The Bob Show

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Re: The Bob Show

Post by <BS> »

bobk wrote:I would like to see Jonathan called on his B.S., but I won't hold my breath.
Weren't you going to get a copy of the case and do just that?
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Re: The Bob Show

Post by bobk »

<BS> wrote:
bobk wrote:I would like to see Jonathan called on his B.S., but I won't hold my breath.
Weren't you going to get a copy of the case and do just that?
I do plan to get a copy, but even if it contains the video, it still presents the problem I've mentioned of being too long for very many people to actually watch. And since I'd have to prove a negative (that I didn't say anything untrue), it could only be proved by people willing to watch every second of it. That's (again) whyy the burden of proof rests with the prosecution.

In a real court, I would move for summary dismissal because there are no facts in evidence that any offense was committed. In USHPA's kangaroo court, you're guilty until proven innocent. It will be interesting to observe the kitestrings court of public opinion.

The defense rests pending submission of further evidence.
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Re: The Bob Show

Post by <BS> »

bobk wrote: And since I'd have to prove a negative (that I didn't say anything untrue), it could only be proved by people willing to watch every second of it.
Sorry, my misunderstanding. I thought there'd be a ruling which would be made and noted.
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Re: The Bob Show

Post by bobk »

<BS> wrote:Sorry, my misunderstanding. I thought there'd be a ruling which would be made and noted.
No problem at all. I didn't know much about how these things worked before my involvement in this case.

There's a period before an actual trial where the lawyers divulge their witnesses to the other side. Then the opposing side can depose the witnesses to "see what they got". That's what USHPA's lawyer Tim Herr did with me about three years ago. I don't remember the exact amount of time, but it was close to a full day (we broke for lunch).

In addition to Tim Herr, Gabe Jebb and Robin Marien and their lawyer Christopher Saldana were there. A lawyer from Shannon's law firm and a court reporter rounded out the cast.

Tim Herr asked me question after question to try to trip me up all day long. I suspect a fine tooth comb might pull out some minor inconsistency, but overall, I think I did a pretty good job of giving an honest rendition of what I knew and the conclusions I had reached. That's why I find it so disgusting that Jonathan - we're-not-allowed-to-spell-his-last-name-right Deetch would claim that my testimony was "impeached".

If Jonathan's claim about settling the case for a nuisance fee were correct, then why didn't they just do that from the start? Why did they go thruogh all the time and expense of taking my deposition? Why did they bring in witnesses like Dennis Pagen and Marty Divietti to parrot USHPA's "no problem here" party line?

I suspect that Tim Herr or someone else in USHPA told the insurance company that everything would be fine. They felt secure that no one would dare step forward to testify. And if they did, then the mighty Tim Herr would shred them to pieces. But that's not what happened in my testimony, and I suspect the insurance folks could see a lost case on the horizon, so they offered a settlement. That's when USHPA and Tim Herr looked for a scape goat for their own screw up. I was both a scape goat and a target of their revenge. My expulsion "hearing" was just window dressing for what they knew they were going to do.

Now my deposition was under oath, so if USHPA's side wanted to file chrges for perjury, they could have done so. That would have carried some weight. But they didn't have a leg to stand on. So again, it is disgusting for Jonathan to misuse the word "impeach" to fool non-lawyers into thinking there had been some judgement made.

It concerns me that someone as dishonest as Jonathan Deietch has moderator privileges on this forum. He had a whole topic pulled down on the SHGA forum to cover some of his misdeeds in hang gliding. I don't think he should be trusted with that kind of power.
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Re: The Bob Show

Post by NMERider »

Sean Spicer and Kellyanne Conway got nuthin on you!
You are the king of Un-fucking-believable.
Methinks a whole lot more than just your credibility got impeached.
Keep up the good work!

P.S. Blade Runner 2049 really is the shiznit of si-fi cinema. Go see it.
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Re: The Bob Show

Post by NMERider »

bobk wrote:Well, I'm glad to have livened up your forum for a bit....
As the great Ralph Kramden might say, "You're a laugh riot--to the moon!"
....I can take some satisfaction, however, in being able to point to this topic as part of the Jonathan Deetch Flow on the U.S. Hawks....
OMG! Joe Faust is the coolest dude in the history of the sport of hang gliding. I'm truly touched.
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Tad Eareckson
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Re: The Bob Show

Post by Tad Eareckson »

Bob Kuczewski - 2017/10/07 19:01:49 UTC

The best he can come up with is that I had a bias while somehow glossing over the [sarcasm]unbiased[/sarcasm] testimony of Dennis Pagan and Marty Divietti.
It's Jonathan's last name you're supposed to be misspelling, not Dennis's.
Bob Kuczewski - 2017/10/07 23:06:03 UTC

That's why I find it so disgusting that Jonathan - we're-not-allowed-to-spell-his-last-name-right Deetch would claim that my testimony was "impeached".
Do ya really want any glider person - or anyone else for that matter - too fucking stupid to know or be able to find out Jonathan's correctly spelled last name and actual identity being involved in any glider discussions and/or actions?
Bob Kuczewski - 2017/10/07 23:06:03 UTC

It concerns me that someone as dishonest as Jonathan Deietch has moderator privileges on this forum. He had a whole topic pulled down on the SHGA forum to cover some of his misdeeds in hang gliding. I don't think he should be trusted with that kind of power.
This forum? So there are others on which it would be OK?

So who DO you think should be trusted with any kind of power in the sport?

- You didn't think I should be trusted to have regular Bob Show member privileges because I'd be able to identify and communicate via PM any or every one of your many registered people of varying ages. And be able to hack my way back into PM privileges of you cut that particular wire.

- I also flunk for having empowered Jonathan with Moderator privileges on Kite Strings.

- You don't think any of your handpicked and unelected Fake Board of Directors members should be trusted with Moderator privileges or a vote you can't override.

Jonathan's had that kind of power here since 2016/10/12 21:14:38 UTC - a wee bit shy of a year. And for the past five months we've undoubtedly had the highest Moderator to Member ratio of any glider forum in online glider history. And nobody's ever been able to document a hostile, destructive, unethical editing or deletion of a single punctuation mark.

Power? Kite Strings?
Understanding Tow Releases
Tad Eareckson - 2011/09/17 04:14:53 UTC

Wow Bob, seems like you've just been wrong about damn near everything up to this point in your hang gliding career.
Sam Kellner - 2011/09/17 15:14:57 UTC

Nothing is farther from "reality" than this quote.
So it's not a surprise, considering the lunatic source.

What's detrimental to the sport of HG, is destructive remarks/methods being spewed out on several of the popular forums, and some obscure forums that hang on by a string. The same thing over and over and over and over, same garbage.

Personal differences, namecalling, vulgar language, does not help.

It's easy to "really" see who is accomplishing worthwhile efforts/tasks.

Also easy to see who needs a crutch to hyper inflate a warped ego.

Tad ---------------------------------/+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++BobK
Who'da thunk.

And I maintain a word processing archive of the record here. Also of topics on u$hPa Sewer Sites - like Jack, Davis, Rocky Mountain - on which valuable posts are highly likely to be nuked. Like:
Jim Rooney

as a recent example. So if you don't trust Jonathan and/or Yours Truly nothing's stopping you from doing the same.

And so if we are successful in inflicting major damage to USHPA's Monopoly Control of Flying Sites who are we gonna be able to trust to represent our interests? In addition to you of course I mean?

A point that just occurred to me...

A u$hPa P1 is supposed to be qualified to fly with radio guidance into soaring conditions landing approach traffic at a site the u$hPa authorized concessionaire has rated minimum H4 - the maximum possible - but a u$hPa certified H4/P4 (with FAA General Aviation tickets) ISN'T qualified to assess a situation which results in midair between a couple of paragliders screaming along at 20 mph. So what DO any of our u$hPa ratings qualify us to do safely/competently?
Ratings and skills introduction
H-4/P-4 Advanced Pilot

Pilots at this level have accumulated the flying experience and judgment necessary to handle conditions at a wide range of flying sites. This doesn’t mean that they can fly every site! A part of "judgment" is knowing when a site or conditions are beyond the pilot's ability to handle them safely. Advanced pilots know when and where to fly, as well as when and where not to fly. They often serve as mentors and role models to less-experienced fliers. At some sites, advanced pilots are empowered to close the site or limit flying if they feel conditions are unsafe for lower-rated pilots. Some may also obtain instructor training and go on to teach the next generation of new fliers.
Nothing of much substance apparently.

An ACTUAL expert witness understands that we're all just rolling dice when we go up on any of these birds. Sometimes we fly into each other and slam into whatever's below us, other times we get lucky and nail our spot no steppers on the old Frisbee in the middle of the LZ.

And if that's not the case how is anybody supposed to become an expert in an aviation organization that isn't and can't be in the safety business controlled by a non-pilot corporate lawyer whose primary function is to shred all the accident reports before anyone else gets a chance to see them?
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Tad Eareckson
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Re: The Bob Show

Post by Tad Eareckson »
[TIL] About Tad Eareckson
Bob Kuczewski - 2013/03/10 18:20:34 UTC

I first learned about Tad Eareckson when I was Regional Director and the USHPA Board circulated a letter he had written (with intention to send?) to the FAA about some dangerous practices in hang gliding.
1. So you're acknowledging that they WERE dangerous practices. You're not saying "practices he considered dangerous" and not citing anyone saying that a Rooney Link induced increase the safety of the towing operation with the glider climbing hard in a near stall situation is a mere inconvenience for any pilot who's been trained how to react properly. And we have every right to aerotow with weak links way the fuck off the bottom of the FAA legal range.

2. But Bob's only concerned about legal but dangerous practices in paragliding at Torrey - like an instructor demonstrating kiting a paraglider minus a helmet or making an in-flight cell phone call.
The Board's knee-jerk response was to try to take some kind of legal action to silence Tad.
The Board. But not the lawyer - the guy with the actual power in US hang and paragliding.
I indicated that I thought we shouldn't be sending our lawyers in as our first response, and that maybe we should have someone talk with him first.
Bold move, Bob. Instead of standing up and saying in no uncertain terms that this is total fucking bullshit - the way I did when the Timothy Herr Hang and Paragliding Association made its big move against you.
So Dennis Pagen volunteered...
Just like he'd previously volunteered to pay for the one point aerotow bridle/release assembly I made for him. And then there was the time he volunteered to investigate the Bill Bennett / Mike Del Signore twofer at Gates Field, Ohio, 1996/07/25. The Tad-O-Link on the glider end was MUCH too strong and there was nothing wrong with the trike release as it was fine for any REASONABLE aerotow load.
...and I believe the matter was settled without any serious damage to the sport.

- Without the sleazy motherfucker ever having made the least contact with me. Or ever reporting that he hadn't - for that matter.

- The sport lived happily ever after - in eternal peace and harmony.

The End. :)

Dennis Pagen himself had already done about as much serious damage to the sport as is possible for one individual anyway.
A few years later (when I was starting the US Hawks Hang Gliding Association)...
...welcomed unreservedly into the hang gliding association community by the aforementioned Timothy Herr Hang and Paragliding Association...
...I actually wrote to Tad inviting him to our...
...meaning MY... because I wanted to incorporate diverse views in our new association.
Like competent understanding of fundamental aeronautical principles. Yeah, I know. Bit of a stretch in hang gliding. But The Bob Show really does honor the free speech of its members. And besides, it's not like anyone can actually DO anything over there 'cause I'm the only one with any access to any of the buttons that matter.
Tad joined us, and for a while things were fine.
But then he just went totally fuckin' nuts on competent understanding of fundamental aeronautical principles and started pissing off a lot of the most reliable Bob Show cocksuckers.
But over time, it became obvious to me...
Yes, Bob. To YOU. The only individual who actually matters over there. Majorly telling that you don't even bother with the pretense of the Royal Us or include mention of any other highly valued Bob Show cocksuckers. Also don't mention the positions of any members who were most assuredly not in alignment with your perspective.
...that he was more interested in just bashing people than trying to actually solve problems in the sport of hang gliding.
And bashing people is NEVER an element in actually solving any problems in the sport of hang gliding. 'Cause all the people in hang gliding are WONDERFUL! I don't know how or why - in a sport that one might expect would be a total dickhead magnet. But it just works out that way for some totally inexplicable reason.
For a long time, I tried to show him kindness...
1. Totally artificial of course. But ya gotta do what ya gotta do.
2. Funny. I don't recall giving any indication that I was over there for anyone's kindness.
...on our... which, of course, I mean MY... and I gave him a lot of slack with regard to his profanity and his comments that he wished certain people would crash and kill themselves.
1. What was the Board's position? Or what do you think it would've been if you'd actually had one? One voted in by the membership rather than handpicked and appointed?

2. It's no longer just a wish.


And I'm GLAD the motherfucker didn't kill himself on his second New Zealand national news tandem thrill ride crash at Coronet Peak. 'Cause he might have been able to ooze through as something of a martyr. It was probably an undetectable manufacturing defect or the tandem student suddenly went hysterical and grabbed a control toggle. But this way...
Jim Rooney tandem paraglider incident in New Zealand
Jim Rooney - 2016/10/01 05:55:48 UTC

Up from surgery... Plates on L2 while it heals, will come out after. Feeling good.
I won't comment on my crash just yet. Maybe after the CAA investigation.

Just posting here too let people know that I'm doing well.
And none of his legions of loyal cocksuckers ever even heard of him before. Toldyaso, motherfuckers.

Hey Bob...
Bob Kuczewski - 2011/08/10 05:52:32 UTC

Take Jim Rooney, for example. Tad doesn't make suggestions for Jim to become a better or safer pilot.
1. Didn't hear YOU making any suggestions for Jim to become a better or safer pilot. And that could've gotten his second tandem thrill ride victim killed.

2. A better OR safer pilot? How much of a difference is there?
Eventually (and for reasons that I won't full disclose here)...
That's alright, Bob...
Bob Kuczewski - 2012/01/14 17:29:26 UTC

Tad, as a 30 something year old man, you had a homosexual relationship with a 12 year old boy while you were in a position of trust with regard to that boy.

Do you think you did anything wrong?
We got it OK over here. became necessary to ask Tad to leave the US Hawks forum...
As I determined all by myself since we have no actual membership voting mechanism and it was a total no brainer that 100.00 percent of the Bob Show Membership - minus Tad of course - would be screaming for the action at the top of its lungs. And that would've been a major disruption of the primary mission of The Bob Show - which is to keep Bob in total control till the end of time.
...and he is currently the only person who's been completely banned from the US Hawks.
And then there's Steve Davy - who will be rotting in Bob's Basement with crippled forum access till the end of time.
Having said all of that, I have to add that Tad has an incredible amount of energy...
...not to mention Rafferty amounts of extra time to just be an idiot and not fly/work/live...
...and I think it would be great if the sport of hang gliding could figure out how to harness it.
1. And I think it would be great if the sport of hang gliding could figure out:
- the difference between:
-- the control bar and downtubes
-- hang and hook-in checks
-- tension and pressure
-- bridle and bridal
-- performance standards and track records
-- a:
--- tow release and a weak link
--- minor inconvenience and a fatal whipstall
--- razor-sharp cutting tool you can use to slash through your lines in an instant and an actual totally useless hook knife
-- an:
--- LZ and a narrow dry riverbed with large rocks strewn all over the place
--- easy reach when you're waiting for your ride on your launch cart and when you're rolled on your ear thirty feet off the runway
- how:
-- to:
--- spell "carabiner"
--- not land in a narrow dry riverbed with large rocks strewn all over the place
-- many points are involved with a bridle that evenly splits the tow tension between the pilot and glider (hint: between one and three)
- that:
-- the longer and thinner you make a bridle the more likely it is to wrap at a tow ring
-- perhaps Jim Keen-Intellect Rooney's intellect wasn't quite as keen as we were all led to believe
-- Bobby Fucking-Genius Bailey is actually a fucking moron
-- you're fifty times more likely to smash your head into something hard when you come in upright than you are when you come in prone
-- one can't teach or learn how to fly pro toad safely
-- weak links blow at around the same tension whether or not or how well you hide the knot from the tow tension
-- releasing one end of a long bridle doesn't necessarily mean it's gonna clear the tow ring
-- hang glider's don't aerotow very well from a keel attachment point only (who'da thunk)
-- when hang gliders are certified the pilot is prone and has BOTH hands on the control bar
-- a standard aerotow weak link
--- can only work well for a standard hang glider (so make sure you're flying one before you hook up)
--- is a lot heavier than the one which was standard prior to the afternoon of 2013/02/02

But given that it hasn't been able to figure out any of that stuff over decades of effort I wouldn't be holding my breath waiting for it to figure out how to harness my incredible amount of energy. Also curious that it never figured out how to harness it in the over quarter century I was in the sport before that point.

2. And of course while figuring out how to harness my incredible amount of energy it also had to figure out and piss all over my incredible amount of competence and the incredible amount of work I'd done on tow equipment, crash analysis, SOPs.

3. And who better to get people's energy harnessed than Emperor Bob? Just look at his Association ferchrisake! Well over seven years now and not a hint of any member being unharnessed - 'specially Steve Davy.

4. Who's harnessing your incredible amount of energy, Bob? And does/do he/she/they have any of your passwords?

And certainly can't have hang glider people running all over the place unharnessed. Think of all the tramplings of innocent little people of varying ages you'd get! And besides, name ONE useful advancement from the entire history of the sport of hang gliding that came from an individual whose energy wasn't properly harnessed by somebody else. See?
He's done extensive work on towing releases and he has a library of photographs related to releases.
But they're pretty much all straight pin based stuff and I do feel that the BIG DEAL he makes about the differences is somewhat overblown. So you should probably stick with the bent pin, Industry Standard, long track record stuff mandated by Davis and the rest of the Flight Park Mafia players.
I think he brings an important perspective to the sport, but his personality is so toxic that it's very difficult to gain any benefit from it.
1. Well fuck him then. Besides, it's not like there are any other individuals out there who share an important perspective. So it really can't be a very important perspective, can it?

2. The implication is that I have this totally unique perspective, totally original, something the sport has never seen before and is in no great position to properly evaluate. I can think of TWO THINGS of mine that are really uniquish, original:
- treat the glider as if you're never hooked in (the gun as if it's always loaded)
- my shear link weak link concept (two elements sewn together with a set number of dental floss stitches)

The lift and tuggers - who preceded my 1980 entry into the sport - had that mindset but nobody had ever properly articulated it before.
The shear links are pretty cool but you're still just breaking a set string fiber thickness (diameter).

And I developed some pretty cool tow releases but they're all just adaptations of the Schweizer sailplane release and the three-ring circus skydiving cut-away release. Also called Jim Keen-Intellect Rooney a rotten little piece o' shit long before that was cool.

So tell me some other things I've done and/or said that zillions of others hadn't done and/or said long before me. I wanna here a lot more about this important perspective you think I'm bringing to the sport.
Indeed, I consider it a failing on my part that I wasn't able to help Tad get past some of his "personality" issues and become a good contributing member on the US Hawks forum.
That's OK, Bob. Despite your failing to help Tad get past some of his "personality" issues and become a good contributing member on the US Hawks forum he's done OK on the Kite Strings forum which was the only third party venue to which you could go for a fair public exchange with Jonathan recently.

And did you ever consider some of the implications of being a member of the Tad Banned Club? James Rooney Memorial Airpark and Hang Gliding Association, Peter, Jack, Paragliding, Davis, Houston, Rocky Mountain, Mikkel Krogh, anywhere else I might show up for more than one or two posts?

And name another forum, resource, archive in hang gliding similar to Kite Strings. Feel free to go back into the Seventies as far as hang gliders looked a bit the stuff we're flying today.
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Tad Eareckson
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Re: The Bob Show

Post by Tad Eareckson »

From the opening Kite Strings post, Bob:
Zack C - 2010/11/23 05:23:34 UTC

The purpose of Kite Strings is to foster serious discussion regarding the practices and technologies of modern hang gliding. This is a forum ruled by science, truth, facts, reason, and logic. Anyone with a respect for these principles and a willingness to learn and engage in rational discussion is welcome to participate.
That ain't you. You've never contributed a single goddam thing to the technology and/or understanding of the physics of the sport or supported anybody who has and you never will. Your interest in science, truth, facts, reason, logic comes to a screeching halt the nanosecond you've reached the point at which you've advanced enough to be able to fine-print your way around it.

And I don't want assholes like you, Rick Masters, Sam Kellner in the sport no matter what might emerge from a significant break of u$hPa's monopoly control of it in the US or after the conclusion of u$hPa's now rapidly snowballing implosion.

And you've had your wire reconnected for the last time. You do not come in here, violate the terms of the courtesy, spew Flight Park Mafia bullshit about weak link strength being "a negotiation between two people", ignore most of my long-winded crap, play havoc with the historical record of the forum. (And everybody note that Bob Show subjects aren't permitted to so much as fix typos and spelling mistakes after an hour or four.)

And good job helping to fulfill my predictions about the Breaking of USHPA's Monopoly Control of Flying Sites having begun and ended with Dockweiler Crumb Days. That conversation has been going on NOWHERE for quite some time now. And the conversation you had going on here might not have been going exactly as you wanted it to but it was better than the nothing you have now.

And speaking of Bob Show SUBJECTS... What you have over at your dump is a personality cult. It's supposed to be an alternative national hang gliding association but the most important characteristic that all your "members" have in common is they've all been perfectly happy for up to seven and a quarter years having no actual power and zero elected representation. And what kind of structure are you thinking you're gonna build on that kind of a foundation? Exactly what you've always had and nothing more - at best.
[TIL] About Tad Eareckson
Bob Kuczewski - 2013/03/10 18:20:34 UTC

A few years later (when I was starting the US Hawks Hang Gliding Association), I actually wrote to Tad inviting him to our forum because I wanted to incorporate diverse views in our new association. Tad joined us, and for a while things were fine. But over time, it became obvious to me that he was more interested in just bashing people than trying to actually solve problems in the sport of hang gliding. For a long time, I tried to show him kindness on our forum and I gave him a lot of slack with regard to his profanity and his comments that he wished certain people would crash and kill themselves. Eventually (and for reasons that I won't full disclose here), it became necessary to ask Tad to leave the US Hawks forum, and he is currently the only person who's been completely banned from the US Hawks.
Thanks for the honor, Bob. I'd have considered it a major character failing if I HADN'T been "asked to leave" "our" forum (for reasons that you won't full (or partial) disclose here) - and hadn't told you to go fuck yourself.

P.S. Go fuck yourself.
Steve Davy
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Re: The Bob Show

Post by Steve Davy »

That ain't you. You've never contributed a single goddam thing to the technology and/or understanding of the physics of the sport or supported anybody who has and you never will. Your interest in science, truth, facts, reason, logic comes to a screeching halt the nanosecond you've reached the point at which you've advanced enough to be able to fine-print your way around it.
And the above can be said about Mark G. Forbes as well, Bob. You and Mark, two peas, separate pods.
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