instructors and other qualified pilot fiends

General discussion about the sport of hang gliding
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Tad Eareckson
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Re: instructors and other qualified pilot fiends

Post by Tad Eareckson »

Three years and ten days ago:

That was a child murder.
This is terrible
Dave Pendzick - 2015/03/30 17:42:41 UTC

This is not going to end well for us...
And you all averted your gazes while the u$hPa damage control sleazebags did their usual cover-up and disinformation jobs but this one was too transparent and beyond the pale and you weren't gonna be able to get away with it this time.

"Yeah there was really no significant problem with this one 'cause everything he was doing and using. Shit just happens every now and then and there's really nothing anybody can do about it so suck it and adopt another kid if that's what floats your boat. Enough with the thoughts and prayers already."

You've all had your brains and souls rewired by decades of being normalized into this culture. And I did the right thing close to a decade ago when doing the right thing - or even making noises about the right thing - wasn't cool.
Bob Kuczewski - 2017/08/06 04:36:50 UTC
Luis Felipe Amunategui wrote:We need to consider getting an injunction against this guy communicating with the FAA on this subject.
Lisa Tate wrote:I forwarded the letter to Tim Herr yesterday asking about this.
Rich Hass wrote:Perhaps a strongly worded letter from Tim will do the trick. We can't force Tad to work within the USHPA framework but we can make it unpleasant and expensive for him if he chooses to makes derogatory and false statements about USHPA to the FAA he can't back up.
So how's it feel when shit like that starts overwhelming the mainstream?
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Tad Eareckson
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Re: instructors and other qualified pilot fiends

Post by Tad Eareckson »
Is this a joke ?
Jim Rooney - 2011/08/26 08:24:31 UTC

Thought I already answered that one... instead of quoting myself (have a look back if you don't believe me), I'll just reiterate it.

I don't advocate anything.
I use what we use at the flight parks. It's time tested and proven... and works a hell of a lot better than all the other bullshit I've seen out there.

130lb greenspot (greenspun?) cortland fishing line.
In stock at Quest, Highland, Eastern Shore, Kitty Hawk Kites, Florida Ridge, and I'm pretty sure Wallaby, Lookout and Morningside.
Not sure what Tracy up at Cloud Nine uses, but I'll put bets on the same.

Did I miss any?
Is it clear what I mean by "We"?
I didn't make the system up.
And I'm not so arrogant to think that my precious little ideas are going to magically revolutionise the industry.
There are far smarter people than me working this out.
I know, I've worked with them.
(Bobby's a fucking genius when it comes to this shit... for example.)
Thought I already answered that one... instead of quoting myself (have a look back if you don't believe me)...
Nobody believes you about anything now. Actually nobody seems to remember you actually existing anywhere in the sport before.
I'll just reiterate it.
How 'bout just reiterating something on The Davis Show now.
I don't advocate anything.
I use...
Not anymore you don't.
...what we...
Who's we?
...use at the flight parks.
- The main flight park you used to work at hasn't operationally existed for two and a half years now. And the operators have all been scattered to the winds and rendered extinct from the sport.

- Maybe you can tell us what "WE" are using at the (remaining) flight parks now. Everyone seems to be bending over backwards to reveal NOTHING about what we're using and what it's supposed to be doing for it.
...It's time tested and proven...
And it proved itself best at Quest in the early afternoon of 2013/02/02. It did exactly what the argument Donnell Hewett heard in 1980 predicted it would - broke at the worst possible time, when the glider was climbing hard in a near stall situation.
...and works a hell of a lot better than all the other bullshit I've seen out there.
It certainly did on that flight.
130lb greenspot (greenspun?) cortland fishing line.
Never heard of it before. Hey Quest... Li'l help?
In stock at Quest, Highland...
Highland who? (I wonder how many competition anglers showed up at the liquidation.)
...Eastern Shore, Kitty Hawk Kites, Florida Ridge, and I'm pretty sure Wallaby, Lookout and Morningside.
How are you sure now?


Does that glider at Quest two weeks ago look like it's being kept from getting into too much trouble by a single loop of 130 pound Greenspot (Greenspun?)?
Not sure what Tracy up at Cloud Nine uses, but I'll put bets on the same.
Oh, you didn't hear the news? Tracy up at Cloud Nine also doesn't exist any more - as far as hang gliding is concerned anyway.
Did I miss any?
No. You actually covered too many.
Is it clear what I mean by "We"?
Not in the SLIGHTEST. As a matter of fact, I don't believe I've heard you use a first person plural pronoun for quite some time now. And it's a pretty good bet that nobody else is including you in the use of a person plural pronoun either - 'specially in hang and paragliding circles.
I didn't make the system up.
Nah. This was mostly a degradation of something Donnell Hewett pulled out of his ass in late 1980 'cause engineering a sane release system was way out of his league.
And I'm not so arrogant to think...
Nah, you've never been so arrogant as to think. You've always been confident that all you need to do is start running your mouth with whatever comes to mind at the moment to have everybody awed by your unfathomable wisdom.
...that my precious little ideas are going to magically revolutionise the industry.
Well, the industry's in a state of major collapse right now so I can't see much harm in you giving your precious little ideas - the one's nobody's ever heard before - a shot now.
There are far smarter people than me working this out.
- Most total fucking morons are far smarter people than you?

- Working WHAT out? How is it possible for Quest to have been involved in perfecting aerotowing nearly 27 years and still have anything left to work out? Did sailplaning need to go through a similar evolution?

- That was the better part of seven years ago. And THIS:


was two weeks ago. Are you sure they haven't overperfected things?
I know, I've worked with them.
What better evidence of people being far smarter than you. What were you doing? Cleaning the toilets while they were inventing new ways to tie loops of 130 pound Greenspot to get them to break more consistently and in line with their expectations?
(Bobby's a fucking genius when it comes to this shit... for example.)


Too much of a fucking genius when it comes to this shit to lower himself enough to prevent that near fatal clusterfuck going on under his nose or offer a sacred syllable's worth of comment in any of the postmortem discussions. And now both of you are participating and contributing at precisely the same level - despite the fact that he's far smarter than you and a fucking genius when it comes to this shit. What a coincidence.
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Tad Eareckson
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Re: instructors and other qualified pilot fiends

Post by Tad Eareckson »

Hey Jim...

If Bobby's a fucking genius when it comes to this shit and Davis has been at an around all this plenty long enough to understand what's what and who's who, shouldn't they both be at fairly equal levels when it comes to this shit - given that they're both semipermanent Quest fixtures?

I'm guessing they'd hafta be - given that Davis is constantly posting his analyses of critical incidents, running comps, writing policy, establishing equipment standards. And we never hear Davis retracting, correcting, revising anything after Bobby's caught problems, nudged him back on the right track, brought him up to proper speed.

Davis is absolutely infallible - like the Standard Aerotow Weak Link. I can't remember him ever writing anything that wasn't totally dead on. And hell...
Is this a joke ?
Jim Rooney - 2011/08/28 06:15:12 UTC

You may not know, but Davis is a friend of mine.
We have discussed this many times in person. We are not in disagreement.

If you can not see that we're in agreement, perhaps I can clear things up for you. Or Davis can.
He's a friend of yours and totally in agreement with you on everything. And he was absolutely devastated both times you half bought it driving tandem thrill rides at Coronet Peak.

So if we're never hearing any corrections or expansions from Bobby the only possible conclusion we can draw is that anything more Bobby may have over Davis is of no practical value whatsoever.


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Re: instructors and other qualified pilot fiends

Post by Tad Eareckson »
New organization for rating Hang glider pilots
Mike Jefferson - 2018/04/06 21:04:00 UTC

I am very passionate about teaching hang gliding.
How passionate are you about seeing that other hang gliding instructors aren't teaching their students lethal moronic crap?
When I hear this kind of activity, frankly it sets me off. I spoke to Kurtis on the phone and he explained what really happened. I have apologized to Kurtis and want to set the story straight as I now know it. Kurtis called Saeid because he had a complaint about Saeid from a local paragliding school run by Jesse Meyer. Jesse wanted Saeid suspended because he found out Saeid had not paid his dues this year to the Wings of Rogallo hang gliding club, (WOR). How ironic is this?
I dunno. How 'bout when u$hPa permanently revoked Brad Geary's tandem and instructor tickets with him having done absolutely nothing illegal, in violation of u$hPa SOPs, or dangerous?
They wanted Saeid suspended when he is not even a member of the club. The Wings of Rogalllo hang gliding club received it's new permit from the Santa Clara County Parks Department last week. The new permit says, #14. A permittee shall not require, as a condition of flight, paragliding or hang gliding, that an individual first join or become a member of an organization, club or other entity.
The way it's always worked for US aerotowing.
Here is the real problem the club does not want you to hear. The lawyer for United States Hang Gliding Association is a guy by the name of Tim Herr.
No shit. The greatest mangler of legitimate SOPs and shredder of fatality reports in world aviation history.
Tim lives in the bay area and wants to protect USHPA financial interests.
Meaning his own financial interests.
Tim has been working with the Park Service to make them believe the USHPA is the authority on ultralight flight and all of their rules must be obeyed. So far they have lost on every one of their complaints. At one point the WOR club was floating the idea of suing the parks department for giving me, Big Air Hang Gliding, a commercial permit without their permission. Tim has got most of the pilots in my area believing that opening sites to other organizations is a bad thing.
It is for him and u$hPa. So really this is just a personal opinion thing.
Please help save hang gliding at Ed Levin park. If you would like to help, call or write Tim Herr and tell him to stop working against the hang gliding pilots before it all gets shut down.
Yeah, I'll bet that'll really get him back on the right track in a New York minute.
Here is Tims contact info:
Herr and Zapala LLP
Telephone: (408) 287-7788
And be sure to tell him for me that he can suck my dick and rot in hell.
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Tad Eareckson
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Re: instructors and other qualified pilot fiends

Post by Tad Eareckson »
Test flying the Wills Wing Sport 3 - 155
Andrew Vanis - 2018/04/09 22:24:45 UTC

interesting it was a pro-tow setup and the image in the article is 3-point towing
- and certainly don't trouble yourself to start off the sentence with a capital letter and end it with a period

- And here's the image in the "article":
Test flying the Wills Wing Sport 3 - 155
Paul Voight at the Wills Wing Demo Day at Wallaby Ranch flies the "race" version of the Sport 3 that I flew.

that we didn't get to see in the Davis Show forum edition.

- Interesting that an upstate New York Wills Wing dealer is demoing a Wills Wing glider at a Wills Wing Demo Day at the Wallaby Ranch aerotow park Wills Wing dealership in Davenport Florida when Wills Wing doesn't design its gliders to be motorized, tethered, or towed.

- So how do you know he was "3-point" towing? All we can see in the photo is a bridle being split between the pilot and glider. (That's at total of two - for the benefit of you math challenged Davis Show shitheads.)

- Davis has said:
Davis Straub - 2018/04/06 12:29:43 UTC

There is no need for a three point tow bridle setup with this glider.
and has been at an around all this plenty long enough to understand what's what and who's who and never been the slightest bit wrong about anything in the course of his entire fucking hang gliding career so I can't understand why you're even raising the issue.
Aerotow Release Attachment Points for Wills Wing Gliders - Wills Wing
Sport 2 135, 155 - On keel, at back of bottom surface zipper - Set VG to 1/2
But I'm sure that this has been such a radical departure from the earlier Sports that there is absolutely no need whatsoever for a three point tow bridle setup with this glider - and that Wills Wing, which doesn't design its gliders to be motorized, tethered, or towed, has certified it to that effect.

(And do make sure to always use an appropriate weak link with a finished length of 1.5 inches or less - but that goes without saying.)
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Re: instructors and other qualified pilot fiends

Post by <BS> »

Davis wrote:There is no need for a three point tow bridle setup with this glider.
Interesting understanding that there needs to be no other consideration but bar pressure when it comes to making that determination.
Zack wrote:I've never aerotowed pilot-only, but it is my understanding that this configuration pulls the pilot forward significantly, limiting the amount he can pull in further.
Davis wrote:Incorrect understanding.
Zack wrote:Similarly, it is my understanding that when the tow line is not centered horizontally in the control frame, the pilot is pulled to the side, limiting the amount he can roll in that direction.
Davis wrote:Also incorrect.

There you go.
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Re: instructors and other qualified pilot fiends

Post by <BS> »
Airshow Pilot Dan Buchanan Perishes While Performing in Idaho
Details are minimal, at the moment, though one published description noted that his glider descended sharply to impact near the runway following his release from a winch tow to an undisclosed altitude.
Steve Davy
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Re: instructors and other qualified pilot fiends

Post by Steve Davy »
"It's very tragic," said pilot Fred Worthy, who was at the Idaho event. The act included a mock battle pitting the hang glider against an airplane that pretends to confront the smaller craft with close passes and staged banter between the pilots. "He was doing high angles of attack and pretending to have communication challenges" when tragedy struck, Worthy said. Buchanan appeared to parallel the ground without much airspeed "and then he pitched down" in a nose-down attitude, Worthy observed.
He lost thrust just when he needed it most.
Just When I Needed You Most
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Tad Eareckson
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Re: instructors and other qualified pilot fiends

Post by Tad Eareckson »
I can not keep quiet any longer.
Mark G. Forbes - 2018/08/14 01:33:02 UTC

The fatality and injury statistics do not support a conclusion that paragliding is inherently more dangerous than hang gliding. I'm working on the accident summary compilation that the RRG will be releasing shortly, and the evidence just doesn't support that conclusion. As Paul says above, he's seeing a much larger volume of PG flying. Same thing here in Oregon. The PG club is very active; the HG group, now only a mailing list with no regular in-person meetings, is maybe a tenth of the activity, if that. And that mostly because we have one guy who seems to be able to go out flying almost every day!

The best way to get new HG pilots is to get them interested in the capability of a hang glider once they're flying. To do that we need to knock off the "PDMC" bullshit and focus on fun and community. We need to be open, receptive and welcoming to all pilots, and not act like a bunch of grumpy old farts. Which, I regret to say, is what a lot of this looks like.
Lost Site?
Mark G. Forbes - 2018/02/01 05:26:59 UTC

I fly my PG in morning and evening air, relatively light winds or at coastal sites with consistent, smooth air. If it's getting thermic, or particularly, thermic with wind, then I don't want to be up there. Mid-day, I pretty much don't fly in summer; I do this for fun, and I prefer the milder morning and evening conditions. Others have a higher tolerance for turbulence and risk, and skills beyond mine.
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Re: instructors and other qualified pilot fiends

Post by Tad Eareckson »
Liberating public land.
Jack Axaopoulos - 2018/08/24 12:39:50 UTC

More Bobk/US-Hawks crap leaking in. Its not permitted on this site. They have their entire own site. Go there.

Going to start handing out bans if people cant follow simple rules. The members here are complaining about the shilling and BobK proxies. End it now.

More Bobk/US-Hawks crap leaking in. Its not permitted on this site.
YOU don't permit it in YOUR Living Room - one of the two official unofficial u$hPa forums.
They have their entire own site. Go there.
Love it or leave it, Jack Show cocksuckers in good standing. Ditto for Bob Show cocksuckers in good standing.
Going to start handing out bans if people cant follow simple rules.
Jack Show Jack's Imperial Edicts.
The members here are complaining about the shilling and BobK proxies.
THE members THERE?
- How many? What percentage of the 10550 members of The worlds largest hang gliding community?
- You say "members", plural, so we know at least two of them. And we know that one of them is the only member with a voice and vote that counts for anything.

You and Emperor Bob have so much in common. What a pity it is that you guys can't seem to get along any better than you do.
End it now.
Hear that, little Jack Show cocksuckers? Better do as you're ordered if you wanna continue to be members of The worlds largest hang gliding community.
So pick one or two of the scores of POSITIVE and PRODUCTIVE hot Jack Show topics for your enthusiastic participation - all you freedom loving heterosexual rugged individualists.

Thanks bigtime for helping accelerate the death spiral of this ugly blight on the face of legitimate aviation, Jack.

And let's take a comparative look at the Jack Show classic "rules" and the new and improved version.
- black - identical
- red - vaporized
- blue - amended
HangGliding.Org's Mission Statement

- To actively promote the sport of HANG GLIDING
- To actively market and position the sport of HG in the recreational/sporting market place
- To actively defend the sport of hang gliding (sites in jeopardy, politics, competing entities...)
- To provide a friendly and positive, approachable community for people interested in the sport of HG
- To provide a friendly community for Hang Glider pilots to hang out and discuss hang gliding
- To provide online resources to potential pilots and hang glider pilots

HangGliding.Org Rules and Policies

- KEEP IT CIVIL. Attacking other members, or covert implied attacks are NOT allowed. No harassing or stalking other members. Inflammatory posts are not allowed. This includes "photoshopping" member pictures in a negative way. You will get a warning if you break this rule. If you persist to do this, you will be banned.Threads that start to spin out of control, will be LOCKED. If you wish to cry censorship because a thread is locked when people start acting like children, take it to another forum.
- Dont spam the forum. No advertising on this site. Ask SG for permission first.
- When posting, think about non-HG pilots who come to visit the site every day. Please put your best foot forward and showcase the fun adventurous atmosphere we experience every day in the landing zone after a great flight
- No aliases. One account per person.
- No PORN. It is against my server companies policies and there are plenty of other websites for that stuff. If you couldn't show it on TV, don't post it here.
- Please treat the admin as a regular user. As long as you follow the rules, there is NO CHANCE you will banned because you disagree with the admin. The admin would like to be part of this community too without having to walk on egg shells because people think his word holds more weight for whatever reason. It does not. But the admin will do his job as moderator when he has to. But please follow the rules and don't make him do it, he doesn't enjoy that part. : )
- No posts or links about Bob K, Scott C Wise, Tad Eareckson and related people, or their material. ALL SUCH POSTS WILL BE IMMEDIATELY DELETED. These people are poison to this sport and are permanently banned from this site in every possible way imaginable.

ANGRY about some post??? Tips to follow

- FILTER the user click on the "ignore" button at the bottom of the users post. All future posts will be blocked from this user. (see who is ignored)
- AVOID responding and fanning the flames of the topic
- Really don't like a post? Rate it by giving it a thumbs down. The link is in the lower right hand corner of each post
- Tired of seeing an inflammatory topic on the front page? Click on the "BURY this topic" link at the top of the page. Once a topic gets enough votes, it will be moved to "The Basement" forum where it will no longer show up on the front page.

This page was last modified on 2012/02/24 11:02
HangGliding.Org's Mission Statement

- To actively promote the sport of HANG GLIDING
- To actively market and position the sport of HG in the recreational/sporting market place
- To actively defend the sport of hang gliding (sites in jeopardy, politics, competing entities...)
- To provide a friendly and positive, approachable community for people interested in the sport of HG
- To provide a friendly community for Hang Glider pilots to hang out and discuss hang gliding
- To provide online resources to potential pilots and hang glider pilots

HangGliding.Org Rules and Policies

- This website is a small private business just like your local coffee shop. Anyone showing a pattern of abuse or harassment that would cause them to be thrown out of their local coffee shop can expect the same treatment here.
- KEEP IT CIVIL. Attacking other members, or covert implied attacks are NOT allowed. No harassing or stalking other members. Inflammatory posts are not allowed. This includes "photoshopping" member pictures in a negative way. Threads that start to spin out of control, will be LOCKED. If you wish to cry censorship because a thread is locked when people start acting like children, take it to another forum, change the channel, but this is not your government funded public property, this is a private business.
- Dont spam the forum. No advertising on this site. Ask SG for permission first.
- When posting, think about non-HG pilots who come to visit the site every day. Please put your best foot forward and showcase the fun adventurous atmosphere we experience every day in the landing zone after a great flight
- No aliases. One account per person.
- No PORN. It is against my server companies policies and there are plenty of other websites for that stuff. If you couldn't show it on TV, don't post it here.
- No posts or links about Bob Kuczewski, Scott C Wise, Tad Eareckson and related people, or their material. ALL SUCH POSTS WILL BE IMMEDIATELY DELETED. These people are poison to this sport and are permanently banned from this site in every possible way imaginable. They have been banned over and over again by multiple sites and organizations. Bob Kuczewski holds the title as the only regional directory to be forcibly REMOVED from office by the United States Hanggliding Paragliding Association. Avoid at all costs. Bob Kuczewski even requested that I change people votes during an election in a newly formed hang gliding organization. The man has no integrity and spends his days smearing people on the internet.
This page was last modified on 2017/06/26 16:20
Good thing you got the porn rule in there, Jack. One can only imagine all the porn that would be appearing there otherwise.

What happened to the ignore list? I was head, shoulders, navel over the runner-up from shortly after my Jack Show debut in 2009 until it vanished what you tapatalked your dump over a year ago.

Funny you don't mention anything about all of Bob's arrests for trespassing on a public park or his expulsion from u$hPa. How come?

Guess we gotta treat the admin as the douchebag he is and always has been - someone who will ban in a New York minute anyone who treats him as a regular user and dares to disagree with him.

How are things going with the ol' Mission Statement? Hang gliding expanding, progressing, more flying opportunities cropping up all over the US and the rest of the planet? Improved training techniques? Better equipment? Enhanced safety? A more cohesive and effective recreational pilot community?

And I like the way you deal with voter fraud issues on The Jack Show. Same way Davis and Bob have - don't allow anybody else to cast a vote on anything that counts for anything.
Landing on your feet (for AEROTOW)- So Dangerous
Jack Axaopoulos - 2009/06/29 14:26:26 UTC

OMG!!! You dont even have wheels!!?!?!?!? Image
I have a brilliant idea. People who cant land for sh*t.... LEARN TO LAND Image That way when a weak link breaks on you, ITS A NON-ISSUE. Genius huh??? Image
Got a list of the people who've learned to "land"?
Gil Dodgen - 1995/01

All of this reminds me of a comment Mike Meier made when he was learning to fly sailplanes. He mentioned how easy it was to land a sailplane (with spoilers for glide-path control and wheels), and then said, "If other aircraft were as difficult to land as hang gliders no one would fly them."
Everybody "learning" to...
Steve Pearson on landings
Steve Pearson - 2012/03/28 23:26:05 UTC

I can't control the glider in strong air with my hands at shoulder or ear height and I'd rather land on my belly with my hands on the basetube than get turned downwind.
..."land", nobody...


...learning to fly, and, like Mike predicted around a quarter century ago, nobody's flying hang gliders anymore.

Keep up the great work making sure everybody in your crumbling mutual masturbation society keeps rubbing everyone else the right way.

P.S. And DO say hi to Ryan Instant-Hands-Free-Release Voight for me. One post so far this year...
RIP Emma Martin
Ryan Voight - 2018/01/02 18:04:14 UTC

This is just so sad... I didn't know Emma but tried to find some meaningful words to share commenting on Peter's post... My thoughts are with her family, friends, and all that had the good fortune to know her...
...on its second day about another fatal failed stunt landing effort and we've heard nothing from him anywhere - including videos - since.
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