The Bob Show

General discussion about the sport of hang gliding
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Tad Eareckson
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Re: The Bob Show

Post by Tad Eareckson »
Goodbye Bob K?
Bob Kuczewski - 2015/03/26 11:55:32 UTC

Rich Hass seems to have gone silent as well.
They will control their kangaroo court, but they can't control the court of pilot opinion.
I'm not allowed to have representation, but you can bet that USHPA's lawyer, Tim Herr, will be involved.
How 'bout my Bob Show kangaroo court, Bob? You know, the one in which I'm being tried for a nonexistent crime by a hit team assembled by the prosecutor and includes the prosecutor with the prosecutor's vote being the only one that actually counts in which neither I nor anybody else can represent me or even hear what's going on? Fuck you.
USHPA members, this is being done in your name with your money. It' s time to speak out or this will become a precedent.
It became a precedent with me six years ago. You don't get credit for this one.
Mark G. Forbes - 2015/03/26 15:08:15 UTC
Ridgerodent - 2015/03/26 05:46:39 UTC

I find it interesting that Mgforbes has gone silent now that Bob has been allowed to publicly defend himself.
As I said up at the top of this thread, we are in the middle of an administrative process.
Fuck you. You're in the middle of a lynching.
There is a hearing on April 22...
Can't we move it up two days to coincide with Hitler's birthday?
...where BobK will be able to offer his written testimony and oral commentary, arguing against the board's...
...determination. I'm not going to comment in this forum on the merits of Bob's position while that process is pending.
Course not. You're much to ethical a person to do anything like that.
The appropriate place for his "defense" is the hearing before the board, not here.
1. Fuck you. I can't think of a LESS appropriate place for his ""defense"" from you sleazy pigfuckers.

2. Oh so Ridgerodent's gonna get to contribute to Bob's ""defense"" at the appropriate place before the lynching party? I thought you said:
You must represent yourself at the hearing - you may not have anyone else speak for you - and no one else may speak on your behalf.
If he has a compelling argument against the board's determination...
How do you know what the board's determination is gonna be without having heard Bob's ""defense""?
...that is the place to make it.
Yeah. 'Cept "he" and everyone else besides Bob is explicitly excluded from defending him.
Goddam sleazy piece o' shit.
Joe Faust - 2015/03/26 15:16:47 UTC

Image Jockey's Ridge, a place where banking right may be done at will.

Proposal for altered administrative process (just bank to the right):
Image Replace the expel motion with a motion to grant BobK a
"Certificate of High Honor for Exemplary Investment to Bring Positive Change to the Extant Org"...
noting, that when one is so very active doing good things, the reality of the imperfection of human stepping always occurs.
Be an org that finds the good in the lives of its members.
Categorize and explicate all the ideas that BobK has been working on during the last decade.
I really liked this one:
Lift and Tug Failure Near Death Experience
Bob Kuczewski - 2015/02/04 18:44:57 UTC

I don't know if this would work for all harnesses, but what about connecting the 'biner to your chin strap?
What did you think?
Focus on the good, even if challenging. Transparency in representation. Fairness. Equity. Safety.
Where do I go to find some of that stuff?
Who among the BOD could stand on a platform where imperfection was disallowed?
Any of the most active Kite Strings participants would have astronomically better shots than any one of the scumbags on the BOD.
Bob Kuczewski - 2015/03/26 15:32:47 UTC

Let me translate Mark Forbes's message.
I've already done that.
He wants to be sure this lynching by the USHPA board takes place on his turf under his rules with guiding input from Tim Herr and no input from USHPA members.

Davis is certainly not my fan, but I stand a thousand times better chance of getting a fair trial here than in than in USHPA's "court".

Does anyone dispute that? Anyone?

Additionally, I assert that the deck is already stacked, since the Directors who voted to bring the charges are the ones sitting in judgement as the "jury". How about a jury of my peers instead of a jury of my prosecutors?
Yeah, how 'bout that, Bob? Thought of going to Guiness and seeing if you could get some kind of recognition for hypocrisy?
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Re: The Bob Show

Post by Tad Eareckson »

Orion Price - 2014/03/07

Is it possible to remove Tad Eareckson's postulation from your server? He is a generally discounted crackpot whom doesn't advance much of anything.

He threatened to advise the FAA about our dangerous activities. After much discouragement from the USHPA, he still sent it in. His ill-lettered advice was unintelligible and disregarded by the FAA. His ASCII colored text is still found on your server. As a younger person trying to keep free flight alive, I request you stop publishing Eareckson's letters.

I hope you publish all factual and critical observations about our flight. I want to advance safer free flight. I don't want weirdos having an artificial pulpit.
Hey younger "person" trying to keep free flight alive...

I notice you haven't lifted a finger in protest of Bob's two arrests for being at a public park flying site and his expulsion from u$hPa for the reason that u$hPa feels like expelling him.

I'm guessing the reason you haven't lifted a finger is 'cause you've been buried in your efforts in trying to keep free flight alive. Any chance you could share with us your top ten accomplishments to date?
USHPA Expulsion Proceeding
Bob Kuczewski - 2015/03/23 18:28:53 UTC

As a side comment, I'll note that Tad ( also openly hates the US Hawks (for different reasons). But Tad has the decency to recognize and speak out when injustices are being committed - even to people he dislikes.
Why don't you tell us just how much "decency" this lying punk piece o' shit buddy of yours has, Bob?
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Re: The Bob Show

Post by Tad Eareckson »
Goodbye Bob K?
Andrew Vanis - 2015/03/26 17:32:26 UTC

They have no incentive to discuss it here.
And TONS of incentive not to.
They set the rules so they are what they are.
Yeah, they're the monopoly with near total control over "free" flight in the US so they set the rules so they are what they are. What are ya gonna do?
(How appropriate the rules are is maybe a related but a different discussion.
Which Bob won't be allowed to participate in as per his agreement with the Pigfucker In Chief over there.
BTW, nothing says you can't have your attorney helping you along, he/she just can't talk on your behalf)
Sure, sounds pretty reasonable to me. So about how much do you think you spend on YOUR attorney each month to be able to go to your local site and fly?
Did you choose to have an open or closed meeting? I wonder how they will let the USHPA members know that they can dial in and listen?
Who gives a flying fuck? How much about what the proceedings and result do you think there is that we don't already know?
from a posting of the letter further on this thread -
Whether the hearing is open or closed is entirely up to you. Unless, by April 17, 2015, you request that the hearing be closed, listen-only attendance at the hearing will be open to any USHPA member. At your request, the hearing will take place in closed session and attendance will be limited to directors, committee chairs and USHPA staff.
edit add-on (kinda funny and keep in mind its out of context) it is curious that Bob's name is not on the attendance list of the folks if he chooses a closed session?
There's nothing FUNNY about any of this.
Andrew Vanis - 2015/03/26 17:46:05 UTC

The USHPA does a lot to keep free flight active and possible in the US - FAA, etc.
Yeah, for tandem thrill ride operations.
However, for most pilots, the daily benefit is access to flying sites because of the liability insurance certificate that is required by the landowners to get on their land.
And if your flying site is a public airport and the criminals running the aerotow operation tell you to go fuck yourself then you just go fuck yourself.
It's been a few years since I last checked but if it is similar, a group can self-insure. So to get a $1millon policy, a group would round up $1million to put into an account where it would be invested for safety and/or growth and an insurance company would issue an insurance certificate to any party for $1million dollars of coverage using that account as security. If 1,000 members contribute $1,000 each you have your $1million. The crop dusters do this.

The money belongs to the members. The dues cover the admin and any claims. If the admin costs and claims are less than the dues or account growth than the insurance cert coverage can be increased, dues reduced, and/or money given back to members.

So the take away is - if it's the insurance that allows for flying access - it is a solvable situation.
And I'll be over here holding my breath while it gets solved.
Bille Floyd - 2015/03/26 17:52:47 UTC

Every so often , I get a letter from the USHPA, asking me to VOTE for the candidate, that would BEST represent , (("MY")) views, on how the club should be run .
It horrifies me that a fuckin' vegetable such as yourself is asked and allowed to vote on any issue of possible consequence.
SO -- :

1) Since the club officials were indeed voted in by the members of the USHPA ; in effect, your calling me part of the monopoly that your referring to ?
Yeah, that would be a fair statement.
2) Weren't you also a club official at one time ; what happened there ?
What the fuck does it matter?
3) Why would you allow yourself to be removed from the two forums in the USA, that could best be used as a vehicle to present your ideas ?
Kinda the same way that twelve year old Cleveland kid with the Airsoft pistol at the swing set allowed that cop to shoot him twice in the stomach. Or people captured by ISIS allow themselves to be immolated or beheaded.
Here is what i wrote, on a different Thread about Bob-K
I think he could have don a better job of getting his point across ; if he hadn't bin so aggressive.
Yeah, we read that semiliterate moronic crap once already.
A question to Bob here : "Based Strictly on your record thus-far ;Why would i want to support a guy , who apparently has a difficult time , getting along with other people who don't share his views" ??
You wouldn't, Bille. You'd just wanna support guys who apparently get along great with other people who share their views. Hitler was super at getting along with other psychopaths - for a while anyway.
Swift - 2015/03/26 18:04:19 UTC

3333 current hang gliding pilots and the investment would be $333 each. One time contribution.
10,000 non current u$hPa current member/pilots would be $100 each.
13333 pilots forming their own Hang Gliding Organization? Priceless!
Not under Bob's control.
Sign me up
Right back into the fire - very probably a worse one.
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Tad Eareckson
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Re: The Bob Show

Post by Tad Eareckson »
Goodbye Bob K?
Bob Kuczewski - 2015/03/26 18:51:53 UTC

Anyone interested in joining the US Hawks can start here:
And finish with an extended telephone screening by Emperor Bob, a loyalty oath, an agreement to work cooperatively with any and all Bob Show Members In Good Standing and compromise your positions as necessary, prying into your background to make absolutely certain that you won't do anything to make The Bob Show an unsafe place for people of varying ages to visit. But you can hit all the dump levers on fellow members and shoot all the hawks you feel like.
Lifetime membership is currently free (although insurance and other future benefits may require some fees).
My lifetime membership lasted three handed and seven days, eleven hours, fifty-two minutes, thirty-eight seconds.
When the number of members begins to approach what you and Andrew have listed, we will begin to address the insurance issue as you've both suggested. It might be a purchased policy or self-insured. We're open to either.
Whenever Bob says "we" he means "Bob".
By the way, the first item listed in USHPA's expulsion order is:
The behavior upon which the board has determined that you should be expelled from the association falls into the following categories:

1. Creation of at least two national hang gliding organizations with the stated purpose of competing with USHPA, one of which you currently control;
Jack controls the other one but he killed it so he's not being expelled - he's set for life. Plus he's got twenty times the loyal zombies you do so they know they can't afford to fuck with him.
USHPA obviously wants to make it painful for anyone offering any competition to their monopoly.
Davis Straub's "Oz Report" Conflict of Interest
Bob Kuczewski - 2011/02/12 06:56:36 UTC

Without naming names (I'm curious to see if they'll own up to it first), on May 10, 2009, one Director wrote:
We need to consider getting an injunction against this guy communicating with the FAA on this subject.
That same day, another Director responded:
I forwarded the letter to Tim Herr yesterday asking about this.
For those who don't know, Tim Herr is ... USHPA's lawyer!!

A third Director (who I'll call "Mr. X") chimed in that same day with this:
Perhaps a strongly worded letter from Tim will do the trick. We can't force Tad to work within the USHPA framework but we can make it unpleasant and expensive for him if he chooses to makes derogatory and false statements about USHPA to the FAA he can't back up.
...anyone who wants to be aerotowed safely and legally.
Does that help put this current expulsion in the proper perspective?
Sure. Now tell them all about the expulsion of T** at K*** S****** and put it in proper perspective. Spare no detail so's any Davis Show assholes will know exactly with whom they're getting in bed.
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Tad Eareckson
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Re: The Bob Show

Post by Tad Eareckson »
Goodbye Bob K?
Bob Kuczewski - 2015/03/26 19:04:26 UTC
Bille Floyd - 2015/03/22 00:56:13 UTC

Bob never did anything bad to me,
He should have. I think I've done my fare share and you can rest assured that I'll be ramping up at every opportunity.
(even lent me his glider at Torry once) ; but Dang , Ya got to know when to back-off a bit ?
Let me quote Barry Goldwater:
I would remind you that extremism in the defense of liberty is no vice!
And let me remind you also that moderation in the pursuit of justice is no virtue!
A question to Bob here : "Based Strictly on your record thus-far ;Why would i want to support a guy , who apparently has a difficult time , getting along with other people who don't share his views" ??
Please read the quote from Barry Goldwater again until you get it.
If this asshole were capable of getting anything he'd have gotten it by now.
Mark G. Forbes - 2015/03/26 19:04:36 UTC
Swift - 2015/03/26 18:04:19 UTC

Self insure a new organization

Answer to our out of control u$hPa Paragliding Corporation problem?
Simple math.
1000 pilots at $1000 each equals one million dollars.
Given about 3333 current hang gliding pilots, the investment would be $300 each. A one time contribution.
Considering about 10,000 non current u$hPa current former member/pilots, that investment would be only $100 each.
Given 13,333 unique, individual hang gliding pilots coming together, the one time cost would be only $75.
What' would the cost be to self insure ourselves and re-form the hang gliding organization we once had?
Sign me up
That's been edited/expanded.
For starters, I don't think there are 10,000 hang glider pilots out there, currently flying, who are not already USHPA members. Our total membership peaked in 2002 at around 11,000, after the initial surge in the early 70's, back when dues were two bucks and you got a newsletter only.
Instead of the load of glossy fictional Higher Education infomercial crap you put out now.
My estimate is that there are, at most, something under 1000 hang glider pilots around the country who are not already USHPA members, and many of those are expired members who rejoin periodically.
At least one of them is a blackballed-out-of-the-sport ex member who hates your fuckin' guts with an indescribable passion and wouldn't re-up with u$hPa with a gun to his head.
If there really were as many as you speculate, we'd notice that.
How'd ya do on noticing Terry Mason?
There's no evidence to support it.
How much evidence was there to support the invisible dust devil cited in your Zack Marzec fatality report?
You'll need to double your estimate, because our insurance is $1 million per incident, $2 million annual aggregate. That means you need to hold at least $2mil in escrow to cover potential claims in a year, and if you do get hit with a claim you'll need to re-fill the account. You also need to cover legal expenses on top of that, so budget another half-million for that expense if you end up having to defend a case through trial.

You also need to account for sites that require excess limits coverage, of $2mil to $5mil per incident with a corresponding annual aggregate. We buy that surplus lines coverage on a per-site basis, and it's expensive. It comes as part of the main policy, essentially as a 'rider' on the base coverage.

If you can scare up 13,000 disaffected hang glider pilots who want to form a new HG-only organization and self-insure, go for it!
Nah, you've crippled and killed too many hang glider people with your standup spot landings, standard aerotow weak links, releases within easy reach, and hang checks to leave us with anything viable. And if I were deliberately trying to kill off hang gliding - which you motherfuckers very obviously are - I'd find those all really useful tools.
Swift - 2015/03/26 19:10:09 UTC

Mark Forbes, I thought you weren't going to comment here until you were through with your little show trial?
Nah, he's just not gonna give any hints about what Bob is actually being charged with.
Swift - 2015/03/26 19:22:59 UTC
You also need to cover legal expenses on top of that, so budget another half-million for that expense if you end up having to defend a case through trial.
Now we're finally getting an idea of just how much our Paragliding Corporation lawyer Tim Herr, costs us.

So how much is your 'Bob K. Expulsion' show trial going to cost the membership, Mark G. Forbes?
I'll tell you what it's gonna cost every last individual on the current Board. I'll do everything within my power to make their lives as miserable as possible for as long as I'm able. And I CAN cause some significant misery out there. You can tell by how much I'm hated by a lot of the right people.
Is it really worth the expense, given the outcome has already been determined?
Davis Straub - 2015/03/26 19:30:35 UTC

Bob, I was there in the Cow Place when Barry (the first Barry who ran for President) delivered those lines. I had spent the previous week working in the press office at the Goldwater Headquarters in the Mark Anthony hotel in San Francisco.

You might think about the historical context within which those lines were delivered and interpreted.

He voted against the Civil Rights Act of 1964.
Bob Kuczewski - 2015/03/26 19:58:09 UTC

Hello Davis,

Let me again thank you for allowing me to defend myself in this forum. The fact that you allow discussion of this topic and the "other" major HG forum does not is a considerable credit to you.
Yeah, he's a really super guy, Bob - for a calculating self-centered sociopath with a lot of brain damage.
As for Mr. Goldwater's famous statement, I believe it stands on its own merit regardless of context.
And you've never been one to be real concerned about context anyway.
The part that's particularly applicable to Bille's comments is this:
... moderation in the pursuit of justice is no virtue!
'Specially when you don't feel that the damage done to unrepentant child molesters done by the justice system was really adequate.
That ideal was central to the founding of the United States at a time when many were calling for "moderation" to appease the King.
Really, Emperor Bob? Tell us more.
Brian Scharp - 2015/03/26 20:11:22 UTC

Shouldn't the predetermination be considered the major expense? How much could earplugs cost?
About two and a quarter for the really good ones.
Bob Kuczewski - 2015/03/26 20:24:03 UTC

There are many expenses in this action that have either not been considered or have been considered irrelevant when compared to USHPA's new goal of promoting paragliding over hang gliding. Torrey Pines is "Ground Zero" for the PG takeover of USHPA. With Rich Hass and Martin Palmaz at the helm, Does anyone predict anything different?
Quest Air on 2013/02/02 at about 15:00 was Ground Zero for the Hewett Infallible Weak Link, the Aerotow Industry Standard Aerotow Weak Link, and all thousands of pigfuckers riding on that bandwagon. We finally reached the critical monkeys and typewriters mass we needed to light up the skies with the requisite flash intensity. And you will NEVER find anybody talking about one G being a good rule of thumb or the long track record of 130 pound Greenspot ever again.

Hopefully they've gone too far on this one too.

I'd love to see one of you motherfuckers on Sixty Minutes, Mark G. Forbes. This one's so outrageous that something like that's not out of the range of possibilities. Too bad the hero of this story is also a sleazy calculating motherfucker.
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Tad Eareckson
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Re: The Bob Show

Post by Tad Eareckson »
Goodbye Bob K?
Andrew Vanis - 2015/03/26 21:11:19 UTC

IMHO, I have not seen a PG takeover of USHPA in terms of direction or motive.
Pull your head out of your ass and have another look.
In terms of members flying a certain craft, it is what it is these days.
Same with bent pin barrel releases and standard aerotow weak links. Just is what it is, has nothing to do with control of the marketplace.
Bob Kuczewski - 2015/03/26 21:15:31 UTC

Mark Forbes Behind People's Backs

A US Hawks member (Doug Martens) just posted part of a discussion with Mark Forbes dated earlier today:
USHPA Expulsion Proceeding

Here's part of that message:
Doug Martens - 2015/03/26 21:21:48 UTC
Mark G. Forbes - 2015/03/26 05:27

BobK spins a tale, but his actions have the potential to cause some huge increases in OUR insurance rates if his testimony results in our waiver being overturned in a California court. That's really what has pushed the board to act; we evaluated his testimony as an "expert" witness, and the conclusion of the board was that he has misrepresented the facts and testified to falsehoods before the court. He said things under oath which are not true, in order to aid a lawsuit against a USHPA member.
There it is in black and white. There's USHPA attempting to convince someone that Bob Kuczewski's actions threaten hang gliding and paragliding for everyone.

What Mark Forbes doesn't mention is that I've been asking USHPA to fix the problems at Torrey Pines for the better part of a decade.
How much work do you think I did to get something in the way of sane and legal weak links up in the air and both ends of the rope? And what was my personal cost - and reward - for that?
But USHPA didn't fix them and someone got badly injured.
They didn't fix the Davis Link issue either and then one of their pet pro toad motherfuckers got badly killed in a freak accident caused by air that was just a good solid bump for the fuckin' Dragonfly that flew through it five seconds earlier.
The injured pilot is suing Air California Adventure and Air California Adventure's insurance company may have to pick up the tab. It turns out that I think it's the same insurance company that covers USHPA (Mark could confirm this, but he'll probably dodge it).
Same way you dodge everything in which any answer you give will end up getting you screwed.
So the reality is that it's USHPA's own failure to heed my warnings about Air California Adventure's practices that have caused both the injury and the lawsuit.
I love it when that happens - as long as the victim was part of the problem anyway.
Yet Mark Forbes (and USHPA) want to turn around and cover USHPA's own failure to act by expelling me. USHPA is dirty. Mark Forbes is dirty.
Bob Show and Bob are dirty too.
Bob Kuczewski - 2015/03/26 21:19:05 UTC

Self insure a new organization
Andrew Vanis - 2015/03/26 21:11:19 UTC

IMHO, I have not seen a PG takeover of USHPA in terms of direction or motive. In terms of members flying a certain craft, it is what it is these days.
The Torrey Pines Soaring Council has sever member organizations and USHPA is one of them.

Out of all seven members, over the last ten years, take a guess as to the average number of active Torrey Pines hang gliding pilots on that Council.
Is this a joke ?
Jim Rooney - 2011/08/31 09:25:57 UTC

But you see... I'm the guy you've got to convince.
(or whoever your tug pilot may be... but we all tend to have a similar opinion about this)

You've not heard about strong-link incidents.
Uh, yeah... cuz we don't let you use them.
What's really threatening the sports of hang gliding and paragliding at Torrey Pines (and elsewhere) is USHPA failing to act responsibly toward a paragliding concessionaire that has been out of control for decades. It was only a matter of time until someone got badly injured due to USHPA turning their back on safety at Torrey and now the insurance company is picking up the tab.
Well, now that you got the Bob Kuczewski Mandatory Setup Area Helmet Use Regulation in place incidents like that one should be far behind us.
But USHPA will do what USHPA always does ... shoot the messenger.
No shit, Bob. What you 2009 BOD motherfuckers did to me to preserve your dangerous practices in hang gliding and settle the Tad Matter without any serious damage to the sport. Fuck you.
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Tad Eareckson
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Re: The Bob Show

Post by Tad Eareckson »
USHPA Expulsion Proceeding
Doug Martens - 2015/03/26 20:21:48 UTC

I will post part 1 of the messages if you agree to debate MForbs on just the specific issue of the tie downs and Barton.
You would be doing Sylmar/Yosemite and Hang gliding if you both did. I shaved off completely my long hair when Barton's sister was sick to help.
Bud Rob and OP pledged money to a "mental health" fund after I mentioned a crazy theory of "Quetzalcoatl Aztec Mormon Christ whale God possession(entity attachment)of San Diego"
This fund could pay the additional $300/year needed to eliminate "Ushpa" from their life if that's what they need to get better and return to the sport.
MForbes offers his opinion that you are Crazy, thus eligible for the subsidy.
Here is part 1 of his message.
Mark G. Forbes - 2015/03/26 05:27

USUA insurance

Hi Doug,


BobK spins a tale, but his actions have the potential to cause some huge increases in OUR insurance rates if his testimony results in our waiver being overturned in a California court. That's really what has pushed the board to act; we evaluated his testimony as an "expert" witness, and the conclusion of the board was that he has misrepresented the facts and testified to falsehoods before the court. He said things under oath which are not true, in order to aid a lawsuit against a USHPA member. He did this (I think) because of his long-standing grudge against the flight park management, going back ten years or more. His actions have threatened the flight park, disrupted lessons for students and have the potential to threaten our insurability in the future. Bob styles himself as an "expert" on all things instruction-related, but his testimony is in conflict with the consensus of many instructors on the board and elsewhere. The plaintiff's lawyers had to fish around quite a while before they found someone to sign the statement that they're using, because the real instructors that they asked wouldn't agree that what they said was true. But then there's BobK...not an instructor, but happy to sign anything that would dish some dirt at his "enemy". According to his own testimony, the whole feud started when he wanted to have video taken of his first PG flight and the flight park people told him "no". They didn't want him distracted on his first PG solo by a camera. He refused to fly unless he was filmed, and they said no, and the whole feud has snowballed from there. Crazy, huh?

Anyhow, believe whomever you want to. After ten years of dealing with the guy, trying to reason with him and getting nowhere, I don't think there's any way to persuade him to change his behavior and it's only getting worse. I wish he'd get some help, because he badly needs it. Not according to him of course, and that's the root of the problem.

BobK spins a tale, but his actions have the potential to cause some huge increases in OUR insurance rates if his testimony results in our waiver being overturned in a California court.
Name some people who fly hang gliders whose actions...

02-00007 - 05-00123 - 20-00727

...DON'T have the POTENTIAL to cause some huge increases in YOUR insurance rates.
That's really what has pushed the board to act...
Wow. Something pushed the board to act on something. And it wasn't even The Second Coming. So cite the last occasion when the board acted on something in response to somebody getting killed as a consequence of shit procedures, instruction, equipment.
...we evaluated his testimony as an "expert" witness...
"We" who?

Did any of you off-the-scale stupid pigfuckers evaluate that crap on magic fishing line that the douchebags from Cloud 9 spammed fourteen pages of the 2012/06 magazine with? Was this:
Bad Launch!
Ryan Voight - 2012/09/26 14:23:55 UTC

Running to the right = weight shift to the right.

It's all about what the glider feels. Running to the right pulls the hang loop to the right, just like when you weight shift at 3,000 ft. Glider doesn't know or care what means you used to pull the hang loop to the right.
...lying asshole involved in the evaluation process?
...and the conclusion of the board was that he has misrepresented the facts and testified to falsehoods before the court.
1. So then why didn't you have Tim go in and reveal him as the perjurer he is?

2. And I guess none of us muppets are qualified enough to hear what these misrepresentation of facts were and this false testimony was - so why bother telling the membership any specifics.

3. And of course this stuff was miles over the heads of the judges, lawyers, jurors of the court and it goes without saying that the defendants didn't have a snowball's chance in hell of discrediting a shred of this blatant deceit.
He said things under oath which are not true, in order to aid a lawsuit against a USHPA member.
Of course he did. You just told us he did. We trust you and we certainly not gonna insult you by asking for an example or anything.
He did this (I think) because of his long-standing grudge against the flight park management, going back ten years or more.
Well yeah. That would certainly be his motivation for doing all these things we know he did because you just told us he did them.
His actions have threatened the flight park, disrupted lessons for students...
Any examples, specific incidents, EVIDENCE we get to hear or see? Just kidding.
...and have the potential to threaten our insurability in the future.
Bob styles himself as an "expert" on all things instruction-related, but his testimony is in conflict with the consensus of many instructors on the board...
Like this one?:
pro tow set-up
Ryan Voight - 2009/11/03 05:24:31 UTC

It works best in a lockout situation... if you're banked away from the tug and have the bar back by your belly button... let it out. Glider will pitch up, break weaklink, and you fly away.

During a "normal" tow you could always turn away from the tug and push out to break the weaklink... but why would you?

Have you never pondered what you would do in a situation where you CAN'T LET GO to release? I'd purposefully break the weaklink, as described above. Instant hands free release Image
...and elsewhere.
Like this one?:
Is this a joke ?
Bart Weghorst - 2011/08/28 20:29:27 UTC

Now I don't give a shit about breaking strength anymore. I really don't care what the numbers are. I just want my weaklink to break every once in a while.
The plaintiff's lawyers had to fish around quite a while before they found someone to sign the statement that they're using, because the real instructors that they asked wouldn't agree that what they said was true.
So what do your "REAL" instructors know about safety?
Stop the Stupids at the USHPA BOD meeting
Mark G. Forbes - 2011/09/29 02:26:23 UTC

We can establish rules which we think will improve pilot safety, but our attorney is right. USHPA is not in the business of keeping pilots "safe" and it can't be. Stepping into that morass is a recipe for extinction of our association. I wish it were not so, but it is. We don't sell equipment, we don't offer instruction, and we don't assure pilots that they'll be safe. Even so, we get sued periodically by people who say we "shoulda, coulda, woulda" done something that would have averted their accident.

It's not just concern for meet directors and policy's about our continued existence as an association. It's about minimizing the chance of our getting sued out of existence. We're one lawsuit away from that, all the time, and we think hard about it. I would LOVE to not have to think that way, but every time a legal threat arises, it reminds me that we have a very dysfunctional legal system in this country (note: not a "justice" system...there's little justice involved) and we have to recognize that reality and deal with it.
u$hPa isn't in the business of keeping pilots "safe". You don't sell equipment, offer instruction, or assure pilots that they'll be safe. All that's pretty fuckin' obvious when one goes to ANY flying site. Furthermore...
Increase in our USHpA dues
Mark G. Forbes - 2012/12/20 06:21:33 UTC

We're re-working the accident reporting system, but again it's a matter of getting the reports submitted and having a volunteer willing to do the detail work necessary to get them posted. There are also numerous legal issues associated with accident reports, which we're still wrestling with. It's a trade-off between informing our members so they can avoid those kinds of accidents in the future, and exposing ourselves to even more lawsuits by giving plaintiff's attorneys more ammunition to shoot at us.

Imagine a report that concludes, "If we'd had a procedure "x" in place, then it would have probably prevented this accident. And we're going to put that procedure in place at the next BOD meeting." Good info, and what we want to be able to convey. But what comes out at trial is, "Ladies and Gentlemen of the Jury, my client suffered injury because USHPA knew or should have known that a safety procedure was not in place, and was therefore negligent and at fault." We're constantly walking this line between full disclosure and handing out nooses at the hangmen's convention.
Whenever you became aware that you have a dangerous procedure and that there's a solid safe fix for it you kill off the fix and redouble your promotion of the lethal shit. So where the fuck do you come off implying that ANY u$hPa "instructors" have the slightest clue as to issues regarding safety of any kind?
But then there's BobK...not an instructor, but happy to sign anything that would dish some dirt at his "enemy".
Oh. Bob's not an INSTRUCTOR.
Bob Kuczewski - 2014/07/23 17:14:21 UTC

I have a Bachelor of Science degree in Aeronautical and Astronautical Engineering, and I worked for two years at a commercial grade wind tunnel.
And he has Advanced hang and para glider ratings from you assholes but if some Hang Three twat spends too and a half days getting signed off by some asshole like Bart Weghorst that obviously trumps all of Bob's qualifications.
According to his own testimony, the whole feud started when he wanted to have video taken of his first PG flight and the flight park people told him "no".
That's odd. All the tandem thrill ride operators I know about LOVE having cameras on their "students" and charging them an extra thirty bucks for the card.
They didn't want him distracted on his first PG solo by a camera. He refused to fly unless he was filmed, and they said no, and the whole feud has snowballed from there.
Apparently he flew at some point. He's got a Four since 2006/04/11. So was it with or without a camera and, if the later, was he able to survive?
Crazy, huh?
Yeah, crazy. Guess that's why all the other people who despise the Jebb Gang despise the Jebb Gang.
Anyhow, believe whomever you want to.
Thank you, Mark. Since we've seen Bob's photographic evidence and there's been a court finding in his favor and all you've given us is a load of vague unsubstantiated hearsay bullshit and I know a lot about your bullshit background I'll go with Bob.
After ten years of dealing with the guy, trying to reason with him and getting nowhere, I don't think there's any way to persuade him to change his behavior and it's only getting worse.
Well then. I don't think you really have any choice other then to expel him from u$hPa on a bunch of total bullshit charges in a total bullshit show trial and effectively end his hang and para gliding careers.
I wish he'd get some help, because he badly needs it.
Oh good. Just what u$hPa needs. Another amateur psychiatrist.
Not according to him of course, and that's the root of the problem.

I hate his guts and you can suck my dick, Mark.
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Tad Eareckson
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Re: The Bob Show

Post by Tad Eareckson »
Goodbye Bob K?
Swift - 2015/03/26 22:59:39 UTC

Mark Forbes Talking Out of School
Mark G. Forbes - 2015/03/26 05:27

BobK spins a tale, but his actions have the potential to cause some huge increases in OUR insurance rates if his testimony results in our waiver being overturned in a California court.
The Tandem Waiver from the FAA? I don't think so but likely the Jebb$ will have to find another job.
That's really what has pushed the board to act; we evaluated his testimony as an "expert" witness, and the conclusion of the board was...
"Conclusion of the board was..."
...that he (Bob K.) has misrepresented the facts and testified to falsehoods before the court.
What facts? What specific falsehoods?
We can't discuss facts and specific falsehoods because we have an administrative process pending. Whoever heard of discussing facts and specific falsehoods when we have an administrative process pending? You nuts or sumpin'?
He said things under oath which are not true...
Lied about things is pretty vague. Everything I read in the Expulsion letter was your opinion against Bob K's opinion.
Can the corporate lawyer prove any of this in a real court?
If he could donchya think he would - asshole? Why do you think this is being handled in an administrative process that makes it unable for Mark to comment on because it's pending?
The Jebb Joyride corporation has been shown to lie in court.
Surely the USHPA Corporation Board of Directors aren't using them for expert witnesses when they made their decision to expel Bob K, did they? (Need we ask?) aid a lawsuit against a USHPA member.
Mark Forbes says that Bob K. is lying "against a USHPA member" when he really should have said 'lying against a Corporation' that might have harmed a member. Big difference.
Or 'telling the truth against a Corporation' that might have harmed a member. That would probably have constituted an even bigger difference.
Ironically, USHPA defends the paragliding corporation that lied against Bob K. in a real court, and lost.

Tim Herr lost that argument and now he is spending who knows how much of our membership money to punish Bob K. for beating that corporation's false accusations in a legitimate court.

USHPA backs the corporation that lost and now accuses, (BOD's opinion based on testimony from discredited paragliding corporation) Bob K. of lying about all kind of vague and various things, and convenes a star chamber to prove it.

Save us the money Mark!
Just send the certified letter that tells Bob he's off the island.
The decision has already been made.
Finalize it and get this part over with.

Add a kangaroo to the USHPA logo while you're at it!
Steve Forslund - 2015/03/26 23:11:03 UTC

Bob you are a liability as far as I am concerned to many of us in our pursuits to fly. Your insistence in poking the bear instead of just showing up and flying at Torrey (which plenty of others do with no problem) and desire to change the gliderport operations at any cost is why this has all come about.
Go fuck yourself, Steve.
Is the hearing open?
Why would Mark even know who the gliderport is insured by?
The Jebb Gang Members might have said something in their sleep that Mark might have overheard.
Swift, Mark said he wasn't going to address Bob's situation which he didn't.
Yes. Magnificently.
So what are the Hawks these days? What have they done for flying, site development, events, anything?
They made it a safe place for people of varying ages to visit. That should count for sumpin'.
Is it a real organization or just an idea that was easy to click and join?
No, it's a real organization that, unlike other organizations, really does honor the free speech of its members - just as long as the free speech and its members are approved of by Bob.
Swift - 2015/03/26 23:30:35 UTC

The question is liability
Bob you are a liability as far as I am concerned to many of us in our pursuits to fly.
USHPA could go broke tomorrow and your ability to fly will not have changed one iota.
It's called Part 103 in the FAA Regulations and pertains to Ultralight Aircraft.
(your) desire to change the gliderport operations at any cost is why this has all come about.
What you should have said, 'your desire to change the gliderport operations at -great- cost is why this has all come about.
Is the hearing open?
We're having an open hearing, Court of Pilot Opinion, as we speak. Thank you for your testimony.
Why would Mark even know who the gliderport is insured by?
Mark Forbes knows everything but at this point, what difference does it make?
Swift, Mark said he wasn't going to address Bob's situation which he didn't.
Mark has said enough already.
Steve Forslund - 2015/03/27 0:17:26 UTC

I know all about 103 and have flown with and without USHPA membership over the years. I do fly some sites that would never be open without USHPA insurance and site insurance, I wish that was not true but it is. I also know land owners that welcome USHPA members flying on their land due to our waiver and insurance and that is not much to ask.

Swift have you ever posted on this forum on any other subjects?
1. Do your fucking homework.
2. What's the possible relevance of that question?
Joe Faust - 2015/03/27 00:24:46 UTC

Swift record in OR:
Davis Straub - 2015/03/27 01:02:36 UTC

You are NOT a GENLEMAN. You're a sleazy lying, sociopathic, serial killing son of a bitch, your lousy dump doesn't cater to gentleman and your "rules" are total jokes.
Let's be sure to keep the tone here helpful.
How'd ya like that for a helpful tone - asshole?
Personal attacks really should be toned down.
Why? What's that supposed to accomplish? This whole tub o' shit is NOTHING BUT personal. Ramp up the personal attacks until the right assholes are destroyed.
I'd like us to stick to the issues.
Who's "US", Davis. I don't hear you contributing anything of any significance or substance - per usual.
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Tad Eareckson
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Re: The Bob Show

Post by Tad Eareckson »
Goodbye Bob K?
Bob Kuczewski - 2015/03/27 01:07:38 UTC

Note: This post was written in response to Steve's post before I read the post by Davis above.
What's it matter? You've always been big into agreeability and compromise.
Bob you are a liability as far as I am concerned to many of us in our pursuits to fly.
Please try to actually read what's been written.
He doesn't read all of those long winded "explanations".
I have been asking USHPA to fix the problems at Torrey for years.
Good job, Bob. Too bad you never gave the slightest flying fuck about the problems at all of the aerotow sites.
At most of our sites, we have clubs which have officers and elections and meetings and if there are problems, there's a process for getting them resolved.
Suspend Tad for three months and keep flying Rooney Links until some pro toad gets killed.
There's no such thing at Torrey Pines. It's a business operating in a City Park with a "sweetheart" deal engineered by former San Diego police officer David Jebb. The closest we have to any oversight by the pilots is the Torrey Pines Soaring Council where USHPA is one of seven equal members.
How much longer is this long winded "explanation" gonna go on?
Are you still with me Steve?
No, He doesn't have time to read everything that everyone asks him to read.
But the USHPA representative has done NOTHING to fix the problems for years and years and years. So the pilots who are supposedly "represented" by USHPA would be just as well off being represented by an empty chair.
Can I have an empty chair represent me at my Bob Show banning administrative process?
Do you understand that Steve?
Try starting with two plus two equals something under ten and working from there.
So with virtually no oversight from the Soaring Council, the concessionaire pretty much does what he wants. He makes the rules, he breaks the rules, and he gets away with it because no one is watching.
Just like on the Jack, Davis, and Bob Shows.
There have been a long list of abuses, accidents, and even a recent death which have gone virtually uninvestigated because USHPA won't lift a finger to "interfere" ... which raises the question of why they're even on the Soaring Council (other than as a cheer leader for the concessionaire).

The concessionaire has generally gotten away with this because they bully anyone who speaks up.
NO! REALLY? What do they do? Call people unrepentant child molesters?
But a few years ago they ended up injuring a young woman student who was learning to fly paragliders through their school. The case is still pending in court, but a bunch of "USHPA loyalists" lined up to testify that everything was being done properly...
Just like it was at Hang Glide Chicago on 2005/09/03 and at Quest on 2013/02/02.
...and there was a chill on anyone who might testify otherwise.
Poll on weaklinks
Jim Rooney - 2013/03/05 19:42:58 UTC

So you know what happened then?
OMG... thank you for your expert accident analysis. You better fly down to FL and let them know. I'm sure they'll be very thankful to have such a crack expert mind on the case analyzing an accident that you know nothing about. Far better data than the people that were actually there. In short... get fucked.

I'm tired of arguing with crazy.
As I said many times... there are those that listen with the intent of responding... you unfortunately are one.

You've done a great job of convincing me never to tow you.
Thank you for that.
Mission accomplished.
In the fall of 2014, I stepped up to offer my own testimony about the things I've seen at the Gliderport. Tim Herr grilled me for almost eight hours, and the subsequent arrests, attempted restraining orders, and now this USHPA banning have been the result.
Booooring... Wrap it up.
The proof is fairly obvious that if anyone dares to stand up for justice at Torrey Pines, they will get the kind of retaliation that I've gotten.
Like I got in 2009 from you BOD assholes and my local Torrey.
Do you get all that Steve?

So now Steve's question arises, "Who is the liability to our sports?"

Is it (A) the people who are causing the problems (Torrey Pines Concessionaire)?
Is it (B) the people covering up the problems (USHPA)?
Is it (C) the people injured by the problems?
Is it (D) the person who's been trying to get oversight at Torrey since 2007?
I just tell these Steve Forslund types to go fuck themselves. If they had the slightest interest in understanding anything they'd have understood it a decade or so ago.
USHPA's lawyer says it's "D".

What do you say Steve?

Regarding your other points, you may just be ignorant of the facts.
Nah, he's just a douchebag not worth talking to.
I'll just use this one as an example:
Why would Mark even know who the gliderport is insured by?
Let's ask him if he knows who the Gliderport is insured by, and see what he says. Mark, do you know?
So what are the Hawks these days? What have they done for flying, site development, events, anything? Is it a real organization or just an idea that was easy to click and join?
If you're talking about the Torrey Hawks, we're USHPA Chapter #270, and we've been holding a long list of public outreach events and monthly fly-ins since we were founded in 2007. The Torrey Hawks was chosen by the San Diego City Council to represent the sport of hang gliding on the Torrey Pines City Park Advisory Board. It's quite likely that the Torrey Hawks members elected me to replace David Jebb as Regional Director for Region 3 by something like 121 to 98. Our President is Jacmac (see post on first page) and Members of the Torrey Hawks (including Jacmac) showed up for every day of my trial, and many of them testified as to the abuses they've suffered and witnessed at Torrey Pines. These are people who took a day off from work, drove to downtown San Diego, paid for parking, and sat in a courtroom for two to six hours day after day after day. That's a lot more dedication than "an idea that was easy to click and join", and your characterization demonstrates your bias and your ignorance in the matter.
OK, Steve, I've answered all your questions. So why don't you tell us what you know about Torrey Pines? How often do you fly there? How often do you visit there? What information do you get first hand, and what information do you get by word of mouth?
Is he done now?
Scott C. Wise - 2015/03/27 01:31:22 UTC

Bob K showed up at the San Diego City Park known as Torrey Pines (a PUBLIC park) and got arrested for trespassing (???? on public land ????) after video taping some PG training activities. I wonder HOW many tourist visiting the park do just that?

In the course of videoing, Bob K had the CRIME of Assault and Battery committed against him. By who? Gabriel Jebb, that's who - one of the THUGS at Air California Adventure Inc. On an earlier date, the same or some other Air California Adventure Inc. "staff" failed to properly supervise two PG students (one with absolutely NO USHPA PG rating) leading to the one who HAD a USHPA PG rating being seriously injured.

Sorry but you come off as simply ignorant when you call Bob K a "liability . . . in our pursuits to fly". A person who works to improve a situation is a POSITIVE ASSET. Look that up if you don't understand the terms. But I do like your description of Air Adventure California Inc. as a bear. Not one of the cuddly trained bears either - but the wild type that threaten human life.
Yeah, the wild type of bears are so much more of threats to human life than the humans are to wild bear life.
That fits well here. Hey, you may have potential after all! Image
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Tad Eareckson
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Re: The Bob Show

Post by Tad Eareckson »
Goodbye Bob K?
Bob Kuczewski - 2015/03/27 01:42:36 UTC

Do you remember the spring 2010 USHPA Board meeting? Do you remember that you actually let out a "whoop" when the USHPA Board voted to pass this:
Bob Kuczewski's Motion to Amend the Chapter Support Report: To ask USHPA's representative on the TPSC to work to increase our sports' representation on the Torrey Pines Soaring Council to bring our total HG/PG representation from two to three so we will have the same number of HG/PG representatives as the RC clubs have.

The motion to amend passes twelve in favor, ten against
I remember it like it was yesterday. Image
Nice restraint on the smilies, Bob.
That was a big moment, and if USHPA had carried out it's commitment, then many things might have been different (including the injuries and lawsuit that's been discussed in this topic).
So how's the SouthWest Texas Chapter of The Bob Show been doing in the injuries department?
But USHPA didn't carry it out. To this date there are still only two representatives on the Soaring Council to represent the TWO sports of hang gliding and paragliding (essentially two for paragliding and none for hang gliding). Yet there are two representatives for the ONE sport of sailplaning, and there are three representatives for the ONE sport of RC flying. USHPA didn't "work" to increase our representation at all (as the USHPA Board had voted) because the "USHPA insiders" didn't want the Torrey Hawks (a hang gliding club) to have any say as to what's going on at Torrey.
The way I've got no say on The Bob Show 'cause Bob wants it to be a safe place for people of varying ages to visit.
And yet they want to turn around and say that I'm the problem at Torrey, and I'm threatening the site? What a joke.

The bottom line is that USHPA failed to do anything to provide oversight at Torrey Pines and to protect the safety and fairness of the pilots who fly there. Eventually someone got hurt because there was no oversight (is anyone surprised?).
Platform towing fatality in Leakey, Texas
Gregg Ludwig - 2012/06/23 20:15:21 UTC

What is that saying?..."He does the same thing over and over but expects different results."
Platform towing /risk mitigation / accident
Sam Kellner - 2012/07/03 02:25:58 UTC

No, you don't get an accident report.
Now their insurance company is getting sued, and they want to blame that on me?

Sorry, I'm the one guy who is NOT to blame.
Scott MacLeod - 2015/03/27 02:28:51 UTC

I don't know Bob and I've flown Torrey once so I'm an expert on neither. However, if Bob's gripes with Torrey and USHPA end up adversely affecting my ability to fly the sites I like to fly I will not be happy.

I have met a couple USHPA folks and none of them have struck me as asshats. Therefore, for selfish reasons, I'm behind whatever decision USHPA makes. I appreciate their efforts keeping our flying sites open, especially the few I fly at.

And that's all I have to say about that...
Here's about all I have to say about you... Eat shit and die you stupid disgusting little Davis Show twat.
Bob Kuczewski - 2015/03/27 02:50:11 UTC

Hi Scott, I don't think I know you either, but your post is somewhat of a "shoot the messenger" comment. How does the following sound as a substitute?

"If USHPA's failure to provide oversight of a paragliding school ends up adversely affecting my ability to fly the sites I like to fly, I will not be happy."

It's always important to look for the root causes of problems and not be distracted by the long sequence of events that follow from those root causes.

Having USHPA fix the real problems at Torrey will reduce insurance costs, reduce deaths and injuries, and provide fairness to HG and PG pilots who fly there.

Expelling Bob doesn't solve any of those problems.

Guess which one USHPA looks most willing to choose?
Keep being civil to shit like that, Bob. See where it gets you.
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