest hang gliding community... you'll punch out ten pages worth of refutation with all the "i"s dotted and "t"s crossed. And I know that we have a constitutional right to remain silent in response to accusations in this country but in this game as far as I'm concerned fuck that. If somebody makes a game relevant false accusation you have a DUTY to refute it. Otherwise the presumption is guilty as charged.

Rooney was a totally disgusting little fraud from Day One through withholding comments until maybe after the CAA investigation four years minus two months ago. I started kicking his totally disgusting little fraud ass on Day One and the tactic he employed was...
pro tow set-up
Jim Rooney - 2009/11/03 06:16:56 UTC

God I love the ignore list Image

Tad loves to have things both ways.
First weaklinks are too weak, so we MUST use stronger ones. Not doing so is reckless and dangerous.
Then they're too strong.

I have no time for such circular logic.
I had it with that crap years ago. put me on his extremely lovable ignore list then discredit the fabrications he represented as my actual posts - confident in the knowledge that the hang gliding mainstream was ten times too putrid for him to be at risk of anyone calling him on anything. (Kinda blew up in his face though post Marzec on The Davis Show when Team Kite Strings got to open fire.)

The difference between lying and misrepresenting is that the latter requires more brains, thought, crafting, subtlety and is more difficult to discredit than the former. But in the long run... Big fuckin' deal. The long term forecast is crash and burn, corrosion, decomposition. Granted though, if the gravity field it generates has much to it then count on it dragging all the stuff with actual integrity down with it.

And now that I think about it a bit further... If the environment is corrupt enough for this shit to establish itself in the first place (u$hPa, BHPA, HGFA, Capitol, Hewett, Peter, Davis, Jack, Bob, Lockout, Grebloville...) then integrity doesn't stand a snowball's chance in hell.

If we'd been really smart we'd have figured out before Day One that Kite Strings would never amount to much more than an intellectual exercise with actual flight environment benefit to no more than a small handful of mostly over the hill individuals.
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Tad Eareckson
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Re: The Bob Show

Post by Tad Eareckson »
Failure to Hook In
Frank Colver - 2019/12/08 23:58:38 UTC

One of the things I like about flying seated is that I can just tilt my head up a little and see my hook-in point. Image
Which is relevant to this discussion how?

Garck can see his connection just fine as he's making:






it. There's zero problem along any visibility lines. The problem is that he shitrigged his suspension to deal with an adjustment issue and that solution introduced a high probability lethal failure mode. And this is far from the first time we've seen the same sorta incident. (Maybe the first time anyone's survived one though.)

The only situation you'd be at an advantage over the proners would be a partial:


And nobody should ever do a partial - like I did once on the dunes. If you survive one you'll never do another. But name a commercial instructor who alerts students to that issue. Make sure your carabiner's locked. That's got it covered 'cause if your carabiner's locked it can't happen. And what kind of lunatic would fly with a nonlocker or have a reason to fly unlocked? Anybody with a low double digit IQ or up is gonna quickly figure out that there's zero danger associated with flying non locked and actual dangers in some situation flying locked. So the partial remains an unaddressed serious risk.

And I'm confident that if that threat HAD been addressed during my beginning lessons I wouldn't have made that mistake. (And I was smart enough to realize that the hang check would do zilch to guard against unhooked launches.)

But this is the sorta response I'd expect from someone on The Bob Show who'd post on this thread and leave Bob's 2019/12/08 20:04:47 UTC unaddressed.

Somebody show me the difference between the u$hPa / Flight Park Mafia model and the Bob Show model. The former's controlled by an attorney and corrupt commercial interest centric elected board, the latter's controlled by Bob and a fake Bob appointed and controlled board. And at this point - a dozen days shy of a decade's worth of existence - we've had nothing to indicate that Bob still exists since a bit over two weeks ago.
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Tad Eareckson
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Re: The Bob Show

Post by Tad Eareckson »
Anti-Christian Williams
Bob Kuczewski - 2012/05/09 17:43:17 UTC

The "sustainable growth" people like to carve humanity out from the rest of the eco system and give us the special responsibility to control our own growth. They forget that all species - human and non-human alike - are naturally inclined to overpopulate to the extent that they can do so. So it's part of their beloved Mother Nature's plan that there will always be species who discover new ways to grow and thrive.

From a purely objective view, the success of humanity in covering the planet is no different from the success of green plants in doing the same. After all, if they believe in evolution, then they must accept that there was a time when the earth was free of all that nasty ... chlorophyll. So while they claim to be objective in their criticism of humanity, they're really being hypocritical.

If they really believe in letting Mother Nature have her way, then they should recognize that humans are part of Mother Nature's system and we have just as much of a right to thrive - and even change the planet - as any other species has throughout history.

Now there are other arguments (actually human-centric arguments) for being careful about our growth. But those arguments would balance our human needs with the consequences of growth. Those arguments would have to include our own human needs (and desires) for things like: freedom, and property, and personal security, and personal risk, and even ... fun. :)
The "sustainable growth" people...
Who are the "sustainable growth" people?

Certainly not anybody on The Bob Show. That's clearly the tone you're using. At present - which may only be a 2017 figure 'cause that's the last update you note - you list a 306 approved member total. And you're totally confident that not one of them is a "sustainable growth" person from whom there will be a snowball's chance in hell for a response to your post. And amongst the tiny fragment of that list who can be considered active participants you called it totally right. (Big surprise.)

Why do you have "sustainable growth" in quotation marks? 'Cause you and everyone else and his dog know that we ARE doubling the planet's human population once a decade and that this growth is NOT sustainable? to carve humanity out from the rest of the eco system...
Thank you for speaking with such authority on what the "sustainable growth" people like to do. Reminds me a lot of Jim Keen-Intellect Rooney...
Weak link question
Jim Rooney - 2008/11/22 22:31:35 UTC

Tad loves to speak of himself as a scientifically minded person. Yet he ignores a data pool that is at minimum three orders of magnitude higher than his. It is thus that I ignore him.
pro tow set-up
Jim Rooney - 2009/11/03 06:16:56 UTC

God I love the ignore list Image

Tad loves to have things both ways.
First weaklinks are too weak, so we MUST use stronger ones. Not doing so is reckless and dangerous.
Then they're too strong.

I have no time for such circular logic.
Speaks with ultimate authority on what the opposition is thinking, feeling, saying without quoting, responding to, even listening to anything it has to say.
...and give us the special responsibility to control our own growth.
And as all of us so very well know with great power comes zero responsibility. Do whatever the fuck you can get away with minus the slightest regard for anyone else. THE model for Making America Great Again.
They forget that all species - human and non-human alike - are naturally inclined to overpopulate to the extent that they can do so.
- Yes. The "sustainable growth" people are all extremely forgetful - basically totally clueless - individuals. 'Specially when it comes to anything regarding biology, evolution, ecology. Damn good thing that we've got Emperor Bob out there getting everybody straightened out on everything imaginable. 'Cept of course for hang glider towing. Emperor Bob has very little experience towing and leaves it to Bill Cummings to handle that division.

- You are so totally full of SHIT, Bob. What do you think OVERpopulate means? Overpopulate means reproduce at level higher than the ecosystem can SUSTAIN. It means that if you produce six kids on a breeding territory that can only sustain four instead of having four healthy kids you end up with six dead kids. Evolution / Natural selection has dealt with that issue pretty well. Clutch sizes can vary accordingly. A mother grebe will hatch X number of eggs but then she does a resource assessment and if she comes up with X-1 she will pick somebody to ostracize / condemn to death and drive that kid out of the brood. And it is horrifying / heartbreaking to watch but that's how they address the issue and that's how it works.

And there are plenty of overpopulation scenarios in which there IS widespread overpopulation. Resources are depleted, populations crash, resources recover. But the way we humans operate with our big brains, tools, technologies we can do nonrenewable resources and/or devastate ecosystems such that ecosystems can NEVER recover. And we're a social animal so when we have good social animal herd leadership in place we put social rules in place to prevent that shit from happening. And in the 1930's we came up short, Made Oklahoma Great Again, permanently devastated the grasslands ecosystem, got the Dust Bowl, people starved and choked to death and evacuated to overpopulate California.
So it's part of their beloved Mother Nature's plan that there will always be species who discover new ways to grow and thrive.
There is no "Mother Nature" out there planning everything for us. Life on the planet evolves as consequences of random accidents in DNA coding. There's a Corona Virus code circulating right now that's doing very well. Maybe doing something positive for the human gene pool by taking out MAGA assholes who hang on their leader's every utterance. (Yeah, that really was a great speech at Rushmore a month ago.)
From a purely objective view...
And who better to give us a purely objective view than Emperor Bob. This is why we can't afford to hand over any actual control of the Bob Show to anyone else. Our objective views would automatically become less pure.
...the success of humanity in covering the planet is no different from the success of green plants in doing the same.
Right Bob. We've covered the planet. There isn't an acre's worth of forest, grassland, marsh, lake, desert, mountain slope, ice cap, ocean that doesn't include a household with a mom, pop, 2.7 kids. Ditto for green plants. The display of wildflowers in April at the bottom of the Mariana Trench has to be seen to be believed.
After all, if they believe in evolution, then they must accept that there was a time when the earth was free of all that nasty ... chlorophyll.
Let me check on that with their association administrator and get back to you.
So while they claim to be objective in their criticism of humanity, they're really being hypocritical.
That's why I really DESPISE these "sustainable growth" people. They're not just forgetful - they're all total hypocrites. What should we expect from people who think humans shouldn't continue covering after it's already been completely covered?
If they really believe in letting Mother Nature have her way, then they should recognize that humans are part of Mother Nature's system and we have just as much of a right to thrive - and even change the planet - as any other species has throughout history.
Define THRIVE, Bob.
(of a child, animal, or plant) grow or develop well or vigorously
prosper; flourish
If humans are doing such a great job thriving then how come that piece o' shit you put in the White House feels the need to put a thirty foot high thousand mile long still border wall on our southern border to keep all those thriving Central Americans from coming in and thriving as well as we are? How come they die by the hundreds trying to cross deserts to try to thrive a bit better?
Now there are other arguments (actually human-centric arguments) for being careful about our growth.
Well, please don't bother quoting or citing any. Just summarize them for us.
But those arguments would balance our human needs with the consequences of growth.
WHAT consequences of growth? Haven't we already established that there are no consequences of continuing human growth multiples beyond covering the planet?
Those arguments would have to include our own human needs (and desires) for things like: freedom, and property, and personal security, and personal risk, and even ... fun. :)
Yeah, RISK is an absolutely critical human need (and desire). Why else would we fly with easily reachable releases and - for three decades - Standard Aerotow Weak Links?

And we always have so much more freedom, property, personal security and risk (one's no fun without the other), and even fun in areas of overpopulation. Just book a two week vacation in the Gaza Strip if you don't believe me. (Best bring your own water though. (But don't forget your glider and gear.))

What an absolute total fucking lunatic.

And how much freedom, property, personal security, fun are you having now, Bob? How 'bout logging back in and regaling of with some tales for a while? Not that much? I'd suggest relocating but it’s hard to find a hang gliding environment more overpopulated than San Diego so probably not that great an idea.

2020/07/18 02:24:36 UTC - last Bob post
2020/07/30 22:46:48 UTC - last Bob Show post by anyone

I think we're looking at another major collapse - really abrupt this time.
P.S. - 2020/08/03 16:40:00 UTC

Check out the number of posts in this topic (with this one).

Also note that the number of hits just went over six digits (100141) shortly before this one - for whatever that's worth. I know it's at least 98 percent bots but I'll take whatever we can get.
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Tad Eareckson
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Re: The Bob Show

Post by Tad Eareckson »
Gary Robbins - 2020/06/10~

Salk Employee criticizes Black Lives Matter

Email proclaiming 'Good lives matter' creates an uproar

A computer programmer at the Salk Institute in La Jolla has sparked an uproar by using the center's email system to criticize the Black Lives Matter movement and George Floyd.

Bob Kuczewski, 63, who has worked at the elite biomedical research institute for about eight years, sent an email to the Salk community on June 2 that says, in part, "At the risk of losing a job that I love very much ... Black lives matter? White lives matter? All lives matter?

"How about ... Good lives matter ... most.

"The notions of good and bad are being undermined by the superficial colors of black and white. Rodney King was not a particularly good man. From what I have read, George Floyd was also not a particularly good man. Certainly Derek Chauvin is not a very good man either. Their skin color doesn't matter."

Chauvin is the Minneapolis police officer charged with second-degree murder in the death of Floyd.

The message quickly spread to social media, where Kuczewski's words drew criticism from scientists, including Rusty Gage, president of the Salk.

He said Kuczewski's email was inflammatory and some people regarded it as racist.

"I want to be very clear that the remarks included in the email in question do not reflect the values or position of the Salk Institute," Gage said in a public statement on Wednesday.

Gage said that subsequent emails were shifted to Slack, a conversation platform that is widely used by companies.

Kuczewski was still employed by the institute on Monday, but Salk has the authority to take disciplinary action.

Kuczewski confirmed to the Union-Tribune on Monday that he sent the email. But he declined to comment further.

He works as a programmer in the laboratory of Terry Sejnowski, one of the nation's most highly regarded computational neurobiologists.

Sejnowski could not be reached for comment.

Kuczewski is a political activist who has appeared before the San Diego City Council many times.

In 2017, he urged the council not to join a legal battle that sought to prevent the Trump administration from preventing refugees from seven Muslim-majority countries from entering the United States. He also talks about policing and social-justice issues on US Hawks, a hang gliding website.

In his email to the Salk community, Kuczewski objected to the title Black Lives Matter. "It's not about black and white. It's about good and bad. That's what matters and that's what we should hold up as our ideals. The deification of people based on the color of their skin is extremely flawed and does not lead us to a better society.

"Holding people accountable for being better human beings ... does."

Salk neurobiologist Ed Calloway responded on Twitter. "The remarks in the email are repulsive and contrary to the values of the Salk Institute."

Megan Kirchgessner, a graduate student in Calloway's lab, also spoke up on Twitter. "Hey, @salkinstitute, when an email this toxic gets sent out to the whole institute, asking people to kindly take their conversations elsewhere is NOT an appropriate response."
A computer programmer...
One might expect a computer programmer to be a big fan of both logic and truth. But then I guess there's nothing that precludes one from using his abilities to distort and manipulate both for unsavory personal objectives.
He said Kuczewski's email was inflammatory and some people regarded it as racist.
It could be regarded as non racist/bigoted. But when you've stepped back and watched the individual's behavior patterns for a while...
Kuczewski was still employed by the institute on Monday, but Salk has the authority to take disciplinary action.
Last sighting - 2020/07/18 02:24:36 UTC still. A bit over three weeks ago.
Kuczewski confirmed to the Union-Tribune on Monday that he sent the email. But he declined to comment further.
Why not, Bob? If it's a defensible position then defend it. If you feel it was ill considered or worse then retract and apologize for it. Most of the rest of us humans are less than perfect and have done and said things we regret.
Sejnowski could not be reached for comment.
And has yet to make a public statement on the issue. Go figure.
In 2017, he urged the council not to join a legal battle that sought to prevent the Trump administration from preventing refugees from seven Muslim-majority countries from entering the United States.
That's a triple negative but it means he supports the nakedly bigoted policies of his pick for president.
He also talks about policing and social-justice issues on US Hawks, a hang gliding website.
A hang gliding website? Highly debatable. And it's looking like it's history at this point.
In his email to the Salk community, Kuczewski objected to the title Black Lives Matter. "It's not about black and white. It's about good and bad. That's what matters and that's what we should hold up as our ideals. The deification of people based on the color of their skin is extremely flawed and does not lead us to a better society.
Duh. What's extremely unflawed and inevitable leads us to a better society - an America Made Great AGAIN for example - is...
The Bob Show
Bob Kuczewski - 2011/12/13 05:55:39 UTC

This has not been easy or fun. This has been a sad realization for me that some people are so pathological that they cannot interact reasonably with others. That's why so many societies have jails (or death penalties). At some point, they've realized that the costs of interacting with pathological people is too high to be paid. We're reaching that point.
...executing people so pathological that they cannot interact reasonably with others. And it's blindingly obvious to me that the individuals we should be utilizing to determine which people are so pathological that they cannot interact reasonably with others are self appointed hang gliding forum administrators. Also tug pilots of course - but that goes without saying.

That's the off-the-scale outrageous public statement that should've gotten your ass fired. The George Floyd one had some gray area and really needed to be viewed in the context of a lot of the other crap you've said - and silences you've maintained - over the years.
"Holding people accountable for being better human beings ... does."
Holding people accountable for being better human beings is a recipe for fascism and extermination camps. And we're in that zone with that piece o' shit you assholes put in the White House 2017/01/20.
Salk neurobiologist Ed Calloway responded on Twitter. "The remarks in the email are repulsive and contrary to the values of the Salk Institute."
Want some more? I got tons way more repulsive and contrary to the values of the Salk Institute than that. (Good chance I won't be able to get any new stuff though.)
Megan Kirchgessner, a graduate student in Calloway's lab, also spoke up on Twitter. "Hey, @salkinstitute, when an email this toxic gets sent out to the whole institute, asking people to kindly take their conversations elsewhere is NOT an appropriate response."
How 'bout if they take themselves with them? (Permanently.)
Frequently Asked Questions
What will keep the US Hawks from becoming another USHPA or HGAA?
You will ... hopefully. The price of freedom is eternal vigilance. Everyone has to do their part once in a while. If you see something that's not being done correctly, then it's your duty to speak out.
You're not speaking out. So pick one:

- The condemnation of your statement by Rusty Gage (arguably), Ed Calloway, Megan Kirchgessner is valid.

- Dereliction of duty. (Doesn't seem to be a right to remain silent in The Bob Show SOPs. (Maybe you should've given that one a bit more thought.))
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Tad Eareckson
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Re: The Bob Show

Post by Tad Eareckson »

Well, well, well...
Little Hawk at Wallaby Ranch
Bob Kuczewski - 2020/08/10 00:35:22 UTC

Fun day at Wallaby!!

Bob re-emerges after over three weeks of deafening silence - and now has a bit less very little experience towing.

Got him on camera with the spinnaker shackle on which Robin Strid died behind Bobby Fucking-Genius Bailey 2005/01/09. That'll make it a bit harder for him to talk about the deadly shit Brad Geary was pulling with li'l Zack in tow at Torrey.

Not to mention Bob's instructor / Pilot In Command...




But don't worry, Bob. Malcolm has him on a weak link that will break before he can get into too much trouble and the tug's poised to fix whatever's going on back there by giving him the rope.
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Re: The Bob Show

Post by Tad Eareckson »
Little Hawk at Wallaby Ranch
Bob Kuczewski - 2011/03/26 03:12:46 UTC

Regarding the bent/straight pin issue, I didn't even check. As I said before, a small sample (like a single flight) is very unlikely to uncover any statistical differences between those choices. It may take thousands of flights for a difference to show up (if there is one), so I was fine just going with their standard procedures. Now if I start making many many flights, then those statistics will begin to matter and I'll be asking questions as I progress. But overall, I was very happy with the flight and the park and the staff. I hope I can get my aero tow rating there in the coming weeks or months. It's about a two hour drive, and it was well worth it.

Thanks Malcolm!! Image
What a total fucking douchebag. Anybody who ever signed you off on anything oughta have all of his ratings suspended for at least a decade.

The laws don't mandate drivers and front seat passengers be properly belted in 'cause any given hop to the grocery store is very unlikely to uncover any statistical differences between choosing to wear a seatbelt and not wear a seatbelt. They mandate drivers and front seat passengers be properly belted in 'cause on any given hop to the grocery store there's a one in twenty million chance that a seatbelt can make the difference between everybody walking away in great shape and somebody flying through the windshield face first and leaving society at large to deal with the consequences.

And while you and your fellow u$hPa motherfuckers have totally gutted all the AT SOPs under which u$hPa obtained its AT exemption releases that function under load - regardless of whether or not they need to on any given flight - were a component of that agreement. And WHEN people get totaled in AT incidents it's virtually always because of:
Manned Kiting
The Basic Handbook of Tow Launched Hang Gliding
Daniel F. Poynter

"A bad flyer won't hurt a pin man but a bad pin man can kill a flyer." - Bill Bennett
"Never take your hands off the bar." - Tom Peghiny
"The greatest dangers are a rope break or a premature release." - Richard Johnson
and/or piece o' shit releases. Dan didn't cover piece o' shit releases in his book 'cause in that era they were all flying with Schweizer sailplane releases and it was totally incomprehensible that anyone would fly with a piece o' shit bent pin release.

And you have the fuckin' gall to go after Gabe Jebb for kiting a paraglider minus a helmet and help get Brad Geary's Tandem ticket permanently shredded for his 2011/07/24 Torrey flight with Max Marien and Zack and Alec.
As I said before, a small sample (like a single flight) is very unlikely to uncover any statistical differences between those choices.
No shit, Bob. IMPOSSIBLE to uncover any statistical differences between those CHOICES. I uncovered any statistical differences between those choices the first time I saw Bobby Fucking-Genius Bailey's bent pin piece o' shit posing as a release at the display counter at Kitty Hawk in the early Nineties. Idiot fuckin' Lauren Tjaden uncovered a statistical difference between those two choices while she was "qualifying"...
I have a tandem rating!!!
Lauren Tjaden - 2008/03/23 22:20:15 UTC

The barrel release wouldn't work because we had too much pressure on it.
...for her tandem rating at Quest on 2008/03/23!!!

Bart Weghorst announced on The Jack Show that he'd uncovered a statistical differences between those choices...
barrels release without any tension except weight of rope..
Bart Weghorst - 2011/02/25 19:06:26 UTC

I've had it once where the pin had bent inside the barrel from excessive tow force. My weaklink was still intact. The tug pilot's weaklink broke so I had the rope. I had to use two hands to get the pin out of the barrel.

No stress because I was high.
...29 days prior to your flight with Malcolm.

But none of this shit matters because Lord Bob hasn't PERSONALLY uncovered any statistical differences between those choices.

I don't see much point in anybody trying to communicate with somebody who lies on so many levels at any opportunity that it leaves one so exasperated he doesn't even know where to begin. But I'll tell ya one thing...

When you abruptly vanished without a trace from your association for a bit over three weeks activity fizzled to zilch almost immediately and stayed that way for all intents and purposes. It has no future beyond you. And with you it's rotten to its core.
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Tad Eareckson
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Re: The Bob Show

Post by Tad Eareckson »
Happy 10 Years of the U.S. Hawks!!
Bob Kuczewski - 2020/08/13 09:16:19 UTC

Happy 10 Years of the U.S. Hawks!!

It was 10 years ago today that several of us recognized the need for a hang gliding association dedicated to standing up for the rights of its members. So on August 13th, 2010, we founded the U.S. Hawks Hang Gliding Association.

For anyone interested in exploring our history, you can find our earliest topics by using a topic number as in the following URL:

That will take you to the first topic on the forum ("Hello U.S. Hawks!") from August 13th, 2010. You can substitute other topic numbers (such as "t=2" or "t=3") to explore other early topics from the forum.

Thanks to our founders and to everyone who has worked to build the U.S. Hawks.
And then you have a 24x5 array of these: Image revolting little self glorifying little smilies I won't be reproducing here.
It was 10 years ago today...
Based upon the time stamp of the first Bob Show post - 2010/08/13 21:40:09 UTC - you're 12 hours, 23 minutes, 50 seconds premature.
...that several of us recognized the need for a hang gliding association dedicated to standing up for the rights of its members.
- Oh. Ten years ago today "several of us" - only one of which has an actual name (Bob's (big fuckin' surprise)) - suddenly recognized the need for a hang gliding association dedicated to standing up for the rights of its members and a few hours later got the U.S. Hawks Hang Gliding Association, complete with logo:


established before midafternoon Daylight Time in the only time zone in the US that counts for shit.

- Oh, so you've gotta be a MEMBER of The Bob Show - approved by Emperor Bob - before there's a snowball's chance in hell that the hang gliding association will contemplate standing up for the rights of its members. If it's T** at K*** S****** trying to get his local Flight Park Mafia affiliate to comply with FAA AT regs to reduce his likelihood of getting killed in a safety enhancing inconvenience incident then he can go fuck himself 'cause he's in the wrong time zone and Emperor Bob has very little experience towing.

- Where can I go to see what the actual "rights" of Bob Show members are? No wait...
Frequently Asked Questions
Bob Kuczewski - 2010/08/13-2020/08/13

Is there a Board of Directors for the US Hawks?
Not yet. The HGAA's early problems arose because different people wanted to take the organization in different directions. That created power stuggles which cost the HGAA some of its early leadership. For now, I'm going to take the US Hawks in the direction that I believe is right. If people want to go along, then they're welcome. If not, there are at least two other alternatives. :)
Sorry to have needlessly bothered you.

-- YOU're going to take the US Hawks in the direction that YOU *BELIEVE" is right. How reassuring. Are you going to let any of us muppets know when you're SURE you were right?

-- Emperor Bob's way or the highway. Good enough for me. Do let me know when I'm next scheduled to suck your Imperial Dick.

-- Kite Strings was founded 'cause I figured out that Donnell Hewett was full o' shit and that an Infallible Standard Aerotow Weak Link couldn't be used as an AT lockout protector. I didn't BELIEVE any of that - I KNEW that. And Kite Strings evolved accordingly. And we have proportionally more shared power than any other glider forum you can name.

- Not YET. So we now know that "FOR NOW" means ten years to date - 1.25 times the limit the US Constitution puts on the White House time of an elected President. (And yet not nearly enough time for Emperor Bob to finish Making The Bob Show Great Again.)

- No problem with power stuggles costing The Bob Show any of its early leadership. Blindingly obvious solution staring us all right in the face. (And if it ain't broke...) And we won't worry about losing Rodger Hoyt, Frank Colver, Rick Masters 'cause those didn't involve any nasty power stuggles.
So on August 13th, 2010...
The last time it's fallen on a Friday, by the way.
...we founded the U.S. Hawks Hang Gliding Association.
Who's "WE"? You've said "several of us" so obviously no fewer than three and not as many as ten. So you can't list names 'cause the bandwidth is too expensive? You can spam us with 120 of those obnoxious little salute smilies in your post but you can't list a single cofounder?

We know your scam, Bob.

- You and you alone have the intelligence, background, aeronautical qualifications, insights, moral fortitude to take the US Hawks in the direction that I BELIEVE is right. Those of the Several Others are good - but not quite up to your snuff level. Even with all their talents combined they're no match. And we all know the saying: Several good heads are never as good as one really superb one.

- Anybody with any sufficient dose of actual integrity would have called you on this bullshit eons ago. This is why you stack your Fake Board with individuals with zilch integrity and those who have a bit too much in some department walk.

- Let's not forget how happy you were to hop right into bed with Jack - not to mention Orion Price - after watching what those motherfuckers pulled and tried to pull with Yours Truly.

- "For now" means the same as it does with Stalin, Hitler, Franco, Putin, Assad, Trump...

- You'll never identify anyone else as a founder 'cause there's always the danger that he'll start growing a pair, challenge you on something, need to be dealt with accordingly.
For anyone interested in exploring our history...
That's OK, I know all I really need to about your history. Enough to tell you what your future will be - just a steady dwindling of the same crap you established within the first couple years.
Thanks to our founders...
...meaning Emperor Bob (see above)...
...and to everyone who has worked to build the U.S. Hawks.
- Into WHAT? A maximum of four other individuals Emperor Bob allows to come onto his Fake Board whose votes Emperor Bob can veto on any whim.

- And anything that didn't emerge from The Bob Show isn't worth mentioning.

- Care to say anything about Terry Mason and his experience with the early Bob Show years?

- Who besides Emperor Bob thinks the past ten years have been "happy"?

Kite Strings didn't originate 'cause any individual wanting to take it in any direction he BELIEVED was right. It originated 'cause one individual - the moderator of the Houston dump - wanted to establish a venue in which the two of us could carry on a public civil discussion without having it sabotaged by u$hPa (or Bob Show - there's tons of overlap) operatives. I never wanted any personal power beyond that for this project. And I've been able to trust sixteen other individuals (beyond Zack and me) from seven countries with the keys. You'll NEVER be able to begin to approach a position like that.
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