Brad Geary video

General discussion about the sport of hang gliding
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Tad Eareckson
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Re: Brad Geary video

Post by Tad Eareckson »
police were summoned again
Arp (Anthony) - 2015/07/13 15:58:39 UTC

The evidence is laid out for all to see. Let GH defend the actions of these "Instructors".

Count the number of safety issues from the very beginning of the flight with the mother, of the boy, filming from the take off zone. The Instructor takes off and immediately lets go of the controls to make a phone call. It just goes on and on to a point where he is seen biting the leading edge of the other PG with another boy passenger(brother of the first) on board. Where did the helmet of the Instructor go during this time? The leading edge of the other PG shows signs of the beginning of a frontal collapse and both are only at cliff top height. Far too low for a reserve to open.

Action was taken by the USHPA against the first instructor, why not the other or indeed the school? This video was probably sold to the boys that were passengers as additional money making by the school. How many other videos are there out there that could show how the school is run? I would think the family would have a good case for reckless endangerment should they wish to pursue it in the courts.
I watched the whole tape in ABSOLUTE HORROR knowing that every second could be the last for the two "instructors" and darling innocent little people of varying ages. It's just ASTOUNDING that they came so close to death so many times and nothing happened and everybody landed unscathed and happy. Thank our Merciful God for being a Merciful God!

So just how many violations of existing u$hPa SOPs did you see? Compare/Contrast with the violations of u$hPa SOPs and FAA regulations that occur on VIRTUALLY ALL US aerotows. How much of a problem did you have with THIS:


launch of this pro toad motherfucker posted the day he got his stupid ass killed for reasons that have been blindingly obvious since the beginning of time?
The evidence is laid out for all to see.
You're welcome. Lemme know and I'll give you a copy of the video itself.
Let GH defend the actions of these "Instructors".
Nah, Graeme's too much of a fuckin' Davis Show worm to do that. He's just gonna dismiss them as "some minor incidents" definitely wrong and misguided but not really big fuckin' deals. Besides, Brad's had his tandem ticket permanently revoked so why worry about anything?
Count the number of safety issues...
Define a safety issue. According to Richard Johnson the greatest towing dangers are rope breaks and premature releases. According to Donnell Hewett and total fucking assholes like Bill Moyes, Bobby Fucking-Genius Bailey, Dennis Excellent-Book Pagen, Davis Dead-On Straub, Jim Keen-Intellect Rooney, William Olive, Matt Taber, Brad Gryder, Stuart Caruk, Malcolm Jones, Bart Weghorst, Marc Fink, the Tjaden Twins, Dr. Trisa Tilletti those are the best things we muppets have going for us.
...from the very beginning of the flight...
I come up with ZERO. I'd go up with either of those guys ten thousand times before I'd get on a cart behind Jim Keen-Intellect Rooney or anybody who would ever have anything to do with him ONCE.
...with the mother, of the boy, filming...
Right. With the mother - comma - of the boy - comma - filming. BOTH boys, actually, and taking still shots.
...from the take off zone.
OH MY GOD!!! A WUFFO permitted on the main runway!!! Fuckin' amazing they survived strolling into the air with that kinda hazard running around loose.
The Instructor takes off and immediately lets go of the controls to make a phone call.
Fuckin' MIRACLE that the glider didn't instantly spin out of control and go into a death spiral!
It just goes on and on to a point where he is seen biting the leading edge of the other PG with another boy passenger(brother of the first) on board.
See THIS?:
The teenager suffered a few lacerations on her right foot but was not severely injured, the station reported.
Get some fuckin' perspective.
Where did the helmet of the Instructor go during this time?
- Who gives a flying fuck?

- How do you think he got the pictures...


The leading edge of the other PG shows signs of the beginning of a frontal collapse and both are only at cliff top height. Far too low for a reserve to open.
Suck my dick.
Action was taken by the USHPA against the first instructor, why not the other or indeed the school?
Why was any "ACTION" taken against anybody? There weren't any SOPs violations and just about everything on the film was OOZING with competence and excellence.

How come there's no action being taken against any of the u$hPa motherfuckers who trained Kelly Harrison and certified him to take little kids for thrill rides at Jean Lake using total crap equipment and a driver he met in the parking lot and trained in the setup area? If some comparable bullshit like this were to happen in the military or REAL commercial aviation we'd be seeing heads rolling up the chain of command.
This video was probably sold to the boys that were passengers...
Yeah, they probably paid for it out of their paper route incomes. additional money making by the school.
Ya think? Name a tandem thrill ride operation - para or hang - that DOESN'T do this.
How many other videos are there out there that could show how the school is run?
- Anywhere near the quality of this one?
This is gonna be the best fracking' video EVER.
This is gonna be one of the best videos - EVER.
The stuff we did with your brother is uh... We've never captured on film before.
You think this is actually one of the best videos ever?
Yeah, this will be one of the best tandem videos fer sure. Definitely.
With all these birds and stuff...
Yeah. It's gonna be good.
Zero. And now thanks to the anti Torrey faction and u$hPa pretending to give flying fucks about safety there will never again be one anywhere near this good. Mediocre boat rides for people of varying ages by drivers bored outta their freakin' skulls.

- These videos are sold by all these tandem thrill ride operations with the full expectation that they're gonna go up on YouTube, Vimeo, Facebook. If there were any depicting actual serious safety breaches - trust me - we'd have them. Even if there were stuff taken from the helmet cams that got squelched we'd have stuff taken from the ground. (In fact the only thing that happened actual safety-wise on this video - the LZ midair between two solos - WAS taken from the ground BY ACCIDENT. And the gliderport made no effort whatsoever to squelch it.) So you got NOTHING. You gotta take this one and scream child endangerment at the top of your lungs nonstop month after month.

There's no shortage of real vile, dangerous, illegal shit going on and perpetrated by the gliderport but just about all of it is happening on the ground in and around the office. Try working with that for a change.
I would think the family would have a good case for reckless endangerment should they wish to pursue it in the courts.
Yeah, you can even hear little clips from Zack an' Alec's Mom screaming in terror begging Brad and Max to stop the reckless endangerment and return her people of varying ages to her with as little additional deep psychological trauma as possible.
Bob Kuczewski - 2015/07/11 18:16:54 UTC

I just wanted to offer a general thanks for all of the information that you capture and preserve on your site. I find it to be a helpful reference when all else fails.
Yeah Bob, I put it up there - complete, accurate, in context - for all to see and use whether their intentions are honest, respectable, noble, or totally despicable.
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Tad Eareckson
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Re: Brad Geary video

Post by Tad Eareckson »
USHPA mailer re: donations for RRG
Bob Kuczewski - 2015/12/17 15:45:50 UTC

2008 - Bob Kuczewski starts reporting Torrey problems to USHPA. Has anyone not noticed that?
2010 - As USHPA Director, Bob Kuczewski witnesses Torrey instructors crashing unrated students into parked hang gliders via radio. Torrey instructors attempt to cover it up. Bob reports this to USHPA. USHPA votes in new rule to keep Bob from being a Director for 3 years.
2011 - Bob Kuczewski is living in Florida while Torrey instructors are supposedly radio instructing two PG students - Shannon (P1) and Dave (no PG rating). Shannon is being given turn by turn instructions on a south approach over buildings and palm trees that she's never made before. The instructor doesn't even notice that Dave is approaching from the north and guides Shannon on a collision course with Dave. The collide in mid-air and Shannon is badly injured.
2014 - Bob Kuczewski testifies that this was gross negligence on the part of the instructor. The insurance company settles the case for an undisclosed (I'll bet it's huge) amount.
2015 - USHPA "fixes" the poor instruction problem at Torrey by expelling Bob Kuczewski.
Yes, invest every dime you've got in that organization!
If USHPA were able to admit that they should have been paying better attention to the warnings of the last 7 years, then they might be deserving of another chance. Instead, they've doubled down on their stupidity. Put your money in a Sylmar fund and only give it to USHPA when the people responsible have resigned and USHPA charts a more responsible course.
2011 - Bob Kuczewski is living in Florida while Torrey instructors are supposedly radio instructing two PG students - Shannon...
(P1) and Dave...
...(no PG rating).
David Fischbach - 28300
- H5 - 1988/05/02 - Gregg Lawless - FL PA AWCL CL FSL RLF TUR XC
a twenty-three plus year Hang Five AND...
- P3 - 2011/08/15 - Max Marien - FL PA CL HA RLF RS TUR
...a P3 twenty-two days, a bit over three weeks, after the incident.
So big fuckin' deal on that point.
Shannon is being given turn by turn instructions on a south approach over buildings and palm trees that she's never made before.
So? Isn't the whole point to training to keep doing stuff you've never done before?
The instructor doesn't even notice that Dave is approaching from the north and guides Shannon on a collision course with Dave. The collide in mid-air and Shannon is badly injured.
Yeah, that's an atrocity. And it's fuckin' bullshit to use a radio to control a student / have a student dependent upon radio instructions. The radio should only be used to nudge students in slightly better directions.

But you're using partial truths / misleading statements to paint this picture the deeper shade of black that you desire. And that undermines your case and credibility. And if you're attempting to build a consensus you're gonna build a consensus of other sleazebags who are totally cool with fractional truths - like Rick Masters fer instance - and morons too fuckin' stupid to see the fractional truths for what they are.

And if you had any actual integrity you'd have supported me when u$hPa was doing the exact same thing to me over this global aerotowing bullshit which has wreaked enough death and destruction to dwarf the flyspeck pounding or two in your backyard a thousand times over.

You're going nowhere, Bob. All you've got is a rotten foundation and a miniature model of a national organization that's currently in the throes of a very predictable implosion.
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Re: Brad Geary video

Post by Tad Eareckson »

Recent phone conversation with Bob.

He insists that Brad's pulling on Max's lines to partially tuck the wing's nose...


...was an extremely dangerous action that could easily have put the wing into a serious collapse from which recovery could not have been assured at Torrey altitude and that the lives of precious little people of varying ages - who lacked the understanding of the danger - were being put at risk.

I moved towards giving him the benefit of the doubt on that issue but countered that his pet asshole Rick Masters is absolutely right that being near the surface - read taking off and landing - in a paraglider in thermal conditions is a dice roll, that the wing can be collapsed too severely to allow either recovery or parachute deployment, and that if Brad and Max had been taking precious little people of varying ages for tandem thrill rides from an inland site in thermal conditions nobody would've given a flying fuck and nobody would've gotten his ticket shredded or even notched.

Bob had NUTHIN' in the way of a response to that.

Intuitively I'm still seeing this as a harmless little stuntlet in glassy air involving two highly skilled, experienced, qualified thrill ride drivers. It doesn't look dangerous and, to date, I've heard zilch to the contrary from disinterested competent paraglider sources.

Also... Bob has totally squandered his credibility on such issues by declaring:

- hang glider stalls, particularly aerotowing safety device inconvenience stalls, to be totally benign when we have a pretty significant pile of bodies which indicates otherwise

- that raising one's wing into the turbulent jet stream to verify connection to one's glider just prior to launch is near certain death while established common sense practice in AWCL is to get the wing as high and forward as possible to get it out of the turbulence and into the cleanest steadiest air possible

Still... Somebody support Bob's case on the Torrey issue, preferably with provision of video evidence. At this point in the history of these sports if something CAN happen it already HAS, many times over, and we have the pictures.
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Re: Brad Geary video

Post by Tad Eareckson »
Examples of Bad Ideas
Margie Holland - 2016/04/14 22:19:24 UTC

How about letting a thief be a night watchman for a jewelry store? Image
When he could put his talents to so much better use on Wall Street.
Or, a pedophile run a daycare center? Image
Or participate in hang gliding? Or engage in a glider forum - even with his personal messaging option disabled to make it impossible for him to privately communicate with any of the scores of vulnerable people of varying ages registered on the site? Image
Bill Cosby speaks his mind
Bob Kuczewski - 2013/04/26 05:37:14 UTC

Bill Cosby is a national hero for trying to save so many wasted lives. Go Bill, Go!! Image
Got bad news for ya, cunt. ALL daycare centers are run by pedophiles. Always have been, always will be. Mostly female. Image
Well, USHPA gives pilots who are risky and thoughtless the right to fly with children in an unsafe manner. Image
Fuck that! The Bob Show doesn't give pilots who are risky and thoughtless the right to fly children in an unsafe manner until they reach age 66...
Platform towing fatality in Leakey, Texas
NMERider - 2012/06/19 01:36:26 UTC

The pilot had a brush with fate a year earlier:
This is very sad.
Gregg Ludwig - 2012/06/23 20:15:21 UTC

What is that saying?..."He does the same thing over and over but expects different results." Poor guy was misguided and didn't have a chance.
...when they're able to fully appreciate what it is they're up against.
Is this really smart?
Since when did Bob Show people start giving flying fucks about intelligence?
Does USGPA even realize how stupid and dangerous this is?
When was the last time u$hPa wasn't totally thriving on stupidity and insanely dangerous procedures and equipment?
Of course they do, but they don't seem to be doing anything about it.
Stop the Stupids at the USHPA BOD meeting
Mark G. Forbes - 2011/09/29 02:26:23 UTC

We can establish rules which we think will improve pilot safety, but our attorney is right. USHPA is not in the business of keeping pilots "safe" and it can't be. Stepping into that morass is a recipe for extinction of our association. I wish it were not so, but it is. We don't sell equipment, we don't offer instruction, and we don't assure pilots that they'll be safe.
Show me the part where u$hPa CLAIMS to be in the business of keeping pilots safe? Show me how this differs from...
Davis Straub's "Oz Report" Conflict of Interest
Bob Kuczewski - 2011/02/23 04:01:36 UTC

Hi Tad,

It's a fact that everyone who's been killed while hang gliding would not have been killed while hang gliding ... if they weren't hang gliding.

We may just have a fundamental disagreement here. I don't believe we should be building a "nanny state" where one group imposes their view of what is safe for everyone else. None of us are so omniscient that we can decide once and for all the best way to do anything. In fact, that's almost what you're fighting. You feel you've built a better mousetrap, but you built it after the establishment decided that what they already had was good enough. The only way we can get improvement over what we have is to allow people to experiment with new ideas. You may be a testament to that philosophy yourself.

So I would advocate for an organization that makes recommendations for safe flying but does not impose mandates for people who use the sky.
...clearly stated Bob Show policy.
Well, looks like we don't have too many problems with pedophiles, unrepentant child molesters when we're looking for material for slide shows to present at San Diego City Council hearings. 27 stills which are exact matches - to the frame - for the ones I've archived in this dedicated thread are presented one or more times on 2016/04/11, 22 of them repeated one or more times the next day, total of 57 clicks.

So on the subject of exploitation of children... Please stay tuned for a really good and detailed look at the way Bob attempts to manipulate and misrepresent what's going on in this video.

Torrey Hawks Second Sunday - April 10th, 2016
Bob Kuczewski - 2016/04/11 16:24:32 UTC

One person just called U$HPA asking about whether Max Marien ever had his rating suspended and was told that his rating was never suspended. Yet I was told that Max had his tandem rating suspended or revoked based on that incident.

There's clearly something fishy going on here. Image

For those who haven't followed this closely, Max Marien and Brad Geary were both flying child passengers while they were engaging in a variety of dangerous stunts at Torrey Pines. These stunts included contact in mid-air between the two paragliders flown by Max Marien and Brad Geary while carrying child passengers. The stunts also included stepping on the top of the other wing and pulling down on the leading edge lines nearly inducing a frontal collapse. It's all documented on video, and you can see still images from that video here:

[Link Removed Pending Establishment of Fair Use]

This video would never have been known to anyone if it didn't also happen to catch the collision between two paragliding students and ended up being part of the evidence in the resulting lawsuit. It was my own participation in that lawsuit that caused USHPA to expel me because they continue to protect the grossly negligent behavior at that site.
That link was originally, of course, to here.

Around local midnight in the middle of the weekend (2016/04/16-17) following Bob's post I got a phone call from him informing me that Air California Adventure, Inc.'s attorney had demanded that he remove the link and that failure to do so could result in him having his entire forum taken down. Bob was consulting with his attorney and caved. Wanted to know if we were being similarly threatened or had heard anything related to the video issue. Told him no and that Zack had informed me that while a video was totally owned stills from a video were totally fair game. Told him I wasn't gonna do anything or lose any sleep over the issue.

Really rewarding to know just how much significant Industry powers are worried about the presence, existence of our little whistleblower site. Kite Strings has been doing everything the u$hPa sleazebags have been begging the douchebags on the mainstream forums not to and this further supports my perception that we were a significant factor in u$hPa losing its insurance coverage and becoming uninsurable at any price.

Keep doing the same things over and over and keep getting similar results. And what's happening now to this total shit heap of a flying organization and culture is beyond my wildest dreams.
Amendment - 2019/03/30 02:00:00 UTC

All Bob Show posts in which Bob has replaced the link to this topic with "Link Removed Pending Establishment of Fair Use":
General - USHPA Expulsion Proceeding
- 2015/04/23 17:47:20 UTC - Brian Scharp
- 2015/04/23 18:38:20 UTC - Bill Cummings
- 2016/03/08 05:14:15 UTC - Bill Cummings
- 2016/03/08 05:17:41 UTC - Bob Kuczewski
Blog Forum - Flying with children
- 2015/05/17 23:26:58 UTC - Bob Kuczewski
General - Bob K to blame for all of the insurance problems?
- 2015/10/31 09:33:29 UTC - Bob Kuczewski
Torrey Hawks Forum - Torrey Hawks Second Sunday - April 10th, 2016
- 2016/04/11 16:24:32 UTC - Bob Kuczewski

I so do wonder how many more years it will take for the principle of Fair Use to be established - one way or another.
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Tad Eareckson
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Re: Brad Geary video

Post by Tad Eareckson »
4 11 16 Ushpa

I request that City TV show all of my slides.
YOUR slides? Those look a lot more like MY slides than yours. I was the guy who spent about a billion hours going through the 58406 frames of that sucker to pull 226 very carefully selected to very accurately portray the events as they unfolded in one of the single most critical film in foot launchable soaring aircraft history and put them up for unrestricted public access - where Air California Adventure, Inc. and u$hPa really don't want them.

I want to talk about u$hPa's oversight at Torrey Pines. u$hPa's the United States Hang Gliding and Paragliding Association. Let's review their oversight.
That shouldn't take long.


I knew you'd like that one, Bob. Stunningly cute and appealing, ain't he? As he stands suited up and ready to embark on a wonderful adventure - blissfully unaware of the terrors to which he'll soon be subjected at the sadistic hands of Air California Adventure, Inc. tandem instructors Brad Geary and Max Marien.

Of course what you've done is taken the second to last still - four seconds shy of the end of the video - and presented it as the first. Your audience is now free to imagine how irreparably traumatized he will appear upon landing. Brad and Zack are down, Max and Alec are in the background coming in to join them in the LZ.

July 24th 2012, two young boys took tandem flights at Torrey Pines.
- Try reading your fuckin' slide, Bob.


It was actually July 24th 2011. Little details like that are occasionally important.

- They're not YOUNG BOYS, Bob. When they're eighteen they're ADULTS - fully eligible for life without parole or lethal injection. A bit older than those kids and they frequently get charged and tried as adults - at the discretion of the prosecution. They're MIDDLE AGED boys. But be sure to keep referring to them as YOUNG boys 'cause it makes them sound more like victims of child molesters.

This... This crash that you see behind happened to be captured... See the woman falling down? She falls down, hits the ground...
Which is virtually always much worse than falling up and hitting a cloud.
These were two students. This ended up in a lawsuit that was just settled last year.

The... The instructor who took one of the boys...
- Nope. One of the YOUNG boys. Remember?

- "The instructor"? You know goddam well he's got a name and it's Brad Geary. Watch the way Bob bends over backwards to not identify Brad. Doing so would queer Bob's line that u$hPa failed to fuck over anyone involved in this interaction. If he identifies him he's gotta acknowledge that u$hPa permanently pulled his tandem ticket - without caution/warning and even though he had violated no FAA regulations or u$hPa SOPs.

Correct me if I've missed something but u$hPa still hasn't written the SOPs Brad was gonna violate. They can't. They would've needed to enforce them retroactively on Max and they would need to explain why they didn't have anything in place before.
He makes a cell phone call after he launches...

OUT RAGEOUS! Probably ordering a pizza or sumpin'. Certainly not to notify the Shannon's husband of her midair crash less than three minutes prior.

He makes another cell phone call two and a half minutes after this one...

Image help Jon respond to the situation. Why aren't you making a big stink about that one too? Afraid people will put two and two together and realize that he's doing exactly what he should be and start regarding him with more esteem than they regard you?

Also communicates with the beach lifeguard contingent...

Image assist them with their response and does a fly-by of the crash scene...

Image let the responders know that he's notified Shannon's husband.
He took the video on the ground... Makes a cell phone call while he's flying that boy.
- YOUNG boy.

- That boy has a name. It's ZACK. Same name as you heard when the video was publicly accessible and in the transcript I've provided in this thread.

- The HORRORS! In an aircraft giving the pilot virtually unrestricted visibility screaming through the smooth empty air at a dizzying twenty miles per hour with totally uncompromised control at Boring Pines. What a total fucking asshole.
You can't do that in a car...
Map of hand-held cellphone bans

- You CAN - totally legally - do that in a car stuffed to the gills with young boys in 36 states. You can totally legally talk on a cell phone while flying young boys on tandem hang and para gliders in fifty plus the District of Columbia. And if you can find a jurisdiction somewhere on the face of the planet in which you can't then please let me know what it is. Feel free to cite the Bob Show SOP which outlaws it.

- I'd estimate that something close to a hundred percent of your San Diego audience has done that in a car - illegally. I've done that in a car in Maryland - illegally. Mostly when I'm doing pickups at the airport. I know the danger potential so I'm hyper-vigilant during the process and keep things down to a few seconds of critical information exchange. But it's a no-brainer that your audience is packed with worse offenders and it's nice to see you shooting yourself in the foot with this part of your strategy.
...let alone flying a young boy at Torrey Pines.
- Good. You're getting better on the "young boy" thing.

- Lying goddam motherfucker. You obviously CAN do that flying a YOUNG BOY at Torrey Pines. You just showed us photographic PROOF that you can.

- Show me the FAA regulation, u$hPa SOP that says you can't do that flying a YOUNG BOY at Torrey Pines. And note that u$hPa was totally cool with our late buddy Kelly Harrison making the easy reach to the PTT button he had on his shoulder mounted two meter radio...

Image chat with the new driver he'd met in the parking lot a half hour earlier on an instructional tandem flight which would shortly thereafter end in the instant deaths of himself and his eleven year old "student" - one of those YOUNG BOY types as it happens. But of course you only get hysterical about situations in which there's zero risk of anyone getting scratched.

It's interesting to compare/contrast the way you and I use stills from videos, Bob. I use them to freeze the action and show my audience that the instant things started heading south towards the crash was when the Rooney Link abruptly increased the safety of the towing operation or the "pilot" started going to the control tubes for better roll control and flare authority. You use them to remove actions from context and misrepresent what's going on. It's totally fucking despicable that you use that cell phone shot to scream yourself hoarse about child endangerment and totally omit mention of the content/purpose of the call.

And when I'm finished with this new chapter of the project I'm gonna invite the San Diego City Council to have a look and give them access to the video itself which I have archived. You've got more than enough legitimate issues with these Gliderport motherfuckers to keep you busy. Pity you feel the need to incorporate totally sleazy tactics like this into your campaign. But I guess that's in your DNA.
2016/05/18 17:40:00 UTC
He makes another cell phone call two and a half minutes after this one...
Correction. He's actually TAKING a call back from John who's seeking additional information on the situation.
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Tad Eareckson
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Re: Brad Geary video

Post by Tad Eareckson »
4 11 16 Ushpa

They go on... The two... the two are flying side by side...
...the two boys were buddies...
Bullshit. The two boys WERE - and probably still ARE - BROTHERS. That's made crystal clear in the video and transcript. One does not introduce / refer to BROTHERS as "BUDDIES". Either you've done a total shit job reviewing this video or you're deliberately misrepresenting the facts - AGAIN. Looking at your history and knowing you as we do... "B". No fuckin' brainer.

If they're BROTHERS then we start thinking that there's a parent...


...somewhere down there watching all these atrocities being perpetrated on his or her kids and totally OK with them.

Hey San Diego City Council... Every wonder why Bob keeps testifying about all these child endangerment horrors and Mom - who's watched the flights and the video - doesn't?

And now that I think about it... She's also watched the video from the Max/Alec helmet cam. The only reason we have this one is 'cause the court mandated it be made available to the plaintiff 'cause it caught the crash precipitated by the midair. And Max/Alec didn't get airborne...


...until seven minutes after the midair. I'd kill to get my hands on a copy of that one.
...they're waving each other having a nice time...
Then they ramp it up and they start spiraling around each other... Somewhat of a fringe maneuver...

Yeah. Two soaring aircraft spiraling around each other in glassy smooth coastal ridge lift is somewhat of a fringe maneuver. With a couple dozen gliders packed together doing the same in a thermal it's OK.

Review the frame catalog numbers above and below. They're out of order. There's no particular manipulative reason for the ones above to be out of order but it just reflects a casualness regarding an accurate portrayal of events and getting things right.

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Tad Eareckson
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Re: Brad Geary video

Post by Tad Eareckson »
4 11 16 Ushpa

Then they decide they want to bump paragliders.
Well what else are they gonna decide to bump? Jet skis?

So Max Marien, the son of the guy who runs... that you've seen the finger... at... at the gliderport... decides he's gonna bump his paraglider up against the other paraglider.
You just said:
Then they decide they want to bump paragliders.
And now IMMEDIATELY thereafter it's MAX MARIEN who decides he's gonna bump his paraglider up against the other paraglider. It's fuckin' obviously a cooperative effort between the two gliders but Brad - who's shooting the video - doesn't have a name, first or last, and now it's MAX who's responsible for all the almost carnage.


Whoa! Look at the obvious fear in he face of that darling little person of a varying age! "What are these guys doing? Please God! Let me get through this OK and I promise I'll be good from now on!"

Here's Zack ten seconds before that shot:


and thirty seconds after:


The kid's having a fuckin' blast. The only time he expresses any hint of anxiety is when they first clear the cliff face:

It makes you hold on tight.

And the only thing he's afraid of after that...
Why? You ready to go back in already?
No. NO!
Hahaha. We got a few more minutes.
Image the flight ending - just like the rest of us.

This is the second and last time we see Zack's face in Bob's slide show. The first still he shows is:


from four seconds shy of the end of this near thirty-two minute and twenty-five second film. Don't tell me that that's not a deliberate misrepresentation of what was going on with these flights. Out-Of-Context is Bob's middle name.
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Tad Eareckson
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Re: Brad Geary video

Post by Tad Eareckson »
4 11 16 Ushpa

So Max Marien, the son of the guy who runs...
...that you've seen the finger... at... at the gliderport... decides he's gonna bump his paraglider up against the other paraglider.
Oh. That must be Max Marien we're seeing with his face turned away while terrifying that darling little person of a varying age in the slide you're showing while you're telling us this.

Let's go back two stills...


There. That's a good shot of Max Marien's face. Now we know what Max Marien looks like. Please continue.


Where... Where are his hands?
Well, one of his hands, his right, is on one of the control toggles, the right one as it happens, as you've just clearly shown us in the previous photo (of mine). I don't know for sure but if you put a gun to my head I'd say that his left hand was on the left control toggle. You got any thoughts on that?


Those are the brakes.

Those are Brad's brakes.

He's supposed to be controlling the glider with those two handles hanging there.
We have no reason to believe he ISN'T.
Where are his hands?
See above.

His hands are behind him pulling on the glider of... the one behind him with the other boy.
Brad's wearing gloves, Max isn't. If ya wanna talk about Brad then talk about Brad. But please shut the fuck up about Max.


He's pulling on the leading edge he almost collapses it.

- Bullshit.

- You've taken three distinct contact events and spliced them together to create your fake tale of fake child endangerment. (And fake child endangerment tales are your lifeblood. ACTUAL child endangerment you don't give a flying fuck about.) There's a three minute interval between the first and second and a four minute interval between the second and third.

You've conspicuously not identified Brad or given us a shot of his face and falsely attributed Brad's actions to Max. 'Cause u$hPa's already destroyed Brad's career and you're concealing that fact from your audience and you wanna get Max so bad that you're willing to frame him with someone else's actions. Not that any actions we've seen from any participant should be the slightest grounds for anything - asshole.

Go to Google and search "paraglider collapse". And you see what happens when the front leading edge of a paraglider is pulled down.
- What happens when the rear leading edge of a paraglider is pulled down?

- Go to Google or anywhere else you care to and find a single incident of a paraglider being collapsed in anything other than strong thermal or mechanical turbulence.
These boys were almost killed.
Right Bob. Both boys. And neither instructor. One paraglider collapses and the passengers of both are splattered while the pilots of both are free to fly back to base and get their stories straight.

Do you ever take a look in a mirror and marvel at just how much total shit you're full of?
USHPA mailer re: donations for RRG
Bob Kuczewski - 2015/12/20 04:20:05 UTC

A third-party perspective

But Tad is a smart guy, and he reads a lot. He also reads through a lot of the smoke that people blow.
That's not always gonna work to your advantage, Bob.
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Tad Eareckson
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Re: Brad Geary video

Post by Tad Eareckson »
4 11 16 Ushpa

If that's not enough, they decide they're gonna walk on the top of the other paraglider. Two young boys!

Well fuck, Bob. Seems to me like at the very worst that would only be a problem for one of the young boys.


Out of sequence again.

u$hPa knows all about this. But they won't do anything about it.
Ya know who else knows all about this but won't do anything about it?


But she doesn't count 'cause she doesn't appreciate the danger involved in this kind of maneuver the way Robert M. Kuczewski and Mark G. Forbes do.

Yesterday, Max Marien, April Tenth... Take another boy... tandem.

HOLY SHIT! Max Marien, who almost killed these two boys four and two thirds years ago is about to almost kill another one now! And just imagine the number of boys he's almost killed in the seasons between. Undoubtedly almost killed a hefty number of girls. And it totally sickens me to think of the number of adults he's almost killed. And God only knows how many individuals he'd almost killed prior to 2011/07/24.

You've painted yourself into a corner, Bob. Two possibilities:

- You're implying that he's gonna almost kill this boy the same way he almost killed Zack and Alec (A and Z. Just noticed that. Cute. I wonder if they're twins.) the better part of half a decade before. Which means that he does it all the fuckin' time. Which means that all this "child endangerment" screaming is total crap. A kid's a thousand times more likely to get banged up in five minutes in a skateboard park than to be scratched in a half hour full bore Torrey tandem thrill ride like the ones we just watched in the video.

- Thanks to you and your asshole u$hPa buddies the excellence, creativity, beauty we saw in this video has been eradicated and all the tandem rides are now nauseatingly boring.

And we know it's "B". 'Cause we know that you watched that flight with the young boy Max was about to take up and almost kill like a fuckin' hawk hoping to get SOMETHING you could use. But all you could get was:


And you left the horrors that must certainly have followed to the imaginations of the members of your audience.

I know how your scams work, Bob. Watched you pull the EXACT SAME bullshit on me. STILL watching and you're STILL pulling it.
Zack C - 2011/12/17 14:56:03 UTC

I don't know whether you were genuinely doing what you felt was the right thing to do or just looking for convenient justification to finally can Tad, but I believe your actions were inappropriate and set a terrible precedent for your organization.
You and your lunatic colony don't have a snowball’s chance in hell of actually going anywhere.

u$hPa will not provide meaningful oversight and we need the Torrey Pines City Park Advisory Board to do so.
Good luck.
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Tad Eareckson
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Joined: 2010/11/25 03:48:55 UTC

Re: Brad Geary video

Post by Tad Eareckson »
4 12 16 Ushpa

I could talk about u$hPa's grip on Torrey Pines.
u$hPa membership, which is a private organization, is required to use our city park. Why is that?
Yesterday I went through these slides of an accident by two students colliding at Torrey Pines.

You see the woman falling down and, and...

...and badly injured herself.
That was stupid. Why would she go to the trouble of badly injuring herself when the ground was right there to do it for her?

In that same video we have young children, two young children, um...
VERY young children. Three, four - tops.

Hey people of varying ages... I just figured out that whenever you hear somebody talking about "young" children, boys, what the fuck ever... WATCH OUT. Somebody's trying to sell you something. Children are - by definition - YOUNG. So the adjective is MEANINGLESS. It's being inserted to con at least a subset of the readership. If the writer really wanted to convey legitimate information he'd use legitimate adjectives - preschool, grade school, young adolescent, teenage... I'd call Zack and Alec around nine, ten and probably fraternal twins. I think we see enough face on Alec to determine that he's not identical to/with Zack.


...with cell phone usage while flying, dangerous stunts...

HOLY FUCKING SHIT! Cell phone usage while flying and dangerous stunts! It's absolutely astounding that these two young boys survived all that. Not entirely sure that's a good thing however - traumatized and deeply scared as they were and will be for the remainder of our lives.

...things that we would never even do ourselves...
Fuck no, Bob. WE would NEVER even do any of those things ourselves. Couldn't have expressed it that well even if you hadn't cut my Bob Show wire to make it a safe place for people of varying ages to visit. WE would NEVER even THINK of making a cell phone call in the air, touching a foot to the top of another wing (the way we used to see John Heiney doing on the magazine covers before he got fed up with all the fake safety dickheads like you screaming bloody murder all the time), pull on another wing's shroud lines (I still have nightmares from watching those parts).

How lucky humanity is to have you to speak on it's behalf and tell us all the things it would never do.
Davis Straub's "Oz Report" Conflict of Interest
Bob Kuczewski - 2011/03/09 02:33:49 UTC

This is going to sound cold, but I believe people have a right to make their own choices. I don't want a "nanny state" where anyone is telling me what I can and can't do ... for my own good. The sport of hang gliding would surely not exist if that thinking were carried to its logical extreme. There's something bred into all living things that urges them toward taking some degree of risk in their lives. Those who want to forbid that risk are essentially snuffing out the human spirit itself. I can't support that. I do support information. I support good information. I support exposing bad information. But I don't support dictating what anyone can or can't do. The fundamental principle of economics (and evolution) is two words: "people choose".
You're the vilest kind of hypocrite, Bob. Every time you open your mouth you've got a minimum of two dozen asterisks in reserve to prevent you from being pinned down on actual principles. And your absolute favorite asterisk is young children being incapable of making any decisions for themselves - needing a Joanna DelBuono to determine what they can and can't do up until the stroke of midnight at the beginning of their eighteenth birthdays.

These... These two pilots were engaging in, in reckless activities with two children on board - two San Diego children on board.

Tell me how it's possible for you to know they're San Diego children but not know they're BROTHERS - rather than "BUDDIES". If you know they're San Diego children then you know who their mother is. And if you know who their mother is then how come you don't have a statement from her expressing her outrage of having both her children almost killed as a consequence of all these dangerous stunts that we would never even do ourselves? Is there any possibility that she would deeply resent your presumption of being an infinitely better parent to her children than she is?

And u$hPa covers up for this.
Covers up for WHAT?
Yeah, yeah... You'll have... This is all on video. It's already recording now so our conversation will be on there too.
I think we might have got that on film. Did I already have the camera turned on for that?
Yeah, you did!
I DID. Oh wow. Just realized it.
I guess you get to take that video home. Haha. We're gonna hafta definitely make a copy of that.
Yeah, tell 'em I got that all on video.
Ya know, what I just realized too is those phone conversations are gonna be on the video too.
We'll hafta make a version with no sound so you can show your friends and family and them not hearing you talking about an emergency, haha.
Yeah. I called Jon from... After I launched I called Jon and told him he needs to come over.
That's gonna be on the video too.
This is gonna be the best frickin' video EVER.
Uh... When he put the glider right next to us I bit it.
You did?
Yeah. It was funny. It's on video.
This is gonna be one of the best videos - EVER. I just wish our accident and phone calls aren't in there. Hahaha. The stuff we did... Is that your brother or sister?
The stuff we did with your brother is uh... We've never captured on film before.
--- you think this is actually one of the best videos ever?
Yeah, this will be one of the best tandem videos fer sure. Definitely.
I wanna see this VIDEO.
It's gonna be AWESOME. You got a Facebook?
Definitely gonna hafta get in on there.
What's anybody trying to hide? Where are we seeing u$hPa SOPs being violated or FAA regs being broken? If something illegal is being portrayed how come you've made zero effort to have Brad and/or Max prosecuted?

See this motherfucker?:


He broke the law, put his despicable behavior on video, got charged, pled guilty. You can't do anything other than scream child endangerment 'cause nobody did anything illegal or even unethical with respect to the flights themselves. (Well, 'cept for that oversized helmet with which they stuck Zack. That really pissed me off. But you don't have a single word on that issue.) Two kids who were delighted by their experience, happy mom - versus a Barn Owl who was harassed, terrorized, stressed to the point that it may not have survived.

Brad's got zillions of hours of air and tandem time, he's about as skilled a flyer as you can get, he knows he's got a top notch video of a top notch tandem ride, he's obviously proud of it and his primary concerns are for Zack to get a copy maybe without the taint of the negative stuff and the gliderport to get the documentation of the crash. There's not the slightest hint of a desire to cover anything up.

On The Bob Show with one of your favorite pigfuckers...
Don't mess with Tx. chickens viewer discretion advised
Sam Kellner - 2012/11/29 02:14:13 UTC

We've had a hawk after the chickens for a week or so. The chickens were all in the thicket west of the grape arbor, hiding and making danger/alarm sounds.
I was outside and had the 20ga with #4 shot. I walked up near the grape arbor and after standing there ~5minutes, I saw the hawk sitting on the ground amongst some weeds, not 15ft in front of me.
I got a shot off but the dust flew and the hawk was a split second ahead of me. He got away!

This afternoon I was working on the RV area outback near the hen house. I heard a loud squalking commotion around in front of the house. I picked up the 20ga. and ran around the house, with the hammer cocked, thinking the hawk would be on top of a chicken.
What a surprise. The chicken was on top, the hawk was dazed. The hen was after his eyes. He was a goner. Image
The hen has two weekold chicks. The hawk got a third chick a couple of days ago.
We have named the hen Red Revenge!

...clearly violates federal wildlife protection laws. Gets pats on the back from a couple of your other pet dickheads and you do and say NOTHING.

And speaking of cover-up...
Platform towing /risk mitigation / accident
Sam Kellner - 2012/07/03 02:25:58 UTC

No, you don't get an accident report.
And that victim of Sam's shoddy incompetent operation injured himself a lot worse than Shannon herself.

Yest... Or Two days ago, Max Marien, the person that was involved in doing those dangerous stunts...
Those dangerous stunts that have been almost killing Gliderport tandem passengers for years but have never once resulted in a single individual being scratched - there or anywhere else on the planet in the history of the sport.
...AGAIN doing a tandem with a young child at Torrey Pines. This is outrageous.
So you keep telling everybody, Bob. Strange that not one single ACA tandem thrill rider or parent thereof has ever voiced a single public syllable supporting your position and you can't produce a single video of a tandem incident producing anything as serious as a bonked landing.

Robin Marien, his father, we all know him, runs the gliderport. Like father like son.

u$hPa will not provide meaningful oversight to protect the people of San Diego from reckless operations at the Torrey Pines gliderport.
Oh. That's how you know these were San Diego children. Only San Diego residents are permitted to take lessons, go for tandem rides, fly at the Torrey Pines gliderport.

u$hPa will not fix this.
u$hPa will not fix this.
Why must San Diego citizens join u$hPa to fly at our city park?
Fuck everybody else. It's just San Diego citizens we're talking about.

Reactivate the Torrey Pines City Park Advisory Board and free San Diego citizens from u$hPa's grip on our park.
Let's hear it for San Diego citizens!

You don't have to join an association to surf at our beaches.
You don't have to join an association to scuba dive at our beaches.
You don't have to use... join an association to golf at our parks.
You don't have to join a private organization to do anything in this city - except fly at Torrey Pines. That's outrageous.
This RFP needs to be reviewed by people who care about this gliderport before it is issued, Sherri Lightner.
This is one of many reasons The Bob Show is never gonna go anywhere.

Highland Aerosports was running a dangerous operation in clear and flagrant violation of u$hPa SOPs and FAA regs. (And you can't produce a shred of video evidence that ACA was doing the same - even if their training did suck and claim Shannon Hamby as a victim.) Every single flight they ever pulled had elements of deliberately built in severe threats to the pilots. As a consequence I NEVER ONCE felt safe lifting off outta that dump.

And you, as a u$hPa Board member, never lifted a fuckin' finger to help me in MY battle. All you really care about is you and your home turf.
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