2016/04/03 Tres Pinos fatality

General discussion about the sport of hang gliding
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Tad Eareckson
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Re: 2016/04/03 Tres Pinos fatality

Post by Tad Eareckson »

You CAN steer a hang glider from the hang strap!
Eric Hinrichs - 2018/03/08 04:02:25 UTC

There was a big discussion (argument) in a previous thread about whether a glider could be steered (put into a roll) without contact to the control bar. I agreed with Ryan V, but didn't join in because it was getting ugly, and I would rather show than talk about it.

I looped a small piece of climbing rope to the hang strap, floated my Condor 330 up in the air, then could initiate roll completely from the hang strap.

Wow! Case fuckin' closed. End of story. Just the title frame says it all. Stunning irrefutable video proof that a hang glider can be roll controlled by pulling the hang strap in the desired direction minus any other input.

Eighteen posts, nine participants... And you've really gotta admire the way Ryan Instant-Hands-Free-Release Voight didn't weigh in with any toldyasos and further humiliate those of us who contended he was totally full o' shit.
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Re: 2016/04/03 Tres Pinos fatality

Post by Tad Eareckson »

You CAN steer a hang glider from the hang strap!
Eric Hinrichs - 2018/03/17 15:19:01 UTC

Re: Make Believe Control

I never claimed full control, thanks for acknowledging that there is control NME and Tormod, that puts you on my side vs. those that say there is no control.

Everyone talks about having as many tools as possible in their tool box, yes, leveraging off the control frame to shift weight gives us more control, but if you can combine your run and leverage your weight with your feet as you also do with your hands, isn't that an advantage?
I never claimed full control, thanks for acknowledging that there is control NME and Tormod, that puts you on my side vs. those that say there is no control.
Like what you demonstrated in your idiot video? If you'd actually done anything beyond running in arrow-straight lines you'd have had a nice illustration of how the glider WILL roll OPPOSITE from a lateral pull on the suspension point.
Everyone talks about having as many tools as possible in their tool box...
Just as long as none of the tools are:
- hook-in checks
- releases which allow you to blow tow while maintaining control of the glider
- weak links which protect the glider from overload and otherwise allow the pilot the decision to continue or terminate the tow
- approaches and landings prone with both hands on the control bar at all times
...yes, leveraging off the control frame to shift weight gives us more control...
Fuck "weight shift". What turns the glider in a desired direction and manner is differential sidewires tension.
...but if you can combine your run and leverage your weight with your feet as you also do with your hands, isn't that an advantage?
Show us the video, dickhead.


Ryan Instant-Hands-Free-Release Voight assures us that his lackey isn't doing anything all that important with his hands in leveling that glider and has had over three years to produce or find five seconds of video to prove that he's not an incompetent instructor and bald-faced liar.

So go back to the Ed Levin LZ with a nice steady headwind, clip in, and start running a gentle S pattern with a hundred flat yards in front of you with your hands touching nothing but air. I one hundred percent guarantee you that you won't get three yards before your glider power whacks in the direction opposite of the one your "theory" predicts it will turn.
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Re: 2016/04/03 Tres Pinos fatality

Post by Tad Eareckson »

You CAN steer a hang glider from the hang strap!
NMERider - 2018/03/17 17:01:33 UTC

Re: Make Believe Control

Running with good tension on the hang strap and feet on the ground yields maximum lateral control whether launching or landing.
Being prone and kicked into the harness with both hands on the control bar going like a bat outta hell yields maximum control of any flavor. Dolly or platform off the flat stuff, crew assist off a platform, wheel approach and landing.
It's a good skill for pilots to practice. It probably would not hurt to practice kiting a single surface glider by running with it and not touching the control frame while trying to make it track.
And then we could finally get some really good videos of people steering hang gliders from the hang strap. (And maybe something with a Bigfoot or two in the background.)
Donnell Hewett - 1982/09

In addition to the above mentioned roll and yaw tendancies, there is some sideways force on the pilot due to the body line. This is illustrated below:


As can be seen, this sideways force tends to pull the pilot over to the correct side to make the glider turn naturally in the proper direction.
And if that clueless lunacy were legitimate we'd see gliders locking out with maximum autocorrection force just prior to bridle contact with the downtube then a rather abrupt acceleration into lockout mode. You'd actually need to work your ass off to fight the autocorrection force all the way into predicted lockout mode. Yet in the near three dozen years since publication we've heard zero hint of such an experience from anywhere on the planet. Go figure.
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Re: 2016/04/03 Tres Pinos fatality

Post by Tad Eareckson »

You CAN steer a hang glider from the hang strap!
Tormod Helgesen - 2018/03/19 08:33:16 UTC

I think you misunderstood me...
A good thing more often than not.
...I think the reason for turning is that the yaw of your body creates a sideways thrust on your body but the direction of the yaw will be uncontrollable after you let go of the base bar so the direction of the turn will be random.
Who really gives a rat's ass?. The pilot is both an integral component of the glider and its control system. And his grip on the CONTROL BAR with BOTH hands is the control LINKAGE. Do sailplane pilots have long inane discussions about flying with ailerons, elevators, rudders disconnected? (I guess since we ELECT to do the same on our birds so much of the time, particularly during the most critical situations, we need to have all these conversations proving that it doesn't really matter on hang gliders.)
Furthermore, in a turn your body will fall inwards giving increasing weight-shift input steepening the turn and so on until balance is achieved.
Bullshit. For the purposes of this discussion your body doesn't fall anywhere. It stays reasonably well centered in the control frame. And if/when things get out of kilter / the glider starts into a turn, centrifugal force throws you outward and the glider winds up in a turn reacting to this perceived new direction and increased force of gravity.
In a topless that balance most likely would never happen and a high g spiral will be the result.
That's a balance. Not one you're likely to be happy with but nevertheless.
Anyhow, there's no way to steer out of the turn unless the glider is positively stable, meaning that it will return to straight and level flight without input.
That subtle air pressure is not enough to overcome gravity.
1. The centrifugal force is likely to be more of an issue than the actual gravity.
2. But don't worry, I'm sure Eric will produce another stunning video to spectacularly illustrate the validity of his position.

Really strange that AIRTHUG still hasn't shown up to help get all us muppets on the right track on these issues.
Steve Davy
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Re: 2016/04/03 Tres Pinos fatality

Post by Steve Davy »

Perhaps he's figured out that publicly embarrassing himself on Jack Asshole's "The worlds (no apostrophe) largest hang gliding community" is counterproductive.
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Re: 2016/04/03 Tres Pinos fatality

Post by Tad Eareckson »


What happened to the org?
Mike Lake - 2013/09/26 18:59:57 UTC

On the other hand there are plenty of people who fly lots but still manage to spew out the most incredible and dangerous garbage to others.

This includes some of the "professionals" people who work in the industry and are therefore able to regard themselves as such.
They really believe they have a monopoly on knowledge and when finding themselves on the losing side of a debate resort to the old standby "This is what we do so fuck off you weekender".

I say good riddance to those nauseating, know it all, self indulgent "professionals" who have banished themselves from this site.
That's why Ryan Instant-Hands-Free-Release Voight is still around and NOBODY - 'specially Ryan Instant-Hands-Free-Release Voight - has ever HEARD of Jim Keen-Intellect Rooney before.

Ya look at these two motherfuckers and compare/contrast.

The bullshit they preach and teach that has any chance of actually working only works in glassy smooth air. So they both isolate themselves from thermal conditions.

Ryan does the Point Of The Mountain trade winds.

Rooney at Ridgely immediately moves to a nice safe Dragonfly cockpit. And when the World's Greatest Foot Landing Authority flies a hang glider in thermal conditions it's tandem thrill ride crap in which all landings are rolled in onto the Ridgely Happy Acres putting green with everybody prone for the safety of the student.

Also does scooter tow foot launch and landing lessons conducted only in glassy smooth morning and evening conditions for the safety of the student.

When he flies tandem thrill rides in thermal conditions he always has great built-in excuses for failing to climb out and stay up with the legitimate flyers - low performing under-muscled single surface glider, student may be interfering with his flawless inputs, schedule to keep.

Coronet Peak Tandem Disaster One... Totally blameless 'cause the only long term hope for not launching a hang glider with everybody hooked in is for a friend to notice an oversight - and Jim Keen-Intellect Rooney has no actual friends.

Coronet Peak Tandem Disaster Two... Low altitude thermal induced paraglider canopy collapse. And there's no coming back from that because the global paragliding and tourism industries foundation is that there's no such thing as thermal induced paraglider canopy from which a properly trained and competent paraglider pilot can't safely recover - regardless of altitude.

Is this a joke ?
Jim Rooney - 2011/08/26 08:24:31 UTC

Did I miss any?
Is it clear what I mean by "We"?
I didn't make the system up.
And I'm not so arrogant to think that my precious little ideas are going to magically revolutionise the industry.
There are far smarter people than me working this out.
I know, I've worked with them.
Claim otherwise - either you're lying now to cover your own ass or you were lying before to cover your Industries' asses. Checkmate.

Differences between these two worms...

Rooney was pure unadulterated shit and left NOTHING ELSE in his wake.

Ryan's a skilled smooth air / aerobatic pilot and has produced some beautiful top quality video stuff.

And Ryan has enough in the way of intelligence to know when to declare victory, shut the fuck up, and leave.

Zach Marzec
Jim Rooney - 2013/02/11 19:22:18 UTC

Of course not... it's Asshole-ese.

Sorry, I'm sick and tired of all these soap box bullshit assheads that feel the need to spout their shit at funerals. I just buried my friend and you're seizing the moment to preach your bullshit? GO FUCK YOURSELF!!!!!!!!

I can barely stand these pompus asswipes on a normal day.
Can anyone even IMAGINE a response like that from Ryan?

pro tow set-up
Ryan Voight - 2009/11/03 05:24:31 UTC

It works best in a lockout situation... if you're banked away from the tug and have the bar back by your belly button... let it out. Glider will pitch up, break weaklink, and you fly away.

During a "normal" tow you could always turn away from the tug and push out to break the weaklink... but why would you?

Have you never pondered what you would do in a situation where you CAN'T LET GO to release? I'd purposefully break the weaklink, as described above. Instant hands free release Image
Jim Rooney - 2009/11/03 06:16:56 UTC

Please do not think for an instant that that thing isn't going to let go. It's going to snap so fast that you won't realize what happened till after it's happened.

As for being in a situation where you can't or don't want to let go, Ryan's got the right idea. They're called "weak" links for a reason. Overload that puppy and you bet your ass it's going to break.

You can tell me till you're blue in the face about situations where it theoretically won't let go or you can drone on and on about how "weaklinks only protect the glider" (which is BS btw)... and I can tell ya... I could give a crap, cuz just pitch out abruptly and that little piece of string doesn't have a chance in hell. Take your theory and shove it... I'm saving my a$$.
2013/02/02 Zack Marzec was the most important crash in the entire world history of hang glider towing. Total game changer. Rooney just wades in, guns blazing, confident that life will continue as before - for both the sport and himself.

Ryan says, "Nope. This is the Little Bighorn." He's never heard of 2013/02/02 Zack Marzec or a Standard Aerotow Weak Link. Had much more important things to attend to during those postmortem discussions.

And I was just doing a little reviewing of the collapse of the aerotow operation that made Jim Keen-Intellect Rooney...


...the man he is today.

Highland Aerosports 2016 Season News
Jim Keen-Intellect Rooney - 2016/02/13 18:50:56 UTC

Awe, it touches my black heart to hear such wonderful lies about me. *shucks*
But yeah, sorry, I am staying in NZ though for many reasons.
In addition to absolutely loving this wonderful country, the IRS hammers me if I spend more than 44 days there.
International tax laws YEAY!

I hope the guys find someone.
Many reasons to opt for a New Zealand South Island winter over a Delmarva Peninsula summer driving 914 Dragonfly tugs and saving a major US aerotowing operation from retroactive extinction.

Queenstown is at 45 degrees south latitude. That's the same distance from the equator as the US/Canada border just south of Montreal. And we never heard how much fun he was having as a ski instructor. (And there's a lot of overlap between hang gliding and downhill skiing. Lotsa big name hang glider people. (Ryan comes to immediate mind - as a matter o' fact.))

So the enormous tax issue regarding the enormous revenue Rooney's been amassing as an endless summer glider bum for years suddenly becomes an intolerable burden. And the cost of him NOT making the traditional northern spring migration:
aerosports - 2016/02/10 15:59:43 UTC

If we can't continue our operations at RJD or another location, we will unfortunately be forced to liquidate our assets and cease operations.
Hundreds of thousands of dollars of liquidation of AT operation assets, permanent ends of professional hang gliding careers, devastating loss of a huge resource to Mid Atlantic recreational hang gliding, significant national level degradation. And the locals are pretty much screaming at Sunny and Adam to name a donations price to keep them afloat.

And if you read a reasonable percentage of Rooney archives it's pretty apparent that he never had a hard-on that rivaled the one he got while at the helm of a one of the turbocharged 914 Dragonflies that we paid for telling us multi-decade Fours and Fives that we were nothing but his muppet passengers and that he could fix anything he felt like that was going on back there by giving us the rope - and get away with it. (And that was my biggest fear in my later years launching at Ridgely. And continuing to fly in those circumstances was not an acceptable decision by a responsible pilot. But, hell, ditto with respect to the Dragonfly tow mast breakaway protector.)

The more I look at this the more convinced I am that bringing Rooney back to prevent the extinction of Highland Aerosports was not an acceptable option - as far as Highland Aerosports was concerned.

And one additional note. All the years, effort, expense that motherfucker dedicated to establishing an aviation career and oozing up into a position of internationally recognized position of authority... Totally and permanently gone with the fuckin' wind.
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Tad Eareckson
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Re: 2016/04/03 Tres Pinos fatality

Post by Tad Eareckson »

You CAN steer a hang glider from the hang strap!
Eric Hinrichs - 2018/03/22 17:35:02 UTC

I started this thread to address those that claimed a hang glider is unsteerable without contact with some part of the wing (besides the hang strap,) even with your feet on the ground.
You started your idiot thread...
Eric Hinrichs - 2018/03/08 04:02:25 UTC

There was a big discussion (argument) in a previous thread about whether a glider could be steered (put into a roll) without contact to the control bar. I agreed with Ryan V, but didn't join in because it was getting ugly, and I would rather show than talk about it.
...in response to some shit that erupted in response to a blatant lie Ryan Instant-Hands-Free-Release Voight repeated in the course of the Jack Show response to the 2016/04/03 Nancy Tachibana negligent homicide incident at Mission Soaring Center's training site.

So let's take a look at some key excerpts:

Fatal HG crash in Tres Pinos CA 4-3-2016
Ryan Voight - 2016/04/06 22:08:19 UTC

Does the tow operator instinctively try to "pull" the student back on course with the winch- which actually would do the opposite, accelerating them into deeper trouble.
Brian Scharp - 2016/04/06 23:37:13 UTC

Maybe they're confusing it with...

Bad Launch!
Ryan Voight - 2012/09/26 14:23:55 UTC

Running to the right = weight shift to the right.

It's all about what the glider feels. Running to the right pulls the hang loop to the right, just like when you weight shift at 3,000 ft. Glider doesn't know or care what means you used to pull the hang loop to the right.
Ryan Voight - 2016/04/13 16:12:11 UTC

I made this to promote the idea of skill building BEFORE we put a student in a position where they could hurt themselves without having those skills. I know different schools/training sites might use different steps in their progression, and that's great- as long as they've thought about 1) What skills are needed 2) How do we teach them and most importantly 3) How do we check that our students consistently show the skills they need to do the next thing (before having them do it!)

Brian Scharp - 2016/04/14 03:17:44 UTC

Show me some roll reversals with no hands.
Ryan Voight - 2016/04/14 03:41:18 UTC

Wager all you want, but I've done this a lot already. I'm not making shit up here, or speaking of something I haven't thoroughly tried out (like you are!).
Brian Scharp - 2016/04/14 16:58:17 UTC
Steve Davy - 2012/09/27 13:55:12 UTC

Yesterday, I had an opportunity to test Ryan's hypothesis.

In smooth coastal wind I got the glider floating and balanced, let go of the downtubes and ran in a direction approximately thirty degrees from the direction the keel was pointed. In each case the glider slowly rolled opposite to the direction I chose.

The second test was to get wings balanced, wait a moment for one to lift, then run in that direction. In the second test I found the glider would immediately and aggressively roll opposite to Ryan's idiotic hypothesis.

I did about twenty short runs, same result each run.
In Ryan's idiot video he one hundred percent accurately states:
An excellent cue is to try to pull the glider through the air with the harness.
and totally unambiguously illustrates same with:


And then he continues with the blatant lie that:
If you teach them how to pull the glider with the harness they'll learn to steer the glider through weight shift simply by running toward their target.
and uses as the example his buddy Ninja Matt:


very obviously continuously torqueing the fuck outta the control frame with major application of arm muscle for just about all of a 14 second video clip. How is it possible to look at a still like:


look at the body configuration, arms, grips, facial expression and not conclude that he's exerting one hundred percent of everything he owns to fight that roll and get the glider back tracking to his left, level and on course?
As the glider's airspeed increases, students should allow it to lift up so their harness lines become tight. As with all hang gliding, it's important to encourage a light touch.

Yeah. Light touch. When you're floating a glider along in smooth air at trim. Or:


pretending to effect roll control with no actual aerodynamics involved.

Funny that when we're ACTUALLY effecting roll control during a ground run when Ryan Instant-Hands-Free-Release Voight is assuring us we can steer our glider through weight shift alone simply by running toward our target, that our hands are on the control tubes simply because they provide convenient resting spots...


...the touch appears decidedly UNlight and we rather conspicuously don't hear Ryan Instant-Hands-Free-Release Voight - or any other u$hPa operative motherfucker - sermonizing anything about light touches.

That last above is a total smoking gun still. Hang gliding neither understands how its gliders are turned nor teaches students how to effect roll control. You'll note that in this video we see only Ninja Matt effecting roll control - on flatland simulated launch runs. We do see...


...perfectly timed flares being executed - because we need to be able to safely land in narrow dry riverbed with large rocks strewn all over the place because we're not allowed to turn our gliders below two hundred feet and thus won't be able to safely avoid having to land in narrow dry riverbeds with large rocks strewn all over the place.

The turn is one of the biggest threats to u$hPa / commercial hang gliding. If you understand the aerodynamic elements involved in a turn and how to properly effect them you understand hang glider control, soaring, RLF approaches, tow releases, lockouts, weak links and you can leave your goddam instructor behind at the training hill or scooter tow field. You become a PILOT.

First time I really felt like a pilot was when I was doing steep coordinated reversing 180s off of the Front Dune at Jockey's Ridge qualifying for my Two - watching the ground spin around my low stationary wingtips.

They want your hands off of the control bar as much as possible and when they can't accomplish the primary objective they want the touch to be as light as possible. And notice that in the aftermath of a crash no victim has ever been criticized by a quick thinking instructor for not having used a light enough touch. We should start doing that and watch for the reaction of the rank and file - 'specially after Jeff Bohl type lockout fatalities.

P.S. Somebody ask Ryan how light his touches are in the sequence around:


and why he's going to such extradinary efforts to keep both hands in contact with the control tubes while it's so obvious that neither of them is having any significant positive effect.
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Re: 2016/04/03 Tres Pinos fatality

Post by Tad Eareckson »

Fatal HG crash in Tres Pinos CA 4-3-2016
Ryan Voight - 2016/04/13 16:12:11 UTC

I made this to promote the idea of skill building BEFORE we put a student in a position where they could hurt themselves without having those skills. I know different schools/training sites might use different steps in their progression, and that's great- as long as they've thought about 1) What skills are needed 2) How do we teach them and most importantly 3) How do we check that our students consistently show the skills they need to do the next thing (before having them do it!)

Last night I realized I needed to amend my stills collection from this one with one more shot...


The one a bit before the five second mark which Ryan had selected for his title shot - Ninja Matt going full power and muscling the crap outta the control frame in order to torque a minor starboard roll back to level.

Major pain in the ass 'cause that was prior to the existing 106 stills in the collection so needed to be redesignated and all posts referencing any of the shots needed to be edited accordingly. But, what the hell, more really great smoking gun stuff.

Ryan's a control freak - very much like, as we (royal) have recently discussed with respect to his extinct li'l Jim Keen-Intellect Rooney buddy. Real control freaks don't fly in thermal conditions - 'specially paragliders - 'cause:
- their aeronautical "theories" turn to rubbish in anything that isn't glassy smooth
- they can and will get their butts kicked by:
-- the odd Hang Two muppet who finds himself in the right place at the right time
-- real world atmosphere - often fatally when they're:
--- using glass air towing equipment (Reliable Releases, Infallible Weak Links, pro toad bridles)
--- flying in safe landing configuration with their hands on the control tubes at shoulder or ear height
A Simple Progression
for teaching hang gliding
Yet what do we see in the title shot?

Article "Pushing Out" Feb 2014 HG mag
NMERider - 2014/02/25 06:05:06 UTC

Ryan is a classic example of a superbly talented athlete who is ill-equipped to write a comprehensive training manual or academically meaningful text.
A superbly talented athlete in the physical prime of his short life going full power and using a grip and torque effort the A Simple Progression for teaching hang gliding subjects are being instructed not to use and told they'll never need respectively.

A couple other thoughts occur to me regarding the Simple Progression for teaching hang gliding...

- A turn is only a bad thing - something never to be initiated and to be "corrected" with all haste (while, of course, as with all hang gliding, maintaining the critically important light touch).

- A u$hPa instructor can never demo a turn for a solo (hill, scooter tow) student because:

-- turns below two hundred feet are insanely dangerous and thus prohibited under u$hPa policy

-- he's gonna look stupid attempting to effect a turn in safe flying configuration - with his hands on the control tubes at shoulder or ear height


This is only a tool "instructors" use for disempowering and humiliating students and prolonging the period under which they're under full u$hPa control and forking over protection money to its operatives.

P.S. Note the "light grip" that Lockout Mountain Flight Park victim Chris Kelcourse is maintaining while effecting what he can of a turn - and the fact that no one's ever before commented on it or criticized him for it.


Two year later version of same:

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Tad Eareckson
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Re: 2016/04/03 Tres Pinos fatality

Post by Tad Eareckson »

So now this idiot topic of Eric's has been oozing along for just a bit shy of two weeks and fifty posts. And twenty-one of them are doctoral thesis length contributions by Steve Aeroexperiments Seibel. Ryan Instant-Hands-Free-Release Voight no the fuck where in sight.

Best response so far:

You CAN steer a hang glider from the hang strap!
John Borton - 2018/03/10 01:51:42 UTC

Another good candidate:
Newton's third law: All forces in the universe occur in equal but oppositely directed pairs. There are no isolated forces; for every external force that acts on an object there is a force of equal magnitude but opposite direction which acts back on the object which exerted that external force.
Pilot runs and pulls right, glider rolls and pulls left. But hang gliding doesn't adhere to Newton's Laws of Motion 'cause in hang gliding popular opinion overrides the alternate facts predicted by sound centuries-old THEORY - not to mention actual observations ten seconds ago.

And think about Ryan a bit. If he WEREN'T the incompetent lying little u$hPa operative shit we've known him to be since the beginning of time he'd have been up at dawn the next day with an arsenal of GoPro cameras to document himself or Ninja Matt running a reversing turns pattern the length of the Ellenville training/landing field with hands in his pockets. Then he'd have had it up on YouTube by lunchtime where he'd use it to shove his competence down our infidel throats sidewise.

But this is where we're spending our man hours a half century down the road as the sport's going extinct.

So, society at large... Is this where ya wanna send your kids for tandem thrill rides and/or flight instruction?
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Re: 2016/04/03 Tres Pinos fatality

Post by <BS> »

Aeroexperiments demonstrated a consistent adverse roll subsequent to an induced yaw. I wonder if that tendency remains after being otherwise locked out. Try rolling right into a lockout, then induce a further right yaw for a corrective left roll.

P.S. Totally counter intuitive, but interesting to consider that one of the last control inputs being used in/during a lockout is most likely exacerbating the situation.
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