The Bob Show

General discussion about the sport of hang gliding
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Tad Eareckson
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Re: The Bob Show

Post by Tad Eareckson »
Bad news for for the premier site in Hawaii
Rich Jesuroga - 2015/03/23 01:21:24 UTC


You may disagree with the President - regardless of who is in office - I often do. But your rant is filled with racism, bigotry (a person who is obstinately or intolerantly devoted to his or her own opinions and prejudices; especially : one who regards or treats the members of a group (as a racial or ethnic group) with hatred and intolerance) and hate. Racism, bigotry and hate are not American values.
Since when?
A great number of black AMERICAN men and women fought and died to protect your freedom. You are not an American patriot. Far from it. And it is people like you who cause people like me to not want to post to this site.
Looks like he made you want to post this one to this site.
Ignore "SoarHATEhours"...... click!
He's one of the last people I wanna ignore.
Nic Welbourn - 2015/03/23 02:59:27 UTC

WTF soar8hours Image
This is totally the wrong place to share your racist hatred.
What's totally the RIGHT place? And what's wrong with The Jack Show for sharing racist hatred? The "community" didn't seem to have much of problem with:
dont be a fag

its author, and the assholes who went along with it.

Me? I'm glad he shared it. Just as I'm glad Bob "shared":
Bob Kuczewski - 2012/01/15 17:26:13 UTC

Statistically, there's much less chance of chance of doing damage in that situation. That doesn't make it right either, but since you're using more faulty logic (if SHE did it, then it MUST be OK), then in the context of that faulty logic, her crime is less severe than yours.
I really like knowing whom I'm dealing with. Knowing makes the dealing with a whole lot more efficient.
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Re: The Bob Show

Post by Tad Eareckson »
Bad news for for the premier site in Hawaii
Enos - 2015/03/23 05:02:05 UTC

Don't often comment but have to add that the racist (not to mention tin foil hat wearing) rant in this thread is deplorable.
Couldn't possibly be. If it were don't you think the Administrator would've taken appropriate action?
Tom Emery - 2015/03/23 05:38:53 UTC
San Diego

I've lived in North Carolina
So's Jack. Think we're looking at some kind of pattern?
I'm all for free speech.
Nobody's ALL for free speech.
Free HATE SPEECH...time for you to crawl back into your cesspool.
Paying any attention to who's been getting banned at the Jack Show cesspool and who's still a member in unblemished standing?
Goodbye Bob K?
Steve Corbin - 2015/03/23 00:13:18 UTC

I abhor racism.
I've unbanned Steve. "WooHoo!" was probably sarcasm. And if it wasn't we have reasonable doubt and that's gotta do it for the defendant/accused.
Steve Davy
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Re: The Bob Show

Post by Steve Davy »

I've unbanned Steve. "WooHoo!" was probably sarcasm.
Suppose it wasn't sarcasm. Isn't the point of freedom of speech to actually have the freedom to speak?
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Tad Eareckson
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Re: The Bob Show

Post by Tad Eareckson »

Yeah, but Kite Strings has never been plugged as a free speech zone - always as a science classroom for what turns out to be a microscopic minority of glider people interested in understanding stuff like:

- the actual breaking strength of a single loop of 130 pound Greenspot

- why:

-- a Hewett Bridle doesn't autocorrect for roll

-- Jim Keen-Intellect Rooney is a stupid lying piece o' shit whom nobody with the slightest sense of decency should've ever allowed within a five mile radius of anything that even looks like a hang glider

And assuming that that WASN'T sarcasm I don't think you're gonna find a single state educational institution in the country that's gonna tolerate anything like that - once it's gone public anyway.

University of Oklahoma, Sigma Alpha Epsilon, video... Two students expelled, fraternity chapter disbanded. And the expelled students are NOT trying to defend their behavior - one of the students and the other's family apologized.

And as I posted after (I think/hope) misinterpreting Steve's comment, an apology would've immediately reversed the ban.

Unlike Bob I actually DO want this forum to be a safe place for people of varying ages to visit and it is, as far as I can tell, the only safe place on the English speaking planet for glider people of varying ages to visit. And it wouldn't be if free speech started trumping two plus two equals four and other forms of fairness - the way "free speech" does on every single one of the nine forums from which I've been banned.
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Re: The Bob Show

Post by <BS> »

Two plus two equals...
Tad Eareckson wrote:Brad, where did you get to know the long time unmarried guy with no apparent social life who signed your Three? Were you a twelve year old wrestler on the school team he coached?
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Re: The Bob Show

Post by Tad Eareckson »

Yeah, with a gun to my head I'd go with "four" on that one. And I've got a pretty good batting average on that sorta thing.

And Bob... Ever wonder why your buddy Orion Price - who's never been the least bit shy or reluctant to dump damn near every form of misrepresentation, lie, abuse, personal insult that's ever occurred to him on me has rather conspicuously never jumped on your unrepentant child molester bandwagon with other stupid dregs like Davis, Rooney, Sam, Paul Hurless, Brad Barkley?

Check out one of his YouTube videos - the one that includes his analysis of the Davis Link that Davis was happy with and forced everyone else to be happy with until he decided to be happy with something "slightly stronger":

Did you see his user name?,_Jr.
Horatio Alger, Jr.
Early in 1866 a church committee of men was formed to investigate sexual misconduct reports about Alger. Church officials reported to the hierarchy in Boston that Alger had been charged with "the crime of...unnatural familiarity with boys". Alger denied nothing, admitted he had been imprudent, considered his association with the church dissolved, and left town. Alger sent Unitarian officials in Boston a letter of remorse, and his father assured them his son would never seek another post in the church. Officials were satisfied and decided no further action would be taken.
Two plus two? And don't think for a nanosecond that I've forgotten just how abruptly and totally silent you went when I responded to one of your thousands of personal attacks.
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Re: The Bob Show

Post by Tad Eareckson »

PM quoted with permission:
<BS> - 2015/03/23 17:21:33 UTC

Where's the scientific value of this statement? You counter Brad using the same tactics you claim to despise and include someone else in your statement.
Scientific value...

I know a lot about how social mammals - humans, other monkeys, dolphins, canids - are emotionally wired. And it ain't in accordance with what's stamped onto the pages of Leviticus and what just about every human in terminally fucked up Judeo-Christian culture with a pulse is pretending his or her wiring is and isn't. (This is why when some sleazebag like Davis, Rooney, Bob, Paul Hurless, Brad Barkley plays the child molester card 98 percent of the people in the room get real quiet and the two percent with the most to hide start screaming at the tops of their lungs.) (Also, come to think of it, if our wiring WERE in in accordance with what's stamped onto the pages of Leviticus there wouldn't have been any need to stamp all that crap onto the pages of Leviticus. Don't think there's anything in there 'bout getting under a roof when it's raining hard.)

I don't have a problem with the particulars of anyone's individual wiring and I'm not gonna go after Hang Two noncombatants but I've got a huge problem with hypocrisy and a considerable problem with assholes watching someone being beaten up by thugs and doing nothing and I am gonna fight fire with fire.

I first crossed paths with Steve Wendt 31 years ago early last month. I'd been down with testicular cancer, chemo, surgeries most of the previous year but had subsequently scored an hour ten at High Rock in December. Went down to Kitty Hawk to fulfill my career-long dream of aerotowing when Gerard Thevenot, Jean-Michel Bernasconi, and total fuckin' asshole Mark Airey were introducing the Cosmos trike - the first semi-practical hang glider tug.

Huge clinic, the first session got blown out before I got to fly, went down to the dunes with DC area douchebag Rich Hiegel to take advantage of some of that blown out air. Made a few low hot passes in the South Bowl then at the end of a run got gusted to over the spine. Tried to milk my way back out into the lift but stalled in the process.

Was pushed way out, pancaked in, and took out a downtube. Not a hard crash but as I was pushed way out when the downtube folded I ate the basetube and did eight stitches worth to my upper lip. (And it would've been a nonevent with a full-face.)

So I got stitched up and ready to fly but Rich went to Steve and got me grounded. I was a current certified instructor, had worked for Kitty Hawk in '80 and '82, was a fuckin' ace dune pilot, had towing experience off the frame (at the end of that era) and by boat and payout winch, had a recent hour plus mountain flight - but I couldn't fly because I didn't have the endurance to do a few minutes behind a tug and the judgment to know what my limitations were.

And you should've seen the assholes who WERE flying and the mountain of scrap aluminum they generated.

Fuckin' Rich gave me shit a week later at High Rock but I wasn't in the mood and he couldn't stop me so I went off and found that in the past week my endurance had improved enough to be able to handle five minutes over two and a half hours. Never got the slightest hint of an apology from that motherfucker.

Steve later apologized but qualified things saying he hadn't known me then. Well, I knew me then and I was a goddam Hang Three Instructor with thirty-five and a half hours under my belt - the majority of which were really demanding dune. And I didn't need either of those arrogant assholes making my decisions for me.

But I digress a bit.

Steve's not a noncombatant. You don't get to collect your goddam USHGA Instructor of the Year Award and bask in its radiance for the next year while your products:
- three quarters kill themselves at your shit aerotow operation using your shit aerotow "equipment"
- four quarters kill themselves running off cliffs without their gliders because you haven't taught them to do hook-in checks
- three quarters kill themselves launching unhooked and flying their tandem gliders and thrill riders into the powerlines

You don't get to do that and totally ignore the epic forum discussions spawned by your incompetence and negligence as an instructor and ratings official.

On 2004/09/20 I took the trouble to drive way the fuck down to his Richmond area operation to show him the aerotow technology I'd developed. He couldn't have been LESS interested (never try to teach a pig to sing...) and went right on pumping out and selling the kind of cheap bent pin crap that got Holly three quarters killed a bit over seven months later.

If you believe what Jim Keen-Intellect Rooney says:
Is this a joke ?
Jim Rooney - 2011/08/25 06:29:21 UTC

I'm happy to know that I am in fact speaking with Steve, not Tad.
Tad makes my skin crawl.
Jim Rooney - 2011/08/25 04:55:25 UTC

Don't even get me started on Tad. That obnoxious blow hard has gotten himself banned from every flying site that he used to visit... he doesn't fly anymore... because he has no where to fly. His theories were annoying at best and downright dangerous most of the time. Good riddance.
Jim Rooney - 2011/08/26 23:12:32 UTC

Just to back Davis up on this, cuz the person that let's the cat out of the bag always gets flack for it...

So we're clear as a bell on this.
Tad is a convicted paedophile.

This is not rumour, this is not speculation. This is straight from the horses mouth... I asked him about it.
Believe it or not, a paedophile can have no issue with telling you this stuff as they see what they do as "normal".

He was 30 years old when he had his 13 year old "boyfriend", as he puts it.
I don't know if that's the one he got locked up for, but I know the one he got locked up for was not his last.
I believe the other one(s) was younger.
I didn't have the stomach to delve into further detail.

He has been banned from every flying site he's ever set foot at and some he hasn't.

And yes, he is a deranged megalomaniac.
I had the displeasure of having to put up with him before he was kicked out of one of the flight parks that I was working for.

Good riddance.
Zach Marzec
Jim Rooney - 2013/03/07 18:24:58 UTC

Go back to Tad's hole in the ground.
While you're there, ask him why he was banned from every east coast flying site.
(you're a total fuckin' moron and) you believe that Steve banned me from Manquin, not, of course, because I went into whistleblower mode in the early 2009 season...
Davis Straub's "Oz Report" Conflict of Interest
Bob Kuczewski - 2011/02/12 06:56:36 UTC

Without naming names (I'm curious to see if they'll own up to it first), on May 10, 2009, one Director wrote:
We need to consider getting an injunction against this guy communicating with the FAA on this subject.
That same day, another Director responded:
I forwarded the letter to Tim Herr yesterday asking about this.
For those who don't know, Tim Herr is ... USHPA's lawyer!!

A third Director (who I'll call "Mr. X") chimed in that same day with this:
Perhaps a strongly worded letter from Tim will do the trick. We can't force Tad to work within the USHPA framework but we can make it unpleasant and expensive for him if he chooses to makes derogatory and false statements about USHPA to the FAA he can't back up.
...but because he, along with everyone else on the continent, suddenly became aware of my personal/legal situation - which had become one of the worst kept secrets in hang gliding in 1986, several years before the birth of the piece o' shit Dragonfly and many more before the birth of the parasitic tandem thrill ride industry - and felt the need to make the sites they controlled safe places for people of varying ages by eliminating the creepy predatory unrepentant child molester. (Right, Bob?)

And if you DON'T believe Jim Keen-Intellect Rooney then you've gotta believe that Steve's doing shit to counter the lies his scummy products are perpetrating.

Either way - Steve's fuckin' fair game.

If I had ever made the mistake of signing off scum like Rooney (who never actually merited a One) and Brad you can bet your bottom dollar that I'd be publicly totally denouncing them in no uncertain terms at a bare minimum.

I never wanted this to be a war. I just wanted to fix the problems like the ones that killed Frank Sauber and Bill Bennett and Mike Del Signore in this neck of the woods in the '96 season. But the opposition - Steve's team - wasn't gonna let that happen so they made it a war. And when they were losing the war they tried their luck making it a dirty war. So it's a dirty war.

If this falls short of a satisfactory response say so and I'll try to hone things a little better.
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Tad Eareckson
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Re: The Bob Show

Post by Tad Eareckson »
USHPA Expulsion Proceeding
Bob Kuczewski - 2015/03/23 17:31:56 UTC

Well ....

Between the time that Phil posted his message (9:52 am) and the time of this message (10:31am)...
How come you don't use Greenwich, Bob? California ain't the center of the goddam Universe.
Jack Axaopoulos (operator of had already removed Phil's entire topic. He didn't just bury it in the basement. He completely removed it.

In another current topic on his site, Jack Axaopoulos continues to compare to his own "his living room". That's a nice metaphor and it certainly gives Jack the right to do what he pleases to his "guests".
Without whom HIS fuckin' "living room" would be a total ghost town.
But if you ever wonder why the sport of hang gliding is in such dire straights, you can see the answer right there in Jack's metaphor. The sport of hang gliding deserves an open discussion forum that's NOT in someone's living room.
Including/'Specially YOURS.
Welcome to the US Hawks!!! Image

P.S. Thanks again for making that effort to spread the word Phil. Image Image Image Image Image
Rick Masters - 2015/03/23 17:49:27 UTC

I've been studying this odd effect for some time. Free-flight moderators seem to become like jealous mother monkeys, determined to protect their helpless and innocent wide-eyed little ones from the disturbing knowledge that the tigers are eating them on the other side of the island - but not in their own shady corner of the coconut grove.
Bob Kuczewski - 2015/03/23 18:28:53 UTC

I wish it were that innocent.

Jack isn't suppressing information to protect his members. He's suppressing it because he hates me and he hates the US Hawks.
Let's not forget T** at K*** S****** and related people.
He hates us because we present a threat to his domination of hang gliding discussion forums.

Jack makes money from the ads on his forum, and he loves to advertise as "The web's # 1 hanggliding website" (it's right on his front page). Jack also craves the control that he has on his site.
Tell me how the level of his control of The Jack Show is different from your level of control of The Bob Show.
That's why he killed the HGAA back in 2010. It would have been a competitor to him and he wouldn't control it because we were setting it up as a democracy with a Board of Directors.
How's things going with The Bob Show Fake Board of Directors half a decade later?
As a side comment, I'll note that Tad ( also openly hates the US Hawks (for different reasons).
Totally excellent ones, Bob. Find a few people who'd argue otherwise.
But Tad has the decency to recognize and speak out when injustices are being committed - even to people he dislikes.
Even in defense of motherfuckers who've done pretty much the exact same things to him.
I have to give him credit for that.
Basement Bob
Steve Davy - 2014/11/19 22:49:49 UTC

Tad has always been fair to you, Bob. You're just too twisted to realize that.
As for Davis, he just does what he feels is in his own best interests. I don't think he harbors the hate that Jack does, but he recognizes that USHPA has power and he wants to benefit from doing their bidding from time to time. But he'll play both sides if he feels it's in his own best interests.

Well, that's my view of this jungle landscape. : )
Warren Narron - 2015/03/23 19:11:04 UTC

Jack Axaopoulos' censorship and banning was borne out of fear and cowardice years ago.
Jack used to be quite outspoken in his younger days on the old hang gliding list:
I've had many discussions there with Jack that Jack couldn't control.

That's why he banned me from .org years ago. It's the competitive coward's way out.
When you can't win one way, change the rules.
He learned from Davis.
Who'd Bob learn from?
Reinventing and controlling the game makes them winners.

Their first bannings may have been fraught with trepidation but their adrenalin buttons were also fed.
It's an adrenalin rush. Coming off the high, there is need for another and another. Much like a serial murderer.

Now it's getting easier and easier for Jack and he needs more and more of that rush to validate himself.
Political correctness was designed for this sickness and Jack Axaopoulos is now on a roll.
In another current topic on his site, Jack Axaopoulos continues to compare to his own "his living room".
That's the legal property rights consensus at this time but maybe not in the future when Obama's internet control kicks in.
But if you ever wonder why the sport of hang gliding is in such dire straights, you can see the answer right there in Jack's metaphor. The sport of hang gliding deserves an open discussion forum that's NOT in someone's living room.

Welcome to the US Hawks!!! Image
Except for those that you have thrown out of the living room.
Who? Sam Kellner? Charlie Schneider? Peter Birren?
Notice any adrenalin like rush that tempts you again?
P.S. Thanks again for making that effort to spread the word Phil.
Too bad it didn't have any effect, Phil.
Other than to put you on Jack Axaopoulos' short list for future bannings...

P.S. I edited all of Bob's clapping emoticons, just like Jack Axaopoulos edited all the effort Phil had in posting it.
I don't think you really understand these emoticons. All Bob and Sam hafta do is click the images.
I do have to admit, it is a bit of a rush...
And a huge service to the reader.
Bob Kuczewski - 2015/03/23 19:27:42 UTC

Very good analysis and insights into human nature Warren. I agree with you 100%.
Notice any adrenalin like rush that tempts you again?
No. But I do recognize the weakness in all of us to want our way.
I don't want "MY" way, Bob. I'm totally happy with Sir Isaac's. And until you start getting into irrelevant - for the purposes of aviation - quantum stuff there are no weaknesses.
That's why I've been working to build up our...
...Board of Directors so we can do better than Jack or Davis or Tad - who have all banned more people from their forums than we have.
1. Who's "WE", Bob? Who other than Bob has banned anyone from The Bob Show?

2. Don't you dare lump me in with those two total pieces of shit.

3. I've banned three assholes from Kite Strings - none of whom ever had the slightest interest and/or legitimacy in being here. No comment should be necessary on Sam. Your piece o' shit buddy OP came here under false pretenses for the sole purpose of being banned.

And your primary contribution to and interest in Kite Strings was posting Homosexual-Relationship-With-A-12-Year-Old-Boy spam. Un fucking believable. And even with that I've unbanned you but asked you not to post.
There's only one real person (believed to not be a spammer or sock puppet) who's been banned from the US Hawks and that's Tad.
1. Who's BEEN banned? YOU banned me, motherfucker?
2. What was the justification for banning Tad? I never seem to be able to remember. Did he break some rule? Can I see a copy?
3. And you've got Steve Davy so crippled he might as well be banned.
I got no "adrenalin rush" from that, and I've wished many times for a better solution.
If you have one...
I gave you one, you pretended not to be able to understand it and asked me to clarify, and I told you to go fuck yourself.
...please post it for the Trial Board of Directors to consider.
Fuck your Fake Board of Directors and their considerations.
That's the constructive way to help build the US Hawks. Image
And let's not forget the Emperor Bob telephone screenings and loyalty oaths.
Warren Narron - 2015/03/24 06:11:39 UTC

Tad has told you how to let him post and protect people of varying ages and the answer is also within your own words.
1. Bob has no more interest in protecting people of varying ages than he does in protecting people of consistent ages. He just exploits people of varying ages to help him get away with doing something despicable under the pretense of doing something noble. And...
Complaints about Tad
Rick Masters - 2015/01/16 18:59:15 UTC

He has concerns about people trying to muck up the forum, but he has also dealt effectively with Tad.
...that's totally fuckin' obvious to everyone and his dog.

2. Bob pretends to be all about freedom, democracy, majority rule. Well under that crap I've had ZERO legal restrictions on communicating, associating, working with people of varying ages under any circumstances for DECADES. But Emperor Bob knows better. Or maybe it's just what Emperor Bob...
Janis Ian - At Seventeen (Live, 1976)
Bob Kuczewski - 2011/12/22 18:01:13 UTC

I believe that Tad took advantage of that boy and is justifying it with the same logic that he uses to justify everything else he says or does. That's where I drew the line.
...BELIEVES. But what the hell. Anything Emperor Bob BELIEVES should be more than good enough for all us democracy muppets.

Hey Bob, donchya think that if I were the sorta person inclined to take advantage of people I'd be having a fuckin' field day with what the Jebb and U$hPA gangs are doing to you right now?

3. Bob's gonna totally ignore your post exactly the same way he totally ignored my proposition and unbanning of him here because if he doesn't he's totally fucked.
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Tad Eareckson
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Re: The Bob Show

Post by Tad Eareckson »
Goodbye Bob K?
Davis Straub - 2015/03/22 17:27:14 UTC

BOD minutes:
Presentation by Tim Herr. Discussion of Bob Kuczewski as member of USHPA. Note: Mr. Herr was not present during BOD discussion.

Motion by Amunategui to apply USHPA Bylaws Article 5, Section 4, paragraph (a), sections (i) through (iv), to terminate USHPA membership of Bob Kuczewski. Second by Belcourt.

BOD vote by roll call: Motion carries with 19 ayes, 1 abstention. See roll call vote record Attachment B
Attachment B—Board of Directors Roll Call Voting Record
Region Director Motion:
To terminate USHPA
membership of Bob Kuczewski
Motion: Motion:
01 - Mark G. Forbes - Aye
01 - Rich Hass - President's vote not required
01 - (L) Paul Murdoch - Aye
02 - Jugdeep Aggarwal - Aye
02 - Josh Cohn - Aye
02 - Jon James - Aye
02 - (L) Steve Rodrigues - Aye
03 - Corey Caffrey - absent
03 - Alan Crouse - Abstain
03 - Pete Michelmore - Aye
04 - Bill Belcourt - Aye
04 - Ken Grubbs - Aye
05 - Josh Pierce - Aye
06 - David Glover - Aye
07 - Paul Olson - Aye
08 - Michael Holmes - Aye
09 - Felipe Amunátegui - Aye
09 - Larry Dennis - Aye
09 - (X) Art Greenfield - absent
09 - (L) Dennis Pagen - absent
10 - Steve Kroop - Aye
10 - (L) Jamie Shelden - absent
10 - Matt Taber - absent
10 - Bruce Weaver - Aye
11 - David Glover - See Region 06
12 - Paul Voight - Aye
12 - (L) Ryan Voight - Aye
Essentially unanimous. Not one single hint of objection from any of these sleazy motherfuckers. And yet out on the glider forums I can't recall hearing one single statement that there's any justification for this action - including from the Mark G. Forbes and Rich Haas sleazy motherfuckers.

Prior to this one, Bob, I was the biggest individual shake-up this sewer of an organization ever had. And you were part of the machinery which got the Tad Matter "settled without any serious damage to the sport". And now it's circled back around to bite you in the ass. How's it feel?

Twenty individuals, been face to face with six of them, had correspondence with another two. May they all rot in hell.
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Tad Eareckson
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Re: The Bob Show

Post by Tad Eareckson »
USHPA Expulsion Proceeding
Warren Narron - 2015/03/24 06:11:39 UTC

Tad has told you how to let him post...
Just flip the ban switch.
...and protect people of varying ages...
Shoot Sam. Or at least put up a huge warning sign.
...and the answer is also within your own words.
Bob's words fluctuate on a convenience pattern.
Bob Kuczewski - 2015/03/23 17:31:56 UTC

The sport of hang gliding deserves an open discussion forum that's NOT in someone's living room.
Remove the personal email function...
Fuck that. I did nothing to merit being treated as a second class citizen.
...and tell him to not use naughty words.
Fuck that too. Bob's plugging The Bob Show as a free speech paradise. As long as that's the case I'll use whatever naughty words I feel like. If he wants to change that - fine. Let him - and/or his Fake Board of Directors - write some clearly defined SOPs and enforce them across the board. Bob had no problem whatsoever with Peter Birren calling me an asswipe. I didn't either by the way. And I had no problem whatsoever sending that miserable cowardly little shit scurrying back to under his Skysailingtowing rock.
Instead of the living room analogy I think it is more like a restaurant setting.
I think of hang gliding culture as a fuckin' war zone.
Rick Masters - 2015/03/22 02:16:09 UTC

People talk about the sport of hang gliding dying. It's not dying. It's being murdered. By the U$hPA.
U$hPA isn't just murdering the sport - it's murdering the people in it. Actual evil motherfuckers are actually deliberately killing innocent victims and that situation ain't gonna be dealt with by reason and civility.
All communication is in public and rude words are not acceptable.
How 'bout these words?:
What will keep the US Hawks from becoming another USHPA or HGAA?
Bob Kuczewski - 2011/12/28 20:18:03 UTC

Tad was (and is) an unrepentant child molester.
I've bashed a muscle-bound motherfucker's head into a concrete floor before for saying something like that. And yeah - it WAS an adrenalin rush. It was a GREAT FEELING. And yeah - that motherfucker was ALSO a closet case. And - sorry Doctor Martin Luther King, Jr. - a lot of problems went away after that.
Simple rules that depend on those present and of course, the restaurant owner who gets the last word.*
Ya know what... In most restaurants I've been to people are lucky to be able to understand what others at the same table are saying - 'specially with the "background" music going.
Tad is fluent enough to make his points without needing the seven (?) or so words, that are so embarrassing to a more gentile crowd.
Hang gliding ain't a gentile sport with gentile consequences for getting things wrong.
Also the children.. let them be children. Free speech is free speech but rude public language is just rude.
What's telling children that stalls are nothing to be feared? If stalls aren't the primary causes of crashes, injuries, fatalities in this sport then what is crashing, injuring, killing people? Crisp airspeed?
There can be some common sense rules here that do not infringe on free speech.
Oh. You'd like to introduce something smacking of common sense into The Bob Show? Lemme know how that goes over.
* This is the legal standard that the corporate fiction running Torrey Pines is using to kick you out of their 'restaurant'.
'Restaurant' = public land given free as a plum prize to selected political insiders
It's been the better part of 36 hours since your post, Warren, and Bob's totally ignored it. If you were sitting with him at a table in a restaurant and spoke to him and he totally ignored you for 36 hours would you consider that civil, polite behavior?

Bob's been spewing bullshit about wanting suggestions for a better solution to the Tad Matter for years and keeps ignoring or pretending not to understand obvious better solutions - particularly the one about unbanning Tad - whenever offered. So how can you NOT conclude that he's a pathological liar?
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