Focused Pilot

General discussion about the sport of hang gliding
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Tad Eareckson
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Re: Focused Pilot

Post by Tad Eareckson »
Weaklinks - the HGFA rules
Davis Straub - 2008/04/22 14:47:00 UTC

Getting pilots into the air quickly is also safer as it reduces the stress that pilots feel on the ground and keeps them focused on their job which is to launch safely and without hassling the ground crew or themselves. When we look at safety we have to look at the whole system, not just one component of that system. One pilot may feel that one component is unsafe from his point of view and desire a different approach, but accommodating one pilot can reduce the overall safety of the system.
The Rob Kells Meet
Davis Straub - 2012/04/18 15:02:09 UTC

Mitch Shipley (T2C 144) crashed at launch after a weak link break. He tried to stretch out the downwind leg and then drug a tip turning it around and took out his keel (at least).
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Tad Eareckson
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Re: Focused Pilot

Post by Tad Eareckson »
USHPA - Members Only File Download
Jean Dry Lakebed Accident Report and Analysis - 2015/05/11

Although the tandem instructor had a parachute, no effort was made to throw the chute; it appeared that the instructor's focus during the lockout was exclusively on activating the release.
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Tad Eareckson
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Re: Focused Pilot

Post by Tad Eareckson »
Kinsley Sykes - 2010/03/18 19:42:19 UTC

In the old threads there was a lot of info from a guy named Tad. Tad had a very strong opinion on weak link strength and it was a lot higher than most folks care for. I'd focus carefully on what folks who tow a lot have to say. Or Jim Rooney who is an excellent tug pilot. I tow with the "park provided" weak links. I think they are 130 pound Greenspot.
2022/05/12 20:30:00 UTC

This is a total duplicate of:

Much too focused on this target.
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Tad Eareckson
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Re: Focused Pilot

Post by Tad Eareckson »

Hang Gliding - 2007/01

I had time for one S-turn and was on base leg preparing to turn unto final while focusing on the guy running across the field when WHAM! I slammed right into those power lines.
Steve Davy
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Re: Focused Pilot

Post by Steve Davy »
Target Fixation
Tom Lyon - 2016/07/21 16:53:40 UTC

Just sharing my target fixation anecdotes in case it might help someone else. I have always been respectful of the risk of target fixation, but haven't considered myself to be a likely candidate because I am very aware and am also a private pilot and have experience avoiding target fixation.

Well, I've had two modest target fixation incidents this summer and am reminding myself to be more aware and vigilant.

The first was a focus on the windsock for too long because the wind was switching in the LZ. I deviated away from flying into the pole in plenty of time, but I flew toward it longer than I should have.

The second was yesterday when I was sure I would land right on the target and was so excited. It would have been my first "perfect" landing. I lost track of my situational awareness as I closed in from 30 feet or so out from the target and just flew down to the ground. My feet were suddenly pulled out behind me from contacting the earth and I rolled in on my knees (and big wheels). I stopped paying attention to my altitude at the very end because I was so excited about making the target. I came to a stop abruptly, and not in the target circle.

I'm grateful to have gotten away with both of these mistakes without injury, but mindful to be a more focused pilot in the future.
That is some real good logic you got going on there, Tom.
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Tad Eareckson
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Re: Focused Pilot

Post by Tad Eareckson »
XC landings
Greg Angsten - 2018/09/07 17:10:10 UTC

OK, I'll 'fess up. After a glorious flight along the Sierras (as usual), I worked my way down the valley for awhile on light lift before deciding on this nice looking field I'd driven by and admired for years. Yes, it was green and being watered but it didn't look like any real crop was growing there and it seemed flat and the plants low. I saw the rolling watering contraption at the end but decided I had plenty of room to land so I cranked around the near end and went on final. I realized then I was a little high and landing in no wind at all and that I was going to be a little long. Focused totally on the approaching wheeled watering line, I went as far as I could and hit a hard flair. Not quite hard enough to stop me though as I was more focused on the pipe than on where my hands were. I popped up of course and then came down hard still with some forward motion and pounded hard. I ended up a few feet from the pipe alright, but twisted my left arm and elbow going through the frame, ending my flying for the weekend.

Making matters worse, I got up utterly covered in these needle-pronged burrs from head to foot.

My take-away? Don't break your routine of picking your target exactly and setting up an approach accordingly, even if you think you don't need to because maybe you do, and it will help your landing anyway.

...and also, avoid green fields unless you've walked on them.
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Tad Eareckson
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Re: Focused Pilot

Post by Tad Eareckson »
Low Turns to Final
pec1985 - 2016/12/23 07:07:58 UTC

Yeah... my fault. One thing I learned, don't let your mind go somewhere else. I was trying a different technique, and I was so focused on doing that, that didn't see the ground coming up so quickly.
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Tad Eareckson
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Re: Focused Pilot

Post by Tad Eareckson »
hard landing at HCR
Grant Hermann - 2017/06/29

For now I am focused on a full recovery.
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