open phones

General discussion about the sport of hang gliding
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Tad Eareckson
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Re: open phones

Post by Tad Eareckson »

Responding publicly to a short 2020/03/22 22:49:49 UTC PM from Brian checking to see if I still have a pulse...

Yeah, thanks, I'm no worse than usual so far - and I pray all other team members are too and stay that way. What's happening now on a global scale is incomprehensible. (Revenge of the bats and pangolins.) And - largely thanks to the way the hang gliding establishment has driven the sport into the ground - most of us remaining glider folk are in the target age range.

Since returning from Texas about a week shy of two months ago I've been working pretty obsessively on scope stuff - testing equipment, revising procedures, constantly editing the crap outta my scope article back on Page 2.

Glider stuff...

The sport's been controlled by incompetent douchebags since Day One and they got their douchebagginess honed to perfection at some point in the past half decade. There's almost nothing left to say that:
- hasn't been said a thousand times before
- will make any substantive difference

But this forum/association has a disproportionally powerful web presence and it's a huge comfort to me that we still have a small handful of individuals tuning in and standing by.
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Re: open phones

Post by miguel »

Glad you are fine. I was starting to worry.
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Tad Eareckson
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Re: open phones

Post by Tad Eareckson »

Thanks. A fair bit shy of fine but I may have to settle for several not real bad days a week. And I wonder about other Kite Strings contributors from whom we've heard nothing for years - from anywhere.

If you're logged in you're logged in as a Moderator - Kite Strings has eighteen, including four who've never once posted anything here - and when you click "Members" then "LAST ACTIVE" a couple times...

I've gone periods of weeks without posting but I'm virtually always checked in to at least look around.

Others of those of us who've been logged in so far this calendar year - Steve, Brian, Jan.

Sorry one has to be a logged in Moderator to check this - I'd prefer to have that capability totally public. May be possible to effect that in the Administrator Control Panel under "PERMISSIONS" but that territory scares me a bit and I have yet to get myself up to speed on it.
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Tad Eareckson
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Re: open phones

Post by Tad Eareckson »
How best to deal with the Worlds and the coronavirus
Michael Grisham - 2020/03/26 03:51:48 UTC

Seems pretty simple following the Good Lord's wisdom found in the Bible, Leviticus Chapter 11 as to what is healthy and what is unclean.

The origins of these resent pandemics are from the handling and consumption of unclean animals.

Ebola origins are from bats transmitted to primates and humans. The epidemic in 2003 of SARS-CoV-2 was from bats. In 2009 H1N1- Swine flu originated in pigs. The current outbreak of the Corona-virus is from bats. These are all unclean animals as "the Lord spake unto Moses and to Aaron".

In the not too distant past most human communities were fairly isolated and the threat of a Global Pandemic was remote, but in today's modern Global World Economy the transportation networks of people and goods provide an open pathway to spread these virus' around the world.

The answer is found in God's Word. Spread the Word not the virus
Bible Gateway Leviticus 11 :: NIV
Seems pretty simple following the Good Lord's wisdom found in the Bible, Leviticus Chapter 11 as to what is healthy and what is unclean.
Yeah, the Good Lord's wisdom. The Good Lord who thinks that THE bat - one species - is a type of BIRD. And insects have four legs. (The Good Lord didn't do all that well in biology and arithmetic.)
The origins of these resent pandemics are from the handling and consumption of unclean animals.
- As opposed to the pandemics we don't resent.

- Yeah, unclean animals. If it's on the list of clean animals there's no fuckin' way it can transmit anything unpleasant or lethal to humans. And if it's not on the clean list eating it is certain immediate death - clam, oyster, shrimp, lobster, catfish, eel, seal...

- So how come the Good Lord - in his infinite wisdom - created unclean animals? (Also mosquitos, deer flies, ticks, hookworms...)
Ebola origins are from bats transmitted to primates and humans.
Humans ARE primates - asshole. (That's why AIDS made such an easy hop from chimps to us folk.)
The epidemic in 2003 of SARS-CoV-2 was from bats. In 2009 H1N1- Swine flu originated in pigs.
How 'bout avian flu? Ducks and chickens aren't on the unclean list. Is someone who buys it from avian flu any less dead than someone who buys it from AIDS, SARS, H1N1, COVID-19?
The current outbreak of the Corona-virus is from bats.
The current outbreak could very well have originated by exposure from one bat - halfway around the world - infecting one human. And there's a really excellent chance that that one human was sick for a few days and recovered just fine - much better than any individual who's ever died from avian flu.
These are all unclean animals as "the Lord spake unto Moses and to Aaron".
Yeah, motherfucker? Well for now and until either COVID-19 is 100.00000... percent eradicated from the human population or the end of time WE are the unclean animals. Bats aren't the problem. Leave them the fuck alone and everything's fine as far as that's concerned. The deadly unclean animal is whatever other human gets within a four foot radius of you and breathes - or vice versa. So has the Good Lord put out any updates to guide us through that model? Or is He still fine with everybody cramming themselves maskless into churches once a week to sing His praises and kiss His ass?
In the not too distant past most human communities were fairly isolated and the threat of a Global Pandemic was remote, but in today's modern Global World Economy the transportation networks of people and goods provide an open pathway to spread these virus' around the world.
Bullshit. In the not too distant past the Egyptians, Greeks, Romans, Vikings were traveling all over significant chunks of the planet and bubonic plague was traveling with them with major devastating consequences.
The answer is found in God's Word. Spread the Word not the virus
The Word doesn't say anything about how not to spread the virus. Why should it? The virus was obviously a creation of God's 'cause he created everything. So this is obviously part of God's Plan - two hundred thousand deaths by the time I post this. All we needed was one individual from a culture and chunk of the planet in which God had zero interest while he was busy tuning in one of his Chosen People and every other individual affected could've spent his whole existence adhering to every letter God's Word and it wouldn't have made the least difference.

And I note you DO recognize viruses and their significance in these issues. So how come God didn't back then and hasn't even bothered to give us updates after the guys with the microscopes figured things out down to the last molecule?

And you got zero flak for this crap on the Davis/Jack/Bob Shows. I'm seeing so little hope for the planet and it's going to hell at such an incredible speed now.

First Kite Strings post in seventeen days. Pretty much zilch of any substance with respect to the sport happening on any other forum. Hope team members/contributors are getting through this astonishing phase of world history well enough.

P.S. Recently harvested some more Pokhara Dragonfly stills...

...from the other video.
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Tad Eareckson
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Re: open phones

Post by Tad Eareckson »
It's Hot
Bille Floyd - 2020/04/25 15:49:24 UTC

Weather man last night said :
It Never hit 100-F in Las Vegas since records have bin kept ; it's gonna do that this week.

Forget about the climate-change debate --- anybody , with the propensity for cognitive thinking ; can easily see that infestation of humans on planet earth , are screwing up their environment, really Bad , and it ain't sustainable.
Who'da thunk.
P.S. - 2020/04/26 14:45:00 UTC

My neck no longer appears to be healing. Things have gone south since the previous report but they haven't regressed too much toward the crippling level I was experiencing for a lot of last year.
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Re: open phones

Post by miguel »

Tad Eareckson wrote:And any tips on resisting and overthrowing fascist government and occupation will be greatly appreciated.
Tad Eareckson - 2020/07/17 17:00:00 UTC

I've moved this and the subsequent three posts here from the "flying" topic. (This is a response to:
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Tad Eareckson
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Re: open phones

Post by Tad Eareckson »

I did - in 2016. But because of an Electoral College dynamic in which a vote in Wyoming for Donald can count over four times as much as a vote in Maryland for Hillary and it's winner-take-all my vote counted for NOTHING. Nationally close to 66 million votes - a popular majority by a 3 million vote margin - counted for NOTHING. If we'd all stayed home and/or failed to mail it wouldn't have made any difference.

And as a consequence the world now has as its most powerful individual a dangerous fascist sociopath running and facilitating concentration camps from which undesirable racial and ethnic elements of varying ages are exiting feet first.

And I'm understanding more and more that a lot of the differences between the US and Nazi Germany have been and are largely matters of scale.
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Re: open phones

Post by miguel »

I hear you. Convince your nonvoting friends to vote.
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Tad Eareckson
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Re: open phones

Post by Tad Eareckson »

I don't have any nonvoting friends. What I'm hoping for is zillions of antimaskers packing Trump rallies and their churches in red, purple, and - for good measure - blue states.
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Re: open phones

Post by <BS> »

With friends like that, who needs enemies?

Mask wearing can bring the virus under control in 4-8 weeks. Anyone thinking we'll be any closer, to being in control, two months from now?
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