instructors and other qualified pilot fiends

General discussion about the sport of hang gliding
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Re: instructors and other qualified pilot fiends

Post by TheFjordflier »
A basic trainer design for teaching hang gliding
Doug Marley - 2018/12/06 01:58:39 UTC

The most expedient method of learning is study -- in-depth reading, followed by reflection and visualization. After much study, then finally physical instruction should take place. Without study, instruction will require much more time and effort for the student to learn to fly. Most people are not cut out for flight, even if they believe it would be a fun hobby for them. They have to study and absorb and be able to implement what they read. If they are not willing or able to do this, it is likely they do not have what it takes to be safe pilots. If they can't find their way around a simple-to-fly alpha or falcon or similar, then they probably shouldn't be trying HG at all.
The young man in this video has never been close to a HG before this introductory lesson. Still he's doing fine after a couple of hours.
And that's without studying and in-depth reading of anything regarding hang gliding.
(He's a former colleague that unfortunately never pursued HG after this, but today find joy in speed gliding.)
TheFjordflier - 2018/04/12 18:18 UTC
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Re: instructors and other qualified pilot fiends

Post by <BS> »

The most expedient method of learning is study -- in-depth reading, followed by reflection and visualization. After much study, then finally physical instruction should take place. Without study, instruction will require much more time and effort for the student to learn to fly. Most people are not cut out for flight, even if they believe it would be a fun hobby for them. They have to study and absorb and be able to implement what they read. If they are not willing or able to do this, it is likely they do not have what it takes to be safe pilots. If they can't find their way around a simple-to-fly alpha or falcon or similar, then they probably shouldn't be trying HG at all.
Should this be taken with a HUGE grain of salt? OF COURSE.
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Tad Eareckson
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Re: instructors and other qualified pilot fiends

Post by Tad Eareckson »

Yeah, lotsa in depth reading, reflection, visualization, study to really understand...
Simple Progression for Teaching Hang Gliding
Ryan Voight - 2015/02/22

If you teach them how to pull the glider with the harness they'll learn to steer the glider through weight shift simply by running toward their target.

...aeronautical theory. Would be totally insane to think you could ever pull off anything like:


Of course what it WOULD do is make it possible to identify the major assholes...
Departing the launch cart
Jim Rooney - 2007/08/24 11:48:03 UTC

Don't let the tug pull you through the control frame (this is the same as you pulling in). positions of control in the sport.

And when one gets to this level of understanding one quickly realizes that there couldn't be ANY major assholes in positions of control in the sport unless ALL individuals in positions of control in the sport were major assholes - AT BEST.

Then that conclusion makes one start thinking about whether continuing in the sport is all that great of an idea.
Steve Davy
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Re: instructors and other qualified pilot fiends

Post by Steve Davy »
Departing the launch cart

Clicked that link expecting to find some good entertainment. I could not make it past page five or six of that nauseating crap.
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Tad Eareckson
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Re: instructors and other qualified pilot fiends

Post by Tad Eareckson »

The lines blur. Nauseating crap like that is grist for Kite Strings' mills. If there were anything much worth mentioning out in the mainstream that WASN'T nauseating crap there wouldn't be much purpose in keeping this forum afloat.

But yeah, there's just so much of that thread one can take in one sitting without wanting to bash some of the participants' faces into unrecognizable pulps.
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Tad Eareckson
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Re: instructors and other qualified pilot fiends

Post by Tad Eareckson »
Rules - Hang Gliding Org
HangGliding.Org Simplified Rules and Policies

* This website is a small private business just like your local coffee shop. Anyone showing a pattern of abuse or harassment that would cause them to be thrown out of their local coffee shop can expect the same treatment here, including personally attacking or underminding the coffee shop owner or his business.
This website is a small private business just like your local coffee shop.
Bull fucking shit. It's The worlds largest hang gliding community - as you state at the top of your fuckin' home page - and currently claiming over ten and a half thousand members. That's not a local coffee shop anywhere on the goddam planet. So pick one.

A small local coffee shop is a public place and the COMMUNITY tells the small private business owner what he can and can't do. And if he doesn't comply with the laws and regulations THEY'VE established they can and will shut his ass down and maybe throw it in jail. And did you notice what happened to Starbucks after 2018/04/12 when one of their Philadelphia managers had two guys arrested for sitting at a table while black? They ended up forking over a million dollars apiece to the two community members.
Anyone showing a pattern of abuse or harassment that would cause them to be thrown out of their local coffee shop can expect the same treatment here, including personally attacking or underminding the coffee shop owner or his business.
At your local coffee shop you can sit a table with whomever else chooses to join you with your OK and talk quietly about anything you goddam well feel like - as long as it falls under First Amendment free speech protections. And nobody else is forced to listen to you. It's even more clear-cut on a forum on which one must take deliberate action to see what's going on in any particular conversation. And never in the history of the web has anyone ever been forced to read anything he didn't want to - although it's hard to make that determination what with all the whining you hear from all the assholes who've apparently clamped their heads in vices and stapled their eyelids into open positions.

And yeah. You CAN talk about what an asshole the owner is and comment on the shitty service.

And you can take and share pictures and record your conversations on your iPhones or via written notes and have access to them forever even if the fuckin' owner does find some future pretense for barring you.

So you and your pet cocksucking douchebags are none of the above. And you all get substantially less like actual communities and legitimate businesses with each passing week.

So keep it up, Jack. The rags of yours and Davis's are shells of what they were before you two pieces o' shit so finely honed your strategies for shutting down substantive conversations and intellectually castrating your memberships.

P.S. Notice the way:
Please treat the admin as a regular user. As long as you follow the rules, there is NO CHANCE you will banned because you disagree with the admin. The admin would like to be part of this community too without having to walk on egg shells because people think his word holds more weight for whatever reason. It does not. But the admin will do his job as moderator when he has to. But please follow the rules and don't make him do it, he doesn't enjoy that part. :)
has been replaced by / devolved into:
Anyone showing a pattern of abuse or harassment that would cause them to be thrown out of their local coffee shop can expect the same treatment here, including personally attacking or underminding the coffee shop owner or his business.
:D :D :D :D :D

VERY telling.

Underminding the coffee shop owner or his business... You're OK there, Jack. The coffee shop owner and his business have been about as underminded as conceivable for many years now.

And also note this:
No posts or links about Bob K, Scott C Wise, Tad Eareckson and related people, or their material.
No posts or links about the toxic Bob Kuczewski, Scott C Wise, Tad Eareckson and related people, or their material or organizations.
:D :D :D :D :D

We have an ORGANIZATION. Motherfucker's afraid of us. More so. The world's smallest hang gliding community - where we know what an apostrophe is and how to use it. Thanks bigtime for the morale boost, Jack.

P.P.S. You motherfuckers feel free to personally attack and/or undermind me all you want. I'm not afraid of you. Do it and watch what happens.
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Tad Eareckson
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Re: instructors and other qualified pilot fiends

Post by Tad Eareckson »
Rules - Hang Gliding Org
HangGliding.Org Simplified Rules and Policies

* This website is a small private business just like your local coffee shop. Anyone showing a pattern of abuse or harassment that would cause them to be thrown out of their local coffee shop can expect the same treatment here, including personally attacking or underminding the coffee shop owner or his business.
Which is another way of saying that the coffee shop owner is a sleazy control freak coward without a leg to stand on in any fair fight and his business is total crap.

I've never needed to do anything like that here, Jack. Bob was tolerated here for months - after he cooked up some crap veneer of justification for banning me from his hang gliding free speech utopia - while he incessantly flooded the airwaves with his Homosexual-Relationship-With-A-12-Year-Old-Boy spam. I tolerated him pulling that shit on me while I wouldn't have tolerated him pulling it on any other member for a nanosecond and only banned him well after it had become blindingly obvious that he had way south of zero interest in any degree of rational dialog.

So what is it you're so afraid of in the way of underminding?
Hang gliding is in more trouble than I thought.
Warren Narron - 2018/12/10 23:49:06 UTC

I think Jack is the one that likes to touch little boys.
(Real safe bet, Warren. Pretty much all of your social primates - and they're all social.

Here's a little girl...


...who apparently likes touching littler girls. Does that make her some kind of dangerous despicable deviant?

How 'bout the little girl's tandem thrill ride driver fitting her with the sexy sunglasses?


He couldn't have handed them to her for her to put in herself? Haven't heard any accusatory comments on this video that's pulled in 27.5 thousand hits in a bit over three years.)

Aren't you secure enough to be able to quickly deal with some idiot social retard clueless enough to launch a personal attack on or attempt to undermind you and/or your business? Don't you have enough admirers amongst your 10607 current members to rest secure in the knowledge that anyone so clueless would be instantly mobbed and torn to shreds by an outraged mob of at least eighty percent of them?
I'm outta here
Jim Rooney - 2008/12/11 17:28:03 UTC

Head over to if you would like to see how a forum should be run.
Peas in a pod. They hate your fuckin' guts the same way they hated that little bitch's fuckin' guts. They were afraid that if they stood up to him or sided with the wrong individual he and his Dragonfly tug thug buddies would eliminate flying opportunities for them. And they're afraid that if they don't keep gobbling down your shit and keep thanking you profusely for it they'll be turfed out of The worlds largest hang gliding community, cut off from their flying buddies, silenced, ostracized.

If they could get ahold of the passwords you'd last about three seconds after the first time you stepped into a dark alley. And people would come from hundreds of miles around to piss all over whatever was left of you.
Please treat the admin as a regular user.
You're not and they don't. And if you've got any kind of a social life - off or on line - I'm not seeing any evidence of it.
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Tad Eareckson
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Re: instructors and other qualified pilot fiends

Post by Tad Eareckson »
Rules - Hang Gliding Org
HangGliding.Org Simplified Rules and Policies

* No posts or links about the toxic Bob Kuczewski, Scott C Wise, Tad Eareckson and related people, or their material or organizations. ALL SUCH POSTS WILL BE IMMEDIATELY DELETED. These people are poison to this sport and are permanently banned from this site in every possible way imaginable. They have been banned over and over again by multiple sites and organizations.
HangGliding.Org Simplified Rules and Policies
What? Were the old unsimplified ones too difficult for your pet douchebags to understand? You obviously were having some problems with them or you wouldn't have simplified them. So what were they and what was getting gummed up because of them?

And by the way... I missed the announcements you've posted concerning the periodic degradations you've made to your fake Rules and Policies over the years. And since you're fucking obviously not expecting all the members of The worlds largest hang gliding community to check them twice a month your also fucking obviously not attaching shit in the way of importance to them. Good idea 'cause they are and have always been total rot anyway.
* No posts or links about the toxic...
"The toxic" wasn't in the unsimplified version. The simplified version is seeming to be more complex than old one.
...Bob Kuczewski, Scott C Wise, Tad Eareckson and related people...
ALL humans are pretty closely related - when you start looking at the genetic diversity of all the more run-of-the-mill mammals. And don't people who've soloed hang gliders a couple hundred feet off the deck constitute a pretty minuscule subset of the human division? Ever wonder if the reason the conversations in your local coffee shop have dried up to a slow drip is 'cause none of your members know what the fuck you're talking about and are all playing things on the safe side?
...or their material or organizations.

We're poison to this sport. And you're going to...
HangGliding.Org's Mission Statement
* To actively defend the sport of hang gliding (sites in jeopardy, politics, competing entities...)
...actively defend it...
ALL SUCH POSTS WILL BE IMMEDIATELY DELETED. immediately shoving your heads up your asses at any mention of toxic organizations working overtime to destroy it.
Landing on your feet (for AEROTOW)- So Dangerous
Jack Axaopoulos - 2009/06/29 14:26:26 UTC

OMG!!! You dont even have wheels!!?!?!?!? Image
I have a brilliant idea. People who cant land for sh*t.... LEARN TO LAND Image That way when a weak link breaks on you, ITS A NON-ISSUE. Genius huh??? Image
Genius huh??? Image
These people are poison to this sport...
Not to mention toxic. And toxic poison is the worst kind. So much more dangerous than the benign poison you can let your kids play with.
...and are permanently banned from this site in every possible way imaginable.
Speaking for myself... Way too much effort. I haven't the slightest interest in dignifying your shit-hole with a punctuation mark's worth of participation. Yet in other ways - not enough. I can still see stuff you wanna put out of bounds for the general public.
They have been banned over and over again by multiple sites and organizations.
- Must be doing something right.

- We're not getting banned from our own organizations, are we?

- Show me a post you've ever made anywhere other than from within the safety of your coffee shop. Notice the way that while Davis will rear his ugly head on The Jack Show whenever he feels he needs to do some damage control, Jack has never once posted anything about anything on The Davis Show - or anywhere else. Kinda totally undermines the pretense that The Jack Show coffee shop is any kind of community and rather clearly reveals it to be the...
Tad's release (even more)
Freedomspyder - 2009/02/14 17:43:30 UTC

I've found your posts on both hook-in checks and releases very interesting and well thought out.
Best of luck dealing with the Oz Report forum cult and its leader.
...CULT it actually is. Jonestown comes to immediate mind.

Yours Truly didn't stop being toxic poison to the sport 2009/11/10 00:45:32 UTC when you pulled my Jack Show plug for scoring on you and your coffee shop douchebags. I went over to the international bagwings forum and cut their Infallible Weak Link douchebags to ribbons before they cut my wire. Then down to Houston for more of the same. And that led to the foundation of a little coffee shop from which I wasn't gonna get banned for being toxic poison to either of these sports.

And it doesn't work to claim that you're defending the sport, acknowledge that the most toxic elements in it have established organizations which work full time to destroy it and that we're the only actual threats worth mentioning anywhere, and tell your pet cocksuckers that you'll immediately ban any post that mentions us - with any taint of positivity anyway.

Jim Rooney the most monumentally spectacular poisonous element in the entire world history of hang gliding and he was u$hPa and Jack and Davis Show Grade A certified from when he first oozed his way into the infrastructure early in the first decade of this century until he kept running his astronomically stupid narcissistic mouth after the 2013/02/02 final catastrophic collapse of the Infallible Standard Aerotow Weak Link. And it was Team Kite Strings who decisively dismembered him at that watershed moment in world hang gliding history.

We destroyed him, if there's anybody on the planet who misses him in the least it's us 'cause any time he posted anything anywhere it would be a total contradiction of thirty other previous posts, and we destroyed him largely by getting him to run his mouth so we could add material to our public archive. We have him quoted over four and a third thousand times here to date.

So tell me how effective you've been in defending the sport with your Bob Kuczewski, Scott C. Wise, Tad Eareckson, Related People gag order. Show me a shred of evidence that your local coffee shop has made the slightest positive difference in anything anywhere - other than keeping us here at Tad's Hole In The Ground so wonderfully stocked with top grade ammunition.

You're nothing but a parasitic control freak, Jack. And control freaks are NEVER elements which have any POSITIVE effects on the sport. The people who actually do that do it and have to do it by documenting what's going on and educating others, bringing them up to speed, trusting them with shared power, making themselves redundant.
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Tad Eareckson
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Re: instructors and other qualified pilot fiends

Post by Tad Eareckson »
Rules - Hang Gliding Org
HangGliding.Org Simplified Rules and Policies

* This website is a small private business just like your local coffee shop. Anyone showing a pattern of abuse or harassment that would cause them to be thrown out of their local coffee shop can expect the same treatment here, including personally attacking or underminding the coffee shop owner or his business.
This website is a small private business just like your local coffee shop.
Oh really? So serve me a medium latte. Fresh out? OK, a cappuccino. No shit? Don't have that either? So what the fuck DO you sell here at our local community's coffee shop?
If you're not the customer then you're the product.
You don't have a Coffee Shop or a Living Room. You have a little plot of land out in the desert somewhere over which you stretched a tarp. Then you put up some hang gliding snake oil signs to start luring more targets in then stepped back and watched herd mentality kick in.

They provide all the items of any potential substance - posts, discussions, flying and incident reports, photos, videos... u$hPa recognizes and supports it as a valuable tool for solidifying and maintaining monopoly control of the sport. You make sure nobody does anything that risks getting that apple cart upset and sit back and suck in all the advertising dollars. But doing that inevitably corrodes out all material of actual substance and interest.

People stop feeding your machinery, you get left standing out in the desert by yourself waiting for your badly weathered tarp to finish disintegrating. And that's happening now - motherfucker. 'Cause as the u$hPa hang gliding Ponzi scheme inevitably collapses so does your fake local coffee shop's.

Pay no attention to that man behind the curtain, people of varying ages.
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Tad Eareckson
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Re: instructors and other qualified pilot fiends

Post by Tad Eareckson »
Bob Kuczewski commits voter fraud
Bob and Scott banned- overwhelming community support for the ban

When Bob Kuczewski and Scott C. Wise were banned from the largest hang gliding community on the internet, the response from the community was 100% positive. Here is a snapshot of the messages sent to the admin. Not a single negative message. Everyone was happy and relieved. When will these people realize they are in the wrong?

When Bob Kuczewski and Scott C. Wise were banned from the largest hang gliding community on the internet...
WERE banned? By whom?

Obviously not by you 'cause were that the case you'd have said, "When I banned Bob Kuczewski and Scott C. Wise banned from the largest hang gliding community on the internet..." And that would've made shit's worth of sense 'cause there's no fuckin' way a local coffee shop owner would be able to ban individual members from the largest hang gliding COMMUNITY on the internet. That's a description of a football stadium's worth of cocksuckers going along with whatever a sociopathic dictator told them to go along with.

A vote by all the members? OK, where can I see the results? Let's say you had six thousand members back then. So 100% positive - 6000 in favor of the ban (and that would've included Bob and Scott since they hadn't been banned yet), zero opposed, zero abstentions. Pretty fuckin' amazing when one of those guys had been voted in as a u$hPa Regional Director not long before and that there's a shitload of individuals who were then Jack Show members who are now also Bob Show members. A real good chunk of the Kite Strings membership are also Jack Show members - and a lot of those hate your fuckin' guts even more than they hate Bob's.

A vote by an elected board of directors? No? By a fake board of appointed directors? Nuthin' there either? Well, couldn't have been either of those anyway 'cause you said the response from the COMMUNITY - not the BOARD - was 100% positive.
Here is a snapshot of the messages sent to the admin.
Wow. Really impressive. Not a single actual identity or even cryptic screen name revealed. And while the community was 100% positive they're all telling you what a wonderful person you are in some totally black cavern where nobody else can see their support. What is it that's scaring them so profoundly shitless?

When Kim Jong-un was elected as Supreme Leader by 100% of the electorate 100% of the electorate were proud as Punch to openly declare their voting records and lifelong support for whatever the fuck he ever felt like saying and/or doing. They weren't PMing saying "WooHoo!" They were shouting "WooHoo!" in the streets anytime they thought anyone else might be listening and/or cameras might be recording.

Where's the snapshot of all the ass kissing that was in The Basement that the public could see until a week ago? I'm sure that was even more 100% positive than the PMs 'cause that was the stuff they wanted The worlds largest hang gliding community plus The world to see.
Not a single negative message.
Obviously not. 'Cause:
* This website is a small private business just like your local coffee shop. Anyone showing a pattern of abuse or harassment that would cause them to be thrown out of their local coffee shop can expect the same treatment here, including personally attacking or underminding the coffee shop owner or his business.
and that would constitute personally attacking or underminding the coffee shop owner and his business and he'd have been officially permanently exiled the moment such a thought crossed his mind. Just look at HangGliding.Org's Mission Statement:
* To provide a friendly and positive, approachable community for people interested in the sport of HG
* To provide a friendly community for Hang Glider pilots to hang out and discuss hang gliding
Friendly, positive, approachable? With anyone not agreeing with everyone else? Particularly not agreeing with the coffee shop owner? Totally fuckin' nuts.
Everyone was happy and relieved.
Yep. All six thousand of them. You confirmed this by phoning all those other than the sixteen who PMed you.
When will these people realize they are in the wrong?
Possibly when you stack up fewer mountains of stinking total shit that prove to anyone with a double digit or better IQ beyond a ghost of a shadow of doubt that they're not. 'Bout the same time frame for when hell will freeze over.
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