instructors and other qualified pilot fiends

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Tad Eareckson
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Re: instructors and other qualified pilot fiends

Post by Tad Eareckson »
Blue Sky
Davis Straub - 2005/06/21

There was an aerotow accident here a few weeks ago, that hurt an experienced female pilot. I hope to publish the facts about that accident as soon as I have the accident report (which was written up by Steve and immediately sent to the USHGA). Steve has provided me with all the details and there is a lot that can be learned from the eight second accident, and I'm looking to spread those lessons fare and wide. Steve is not shy in the least talking about it. He wants to help instruct everyone.
There was an aerotow accident...
There's no such thing as an accident - AT or any other flavor in this sport. a few weeks ago, that hurt...
Bit of an understatement, dontchya think? experienced female pilot.
Her name's Holly Korzilius. It's out on the Capitol club rag. (Good thing she wasn't an INexperienced female pilot. One can only imagine the devastation that would likely have resulted.)
I hope to publish the facts...
But, failing that, I might settle for a load of ass covering total bullshit. We don't always get to do what we hope to do. In this particular instance we need to carefully scrutinize each actual fact from a dozen different angles to make sure that it only reflects poorly on the experienced female pilot - the pilot at the back end of the line to be precise.
...about that accident...
An "accident". Yeah, thanks. We got it the first time. soon as I have the accident...
32 words so far - and three of them are "accident". How many more repetitions do we need to confirm beyond a shadow of a reasonable doubt that it WASN'T? (which was written up by Steve and immediately sent to the USHGA).
- John Woiwode got mostly killed 2005/07/07, under six weeks after Holly, on a fundamentally incompetent non commercial platform exercise in southwest Wyoming. The report, however, was detailed, thorough, extensive, exhaustive, literate, consistent, accurate, honest. All three individuals involved in the operation were identified by name, qualifications, experience. And even though the participants were and remained clueless about the core issue it revealed exactly what happened and why. It's probably the best incident report ever published in the history of the sport.

It was published 2005/09/18 - a bit under two and a half months after impact. So what's the big fuckin' rush to get this Flight Park Mafia total crap into print?

P.S. If anything on the John Woiwode ever made it into u$hPa's shit rag of a magazine I can't find a trace.

- Good thing Steve sent it to u$hPa so immediately. The more immediately it's sent the more we can be sure of its accuracy, thoroughness, honesty. The incident won't be reported in the magazine until 2006/09 - sixteen months after impact. If he'd worked on it another couple weeks it might not have been published until 2006/10. And just think about all the extra people who would've died due to the delay of getting this information so properly spread fare and wide.

Obviously if it's a legitimate report on a legitimate safety issue that needs to be addressed you want it published a week ago. Sixteen months and you're looking at...
The young girl who died hang gliding solo
Jim Rooney - 2012/03/06 18:34:14 UTC

ND's onto it.

No one ever wants to wait for the accident investigation... they want to know "NOW DAMNIT!" and there's always a lot of self-serving arguments surrounding it.

And it's always the same.
The same damn arguments get drug up every time. And they're all just as pointless every time.

We have a system in place.
It works.
Let it work.

Our procedures are well established at this point in time and there are no gaping hidden holes that need to be addressed immediately.

RR asked what the status was.
ND's provided the answer (thank you).

Please take a deep breath. And wait.
Accident investigations involving fatalities take a long time. And by long, I mean they can take years.
(yes, years, I'm not kidding)

The sky is not falling.
...pure unadulterated cover-up.

Examples of legitimate safety issues that need addressing last week are virtually nonexistent in the sport 'cause we don't have much in the way of critical moving parts. And about the only time we DID have a relevant issue - that for towing the lower connection was to the control bar rather than to the pilot - Donnell Hewett attempted to address it with about the only thing he ever got somewhat right and u$hPa's response was to silence him for a bit over two years.
...a totally unbiased and disinterested source...
...has provided me with all the details...
- From where did he get them? I was under the impression that he'd shipped them all off to u$hPa a half hour after impact.

- How the fuck would you know whether or not he provided you with ALL the details? We don't even have consistent accounts of what was going on with the front end. This statement is an obvious LIE. This shows us in no uncertain terms that we're looking at a cover-up conspiracy.
...and there is a lot that can be learned...
- Isn't there always. Hard to recall a crash from the recorded history of hang gliding in which there wasn't a lot to be learned. The problem is that, with extremely rare exceptions, the human brain doesn't have the capacity to retain and properly process all this information. If we learn something from this one we'll have to toss something learned from a previous one to make the necessary space.

- If there isn't a lot that can be learned from an incident that starts pointing to the negligence and incompetence of instructors, tow operations, drivers, assistants and shoddiness of Industry Standard equipment.
...from the eight second...
Good thing it wasn't sixteen seconds.
Oh, it was an accident? What's the point then? Accidents are just inevitable shit happens events. There's nothing you can really do about them. This one was at the best run training and towing - scooter, truck, AT - operation on the planet. u$hPa's most recent Instructor of the Year watching the train wreck from start to finish... As far as I can tell there was absolutely nothing that could've prevented this one. Like the Titanic, Challenger launch, Jim Rooney tandem thrill ride unhooked launch, Zack Marzec inconvenience tumble fatality...
...and I'm looking to spread those lessons fare and wide.
But if you spread them fare and wide won't their effect be pretty thin, diluted? Wouldn't it be better to concentrate them somewhere? I'm thinking that if the right attorney got properly tuned in and Blue Sky and Steve were sued out of existence we might have a better shot at getting things cleaned up at the national level.
Steve is not shy in the least talking about it.
I guess we'll have to take your word for it. (Funny the way his name was never once mentioned in anything pertaining to this one in any u$hPa publication. Maybe he was just a little bit shy talking about it. Probably 'cause he was too modest to credit himself regarding the running of this five star operation.)
He wants to help instruct everyone.
So WE TOO may aspire to hypoxic levels attained by Holly Korzilius and Bill Priday! Does he want to help anyone who doesn't wanna travel from LA to Manquin and pony up a hundred and fifty bucks for an introductory scooter tow lesson? If you go to his website,, there's absolutely nothing in the way of instruction that takes you beyond lowish Two level - and precious little beyond One.

The only possible asterisk is:

which was a Wills Wing product geared towards instructors for getting mostly intros efficiently and reasonably safely off the ground and up to low Two level. Zilch on Holly level pro toad crap.

If you REALLY wanna help instruct EVERYONE you have to start by tearing down all the lunatic murderous crap infesting the sport at a dominant global level. Name an entity other than this one that does that.

OK Davis, Steve... It's been over a decade and a half since all this valuable information from which so much could be learned started going out. Name one thing one individual is now doing differently - and hopefully better - as a result of this incident and the reporting on it.

We get in a time machine, stop Holly, run her the short clinic she needed to understand how to fly pro toad safely. Her tow is a non event. Everybody has a nice flying weekend at Blue Sky. Holly and Scott continue their careers to the average dropout point. Do Quest pro toads Zack Marzec and Jeff Bohl get any more killed. Does John Claytor get his neck any more bent?

Compare/Contrast with what happened with Pete Lehmann getting his knee sanded down to the bone at Zapata and Zack Marzec getting fatally inconvenienced at Quest not long thereafter.
Zach Marzec
William Olive - 2013/02/27 20:55:06 UTC

Like the rest of us, you have no idea what really happened on that tow.

We probably never will know.
Jim Rooney - 2013/02/28 01:17:55 UTC

Well said Billo
I'm a bit sick of all the armchair experts telling me how my friend died.

Ah but hg'ers get so uppity when you tell them not to speculate.
There was absolutely nothing to be learned or even speculate about yet virtually overnight and minus any clearly defined policy change many of us suddenly became happy with a slightly stronger weak link.

So it would seem that the less likely it is that everyone will be able to learn from a given incident the more likely it is that everyone will learn something from the given incident. Also the more quickly everyone will learn it.

What they're gonna forget at the speed of light is the individuals who'd been sreaming their lungs out about this shit for the previous couple decades.
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Tad Eareckson
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Re: instructors and other qualified pilot fiends

Post by Tad Eareckson »
The Oz Report Forum...
Martin Henry - 2020/10/04 16:26:27 UTC
Supporting the Oz Report
Davis Straub - 2020/03/02 12:45:33 UTC

There is a transition coming by the end of the year

The Oz Report will not totally end, but it will become something different. More on this later. You will no longer be asked to pay for it, which is both a good thing, and not a good thing.

This is the month where I ask Oz Report readers for their support. Your contribution pays for hosting our web site and for Gerry's technical support to keep it running.

Here are our supporters:

As you know, all we are asking for is a subscription payment of $20/year.

Seems simple enough. Like most content on the internet, you get to read the Oz Report for free. The trouble for us, not you, is that there are not enough hang glider pilots in this world to make advertising pay for our web hosting costs.

Please, help us out. Support something that you find useful so that it can continue to be there for you.
Earlier this year Davis posted the item above so, as the end of year approaches I'm curious as to what is ahead for the future of this forum?

For all the years that Davis has been key to providing both the "Report" and the "Forum" I can see, and understand the need for change and simply the burn out that goes along with performing the same task year after year.

I suggest that the truth is, we are all wandering off to other interests? I have no idea what the actual user numbers may be but I get the feeling that we have dwindled to a list of less than 20 frequent "poster's" to the forum? Lurkers of less than a 100? (Maybe Scare would like to post some data?). We have our little group of "old timers" and "newbies" that wander in and out but the forum is only a shell of its glory days. Days when vigorous debates would fill lengthy threads of "right and wrong" "left and right" entrenched ramblings... often resembling a night at the bar transposed to the written word on the Oz Report Forum.

As a sport who's participants are spread out around the world and are truly an eclectic group of misfits and enthusiasts, this type of forum appears to have run it's course.

So where are we going?

The savage art of putting a lengthy diatribe of thoughts into words is being replaced with shorter and shorter formats... so much so it appears we have degraded to the point where posting a photo with a thumbs up emoji is the best we can do? That, deep thoughtful responses to a post are the click of a "like" button? (swipe left or right to send the post to purgatory?)

I suggest the lack of meaningful conversation is a sign of death?

Over the years I've taken some time to follow and contribute to various forums and they are all dying. Well not interested in Facebook, I often see it touted as the next step but frankly "I don't get it" as the content is a truncated mess of links, "likes" and emoji's that hardly represent the sport I have enjoyed for all these years. Information on these platforms is dumbed down so much they are meaningless and frankly just noise.

It seems the best conversations about our once wonderful sport are gone?

Curious about the future of the OZ Report (and forum) but more curious about the future of our sport. For now, it looks like the best conversations will remain "on the hill", in the LZ or at the bar/pub...

Earlier this year Davis posted the item above so, as the end of year approaches I'm curious as to what is ahead for the future of this forum?
Same thing as what's ahead for the future of the sport. It doesn't have one.
For all the years that Davis has been key to providing both the "Report" and the "Forum"
Lucky us.
I can see, and understand the need for change and simply the burn out that goes along with performing the same task year after year.
And expecting better results.
I suggest that the truth is...
...Davis's Flight Park Mafia's greatest liability.
...we are all wandering off to other interests?
Or getting airlifted out by choppers, getting hauled away in body bags.
I have no idea what the actual user numbers may be but I get the feeling that we have dwindled to a list of less than 20 frequent "poster's" to the forum? Lurkers of less than a 100? (Maybe Scare would like to post some data?).
Or maybe we can get Tim Herr to post some actual data. No wait. He's shredded just about all of it.
We have our little group of "old timers" and "newbies" that wander in and out but the forum is only a shell of its glory days. Days when vigorous debates would fill lengthy threads of "right and wrong" "left and right" entrenched ramblings...
Until Davis would recognize the people who knew what the fuck they were talking about...
Tad's release (even more)
Freedomspyder - 2009/02/14 17:43:30 UTC

I've found your posts on both hook-in checks and releases very interesting and well thought out.
Best of luck dealing with the Oz Report forum cult and its leader.
...sabotage and lock the threads, ban them.
...often resembling a night at the bar transposed to the written word on the Oz Report Forum.
One could probably make more progress in a night at the bar.
As a sport who's participants are spread out around the world and are truly an eclectic group of misfits and enthusiasts, this type of forum appears to have run it's course.
1. That's OK, The Jack Show is still going strong.
2. Good.
So where are we going?
Into eternal oblivion - which is incredibly sad when one thinks about what the sport could and should have been if it weren't such a massive dickhead magnet.
The savage art of putting a lengthy diatribe of thoughts into words is being replaced with shorter and shorter formats... so much so it appears we have degraded to the point where posting a photo with a thumbs up emoji is the best we can do?
Sam Kellner - 2010/03/28 21:41:19 UTC

:lol: Yeah, I don't even read all of those long winded "explanations". :lol: :roll:
That, deep thoughtful responses to a post are the click of a "like" button? (swipe left or right to send the post to purgatory?)
I suggest the lack of meaningful conversation is a sign of death?
Yep. Also a sign of the brain death that precedes it.
Over the years I've taken some time to follow and contribute to various forums and they are all dying.
Well not interested in Facebook, I often see it touted as the next step but frankly "I don't get it" as the content is a truncated mess of links, "likes" and emoji's that hardly represent the sport I have enjoyed for all these years. Information on these platforms is dumbed down so much they are meaningless and frankly just noise.
Tow Park accidents
Jack Axaopoulos - 2009/11/12 14:49:58 UTC

One of the stated goals of this site is to promote HG. MOST views on this site are NOT from members but from visitors, they have no ignore button.

Having Tad run around every day giving the impression that there is a massive weekly slaughter of pilots at tow parks due to their horribly dangerous devices surely doesnt promote HG. Especially when the safety records are quite excellent.

Like Jim said, theyve gone a decade with no fatalities at their tow park. Pretty damn good I say.

Yet listening to Tad, you would think guys were dying all over the place
He's been nothing but misleading and negative and ignored multiple warnings from me. So He's GONE
Guess Jack and...
Davis Straub - 2010/04/03 12:46:26

Tad is gone.
...Davis just didn't ban me soon enough.
It seems the best conversations about our once wonderful sport are gone?
Yep. And the sport was NEVER a fraction as wonderful as it could and should have been. (See above.)
Curious about the future of the OZ Report (and forum) but more curious about the future of our sport.
It doesn't have one. You slaughter enough Carolina Parakeets and destroy their habitat and you hit a point of no return. You drop below critical mass and you're living on borrowed time. You demolish a Holly Korzilius and a Bill Priday and there are ripple effects. Established people gradually drift out without anybody noticing. Then you don't have the people you would've had to attract and support new people.
For now, it looks like the best conversations will remain "on the hill", in the LZ or at the bar/pub...
Is this a joke ?
Jim Rooney - 2011/08/26 02:44:10 UTC

Argue all you like about the "true" purpose of a weaklink... but it's only you that's arguing.
I find no disagreement in the professional community as to such.
I only find a disconnect when they're talking to the general public, and it always boils down to semantics.

See, we're not confused.
You're searching for an argument and only finding it within yourself.

This btw is one of the main reasons that most of the professionals do not bother with the forums.
Cuz it's generally a bitchfest around here.

Instead of looking for an argument, you may consider listening instead.
im Rooney - 2011/08/31 09:25:57 UTC

Your anecdotal opinion is supposed to sway me?
You forget, every tow flight you take requires a tug pilot... we see EVERY tow.
We know who the rockstars are and who the muppets are.
Do you have any idea how few of us there are?
You think we don't talk?
I'll take our opinion over yours any day of the week.
Poll on weaklinks
Jim Rooney - 2013/03/03 19:37:19 UTC

My response is short because I've been saying it for years... and yes, I'm a bit sick of it.
This is a very old horse and has been beaten to death time and time again... by a very vocal minority.

See, most people are happy with how we do things. This isn't an issue for them. They just come out and fly. Thing's aren't perfect, but that's life... and life ain't perfect. You do what you can with what you've got and you move on.

But then there's a crowd that "knows better". To them, we're all morons that can't see "the truth".
(Holy god, the names I've been called.)

I have little time for these people.

It saddens me to know that the rantings of the fanatic fringe mask the few people who are actually working on things. The fanaticism makes it extremely hard to have a conversation about these things as they always degrade into arguments. So I save the actual conversations for when I'm talking with people in person.

A fun saying that I picked up... Some people listen with the intent of understanding. Others with the intent of responding.
I like that.

For fun... if you're not seeing what I mean... try having a conversation here about wheels.
Davis Straub - 2013/03/05 03:36:09 UTC

Had a great discussion about weaklinks and the tug's weaklinks with actual tug pilots today at Quest Air. Had nothing to do with any of the thoughts seen on the Oz Report forum.
Cheers, Martin. Notice the way it's been the better part of six hours now and nobody on The Davis Show has responded to your post with so much as an emoji? Not a great sign. And only 26 hits. Maybe cruise on over to The Jack Show and see what's going on. Maybe give The Bob Show a shot.
P.S. - 2020/10/05 01:00:00 UTC

The other bad news is that of the eighteen actual topics on Davis Show Page One sixteen were launched by "The Oz Report". Click on back a decade or so and compare/contrast.
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Tad Eareckson
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Joined: 2010/11/25 03:48:55 UTC

Re: instructors and other qualified pilot fiends

Post by Tad Eareckson »
weak links
Davis Straub - 2009/04/15 01:52:58 UTC

The topic isn't too hot. The topic is just fine.

Tad, are you going to stop with your condescending tone? Are you just going to present your position and leave it at that? If you do this thread will stay open and Marc won't give you what your tone clearly deserves.

Tad, if you can't do this then I'm going to keep closing down threads whenever they go off the tracks, and that will lead me to sending you back to the mailing lists you inhabit.
The topic isn't too hot.
The topic is so hot that for the past seven years nobody ever heard of a weak link before.
The topic is just fine.
Just like every Industry Standard front and back end weak link that's gone up in the course of Dragonfly AT history. They've all been just fine and have all worked when they were supposed to. They all broke at their breaking strengths with astoundings levels of consistency.
Tad, are you going to stop with your condescending tone?
Nah. I'm only now getting properly ramped up.
Are you just going to present your position and leave it at that?
Fuck no. I'm gonna figure out what you Industry assholes don't want anyone to know about down to the last fragment and publish it where anyone who wants to see it can easily find it.
If you do this thread will stay open and Marc won't give you what your tone clearly deserves.
Fuck that thread. I have a dedicated weak links thread over here with 1831 posts to date.
Also fuck Marc. Your little pet cocksucker has been extinct since 2014/20/28 22:48:45 UTC. Nobody misses or gives a rat's ass about him.
Tad, if you can't do this...
I can, I just don't feel like it.
...then I'm going to keep closing down threads whenever they go off the tracks...
- The only reason you close down threads is because they stay on track.

- Go ahead. Close down all the threads you feel like. Just about all of them nowadays are ones you've started 'cause you've killed off all topics of actual interest and substance.
...and that will lead me to sending you back to the mailing lists you inhabit.
I don't inhabit any mailing lists. They're all extinct now too. And if anyone wants to see any of their history he has to come here. And that may become largely the case with The Davis Show in the near future.
"Hall Brock" Safety Award
once&future - 2020/07/19 23:36:07 UTC

Imagine that: description and analysis of fatal accidents in the national magazine. When USHGA stopped doing this was around when I started losing interest in the magazine.
Same with your web forum dumps. Things have been so systematically and thoroughly gutted out in your mainstream that if anyone wants to read or see anything of actual substance he has to come here. May even see our existence acknowledged once in a while.
HG ORG Mission Statement - Hang Gliding Wiki
2019 HangGliding.Org Simplified Rules and Policies

* No posts or links about Bob Kuczewski, Scott C Wise, Tad Eareckson and related people, or their material or organizations. ALL SUCH POSTS WILL BE IMMEDIATELY DELETED.
Can you really afford to be deleting posts at this point, Jack? Not much left of your local coffee shop these days.
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Tad Eareckson
Posts: 9152
Joined: 2010/11/25 03:48:55 UTC

Re: instructors and other qualified pilot fiends

Post by Tad Eareckson »
The young girl who died hang gliding solo
Jim Rooney - 2012/03/06 18:34:14 UTC

ND's onto it.

No one ever wants to wait for the accident investigation... they want to know "NOW DAMNIT!" and there's always a lot of self-serving arguments surrounding it.

And it's always the same.
The same damn arguments get drug up every time. And they're all just as pointless every time.

We have a system in place.
It works.
Let it work.

Our procedures are well established at this point in time and there are no gaping hidden holes that need to be addressed immediately.

RR asked what the status was.
ND's provided the answer (thank you).

Please take a deep breath. And wait.
Accident investigations involving fatalities take a long time. And by long, I mean they can take years.
(yes, years, I'm not kidding)

The sky is not falling.
Yeah years. Selfless disinterested highly qualified and experienced hang glider crash investigators spend untold thousands of man-hours investigating incidents and getting every detail down the tension of the third port batten out from center to the nearest 0.1 ounce and calculating what was going on every tenth of a second over the range of the final fifteen. Then they feed all this data into various spreadsheets so they can publish it the magazine when they have it really nailed after three years so that recreational pilots and instructors can make goddam sure we never again have another one like it.

But then in the interim some asshole will use a variation to kill himself and they'll hafta juggle their attention and resources... It's totally astounding what they manage to accomplish under these kinds of pressures. Or tensions? I always manage to get those terms confused.

So for Zack Marzec - 2013/02/02 20:00 UTC - we had an account from the tug pilot and only witness ever publicly identified in under a day that made total sense, told us just about everything we needed to know, wasn't much more mysterious than a report of a nose high Assisted Windy Cliff Launch.

And anything we didn't know to an absolute certainty we could get with a high degree of confidence from a YouTube video he'd posted the day before he bought it.


Pro toad, easily reachable bent pin barrel releases, Rooney Link. We all play by the same rules or we don't play. Extremely long track record. Quest has been perfecting this for twenty years. Big fuckin' surprise.

And all that tells us that the "pilot", driver, cart monkey are totally clueless - along with the operation and the national organization that tolerates this bullshit.

And then five days and a bit shy of four hours later we have a detailed comprehensive fatality report from an author who saw no more of the flight than an observer stationed at Point Barrow. Corrects all the errors posted by the tug pilot (despite the fact that we know no tug pilot has ever been mistaken about anything), fabricates a few new issues to help lubricate our imagination, proclaims that he wishes he could shed more light on this accident but is afraid that this is all we know and probably ever will know.

And less than three weeks after Paul's joke of a report is posted (and that's the last we'll ever hear from Paul and/or Lauren) you're totally aligned with Billo - digging in and insisting that there's nothing more to discuss on this one, that:
- anything beyond will forever remain an unfathomable mystery
- everything was being done to the highest degree of perfection within the grasp of us inherently imperfect humans
- with the benefit of hindsight there was nothing that could've been done to so much a mitigate the consequences of this flight

And then seven months minus a day (max) u$hPa publishes the definitive, exhaustive, final analysis in which they have everything distilled down to five sentences and clarify that he didn't actually launch and crash until six days after Quest thought and reported that he did. And nobody outside of Kite Strings has ever expressed the slightest problem with any of it.

Good thing they didn't work on it for years or we'd have ended up with something analogous to the Mark G. Forbes 2015/03/31 03:10:32 UTC recounting of the 2005/10/01 Bill Priday unhooked launch fatality at Whitwell.
Tandem crash in LV (speculation thread)

So go ahead, Jim... Give us an example of one of these untold scores of hang gliding fatality reports released after years worth of investigation that's gotten us properly squared away on some hitherto unknown issue - just in the nick of time to put out an advisory to prevent a rerun.

USHPA - Safety Articles
Fatality Reports
2013/02/08 - Zack Marzec

Zack Marzec (27), an H-4 Pilot with Aero Tow and Tandem Aero Tow proficiency as well as Advanced Instructor and Tandem Instructor appointments, and a USHPA member since 2009, suffered fatal injuries when his glider tumbled during an aero tow launch. During the launch, at an altitude of 150 AGL, the pilot encountered an invisible bullet thermal which pitched the nose up, causing the weak link to break. Upon the breakage of the weak link, the glider whip stalled and then tumbled twice. The pilot and glider's leading edge hit the ground simultaneously. The pilot was utilizing his own pro-tow style tow harness, this own high performance glider with VG on, and was not wearing a full face helmet.
The pilot was utilizing his own pro-tow style tow harness...
The implication being that this was just some shit rigged crap he'd fabricated in his kitchen in a spare ten minutes after lunch - rather than a top quality Industry Standard unit purchased from a reputable Flight Park Mafia establishment like Quest or Kitty Hawk...
Towing Aloft - 1998/01

The towline release is a critically important piece of equipment. It is the device which frees you from the towline and it must be failure-proof. Numerous designs have evolved over the years--some very good and some not so good. Unfortunately, releases are items that many pilots feel they can make at home or adapt from something they have seen at the hardware store. Two fatalities have occurred in the past 5 years directly related to failures of very poorly constructed and maintained releases. For the sake of safety, only use releases that have been designed and extensively tested by reputable manufacturers.
And Jim Keen-Intellect Rooney on Tost sailplane weak links:
Weak link question
Jim Rooney - 2008/11/25 20:49:28 UTC

One criteria is of course that they are recognizable... to me... not you.
But that's not it. They are kept because they have a huge track record. That's really hard to argue with.
I've yet to hear anyone successfully do so.

Plastic links...
"Manufactured by Bob" doesn't meet my criteria.
They are not manufactured to tolerances. They're not "manufactured" at all... They are a material that some guy found consistent enough to feel comfortable about. He cuts holes and tests, but it's still Bob in his backyard. He doesn't make the plastic, so he has no control over the quality of it.
That said, I'd feel a whole lot better about these than Tad's stuff.
Familiar stench. Yeah, he was also utilizing his own sunglasses - but that doesn't mean he fabricated them at home using coat hangers, glass from tinted bottle bottoms, and duct tape.
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Tad Eareckson
Posts: 9152
Joined: 2010/11/25 03:48:55 UTC

Re: instructors and other qualified pilot fiends

Post by Tad Eareckson »
The young girl who died hang gliding solo
Jim Rooney - 2012/03/06 18:34:14 UTC

ND's onto it.

No one ever wants to wait for the accident investigation... they want to know "NOW DAMNIT!" and there's always a lot of self-serving arguments surrounding it.

And it's always the same.
The same damn arguments get drug up every time. And they're all just as pointless every time.

We have a system in place.
It works.
Let it work.

Our procedures are well established at this point in time and there are no gaping hidden holes that need to be addressed immediately.

RR asked what the status was.
ND's provided the answer (thank you).

Please take a deep breath. And wait.
Accident investigations involving fatalities take a long time. And by long, I mean they can take years.
(yes, years, I'm not kidding)

The sky is not falling.
"-nd-" - whomever the fuck that was - hasn't posted since 2013/12/02 22:44:22 UTC. So, using that point as a not unreasonable assumption for marking the end of his hang gliding career plus peripheral involvement in the sport, if the report on the young girl who died hang gliding solo had been published at any point beyond twenty-six months plus change it would've been zero practical use to him. Also to every other individual who had drifted or been injured or killed out of the sport inside of that time span.

Through what was certainly once again zero fault of your own you once again suffered another Coronet Peak tandem thrill ride...


...crash 2016/09/29.
Jim Rooney tandem paraglider incident in New Zealand
Jim Rooney - 2016/10/01 05:55:48 UTC

Up from surgery... Plates on L2 while it heals, will come out after. Feeling good.
I won't comment on my crash just yet. Maybe after the CAA investigation.
We celebrated the fourth anniversary of that one at the end of last month and still not a whisper from anyone anywhere. Yeah, we DEFINITELY have a system in place. A lot like the way the single loop of Cortland 130 lb Greenspot braided Dacron Tolling line and placed at one end of a shoulder bridle was a proven system that worked.

The young girl who died hang gliding solo crashed 2011/10/28 12:49 UTC. Add the delay to date regarding the CAA report and would take us comfortably into 2016 - three additional Northern Hemisphere flying seasons and encompassing the 2015 Bloodbath.
Some day we will learn
Steve Morris - 2010/03/31 23:58:54 UTC

In 2009 there were several serious hang gliding accidents involving pilots on the HG forum (or who had close friends on the forum that reported that these accidents had occurred). In each case there was an immediate outcry from forum members not to discuss these accidents, usually referring to the feelings of the pilots' families as a reason to not do so. In each case it was claimed that the facts would eventually come out and a detailed report would be presented and waiting for this to happen would result in a better informed pilot population and reduce the amount of possibly harmful speculation.

In each of these cases I have never seen a final detailed accident report presented in this forum. So far as I can tell, the accident reporting system that has been assumed to exist here doesn't exist at all, the only reports I've seen are those published in the USHPA magazine. They are so stripped down, devoid of contextual information and important facts that in many cases I have not been able to match the magazine accident report with those mentioned in this forum.

The end result has been that effective accident reporting is no longer taking place in the USHPA magazine or in this forum. Am I the only one who feels this way?
Yeah. WE wanna know "NOW DAMNIT!" We don't wanna wait for your now extinct buddy Mitch Shipley to fly out to Vegas, scoop up everything he can get his hands on, submit it to Tim Herr for his approval, publish the facts he's deemed acceptable for the eyes of paid up u$hPa members only - after he's thoroughly shredded everything of any possible substance.

Also... You name me one incident report published by u$hPa or any other national, international, local hang gliding association that's come out after a delay of more than a couple months. You either have it within a Doug Hildreth comparable range or nobody ever heard of it before

2015/03/27 Jean Lake was the single most catastrophic and complex incident in the world history of the sport. The date on the published report... 2015/05/11. 45 days. Six and a half weeks after impact. And not one single punctuation mark has ever been corrected, deleted, amended, questioned by any mainstreamer in the half decade plus since.

Well, you might be able to argue 2005/05/29 Holly Korzilius. But Davis published the only account from an actual witness (totally disinterested as luck would have it) 2005/06/22. Three and a half weeks. The crap that came out in the magazine 2006/09 was pure unadulterated disinformation, damage control, distraction.

And every incident in which somebody breaks an arm as a consequence of an imperfectly timed landing flare is something we all can learn from and is discussed immediately through four or five pages of highly respected opinion.

Yeah, we wanna know NOW. This is supposed to be a self regulated sport and not one controlled by non pilot corporate attorneys. We want to know what happened and why IMMEDIATELY. There will be nothing to learned from it by the flyers who aren't total morons but we need to know what happened and why so we can identify problem issues and individuals, get things on the right track, identify shitty little incompetent parasites like you and your enablers and deal with them appropriately.

And fuck anybody who DOESN'T wanna know NOW - 'specially the crud respecting the feelings and wishes of family and friends. And I'll start respecting family members and friends a lot more when they start expressing some interest in understanding what happened so they can start helping stop the same shit happening to people they'll have never heard of before.

Steve Morris by the way:
- 2020/05/27 06:47:00 UTC - last active
- 2018/03/03 23:10:51 UTC - last post
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Tad Eareckson
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Re: instructors and other qualified pilot fiends

Post by Tad Eareckson »
Hang Glider Expo at Wilotree Park
Col Rushton - 2020/10/21 20:20:55 UTC

Is there anywhere in the world with hanggliding growing? I'm lucky, my son loves hg, so I always have a mate to fly with and help carry our gliders :lol: But with a price tag of Aust $15,000 - $20,000 for your carbon love ship and no one to buy your older model and an aging out pilot demographic... All manufacturers are scaping by- for how long?
The answer is obvious, yet this last decade has seen even less new people enjoying our sport.
Without any new pilots, it's all slowly going to end.. :( God, I hope I'm wrong...
Is there anywhere in the world with hanggliding growing?
Yeah. All the places on the planet where the average annual temperatures are remaining stable or dropping. Also ask the question about places where hang gliding activity, participation is remaining stable - whenever someone ages or crashes out a 25-year-old immediately steps in to fill the gap.
I'm lucky, my son loves hg, so I always have a mate to fly with and help carry our gliders :lol:
- What does he most love about it? I'm guessing nailing the old Frisbee in the middle of the LZ with a perfectly timed landing flare. Got any videos capturing any of those peak experiences of his? Or yours?

- Yeah, despite all this rugged individualist bullshit associated with the sport it's not really anything can do on one's own. If there are just two people operating on remote isolated turf and you shoot one of them you might as well shoot the other. If you're isolated and want to fly you need a good engine on your bird. Also an adequate runway.
But with a price tag of Aust $15,000 - $20,000 for your carbon love ship and no one to buy your older model and an aging out pilot demographic... All manufacturers are scaping by- for how long?
- Scaping by? Not a bad characterization. Works particularly well for Mission Soaring Center. (So far anyway.)

- I dunno... Let's hear what one of the partners of what's been the world's leading manufacturers since the beginning of time has to say on the issue.
Gil Dodgen - 1995/01

All of this reminds me of a comment Mike Meier made when he was learning to fly sailplanes. He mentioned how easy it was to land a sailplane (with spoilers for glide-path control and wheels), and then said, "If other aircraft were as difficult to land as hang gliders no one would fly them."
That was over two and a half decades ago - and about one decade ago his prediction started happening really fast. And it's a snowball effect.
The answer is obvious, yet this last decade has seen even less new people enjoying our sport.
Since when has this sport pushed for anything new people could enjoy? Starting from Day One it's all about perfected flare timing and preparing for landings in narrow dry riverbeds with large rocks strewn all over the place. It's not about teaching flying and soaring. It's a hazing ordeal that The Industry compels its victims to pay for.
Without any new pilots, it's all slowly going to end.. :(
Not so slowly. The faster it gets the faster it gets.
God, I hope I'm wrong...
Of course you are. As we speak pilots from the four corners of the globe are preparing responses to tell you how great things are going in their necks of the woods, tell ya where to find all their really cool videos. And don't forget to check the traffic at the worlds largest hang gliding community (which has recently been upgraded to a local coffee shop (with customers rather than pilots or a community)). I'm sure Chris McKeon will have five or ten responses on the issue - if you wait long enough.

I harvested this:

Learn to Fly Overview

four Augusts ago.

New and improved version:

Notice it's been cropped widthwise - down from a pixel shy of 1400 on the earlier full rez version to the equivalent of about 1200 (one hundred lost left and right) on the new and improved version. Lost some crowd and higher dune area on the left and some bull's-eye and the only good wind indicator on the right. Note the latter (go to full rez) is totally limp - or close enough to it. Fuckin' dead sled conditions. A dune instructor wouldn't have gotten out of bed for that on his day off. Wouldn't have been much fun trying to run a class either.

The only glider that's airborne is pitched up way beyond the limit it specifies in the fuckin' manual and it's about a half second away from being totally stalled. Excellent light touch technique. Left hand a third of the way up the port control tube and well above head level, right hand safely clear. Lois Preston should've had a few such practices to help her deal with her overcontrol issues.

This is the Overview for Learning to Fly. Can hardly wait until we start getting into some of the finer points. (And no, I don't think those assholes were even thinking about the wind indicator. Not smart enough. (The AAIB on the other hand...) They were just trying to fill more screen showing how totally awesome our sport can be once we've truly mastered it - mostly through doing lotsa scooter tow landing clinics with Mitch.)

Compare/Contrast the shot the Capitol Club still uses...
Capital Hang Gliding and Paragliding Association
Image attract potentials in. And that resource is so irretrievably GONE. Along with its - not to mention the global level sport's - greatest product ever.

And - other than this one - no responses to Col's post. We're so far below critical mass globally that not even a discussion can be sustained.
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Tad Eareckson
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Re: instructors and other qualified pilot fiends

Post by Tad Eareckson »

2013/02/02 Zack Marzec gets tumbled and killed as a consequence of the combination of his appropriate pro toad bridle and Standard Davis Link and real world soaring conditions.

2013/02/07 23:56:42 UTC Lauren lights off what will become a 139 post Jack Show thread with Paul's bullshit incident report from Quest's Facebook page.
Report about fatal accident at Quest Air Hang Gliding

At the Post 65 point (four posts shy of centerpoint) we get:
Davis Straub - 2013/02/11 04:08:10 UTC

The biggest safety issue at the 2013 Worlds was pilots coming off their carts stalled. We just drilled it into them day after day that they had to pull in right as the cart started to roll and get their chests over their base tubes and then come off the carts pulling in even further.

The carts came with their back cradles all the way down and we immediately lifted them up a notch or two to get the gliders angle up high enough to get the pilots up near their base tubes when hanging without holding onto the bar.

The pilots got much better after a couple of days.
which has total ZERO relevance to anything. For the purpose of the exercise Zack might as well have foot launched. Things didn't start becoming interesting until Mark encountered a glassy smooth monster thermal at what Paul tells us was "approximately 50 feet" and probably was. (And that would've had to have put Zack at nothing shy of 75 by the time he hit it.)

Subsequent to Davis tossing this spanner into the works there are 44 posts (68.75 percent of the remainder of the discussion) dealing with cart issues - damn near all of them ENTIRELY about cart issues.

2013/02/11 04:08:10 UTC - 2013/02/11 05:24:58 UTC - 2013/02/11 07:47:46 UTC - 2013/02/11 08:46:38 UTC - 2013/02/11 09:37:16 UTC
2013/02/11 09:49:16 UTC - 2013/02/11 11:43:35 UTC - 2013/02/11 12:30:20 UTC - 2013/02/11 14:00:51 UTC - 2013/02/11 15:30:24 UTC
2013/02/11 15:44:05 UTC - 2013/02/11 19:24:39 UTC - 2013/02/11 19:30:05 UTC - 2013/02/11 19:34:27 UTC - 2013/02/11 19:38:00 UTC
2013/02/11 19:40:06 UTC - 2013/02/11 21:28:03 UTC - 2013/02/11 21:31:17 UTC - 2013/02/11 21:39:49 UTC - 2013/02/11 21:45:07 UTC
2013/02/11 22:47:00 UTC - 2013/02/11 22:51:53 UTC - 2013/02/11 22:59:16 UTC - 2013/02/11 23:02:29 UTC - 2013/02/11 23:15:11 UTC
2013/02/12 00:52:40 UTC - 2013/02/12 03:17:06 UTC - 2013/02/12 03:21:45 UTC - 2013/02/12 13:58:34 UTC - 2013/02/12 15:47:45 UTC
2013/02/12 18:11:58 UTC - 2013/02/12 19:42:18 UTC - 2013/02/12 20:01:14 UTC - 2013/02/12 20:15:45 UTC - 2013/02/12 20:25:47 UTC
2013/02/12 20:56:06 UTC - 2013/02/12 20:58:45 UTC - 2013/02/12 20:58:51 UTC - 2013/02/12 21:00:04 UTC - 2013/02/12 21:02:55 UTC
2013/02/13 00:36:34 UTC - 2013/02/13 01:10:29 UTC - 2013/02/13 02:40:40 UTC - 2013/02/13 04:34:35 UTC
Steve Seibel - 2013/02/13 02:40:40 UTC

This thread has morphed substantially; by contributing to the discussion re noseovers I don't mean to take anything away from our reflection on the recent tragic accident at Quest.
No shit - aeroexperiments. Really gotta admire the way Davis and Jack have culled their herds to minimize the threats of posts of actual relevance and substance.
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Tad Eareckson
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Re: instructors and other qualified pilot fiends

Post by Tad Eareckson »

Thought it would be interesting to see how the Worlds largest hang gliding community with 10,000+ accounts operating as a small private business just like your local coffee shop is doing in the course of a calendar week.

The calendar week from which I've harvested data was the last one of month that just ended a bit ago - Sunday through Saturday Greenwich time.

Topics are arranged by launch order (as determined by address code). 18 saw action. 45 posts by 18 authors between them.

30973 - Names to Faces. The Challenge.
36791 - Mounted on the wing propulsion system!
36799 - Flying in upright seated position (Suprone, Supine)
36806 - "Hall Brock" Safety Award
36809 - What happened to the "diffuser tip" HG?
36857 - Experiments with seated pilot bar adapters.
36863 - New to hang gliding!
36866 - Using a Tube to Transport a Hang Glider
36872 - Paraglider reserve chute for HG
36874 - The test fly at Lennox which became my next sports glider..
36875 - Paintings of early hang gliders
36876 - Telluride Sep 2020
36877 - Weather and Atmospheric Physics with Tom Low
36878 - Miya Soars Crestline, GoPro 360 Max reframe video
36879 - 2020 McClure Founder's Day
36880 - Possibly buying old hang gliders need opinions
36881 - Sink rate vs updraft velocity??? Using XC skies (specifically) or any other forecasting tool.
36882 - A Relaxing Chase Around the Sky

30973 - Names to Faces. The Challenge.
- 28 18:20:05 - Everard
- 29 08:50:03 - Everard
- 29 20:58:58 - Everard
- 30 20:12:06 - Everard
36791 - Mounted on the wing propulsion system!
- 31 07:30:06 - TheDude
36799 - Flying in upright seated position (Suprone, Supine)
- 27 09:01:13 - Rodger Hoyt
- 27 17:24:53 - SpyderMike
- 29 23:05:48 - Frank Colver
36806 - "Hall Brock" Safety Award
- 26 20:01:54 - Everard
- 27 01:08:09 - John LaTorre
36809 - What happened to the "diffuser tip" HG?
- 26 19:46:23 - Everard
- 27 01:16:52 - John LaTorre
- 27 17:49:08 - dew98765
- 27 18:29:33 - John LaTorre
- 28 10:53:20 - Everard
36857 - Experiments with seated pilot bar adapters.
- 28 21:40:34 - Doug Marley
- 29 16:57:11 - David Botos
36863 - New to hang gliding!
- 27 01:39:06 - John LaTorre
36866 - Using a Tube to Transport a Hang Glider
- 27 01:23:38 - John LaTorre
36872 - Paraglider reserve chute for HG
- 27 08:18:43 - Rodger Hoyt
36874 - The test fly at Lennox which became my next sports glider..
- 25 20:13:26 - Col Rushton
36875 - Paintings of early hang gliders
- 26 22:28:23 - Everard
- 26 22:29:58 - Everard
- 26 22:34:24 - Everard
- 27 00:16:18 - Red Howard
- 27 01:11:10 - John LaTorre
- 27 09:04:58 - Everard
- 31 21:28:02 - Rodger Hoyt
36876 - Telluride Sep 2020
- 27 18:06:18 - Jason Boehm
- 29 20:17:43 - Col Rushton
36877 - Weather and Atmospheric Physics with Tom Low
- 30 02:02:37 - Takeo Eda
36878 - Miya Soars Crestline, GoPro 360 Max reframe video
- 30 02:03:17 - Takeo Eda
36879 - 2020 McClure Founder's Day
- 30 04:20:19 - Takeo Eda
- 30 05:34:36 - Takeo Eda
- 31 04:53:33 - Chris McKeon
- 31 18:30:21 - Frank Colver
36880 - Possibly buying old hang gliders need opinions
- 30 18:46:34 - Lylo
- 30 20:14:55 - Timothy Ward
- 31 00:12:32 - Lylo
- 31 01:34:54 - Timothy Ward
- 31 18:04:43 - Frank Colver
- 31 20:29:58 - Lylo
- 31 20:32:57 - Lylo
36881 - Sink rate vs updraft velocity??? Using XC skies (specifically) or any other forecasting tool.
- 31 20:36:30 - Ian Riedel
36882 - A Relaxing Chase Around the Sky
- 31 23:13:34 - NMERider

26 19:46:23 - Everard
26 20:01:54
26 22:28:23
26 22:29:58
26 22:34:24
27 09:04:58
28 10:53:20
28 18:20:05
29 08:50:03
29 20:58:58
30 20:12:06
27 01:08:09 - John LaTorre
27 01:11:10
27 01:16:52
27 01:23:38
27 01:39:06
27 18:29:33
30 02:02:37 - Takeo Eda
30 02:03:17
30 04:20:19
30 05:34:36
27 08:18:43 - Rodger Hoyt
27 09:01:13
31 21:28:02
29 23:05:48 - Frank Colver
31 18:04:43
31 18:30:21
25 20:13:26 - Col Rushton
29 20:17:43
30 18:46:34 - Lylo
31 00:12:32
31 20:29:58
31 20:32:57
30 20:14:55 - Timothy Ward
31 01:34:54
27 00:16:18 - Red Howard
27 17:24:53 - SpyderMike
27 17:49:08 - dew98765
27 18:06:18 - Jason Boehm
28 21:40:34 - Doug Marley
29 16:57:11 - David Botos
31 04:53:33 - Chris McKeon
31 07:30:06 - TheDude
31 20:36:30 - Ian Riedel
31 23:13:34 - NMERider

Per day averages
- 6.43 - posts
- 2.57 - authors

All videos - 6 - were YouTubers posted one per Videos subforum topic:
- 0:07:36 - s7piahDQgSw
- 0:06:24 - rN5N4FYcORk
- 1:18:37 - MQx07qowyPg
- 0:24:27 - jCBcQ4NURHc
- 0:05:14 - HGzPUWmcSf8
- 0:06:32 - wVZxfDlLFoQ
- 2:08:50 - total run time

Not particularly relevant - with respect to this analysis - 'cause one doesn't go to one's local coffee shop to view YouTube videos.

Translate what we have into time spent talking between local coffee shop patrons and there is no local coffee shop. Also note the continued zero presence of the local coffee shop owner and apparent zero interest in any aspects of the lives - not to mention deaths - of any of his patrons. And yeah, you CAN read that as total contempt for everyone who has any degree of legitimate interest in the sport.

4 topics totaling 18 posts - 40.00 percent of the total - by 5 authors are dedicated to ancient history. Not to denigrate history - ancient or not so much - but pretty much zilch relevance "modern" (late Seventies / Early eighties and on) hang gliding.

Total members at close of week - 10879. Percentage of them with detectable pulse for the period - 00.147. Under one and a half per thousand. Anything that's ever bothered to take thirty seconds to register in the course of the past fourteen plus years - as many times as it pleases with multiple IDs - is a member of this hang gliding community.

Being declared poison to this sport and permanently banned from this site in every possible way imaginable doesn't have the slightest effect on your status as a community member. Ditto for being swept off a cliff by a rotor while trying to ground handle your way to launch position clipped in and unassisted and dashed to your death three hundred feet below.

Once a community member, always a community member. You can check out any time you want but you can never leave.

Pick one, Jack - a hang gliding community or a local coffee shop. It's actually neither 'cause:
- Your dump is no way in hell a community of any sane description.
- In the country in which your dump is based:
-- there:
--- is a Constitution which prevents the owner from barring an individual from entry for whatever reason he feels like pulling outta his ass
--- are fire codes limiting the number of individuals who can be sardined into a local coffee shop at any given time
-- one has to either buy something or make way for paying customers

Record of the local coffee shop owner engaging patrons on any hang gliding issue... ZILCH.
So long guys
Jack Axaopoulos - 2011/06/12 18:20:06 UTC

Well I see now that you are threatening to delete your account in a PM if I dont delete it for you, which I can only assume means youre going to do what a certain other poster did and start vandalizing and deleting posts, so you force my hand... account banned so you cant vandalize. Well this truly sucks. Threatening to damage the site just because you got pissed off is really messed up dude. You need to seriously chill out.
Birds of a feather. Totally gone from any flavor of sport aviation, totally absent from any discussion of any flavor of aviation. Rooney threatens to delete all of his posts, Jack actually does it. Also permanently erases from the public record everything he ever Basemented and gawd knows what else. And both of those motherfuckers were writing on pretenses of benefitting the sport. And neither of them ever actually accomplished anything of any subtance in the air or on the keyboard.

The ONE THING you can say for Davis is that he's always flown a lot, can thermal and fly XC, isn't afraid to post his standings when he finishes in the bottom third or quarter.
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Tad Eareckson
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Re: instructors and other qualified pilot fiends

Post by Tad Eareckson »

A bit more data on the Worlds largest hang gliding community from its spawning to the end of last month.

10879 "members" listed. Of those who've ever actually posted anything (that the local coffee shop owner hasn't deleted or removed from access by anyone other than himself):
- 3935 - 36.17 percent
Two or more posts:
- 3100 - 28.50 percent

367859 posts.
Top poster is Jonathan:
- 11771 - 32.00 percent. NEARLY A THIRD of all posts by ONE INDIVIDUAL.
Runner up - Jason Boehm. (Oh joy.)
- 08916 - 02.42 percent. (And with this one I'll have 8990 (out of 12055 for 74.57 percent.)

Take Jonathan outta there and huge chunk of what you have left is spam. Big fuckin' surprise if you look at Jack's Mission Statement. Hang gliding isn't something that either should or can be promoted. If you need to promote it to an individual you don't want that individual in as a participant. You want the kind of individual who needs a bit of light reigning in through the early student phase.

But it's also a natural dickhead magnet and you want those assholes participating way less.

Catch-22. If you only have the individuals participating who SHOULD be participating there's no fuckin' way you'll have a fraction of the critical mass required for sustainability. And here we are.
So long guys
Jim Rooney - 2011/06/12 17:45:36 UTC
Ok guys. I've had it

I've grown a bit sick of the "Us vs Them" (PGvsHG) attitude around here.
I fly both, along with a bunch of other aircraft, as do many around here. I'm both "Us" and "Them", but in your world, there is only room for one.

So I'm supposed to hate myself for trying to ruin "your" sport.
I supposedly lie about the realities of a sport that you know nothing about (so how exactly am I to be judged?). I just don't get it.

I'm a professional in both.
This isn't a weekend gig for me.
Yet the amount of bile I have to put up with? Image

I came here from the Oz Report Forum cuz this place was initially less of a sewing circle bitchfest. Sadly, it's become just as bad... no, worse. Here the "moderator" takes sides.

So I've decided I'm not putting up with it.
You like my advice about your hobby, but you rail and spew about my other one? Sorry. I'm taking my ball and going home.
You're a professional in neither. And neither of those sports misses you in the least.

These soaring sports were just tools you used to promote yourself. And the Worlds largest hang gliding community was never anything but a small local coffee shop Jack could use to sell space to advertisers of whatever they thought they could sell.
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Tad Eareckson
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Re: instructors and other qualified pilot fiends

Post by Tad Eareckson »

And, speaking of ten miles south of useless u$hPa douchebags and this month's rag....

Two page spread - 36-37. Obviously from within two or three seconds of:

on the "Fly High Hang Gliding" website which we had no later than four years ago.
Paul Voight on his WW "Super Falcon" 195, flying over Randall Airport in Middletown, New York, with the fall colors just starting to pop. Tow by U.S. Hangliding Inc.
ART DIRECTOR'S NOTE: Paul's shots always bring a smile in the same way Paul always brings a smile. Wherever he goes, in the air or on the ground, he brings a great sense of fun--a rare lightness of being that reminds us, in every frame and every moment, that life is a hoot.
Define "Pilot".
Paul Voight on his WW "Super Falcon" 195, flying over Randall Airport in Middletown, New York...
41°25'55.04" N 074°23'29.39" W
...with the fall colors just starting to pop.
Paul Voight - who figured out how to rig his WW "Super Falcon" 195 for AT such that he doesn't hafta bother with clearing it from the control bar and stowing it after blowing off. He just eliminates his primary easily reachable primary release, pulls his easily reachable backup when he wants or needs to, lets the bridle stream back from the keel totally out of the way. And they say that BOBBY is a fucking genius when it comes to this shit? And that QUEST has been involved in perfecting aerotowing for twenty years?

Where's the recognition from u$hPa? Why haven't ALL aerotow operations moved forward with this innovation? Nobody wants to acknowledge that they've been doing and teaching everything backwards for all these decades?
Tow by U.S. Hangliding Inc.
The U.S. Hang-Gliding Inc. which was a spinoff of Fly High Hang Gliding and abruptly ceased to exist 2016/02/02 - the same day Tomas...

...Banevicius did. What a coincidence.
Greg Gillam, Art Director.
What? We couldn't have gotten a note from the Towing Committee Chair?
Paul's shots always bring a smile in the same way Paul always brings a smile.
I wonder if this shot of Paul's brought a smile to Dzaneta or any of the others in the circles of Tomas's family and friends.
Wherever he goes, in the air or on the ground, he brings a great sense of fun-
I beg to differ - motherfucker. Ditto with respect to...
What happened to the org?
Mike Lake - 2013/09/26 18:59:57 UTC

On the other hand there are plenty of people who fly lots but still manage to spew out the most incredible and dangerous garbage to others.

This includes some of the "professionals" people who work in the industry and are therefore able to regard themselves as such.
They really believe they have a monopoly on knowledge and when finding themselves on the losing side of a debate resort to the old standby "This is what we do so fuck off you weekender".

I say good riddance to those nauseating, know it all, self indulgent "professionals" who have banished themselves from this site.
...his asshole kid.
-a rare lightness of being that reminds us, in every frame and every moment, that life is a hoot.
And we need so much reminding of this these days. What a pity it is that Paul never learned how to use a keyboard to share his rare lightness of being to remind untold multiples more of us, in every frame and every moment, that life is a hoot.

What an off-the-scale vile organization this is - and has been ever since about two or three hours after its inception.
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